TIMES, -J 5 H ER RILL. Editor and Publisher. PUBLIS'HE D M O N PAYS A HP T H U ITS D A Y 1 Sin , m Vnt ' MB XLII. CONCORD, N. C. MONDAY, AUGUST 7. 191C PROSPECTS OF PEACEFUL CAROLINA TROOPS TO GO TO FORT BLISS PARALYSIS PLAGUE (RUSSIANS ARE PRESSING COIITIIIUES OIIABATEOl THE GALACIAN CAMPAIGN SETTLEMENT IN SIGHT I ---it m J) TO UU-NOLU-btt proposals. BUSINESS CHANGE. HI it I IH HR WAGES Terr-: : 'ct Y' iTcposcd' Settlement Have Been Made Public Will n ; out ht to Organize With- Intimidation. Believe Agree- pent Will lie Mau.e wi.u wmwd 0a the Lines. Leaders on Both c des Have Recommended the Rat- of the Agreement. ocub: pie of New -.ft tiir ifcation cent Will Be Great Help to Peo- York. - - V ' c.-i I Aug. A peaeeiu. on ine auw iuhv j'ridavuiight is in- pros- riu-otini of the o-gani- (lIllOll ilUU UIU OUU1V .. in- railway company W.-A "I '; r..t' tif -ti;ikf V nUip !- "i iill.-.l at .. . , ...i t fill' " ' (. 11 o'clock to consider of a settlement which (ni approved- by Presi- Burrage Dairy Soli to New Company i With Mr. B. J. AUman as Manager. A change weh will he of interest to its many patron is that made bv . t . . . Uie Murray Dairy. A ileal hag been made thereby Mr. B. J. Allman be comes the new manager, -with Mr. Ev erett Jarvis. of Winston, as his as sistant. Both are exierienced dairy men. -'Although it has not been announced, it is understood that the new. -management is contemplating ojen"ng of fices in the Allison building, to give them a down town location more cen trally 'located, -Many other cities in the State have experienced a rise in the price of. milk, but so far the price in this citv has not been chang ed, in spite of fact that the price of foodstuffs has advanced sharply, and in this Concord is fortunate. ' rni, - 1 n e 1. t i 11 1 t. me uuik 01 uie prouuci nanoiea Dy the new concern 'will t'ome from th' Jersey herd at "Lubcrger Place," and the public is invited to visit and in spect this herd at any time. It is fed on ensilage through the winter and is said to be the best in this sec tion for rich, milk or butter fat. THIS FACT IS NOW PRACTICAL-f FOBTY.FOUR DEATHS RECORD I COLLEGE STUDENTS LY ASSUEED. ED IN LAST 21 HOURS. GOYERNO 8 CRAIG IS NOT PRESENT Today at Camp When He Was Ex pected. Great Attack on Camp by Mosquitoes is Now in Full Swing and Nothing Has Been Able to Stop Their Terrific Drive. Soldiers AH Look Happy As They Eeceivc Their First Pay Saturday. More Than $100,000 Paid Ont. . CoL Gardner Makes Ttalk to Soldiers Sunday Morning. PIIM TftKES PRlHil and by representatives , -', : e -m.i '.iinatcil ivssociuiion ui Zr.'v iin.l i:i'-trM'til Railway Era- A-hcnca. lnese proposals ,1 by layor Mitchell as t lenient. The leaders TO INSPECT ALL HOTELS NEXT WEEK ' 1 ,...;). are tit'M 1 1 " ,:is In!' St' .1 . nnimmp- tn recommcuu n. 01.111 - f;,r :i n.tilH alinn Dy tne uireciors 01 r(, cHnpiinii'S an. I strikers. XI,,' terms of the proposed settle- 'Hit lKtVt' Il'H -offii uiauc jwpia a"lvanf- "t' ratiiication, but it is re tu.r'1'.l that the demands of the work- ers J p.r .1.. OA 4- OO. nnnfc ers lot" 'A wauo scuo oo. uu w iw icum mnr lias been granted, togetner with ;i Yin iiui, 11 "il"- ivvv nitinn of their union atrree- anu an ,tlttl( the demand that future drf- iVniKis between them and the com pany he submitted fo arbitration by a commit tee. i ' The main condition of the conduct- ors anu nioiinuen inis ueni r:2ht to nru-anize 'a union nuuui - ti!!:ii;itioti. ' Slinuld :i settlement "of the strike affertiir.' the New, York Kailvvay Conpany be brought about, it is gen- tnillv i)tiic en a similar agreement. wuiiM hf-maile with the strikers on the airfare lines in Queens county. The auTeenient also may have in fluence toward settling the strike on State Board of Health Starts New Feature of Health Work. Raleigh, Aug. 6. Announcement was made yesterday at the oflices of the State Board of Health that in spection of the hotels of the State will begin Monday, August "7.- The inspectors doing the work will be Drs. W. S. Rankin, G. M. Cooper, and J. R. Gordon, all of the State health department. While their tour of in spection will not be made public, it is understood that they will visit within the next several weeks prac tically every hotel in the State. - While this inspection service is op tional on the part of hotel managers, there seems to be a general demand from the managers themselves for this particular servic. Numerous re quests are being received by the Board, one of which is from one of the largest railroads of the country, asking for this inspection service for all their dining cars operatimr in the State and for their terminal hotels also. yi By John M. Oglesby. CamjV enn, Aug. C. Camp plan eatly changed today when it was announced that Governor Craig will not be here tomorrow to review the North Carolina troops. The Gov ernor, it was stated, postponed his !"-vt in order to be in Raleigh and t with the committee having in '?arge plans for the relief of the ..if il A It 1 t , suuerers 01 me receni noou. wnicn r swept western Carolina. The plans for the Governor's reception includ ed a Brigade review tomorrow after noon at 3 o'clock and a reception by the citizens of Morehead. Yesterday was pay day, the first since the troops were called out and each company formed a joyous look ing line as the processions moved for ward to the paymatser's table and the money was paid. All the Mdiers were paid in cash and it required more than $100,000. The mosquitoes drive is at hand, and, despite counter attacks with cit ronellee and other concoctions it looks as if the pests are making ad vances. Never before, according to officers and veteran enlister men, have mosquitoes swarmed into camp as they have in the past few days. The soldiers close their tents, burn pine needles, boughts, etc. for sev eral hours before tattoo but to lit tle avail as the mosquitoes continue to come into camp in swarms all dur ing the night. Last night scores of men left their tents and went to the banks of Bogue Sound to sleep. NEW FEDERAL FARM LOAN BOARD MET the Sec,, ml and third Avenue lines, :unFt!ie independent lines on Staten Work Out Plans for Land Bank Cred- n.l. M: President -Mahon, of tire car men's sinion, announced at the close of the en;i',v('os meet in"- t hat a tentative asew.ent bad been ratified and that it. To Divide Country Into 12 Districts. (By The Associated Press) Washington, Augr 7. New Fed- IT T" 1 ... .i. il. H i.' . the nn n were ready to -o back to eri Loan uoara met ior uie ursi ume iri'ik if t!ie noreement was also rati- l" fid l,v the di,-,,tor of tho-Xew York bank credlt system, as provided for Railway Company. The latter at that an actof, Congress preceding the Seucre still in senior,.. meeting 01 tne ooara. ine nrst worK 01 tne ooara aiier effecting the organization will be to divide the United States into 12 Fed eral land bank districts. The board reported today the list of 40 cities which either applied or had been recommended for banks, including many Southern and 'Mid- Today Starts Sixth Wetk of Epideaic And It is Still Unabated. Oa Hundred and Forty -Fi? Cases Re ported During First Day. Children Can't Go to Picture Shows in Phil adelphia. Two Deaths And Seven Hew Cases Reported There, Making (Total of Nineteen Peatha and 79 Cases Since July 1. Six Caset Re ported in Other Part of State Kew York. Aug. 7. Todav begins the sixth week of the epidemic of in fantile paralysis, and the daily health bulletin, issued by the Health De partment shows the plague continues unabated. In the 24 hours preceding 10 a, m, 44 children died and 145 new ca.es were reported. Since the inception of the epidemic there have been 5,108 cases, ot which number 1,14 J have proved fatal. Three new-cases are re ported from Jersey City today. An apjeal was issued todav to per sons who have suffered from infan tile paralysis and recovered to give small quantities ff blood soihat er um may be obtained and administer ed to those who are now victims. Physicians said that ownimr to the aek of serum with which to make eoncmsive tests, its value had not been fully proved,. but. the indications TO BE DISCHAr.OED UAKC rUJiTTtm ADVAJCCC If MiUry Sitnl.es FcrstiU WiU Be AU5rt4 Tlitr rra.-Ce4t f Diei Sciicsly. Carrp t!rn, Jjt4 (V.t. A' m mm 10 mmi !l l-fta -If tlf r.:.trr 1 !! jrrr it t-. 1 V!h ;r will ! !! rd ! ,fra the 1 Ktrm lpartrr.riit to V.t ;rr : phrAtior. ta fraeh raw W m.A.ie after that da! ar.d p! jn tr.dniduallv rt.tuh thr enlisted turn" application ft f d. charve t:nd-r djr.drrt fAKid pf viur.&. HeatU ctf iwirral ed.i'A. tioual intit utiH in N.rth Candir.a haie already written Gencrii Vur.j in regard to thi. Iloek Head, ro4;f ComrMint I Second Infantrj, died stitldenly ihnl(,-rr.ifcll morning at nve Hork after a farm- orrhage of the lung with wliirh he wai attacked fifteen iiiinate lrfreT Head who waj thirty-two yeans old, serving hi second cnliktrnent. reco-nired as ne of the e4 m the nnirade. has iut start-.! on tf a: Xlhi Ott tit u f"ta u EaiAiftf t& Attrj-aa Ttz Htaty nittjE Cfutir AUz He Trtit i Vtsitx. VTUtt Tn Clurt tie EUjt IUt tt Orsl Arsir Act;r Ss. Frost EriUi Autocue V!ti f Tkj a 6srs CaxjO, XUr Primztr Wert Takes, Ckri lUrdrrtuAi la Africa, lt T aMMFi4 tfm mm I KoM.ar.t are jvrT-fctAfcii' tW-,r e -aint ht Tr i re 10 r.vrtl.erti Uahcja tr?r iwr the nrr h mdf ahr, a 4.r Cff t & rj ; his rnonincrV duties when he ai seized. He was immediatev tran ferred to regimental innrtnary where ie died in ten minutes. trxitly f' ttifd jit. r. ,wVrrt:i :,d diraUr , The H3si.a fiir8rd i- w it t int. BELIEVE THE BREMEN HAS BEEN SIGHTED Captain of Coast Guard Cutter Saw Submarine Today. Could Not Tell .Nationality. llr The Ao4-ialel Trr) Machia.H Port, Maine, Aug, T. were that possibly if administered Captain Paul, of Crus Island to4 early enough, the serum would pre- guard station, rejwrted that ho had vent paralysis, and save the victim sighted a large submarine bound from becoming crippled. west. The nationality eoiild not be i In Philadelphia. determined, but the 'captain ?ad he -Philadelphia, Aug. 7. Motion p'c- hatl no douut ,,ut that it was an un- ure iheatres in this citv were closed dersea craft. The submarine wa com- o-shHdren under 16 years of age by m to the surface when sighted and rder of the health .inthorlties. in nn ' aiier running aooui i, miles mii- paralysis. Two deaths from the dis by n.ilitur? enttf a it i p it. s i '.1 !iif!- to wti U I"' a a. Ilntw li'Mtt. --l.ti !- ! rn fr-( t m l! V ;d 1 ' Arcordirs f. Pari, i f ilr- 'xn ntirlv unnim-- r A n t-,t rf ft rl to ft rifi enu:! ht lit tie n (TV :' Pij nrk. In I" atta'V ease and seven new cases were report ed for the 24-hour period end ng last midnight, making a total of nineteen deaths and 79 cases since July 1. In the State outside of Philadelphia six new cases were reported, bringing the Chaplain Swope, of the First In fantry, is away and this morning at total to 87. the regular church hour Colonel Gardner made a talk to the members WOODMEN PICNIC. of the infantry. The Colonel sjx)ke vessel miaht be the Bremen. So far as could be learned there are no United States submarines on the Maine coast. The lookout who sighted the sub marine, later said be saw the vessel five miles to the southeast.- As the vessel came to the surface the look out said he heard several blasts from a signal horn at the lighthouse on Seal Island, a British jM8sesion. Not American Boat Washington, Aug. 7. No American submarine is known to be anywhere in the civinitv of Cross Islands. It is WANT PHILADELPHIA MOTORMEN TO STRIKE They Will Decide at 3:30 on What Action They Will Take. l"y The Associated Press) t lul;ul-l phia, Aug. 7. Motormen die West cities. It is expected 'that aM conductors employed on the lines claims for these and other cities will lt tne 1 luladelphia Transit Company be presented. "jre urnU'r orders issued by officials the A'i;;d-aniated Association of 't't Mailway "Knudovees to strike '."i;,y m nn effort to secure recosjni IlliTl ..I' . I , . w . lie union and an increase in ".es, ;nrr Tl. MRS. CALEB BOST. r-e to.lav 1 the !,.,,... are t!.a ; i t !!).' I'll.. x'tter workig conditions, was H-alkHl lor 3:30 a. "t how general vill be d the men will not be hiter today. the company declare per cent of the employes 1 of the iinios, and ''dty will be experienced 1 if any of the lines. s' ttiey have already ar- 'i the places of any of 1 f;il to report. briefly but pointedly and emplrasized To Be Given By Georgeville Camp W. the importance, not only to the men, o. W. Thnrsady, August 10, at but to the regiment and to the State, ponrcro -,1o for tliPTii tn lpnrl nlpnn nnrio'lit . mntilv i " ' " " "1 n"vr "."".j 1 mi . n -ii r- i -it- 1 I . - ... lives. ine eorgevme camp pi uie "oou- thought the boat might 'be . Deutsch men ot the .World will give a picnic at nanj on her homeward vovaire, or the ... warn . . si r.l I " II Ai.i.t m i I In llv nf.i a t' . ii ript. c f 111 ha I will go to l'ort Bliss is considered - w . , , t,7' . Af . , -t. 4? . -i m j c -ii picnic viii oe neia in ine ueuui-xui a definite fact. Major Gordon Smith, Al , , , brijrade adiutant. one of the busiest frtne .on: e "in, wnere i- kuuui THE SINGING CLASS. j nA. rt l, CT 1 H'UOt 13 aj. 41 1 VTll iicau i"Vic a a wv. HTIn TT1 ACr ottiiOnr tti -in f (Ityiia I ' stated today that there was little Plefty of room and shade for every" Oxford Orphans Will Be at The he Thnr.T.nr.: work. l iWtUtr-i hey hae !ci'n rl k! tti aault in Vaut-l.p.irr k ntken up bv artilh rv nrd r;a !.;u gun fsre. In the Somrr.e region tIav Pant tatemcnt rrjrt only artillrn ac. ivity, which i ntrnr north ftthc nyer. Bntih refwirfs of the f.htin; rul f the Sne. eartal iu Prvpt, thr t enijihin defrat for the Turk. b are Mid to hae !! fu'lr P4 of t! r ir men. who rmrdrre! in all t -r II,- fM0. The Britih tfk more that W nvr.er. Thry ar p.trsutn the Turks ho already i.ai e Wn driicn S miles into the dccri. In (Jennan F..ii Africa th ItritiH iai dritn th ricrrr.sin ond the centra! railway bnr, dic-!jr, p Mon bnt jrem th?n in a eopura- jvclv narrow area. doubt but that the North Carolina body. nri 1, . .1 1 1 troops would go to Fort Bliss and , ere u oe beyeni.ba iuaue and from there be assi-ned nlnees during the day by men who rank high nlnno- tV,o hni-Ao-r Afa,' Qmitl, Woodcraft Strand Theatre at 8 O'clock. The Oxford Orphans will tonight The public in general ve a concert at The Strand Theatre. i: ci. it: is inv:te(i to De Dreseni to near inese v " Vi ...v. SS.W'U men speafc. . feel sure that the ' a division. The Virginia troops are speakers will have someth.ng good one, and n if the orpb.ns save no concert at all the admission price annual visits from tr:i . v..r ' tin- i sns at The Strand Tonight '''n'h'annge now cares for . ; ; !dren as well as larger i t'V'l 'I I'll 1 1 Vll . . T v in mi huh ixi me children. It auo 1 1 ' 373 Died Yesterday at Her Home in Cor nelius. Cancer Cause of Death. 'Squire . A. Pitts this morning received a message from Cornelius stating that :Mrs. Caleb E. Bost died there yesterday at 12 o'clock. Mrs. Bost. was 73 years old, and her death was caused bv cancer of the stomach. Besides her .husband, Mrs. Bost is survived bv three children, Miss Mary Bost and Messrs. J. L. and Clarence n 1 Bost. Mrs. Bost has many triends and relatives in Cabarrus county, where she has visited many times and where she lived a part of her life. The funeral will be held at the home in Cornelius tomorrdw at 2 o clock and will be attended by many people from Concord and Cabarrus, who knew arid loved Mrs. Bost. a 1st i i i l isaz o iu n i:lior tliose -who tu?ar inem. r" C V ,r.'U llusie for tb oonW be fain- -ould be a ver' small donation to .nob Major Smith thinks the North! Car- isnea oy tne rorest xnii cornet xana " , 7 1 , ;n ion,. Lc of Coneord. This band eniovs a cood Concord has had W KJ--S -A IV. 1 kj A A V- A OVVfli, ClllVi I - - . " " " I j J 1 I 4. reputation and lovers ot good music i " uipwaus will do well to be on hand to hear this necessary to teu mow wno nae neara excellpnt hand. them that they will enjoy the per- (rrpp tPam i fxret(& to be on forroanee ot the children, me eon , T . i ., hand to give an exhibition drill in "the rt is well wonn more in n ine ao nftprnonn mission charged, and it is hopd that Bov pome nrenared to ena-e in Concord will give ilea a packed House racin- inmnWaml all kinds of ath- hben the curtain nse tonight. r?7 tt I .1 -v ' a IptiV v0t,c trtuVh -we arP exoeetmi? ine irrnnans gave ineir eoneen mi to have in the afternoon. Kannapolis Saturday n'ght, and play- ttntul rpfrPhments and nlentv of Id to a $ 140.00 bouse. Concord is ex- them will be sold on the picnic peeked to do mnHi more, and we feel "rniinda. F.verv'hodv is invited to le that she will. Do not disappoint t e present. Bring well filled baskets. See, orphans, but come and or:ng )o:jr anfl be seen bv your friends at this menus. hi-picnic. COMMITTEE. 1-.: a September 1st. Major W. R. Robertson has been granted a six day leave of absence and has gone to his home at Char lotte. Captain Henry Norris has been promoted to Major and assigned to the First Regiment. He has been in charge of the first regiment infirm ary, which consists of a company of 24 men from Rutherfordton. Dr. E. C. Register of Charlotte, is guest at the Atlantic Hotel at Morehead. a v arm the heart, broaden cnlarge4he life to see, t hose little ones. THE COTTON MARKET AY ;i:(t help from vou, neJl) iVom von. j ..j Opened Steady Today at a Decline of 4 to 10 Points. (Dy The Associated Press) Naw York. Au sr. 7. Ther cotton market opened steady at a decline of 4 to 10 points, but prices soon ad i - . sits around, does vanced with December selling up to : "in-s the Lord "may' do little help from you. '-t - ;1 i'ellow :,ni1 itieises.everMthinc? and 14.19 and January 14.30 before the makes of himsplf tjh the. first hour. I,.' r "iM-H of nil v rrtf tnn futures onened steadv fcJd word instead. I Anmist. no Quotation; October, 13.95 " t, - nrv,iAo 1 4. 1 4 : January. 14.27 !,,!,, . :,1!lr51 Peeler reunion will be March, 14.40; May, 14.58 ust ITU. ''rveu on Thursday, Au- . attend . ; " 1 body is invited to n-in J ikJ ii well-fiiled baskets. a Every inch a tsoldierM applies also WEATHER FORECAST. THE WHEAT MARKET. SETTLE ALL MATTERS THROUGH ARBITRATION TRAIN WRECKED. ITT. T i . . . . Near Hickory. Early Today. Hirkon, N. C, Aug, 7, Ti e rnctne, ender a tid bagrage ets-h of Sotithef 'asM-nr train. So. ?t rat Wind, wa tb-raildl at Nr!o, 'AH riil't rt of Hi Vory, arly today. Not p.nn ger were hurt. The ram r,f th t eident i not known. Kng r.eer and fire man fdi'ht injure!. Casta Unknown. Wftfchinzton, A u. fi.- The Suth- em Railway loeal pavn;'-r train between Salibun and Oid Frt, N. C., wan dr-rail"d thi ir.ornift? lvrtlr after S oebek. A rr j-.rt to 5.itb-" ern Railway headqtiartrm d n-t srite an explanation of injured, if anv. MEN VOTE IN TAVOR Of STRIKE. Vote cf 400,000 Trains tn. Who Vot ed on Strike Question. Hai Eea Counted. NVw V.irk. A Iatr4 rr 7, The Uti; count ir.g the vA , apprnij?. a!J t f(H(fHrl, of jhe r Showers East of the Mississippi Pre dicted by the Weather Bureau for Wheat Prices Weakened Und?r Sell- Switchmen's Union and Railroads De Tonight and Tomorrow. Caused by Black Rust, To- cide All Matters By Arbitration. Bjr The Associated Press.) j HaV- - ' C Or, The Aaaorlaled fr Washington, Aug. 7. Showers to- . (Br The Associated Press) New York. Aug. 7. G. W. Uang'eri night and tomorrow on much of the Chicago. Aur?. 7. Vheat prices of tie United States Board of Media- country east , of thje Mississippi is weakened todav under s llinz, due to h ion and Conciliation,, annoanee! to- counted upon by the W eather Bureau the Liverpool assertion that wheat dav that as a. result of the- confer- co Dring some reaer irom tlie neat J black rust damage in Canada wasjence between representatives or the wave. Area iiign pressure continued still rm en firmed. Ponular Dnces. to send warmth Irom the South At- which reached 1-2 to 1 2-S lower with lantie, however, no drop in temper- September at 133 3-4 to 134 1-2 and ature is lorecasted Unseasonable hot December at 1374 to 13S. were fol weather prevails in the Mississippi lowed by a recovery of neaciy Ul lost V alley, Uhio V alley and the lake re- 1)V declines to lower than before gion. Switchmen's Union of North America, and the railroad, both sides agreed to settle differences by arbitration. The difference bet ween the rail- rnads and the switchmen in no way i connected with those pending" be tween the four railroad brotherhcMxbi Wilson Returned to Washington To-j0f firemen, conductors, engineers and Application is to be made to Gov. day. trainmen. Their demands, predated Craig for the pardon of H. A. Haves. v CBt Tbe Associated Press) last March, however, are about the former superintendent of the Chil-1 Washinsrton, Amr. 7. President j same as those of the brtherhoxl dren's Home: at Winston-Salem. Wilson returned earlv todav from a 8-hour dav ad time and a half for ov Hayes is serving a term in the State week end trip down the Potomae on ertime. The eastern and ciiddleweat prison for embezzling funds of the the Mayflower. He was driven im- ern railroads are involved. The mem- Home. I mediately to the White House. I hers of the union number 30.C00. th q : tin f t rirg a g-r.ral lril in the t ve r t th-rr d-rr ar..U f r an S-ho ir day &tui t:.i;e and hf j-Af for overtime, s cnr.;4rte! ;c-t f-'re nn Unhy, urrr rliu; to ri-'ia e-rent at the had'-:?i r-r of . f o!Hf f n r hrt ht r" --d , A'f h i .h r. ial fttat-'f.T.! -o':!-l m .. i:r.t. 4. it barneri from- an au!b-rit vhe vi;ree tZiy that te M If wa oM-nsh- favor of a tne. WiiLstcn-Sales: Man Accent Ca1 td Texas. Wintn-Sih rr, A is, C, fr. S &l Is. Andern. if;re u if t Un esrht pitr of the f:r! Irh!eriia k r.on dh ifi- in the State, ha an. noinccd that he i!! arept th pr id'ney of the Autin Th4.tr-i SeTmarj", at An-stin, Ta, to r hih he wa ea'lf d two wee1 a-o. Th rtnnoticee&ent will ! received regret. Thai Kan woman vh hit,' sever seen a saloon ha3 not miss-t e. to the cost of modern war progress m

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