. ' P TT H T T C? tl t- " ie r r a V ! a -. . ' - ' i n . T,., , ,,.Ji U.I cTrERRILL. Editor and Publisher, r - bLUME XLII PUBLISHED HON D A YG A II D T lfWlTjlTAFn CONCORD, N. C, MONDAY, JULY 17. 1916. .." '"Du fa iLrasi. LIVES I " ' - - - 1111 111 " "I I 1 " ,,. , . LOST IN. THE' FLOODS' PROPERTY LOSS $15,000,000 j-LOOD WATERS IN FIVE ' states DO GREAT DAMAGE 0EDS SRE RE D HOMELESS IfARROW ESCAPE. Tte Yfcrst Conditions Prevail in Western Nrth Carolina, Where Conditions are Described as the Worst in the History of That Sec Section.-AshenUe and Environs Heaviest Suuerers. Train Service There at a Standstill, as Result of Wastouts, Slides, and Lost Bridges. Mills and Many Houses Swept Aay. iUf The Associated Press l,rKl waters which swept parts of Sorth rnrulinii, South Carolina, Vir ginia, TYnii'.-c and West Virginia, takini-' u!l at 'east nne ves ren(lt"r:n- hundreds of persons' home ly aiid doing property damage fes-,iiati-d at from $10,000,000 to $15, (iMtjiOH. were needing today. TL. worst conditions obtained ' in test.rn North Carolina where the fl,.od is described as the most, disast r,ii!i in t lie history of that section. yievii!c iind environments were iiAivit sufferers, but with train wrvirc at a standstill, as the result of washouts, slides and lost bridges; tekTiif'li service badly crippled and roads almost impassable, it 'will probably he several days before the full extent of death and destruction can U' determined. Lower Asheville was still flooded tday by the waters of the French Broad, which went over ' its banks vesteniav morning, sweeping unaj QUARANTINE FOR'CASES OP INFANTILE PARALYSIS Cases to Be Handled the Same as cases of Scarlet Fever. The' County .'Board of Health here as been advisedby the State Board nf UnoltU . UJt. At . viU , hj liunuie me case or cases of infantile paralvsis just as scarlet fever, measles or any other contagious disease is bandied. -This is bemg done, and every precaution is being taken by the board and by the city authorities to prevent the spread of the disease. Mayor Isen- nour Has bad yellow quarantine cards printed to be placed on the only nouse wnere so far a case has devel oped and on all others if they should occur. An effective - quarantine will ue maintained, and if necessary an officer will be stationed to enforce it. The .ease is that the two-year-old daughter of Mr, T. V Helms, who lives on Peachtree street at Forest Hill. The' condition of the' child, which has been ill for about a week,' is not improved. There seems to be no grave cause for alarm on the part of . parents. They are advised to keep their chil dren at home and to irse a wash for the nose and throat. The-situation here seems to be well in hand, and every precaution will be taken by the health and city authorities. FIREMEN WILL MEET IN STATE CONVENTION The Sessions are to Begin at Raleigh Tomorrow. (By The Associated Frets) Raleigh, July 17. Representatives of fire departments In all parts of North Carolina were gathering here today for the annual convention of the fire fighters, which will begin to- Ui. John Freeman and Family Nar rowly Escape Drowning in Rocky River. While attemfping to crfeii Rocky River Saturday nhiht about 11 o'clock, Mr. John Freeman had narrow escape from drowning. Mr. Freeman was in a buggy, and was accompanied by his wife and small child, and they, too, were nearly drowned. They were on their way to visit iriends in ttje IJetbel neighbor Vinrwl Mr. Freeman had driven across Thunderstruck Bridge from this side of the river, and when he reach! the end of the bridge both horse and bu y were submerged beneath the water, which wa srunning out of its channel. In his efforts to save bis wife and child and himself, Mr. Free man did not have time to save the horse, and it was drowned. Today the buggy was brought back to town by Mr. Freeman, wlio stated that the water was still out of bounds at Thunderstruck Bridge, although not nearly as much as it was Satur day, when he attempted to pass The Jiorse belonged to Fisher's Livery Stable, of Midway. It was stated by parties today that the body of a horse was seen in the river today, and it is sjipposed the horse is that which Mr. Freeman was driving, TRY TO KILL HORSES OF MR. P. M. KELLER morrow. A brief business meeting of mills and other manufacturing plants ; tne nre chieis, delegates, mayors and and many homes. Two deaths were j others will be held tonight as a pre reMTtt'd in the city proper.while six liminary. to the convention. , ... i ,-.. a ' vrr " : t - - - ' ' Iv . l I i Mirers occurred at the town 01 1 ine paraoe vveanesaay win De one arrests are erpeciea of the features of the convention and 1 soon. the -races Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will be centers of interest. - LEA QUE BALL AT KANNAPOLIS Apparatus from several fire de- Biltmore, and two score persons in cliulintr memhers of a railway con struftidn cranir, who went down with Some One Saturday Night Cut Four of His Horses at Roberta Mill Some time Saturday night persons entered the barn of Mr. P. M. Kel ler ( superintendent of the Roberta Mills, and seriously injured four of his horses by cutting them in several places with knives. The horses were badly cut and probably will not live. For some time pas Mr. Keller reports, people there have cut many things in and around the mill, and the affair Saturday night seems to be a culmination of bad feeling that has existed there.' Mr. ' Keller says- he knows no reason for the cutting and can offer no explanation. Officers late today are working on the case anil to be made a bridge, are reported missing. Between Ashev ille and Salisbury part ments on the east coast of this Monday and Tuesday Between States- railroad bridges were washed-out on state arrived here yesterday and and Kanapolis. Catawba river, and further south more are coming in today. The fire- - There will be two games of league alon? the .same river railroad and men already are practicing various ball this week at Kannapolis between highway bridges were carried away contests and tracks are under water. Saw mills and other property, as well as live FEARS FOR COTTON CROP. stock, suffered considerably. Sin-ilar conditions prevail on the This Causes Active Buying., on New ladkin nvor-a'mund Texington.-.. On , ' York Idafket Today. ' lauKin at lMlan It IS reported to- (By Ttie Asnoclnted Press) aay that a hotel has been destroyed. New York, July 17. Fears' that Two score of persons are listed as the cotton crop has been injured by .mi?smg. of those eleven were rail- the excessive "rains and floods in road workmen who went down with "parts of the eastern belt, caused an tlie bridge on the Catawba River, and active buying movement in the cot hflpe of savin? th?m -was abandoned ton market at the opening today. The Four men who were going to the tone was steady with first prices 5 of the railroad men are reported to 10 points net higher, but toward Mle 4 eiiudovee of the' Western the end of the first half hour selling Uion. Telo I orders increased, "and with an ab nporttf lost ou the Catawba. Three Nurses Lose Their Lives. Asheville. July 17. The death list torn the. flood which overwhelmed "insertion is set at eirht today. A Jport .from Madison county said two " vtre lost and.! 53 houses demol- ''at Marshall. The water isre tedmtr today, and ; fears are 'enter for the breaking of the dam loxaway. The body of Miss hTlotte Walker, a nurse, was found oday at Hilt more. Miss Mabel Fois- . another nurse, and Miss Louise .also lost their lives at Bilt 'u ,in ith the death of a Hst to Q 'nr and negT0' 1)rings '-he "l)-ve lamihes, mostly cotton t f&M: . ill tile XV n VI ri t jusi, me jiuiiica. RX:S(f0r V' ? Jones, of Greensboro, N. C rc,; 1U Committee. Attempts to A'e fimmPrS teill i t,stimtes of the damage to C Tlt little hPes that 'they itc I , toan' "nt less than -'u last mirht "lined Statesville and Kannapolis. The first game will be played this afternoon at 4 o'clock and the second game will take place tomorrow afternoon at the same hour. Kannapolis was to have played Morganton on these dates but that team is playing Gastonia, a change of teams having been made. Funeral of Mr. Win. Beaver. The funeral services over the re mains of Mr. William Beaver, who died here Friday at his homen West Depot, street was held yesterday. At 10 o'clock a. m. a short service was held "at the home conducted by Rev. B. S. Dasher, Mr. Beaver's pastor, as. . - i ' 1 sisted bv Kev. A. S. Kaoer. The fun sence oi outside speculative interests - " ' 1 , the market eased off about 5 points eml sermon was preached by Mr from the highest. - g'.,?? ?nS fi Cotton futures opened steady: ' Q ghearhouse assist- July, 12.90; October, 13.08; Decern- Pe. Kev. u. w. cnearnouse assist w io o.' TQnW, iq si Troh d m the servlce at the church. ber, 13.20; January, 13.31; March, 13.51. The following were the pallbearers : Messrs. Joe A. Walter, J. C. Lentz, P. DR. J. W. SUMMERS IS 1 arnnger, r,aara vise, o. k,. HELD WITHOUT BAIL inoPPn ana -airiira con. J Mr. ,Beaver 's step son, Mr. Wade Charlotte. Physician Charged With ,2& Performing Illegal Operation. Mr. Cortez Beaver, of Charlotte, his daughters, Mrs. Estelle Howell, of Charlotte, and Mrs. Came Lyerly, of China Grote, attended the funeral (By The AocIaleds:ire rhfl.r1nt.te. July 17. Dr. J. W. Summers, a physician of some promi nence here was held without bail to day, charged with performing an u 1 oneration June 26, that caused - x . STATE TOUIUrAMSTT. Ccrtcrd to Be WeU Ztvrtsszud U A isuxWr of Crraea fna Cccrvrd liiry win attend the State rinz-ru Tournament. Coscord niU not U rrj rtTvestcl in any rarei of hare and as tUy bate cot frrartd for iw-f me tannonriU Ktl Tra accompanied the fircaeo frosi here, and they will enter in al lthe rac in wh eh they are eligible. TH com pany of men ha a Ways tnade a pood bowing at the SUte toamament, and it I safe to predict that thU vear, as outl, they will brinz horse their share of the honom. Tbe reel team from Kannapolis will also attend the tournament this year, and rt porta from that city predict that they ex pect to make a most creditable show ing. . , v .. Ttc foilowini?. exclusive of the Cannonviile and Kanapolis tcarrt, left today for the tournament: Mesr. Robert SappenSeld, John' L. Miller, Robbie Sappenfield, Paul Peacock, Lester Murr, Arthur I'aart, Eli Goldston, Hal Ioie and Mr. Line-berger. FROM THE WAR. AREA. im YADKIN IS HIGI-IEK . THAW EVER SEEN BEFORE TO AO ACT EKTES HIIISTIIT. The Attacking Forces Consolidate in a New Position. (Or The Associated Press) The latest reports from the area of the allied offensive in the Somme region indicate one of usual period of preparation. The. attacking forces have consoli dated in a new position and are bringing up heavy artillery, prepara toryto another attack. Emperor Rr. Hesienca . JlSrr Xeticii The (ollammz fm Tfcarwlit't Salthary lot mi b of istrrr: t& a Urfcr waWr of i4e ta Cbr rjA ltr both rartlri mrt r!l knows : Rrr. C. Brown Cu, of Hcrhcrt K Cf ha acr4d the piW5fcry of Marion Collrjre, V. arion, Va ard Fill take act ire t hanre f ftr ca Atunt 1ft. Hex. Hendcmin K. Mller Ph. mimd a prrndfet of the college in order to enter aala the work of the pattorate, harinj: rrrU ed a call from Trinity rarith, Wythe, ville, Va., whirh wat cred oUr.r by the late Hey. Alexander Phillip, pi. D. !. Both Prewdcnt Cox and lr. MiHcr are Rowan nn. Rer, Mr. Coi bclni: a 'son of Ufr Pr. Georpe H. Cox, re cent pastor of Calrarr TvtitWran Church, Spencer, and Rer. Mr. Mil ler beine a native of SalUbury and having entered the ministry frm J St. John's , Ixithcnn church this city. WO '.BilXMC Or 'CQOTQXUr U 3 LOSS Of LIFE IS QiClID FOUR MEN ARE TAKEN FROM RIVER Searching Parties Now Looking For -Others Who Are Still Misting. (Df The AfterUte4 Vrrm) Charlotte, July 17. Engineer Jon- William is reported at the front in ePh Killian and three other men of the Soarme section. In Verdun the lhe. cwuthcrn Kailway, wbo have been French.' have been on the offensive. I kangimr in the trees in the Catawba Following up successes yesterday westnTer a behrjr where the railroad of Fleury they gained additional bridge went down w.th them, and ground last night in the same region. eiSn others, were rescued today. In Lorra;ne two German attacks were peachii.jr parties are searchinfr the repulsed. I river ftr other men, employes of the Paris announces the landinsr of'ad- Southern and fonr men, employed by ditional forces of Russian troops in tbe Western L nion Telegraph Co., Frar ice. who went down. THE WHEAT MARKET. FOUND IN THE TOP OF A TREE Heavy Selling Depressed the Prices Miss Lipe and Mrs. Mulholland Were Today. Thought to' Have Been Drowned. (By The Associated Press) (By The Amouu4 rre,.) Chicago; July 17. Heavy selling Asheville. Jnlv 17. Miss Melle depressed wheat today, although at Up0f and Mrs. Leo Mulholland re first the market showed considerable drowned vesterdav at the strength. Opening prices which ya- home of their fathert J c Ljr. 0t red from the closing figure to 11-8 Biltmore, were found today, tied in high with July at 111 and Septem- fi1A ber at 113 3-8 to 114 were followed by Toni.h: h ' vn H nf a set back all around from Saturday's furth?r ,osg -Qf Ufe hare rc.eive1 The Swannanoa and French Broad rivers are falling rapidly today. closing. Three Railroad Magnificent Steel Bridges Gone. Charlotte, July 16. Three magni ficent steel and . concrete rariroad bridges which spanned the Catwba All Twelve Men on Catawba Bridge f Rescued. Charlotte, July 10. tit the twelve river nf Mnnnt TTnllrlf? miles south 1 men on the boutheni Hailway s of Charlotte, were sweDt nwnv to- ondge over tne caiawoa wnen tne night bv the flood waters. The brid re bri?e was swept away this aftcr were the oro'nertv of the Piedmont noon between 4 and 5 o'clock nil are & Northern, the electrical railway, considered saved. They clunsr to tree the Sothern and Seaboard. The P. and wero rescued. Joe Killian, civil and N. bridge cost $100,000 to build, engineer of the Southern, was one of Workmen made heroic efforts to save the men on the bridge, and it was it tonight. A coal train was run out sported that he was drowned. At 9 on it but the effort was without avail o'clock tonight news came that he There were explosions and flashes had been found on a raft of debns. from the rower nlant of the South- 'The bridge was of steel, 450 feet era Power company, located just be of which was swept away. Thousands low the three bridges, but what dam- oi people saw u ?o. ine neaooarn fle was done there could not be Air Line bridge at lit Holly, which learned. It was-said that the water has swept away about 2 o'clock. had reached the bilers and- dynamos two spans and of steel. The nr and was doing great damage, v er &t m. Holly is about 50 feet hi-h. The "recklenburt? county bridge ad lower noors oi me mms are over the Catawba at Sloan's ferry, Hooded, u iiutcnison, owner or was swept away at about 9:30 to- me mnis, iosi uu oaies oi couon. ;riif oHIia,, if -nrac tfvi-me& of I Cotton and live stock were carried uxx.i., lUUc " T i , , , . - steel with stone abutments. Other re- uown ice river irom mi. jioiiy. ports are that all important county The damage re- A.L17:'!!1;?00 !?. W-0,000,000. Hoft-:. 3 tUl -witnout gas or lenp u -v and tne price of gaso- W ' 1Ut the city today and none u,e Jirv,-, i Sontw: .T'h division of the ninr, '''!way trains were .run- Waynesvillc to Murphy. The French Relief Society. The French Relief Societv will meet the death ein a local hospital yester-1 Thursday morning with Miss Eliza- day of Miss Annie Jones, o beth Gibson from 10:30 to 1. s old, daughter of former Sheriff We are the recipients this week of 125 yards of sroods. $1.00 from Mrs. Attorneys for bummers ga e noi- Smoot. and $3.00 from liss Nan Can- ice that they would institute a nab- non Through the kindness of Mr. eas corpus proceeding and apply ior Robert Ridenhour the Concord Steam bail. Laundry has several times washed and pressed innumerable yards of ANOTHER TROPICAL goods known as seconds. So we were DISTURBANCE APPARENT able to make sanitary pads lor the sol diers, i ne enure - society voie mm thanks for he -has never failed us. Please remember the meeting Thurs day morning and let us have a good number of workers. SECRETARY. Is Central Between Turk's Island and Nassua and Has , Northward Move Mr, Mr. J. C. Lipe, who was drowned in the' flood at Asheville yesterday, ment. (By The' Associated Press) Wnctii-ntrtnn. July 17. The tropi- last week passed it. fi I . ta t -D rr Tc?1oti1 Vint. n-1 if- -rr ru tt . ihj ,.. - o pirflw r UniKuwr i tr tno n.nsi. m ium xoiouu. vns nn nnrip oi miss i iara nenrv 011,1 miss .u ci.vv' r?tt"auuvr" " . Tnrir is- , ,r ve" tt r oiriun, OI this COUnty, 1 Otner IS cemreai ucmu flna iur. jxuujy xxturj,, oi vuucuru. arru.(i at 4' o'clock yesterday land and "Nassua, with an apparent It as reported also, that a cousin, HtC :,t thc Baptist parsonage movement northwest movement, me Miss.Meile Lipe, had lost her life, but ' I "It Is- . m " .orn rief. Jul and son nr ' riw n tT m .1 1L UntAn r onrtniiTif H1I Luua V I M ll V r onari tho A cpai O T A1 tr, , ... , xi. :u Tmil tn- t t ana Mrs. Smith Bar- Unsettled weamer m f .1 I rress message eisewnere, sue anu 'i. h. unn i l nidrhr n n n hsuhv tu n11- i i rs. ii uiuuiiiuiu ncic luuuu ixi itxc iiiin. i in i ui.uv fc.v . ... the Conr.n.i TT;f.i lnt, States, with'thundershowers in toD cf a tree and rescued. v. x.vFi--. - - ' . a TTlMo 1 Alabama, ueorgia, auu i.U Of !, I.- . . MaKUn V1,ouseiold iroodsvof Mr. Mr. Fred Peek- substitute , mail Sshl Mahr.rir; ?0(1S 01 'H y. Wi: ih. ootometrist, carrier on thecity delivery, is now here m; eirmoVe(1 -' rreffs Jewelry Siore substituting for., Mr. John Correll, rawiliIivn f,rr- brey and f 5 - who is on histvacation. ; . A e m th future. ,y here Wednesday. K - . , -; . . . v . - bridges are lost. So far there is no confirmed report of; death. Water is 18 feet in the power house at -WTiitney. - Yadkin River is Raging Torrent; Much Damage Done. Iinninn. July 16 The Yadkin river- at the toll bridge, on the nat- AH Trartl Om lt Tt3 tr,4ft u u EUia TUm t$iMUn tl Ttz Iftada cf TIxjU4. Wirt u ZCX Dova Brtdit, Uiti Is ZtX Uik Ui-rd. Grtit 0jaaf t Wril U Cwp Urm Stock Drwxa4 rtrry Beau Brtkta Loci, Etc tOr Tl WMM ms Salikbary, July 17. TW Y4iia River, iU aul 6ftli f Saltcry. is higher than ever W-fcra lftawr, reiaScricc 21 frt ahore tenral at 12 o'clock, and tt!l nnnp, Ut& far fct higher than tie rrtioui hih rreord. (irrat fnlm f iJrhri. lunJcr tmta mw tzi, Uz, t?t a&d ome lite twk hae tloater! down continually tince early Ktmday trorn ing. The bijj tvl t4l hric!ir Rttnr--'-in the coantii of Rowan and David, son U in danger of ptn domn, and hat !een braced by cahfea. I'tA? t oyer it ha Wa stopped idnre Ul night, and all travel by auto tr oth er vehicle from the north have Wq stopped. The Suthrni lUilway all steel,-double-track railroad dridc, lc than half a mile Uow lhe toll bridge. i in grrat danfrr ahould the latter break Wc. In an effort in hold dawn the- ra il mad hride should the toll bridev foat ajriint it the Southern haa run 30 car 1oa!i of larbed wire n it to hold U down. The railroad bruise i atill Iwict omhJ. Thouand of people are (Wk ing to Fee it from Saliihury, Sencer and the ftirroahdinff coontim. The water below the railroa.1 bri!e re aemb.es -a email oceAn.ireAt damara was wrought to crop, lire Mock drowned, fi-rry boata broken h nnd lost, but no -ha of life it rrptirt. etl in this section. ' There are fcara of much dar.ae at Hadin, where the Alnminum Cotn pnny ii building a great power. .plant and works. The Dravo Poe Comjuiy'a dam on Broad river, nar Shelby, ha brok en, cutting off the electric rupply fr Spartrmburg and nearby textile towns and menacing" the fknithcrn Power' Company's plantlnear Black-, burg. S. C. ' The flood , is tbrcatcninj? JonciriHe, K. C, and nearby lownt and a resi dents there are moving to hick ground. The Yadkin river has reached the h'ghest utare recorded in yar And continues to rijse aropnd Iexir.stoc. Crofs and saS2illi hate been c!etroy ed and live-stock drowued. Debris lit ters the swollen river a it iwecps past Islington. CABINET DISCUSSED TUB ERADICATION OF 8 HA RUB. Ordered Coast Guard to Do All Pocst- ICe to Kill Thea. . Washington, Jtdy 14. The tra?ri4. stories of attacks by aSarks upon bath ers along the New Jersey eoaii wat diics.ed at today's tneetin of the Salisbury Will Get Water From the Yadkin River. Salisbury. July 1C. The city cf Salisbury has let a contract for the laying of a water main -it tlx miloa in. I t rynrt 'i fiirl rf Ji "l. V-.-. Cw V. v . - r. .- i j , C erijiit.n.l an abundanee of drinking water furc tlie city. The cost will approximate 1 ..-- rv r n inr.nl v.;a-liTrnT. tt tho highest known 1 ?i u,uHj or wtiicn ron is nave Dcm A 1 T W h. t I ny eears and still rising late to- icsued. Work will beg cabinet. Secretary MeAdoo acnoancf 1 that the coast gtard had fjcen ortkrr-d to do wh;t it can toward clcsrif; tie coat i f the danifero.;- fih an i i ?r vent further loss life. in many day. Thousands of dollars worth of lumber, various crops, live stock and begin at once. Rev. S. B. Turrentine, D. D , Prr3- Tuirts of bnildin?s littered the sur- ident of Greenstxro . . Tl TT -1 1 I nr. an crn.it I a -rA n - f 1 TYf iace ot tne .water ail aay. nimR-si - .,rw,,, v . of barreJs of oil from saw mHls and! Turrentine preached at Ccn.ral other plans in the mountains floated Methodist ChurcH" yesterday morning I m rv m a t a. T"T down, whiue it is reported the re- and t forest i tin at mgni. xie is a mains of several moonshine .plants s rot g preacher end tae, eongreza were in the debris. Hogsheads of to- tions id both chnrches heard him baeen rh?ervvl are said hrhave come hr'adly. Dr. lurrtntme spoke or ths from a warehouse reported to have ireat work being done at the lolle? been washed away at Elkm. Creeks to represents: -statin.? t cat tne m in tkU seetion were nnusually hi?h I en-ase of strdents has made the W Tin lin'rltroa renorted destroyed. I bu Iding of a new dormitory to ac- TT.-.T..r-or.o .f nfn rrpTit fmm here I c mmodate .0 stnce:;t3 absolutely and nearby towns to see the raging necessary. Yadkin. Clearance Sale at tto Parks Bc2 Co.'a. The great annual Jaly Clearance Sale at the Perk-Blk Co. will bcirin Thurdiy rr.omtnr. Jaly 2), at 8 :30 o Vlocfc. Tl:e big fet-.r- will be College for Wo-j closed all !ay Wednesday. July .10. to mcrk tlown and re-crrnr" lb gloek for tie s?.le' Tho i nd of of. reyrt Tkr-t Tcxaway Daa is pone. dollisrs v'wrth' of go-ls ;! b? fertl f r sa'e for lets tltn the ran he K. iTht for at the frtoria today, all kinds of godt have in tTtsei: in pri e. Read the t hn 1!r p-rs of tn 'this ptpcr j i dtr. Kven these three f 4 not rfTord spac to tcer,tior hlf the btif bartrain?. Tae Kanr - Landis and Om-. irove jitrr'' 'p i front cf the door of the tore. Mr. Afin ifenns. of Yerk, . r The singin class from the Ox- Atlanta. Jily 1, It wes n:mored , is Tuitite-tis parents, ur. ana Jirs. a nuatra. wn r.v oneert tok v tsat LiAke loxawav cam cadi . u. iqesrs. at the Strand Theatre in Concord on elven away. - HailroodX oScls in Monday nicht. August 7thf "under the Asheville raid they did not ered;t the! Mr. at Whi auspices of Stokes Lodge, No. 32, A. report. There is no wire eomnaonica-, rrru'tng the day F. and A.-M. ' , -: - tion with Lake Toxiway v Wllte. Whit of Charlc tte, is here with Mr. C. L.