PAGE TWO : THEonc ' ; ' ' " ' " ' ' . '" ' " - " -- ' ' ) x . . ... l i i' i ' ' 1 " " 1 "- -Jm ' ' "" " ' "' mm'"m OiiS" Gireel Annua in ha fifi S J 4 ft i K. ft if- : rridlsy.lioriilrig . June.;i ? f I u 'A 'ES3 rFOFii HI) A FI y l I! 1 F I r ill 5 8 t ij V We have gotten. together the greatest bargains and assortments of all kinds of white and colored geecs icr th: June sale in the history of our store. Our different buyers made four or five trips to New York ;aqd Philadelphia last three or four months and so have gotten together the greatest bargains that ready cash can possibly buy. Ren this great sale begins Friday and continues until Saturday night, July 3. Read these three pages and come a your share of these great bargains. These pages only give you a slight idea of the great bargains we have. - Special 10c Figured Crepe, : Short Lengths, only ...5c lOd 2-inch Dress Ginshatcs, g-uaranteecd fast col- 4 brs, only ,,c 10c 3G-inch Figured and Plain, white curtain. Scrim at only ........ ... ................ 5c Great Sale of "Dry Goods of all Kinds at Low Prices ALL THESS GOODS WERE. BOUGHT.- WHEN PRICES HIT THE BOTTOM. 5c Value Goods. ... .;. 2y2c Smooth Sea Island, only ....... 2V2C Remnants of all kinds at only 2y2c 7y2c Indigo Apron Ginghams, only . ... . 3y2c Tc Dress Ginghams, only SVzC Gc Value Sea Island SV'2C Gc Value Short Length Ecd Ticking ......... 3y2c Gc Simpson's Calico, only .. Sy2C v Gc Value Light, Shirting Finis, only , 3y2c 30c to 120 Value Dress Goods and Domestic, at 5c 10c to 12y2c 36-inch No. 400 English Long Cloth, 5c 15c- 3G-inch Value Fine Nainsook, only ....... 5c 10c Value 3G-ineh Full Belts Batiste, only ..... 5c 10c 3G-ineh Bleached Domestic, only v ......... 5c You can h'uy all of these goods you want. No limit. As long as the goods last. ' lOe to 12ye, Short length Ginghams, at ........ 5c Full Pieces Indigo Blue Apron Ginghams 5c 10c to 12yc 32-inch Dress Ginghams, short lengths only 5c 7I2C 3G-inch and 40-inch Sea Island, only ..... 5c 10c Value 40-inch Fine Sea Island, short lengths, 5c Dress Linen and Linen Sheeting Bargains for this Sale 3Sc to 48c Value Whito Dress Linens, ........ 25c This is a Great Bargain as Linens have advanved nearly 50 per cent, ince the hlockade hy England. 72-inch Wide Linen Sheeting, seamless 48c 31-inch 75c Value Linen Suiting only ....... 59c $1.00 Best Grade Linen -SuitingT 90 inches wide, 83c 75c Value 72-inch Wide Linen Tahle -Cloth, only 49c 50c Value 62-inch Table Linen, only ...... 39c Belter Linens, wiorth almost 50c more, at 75c, 98c GREAT BARGAINS IN BROWN LINEN FOR THIS SALE. . 12yc 32-inches wide Brown Linen, only 10c 25c Value 36-ineh Fine Brown Linen, ... 15c, 19c Big Corset Values for This Great Sale 50c Extra Good Corsets, only 39c 75c Extra Good Corsets, with skirt hoods and all, on ly .... ....... 50c Long and Medium lengths. $1.50 Value W. B. Corsets, only ...... 95c pair. $2.00 value W. B. Corsets, Reduco and all, only $1.45( Better W. B. Corsets, only ...... $1.95 and $2.95 ' ' t 25c Value Ladies'' Real Threact SILK HOSE, 15c 10c Ladies' Fine Cotton HOSE; black, tan and white, only, per pair 5c 10c Value Misses RIBBED HOSE, only ......... ... 5C 10c 3G-inch 400 and 500 English Long Cloth, (Full Bolts, all you want) at only. 5c 10c, 3C-inch Bleached Domestic, all yoa want, Z'zz !0e 32-ineh Fine INDIA LIXEX LAWN, at ....5c 7Vj Best IXDIGC APRON GINGHAMS, Full Bolts only ............... ....... 5c 10c and 12'-e Value 3m:icu Fl-nred CUUTAIN SCIvIM, no limit, only 5 c .SgssciaB.RIo. ? 7 ; Value INDtCO Ai'KON iiSN"ili A 7UC Vatue DRlISS GINGHAM. . One Big Counter Dress Goods Chsao at Double the Price Qther Great Bargains in Notion Department 30-inch Full Bolts Poe Mill Domestic 6i2c 32-inch Guaranteed Fast Colored Gingham,. 6V2C 10c! 38-inch Fine Curtain Scrim, with colored Bor der, enly .......... 6V2C 10c 3G-inch AAA.' Sea Island Sheeting, best grade made only .... 6V2C 120 Kindergarten Cloth in the grey or unbleached only ....... 6V2C Other great bargains for this eaily Summer Display and Sale; Now is the time to buy Colored Goods as Dye Stuffs are bound to go much higher. 25c Khaki Cloth at only ................. ...15c This is the Short Lengths of a big lot of goods made for the United States arm.y, so this is np to the government test. Will wear like leather, at 15c 13c Cotton Pant Cloth, only 12y2c I2V2C Best heavy quality Hickory Shirting, only ,9c 15c quality best grade Hickory Shirting 10c 10c Extra Smooth Hickory Shirtinar- ...... '8 l-3c Bargains in Percales, Galateas, Kindergarten Suitings 10c Best Grade Percale, 36 inches wide at . , 8 l-3c F4ull Bolts Best Patterns. 1220 Best Pacific 36-inch Cambric Percale, .. 10c 15c Grade Sea Island Percale, guaranteed fast col ors, only IZVzZ 20c Grade Best Galatea Hydegrade Make at . 15c 15c quality Hydegrade Galatea, fast colors, at'12V2C 25c value Kindergarten Airsdale Cloth, guaranteed fast colors, full baits, 32 inches wide, only . . 12y2c 18c 32-inch Airsdale Cloth, in short lengths, .. 10c 15c Short Length Beach Cloth, fancy weaves, part wool, only ...... i. .- 38c 18c Panama Cloth, short lengths, only . . . . 12V2C 25c Palm Beach Cloth, short lengths, part wool, only ..... ..... .... '.. 18c 15c 32-nch Gibson Mill Suiting, only . . 10c lc lc 1c lc lc lc lc lc lc ... lc . .'. lc . 212C lw ... 12c 8 1-Sc ..10c . . . 8c Great Bargains in White Goods for This Sale i 25c to 50 value 40-inch Fine White Voile or Mar quisette, only ............................(. 15c 25c Marquisette or voile, short lengths, up to 10 yards, only 8 l-3c 10 yards, 40 inches wide, a very great bargain at only ..... 8 1-3candl0c 20c Value Costume Crepe in White and fignred,15c ISc, 36-ihch Fine Nainsook and Batiste, 7V2C and 10c 2 Balls Whito Thread, or.! 2 Bolts White Thread 12 Pearl Buttons ..... 1 Yard Lace Insertion . 2c Lead Pencil 1 Bolt Tape ........ .......... .. 1 Yard Ribbon 2 Packs Hair Pins for 1 Paper Good Dress Pins 5 Pen Holders 3e Ladies' Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. 5c Card Safety Pins, only ....... J. & P. Coats Crochet Cotton, only 25c' Colgate's Talcum Powder, only . . Colgates' Dental Cream, only 15c Cake Colgates Castile Soap, only .. . 10c Size Colgates Castile Soap, only Colgates Cashmere Boquet Soap . . . . . . . 10c Andrew Jergen's Glycerine Soap, 20c per box Three Cakes to box ............. ...... 20c 8c Value Jergen 's Glycerine Soap, only ....... 5c Big Box Kant Lose Hair Pins, ................ 5c 10s Middy Blouse Laces, all colors, only lc New, Windsor Cords, only 19c 5c Lace nsertion, to clean up lc 8 l-3c value fine Round Thread and Val Lace, 3c This is a big job, 18,000, dozen in the iot. 10c and 122C Extra Good Wide Fine Val and Round Thread Lace, 25,000 yards to select from, only 5c New: Style Collar and Cuff sets, worth onethird more, at only . . ........... 25c and 48c 10c New Style Ladies Roll of. Corded Edge Hand kerchiefs, only 5c 50c value Ladies' new Silk Handkerchiefs, only 25c 25c Ladies Large Size Hand Bacrs, only ....... 19c 50c Value New Style Ladies' Hand Bags, only 25c 75c Value New Stjie Ladies Hand Bags, .... 43c Better Hand Basrs, only .. ... 95c to $2.95 5c Value Hair Nets, 4 for only ................ 5c $1.50 New Style Ccntemcri Silk Gloves, white on black or black on white, only 98c Tbere will be thousands of Great Specials for thi3 sale. Come and let us show youxind save you money Great Bargains in Summer Dress Goods for This Big June Sale ISc Fine Figured Voiles, only 12y2c 25c Value 40-inch Fine Figured Voile at . . . 19c This comes in all the new patterns that never have been shown in this town before. Great Silk Bargains Durhi Bi? June Sale 25c Value Su-it; aH c-! . ISc - value Saedne Silk, bi job, only. , , . 50c value Fine Shadow Silk, cn'y . . . . . , Value Grnv Gibson Shadow Silk, :C n. c: s- .... 75,' value -SLMndi 'Ah Silk, in all V. : only . $1.00 value 30-inc!i Silk Poplqin, all fhr.d; , . K Greatest Values ever shov, in in $1.00 value 3t;-inth Ubck TbfTeta Silk . 75c values New l'olnad.H Foa'ard Silk ...... $1.00 quality Silk iW.ilhie, all tHihs .... .. $1.00 3G-irich Fine AVash Silk, -neat 1- r $1.25' quality 3G-inch Dlnck and Solid Col r Y Silks, only '. ....... . ? . Comes in: all the wanted sbades, navy, irrs . . Belgian blue; $1.50 Crado Fine Figured Taffeta Silk, fir.. jVfaitts and Underskirts, nnlv . $2.00 value, 30-inch Fine Silk File, tie newcrt ti out, only ....... $2.00 value Fine MzrA Kmbroidcrcd S.Ik T. ' de Chino, vory lino $1.50 -10-in-1' I only ... ... . . 75c value Xew Silk Cord, enly . . ........... vo n m ir. Von '( ',1 " v fine laces are very hard to get en a-c.- war in Europe. Grqat Sale of AH Kinds of Gccc! Hosiery for June C Je 10c Value liscs Ribbed Hose a b-i fob .t .' lOo Value Indies Fine Hoso, only Come in Tan Black and White, ojy ..... . 25c Value Misses ' white, black or tan ...... 1 25c Value, Ladies' Silk Lisle Hose, a hy j'-'v I".. lot Value Ladies' Fine Hose, only 50c Valuo Lidics' Silk Boot IIo?e, only $1.00 Value Ladies' Silk Hose, Gordon bran.!. $1.50 Value Ladies Extra Fine Silk II- , ' 15c Children's Fancy Top Sox, only .... . . Three for only . 25c Children's Fine Mcrceiizcd Sox, only .-. 18c Value Children's Fancy and Plain W' only ....... . : 25e value Short Length 'Fino Creek Dir . : only ....... ... ....... 12',; ' 12U2c and 15c Fine White Checked rir only ......... ...... 7Vlc - Special 5c value Fine SEA ISLAND, only ... 3y2c 712C value Fine DKESS GINGHA1IS 3i2c 5c to 8 l-3c REMNANTS of all Hnds Zy2c V . $1.00 value Fine white QUILTS, only ...... ... . 73c $1.25 value Extra Heavy WHITE QUILTS, only 91c 5c value Barber's TOWELS, only 30o per dozen. Special! RB SOe Valuo'Full Size BED SIIEETS, only 10c Value TURKISH TOWELS, only . . 25c Value SEAMLESS SHEETING ... sale of all kinds of White Goods and It will pay you to come miles to this great goods suitable for hot weather. N The real hot weather has just now ; will have all summer to use the goods. Come and let us show OtiK begun and you. ! 'J $i ; 3 i - f i 1 II "I : n 1 1 1 1 i i S I 0 ' ji ; 13 1

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