a "- . " " ' ""'" in ill mi I 1 1 1 1 'm Mini m- rw m 1 1 . .n , , ,., , .. . , . . . .. " ' - " SHERRILL. Editor and Publisher. 7. n . I : ;, y . --C , . --r V A A N-D THURSDAY 3. i'! m v., n ... t, a . T Y I 2fc I .... i , .. w - ' .aw I. It ODELL RETURNS I f SPECIAL. AGENT OF DEPART OF COMMERCE AT HOME. r,nx After Spending . a Year in Foreign Markets Studying Trade vnlitions For the Benefit of Amer- VU" -, Cotton Manufacturers. ViS- Bed Many Trade Centers And Studied Conditions. Will . Leave Uprt Week on Trip South to Meet w v -ith Mill Men and Boards of Trade to Discuss Conditions. Will Connected With the Depart ment at Washington. . - - . : "jr. Kalpli M. Odell, special agent i xo. Department of Commerce, ar rived Saturday from Washington nd will spend the holidays here with jii5 lainer, uvu. . iv. uuch, : . ; v iJr. Odell has recently returned from a stay of two years abroad in the interest of the Department of Commerce. The purpose of Mr. OeD's visit to foreign countries was to study trade conditions of special interest to cotton goods manutactur ers and exporters and to furnish re ports to the departmeni for the pur- . i-i'i . ii pose of aisiriDuiion t among ine American manufacturers. Mr. Odell went abroad for the de partment in October, 1912, going to issyria and. thence to the Souhan. After remaining at these places for about six weeks Mr. Odell went to vden. Arabia. This is one of the most important points " for . the dis tribution of cotton goods for the Red Sea district. " Mr. Odell reports that the American manufacturers pre dominate in the trade there and that the largest part of the goods are the 2Tay poods, manufactured chiefly by the eriton mills in North "Carolina. ' After leaving Ayden Mr. Odell went to Abyssinia, British East Af rica, Uncandi, Zansibar, German East Africa, Portuguese East Africa and South Africa. Mr. Odell'spent from six weeks to a month in each of the above place with the exception of South Africa, where he spent the tbiee last months of his stay. Mr. Odell will be in 'Concord until December 29th when he will leave on a trip South in the interest of the department. He will meet the man afactnrers and discuss trade condi tions with the Chamber, of Commerce in various Southern cities. , Mr. Odell will carry samples of the goods used in the manufacturers and show the Ameriean mill men the kind of goods their competitors are sendins: to the "port trade centers. His itinerary 'ill inclnde visits to North' and South Carolina. Georgia, Alabama and Lou isana.. lie will visit a number of principal cities, including Memphis, Xew - Orleans, Nashville, New ' York, tostuv Fall River, New Bedford, towcll, I'rovidenee, New York and Philadelphia, At the conclusion of these visits Mr. Odell -will o to Washington and be connected with the Department of Commerce there. Dog Show Opens in Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, Pa,, Dec. 22. The an nuatrneh show under the auspices ? the Associated Specialty Clubs of .Pittsburgh opened in the old- City flail today 'and will be continued over tomorrow Tn ih i?aotv nnd hisrh quality of - 111 I 111. 11 i k. u v 1 the entries the show has npveri.Wn equalled in this city. Amonir the1 classes that are particu wl.v'woll tilled are the collies, bull d(' i'nd Hoston erriers. The toy spanifls and other of the small va riffies ,.f the canine kingdom also wf-H represented.. The judging of dibits and award of prizes be- t,his morning and will be con-tinui-d.'-until the show closes tomor row Li'.'ht. . Harness Plant Increases Capacity. Mr. A r j i niA TTill .Route if -LJtllt, UJ JIUIU. JLJ.ii -as a Concord visitor Saturday. Mr has the distinction of being 4 Iinrt i n n ... TTa !iv es m Cabarrus, attends church m ROM TRIP ABROAD and gets his mail in Rowan. have Been entering other North Caro !n ahlitinn fft-Mr. Lentz rtrtoa f hp. tast few weeks, ine s iKaged in the manufacturing of . b wag neatly done and tbe onlF evi ;wrnew and has established a good J - discovered were not ot a na b, rir. . incss in thic i;r,a TTft rrroakes a . ' ' AlUl vi - I ' ' "Pecialty of durable, wagon harness w when his pl:nt is going at foil H turns out 10 sets a week: p ls planning to increase the capaci l has secured an additional man tor the harness works for the coming J p. J. A. Furr left Sunday for the n-esbyteriaa Hospital in Charlotte, w "ave an operation performed. He aB omtaniPn hv Dr. Caldwell. JOHN B. McALLISTEE LANDS POSTOFFlbE. Representative Doughtoa Recom mends Former Register of Deeds for Postmaster at Mount Pleas ant." , Con K. L. Don Mil tin 'ira recommended the appointment of Mr. John B. McAllister as postmaster ?t Mount Pleasant. .Mr..- McAllister Wn!f nu 3oabt, be appointed. The recommendation of Mr. McAl lister ends a spirited but bv no means bitter contestfor the nosition of postmaster at Mount Pleasant. Seven -uuuiuaics biooa me, examination. The successful appointee and two oth ers made the highest grades and, un- uer ine rules of the civil service, the uppoimment was made from ih three highest. . The appointment of Mr. McAllis ter -will Jbe received with satisfaction by the patrons of the office and rati fication by his friends. He is one of the most loyal workers in the Dem ocratic ranks in Cabarrus and has given liberally of his time and means to further the interests of his partv in ims couniy. ivs a citizen he ranks in high esteem and is in every way capable of handling the affairs of the office. It is understood that the office in Mount Pleasant will be moved into the new store building now. under construction by the Mount Pleasant Mercantile Company. BOX SUPPER. Patrons and Pupils of McGraw School Enjoy. Pleasant Evening. T The teacher, Miss Jewel Deal, and patrons of McGraw School, in No. 11 ownship, gave a box supper Friday evening, uecember ay. Aoout zu boxes and six cakes were contributed. Several contests -were entered into, which created much interest. One was a guessing contest. A certain kind of seed was put in a cake, which was presented to the person who guessed correctly. Miss Mamie Bonds was the winner. ' . . ' ' t The other was a voting, contest for tlie prettiest girl present;. - The names of four young ladies were -f entered, Misses Effie ' Litaker,. Margie Cline, Pearl Litaker . and Nannie Litaker. Miss Pearl Litaker was the winner of this cake, being followed closely by the others. County Superintendent Lippard had been invited to attend this sup per, but owing to pressing business, he could not be present.' However, he was remembered " and a box sent to him the following day. We wish to thank our friends, es pecially of the school, for their help given us. The sum realized was nearly $40, which will be used for the benefit of the school room. ONE PRESENT. DEGRADED AND HANGED. Zapata in Circular Thus Disposes of Huerta and Blanket With Shoot ing For Rest of Cabinet. Mexico City, Dec. 20. The traitors, Huerta and Blanquet, after a very short process, will be " publicly .de graded and hanged from the balconies of the National Palace as a warning to all. The rest of the cabinet will be shot after being judged." Such is the sentenced passed by Emiliano Zapata in a circular, dated Mila Alta, December 16, which ap peared in the capital tonight. , It was addressed to the inhabitants of the city of Mexico. Zapata says that at a war council it was resolved to take the city by fire and sword'. "on a day which tor the better success of the assault is to be unkonwn until the moment the fiht begins Yeggmen Make Haul kt Mt.Gilead Office. Mt. Gilead, Dec. 21. Burglars .en tered the postoffice here some time Saturday night and stole $700 worth of stamps and $300 m cash The bur-lary - was discovered early this mo'rning when the office was opened, and was supposed to, have been com mitted some time between midnight tod4odockinitheW..M So far there is aosoiuieij h the marauders were, but it the maraude w x.i:ta- thftv are the same who 18 UCUCtvu , ture to lead to an identity, oi parties. '- : - ' : tLj The Schmidt TriaL . . New York. Dec. 22. AUenists u-ere Called today in defense ofBans qehmidt The State fought their tes Imoy on the ground that the m?r timony u .g shammiIlg B$ Tomb3 insamijr. fl-of TTTifnpiss cross .physician, , confession was uhj eraminea . . CONCORD, N. C, MONDAY, CUlfflCYWBr TONIGHT EXPECTED LEGISLATIVE WAY GBEASED FOE SPEEDY ACTION. Conferees Meet This Mcmuis to Put Final Action on Bill After a Ses- Sion Lastin? Till i n.iA.v. rvi Morning. Leaders Hope to TLash Report Through by Late This Af ternoon. It is Expected That the President Will Sign at Once. Washington, ; Dec 22.4-The Legis lative way was greased fcr speedy ac tion in the Senate and I: ouse on the currency conference reports. The conference. conferees mej this morn ing to put the final touches on the compromise bill, after a session last- ling until 3 o'clock this morning. The leaders noped to suspend rules and rush the conferees' report thrombi hv late this afternoon. It is exveoleA inai ine President will sign at once, as he hag been kept in tonch with U,a changes made by the conferees and is well aware what the bill contains. inere is expected to be a bitter fiM by western Senators aaginst the con ferees' action eliminating guarantee bank deposits. New York, Dec. 22. A new- and healthful impetus to business will re sult from the enactment of the cur rency bill, is the opinion of Samnel Untermeyer, who conducted money trust investigation. He said be re garded the enactment of the currency bill as a great triumph . for popular government. ' " UNION COUNTY HOG. Netted . 727 ; pounds and Cost Its Owner Just $45. ; Monroe, Dec. 20. Mr. G. W. Mont-' gomery, of Buford township, killed a Duroe Jersey hog this week; that was two' earW4 old "that wilj probably compare favorably-with any killed in the State this year. The hog netted 727 pounds and cost Mr. Montgom ery, adcordinng; to a, record he liad kept, just $45 to feed him and fatten and at the market price for pork the day he was butchered, li. per pound would have brought him $83,60. Mr. Montgomery is a progressive farmer. THOUSANDS OF .WILD ANIMALS STARVING. Two Hundred 'Hungry Ones Followed Train Into Texas ; Creek, CoL . Pueblo, Colo., Dec. 22. Two "hun dred hungry antelope, deer andother wild animals ; followed a train into Texas- Creek, Colo., during the last snow storm, according to the conduc tors. Thousands of wild animals are starving, the feeding grounds being covered now. Saunders Given Bad Thrashing. Elizabeth City, Jan. 20. Charles O. Robinson, one of Elizabeth City's prominent citizens, walked into the office of W. O. Saunders, editor ot the Independent, this afternoon, and after a few words with Mr. Saunders, gave him a thrashing, badly bruising his face. Editor Saunders printed an article in last week's issue of the Independ ent concerning ;he street costume of a society lady. -' Mr. Robinson con strued the article to refer to his wife. He asked Mr. Saunders if he had her in mind when he wrote it. Saunders gave him an evasice reply and order ed him out of the office. It was then that Mr. Robinson struck him several times in the face, hitting so rapidly and so hard that Mr. Saunders did not get a chance to return the blows. 12,823,206 Bales Were Ginned During 1913. Washington, Dec. 20. The seventh cotton ginning report of the census bureau for the season," issued at 10 o'clock this morning, announced that 12,923,206 bales of cotton, counting round as half bales, of the growth of 1913 had been gined prior to Decem ber 13, to which date during the past seven years the ginning averaged CO nnr ppnt flf thfi entire crop. Last MPcenioiiii?tmuC r7 to December Id tnere naa Deen vear ginned 12,439,Ub Dales, or pr cent, of the entire crop; in 1911 to that date 13,770,727 bales, or ; SS.5 per cent. ; in 1908 to that date 11, "904,269 bales, or 91.0 per . cent., and in 1906 to that date 11,112,789, or 85.6 per cent. . ' rt . . rc n Remember, we give 500 votes in Pony Contest' for every dollar r paid on subscription to either The Times or JheTribune.; Get your friends and neighbors to paytheir subscrip tions and -et the votes. - :: tf. DECO ilBER 22. 1913. . 7- " .-"g" ' " m II ! IIIWMIMIIW H ll. ' , ,, -- ' I j 7HST0!,i D0ETC3 ATTD t - 1 vtesb APPonrrxD ; ccawen. Loaa xsd Bockcry Wtre dt-nt WiUva tr!ay ct't I hi? Senat tn nan2t'of Vrkzci I). AViatun t wsi!wtnct)t!jurRrv' for tt "ra:cro Irirh far marvhnl lit th eastern flzlntt end,1 Charle A. WM to be irrshiU furs the wetrrn lttrief- - .... eii- created by the rcrEoval of fsi-a - : r i , wv c-II and Dockrj'. It is auburn! lh& tj'is will.be; done. I Senator Overman, however, foilHl to get Mr. Webb in as quickly. He wired Jnd?e FJoyd asking htm to put H ebb in Iyozan's place, and the an swer came that Judsre Uovd had bad! u' OHiCial DOIM' IWVAntl nMOllin telegram from the attorney central. and thct asf it was after office honrs nc.wuma iaite no omciai action until wm not nu ine vancancy in the west nnt 51 4o a jwtnfimiJ V. v c I The apointment of M. W. C. TTnmmo ,.:n k jii j Christmas, but -both Senator, Over- man and Siminon think that Mr. HfeRimi.M.I.;ll .-J.. II. iiamier ' TITT! ORTlTrR. nP ttpbttoo tthT.n a nmrnrrtn,r MUMJ. r- vv,UWfl. Express Ofiice Is Swarmed With Peo- pla Wanting Liquor Refresh - ments. ! The Ancjent Order of Tipplers held a convention jat the express office Sat urday afternoon and evening. From many points they came to attend the gathering an4 the result was that the office was - packed -and jammed with members awaiting their turn to fond ly embrace !a: gallon of John Barlcv corn. . . ' i - ' 'As these pass out, let others fol low," Avas tlie order ofAgent Bus bcey, wha deHYercd the wet goods to uie ; followers ot Dacchusr Ten .and twenty deep j they stood in line for a time to await- their turn to be served. i . Joe!. Red j Eye Red Nose," the agent would call, picking: up a pack- a?e- , : ,! I " . - : "Here," would come a response from Red Nofveback in thejerowd and he would wedge his way to the book and register, j "Mr. Delirious Tremens.' ' " Present,' ? j Mr. Delirium would call out and put his John Hancock on. the book. n ,. "Mr. Jug Snakebite.!" " "Hee,,, answered Snakey, as he turkey trotted to the book. And thus the convention proceeded. One hundred and thirty gallons were received during the day. Notorious Yeggman Again Under Ar '. J - rest. ...': Spartanburg, S. C, Dec. 20. Wil liam McKinley, alias "Dayton Scot ty," a ontorious yeggman known to the police of the country as the lead ef of the Nolan-McKinley gang of safe tf. ackers, who was paroled by Gov. Blase ; oh November 27, after serving, a part of a 10 year term in the South Carolina penitentiary for blowing a safe in a store at Mont morenci, S.' C, on Dec. 16, 1902, wa3 arrested here today accused of break ing into a store at Moore, S. C, on the night of December 10. McKinley Defore being tried for blowing of the safe at Montmorenci Lad just completed a five-year term in the federal prison at Atlanta, where, he was sent for crackinjr a postoffice safe n thi State after be ing arrested in Columbia by postoffice inspectors. ! Christmas for the Bluejackets. New York, Dee. 22 The five thous and officers and men aboard the four United States battleships now in port are looking; forward to a merry Christmas, i The -battleships are the Utah, Florida and Arkansas and the flagship Wyoming. Nearly $200,000 has been dealt out to the officers and men by the paymasters and from this huge sum the men are making liberal contributions for the Christmas spreads. Six and ei-ht course menus will ho tht nrpr fVr tfik fThrtctmna dinners aboard the ships. In the meantime the bluejackets are enjoy ing liberal shore leave. . Daring the entire week all but absolutely neces sary: work, will be dispensed with on the ships. VH ' - , All the cotton mills of the city closed Saturday for a week, with the exception of the Locke MilL The Locke Mill will close tomorrow even ing. I Many of the operatives are tak ing advantage of the holidays by out- ing trips and visits. Monday.. Meantime, he said, he was rebel are reported to b in imses wnting Senator Overman fully. sion of aU the country around Tarn- It is to be inferred that Mr. Webb IE IHPBB ATTACK Oil TAMO six Aimzizx:; Arjinira orri THE POET. Oce Gcnsxa Crzi:er is Ca tozu There. Eett Is parted t E la Posscxiica cf all tu Cccitry Arouad, And Have Ecjra to Ad vxec ca the Tcwa. Villa Sijt There WiU Ee No Here LooUt at Ccaiscatioa of Property. Ik m - Mcitco ttty, IVc. 22. Aa 12:134 in rrneed attack on Tacamro i - . f . I rti ml Jirr a.. are off tic iort and the German rruL r Bremen i in vnnr on tn t LsiTklT? .TT "v 111 utr idling or connsca. 5, -OT"!!.-" ?"fk"' . B 1" "1-"tru'c"' "": 1BO UPCU MV HO Did publ.dy executed .ix rcbeU eau-ht iwhuk us an example, ice pro I est uy lDC nuca Elates airamst the con- fi...i: t' . I . "CB"on V1 panisn property u Ue- uieved to have caused tb order. learned from a semi-official source 1 tna prominent business men of the I republic pLin to ask Huerta to get out by January 1, as k is the only thing that can avert a . complete fin ancial wreck in Mexico. GETS TWO YEARS FOR " SELLING COOAHOL Charley Scott Sentenced to the Roads For Selling Cocaine to John Koonce. i Charlev Scott, colored, was nrrit. td Saturilav . charged with selling co- came. iie-wns iiiLti bi lUC'liOlica court this morning. John Koonce, colored, was the chief witness for the! State. ' Koonce .testified that he pur- Scott. The sale was witnessed by Po liceman Eudy, who hid behind an au tomobile and watched the delivery. A package was also found on Scott when he was arrested. Scott was sentenced to two years on the roads. It is the" opinion in police circles that Scott was a?ent . for persons "higher up" in the cocaine traffic in Concord. , The Litaker Public Schooh The new Litaker school bouse was built in the fall of 1901. It is loccted two miles south of Concord, in No. 11 township. It is a school that is called a one teacher school, but from the amount of work being accomplished it would make one think that there dere two teachers at this school. A number of people in this community have always been interested in this school, but this year is seems that everyone is working and the school is an univer sal community interest. The schoolhouse is. located at a beautiful place, the grounds afford ample room for the children to play. The faithful work of teacher and patron have brought a!xmt-,sonie changes. The floor has been oiled, the desks re-arranged and painted, (he inside of the school house re painted, curtains and shades are at the windows, pictures adorn the walls. A box supper was held last Friday right' and the proceeds 'amply covered all expenses of painting, ete. u 7, . ' i , r,c. knAr ed bv teacher and students on lat Friday' night has. brought up the question of placing an organ in this school. We trust that this maybe done in the near future. A number of Concord's best : eiti? zens claim No. 11 as their old home. and they will be glad to know that 'it is making progress along school and progress agriculture lines with the O. her town ships of the county. Z. Saturday's Business. Saturday was a great day for bus iness in Concord. From early morn to late at night the streets "were crowded with shoppers and the stores were filled. Christmas presents that adorned the shelves were taken down, wrapped and sold at a rate that caused satisfaction to the purchaser and delight to the merchants.. Peo ple who have been engaged in busi ness here for years report that Sat urday's sales were among the largest ' enjoyed by the merchants jux years. See the new ad. of Mathews Stu dio in today's paper. $UiU CUzk Ztxsm tut a -1 V'' Jr. - I I':ratrr IWU 1 tsis csiiHif . A i that th m isdtn- ilt arlr' Sassrillr the rrripln arr KAVtrf Ml tk M oi "ftalliB- et' tiW rail at4 ra. rJirra tie Krurr, Ktrrl other -cleta ."' Tfcr tmmty :m4kr partmmt it a!a batdhcj- Urtr urne of buRft. Th parrH t rrguUtkni rtrsir that the name f tW irixirr 1 ir A . cd on the jiaekapp. PtMM4rr lth ftanaa tt aniicma tlat the noha note of this reruUticn ta ordrr r avoid delay in malt? the aia ready for tW mail. Another riraetie that if il r. etived with favor it that f iJart IM Crow Heal cm a Ultet ta tlmm rroiimicity to the jal aUmrv 71 rwtal department rniuent that tlr wall b plaerd on the bek of let tcm. In order to handle :tb tmtmriui iChritmaa Day the poftofce iU open from h:.TO a. m. to 9 nd frwa 1210 o 1. , EXERCISES AT JACKSON TRAINING SCHOOL Boys of North Carolina IaiUtctloa ; Fcr Girisx Youths All Opportsnity Ot serves North Carolina Day. North Carolina XHy wa appn(iri atel oWrvod at the Jarimm Train ing Sctool Friday evening. The rier- ciw wen ttUd at th KtngV Daughters' cottage, and in . addition Ho the loy of the Whwd a naKibrr j0f friend of the institution atlrnJed. I nupennteniicnt ro-er o-ned thu. v . . . excrcie hy xpUinrng thm purior of North Carolina Day and r,!roro. ing the visitoru to the fehwd. The exercises consisted of tongw, musical selections, declamation and rcadinjra by the Vanhoy Trio, Henry Crawley, Irby Waldrop, Harrinon Ryrd, Vtwrx Baucom, Willie Kandcrford, Henry Knott, Noswood Howard, Conni Bctts, George Holder. At the ronrlu sion of the programme Mr. IX II. Coltrane made a talk to the boya. Mr. Coltrane'a talk was filled with wordt of wisdom and instrnetton to this itoy and he was given most attentive hear ing. Following Mr. Colt rane' talk Miss Kliilcth Coltrane, upon the invitation of the Rchood, favore! thf audience with the recital of a mm t appropriate. .selection.- The exercises were under the di rtction of Mr. Parker, a member of the facu?y of the chool. The ran rcr in which the boys crformed their task spoke elorjnently of the rare trainirur driven them by Mr. Parker and reflected cmlit upon leae her ttwl student. Several North Carolina PortaaxUra to Draw Mere Pay. Wahin-ton, Dec. 20. The fed Urn in: North Candina toffsre mil be advanced from fourth clan to preiri-. 'dential cla-s January 7, the iwiofBre department announced today: China Grove, Jonelxm, KannM. lis, . Marnhville, Iurfreeboro, Nor wood, I'it(boro,' RoMrmary, Walnut Cove and Zebulon. All t xreul (hica ''nve and Pitcsboro pav nalarii of 1.100 each; they pay -l,(Ki( ea-h. Cotton Gin Destroyed. Monroe, De. 20 Mr. f-Vbern Stack, of Tradcsvillc, S. C, lost bU cotton boujie'and about forty balen of peed cotton by fire this week. Mr. jStaefc. had not ginned any eotton of ihu own but had tored it waiting for a leld gin to come to hi plaee a,?d this was placed iaM Saturday for the purpose of ginning the cotton, bat before operations could begin the Ere destroyed the entire content of the bouse. Big Development Promised for WrUhtsTille Beach. Wilmington, Dec. 20. licach and suburban development at Wilming ton received a decided impetus yes terday with the announcement from the office of King & Seigler, real es Ute brokers that they had purchas ed from the Ocean View Company a mile of beach frontage on the south ern extension of Wrigbtsrille and that this property would at once be taken over for high-class development. ) j ( ...

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