B. SHERRILL, Editor and PubUshcr. PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. $1.50 a Year. Dat la Adrzscm Vol. xxxvii. CONCORD. N. C. MONDAY, MAY 27. 1912. NO. 5)5 iliii" if win U-DERWOOD HAS Txi liUAU 0VE WILSON- AND HARMON. THE STATE PRIMARIES. pf.'i Gets Over Two-Thirds of tie County's Vote. Dr. Young En- as Delegate to National Con- or ard Doughton for Congress. i,.ni'i ii l,r .,f delegates were present, wnen a btate-wiue prjmary-will.be 'pr"-inct being represented ex- held .to name a successor to Senator 7 township. In the absence Simmons. . . airman, Mr. J. L. Miller, E. Travis has the leadjver S. f I j. c00k was chosen chairman. "aniei lor snort term ot corpora t".' " I T TarUell,J. C. Fink and tl0n Commissioner. y George P. Pell geis o j?r vt-iii. ox me liiKirueit'd Result in Doubt as Between Wilson And Underwood. Pell Far Ahead For Corporation Commissioner. Democratic convention with two exceptions (Caldwell and Wake) were held in all the counties throughout North Carolina last Saturday. Dele gates were elected to the State con vention to be held at Raleigh June 6 and the congressional and judicial conventions. Many of the conventions Rent their delegates uninstructed, at the same time the delegates expressing a pref erence, while others instructed out right for either Underwood or Wil son. Harmon and Clark got a few votes here and there, but none to A-Democrats Delegates .to State amount to anything. ; - Ixcke Craige was endorsed in near- ,rd Congressional Conventions. hy au tlie counties for Governor. t,,. a.arrus County Democratic In only one or two instances did .-,hiv. The convention con- Party evidently deciding to let this 1 . m vloelr nnd nuite a matter take care of itself later on. dorsec SEVERAL BAHLE8UIPS II CHUt NO. 29 WILL STOP HERE !nvr.t: vote for lon? term' Corporation Com missioner, with A. J. Maxwell second best, who has a good lead over A. B. Justice of Charlotte. For Lieutenant Governor W. E Dapiel, of Weldon, has a decided lead in the instructed vote, with John G. Will Again Stop Here on Flag as it Did Previous to May 12- Th editor of The Tirar received the following letter Saturday dom ing: Greenville. S. C, Mar 24, 1212. Mr. J. B. Sherrill. Concord, X. t Dear Sir: v,... t t. e. have arranged to have train Opinion is Expressed by Officials, r on at word , previous lo 3iay l.'in. lours verv trulv, L. II. HUNGER FORD, ONLY TO PROTECT AMERICAN INTERESTS, SAYS PRESIDENT !!;.) M. Oglesby were appointed sec- naiLi'('s tor president were men fcki. resulting as follows: - r' ' in o. iu:i oior. tt Harnifii, jo.-.), nsun, -.oi , uu- i "!" OA .(rWOOG, Ii0(k( Craig was endorsed tor gov- oil C.m t . ( ' )(!' .1 II l I mil. r vir 41. L l a ,or,,iil:it('s lor State otlices wnor"""' " v.x, ,ve r.o opposition, except Treasurer Pell Far Ahead wr ( -vTral votes beimr cast for Mr. I Winston-Salem, Mav 25. Tele- fl: V? (klell for this ofTice. Mr. OdelL's grams and long distance 'phone mes utf. v;i- complimentary as he is not sages tonight to former Jude George oandi'late for the office. P. Pell, candidate for long term Cor- Hon. H. L. Doughton was endors- poration Commissioner, indicate that 1 for ('( npi-ess by acclamation, he got practically solid support from For Lieutenant Governor the fol- the following counties in the State i . Tk 1. 3 7: ii . iwinir Vdte was east; uauguuiui;t; i , conventions; haw. Daniel, 10; McRae, 5; Alamance, Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Boushall, 3; Newland, 15. Cabarrus, Caswell, Currituck, Davie, Three candidates were placed in Durham, Davidson, Forsyth, uraham, minat ion for Corporation Commis- Hyde, Montgomery, Orange, Pasquo , i t-h t i. : ,i a i. r..ii. ti : d honor .(long lermj, x en, tiusinre mm uaiiK, jtoik, x erquiuiaus, x ci&on, axw-ll. The vote was: Pell, 41 ; Rockingham, Rowan, Stanly, Stokes, astice IS, and Maxwell, 4. Surry, Swain, Washington, Watauga, Mr. iS. (J. Daniel was endorsed by Wilkes, Wilson and" Yadkin.- Icclamation for the short term. Most of 'the Delegates Uninstructed. Dr. H. S. Young was endorsed as with returns from 73 of the 100 olpjrato. to Democratic National con- COunties of the State in hand last ontion. The delegation is uninstruct- pjt it was quite evident that the -las to the other delegates and the musti0n of whether the Wilson or uo alternates. Lrderwood torces were in conttoi All Democrats at the convention Lsted almost solely with the unin t?re elected delegates to tne ion- structed deleirations. The counties 1 Cnnvnt.ion. which meets in .An falisbarv June 5 and to the State gtate convention 799 and of this lonvrntion wtnen meets in naiein, more than halt, or 44b delegates so une G. They were instructed to uninstructed. Wilson people concen- last the vote as expressed in conven- trated their fight in many counties ton for the various candidates. for instructed delegates and succeed- Chairman Cook requested that ah ed in getting a total of 182.81 conven- bmbers of the county executive com- Uion votes in 30 counties. In many fcittee' meet immediately after the hnstances it was known that the op- onvention adjourned, stating that nosition to Wilson bent their ener hairraan Miller had tendered his es for uninstructed delegates. The nation and it would be necessary Underwood strength in 28 counties is However. That Troops Will Be Landed if Conditions Do Not Im prove. $30,000,000 of American Property in Danger. -Most Serious Conditions Prevail. Washington, May 27. President Gomez's protest against American in tervention will have no effect upon the preparations of the United States army and navy to land expeditions if conditions in the island do not rap idly improve, is the opinion express ed by officials here today. The most serious conditions arejbelieved to pre vail in the Province Orient, where there are at least $30,000,000 worth of American property. New York, May. 27. The arm ored cruiser Washington, flagship of Rear Admiral Hugo Osterhaus, commander-in-chief of the Atlantic fleet and four battleships of the fourth division saifed south, supposedly for Key West, on hurry orders yesterday a few hours after arrival in port from, Provincetown, Mass. The battle ships following the flagship were the Ohio, Missouri, Mississippi and Min nesota. Taft Says Marines Are to Protect American Interests. Elizabeth, N. J., May 27. Presi dent Taft today sent a message to President Gomez, of Cuba, assuring him that the United States will not intervene. President. Taft said he was sending marines for the purpose of protecting American interests only. 700 Marines Reach Guantanamo. Havana, May 27. The cruiser Prairie with 700 marines -aboard! reached the Guantanamo naval sta tion today. The marines immediately landed to reinforce the small guard already there. Government officials asserted today that the revolution is confined to the Orient province and will soon be stamped out. Two negro leaders have surrendered. Vandal ism is reported at several points to day, but it is the work of individuals and not organized bands. SujwrintendeLt. This new will be receive in Con cord witn pleasure. AH trains of the Southern now stop in Concord. Im mediately after the order was issued to discontinue Concord a a flag I 1 1 H IS rosxsT hill ?rrw& (IS ill NATIONAL COMMITTEE MEETS AT CHICAGO JUNE $ Wstl 6t lU 5rv TfUUy Car. tr sat. rtw5.alv ikiirM'Hs, H. It iuil Mr. I Mr. Mt-K A, u. Forecast of Bitter Fifiit Orrr Ten- "v nu t , Kr. Ur J, W. If-J a he T.x.v by hta porary Chairman of Cbcao Cos Ttntion. Clipp ii RootertH't Can- didate, and Root is Taffa May U ! Decisive Point in Taft RooteTtH Feud. Washington, May 27. Tie furecat stop May 12, t lie- matter was taken lis for a bitter prevu rulu.n ;ht Mr il win u i'art. :? tatti it tonus irry-a'.l tra'.i fit . 1 J r. 1 r m.tmr veil a choice lor the place, itrll t,er !r u,tx i- , f tln.,Uu ttday tor Jerwy City to cvutrr tt.M-n. suljlt lft. k,. Ruoavelt. The conference. con.e on ,fath.r Mf j. t jf.j ' the heeU of a utexuenl by Senator, MrrK T I. M,- T:, J,4,. lilt MV -.tl tilL..,I.A.. T1. .,,1 ! I ai 1 , . . iican convention at tiucao. .nattr not ox iiixs iajer aio iok up iiie matter with Mr. Hunjrerford and with Mr. Henry W. Miller, assist ant to the president, at Atlanta. Im mediate and courteous replies were received from both, and they indi cated tLat the matter would be remedied. k . a i THE NEW CAR ARRIVED LAST SATURDAY. t. ar:-4 iWrtia Kar.;lia Klihu Kwi, of New York., who i ? o elect a successor. 121.85 v.otes. The Harmon and Clark At the committee meeting it was Lfrengt h combined as shown in 14 eciiled to postpone the election ot a e0unties totals 11.12 convention voes airman. This will be done at a later peting. probably " " short Frieze-Ouery Engagement Announced Miss Sudie Harris entertained a imp. Rowan Democratic Convention. t number of friends at her home on I . i r o o rv x 1 1 Salisbury, May 26. Rowan Demo- West Depot street irom a:5U to x .. i i . 'i. Hfloortc TI rtf f tt TJiftc! q n n on an. Walter ATumhv for the leg- ner visnois, xxi -vj lature. T. D. Brown for State Sen- Vivian Simpson, of Glen Alpine, JN. ate. .in.l n fnii ftnfw t;r.tpt..-. Col. C. JJunng tne evening, wuue xum i d XU11 V.OUUI T V v- x - I " . i - H. P.ovden, who was unopposed, ment reignea .supxexxie, tuo -----ai been 'nominated for the Senate announced the-engagement of Miss n the primaries but withdrew in fav- Beulah yuery to Mr. ocoit xrieze, of Mr. Brown, a farmer, so the the wedding to occur June itn. iuiss mntv u ,MCOntat w uuerv nas neia a uosinou at tuC a "uiliu nave it icuituvui't I . in i the leirislntivA tielcet. Earlv in barrus Savings X5anK lor a, uuiuua Hp ,.nv, n;n- nf vears and is very popular among tmcted delegates to tie National a large circle oi irienu, n.. Convention created a warm discus- Frieze, the groom-to-De, is one ox vyU- xvliioh ww Srt W if. was dronrj- cord's yolmg business men, uiu H until otw l,einMa nm, bn at- been connected with the Gibson Drug de.lto. Later the vote was divided Store tor several years. tOllnlll Ut TTT: 1 , mnn bitPhead Klutz, arid Hayden Clem- Family Reunion ai mr. uonn xxuS. Mr. Sims' Proposed Trip. i. Mr. Editor: Your notice of my trip to Riviera, Texas, has caused a num ber of friends to inquire as to where Riviera is located. Riviera is located on the gulf coast of Texas, 103 miles this side of Brownsville, on the St. Louis7"x3rownsville and Mexico Rail way. This is a new road from Hous ton to Brownsville, buit as near the gulf as possible, and as far as climat ic conditions, go, the entire gulf coast country is very fine for certain forms of ill health. Several friends are ex pecting' to make the trip with me. We leave Concord Monday, June 3rd, by way of Birmingham, Memphis, through Oklahoma, middle Texas and Houston on around the gulf coast as far as Brownsville with various side trips in Oklahoma and out from the gulf coast road to various points, a round trip of 3,660 miles. Rate frac tion over one and one-half cents a mile good for 25 days, with stop over privileges going or coming. I will gladly give any information pos sible. JNO. A. SIMS. One of the Latest Models. Was Started That Evening. Schedule Evening Echedule Every Thirty Minutes. The new street car arrived Saturday morning from Greensboro. The car is one of those recently received by the Norths Carolina , Public Service Company at Greensboro and has been in use there only a short time. It is one of the latest models and in ap pearance will compare favorably with the cars in use on any line in this sec tion. A force of hands spent the morning unloading the car and it was started up about 4 o'clock to be in operation from the depot to Gib son Mill that evening. The company will maintain a faster schedule ,and hopes to make round trip every thir ty minutes. . Porch Party For Little Girls. Thursday's Greensboro News con tained the following: Yesterday afternoon at her home on Blandwood avenue, Mrs Irving H. Eldridge very pleasantly enter tained a bevy of little girls ata porch partv in honor of her cousin, Cot- trell Sherrill, of Concord, who is her The hostess had planned a number of unique guessing games which af forded much merriment. The vine covered porch where dain- tT refreshments were served was beautiful with its decorations of pink and white roses mingled with palms and ferns. Those who made up this happv party were: Marion Gilmer, Elizabeth Harri son, Mabel Aldermai, Eugenia Pat terson, Aleece Sapp, Mary Turner, Sallie Alston, Love Ireland, Claire Stafford, Dorothy Brown, Lucile Hull. Dorothy and Maude Herrimon, Fran ces Millikan, Margaret Chamberlain. Maurice Moore, Lois Petty, Margaret Hunt, Frances 6haw, Virginia Schench. Louis Stamey, Lena Al bright,. Dorothy Haller, Mary Louise Patterson, Cottrell Sherrill and Mary Lilly Eldridge. Taft's choice, that he will accept the rj.v fnrtHi chairmanship. f Th ti'ht has jut betm and may be the decisive joint in the Taft Hoosevelt feud. The National Com mittee meet at Chicago June 0. COMMENCEMENT AT scotia s: ARY. guest Exercises Began Yesterday and Will Conclude Wednesday Morning With Graduating Exercise. The annual commencement of Sco tia Seminary were formally opened yesterday afternoon at Westminister church when Dr. A. W. Verner, presi dent of the institution, delivered the Baccaluarate semon. The church was crowded to its capacity and Dr. Ver ner's effort tfas listened to with un divided interest. This evening at 7:30 o'clock the entertainment by, the preparatory school will be held in the chapel. Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, the an nual address will be delivered at West minister " church by Rev. Dr. Jarnes A Snowden, professor of Theology at the Western Theological Seminary, Pittsburg. Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock the exercises by the graduating class will be held in the chapel. The gradu ating class numbers tbirtv-four this Mr. W. A Wilk'tttw'n j-m Sunday m Grccj;!ro tth hi children, Miw Helm and M4 Vi!liaB, at the hm . f Mm. A. M. Har. Mr. Willi :in heard the lvala jret M-nnon of G. P. CUct hrrr Mua Helen A student'. Mr. Karl Kidrflcir, of Chrltta fnt Sunday in tcTJ ith rla tivc. Mr. T. Ii Siriiir, f iWMMhPCbtr t'ity, fcpcftt Sunday In the eity with family . at tb hii f hi fihr, llfv. Jacob Simpson. Mr, SiTi;ia and.chiMren accrnanic4 Mr. itur sn to lVntT)r Cuy.lawt uisrht. The fktr-t rar folk have doubt lt been tli rccojucnl of much verbal abn fnu t travJij tblie ta the lflt ten day, ut lal m;ht tu thirty jx"p!e were agreeable nurn- to fmd a tnn trilby ar aaimg No. 'Xy' arrival, which wa f'-ur houra -late, and arrived a!ut 12:. io; Such srviec will quickly win the public.' fav or. I Ci vear Dr. Fred Miienheimer SubUd. Dr. Fred Micuheitner, -n of Dr. C A. MUenbeimer. of 4hrktte. Was istabhcd in a mom at t h Hufonl Hotai about 12:30 oVIc-k Sa4unLiy aftar n(H)n. Today' ()!rver ha the fol lowing concerning the matter: Out of t h marc of conflicting r-; Mri it developed early yetterdax morning that (Maude Blaekwell, ltv tock dealer of Kershaw, S. ' , wav Ulness From Eating Ice Cream. Ysterdav nfternoon fr. and Mrs. John M. Cook, Master. John M. Cook,jt nian who ni&hM Dr. Fred Mia- ,tnt. in favor of no instruction. The Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sims are fonvc-ntiun indorsed .R. L. Doughton having a family reunion at their home for Congress; Locke Craig for Gov- a short 'distance from the city. The rcor; fcen Lacy for State Treasurer; guests are: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mew- fieorge P. Pell for Corporation Com- borne and son, of Kinston; Mr. and I 'iH i , ,j . xryan vjrnmes xoi oco- iirs. sr. x-. ttt-i fe5ar.v of State. It also indorsed the ville, S. C; Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Wil f alary system for county officers and Hams and children, cf Charlotte; Mr. ?ea-rt;ud its allegiance to theso- and Mrs. T. G. Pickard, ot Danville; Men of 12 years limiting county of- Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Sloan, of Char- o three terms. lotte; Mrs. Win donnson ana cuu- A roil rt Salisburv; Mr. and Mrs. UX VXil . f ' 1000 ' if Underwood Roosters to Balti- C L. Sims and children, of Hams more From Georgia. burg; j! G. Sims, of New York, and ; 'a. Ga.. May 26. Georgia's Miss Johnsie Sims. '"'I- to the Democratic Nation- - ' Evidence Against Claude Allen Con cluded. Wytheville, Va., May 27. The State today concluded the direct evi dence against Claude Swanson Allen, son of Floyd Allen, now held to ex piate in the electric chair for his part in the Hillsville murders. Young Al len is likewise charged with first de gree murder for his shooting in Judge Massie's court room. Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of Found ing of Davidson College. Davidson, May 26. The celebra tion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding of Davidson College (.J a was ushered in today by a sermon by Rpv. Dr. George L. Petne, ot Char lottesville, Va., before the Y. M. C A. of the college. A large and inspiring audience as sembled in the Presbyterian church at the hour for morning worship Among the ministers present were: Rev. Drs. James McDowell and J. G. Richards, CWles G. Vardell, Red Springs, R. E. Vinson, Texas, W. L. Lingle, Richmond. Jr., and Miss Ethelyn Crabtree, of Salem, Va., guest of Mrs. Cook, were taken suddenly ill. For a time their condition was tserious and ptomaine poison was feared. I-ite in the af ternoon, however, their condition un proved and this morning they were very much better, Mr. Cook being able to sit up. It is thought the cream served for dinner was the cause of the illness. Miss Ella Belle Shirey, who is also a guest of Mrs. Cook, suffered no ill results from eating the cream. heimer in Room 28 at the Btiford bo te! Saturday arid not R. hk Beckhaan as first reported. Blaekwell ih a yun man abut 21 years of age, and admit hi part ia the cutting. He waa arreted ye tor day in hi room at a hotel in I.avn carter and brought back to Charlotte in the aftemon in an automobile by Oiief Christenbury. ' Misenbetmer wa hitting Skijrpar and myelf over the head with & plnrnVers' churn Mick." aid Black- : well at the police station lat nizht. The ice cream was made at home j "and I aked hirn to utop, and when and was made of cream and fruit, he kept on, I tuek !mn with my and the family is at a loss to know j knife. Of eoare, I did not tnean to just how it caused'such ill effects. j hurt him eriouly and did not think !that I had done o ;intil laten I went The Peeler Reunion. jdown s-tairn into the lobby: and told The second annual reunion of the I a bell boy. U get a doctor. I wan in Peeler generation will be held in the j room when an oflWr came in grove at Crescent orphanage, Thur- j and re-named until the rjotor ha-J day, August 22nd. The president, arrived. " Rev. A. S. Peeler, will appoint the I , different committees within a week! Roosevelt and Taft in New Jersty. or so. A splendid programme will i forristown, N. J., May 27. Rxnve then be arranged. j velt in a rear platform ijeech here to It is planned to make this reunion . day replied to Taft' charge that much large irKSCope than the first one. j Roosevelt had len extrava,5ant rnith Representatives of the Peeler family j public fund while PreiUnt. Uoos are expected from Pennsylvania, Ten-j vent aid that during bi adminitra nessee. Florida and other States, be-' tin such a big aarpliw had been ae- sides those in different sections of j e-umulate-1 he was able partly to pay -v ntion at Baltimore will be w:-.l i)V a" Specjai party 0f 1,000 ' 'vi eninusiasis, wno win iah.e "1 -I !f"!l 41 g.. ..i mite uiajs uauuo uuu :A ilrum corps, it wasannounc- . 1 .n special 11U111S UJL X Ull- !- a.-Lcs will be chartered for the Mr.nd arrangements have been 'Jf- lor the "rooters" to occupy more. - 1. , 's during their stay inTBalti- tir5 Unt man lS one wastes no in coming to the point. Mrs. Cline to Entertain in Honor of Mrs. Sanders. The following invitations have been issued: Mrs. Ralph E. Uine at home Wednesday, 'May the twenty-ninth four to six Mrs. Royal S. Sanders. , " Fruit a la filth" the kind served from sidewalk stands after being ex posed to street dirt and flies. Briggs Says Taft WiU Sweep New Jersey. Perth Amboy, N. J., May 27. Unit ed States Senator Briggs, of New Jersey, who has traveled through the State with Taft, made the statement today predicting that Taft would sweep the State in Tuesday s pri maries. The Conventions. Democratic Congressional Conven tion, at Salisbury, June 5th. Democratic National Convention, at Baltimore, June 25th. Democratic State Convention, at Raleigh, Thursday, June 6. North Carolina. for the Panama canal without a-kinj Congress for an appropriation.- The Stanly Convention. j pertj, Amboy, N. J., May 27. The Democratic county convention ; a you rernember what Room veil was held in Albemarle Saturday to ! j,aid about roe four year a?o." aid nominate officers for the various rpresident Taft here today. "I can't county offices: Representative, R. E. t rereat to you what he aid. I would Austin-; sheriff, T. R. Forst; Ireaur-; Ui4n to do M jn eiyrrl ht. s3j(j that er, R. N. Furr; cotton weigher.NJ. T. ! waa the man in the country Lewis; coroner, P. J. Honeycutt; ur-,lo preident. Weil. I can only ay veyor, A. S. Lentz; county commit j lhat j he waft mura rarr the sioners. T. S. Parker, Z. D. Coggm. Q hi ordnion of me then than nominated. ; up nr,-x " Mr. Walter Moser, formerly a mem ber of the pitching staffs of the Bos ton and St. Louis Americans, is now with the Sioux City Cldb of the West ern League. ' Lorimer Refuses to Resign. Chicago, May 27 The Tribune here today said: "William Lorimer refuses to resign as United States Senator from Illinois. Thef belief is that he will force his friends to go to the limit probablv until the eve of j a. M. Mabry, were a decision vote, then ne wiu resign. . An Inquiry, ; Wilbur Wright Worse. Now that the citizens have to buy' Dayton, Ohio. Mav 27. Wilbur , their drinking water and Union street Wright is worse todav.. He suffered ; has been fixed so that it L not &-.- another relapse and bis typhoid con- ?ary to spnnKie n. can v dition is again critical. Physicians sprinkle Spring street and the cros ; are in constant attendance. Streets this summer? . - lo'CIKr-u. i , t 1 A telegram was received nere o relatives yesterday from Mr. Stuart Jersey Campaign Eds. Trenton, N. J , May 27 Political leaders gav- riii'al iritnJcioni to tieir lieutenant in the Nw Jer-y cam paign today: the speaker ch.d their tour and ti lu vvere drawn tight tb presidential r.d Demo- for the '.t:ng t'rr.orrow, wren Stat preferenee for candidate-. Republican ciatic, will be expressed at the pri- The street car force will begin work - tr .i , - the it rent in Ihft . Morrison stating that -Mrs. tlU.rie,. The general prediction U had undergone an operation tor ap- nusiness secuoa i ' Vt tie re.-!t of the conf-t Wtween pendicitis at their home in Wilson, work wUI be pushed ".1 : Rfor W RablU The operation was suecessim na .po... e. M " indors!mnt U Uk.ly to b, - weu as wuu vx.j . - . . ceeaingiy cio. Mrs, Morrison was resting as could be expected. jpleted by June 13th.