THE TIMES HAS THE LARGgST CIRCULATION OF AIIV NEWSPAPER IN THE EIGHTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. TOE CONCORD TCSiES J. B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher. PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. SL50 l Yw, Du ia A4tac. VOL.XXX VII. CONCORD N. C. THURSDAY, JUNE 27. 1912. NO. 101 ill in. 11 WflllinE! IF CLARK LOSES ON FIRST TWO BALLOTS HIS CHANCES WILL WEAKEN. Fhtform Declares for Only One Term for Presidents Tariff for Revenue Only Fight Expected on Illinois Contests. Balloting Will Begin This Afternoon. j (il!ijnore, June 27. A rough draft (,; the- platform submitted today by , .,iih-e:omuiittee-' to the resolutions piitte'. fairly shouts progressive ....... Bryan, aided J jy a majority in t .,. S;ih committee, dictated the fram-i;;- t.i the platform. The resolutions '..,'Mniftee will look it over today and jiniri draft goes to the convention 1 ni;iv i.'i il.any's and four '.or . five, other icivatives platforms are suggest ed, but wifie ignored by the sub-co'm- n. Tl,-. t1 .-i HYirn lor-lnrps f rr 1 1 f 1 ' ' . I ' 1 lit MUUl 111 vV,m..v,.7 v . - i A:nX for revenue only"; limits pres i nt, t. One term of six years, begin ning in 11)17, this being aimed at l,,r,sevelt ; condemns the Aldrich ii M-icy bill ; advocates primary elec 'iiniis: 't lie. direct election of Senators; limited conservation of public re M.ii! its; tleclares lor the development Alaska; advocates independence of KANNAPOUS - NEWS. Religious News. The Holiness Faith Being Preached. J&n W. B. Shinn Home From Hospital. Methodist Pastor Pounded. Kannapolis, X; C. June 26. As a result of the recent stirring revival meeting held here by Dr. C. S. Black well, of Norfolk, there Lave been 107 accessions to the Baptist church, some by letter, some by. reclamation, and others by baptism. There wens 4G converts baptized in the lake here last Sunday, and TA the Sunday before, by the pastor, Rev. E. C Andrews, and there will be others next Sunday. The meeting came to a close Friday night and Dr. .Black well left for his home Saturday morning, followed by the best wishes of the congregation, who enjoyed the meeting; so much that it is hoped that he will come back again. The Apostolic Holiness brethren began a meeting Saturday night in a tent which they have pitched near .Mr. (i. E. Fisher's store; Rev. J. W. Allred is the preacher in charge Misses Pugh and Kirkman, of Greens boro are assisting him, and Rev. P. R. Thompson, also of Greensboro, is expected to help. Much interest is being manifested and at -almost ev ery service there has been conver sions. Mrs. W. B. Shinn has sufficiently OR HIV 'I HAVEN'T - DISCUSSED CAN DIDATE WITH ANYBODY, V SAYS NEBRASKAN. recovered from her recent serirkis ill-1 speeches, but the orators may cut Largest Crowd of Convention.. Many Women Present, Including Mrs. TafL Five Hours for Nomi nation and Seconding Speeches. Demonstration to Be Made for Clark. Baltimore, June 27. "I haven't discussed candidates with any bodv,'f Bryan said, in answering the rumor that he would bolt if Kern or Wilson was not nominated. Bryan is throw ing cold water ou bolt talk and is working for harmony, l'he conven tion was called to order at 1 :24, and the largest crowd of the convention was present. Many women, including Mrs. Taft, wife of the President, .who were seated back of the speakers' stand, held informal reception. The order of business was consid erably delayed while attempts were made to clear the aisles. It is esti mated that it will take about lve hours for nominating and seconding CITY ALDERMEN MEET. $100. Wanted fcy Cx&soariUt Etl Team. Property Owner Wart Streets Improved. J. Harrey Dor ton Resigns as Bcildiaf Inspector. Other Matter. The board of aldermen held a con vention. that is a meeting Tueeday night at city hall. For veral minute before th doors of the hall, no, no court room. wet opened it began to look as if. the delegates wroos asrain aldermen Jould not attend. However, they kept corning one by one, until finally a quorum a pres ent. The chairman, or rather Mayor Wagoner, rapped for order and an nounced thattheysession was ready for business. Secretary Gibson, (there uoes another convention term) or ratl?r City Clerk Gibson, called the roll. No contest were reported and the roll was made permanent. A glance at the delegates or rather aldermen was pnof suffi cient that no" one had gained his place throitgh fraud. larceny, rob bery, strong arm tactics, lying, steal ing, grand larceny or by any other wicked means and business was started. ttorney Williams presented the Innuim Tniminiio oiutiii iniuiiirno Jil. FIGHT HliLF W SI It muf MAYOR BAKER OX CLFyELAND J WILL FIOUT "OR rKOa&C&snrC TOR VICE PRESIDENT. ! XLATFORiX AS WELL AS i ' ' CANDIDATE. Bryan Atd O Oorsaa Cfcofm ts Writ PlaUorcL-Surted at 11 a.jWaa ril u On Brjaa U Opt sly Ejsj Cxt. feitti4 Oct A DtltiU Isuintdk ed for CUTk.T&-0a&t. U IUn D;rcs4 PUa WttJs frc:Mtra to Charge Vou s Tint Ballot (of Wila. If Nw Ycjk u (cj Ctaik. Will Net Cost Oct OjIt for Wilieat - Baltimore, Jut.r ?, U au tat a, to Be risiihed at 4 p. a. f Baltimore. Jun -7. Wilx.n Lrtl boom for Mayor Keten D. Baler, tf I Cleveland, tor Vice Prridect. Balrrj frowns on it. It i that Brani has completely rutri Murphy-Sulli. f van-Taggart eombiratiut. by a :ri ; gic move. In the mating ihi Kura-I. ing of the ub-corcnj!tle bp and Sti-f ator O'Gornian, of New York, eh-n i to write everv iord in enure tUt-i form. They tartt-i on it at ,11 1 o clock will be finished atKut p. ni.t for resolutions committee' aj proval and go to convention. ness to be back home from the hos pital in Charlotte, where she lias been for sometime. She is still weak but is improving, although; it is rather slow ly. Rev. W. B.' Shinn received a severe ,i , i,, auout H1uCuuacu pounding Saturday evening at the h, Philippines; asks abolishment of hands of the ;,e on hiiT tora :1l.r department and the enactment char .e ,vbich takes in Kannapolis 1 a irenerous .woiKinau ium icusa- . nA iT:t,r -fi,, nun. 1 ' t 1 " ' 1 i. i. 1 I va vyaixj' tviiii uiiiiuu uiiu jjcliiUqC tion law, auxocaies lauiwi sucuu- H nmto1. P tuain (i . x i. . ' ;,4- ann-iruM, i .uu,, met in front 0f Kichmond Sloan & rule' lor goveiniucni ciuyivyw., mn e oriri in ha ..v e resolutions - committee may Rnnntrek ai. 4..n cn aa in fol ATr anA 1 P U, vUhr. I 7 make a lew cuuoges m iiuuve uauw, Mu cm,: u nvr.r.Ic n.l wor. tut it is expecieu mai wvy wm uut nr1 nfTlr . ,1 trt l the rpogxessives feeh that the have door and before h- k ' it je practically as outlined. Uran to unload, carrvin-bundles, box iNO compromises i iuc ioo.ii muay ol uie progiessi es, vuo we u,,- nT1 Vi -flnnr ThK. lliislied wini victory in snanermg oi. nfi flmir TT1af n u:nia ftf unit ru e in umo. ana oiner pwie, edibles thatf could-be found at the rvre delegates were, chosen in ois-i c. fofor- -mJti, f-od, fUo tnct primaries.. The rank and hie of from the country and es and but. -. ...-vnee i i-yic 4nnt tlior hr novo . . . . nit- 'ucicssvw "" tor onrl n aro-a rrrr rt ohiftona anil onservative forces how beaten, but tfa- thingstoo numerous to men-1 ineni-uemims commit tec tion ye do not think Mr. Shinn got nu, no not ininic uie couei vanvca f. h eArv fnr ho are completely routed, ana xney may , oc, i; c otti the pulpit all the year, so he must talk short t enable the taking of five ballots before recess. The (."lark men are using all ener gy to bring victory on the tirst hal-;ue conferred with lot. His supporters arc buttonholing all unpledged delegates asking that " complimentary ?' vote be cast for Clark on first ballot. Boomers are stationed in different parts of the hall, wearing badges and buttons, and to lead in demonstra tion when Clark's name is mention ed. Rabbi Adolph Guttermachier, of Baltimore, made the opening prayer. Following this the minority report of the credentials committee on the South Dakota contests, asking seat ing of -Wilson delegates. The audi torium is very warm, crowd hot and listless. Applaud at the mention of candidates names, is only faintly; Crane; of Texas, said the seating of Clark men from South Dakota would be il robbery, pure and sim- pie." ! a op ntjfr v I. . r-ai.rns, e:4Ur tit; do n 1.1 frr, i.r a irrt"! bf . 1 a cnu tuai jau-fsi xue r-;i. :eti College for Women. Jalrd ta outline hu lutarr j4r. fr Durham. June Jti.Ahm- with the'ht on Murph.Tftri u!Snan ' . . ... . i . . 3 " . . I ... i cilaira of Mr. Ritchie, who alleges that I Iir"InMl to a,M I.mMKhj to the ,. ;-ciie croa oi Mrtmruum, ury. Uowment lunUM inmty i olle-t u a.rrj about which much has recently been there u nothinj; y aUmt published goes a moveoient to etab hat' i llt. Thttr hp aiid lish in connection with Trinity a'ui11 " Hang tianeui f rry Jour his property on Academy street was damaged by reason of the city cutting tiie street down. The board decided to postjone action on the matter un til the city attorney. Senator L. T. jllartsell, who is in Baltimore, could great college, for women. The mot-lana. ry '- WIrrl ment was started in the nwini of the I intended tthtin; in Ue r.Rua. Commercial Club, when the executive ! ln, nut only for tie adaption of .. ' J' .... The Cannonville reel team requested " oomnuttee inviied l're.idcnt lw lo l' ,uorn, u,i i,r rt(rr board to give them $100 to defray W mattt'r hrm. their excuses to the Firemens' con- .The plans were pone over and i t J t t? get vention, which meets in Fayetteville Wlth the approval of all. The initial j ryan to come out ojn-nly for exjH?nses win oe sman, owing ui-iiier M i - -" fact that the professors for the col-!a tnewber ol the .Ne.raka tUieatiort lege will be the same as tboso at Trin-i i'itricted inr Clark. Brjan, how itv. The only thim needed to be-'in i vrt leln'-ed to Uii tor W iU July 23. The matter was referred to a committee with power to act. Alderman Barrier presented a pe tition from the property owners on West Depot street asking the board to put down an asphalt binder on the street. The property owners agreed to. pay ten cent a running foot to- wiih wi aim the it. will be a women's dormitory. property on which to locate The getting of this money will be come back The -credentials committee still has much 'work to do. When the con vention meets at noon the credentials committee will report on the contest ed Illinois cases, when a fight is ex peoted. The Sullivan forces won in the con vention, but the Hearst-Harrison forces will attempt by oratory to have convention reverse committee s de cision. ' take what he gets. We are not sorry for him,- one bit, on this score Miss Anna Thompson, of Charlotte, spent last Sunday with her . sister, Mrs. J. W. Stratford Mrs. W. L. Paul is at the bedside of her father, Mr. Jr-M. Taylor, who is critically ill at his home in Spen cer, Mrs. C. R. Deval is home from her frin to Kpw .Tptspv. whprp slip had The Clark men deny that they have , n vie:tinff lipw tvipn Mrs. TTpnr ..-ii. ii. . i:., ' j inaoi.- oeai Willi tiie consej. viiLives, out JJowe Alison supporters insist xnac ueai Thcy cfnrlr i,rnm,.ilf n j.I1ffUpr tr, . 1. .....1. Ti ' il Ui il, -"V, .,v v" ua .kt.i maae.. xi is inouguL l. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lowe last week I 1 1 i i i i 1 i. i a iarii eannoi gee me nomiuauou Mv j. -p. Fortune, of Forest Citv. . - i . t hi i i . :ii - ' a nrsr - two oanots ni.cnances win y visitini? her daughter, Mrs. C. E in- ne Kt1 p l. iv l son ti fii i iiiiik vuies t ..-ii n. . htm -tp ii .iii. i -Lowe. iu men go to u nson. ii uie oauoi- tjpv fr Tnvinr. nr Alhemnrl. in- starts this atternoon ana no re- preached to a large congregation in uil -ii l- .ciose oi reiruiar se&&iou. a ii. n..a i i i o i.. :.i,i . . . . ..., -7. , . ' Llie xauii&L leiii, ouuuav nim iiigiit session will be called ana rue Af anj Mr T- T-i Afonrp thpr )aiiotmg will continue perjiaps until tll .... p1l:iflrpn camp, down from Win. u m ine morning, il no result is -tft nSfliPTn Sntnrdnv evening in their T 7 1 r . , - " " 4 C3 ivji-uet ueiore tnen. . U,if-.r,hnQ tn viit. t.hpir fat.hpr. Mr. ' J. P. Moore, and other friends here, oecond iritch Trial iieffins. who. arp alwavs j?lad to. see them Detroit, Mich., June 27. The case Thev left for home again Sunday ot Dr. Oeorge A. Fritch, which at- evening. tracted country-wide attention two Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sides, of Con- years ago, was called in court today cord; spent Sunday here with their 'ior the second trial. Dr. Fritch was a brother, Mr. A. H. Sides, and fam ell known Detroit physician, "was iv convicted of lcillino- Mnhpl Millman. Afr TT T, Afnlirv snpnt. spvpral (invs through a criminal operation. The last week in Concord with his motli- uOniO of flip "rillmnn rri 1-1 urao in Ann L If r-p Qnean Aril--rT urtir i: CPrinn i'Kr. On September 6, 1909, after My ill. s'ie had been missing from home for Mr. W. H. Reno and Mrs. H. E several weeks, her dismembered body Hampton, . both of Andrews, N. C round in L corse creek near this are visiting their brother, Mr. JN. A. c-1lv. Ihe medical' examination re- Gregg and family. Mr. Reno came VfJ;ilcd that she had been the victim Saturdaybut left Sunday for Balti- "1. a Criminnl nnorotinti I In o pIiip mnrn -frv oHonH flip nnfinnfll JPTtin- iariii!:ed by a friend of the dead cratic convention. I-1!-. J)r. Fritch -War. rrrpsf.prl anrl Tha -tip-to- trvrp. hnildinfr. near the c -urged with the crime. He was con- depot, has been completed and has vir-t otl chiefly on the testimony of a two store rooms on the first floor, one Jiiaiifteur ' who declared that Dr. Lf which is occupied by Mr. H. G. I'lr-h. VlfVl irlirvm li -. ii-n r. 1 o 1 T I i nr-rA Ttrl--v It O c AflOTlOfi lin "inj. iiUUl ilC W ia ITtii O I XllLZi, Ui. JUUUUiU) uu J-I-IAJ wjv,u. "I fi'-nnfed, ;had hired hii.i for a mid- a variety store, which he styles No. 2. Jii'.if flvii-rt J : , i? il. ; I ml 1 .i 1, AiinmAil - vi4c to uisjjuse oi tiie reuiaius ine Oiner sioie iuuui -wm ue uctupcu ' -i . no vn,l. j 1 . 1 -i 1 , -luuiubieu S1T1f wno naa Deen Lily White. Charlotte Observer. Senator Newlands' proposal for the constitutional restriction of immigra tion to white persons and for the dis franchisements of all non-wites is a tribe radical, without doubt. He would make the United States a white man's country altogether, so far as its rulership and the control of its destiny might be converned. We do not know whether Mr. Newlands him self had in view the peculiarly priv ileged status now occupied by the colored brother, who alone among the races of the earth enjoys full right of entry into the United States. Our government has banned Asiatics of nearly every race, but formal en actment against some ami by -special regulations against others. These in- - It Ci i . I i f . I i ward the cost. The board accepted !e" lo imj ns oi me cuy, anu the nronosition and thp n'ork will hp- 1 ll tA ao oa'ii mo lovJ The getting of this money will be its nine in this RPetion. left to the citizens of the city, and rir - - - l!i-' ii 1.. .1... .1 . . i , - I1 hiourut inrT'Hie inovemeiu win on. . Bryan . rrjrt-d to hate dica ed a plait with eertain projrreiMUte, instructed for Clark to rhftt?e vot on tirst ballot, if New York dele; tion gte!i solidly for Clark. PATTSRSON-SVECIKIu The question of electing the new be pnt on foot immediately. irruKR ox rronuncm uoupif in wuc policeman, sometimes referred to as The domitory that it will ho neoe-i aga" caifl UT0Te flome 01 Ur00CL the ''model policeman" was then tak- sary to build will have to be large irin- wi-erer. .,tb en' up. Alderman Barrier who made enough to sullicieitlv accommodate ; Ai the hinre .. f !r,e bn.. parenU, the motion to elect the new othcerat 100 girls. ' It will also have to be ;,,r- ;irA , I)- a pervious meeting when the matter large enough to have class-rooms for 1 !,;i-'n" Bla'e, C'iiak''. li.-. at eight WJ1 florPP. urvin nrPSPnfprl ron- nil rf Wp reitflt;m i'M j K k lim Ci'ljllit', l.H- ll,4nir UK lution instead of insisting on the-new The movement has so far met with I !. fl flat T1 li a rAOAlntiAn ilzl Ii r 11 iA n rtri'0 1 . t -1 l- m n I A 1 il T OfJ $300 of the money derived from the who is prominently connected with ! ' 1 , 1 u' v"rr :M,,,f ;rH7 u priilege license to drug stores to sell the college stated this afternoon that i ,,v- h; I,i,Mir' J- ,f 1 ,lJbtirf liquor be turned over to -the treasur- he was sure the plan would meet with j Vii w i,u , 1 , , ornf tho Idur.nJ Orf T mio on,l ,nnmvl frnm nil nvr t . . h ,Uf,t ,K'r ttr"? " lTformed the Cef- l i i ti. j: -i: i - tu i .. ;ti i. e... I lony at tier ue bpeiiL di me uiieciiou ox uie pies-: i mc jiaii n -wiuru uui m ur ii . ' . . -w- .. ilil . ! Pattervn aiid Mii Stechcr a Klenmil- marriage. ident of the League for the purpose of I the training of girls exclusively enforcing the prohibition law. In discussing the matter Mr. Barrier Deaths Near China Grove. said that he came as a citizen and hd Mr. David B Garver died at hi dude manv millions of the Diirest Caucasian blood. But the neirro from i otherwise it will be withdrawn Africa or anywhere else enters as ! freely as the Euijpean white man. j In recognition of his established po- ltical interest, a special and very battering exception has been made of nis case. vp. and the parts of her bods '?';;t m several sacks. After Dr. f !:l ;i had served more than a-year 3 i"'ion the State supreme court re ' ' -cd the decision and . granted a ;'."!'. tnah of the case. Since the ac--;n of the supreme court the' physi has been at liberty on bond. The !-ui!Teur whose testimony1 convicted Has since disappeared, though e Prosecuting attorney hopes to lo (:,to him-and have him testify at the :",(-';nd trial. 1 1 -'ood weather for ice. cream and li'i,ke-"You will find such refresh Sit at utneran parsonage to- not conferred with the officials of the home near Mt. Moriab E. L. Church Law and Order League. Atter dis- about two miles west of China Grove, cussing the matter at length it was 0f abscess of the lung, June 25th 1912, finally passed by aTvote of three to at the ai'e of 49 years, 5 mollis and one, Aldermen Barrier, Bruton and 13 daws. 'and was (buried the dav fol- ivmg voting ,in ravor or it ana Aider-umir his death m the cemetery at man Propst against it. Tiie resolu The guet aernb!el in the beauti fully decorated drawing room hr the edr heheine wa pink and whit. An aTtar wa erected in. the eat room Mirrounded by a lower of poUl plant and ow rhuite by myriad of white butterflies. Mr, FMwrad Mor gan prc-iUel at the piv, rendering .MendeUshmi w-ldin narth. Th groorn entered firt on the arm of I'rof. tion was passed-subject to its being declared legal by the city attorney. acted upon. The loyal follower of and friends , ManJpv 1 Shii 'ert. f 4 harli!n. . Mt. -Moriah after suitable sen-ices by Va Mi,. en Margaret at.d MUdre4 ins paior, uev. a. nrown, m meAruiMruiig, of Spnnirti-M, HI., rrl preceuce of lar concourse of rc! rtfy,U i.,rxnm? air-lc f tho tives and friends. ! altar " He leaves to mourn his death a de- rn.- ,.t,.r,.. fn. it T V..B itert r - r r , , jl'l. a i i I'll i . 1 l Jir. j. 11. uonon renuesiea tnai nis voieu wne, ren cnnuren, iwo oroiners, , v...:,.. t.. . ,t i... r . resignation as fouildihg x inspector be one sister, a large number of relatives ;inir(,, ;n 'whre is.f.,. ,,w.r ,,i.,k .valine. leariu:r a haLt.of eet ft-! . . t -! -il m r a i i . l a l leuay wanted to get rid or nis joo ana 3ir. Aooipnus Monroe i ropsi aiea IMat anl a,nz plaee at th left get rid of it quick. However the at his home about three miles north i ,,. .... r.,,.r n w iVkr ,.iri i;t. Born in Mississippi, where feeling ' board wanted him to hold onto it un- east of China Grove, June 2.3rd, 1912, .1 i: ja,,.,n NV.m-m te brde'a against the political negro is perhaps til another man could be secured. Mr. of drojy, at the age oi' G9 years, n;,.(.e stronger than anywhere else, Mr. Dorton insisted that the resignation months and lo days. On account of; jie j-j, entered !at on th arm Newlands became Senator Newlands ; be accepted but the board dended to the illness of bis lfe the service ,f her father. She a. attired in x of Nevada, in a region where the in-1 keep him on the job until the next were held at his home, by hi pastor, i,,uitp m.un ,;. Mm .-iu th r'fe xjint flux of yellow Asiatics has aroused a 'meeting. When the vote was taken Rev. C. A. Brown, in the presence of ai,(4i:r- ue i1;.h WflM tif race consciousness not unlike . the there were cnes or "steam roller", goodly number of tnends and rela-jj, Ht.r veil wj that om hv her oiun s. lie is tnereiore the most sand your tracts", cnoo-cnoo" ana lives, alter wnicn nis Dooy was inter- 1i:ntUeT a herS uarna 'e IKr onlr logical man to onng iorward this oiner simiier expressions. ea m ureeniawn cemetery. i.rnimeni wh -i b;iutiful levalier th proposal, it this proposal were to be Mr. Hope Peck told the board brought forward at all. if He leaves to mourn his death a de-ifj 0f t)? She earned 1 . 1 1 11 .1 T " f ' 111- i'l aspnait could ne pot down on west voted wne, nine cunuren, iweive ;show?r b.e.iofet of hh-H o" the aller Depot street he certainly thought '.he grand children, a host of frk'nrl and;anj Xorth -Carolina nagtioiia. Th sNellie Bly" is Jailed. j holes on Church stret might at least relatives. . ? irocesion wa tollow ed "bv !i New York, June 26. "Nellie Blv" mied ith cinders- - Members of the He was a soldier in ti e Civil War. I(.!ene iu,rn and Anna" I Vtrrwn. in private life Mrs. Elizabeth . Sea- Doam assure(1 '-ur- f ecK l.aai rcn volunteering wun tne a -year-om ; who auht up the riblr and street woud nave immediate atten-poys. un the nlarria-e nartv about t:e al- Kev. C. A. Btowh will preach at Concordia E. L. Church the ntth Sun- man, one time mtprl frnvpllpy nnr newspaper woman and now owner of ,tion and also Pointed out the fact the bankrupt Iron Clad -manufactur- rnac tne Property owners were panng ing company, of Brooklyn, wao sen- th expense of the asphalt on West fenced by United States Judge Mayer DePt -street. of Brooklyn today to a term of 20 Mr. A. M. Faart asked the board davs in jail and to pay a fine of $3,- if anybody ever heard of . Franklin A stay was granted to July 1. Avenue? "We den't ask vou to do by Mr. John W. Cook, who is now putting in a stock ol groceries. The new bleachery is nearly com nleted, and work on the new mill is beins: nushed A porch has been built to the build ing occupied by the meat market, post office and barber shop, and now we can wait for No. 12 with some com fort. " There was a considerable crusade aaginst dogs here last week, on ac count of the appearance of a mad dog "on the streets one day, and as a, result many of the canines whieh had been out, and therefore exposed, were killeL Fruit and vegetables are plentiful Mrs. Seaman was found guilty of any work down there but do ask yoa contempt of court in connection with to let it alone. I have been living a creditors inquiry begun after a fed- there thirteen vears and every vear eral judge in Brooklyn declared .the. the street is torn up for something orj Iron Clad Manufacturing company other," declared Mr. Faggart. j DanKrupt. up the marriage partv atwiJ t:.e tar. . 1 Fol low in i' the eererfionv a r"rat day. June 30tb. wa3 served to the ompa:n. Miss Lula Brown rent to the Srrte. ihe de la won a lure eirle of Normal last Monday io take lU tT& fri,.n), in Srth Car.,hna. parnVj months social teacher training arjv at Hiek'rv where fr to -vear f-course. 1. hn tma Uph t tm .cr rtf v-wai mu " " ' ' and expression in Ler.ur ol!e. The Lawn Party Tonight at Lutheran - ,ru. and are of a better grade than we r'r- JL' rarsonage. ( in iolr Toiie-e. TieChiidren s Missionary S-iety Ieanan- an.I j. pilar -a, f'Vt. James Lutheran Church, will ti10v trill '..1 r,t K.- j serve ice cream ano cake on the lawn !af?er October 1. jot the Lutheran parsonage tonight from G o'clock on. The-e voung re- a in I or ms teacher. Hickory rj- gdt a year ago. r- There is another . automobile in town, Mr. T. P. Moose has a two seat Wlii'ti'nn. wnAU;ni ,1 i.:il i.1 4i m muug ujaviimc, auu &Liii mere are NORTH CAROLINA VOTE Baltimore. June 27. North pie are noted for their activity in ! helpintr the cause of miions, having Cannon & Fetzcr Inaugurate Big t Sale. The Cann-r. Fc-tzer iany an- Carolina will vote seventeen others -whose pulse beat high. Kan- for Wilson, one for Harmon napolis proposes to have the best of and six for Underwood on the" everything that is going. . first ballot. On the second There will be the regular moving picture shows at the Y. M. C. A. Thursday and Friday nights. Four reels, as usual, besides the illustrated songs. H. TTZ rt ITl 7TI ft iTC ballot the delegation will vote solidly for Wilson. & J. B. SHERRILL. Secured the banner for the largest ! nounce in today s z r tl-at they contributions at the missionary eon-j have cut the price one-Lali on every vention held at St.; John's-church last j article in their big store. This an year. They are working with a will ! nouncement carrieji wivh it another, to retain this banner this vear. Come -which will be learned with sorrow by land help them tonight. j everybody in Cabarrus county, and ! that is that the farm is going out ol Misses Margaret Harris and Ida Porter have returned from Spencer, where they have been visiting' Mrs. Samuel Harris. ! I - . Ttjfc . t r A.t it liUJlUCTS. TT SUIT l'f T4l IUC UU. and visit the store, for you will find a large stock of high-class merchan dl from which to make purchases.

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