QQMIS-Fp MMEp5MDIKl(a, EPT. THE ' GONGORD TIMES, i - - --iMiMMMMMM 1PM,MM,M,WMMWM,.,,jLWMmnMM Wiirr mi iiii HT 'ii i n " B SHERRILL Editor and Publisher. PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS $1,50 a Year. Disc in Advas. J- VOL XL. CONCORD, N. C, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1914, NO. 24 A HG WELCOME AWA11TS ALL WEIO COIVC LLK- TO WTO lOK CM) GAIN ,. NO ADVANTAGE BIG HOME-COMING EDITION ANXIETY INCREASES AS TO RE SULT OF BIG BATTLE. . of Is- Strength of the German Position is Now Realized. It is Admitted - . -o-,-,, vantage Gained bv Xnat XiVAj -t u the British at Terrible Cost is Un-availing.-Tbe Casualty List Will Be Staggering. 100,000 Men Being? Rushed From Belgium to Aid Von Klnck. War Office, However, De clares Situation Favorable. London, Sept. 2L-Anxijr is in creasing here as to the. battle in the north of France which continues with out the Allies being able to gain any appreciable advantage. The strength of the German position is now realiz ed The admission is made that every advantage gained by the British at .,H terrible cost has proven una vailing, with the realization that the ,altv list of the Allies will be Erin. The war office declares that the situation is favorable, al though there has been no decisive re suit. ' 100,000 Men Being Rushed Prom Bel fcinm to Help Germans. London, Sept. '21 It is reported that on account. of. the serious posi tion of the German forces under ben voaKluck, a hundred thousand men are heinj rushed from Belgium to his assistance. The Allies are continu- :u" their effort oi outflanking Gen von Kiuek's forces. The Times Today Consists Twenty-Four Pages. Special sues of Tribune Also. Today The Concord Times issues a special Home-Coming edition of 24 padres, a regular metropolitan paper. This issue contains the following I special articles : anA --t.. it:.---., 1 in velopment,,, by M. H. Caldwell. ' 4 Big Welcome Awaits Former Residents," by G. Ed.4 Kestler. 4 4 What Concord Has." J 4 4 Early Days in Concord," by Mrs. D. L. Bost 4 4 Home- Coming Week, Its Aims and Purposes," by John M. Oglesby. 4 4 History of Cabarrus County," by Miss Mary King. Programme of Home Coming Week. Premiums Offered for Home Coin ing Wee1.:. Also a number of other special ar ticles. The paper will also contain adver isoments from Concord merchants and business as follows : Parks-Belk Co., three pages. Concord Furniture Co., one page. Ritchie Hardware Co., one page. Efirds, one page. H. L. Parks & Co., one page. Hoover's, one page. White-Morrison-Fiowe Co., one page. Cabarrus Drug Co., one halt page. Cabarrus Motor Co., half page. Associated 5, 10 and 25 Cent Store, half page. Fisher's, half page. fitiens Bank and Trust Co., half page. Browns-Cannon Co., halt page. Ivey's, half page. A. F. Hartsell Co., half page. rrovPTi Bros. Furniture and Un dertaking Co., one quarter page The Tribune will issue special, jed- itions i or Tuesday and Wednesday; containing the special articles referr ed to. fORTY WARSHIPS . HAVE BEEN DESTROYED (LAYING CORNER-STONE j OF MT. OLIVET CHURCH GERMANY HAS LOST 22, MORE THAN ALL COMBINED. 1 - The Losses of Warships During the Present War Includes: Germany, 22; England, 10; Austria, 5; Rus sia, 2; Japan, 1. France the Only Country That Has Not Had the Loss of a War Vessel. New York, Sept. 21 Forty war ships have been destroyed since the war started. These losses are known and include: German, 22; Bntisn, 10; Austrian, 5; Russian, 2; Japan, 1. France alone has suffered no losses or war vessels. TWO CHARLOTTE YOUNG PEOPLE KILLED SUNDAY FURTHER ADVANCE OF RUSSIAN ARMY Extra copies of this big paper can Twice Attack With Overwhelming i he iiai for only 5 cents, about the Forces, and 1,000 Prisoners Taken. , cost Gf printing. Send one to each Pctragrad, Sept, 21. The war of-! fice -announces- the further advance .tithe Russian army and a fierce at tack with overwhelming forces. At Duhie'cko on the river San the Rus sians captured a thousand prisoners. The place of supplies, Frezemysl, is now under attack from three differ ent directions. The bombardment is proving effective with forces advanc ing imon the outer fortifications. In Kttinje' the Montenegrin army has i'ceupied the town of Rogikza, in 'Unsnia, and is now within ten miles Serajeve, the capital of the prov ing', which is certain to be cap- of your friends who formerly lived in Cabarrus but now live elsewhere. It will be an invitation for them to come uacii xiumc. COTTON PLEDGED ONE-PIPTH OF CROP WEATHER CONDITIONS IN I FIGHTING ZONE CONTINUES Cold Winds, "Rain and Hail. Spirits of Allied Fighters Good. l.orilon, Sept. 21. The weather eouilitioiis in the fighting zone in the uori-i o! France' continues to grow .wor.T. rh cold winds, rain and ha!, but the spirits of the Allied fighters remain remarkably good, lhe Jrii-ifc-li m -h Hrin line are fighting to Farmers Find That One-Fifth of County Production Is Now Off tne Market. rhnrlott.fi Observer. A the mass meeting of farmers . -. 1 hlrl .n the court nouse yesi-ruaj morning it was ascertained that ap proximately 6,000 bales oi tne cot ton of the county would either be ia w 10 cents a pound by people of the city or held off the market tor this price by -the producers, x meeting was by tar tne most laigc- i.T.f-e. nf the series oi similar assemblages that nave u.eii t several Saturdays past The civil court room was overcrowded ami t -3 aisles were filled with interested far mers who came to .hear the results of the week's campaign that had been conducted all over the -county m ve ..f the buv-a-bale movement. ort that nearly o,vv uai John R. Craig and Miss Christine Maxwell Meet Death in Auto Acci .. dent Near Statesville. Charlotte, Sept . 20. John R. Craijr, a member of the Ed. Mellon ' . . .. i -w r " Company of this city, ana uiss Christine Maxwell, who but recently moved here from Anderson. S. C, were instantly killed here late to- mo-ht. and David Craig, of States- n 7 - - , , ville, and Haywood Mcuaoe, oi tnis ritv. were both paintuliy mjureu when the automobile driven by the killed man ran into a telephone pole npar Croft on the Statesville road. The party was returning froi Statesville, .where , they Bad tal-fn miw-witK "David "CraiS" and- - Wer-r from all acounts traveling at m5 ate of speed when the ucident oc curred. David Craig sunerea many bruises about his head while Hay wood McCabe had his arm broken. Miss Maxwell was 19 years old and a daughter of John D. Maxwell, of Anderson, who has but recently mov- trv this citv. Mr. Craig was a pop- tttoII Vnnwri vouni? man. lie wna to have been married in Novem ber to Miss Marguerite Crittenden, Lr r.rponville. Miss., and the an- V- " ' . i 3 nouncements of the approaenmg wea- din liad been issued but a few days ago. ! In teres tin c Exercises Yesterday. Splendid Church to Be Erected. On Sunday afternoon, SU-njbr 20, a service was held for laying tin corner stone of the new MethodUt Church at Mount Olivet. At 3 uVKek a large eongregation assembled in the present church building. The iastor. Rev. W. T. Albright, had eharge of the service which was begun by sing ing "I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord." The beautiful form of laying the cor ner stone, as given in the Discipline, was used. After hymn No. C57 had been suu . a very appropriate and interesting address was delivered by Uev. iiaroni Turner, of Central Church, Concord. Brother Albright then read a short historical bketch of Mt. Olivet, which was originally called Rogers' Church. This church was organized over a hundred vears ago by an itinerant preacherthe Rev. Mr. Wyric, who was followed by the Rev. David Kiriek. For a number of years, dur ing the war, the church had no preaching. However, in lbbo, me ehurch rallied, and its name' was changed to Mt. Olivet, under the pas torate of Kev. J. I . KUgo, me lamer tiieiuin John C Kikro. The yixii " v ' ' new buildintr, when completed, win be the fourth ehurch erected on or near t lie present site. After singing hymn No. boJ, tne congregation reassembled jusi i;i front of the old building ior me con clusion of the service, lhe corner stone was laid in its proper place by Messrs. John A. Scott, ot Mt. unvei, D. B. Coltrane, of Central Church, Concord, and W. R. Odell, of Forest Hill Church, Concord. Into it were placedthe following articles, viz.: A copy 6 f the Bible, the Discipline, Nashville Christian,. Advocate .Con- cord Tribune, and a list ot me names of the present church members and officers, the building committee, a brief historical sketch ot me cnurcn, and a complete list of its pastors as far as these could be obtained. After si mrimr the Doxology, tne ser vice was brought to a close with the pronouncing ot the benemeuon Rev. Harold Turner. Ti. : iinonimmiK consensus OI J.l !? l"C - DES1UC1II OF THE IBIS CATHEDRAL ! WORK STAETCD OK WHITE WAY Work ta Order to Ii Ca4 1 tU iltr 11 ' mt4 REVOLTING CRIME. SAYSrAj t J ti rtktu PRESIDENT POINCARE. He Sends Forml Protest to the Neutral Nations Against It. Say the German Troops Destroyed it for Their Own Pleasure. An 'Act of Vandalism That Should Arouse the Indignation of the Wholt World." Bordeaux, Sept. 21. President Poineare has directed a formal pro test to all neutral nations again&t the ie&tructkm of the Cathedral i H helms by the German artillery. The protest declares that the German troops, for their toU? r4eanre and without the slightest necessity, brought this destruction at Rhcitus through a systematic bombardment. The French government denounces the action as a revolting act of van dalism that should rouse the indig nation of the whole world. The first news of the French navl forces was made pnblie today. Tlitt French commerce is unrestricted an-1 the French navy is rendering irapirt ont service in eo-operation with th British fleets. The Mediterranean and North Sear flees are blockading the German and Austrian coasts. The Al lies are sure of ultimate. Mice if t!c war is prolonged Germans Say Bombardment Was Nec- essary. Berlin. Sept 21 .The bombard mcnt. of . Rhejms . is declared iy the iTh rntertn irt ruatttj: to W !. tin strwt j ttsM mem tit icAUrial arrirt KujritU2d eot Fher 11 t&aie ty rfTvrt Ut fea the white war rEt4?rl it fore llons-MVjminj: WvV. It i cn3enticl Hst tie iW is front of Ik wiersl ttrr tm Vufa trret will ! mor4 li w4. Mayor Uarurll tate.l ths twftifg that be would hv ! oi in frost of bis t ore rr moved at foe and that he umJertnod tKe f0irr tfcrij owners w.i!d al hm tWtrv moved. i In ordf it nUll th whiU wa? by iromM'omin? Week, lhe fort at tb water and light deparUnent wiM have to work overtime, but Jprrifit endent Fiher statrw thst ttey wil be jtIju! to do thi. It U prtba!U that they will work at nurht if thf we the work cannot b CniiheO m the nix workinc da thst rernaio be fore Farm em Day. LANDIS MILLINO COMPANY CONVICTED Fines of $400 and $100 Iapottd Company ast Manager. Halinburv Pct, 10th.. .The noted caw apint the landis Millinsr Comjanyt n corir-rn H'MtsT m general milling busine at Indis this county, anl whkh it nl ao operatexl by a number of the rounty's best and mot prtrainent meo, rxmm to an end tliis morning, Tic empa? re- iiof aur Tastor will be iuv X , . turne, ana it i cuuuucj . -tliat he may witness the completion General Staff to have beenncccssary and the manar, Mr. Georjze f mt because-the heaviest fire from tbo'j.er, were indicted mi a rlmrye French cam from that direction. The Bhort weight and the just last itU-M war office announces that Trimont ' brought in a verdict of guilty a t was taken by assault. The Allie; both. Thii morning Jmlge Adams holdin" this position were driven back ; imposed a fine of -IOO on the ts with heavy losses. pany and f 100 on Mr. ienre Com- her, the manager, thi in addition to THE BUY-A-BALE LIST. (the ccrsts. An effort was made by in , j attorneys for the defense to have th List of Firms And Individuals Who fine reduced but Judge Adams stated Have Purchased Cotton at 10 Gents j in view of the fact that there wer a Pound. several case against the company and The following are among the firms the defendant manager tie conn Hull MC uj " - , 1 1- of .both Mt. Olivet and Rocky Rutland individuals who have purchased Pta nuadrennium closes. a bale of cotton for IV eenw a pouna HOMER H. WINECOFF. CASE WON'T COME DP. Rowan CriminaF Docket Contains a r,cfl Atroinst Sidney Thurman Finger for Arson. Twi wm Vote Tomorrow on State-Wide PiibIbition. T?imnnl. Va.. Sent. 20. Virginia will' vote- Tuesday on the question of prohibition under an act nf the last Legislature directing the v- - 'V w . 9 Governor to call a special eiecium. Concord National Bank. Parks-Belk Company. Yorke & Wadsworth Company. White-Morrison-Flowe Company Times-Tribune. E. G. Gilmer. Ritchie Hardware Company. II. U Widenhouse. W. M. Bnsbee. a" 1 a impose a liguier nne. This concluded the criminal dot et and court adjourned until Monday rooming when the civil ikk t will b taken up. LINER FLEES SEVEN WEEH5. Salisbury Post J iw nf Rowln Superior Court that for September 22 .upon petition ; of Commend Governor for not Calling : n . to trial. It is that approximately 18,000 quaiinea voiep. Session of Legislature. nnrm(,n Fimrer for Ninety of the 100 Virginia counties . Spnt-20. Governor Crau' ngam&i oiuuo tA snlnons in V7 . t?:.- ;c ihp. vnnnff neirro aireaav nave "u . a .mii nt htaie are cuuuuv-u...-. arSOIl. I'lufiw.jo . v.l. . " nnA oron ,f I ami , i-ii-.i D,nfn T.-rlv at. Haroei local oniion couicsis . - u... v s aim to naiein German Steamer Finds Rcfcxo AXWr Dodiint Warthipi. Baltimore, ML. Se)it. 20.--Tha North German IJoyd liner Keckar docked here today after do.!?ing back and forth on the Atlantic for sevts weeks. Capt. Hinseh retorted 0s; there were a few day the vegcl ha l today hieen free fmm tarsait by a r renca Ureses b steaa x.. : .iA comri 'The report tnat neaijr . i raui advntiigo..anu uauo... - - . . , , represents. Pliant chaigesjm the heavier -lSh of the entire produc- k- uenr-hes ot the Germans. r,tv. was favorably reCa The whole left wing of the Uerm.u , nou ui -" ,r hwpti. who ttneed to be electrocuted, which sen- counties and m me j yv thccotton situation and tne eu w. e ce was carried out in the State , Under terns of the legislature re been for that rorpo luice as TM ion,. The n ,1 r, . i f . a maionty vote be cast . fmm Charlotte DTiso-n ai itaieiKii on -juuc - - - i -- - - . . , , - i me in u v 1M1SU ? . -r.. c h? i,;K;t;n n thft snecial election, I . X nature indictment against ringer iu! r--- . , tfl5wn(l people. . il.. t Miot ho PS- 1 t htt i iftVPrnOr Will Ot7 I i l 1 timM ftllfrPU-U in iue ecut " - i"" ; . - . jiirCn1 I nau oeeu - . - i- i. v,oT-rro conld be 1 n nroclamation declaring u uniaium vm! resolntions oniy bn.-s,s being swept by rifle nre. w .nnvaaamir " were not sat- also a capital offense. extending their .pea . was decided to make knowledge of the Divine prcbsure on both wings or me- we i - , nTTirfti?n for ...THre not. lest ye be . . . 1 L I. as brought in the event mat ne murder charsre he An thn arson charsre. which is to manutacture or HICU VAA V - - -- ' ped the mi -n lines, which have been gradually even . .more ma, H.rown back. . - tbe PnrPse , Tf i believed bft where the arson case is evei the county . II a reminder and where he GERMAN ARTILLERY FIRE that witn """7.. noRS: If' mpptin?? punishment in suffering n?u4T"lu governor received resolutions oni; sell intoxicating JJ,,., Tn faliinir to roak due limmn except for medicinal, scienti- . :t believed that the injunction, fie, sacramental or mechanical pur- ;J are helping the people Ire crt 11 judged poses on and after November 1, 1915. SUe their AW' Pino-pr mav . am handlimr their troubles . the county untouched. af -onth oreater dili . mn wvl fioH TlPr?V. It will uo r- . o jt - . . 1 j np.ATiT.v ATTD ACCURAAX F1"4 .v r, n 10.000M;Va nnto that mulcted on tne oou - 1 vin . -m-iTi T.n auivuuu k - ' i - . . MAIL A COPY. munities are handlinj themselves. mt 1 ammmt. UP me xo mix. . u: 1,1 hplntess victim. bales, rnis is lue guo.1 m ui ma 1 " . ... 1 3 000 Guns Shelling Lines of Allies aeveu - -- set and the farmers are mies Awjr. Umfident that they win reacu n pflr;0 QQf 01 ti.a battle on the connaent . -r --e ctill next fcaturaay. AisDe, unprecedented in history, ui Get a copy of today 's Home-Corn- High Tides Send Ocean Water Into in- Edition of The rimes and maul ynnjington's Dnnxin buvvm. to some continues, heavy the1 gnns uii v., iir isi MiK'X . iu-. AoSqWa averasrel hill three miles away leveling -biina- k?-- ature auo tuc - AN INVITATION. inL's. It k-admitted tnat tne vjei" artillerv Sre is deadly and accurate. Seme of the heaviest German guns - are shelling the lines of the Allies if y0u receive i of a copy . n.. I ... ... nvH ara n nr now li. seven miles distant. All tne ueruuu tms paper - artUlery is handled with remarkaDie . subscriber, yon are mvi ,1 J t j tliat. onelsK i,anmP one. A splendid vieverness. xi is aumincu." - uv,w- :11 w of the heaviest gons that is doing pocket Knue or pui - most Lracannot be located by the ven free as a prenuum o aii:. nil -who pay for one year in advance, it-J-ou- l " Salisbury Post, 19th: Mrs M. L. K invitation ior you ISarnhardt and children left this af- K Concord . on Home, oon fox lVIou.iit Ui j-t CoTfober 29 and 30. A thev -will live The boarding nuuc, ciaj, v- tey will live, ine uy o. . wolonm ft awaits VOU. fend livinff elsewhere. I W1,znn Sent. 20. The high Furnished, wrapped ready for mail- ideg during tbe recent gle oil th: of rpntj a copy. It will twl . ffiii water to be tecic- bt " T - . cwas. tu. iu j i, r'arv. tear river w .uI,d into the pnbUe Ml"": .V., rairinc-tbe city waUr pt nd south and below nor- Austrians Evacuate Jaroslaw. i, Uaoolv to have a bracKi&n iasc. :5t 1 , t fAWw.Mf tnnisrhtl ct. m ti, i'..fl.ntinn I ;T,tonpnt Sweeney, who naa oeca M, mai eisewuero was - . 1 Vienna, oepu - i-"" f,,r 30 vears, k. iv.. .wwin. PreciPita-l, x i, th Anstrians. has in ehanre of the plant xor yw 11 v Liit5 ncobaA vftu 111 .iiiiiiaian wv y 1 . . i 4 . r r Allies Hold Positions At All PoinU. Pari. Sept.- 21. It oSHaUy stated that the Kreneb UQj&rtfd for ward in an effort -t oulCxnk tha rmv of General Vcm Kloek. Tha Germans rushed the .tester in a desv terate eilbrt to pierce the lines of U TXiiiraxion vwut ft center, wcra - lenred. As the encasement FTfre ' K- Hermans' foilZbt dcSpcraUly, makinz many bayonet ctarjres iwv the Allies held their position at ! points. ' Generally Fair This Week. ..r if .0 .1. on a wpek of I ;ir;taHftn to them to come W asningxon, vept.. -w. - - u """""v- - , OA StATnber Jii and oU. generally iair weamci, x- 1 vauwu in K -i 1 T;f and local. I . i:,i, raneA thev e-lcox-o he has known tbe water w , lion wiu oe gcuwwij T- . -loeen accuiupii" - - - , , oecasions l--fo-f ctnrm i charted to cross the TTprrrnvsl. accordin? to the war of- before, bat never ftM -i,.-iw,i -T' r , ' i fw .,, nr.t tune, ims wdqiuwh Pi." V.; country. luce, jarosiaw o v .never. I I . - -r i4V . V.o -ifv oYneetea lO . - , - - lAan " - That the tides are-retUng back Raised lltgh-sarea wm u r - . .ith lheW 01 20 N. 15.1 Mr. CaldweU uuiin ana rx3 jxxu-i v 1 n . . TTT. lO . -.-4 rf7'. T.dW near nie i)orton .ere married, Satorday th.s.on I XJ.UUICSI1UJ ) - , 1 EUhth District BepuhUcasj Kcssi nate T. A. Unaey or Ckmrrcsa, T.vlorsrine. Sept. 19. BepubUeasi Conrewsional Contentimi of the Eighth District wa held fccm xoaay. F. A. niehardson of Caldwell acted us ehairman. Mw Harshaw ia neat speech put in nomination Frank A Iinney for Congress, w no wa nominated by acclaxxiation. Mr. Unncy acepted witn a strong speech. The OldTaihioned Olxi and. Her Dauxhter. Cincbnati Enquirer. The old-fashione! cirl co ur1 to thxottg-lhfcn; a sheet over tbe looking glaas . 1 - .. .! T - .. m rtn ifi wrs 1 i.hu wji 11 lira iiit-9. iiiilx 1 . -- 1 -i avtm rTri a nn . 1 i ivm va 1 vv- - ' w - . . 1 -wni opiateTb7irs:nhardt on West big welcome awaits you. i aS from the warpertoed by , W. . ' lJ ftodirt 0.Ki?e! . rt.. Inniss street, was taken over by Mr. 5 same place on. the stalk brisrht. h will as- ".;-rr.bin- now a daahtcr wh C F Sberrili in a series goes down town on a mnny day wear- of meetings 1 Wade Stewick.