PAGE TWO i i 1 ; x -. --5 THE MAN WHO KNEW SANTA GLAUS BEST I 1:11 J&&M ' ' A : :".:: . V$. Vv.':A.':; mm 4 41 rlfSf! II M I 1 w v i j vfci .- I. ylpj CM' y-i .-: : ? : X',. ?. VISIT FROM ST. NICHOLAS Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be there. The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of' sugarplums danced through their heads; And Mama in her kerchief and I in my cap Had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap; When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I fled like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash; The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below When what to my wondering eyes should appear But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer, With a little old driver so lively and quick I knew in a moment it must be Saint Nick. More rapid than eagles his coursers they came, And he whistled and shouted and called them by name. . f "Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer! and Vixen! On, Comet! on, Cupid! on,Donder and Blitzen! To the top of the porch! To. the top of the wall! Now dash away! dash away! dash away, all!" As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly When they meet with an obstacle mount to the sky, So up to the housetop the coursers they flew, With the sleigh full of toys and Saint Nicholas too. And then in a twinkling I heard on the roof The prancing and pawing of each little hoof As I drew in my head and was turning around, Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound. He was dressed all in furs from his head to his foot, And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot. A bundle of toys he had flung on his back, And he lopked like a peddler just opening his pack; His eyes how they twinkled! His dimples, how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! His droll little mouth was drawn1 up in a bow, And the beard on his chin was as white as the snow; The stump of a pipe Ke held tight in his teeth, And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath; He had a broad face, and a little round belly That shook when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly. He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf, And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself . A wink of his eye and a twist of his head Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread. He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk, And laying his finger aside of his nose . And giving a Qod, up the chimney he rose. He sprang to His sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, And away they all flew like the down of a thistle ; But I heard him exclaim ere he drove out of sight, "Merry Christmas to all, and to ail a good night." . J1 f .v. : CIIRISTMS MIES. SHESfsS FOR THE CIlllDRBl rr.H Unci eirtu by tie tlam tL leader Uany Forms of Umymz&io fcr tfie Uttls Folks' Holiday ' Party. j Dy AOELE UENDLE. j "At Cfertstxnaa pUy and ro&k good ohxr For Christmaa oomca bat ones jmr." AT Chroma, time th dxildrea are bubbling oyer with tb iplrit of the season and the grown , folks thoughts turn to. the little ones fun and amusement at no time more .than at the happy Yule Tide - . . . . , cecals "tea. a emeu bisk A&d we all kxcw the fan of tss3 the forfeits. A Peaawt Rase. At eae ead of the rocra plxs twe bowls of peanuts, and at the opposite a4 two empty bowls. Two chUdrea are each prenrided with a kxdfe and at a signal they place as many peanuts a they can on the blade of the knife, and carry U to the empty bowl with one hand. Depositing the peanut, they return for more. Each child allowed three minute. A score Is kept and the ou- mho has the larg- With a little thought and prepara- 'iest number of peanuts credited to his ition a children's Christmas party name wins the prize, may be made such a Joyous affair that j jr - Puzzle Pictures. Its happy memories will linger with , Pretty pictures taken from maga the young folks for many years- . zines, advertisements and discarded Here are some entertaining games picture books are cut up Into seTeral that will solve a problem for the per- pieces and placed into envelopes. A plezed mother who perhaps is wonder- good idea is to write the same nam ing "What shall I hare the children, ber on the back of the envelope and play at the party V For when she sends her Come to my Christmas party" invitations, she knows that a successful children's party means something more than just "ice cream and cake." all pieces belonging to one puzzle, so that if a piece gets mixed with the others it can be readily returned to its own set. : Each child Is handed a puzzle, and as soon as he succeeds in placing the These games .will appeal to all the pieces in their proper position he is X. 5." children the timid Uttle girl, who is, inclined to shrink In the corner, aa well as the big boy, who usually oc cupies "the center of the stage." Santa Claus' Reins. This game is very exciting. Three pieces of white tape, each about an inch wide, and the length of the room, are held at one end by three children. given credit for it by the score keeper, and receives another puzzle to work with. The one who .succeeds in putting together the. most! pictures in a stated time receives a well earned prize. Snowballs. I This is an amusing game. Snow balls made of cotton batting and cov- Three others are given pairs of scis-1 ere wKh bite tissue paper and a sors and at a signal the players cut the tape in half lengthwise. I The one who first reaches the opposite end of the tape is the winner of that heat The different winners contest until the champion is declared. Boys and girls, you know, love racing competi tions of all kinds and this race is one that probably they never played be fore. Magic Music Although this is a game that per-. haps v the mothers and fathers played: mm J 9 i .1 M 1 ft. ilJ4 j:'. . rairt i pit; i- n 1 1 MMjJ "j." " " ' 1 mniuiim w ii.iih iwwiiwwiinmniniiiiwmn y: 1 M 1 . wxKAxwiet toaeg&t G&tm A J when tljjey . went to kindergarten, it,' still causes much laughter and la al ways successful. One child leaves the room and the. others decide upon something for him to do on his return.- The musician regulates his playing, and the child, must guide his actions according to the loudness or softness of the music It is astonishing what different tasks are accomplished after a little prac tice, and the children's cries of "let me go out next" prove their ment of "Magic Music." Guessfng Holy Berries. For this game the child must put ;on his "thinking cap." Hold a large spray of holly in your hand and al llow the children to look at It for a few minutes. Then tell them to write their . estimate of the number of iholly berries on the branch. You might take a chrysanthemum j also land ask them to guess how many i petals In the flower. Great interest is shown when the petals are counted. A Christmas Doll. ' j The idea of this game is to see who can make the prettiest doll out of a ;long smooth potato, two pieces of ; pretty colored tissue paper, some small sticks for legs and arms, land some pins. - Or if you would rather pass clothes pins and let the children 1 fashion dolls out of them, that will :also answer the purpose. ! Place all the dolls in a row when completed, and have the children vote or their favorite one. You will be surprised' to see what Ingenuous re ! suits the clever little fingers produce. A Noisy Game. ' Yes, it is noisy, but the children have an idea that "the more noise, jthe more fun," and what mother cares ;if "the roof comes down" at a Christ mas party? ; After a child leaves the room, a iproverb is chosen. One word of it lis given to each child. If there are more children than words contained tin the oroverh thon two or mnro rhll. V j jdren are given the same word. When leaaer counts "One, two, three"; At ithe "Three" all the children shout itheir given word. The child must .guess the proverb. -U Santa Claus' Grab Bag. On the invitation state that each i child is to bring something to the lparty that he or she no longer cares for. This article is toh in a npatlv SSlli I ijaPPed and tied parcel, so as to hide lXff I !its Identity.- It is placed in a large on the child's arrival. Each child then draws a present from the ba& :l , 'Uproars of laughter follow the ouen- ing of the packages, which probably will consist of peculiar articles of all sizes and descriptions. - A Christmas Mix-Up. Provide the children with paper and pencil. Give them the following list of words pertaining to Christmas. You see the letters are all twisted. It is their interesting task to straight en them out Ji Key and list: I . . ..-I'''.- 1. Christmas AtschsmrL 2. Reindeer Drierene. ! j 3. Sleigh Ileghs. I - 4. Mistletoe Etlosmtie. ' r 6. HoUy Oylht : - ; 6. Plum Pudding TJplmdpudgnt 17. Santa Claus Asculatsna. ' . 8. Candles Lcdnesa. , 9. Stockings Kosctsign. 10. Jack Frost Kcajtrfso. 11. Wreath Trhwae. 12. Snowball OwnslabL What Santa Claus Doesn't Like. inis is a simple and small basket are required. The play ers stand about eight feet from the basket The one who tosses the most balls into the basket is the prize win ner. Each child might be given three-snowballs to start with. j A Christmas Spider Web. - ! Take as many balls of twine as there are children expected at the. party. To one end of each ball attach ,a: card bearing the child's name and to the other end an inexpensive gift Twist the twine around the different objects in the room. Give each child the twine and card bearing his name. At a signal all begin to' unwind the entangled web. Great is the fun and loud the exclamations when the young people arrive at the end of their string and find a gift awaiting them. , j A Pop Corn Party. . !If you don't mind the "muss," and of course you won't, have a pop corn party. Have the children Bit in a t J. 1 M 1 1 enlov- i !ul-rcit uu m noor ana provide eaca VUJU i 111. 1 . i wnu a uuwi 01 popcorn, a neeaie ana some coarse white thread. Tell them that the one who strings the longest popcorn chain before the time is up will win the prize. Each youngster takes home his own string of-corn. X An Impromptu Entertainment. : .When the children are tired of romp ing, let them sit on the floor in a circle and tell them you are going ;to have an entertainment and that each child must do something to help make it a success. The youngsters will provide a variety of numbers for your impromptu program, from nurs jery rhymes to fancy dancing. Artists. ' . Bring in a good sized blackboard and have the children see who can draw the best Santa Claus. This will afford much pleasure for the little folks. (Copyright, 1912. by W. G. Chapman.) T'W "JO": .: s .: s -s ? I i j'v. JUST REVERSED. : .v-x- Kl!bag, MMthen i v C v. 5 'I s'pose your husband went to the Christmjas dinner dressed to kill fNo; he was -killed to dress." i ; r L A Christmas Stocking. . It Is not always the gift itself, but the way in which it is presented that commends itself, particularly to - the recipient. To the girl who thinks she is too old to hang up her stock ings, send a pair.-of silk stockings, us ing one to fill, and roll up the other and stick it in the foot The rest of the stocking should be filled with in expensive trifles a home-made jabot, tie or collar, a handkerchief, some candy, nuts, raisins, crab apples, a card or a calendar, perhaps some little-kindly hints at her hobbies that will amuse her. Each of these ar ticles should be wrapped separately li j tissue paper and red ribbons, and the excitement of openingthe myste rious small packages will often exceed the pleasure taken in one largo gift that would have cost no more than the numerous small ones. : ; Just a Warning. If you are going to spend the Chrlstr mas holidays , with the famllv f successful your mli nfenn game All the children are seated forget to make the youngster, a ores- ' . , r" uau ikUH exii oi a arum and trumpet. A SANXA. CLAUS RHYME Dy IDA KENNISTON. Pktwrts by Fanny Y. Ccry. Tiia Is the Pack This is t si Tfcat Saau Class brccght at Christ- That earrtod th iva iaax suu CU nlnor ; ft These are the That drew'the Sleigh That carried the Pack That Santa Clans brought at .CfcrUtcai f?AZ& WW iV' 'I AM iht This Is the house Vhere the Reindeer stopped That drew, the Sleigh That carried the Pack That Santa Claus brought at Christ nun. J This Is the Chimney big and wide That Santa Claus climbed down in side .. At the House where the Reindeer ' stopped That drew the Sleigh That carried the Pack That Santa Claus brought at Christmas. 'This is the Hearth, where, all ia row. The stockings hung waltiaj .fcr' Santa, you know; They hung by the Chimney tie wide That Santa Claus climbed dows t side At the House where the Retoto stopped ; That drew the Sleigh That carried the Pack That Santa Claus brought at Or mas. This is the Stocking long and.fine That the little girl hung at the. end of the line There by the Hearth, where, all in a row, : , The stockings hung waiting for Santa, you know; They hung by the -Chimney big and wide That Santa Claus clinfbed down in side At the House where the Reindeer stopped That drew the Sleigh ' That carried the Pack That Santa Claus brought at Christ mas. From St. Nicholas. PRESENTS BOUGHT FOR SHOW -. ' Exploiting One's Own Vanity In Be stowal of Gifts Is Poor Policy. The most miserable Christmas pres ent the kind that no human being Is irich enough to afford, is that which ;is bought to make a show, to exploit one's own vanity. : When you are tempted to buy a "show off" present, remember that the recipient has some rights. One who understands will be made unhappy Iby that kind of gift; You know your self that when you receive a pres ent that represents a great sacrifice on the part of the river if .iir you feel miserable, even when the ngnt spirit is behind It The cost in money is about the poorest of measures for any kind of a gift The thoughtfulness in It the recognition of a desire for things un asked for, the affection that goes with it counts for much more. Every;' Christmas each of us receives a mes sage that means more than the most expensive gift. Yet we forget that sometimes in the perplexing selection of presents for others. Woman's Home Companion. I li Or DIARY FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT Peculiar but Pleasing Remerr.bra Showing Absent Friend Wai ' Mind of Donor. t2X On fhanfesfflvlne day a down and began to write to a (J.'- friend. But he wrote only lines, and laid it aside. Tho cx.-u he took no the nen. DUt down i- "e . date, diary-fashion, and wrote Item of news of interest to both. .. , Christmas he added something letter, as he would in a diary tnir nrtA mollfric it 1llSt ID 1 kV lint 4 , reach his friend on Christen ing. At the top be had wnite- message: . f -This is all the gift you get i me this year; but it carnts thought of you and more love, J i ine, than do some more coat. -I am sending. But Just put it pocket for a dull January day- keep." ! m a And this was a leUer from a to a man! i Damon and Pythias, g and Jonathan stUl live In our..W American business world. tLI&gazIne. v f