Tim Hao tlie Circulation of Any Ncwbpapcr In the ElQtitii Conorcnfiionai DIntrlcSb PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. Xi1- - '?. Dot la A4tis VOL. XXXVII. CONCORD. N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 6. 1912. NO. 93 ' ' '".. '. : ' - ' ' . ' ' 11 TIBIll . j r m m . 11 IB 11 mm m CATE THAT THIS MAY BE THE CASE. t-i- , Dnllari fin f Vi . TIT Said: "Get the Other Man." t 'e Said Man With Him Wore a Dark Suit of Clothes. The Af fair a Mystery. , .,. j- yet considerable doubt as u: t i u man was drowned at the j i J. "Doll" Little came near i: , lite in Cold Water creek ., t; (. ;,t mill road Tuesday night k h'Jl !!' H.IUVO- mo " uuu uuu ivuu-i L ti.e swollen stream. " ' 4 ....( r. C. r. Smith, who lives only a (ii-unce from the ford, was in j-itv'tlns morning and in an m- trvifw v. it ii u reporter ot tins .paper atnl in part: "My two sons,, K. K. j( X. j;. iSmith, rescued Mr. Little ;::;t. J;,, was holding to a bush. I Lveral hours searching for the man rJ tea i before we succeeded in res- liiirr.' them. When Little "was pull- out he was taken to my house. As .1 1 u:.U. u. k)DU an Uie UOys puneu mm uuu lie kid: MUt the other man, he jumped fit of the wagon on the other side urn me.' Later when I questioned dark suit of clothes and his name as John and he couldn't give the ther part definitely. Little's condi gn was such that I could get very ttle information from him. A num- jer of people investigated the aftair Ind two negroes who saw Little re- furning from town say that a man as riding in the rear end of the wag- jr. and appeared to be sick. A search as made yesterday but no trace of man was found. The wagon bed as found , this morning near Bost H ill. about threemues from" where I -i 1 i mi. . ' . ie accident occurred, me wagon self was badly broken up and when iv son, Randolph, cut the mules loose lIv the front wheels and axle was Itached to them. On questioning little farther about the man, who he aid was with him, he stated that he las positive a man was with him Jart of time but he could not "tes ty" as to whether he was with him hen the accident happened." "Do you believe a man was drown- idf" Mr. Smith, was asked." 'I don't know what to believe," e replied. "I have given you the Jets as I found them and anyone ill just have to draw his own con usion," he added. Coroner Isenhour stated this morn- n that he was at a loss to know That to believe about the matter. "I set witnesses who will testify pat they say Little and he had a com pion in the wagon with him, -and can jret witnesses who say they saw im and thorp was tin ono with him. . - , said. . v In the meantime the matter is be- : investigated and it is probable fat- more light will be thrown on it a short time. he could not give an account of jast . how the accident occuied. Humor began to float thick and fast. The I hrst one to reach town stated that a man by name of John Bradlev was on the wagon with Little and that be was drowned. It was also reported that a searching party had been or ganized to find hU bod-. Little himself eou'd not be com municated with and an investigation failed to reveal any facts concerning a man by the name of John Bradley. "I know ee vera 1 Brad leys here, "said Chief of Police Bogei, "but I don't know anyone by the name of John Bradley." A second report was that' the man drowned 'was a citizen of Georgeville. One message went so far as to give his name, A later Message stater nrniini nn nnTiniim ntf UOLKbHlf llfilluilHL ; I AAII IIITWit tinfkvl 1 m t BEAUnrUL MAEEIAOE HERE LAST K10HT. BOTH SIDES PUBLICLY CLAIM ING EVERYTHING. Mia Ecth Coltrxne Btccnei tit 1 Bride of Mr. Charles Caarca. i I Beautiful in iU iitcphcity, ex jquisil iti -ver- detail a he med l ding Ixht eveains of Mi liutb Ixai CoUrtrw and Mr. Charley A. Cannon. Aladdin, with hi genius of th lamp. a urely the 'decorator fur . ' the tranfurmation as complete and , , , . 1 oat of this hamWme home artse th,l Outcome is Much in Doubt, Howercr. i ..paUfk Ior the briJe. TL intennr Taft Porce3 Control Committee, dnorriori was eniirelv in .white,' the i . And WiU Seat Taft Mea.-It is1 w;ti! lh no.lHt of whitj wHtana and trailing vine predated in-etl f Believed That Roosevelt Will Be in Chicago Next Week. 3 sfne ot rare beauty. Aen- fpaeiou rt--eption lall wi arrai an altar of pure white ldies before.' which the weddinr vows were t 1 puken. j that this wa3 an error. 'Phone lines Chicago, June G. With both fat .- 1 ..i 1: i: 1 .1 11 .... .. . 111 mat uireuuon were Kepi ousy ail lions claiming publicly everything in -Over this was arrarved an arch of through the morning but no detail sight, and privately 'admitting that lilie and ferns, studded with soft ' bordering on an accurate story could i the outcome will 1 close, the Kepub- lights while- overhead a eanopv of I be secured. r lican national committee met today ; weddiug bell swaved in rhvmic time I .....,,,1.1.. uwvn ..11. jvi.ci l uiai m consider lemoorarv roil or eon von- t . w,,-: .1 1. . ; ll.Ull, 3. Ikil i l JLLi riCI li i lion, lite lalt torces are in control and co rner these lilies breathed forth of the committee and the result of! their fragrance and nodded their the majority of the contests it is i-- stately h aCs in approval of this con lieved will certainly be the seating I !WCT2! , n 0f 'love' voung of Taft men. The committee did not ; dream." Music sinaliied the aiv :bn to take-up contests today but ; nroachin-r hour. Mij Harris, ne- ) v. , yv 1 j I HE CO7f0JlE5:0XAL 1 I .shlirj , &4' a aIWd ta W I - i ? it 1 1 r..ff7 ciijftSAa . "IId f. I 4MA. ! ZfZTt fc4 A is.. Cr J 11 Mmil i ;r; t lsr? .t. j h j4r4 ta neighborhood' reached town. T? was seen by Chief Boger and stated that ho saw Little yesterday and that he stated no one wa- with' him at the time he drove into the creek and that no one had been with him on his hip home. HONV LOCKE CRAIG Who Will Be Ntxt Governor of North ) Mr. A TIMELY WARNING. What Has Become of Those Who Have the Interest of the City in Hand? Some Cleaning Up Needed. What has become of the Better ment Association health officers, sanitary committees, etc., who are supposed to have the beauty and health of Concord in hand! .The writer had occasion to walk along Church street, between Loan and Marsh, just one square, the other day, and what was seen and smelled is passed all description. The gulley to the right of the street going north, has evidently been for a long time the dumping ground for all sorts of trash. No it Teeks with filth of every kind, garbage, rags, papers, old buck etsr tin cans, the latter, when half fill ed with water, the culture beds of the deadly mosquito. When an epi demic of diptheria or typhus fever, (almost any tatal disease could stalk out of the place) breaks out in the community, it will . be too late to "clean up" this unsightly, disgusting place, almost in the heart of our city, only one street off from the main res ident portion of north Union street. How the people who live in sight of, and smell of it stand it, is beyond accounting for, except as some- of them say, they just have to, although they often can not sit on their porch es at night, for the orders arising therefrom and mosquitoes, are vying with the flies for supremancy. I am told there is another dangerous place similar to this one in rear of the First Presbyterian church just off De pot street, also in the heart of the city. CITIZEN. only the organization, election of a chairman and defining the rules ot procedure during the coming ten Ida vs. A private wire was hooked up to day from Chicago to the White House for President Taft. Roose velt, it is believed is coming here next week. THE STATE CONVENTION. Carolina. J.e ?iJ Klaltf 1 '"U.toti ttfc.fcl&iii fce:.ifc4t n.4r h fii - Mr. IK.uMofc tr,r.f ftrt MARRIAGE IN ASHEVILLE. AGON AND TEAM WASHED DOWN STREAM fiver Escapes Unhurt. Much Ex citement Caused by Report That a Man Was Drowned in Cold Wa ter Creek. ok Wednesday's Tribune. 'A man by the name of Bradley was wind last night at Cold Water near Mr. C. F. 'Smith's, 4 miles Js side of Bost Mill and J. "Doll" tie narrowly escaped similar fate, 1 tue two men riding on the lat- f s .wagon attempted''" to ford the 1 "10 me x cpui i mail icuvutu tTft t,.T,.l.. ir 1 ' i r--v.UK weanesaay morning. wiener Isenhour. Chief of Police Fei. and a reporter of this paper be ?a a diligent inauirv for the facta in - ease. T U:t I,. ,i;mn : .3 viiuiv.uiiy us eiuerienceu .111 fv.t the fact that Little came i . , -uis me in tne stream, was greatly swollen by the heavy . """'day afternoon. Ho srtent -the - - x f-T'.n and started for his home J township late in the 'after-, ij'; l::vcling in a wagon. The '',-e at the' creek was damaged ' -.tin.e ago by high water and has Jeen used sinr-A nnMiA t.riprl to the stream. The wagon and as washed down the stream I f-urrent and Little managed L gamble to the bank. JThe team idler onf 1 j . " i v. auobc irom ine wagon .ihbors who ent to the rescue. report th A fliof 'an. was nuR. -ti fin litt ? wagon wiin ljiuie. au.s condition was such that Letters Bare Myrtle Hawkins' Love. Hendersonville, June 5. "I; had to sit like a block and see the only boy J really loved married to another girl. Man, it took nerve; I wish to God I could go down to your home, for I don't see how I am going ,to stay here loving him. I know it is a sin, but loving him. I know t is a sin, but I can't stop. I think of nothing else but Brad, Brad, Brad all the day. I wrould be sorry and worried and I lum for anything hecause I know he would be sorry and worrisd and1 I want him to be happy even 11 1 am miserable. No one slall take away the kisses that Brad gave me. I will never Jkiss him again but I will never kiss any one else." Thus Myrtle Hawkins poured out the burden of her grieving heart, ta her intimate friend, Alda Therrill, of Concord, shortly before the unfortu nate girl .disappeared. The letter re ferred to George Bradlev and was in troduced in evidence yesterday in the trial in Hendersonville. (No such girl is known here.) In Session at Raleigh To-day Sim-mons-Kitchin Fight Will Creep in. Raleigh, June 5. -The Wilson steer ing committee will recommend tomor row the following as the Wilson floor leaders: W. G. Hammer, of Asheboro, J. C. Biggs, of Durham, and Connor, of Wilson. The anti-Wilscn forces claimed tonight an unk-structed dele gation would bo sent. Varner to night claimed ten district delegates already selected for Underwood to eight for Wilson. The sixth, the last district to hold, will select its dele gates at a meeting -here tomorrow morning. The Kitehin-Simmona fight is liable to creep into tho convention tomor row and may have a large ibearing on nomination for lieutenant governor and corporation commissioner. The Kitchin forces are particularly active as evidenced hy a meeting tonight of Governor Kitchin, Congressman Claude Kitchin, Manager Frank Mc Ninch, F-. L. Travis, and other lesser lights of the Kitchin retinue. It was learned : tonight that State aarrman A. i. Jailer will hardly be reptected. lhere is a possibility that Charles A. Webb, of Asheville, may become manager of Craig ?s campaign. u. he fight for instructions may draw the convention out several hours long er than at first thought. The Wilson delegates said to have been selected by the caucus tonight are E.J. Justice, R. B. Glenn, E. J. Hale, and Gen. J. S. Carr. It was not clear at midnight whom the opposition would support. full! Festival of Corpus Christi. ' Vienna, June 6. Vienna today wit hessed the customary elaborate cele bration of the festival'' of Corpus. Christy. The festival was institut ed in 1264 in honor of the Consecrat ed Host and though it is generally observed by Roman Catholics every where, in nO other city is the eelebn tion of such splendid character as hi Vienna. The custom for the Er.vtv or of Austria to take part in th ; pro cession was begun in the sevent eenth 4 Bryan Talks Some More. Chicago, June G. Bryan in an in terview today speculates upon out come of Republican national conven tion. He asks if Taft will accept a steam roller nomination, and if Roose velt, in case he is not regularly nomi nated, will bolt. Bryan sees a possi bility of a national committee seat ing enough both Roosevelt and Taft contested delegates to give balance of power to La.Follette and Cummins. "The Chicago convention promises tc be most exciting exer held in ti:i Httoiy of the country, if thers is no before the batth," caid iienaer At 63 He Weds Sen's Wiacw. Zanesville, O., June 5. John C. Baird, 63 years old, is now the hus band of the widow of his son, Mrs Mary H. Baird, 33. The laws cf Chic do not prohibit such a marriag3,a g J Baird says: "We eaa s-ae no him i: it. I have liked my son '3 wife, an 1 since his affection has ripened, intc lovo." Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Bairci has any children. ompanii.1. Dr. John Keed, violin, Mrs. Guthrie, voice. Mrs. Guthrie sang, in perfect voice. Serenade Targe and "I Love You Truly." To the strains of Lohen grin the bridal party entered. Misses Mariam Louise Coltrane and Ella Cannon Hill, Misses Adelaide Douglas and Nancy Carr, Misses Mary Branson Coltrane and Margaret Louise Carr carrying garlands of flowers and ribbons. These little girls wore exquisite white lingerie dresses over white silk. Through this aisle came the attendants, Miss Elizabeth Coltrane with Mr, Ross Cannon, Miss Laura McGill Cannon with Mr. Win slow Scherman. Misses Cannon and Coltrane wore gowns of white lace over satin. Following eame the groom with his friend, Mr.) Sisk. AIL eyes sought a glimpse of jlhe lovely bride as she entered on the arm of her fath er. Always pretty, igiss Coltrane 's beauty' was enhanced by the love light that glowed on cheek and brow. 'Her gown was;duchesse satin, en traine, with draperies of embroid ered Japanese tissue and rose point. She wore no jewels, save the gift of the groom, a diamond pendant. The impressive ceremony was spok en by Rev. E. K. McLarty, of Greens boro, and Dr. J. M. Grier, of Concord. During the ceremony Traumerei was softly rendered. Sixty guests wit nessed the wedding ceremony, and af ter the ceremony the wedding recep tion was held. The guests were received . at the door .by Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Coltrane, and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Garrison and guided to receiving line by Mrs. D. F. Cannon. Assisting the bridal par ty in receiving were: Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Coltrane, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Can non, Sr., and Miss Coltrane. At the register were : Miss Blanche Brown and ' Mr. L. D. Coltrane, Jr. Guests were taken to the dining room by Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Odell Color tones of this room were pink, shower boquets of Killarney roses and ferns with centers of small lights swung from ceiling over the graceful ly arranged tables. Mesdames Hugh Propst, W. D. Pemberton, D. L. Bost, E. C. Barn hardt served the sumptuous supper. The guests were shown the magnifi cent array of wedding gifts by Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Cannon. Out of town guests attending the wedding were: Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Garrison, Gas ;onia; Mrs. J. F. Yorke, Mr. John Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Gattis, Charlotte; Mrs. C. A. Paraplih, Golds boro; Miss Austin, Charlotte; Mr. reorge Winslow, of Carrolltonfi Ky.; Mr. W. Scherman, Carrollton, Ky.; Mrs. T. C. Guthrie.. Charlotte; Mrs. W. S. Glenn, Spartanburg ;Miss Barn well, Goldsboro; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ill, Thomasville, Mr. and Mrs. Jul v Carr, Durham; Mrs. Barney cnglass, Winston-Salem; Mr. and : rs.- George Wadsworth, Mrs. A. B. Reese. Miss Reese, Charlotte; Mr. A H. Sisk. Havana, Cuba. X. Mr. W. Reece Johnson And Mrs. T. A, Holden Wed There Yesterday. A marriage that will 1 a err at surprise to the people of Concord and this section was olernnird in Asheville yesterday when Mr. W. Keece Johnson and Mrs. T. A. Hol den were married. The ceremony took place at 1 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Holden and was performed by Rev. Dr. J. C. Rowe. priding el der of the Salisbury district. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson returned to Con cord last night. There were many jeopIe present on the happy occasion. The rice pleasantry played prominently in their departure and the automobile ir. which they left was showered with rice. Happy congratulations filled the air., Mrs. ! Johnson formerly lived in Concord and has many friends who will welcome her here. Mr. Johnson isi a well known business man of t lie city and is widely known throughout the county. Rates to Baltimore Convention. The round trip fare from Concord to Baltimore, on account of the Dem ocratic convention is $13.55, tickets to be on sale June 20th to 24th in clusive, with final limit to reach start ing point not later than midnight of July 3rd. In this connection the Southern will operate a special train from Charlotte to Baltimore, leaving Char lott at 8 p. m., June 24th, arriving at Baltimore at 8:50 a. m.f June 25th, train to consist of day coaches and Pullman sleeping cars. R. IL DEBUTTS, D. P. A.. Charlotte, N. C. j that if nominated lx l Vtutt,f jh ou!d grow weaker aMll elexiieQ idav, Mr. lKuh!is further L!.l that a n a lU tiueul u nrt)4 by the Republican h iU fhl!rft htm to a joint VinuM uf tie dutrxt, W . R. 1 Vi'ataui, num. e!r$ Affray at the Cannon Mill. The case of Tom Porter, charged with assaulting Caleb Cox, will lie tried in Recorder's Court tomorrow morning. The affair occurred at the Cannon Mill Monday morning. Cox is a second hand at the mill and Por ter a weaver. A misunderstanding arose and the affray followed. Cox received a deep cut on his right arm. Porter was arrested and placed un der a 2) bond for his appearance to morrow. Senator Nixon of Nevada Dies in Washington Hospital. Washington, June 5. United States inated without ipjH4tK'n tor. Mrri Harden Clement and White head Klutlf, of SaUbury, R. H. Young, of Concord, R. L Smith, of Albemarle, and R. A. Ikiuffcton. of Alleghany, wer p!ar-d in bominatiaQ for delegate to national connection. The convention had frevioutv ot4 to elect four delegate each to hat one half vote. The ru!t of lh bal lot was 11 follow: Clement. 248. Young, 226. . Dough ton. KlutU, 160. Smith, 240. Clement, Younsr. Douhton and Smith were declared the delegate. No instruction wer given them. All are underwood ti n except Dr. Young, who t for Wilon. A. H. lioyderi naked the eon Tea tion to endome Gen. J. S. Carr for dlesrate at large, but Edmund Jonea, of Ienoir, anwe to ay that the dis trict liad a delegate for t hi place in the peion of Ijeut. Gov. New land. Col. Hoyden withdrew Gen. Carr'a namo in the midt of otne cnfuion, and the convention immediately ad journed without endorsing anvon. Spencer Trainman Killed. Sjencer, June 4. S. A. Blackburn, a flagman on the main line of th Southern Railway between Sener and Monroe, Va., wai killed by com ing in contact with an overhead bridge near Lynehburj? early thin morning. It is said that he was knocked from the tender of the loeo motive of the train on wbieb he wa working. That his skull wraa fractur ed and that he was taken to a Lynch burg hospital, here he died later to day. He lived in Eat Spencer, when he has a wife and one child a year old, Mrs. Blackburn went to the hedsid of her dying husband today, but it is aid did not reach birn lef"re h : To Meet in Gaatonia, Gastonia Gazette. For the find tinse in e!een yean the Woman 'a Foreign Mijionary So ciety of the Western North Carolina I n t rr. niA .11 ?T r, , - w ,c""'lhold its annual meeting in Ga.tonia, died at 10 o clock tonight jthe session to le held in Main Street Senator Nixon .had been at the Mn-j h , -j 0th . t JOth indMive copal eye, ear ana inroai nospimi since Thursday when an ojeration for nasal cata.r'.! was perl Tiie-t Spinal meningitis deveiopedand the a M.nilitmn trrtn recame i . Between 150 and 200 delegate from the local ocietie in all wctiona of Western North Carolina will b in attendance and the ladies of the local f , .1.. Mi,.,ntr.fA, wt' arp w udy ngagei tn eruicai. rur u.r rafc...-j Trfectin- a hours his death had been momentar- j J,tin" fh uy expecteo Old Folks' Day at St. Johns. The service at St. Johns Lutheran!. 1 1 LiiUiCll next Sundav Irfectingall arrangement for the meeting. lhe delegates will le enter jtained free of charge in tie homes of jGastonia. . , 1 Titanic disaster. They are braving the dangers oT the deep again for an mtermis cue hour and" thirtv minute century by Ferdinand II, who by his which the congregation will re presence succeeded in putting a stop to the conflicts between Catholic and Protestant mobs, with which the cer emonies in those days were almost invariably attended. This ceremony has been observed ever since by the Emperor of Austria. Cotton 78.9 Per Cent of Normal Washington, June 4. The Depart morit At a Tn!i itnT-e in its nrst coi Ml 1 u.-v... v.- . . , , will oe CCll- -.rt,,; tl-o wnenn. p acted in honor of the old folks. Ai j ,imates the eoIition oa May 25 of!nnel a London physician. tne conclusion ot the morning ser-jthft mvinrT Mtton croD to be 7SH! vice there will be Titanic Survivor to Marry. New York. June 6. Among the . , , - A passengers who sailed on the steam- i Sberiff McKerae Make. Fint Indict- Salisbury, June '. Sheriff JIcKea zie today iiia the :irt indictment (under tne dog law. warrv.t Imng ened on three white men of thia 'iy, for allowing their d.g to' run at large. The action of the :;eriil wit er " Baltic.' ' from this port today were Mrs. E, Edward Robert, herj daughter. Miss Georgette Madill, and . hrr neice. Miss Elizabeth N. Allen, who were among the survivors of the s iMiss Allen's marriage to Dr. James' brought alK';t on aceount of the g of a little giri a dog wUe streets ve tenia v bv Hiierwanlft killed. There Miss Jessamine Gant, of Burling ton, is the guest of Mrs. J. Locke Erwin. - ' issioa oft r entof normal. The condition) Comptrollers and Accounting Officers xA) fj Uj es, after jbv States is as follows: Virginia,! Buffalo. N. Jnne 6The anna- arrr. acd indlctnnt ,,n tho aboi re-assem-lcn. vrtK rKr, S7- Smith Caro-1 al convention ot the National A.o- s : the ehv limit &r.A the r 1-1 - J T ... ? - - i. ; -.- -. IT 1 4 . . . oic ana a song ana prayer service will i lina 83; Georgia, 74; be conducted by Mr. G. E. Ritebie s Alabama, 74; Mississi followed by an address by Rev. C. R Pless. Treasurer Science of Christian Church Dead. Boston, June 6. After a short ill ness, Stephen A. Chase, treasurer of tha Christian Science Church of America, died today. Florida. 75 : 72; Louis iana, 09; Texas, 8G; Tennessee, 74; Missouri, 74; Oklahoma, 7S; Calif or iiia, 96, and Arkansas, 73. " George B. Nicholson, a prominent young lawyer of Statesville, died at Billingsley bospital Tuesday where he had been under treatment for. sev eral weeks. on tl h vat 14 'm hot re- ciation of Comptrollers and Acocunt- of t:. 0 jj. watrhe,i with mg Ulhcers began in tni city iotay, interest. with headquarters at Hotel Statler. j The programme covers three days! A horse belonging to the Concord and provides for-addresse of Mayor Candy Kitehen fell down Monday Hunt of Cincinnati, Comptroller j while being driven to tbe delivery Prender?rrast of New York citv and! wagon and broke his neek. The aeei- other prominent municipal officials. Mr. D. F. Cannon has gon to Ma rion on a short business trip. dent occurred near the Gibson Mill. Mr. C.-W. Pearson, of Greensboro, is a Concord visitor today.