1 ' ' ""; ; ' ':.: ' .. - : -S- -L-y J-L JL A V . v (1 ))0 ''"IIFPTLL. Editor and Publisher. r II n t in .. 1 ' ;l ' ' J B -..'1-- . - . . - "LJ- 1 S H E D MONDAYS A.-Vp T Tf IT Tf i T ' ,m' XX CONCORD. N. C, THURSOAV ,mv, " " -s?i -.rof AN OVERMAN SAYS THE PLAN WAS A HOAX. tLvkv Investigators Plan pent for xnose uonueraeu m David Lama: 's 1 1 Plan "Gold Brici- Wall Street. Want Lant ech to Explain. - Lamar and . Unford Story of Misrepre, section and Organized Effort ; to jglaeiice Vail .Street Financiers. jrfc't'in. -'uly .'The (Senate Ibv -ifstiir:! planned today t6 .', ,.,.n ,Mic minishment for t. f, vjrniW . . PlaD ' . i. r-l,.mrlT lL ae I ;'U1 , T t i,i, nil I Lamar Miu.iwtc "ici- . 1 1' t . . 1 3 . Hi.--! .1 . ' V 1 ! it I J - v n , " iivi lose V:i(-' truth when -he was. on the tan,i . hclirc no : eomimuee. i i . .:u.. (Jair&ar Overman pam n is piain i . J 1 ' J! J a jioax ana ne uiu !0f lidieve "it ! he necessary to. call jiber Ita'linu- Wall .street lights whose Ue ": Laniar's st?ry . ctorj- of misrepresentation, im-Trtiofiatiinp-nt' public men, and org anized effort to influence Wall, street 1 ..l.K. tiM 4-li Aiif novo ill the' history congressional invest igation, vas 'unfolded yesterday be fore the Senate lobby committee.- A prosperous looking, seli-possess- ed individual, calling himselr David Lamar, of "New York, self-described s an "operator in stocks,", and '.ad mittedly the hearer -of several assum ed names, was the principal in the remarkable session. With entire abandon, arousing the committee to anghter at times hy his naive admis- SlOns, ne 101(1 &)L ms , iuijJei&o.u.nioii, his participation in "attempts to in- 1 TV If i. , . , L JJ Jociation with Edward Lauterbach, t. Voir V.. 'V lmvvpr. in pffrirts in haVA Lauterbach 'retained by the Morgan inn, the Union Pacific, and other :reat interests to head off congres sional a'ctivit'in Washington. . E. FRANCIS BALL TO LEAVE CONCORD. Will be Assistant to Rev. F. M. Os borne, of Charlotte. Other Dnties. At a lueetin-- of the graded sehool ard Tuesday, night -Mr.. F. H. Ball as released from hij; position as head of the Enulish department of the Public II id i School jiore to enable him to accept, work in Charlotte. '' Mr. Ball will he assistant to Rev. I M. Osborne, rector of the Holy Comforter Church in Charlotte,, and 'ill have ehar-i 'of St. Martin's Mis- siotj at Elizabeth Heights. He ; will also be teacher at"the Charlotte Uni vfersity School; " an will be assistant editor or the -Carolina Churchman. Mr. Ball will asume the duties of bis Qw potion at once. ' Mr. Ball has been a teacher in the J school department, of the graded nool here for several years, and has de eseellent work'. His leaving the and the city is a matter of ,re-Fet- ar-l many friends wish him well to the LfW Vrivl.- ha, l,no KflfAV UlrYX As n-eessor to Mr. Ball has not yet ton MeeteH. , Mrs. Robinson's . Party. "tUmany social events that have n j.laee loro recently, none 'have more delightful and more, en- 2 the party given Tuesday "on from 5 to 7 by Mrs. Graham Johnson -in- honor" of' her two, at w&ve -nest.. MiSSes Theresa5 Mc wbins ari Katherine Burt, of Sal b There were three tables of the e anrl "!u' el.lchre and I after The "aife rf,1'es'?lnents were served. iiJU('l was gracefully pre Hr! p?r 1,y.Mr- Warren Moody. hn 'tV11'"1 "guests' were.: Misses Ma - ' AlK'e rown', Ashlyn ary and Adele, Pemberton, RlA?, Saillts Episcopal Church. of tL ' 1 kn-banks, who .was one Epiw,nrt'-'rt('Iol's' in ba-ge.'of the it1 rimrf'h in this , city, will War' 1 111 tliat church,' morn- Hp r ening, Sunday, June 6th. accepted a charge 41 -New v tout- 1 1 1S stopping nere en vk ln- desire to hold se?r- it 1 ttianv f,- , 'nurcii, ana see nis distant T rii 'e --leaving for his invitf-i . rile public is cordially iiu 1 ue reiniiar cou- f-ome out and hear Tt. smitt, !' sli('''idKt, I)r. Z. F. Hig: fell',' TJ1 (;li;rlotte, will be at Cor 5'toft(T ry Store Saturday, July "lt,ss,'r- Difticult and compli ' " 'as specialty. ' MISS COLTRANE War tw , . " u ..- - V : : WATER THIRTY MINUTES. --"vcrience oi xnose in the iioat Accident at Elizabeth City a iew iays Ago. . Mrs. D. B. Colt ran c Has received 4 letter from her daughter, HUsa Elka wlu vuiirane, wno was one of the ywai mai was run iiho uy me steamer Fompano at Eliz- aoem tuy a lew days ago. Miss Col trane gives the following tbrillin particulars of the accident: "It seems more than terrible to think 6f the danger, we wee in and then for all to be saved except two. We had only been out about fifteen minutes, and when we saw this large boat, coming towards us at first we did not realize how close it was. When Mr. Cook did realize how very near we-were he lost his head and turned the wheel the wrong way.. Our boat hit the large boat .' with full force, knocking every seam in the boat apart, and a. hole about, two feet square. Mr. Overman .and Mr. Tom linson jumped for the big boat, and as luck would have it, they, made it. They threw over a large boat and life preservers and ropes. There were only two men on the large boat, ine captain ana the inan at the wheel. In half a minute our boat sank from under, us. The man I was with grabb ed a life preserver for me but I didn't have time fo buckle it on. He held me above water until one, of the other boys, who could swim, came after us. We floated so far a way,, from"' the big boat - (nearly half a . mile) that it took such a long time to get me in. The water was forty feet deep. Don't anyone except those of us who were there realize how very horrible it was. We were in the water .nearly thirty minutes. It took such a long time for the large boat to turn and come towards us, that help from town, hearing our cries for help, got: to us before the large boat could: assist us. I have never seen such a wonderful, crowd of men in all my life. They did font consider themselves for a moment. Everything was done for our comfort. When all our party was rescued we realized that Mr. and Mrs. Cook were gone, but thought, proba bly, a small-boat from town- had picked them up. We were all I horror stricken and had hopes until 1 0 'clock that night, when the strongest search ! lights in the State 1 had been used and they were not to be found. They dragged the river nearly all might and. found their bodies early the next morning Mrs Cook must have chok- ed Mr. Cook to death, as he could swim. When she felt the boat sink ing she called for him and they went down together. When . found their arms wrere up like they had been hold ing each other around the neck." In Regard to Parcel tost Stamps'. Postmaster Buchanan received the following notice Wednesday -from Washington in regard to the parcel post stamp: 1. On and after July 1, 1913, ordin ary postage stamps, including com memorative issues, shall be valid for postage and for insurance and collect-on-delivery fees on" fourth-class mail, and distinctive parcel'; post stamps shall be valid for the collection of unpaid and "short-paid postage on all classes of mail. " 2. '-'Sections 8, 9, 38, (43, 62 and 66, parcel post "regulations, and section 45 of these regulations as amended by order No. 6857, March 28, 1913, are modified accordingly, v ; v 3. ThV issuance " : of parcel post cfnmns and nareel 'post due stamps to postmasters shall be discontinued after the stock noy on nana m uic Bureau of Engraving and printing a PTrhausted. and no additional sup ply of these stamps shall be printed. 1 Basket Picnic at Kannapolis. ! A big basket picnic will take place at 'Kannapolis July 4, given by tlie fraternal orders ot tnat town. In the morning there will be a band concert, boat, toot and reiay races; field drill by W. O, . team. baseball between rLannapom, ixU Charlotte, followed 1 by a basket din ner at Cannon Park. ; . . In the afternoon there win ; ue . j frntpmal Ord- races, granu iau v w ers, exhibition dnli Dy . ; - . 1 r,am simDer and band con- U8WU.,6.Tr:-r, 11Q will cert The fraternal oiucis vv take parts are Woodmen, Junior Red-Merr and Odd Fellows In of rain the programme will be carried t Saturday. Big' Sale at Hoover's. ; Hoover's, the gents' will on Saturday, July 5 begin their July sale.of goods at from . one-third to one-half off the regular j gJ off on all straw hats and one-thd off on clothing. Linen suits and Stetson 11I Ilia nnl v roods not incluaea natS r - . ?' : xJ,r fhi ' this saler In.tms paper u-j in lle-1 A7-ll i" rhich - firm has a blg naiagp r L.it oTmnt tins ereai . : tney leu r . - , . r, CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY. JULY 3 r 1 qi i piciiflT mwm : III BAIHE AlfflV ONE HUNDRED FORM IN BATTLE ARRAY TODAY. They Marched as Near Double Qnick as They Could to a Stone Wall Where Union Forces Stood jf'ifty Years Ago. When The Reached the WaU They were it With Outstretched Arms. Impressive Scene And Many Tears Shed. - One Veteran Died .Today. ' Gettysburg, July X A hundred survivors of Picketv's Brigade car rymg the old flags, formed in Ijat tie array Jhis" afternoon and marched a's near double quick; as they could to a stone wall, where fty years ago stood the Union forees and whpr tA. day the veterans were ' lined. When the Southerners reached the wall thev were met with outstretched arms. Tiie impressive scene caused tears to lw shed by many veterans. George E. Walls, of ' Pennsylvania. a Union veteran, died today. This is the eighth death in camb. MAY ADVERTISE AS 1 - BOOZELESS RESORT. Only One on Atlantic Coast ' Where : " None is Sold. j News and Observer. Stockholders of. the three hotels on Wrightsville Beach held a joint meeting today for the purpose of con sidering the question, of closing for the season in view of the poor and diminishing patronage for which con dition prohibitory laws as to the sale of beer is blamed. The situation was put squarely up to the shareholders' by the managers of the hotels. A. committee was appointed 'to seek advice of counsel in hope that some way. around the prohibition law could be f ound. The attorney held put? f hope, it' has been suggested that the hotels enter an extensive advertising campaign, featuring the fact that Wrightsville Beach is the only resort on the coast where no intoxicants are sold, in the hope to attract those, who cc nnf PflTA fnr fbrpir lintt.lp nf hppr. Qtt 1,0 i,nnn f. this plan. n After the Blind Tigers in Salisbury. The Rowan county court has been doing a big business this week, prin cipally dealing with violators of the prohibition laws. As the result of a number of cases the school fund has nad added to it several hundred dol lars. Baggage Baster Pace, of the Southern, who brought an unchecked grip full of whisky from Richmond to a Salisburyi party, plead guilty and was fined $100 and -tosts. The negro who received the whisky was fined $50. A restaurant keeper named Brown was fined $200 for selling whisky and the go-between, who pur chased it, a young man named Lyons, was fined $50. The white man named Little who tried to shoot, up a west ern train several nights ago was fined $50 in two cases. Violent Storm Thunders Over Ground Where Pickett Charged. Gettysburg, July 2. A raging storm swept down out of the Blue Ridge -plateau of Gettysburg today bringing needed, relief to thousands i-k-P voforpns .in hlnfi and errav who have sweltered for four days in an at mosphere dangerous and a city of 50n 000 old 'and weary men. For more than half an hour the rain came pour ing down upon the sun cracked and wind swept encampment grounas. charged with violent thundering over the ground that Pickett covered m '63. Its slavos of thunder were like the booming guns of Meade and Lee but tlie thermometer dropped with wonderful agility, and the lightning cleared the air of its, burden of hu midity. '.'- Ball Team to Go to Monroe. A ood crowd will go from here to Monroe for the 4th, and one of the f iht. Vlav will oe the baU game which -has been arrang ed r between Monroe a,nd .Concord. Monror has gathered a crowd of good ball players together, while the boys Here trill be represented by the best in town. Graham will the hurl tf fnr Poncord. -And Morrow, 111 Si BlUMI! . j - ... T the Davidson College t wirier, wilUe lue .7 ar. v, ;"fAF Monroe: The on vne muis contest promises to be interesting and exciting from' the - starf.' Mobilization of Romanian Troops Rnrpst- July 3. Roumama has ordered the mobilization of all troops, VHratins - ' that she may-join .naT ,-Rwarla:; aom - T H URS D MARRIAGE IN MT. PLEASA?T Miss Earn Weih Becomes the Bride of Mr. Roy Webster. :Mt. Pleasant, July 3.Marrie4 Ut ntght at 10 oVIocfc at the home of the bride, Mis Elma Welsh and Mr. Koy Webster, Hev. . A. floodmaa officiating. This is the mp!e Morv ofa very quiet home wedding, but it 9 the eulminat ion of a prettv rotn ante and carrie itb it a genuine Burprise for the friend of these pcj nlar young people. Thirty minutes before the ceremony a few nearby friends were invited to the home of Miss Welsh where promptly on the hour the word were pronounced that joined the fortunes of two livefc. r The bride is one of Mt, Pleasant most sucxessf ul and popular young ladies, the daughter of Ms. M. E. Welsbr Mr. Webster, formerly a member of the faculty of the 'Col legiate Institute, is a young lawyer of GalTiiey, S. (V, and is fast rising in b; profession. Mr. and Mrs. Webster arr 'xpect ing to leave for their home inTraiT- ney. S. (, todavv ! , ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. Miss Elizabeth Parker and G. D. B. Reynolds, of Albemarle, to Wed. Albemarle, July 3. This inorninjr from 10 to 12 o'clock Misses Esther and Cordie Parker delightfully en tertained at their beautiful home on Korth street a number f rieuds in honor Miss Laura Ridenhour and Hrs. T. D. Manlss, ofl Concord, After an interesting game of progressive, heart dice, several instrumental selections were played by Miss RidenhourrAs she began to play a wedding march, little Miss Mildred Parker entered the parlor with two hearts suspended from a silver arrow, announcing the engagement of Miss Elizabeth Parker and G. D: B. Reynolds, after which a delightful salad course was servecL-' Still Collecting for Rowan School j -' Fund. ' -Salisbury, July 2. The indications are that if Sheriff 3IeKenzie keeps on ieizing ' liquor, and bringing indict ments a gainst iiquox dealers . tha t t he County School Board will have mon ey to loan. Almost every day recent ly several hundred dollars have been added to the school fund through the offices of Judge Theo. F. Kluttz of the County Court, and the working force of the sheriff. The last to pay over heavy fines were Messrs. Teeter & Gambel, of the Southern Hotel, each handing over $250 for violations of the State laws. . l Other Numbers Unlucky Besides 13. Raleigh, July 3. Because the orig inal number, thirteen, caused bad luck, John F. Owens, a rural carrier, of Wilson county, has been forward ed a new number for his motorcycle. Owens wrote the Secretary of State that on his first day with his new number he lost thirteen dollars and the next day knocked off thirteen indies-of his skin. : H , Dr. F. O. Rogers to Return Here. A message was received this morn ing from Dr. Frank O. Roger-, stat ing that he would return to Concord the 10th inst., to live. Dr. Rjgers mov ed to Texas about, three years ago, and later moved from there to little Rock, Ark., where he has been look ing after his numerous business in terests. Dr. Rogers had a large prac tice here before be moved, being one of the town's leading physicians, and the news of hia , return will be gladly received by his many friends. " 1 Turkey May Again Get Into Balkan ' t ' WaTi , Constantinople, July 3. The gov ernment- has notified the Powers that she reserves the right to act in her own interest in the event of war in Macedonia, irrespective of the-peace agreement made in London. 1 his is taken to mean that Turkey may get into Balkan war if fighting among the allies continues. City Manufactures Ice For Poor. Cincinnato; O., July 3. The city of Cincinnati went into the manufacture of ice today, relieving the suffering of thousands who are unable to get ice on account of the strike. The city is employing the engineers 1 who struek. War to be Formally Declared Tonight. Belgrade, Servia, July 3. King Peter and premier" of Servia left this afternoon to join the army at the frontier. War will be formally de clared against Bulgaria tonight. Mrs. W. J. Riidge, and Mis sPat Adams, who have been visiting at the home of Dr. W. C. Houston, will leave Saturday for their home in Mon- roe. Dr. and Mrs. Houston will ac- company them, home to attend their family reunion. SOEfPEX USE OF IMLl CHARGES HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE WILL ALSO HAVE INQUIRY, (Caiman Henry Saw Chalnnaii Or ernan of the Senate Cesnittet And Snxgested That a Joint la qniry Be Arraxx ed and tht Latter Said He Thonxht It Can Be Arraa. eiMay Qare Special Attorney to Cross-Examine. Washington. July X The Uwu?i Rules Committee plans a tirpiui: prcbe of the Mulhall charge. Four resolution are lefore it and it U ex ited that the committee on next Tuesday will report ' one. 1 1 is err tain to jMigji. VN.'tnnan Jlenry ksw ChainnanOveriran. of the Aenat committee, and 'VugeMel a joint in- quiry. Senator Overman aid he thought it could be arraneil. The House inquiry may have a special at torney himl foi crosvs-examinatiou. .When the Senate committee met a telegram was reiverfrutn Mr. laut erbach saying it waj irupoMble for hifn to be present Mor? Tuesday. Chairmaif Overman is not certain he will recall hirii. saying it i apimrent that the Lamar stor is a witx. Harry B. Martin, of the Anti-Trust laue, was a witness today. It is reported that Lamar will be punished under the New iYorklaw forbidding the circula tion of false information. . Martin said those who testified against the Steel Trust in tbe'llottse investigation would be procuted by the trust. . C COMMISSION MEETS IN I RALEIGH JUL 16. At Meeting All s Proposed An end -ments Which Passed Second Read ing Will Be Taken Up. Morehead City, July 2. Aftef a session 'of eight days,-1 he. commissioa on constitutional amendments, ad journed to meet in Raleigh, July 1G, and take up all measures which iiave passed their second reading, i ' . These are the following: Vletopow er for governor, a new system of taxation, allowing, classification of subjects of taxation, and separation of sources of revenue,' allowing inter mediate appellate courts between Su preme and Superior courts, and en abling Superior couri j judges to ride smaller circuits; preventing passage of certain local special and private acts by. legislature; initiative imd referendum; increase pay for legisla tors; allowing Bible reading in pub lis schools; striking out thev word re bellion; prohibiting formation of cor porations by special act; taking away homestead from single man who has no member of his family dependent upon him; allowing legislature to ap propriate fines in recorder's courts t6 city schools; compulsory school term of six months; abolishing poll tax as precedent condition o voting elector and decreasing residue of from two to one year.- Pool Rooms Breeding Places of Vice. Atlanta, July 3. 1 bat the puDiic pool rooms of Atlanta, usually run in connection with saloons, though not always, are breeding places af rice and crime, and that they ought lo be closed, is declared in the presept report of the Fulton county grand The specine recommenaation ia (taf all tlPPIISPS for nnblie nool rooms . W 47 he not renewed when the present ones expire. r It is charged that minors are per mitted in 4 he pool rooms, and that young boys who ought to be at work idle away' their time there in evil companionship, ' smoting ; cigarettes ind virtnally gambling. r Negro Porter Has Smallpox on Train. Kinston, July 2. Richard Weath erington, a colored porter on an after noon Norfolk Southern; passenger train lecame ill with smallpox while making the run from Goldsboro to Beaufort and upon arriving at New bern was relieved from duty and ent( to! a sanatorium, where his case was diagnosed. Weatherington has been riding in a chair car, the passengers unconscious of the nature of his maL ady. The officials of the railroad were notified by the health authori ties to discontinue the use of the ear until it was fumigated. - . Mr. James Wood, son ot Mrs. Dan iel Isenhour, who has been in Cali fornia for several months, retnrned to Concord last Sunday. . I Mr. Geo. W. Best returned last night from a trip to Kentucky. He say& it is much hotter in -that State than here. - i BtmOLAE IK J0, $ j" r ! Mr. J Codt HIjxu al l&Uxin, Ali3rrUf.attmje4 u WiW'tU hok ftf Mr. twi. mh4a Mr. IL T. 2tjpH . imrt aWi A Eule frvca Cfefd $m.tl VewShy. bnr rtvJ. thi irn!b;Wt cW " VWk, 'Mr ; 1W4 pntsif4ip rl?i'-' ' hi M, a4 tle"n'Vwn-ffrei!-rTrU ' ptrripitately fied, " Mr. (Vok Kad p mit i'-f-hi eHildrm. U a 4W.r boar "Uer. ', IU mat fier' " want, atxi irri hy a fei in the lull. T! t ha.Ur, U l,?v Mr.rMV ttr, ealloj u 'tm til! r f m.i!4 ht, . tnUad ui Wiov Mr. fr! UtV Uwrfsn. whrrtf. re th hstfUr ftl at him. batlr! mtnt tbroti;b "tie window ui a i an,(hr Ml Sa th ttm where two ri.il. Irrn met Wjiftr, Mr. Cmb rtumrtl the ftrr with hi gun, .the itiad' ti...ms: it. 4ijfrcJ:ati Italteriujr into a thaard pwve tl mirror of m burt-an t aiidin nrar ttV window. The intruder 'by tht ti?i had enough of the duel, and innid ut of the ititl,ii and rt,,l. t eu. riel tlie curtain with him he rrt, uiul nut ui th and thU ma later fl varu. !Th it?an Kit ti-l.f -1.1... W yards thi nionun-. !.n tlr trail wa-i lot. He wa larrf4M4eiv and hs foot j . larvt and fUi. Tim is no other clue a to hU identity. Mr. CHii. did nt'tni. 4:iMl.in;r fmsa his homer and h- ihmU "the burglar had jufct i entered when- hU treene wajs diveretl. ''' 'I,,-- BAD FIGHT 0CCUR3 IN HOTEL AT GETTYSBURG. Union Veteran Restated Abnsa Heap. " ed on Iincoln, Fight Began, Serta Men Subbed. Gettysburg, Pa., July' i Seren men were stabbed tonight In 1 a ftgbt in the dining-rom of the GeUykbaix hotel as 1 re alt of a fight which started when several men armu-ed the anger of an old veteran in blue by abusing Lincoln. leveral of tbo wounded men are in a serious condi tion at the Pennsylvania Mat hi pitaK' 1 - ' :. . ; According- .to all the information the authoriticji cvuM gather the tight started suddenly .and wa . ovtr in a few minutei. It began shortly before 7 o'clock, when the dining nra w a full of people, and caused panic among the cores of guct. The vet cran who wa unhurt and diiappeared ". in the melee waA ittinj near Karbor and Carroll, when he heard (he ilight ing remark about Lincoln. He jumped to his feet and began to de- 1 fend thr martryed President and t ratel hi.H detractor.) U The men who werethbed, accord ing to the information the surgeon gathered jumped to the defense! of the veteran when the others closed iii. Knives were but in a wwond anl the room was thrown into an up- , roar. All was over before the rest of the men could get their breath and f the men responiible for it all bad fled. 1 Tlhe fight spurred tlie medical men again tonight to an effort to have the Gettysburg saloons eloer during the remainder of the celebration. MOTORCYCLE CONTEST At the Woodmen Picnic Friday.-i-i Three Prizes to be Given. I The Wocxlmen have arranged to have a motoreycle eontet at the pic nic at the Sims grove Friday, July 4, which promises to be one of the beat attraction of the many attractions on that big day. j The content will be en to riders in the county, and several have al ready entered. The race will be for one mile beginning at Mr. J. P. Mor rison a place and coming this way. The line will have; police protection and there will be no danger that any one will get hurt. The following wilt be the prizes: 1 1st PrizeMotorcylft ait, given by Hoover'. - 2nd prize Piece of f omit are, giv en by Bell & Harm Furniture Co. 3rd "prize Soda tickef, Vven by fiibon Drag Store. ! THE WHITE HOUSE WEDDI2G It is ExpecUd that Miss Joule WU son Will Be Married November 15 or 22. ( '. ' ( Washington, July 3.-It 1 xieeted that Miss Jeie Wibn wedding will be on J November 15th or 22d, it was unofnjially stated today. It will be in the Eat room of the White House with extremely simple ee re monies. She has been engaged to Francis Ifowe, of SayTe, Lancaster,, Pa., since October, but kept the secret at the President "? Tefues. Attention is called to the. fact that we charge five cents a line for re--lutions . of reject, card of thank, rhituarie an MT-ilar notices. j i. . ? 1

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