M F U 11 ji - ITI Ml "pjj. SHERRILL. Editor and PubUsher. PUB L ISHED MONDAYS AND T If ul S D A YS SI 'Da Ytaf. .Dwt & A4ft(f, ": .;OTHME XLII CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2 1316. PRESIDENT, SPENDING DAY AVIATOR WITH MAIL FOR DEOTSCHLAIID FORT VAUa flAS BEEN VACATED BY GERMANS IN NEW YORK CAMPAIGN STILL AVAITIIIG FOR GERMANS VERSION Or THE SINKING Or STEAM SHIP. MARINA. JUST RETURNED FROM A TRIP UP-STATE. If SiRO IHE HBYFLOra as cheered on Arrival at the Grand Central Station by a Large Group of Railroad Men. Was Met by CoL joase and Chairman McCormick, 'With Whom He Will Have a Per 9oal Conference on the Yacht. jjrs. Wilson Goes on a Shopping Tour in the Meantime. President Cannot Attend the Regiment Ba zaar, as Intended. illy The Aaaoclated T'rc.iO Kew York. Nov. 2. President Wil son arrived here this morning from a aEpai-Ti trip up-state. He was tak ,n by ant across town to Hudson river and went aboard government yacht Mayflower. Whn the President reached the firand Central station to spend his only day of campaigning -in New York City, with four speeches on his .ronxn for the afternoon and even-1 in?, ho was cheered by a large group of railroad men, some of them carry intr American flags. He was met at the station by Col. A. M. House and Chairman McCor mick. With they he motored to the Xew York Yacht Club and there hoardoil the Mayflower for a personal conference. - . While the President and Mr. House aid Mr. McCormick were on the Mayflower. Mrs. Wilson and other women went on a short shopping tour. The President found it to be impos sible for him to carry out the., pro gram sot for him, and decided not to attend the 09th regiment bazaar in thr afternoon.- ,x : .- v -' ' The President, instead of going to the Riznnr, it .was announced, would vist Democratic National headquar ters hero. lie desired personally to meet the staff work in.:- for his re-election, and to see the machinery of headquarters in operation. After visiting hend euartors w arranged to return' to the MayOo'A ( r to work on his night Spoecli. s"Vf(t;'i.ta oietaota oietao roaroab Hicials in the President 's party no .'itmouncement was ready in '"rjo'ti:,-! with the sinking of the Miirhin. SOCIAL EVENTS. Given in Honor of Misses Hamilton and Corbitt. Guests of Miiss Jenn Coltranc. M:ss Mar merite Hamilton, of CoV- ;n-tcn. Ky., and Miss Elizabeth Cor-of- Jacksonville, Fla., who are !;" house guests of Miss Jenn Col trane, havt- been recepients of many ('';arj.ing social events during their .sty iu the city. V'sterday Miss Coltrane and guests J'-to bonuicos at a luncheon given by Ml"s- T- Gutherie, of Charlotte. The ''uivV'uii was given at the Charlotte 'utry Club. i;ns iiMfinoon Alisses Hamilton .r::t will be. the honor guests ''. : !' "; -!'"' sliow party, given by ir. 1 1 i Sanders. Following the Sanders will entertain at at her home on South Un- r. ( r,i:i;,li,'v'V MissesColtrane, Hamilton ":ui i ,.r:, u!ieiv ;!, ! : tt vill motor to Greensbpro, will he entertained at a fhev will be accompanied -'Jir.o IV. 7,. (jreensboro by Messrs. A. T. !1r. John Kellenberger, ot '. and Lawton Aliller, of India. hor .at unlay Miss Coltrane and guests vj "-our to (lastonia, where they jy-U W ' utertained by Mrs. D. A. mr--m. a sister of the hostess. Stickley Visits Schools. jj.n- M. . Stickley visited the city Sf hool this morning and made 7 delightful address to the boys t i." vf 1Ie told Ihem about the Qvf of eonsorv-at-ou being carried , "v United States and its im- ',1U '::iirtance of preserving the .'. 'r; and thus conserving the sin Mr. tickley congratulated the cit t 'uncord on their splendid i;;iit and urged the boys and make the best use of it. 'nrite of his talk was pre- He ured the students to y for life's opportunities by ''-l -the tasks of the hour.' V, (an oi n alJ i )arnc11 Mercantile Co. They lso Douglass Shoes. . ' FOREST HILL NEWS. Hallowe'en Party. Several Interest ing Personal Items. Mr. C. S. Smart has returned from a visit to friends in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Suiher and children have returned from a visit to relatives in No. 5 township. Messrs. W. P. Whitley and J. P. Enniss spent Sunday in Statesviile with friends. Mr. W. A. Wilkinson has returned from a business trip to Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Howell, have returned: to their home near Ch'na Grove, after spending several davs here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Howell. -- Miss Pansy Morrison entertained a number of her friends last night with a Hallowe'en party at her home on Meadow street. The evening was greatly enjoyed by all present. Mrs. C. L. Carter and daughter, Margaret, have gone to Asheviile to spend the winter. They visited :n Concord at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Suther. . Mrs. W. B. Sloan is confined to her home this week by illness. Master Edgar Melchor, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Melchor, is re covering from an attack of pneu monia. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FROM TREASURER MORGENTHAU Of Contributions Sent to Campaign Fund Through The Tribune and i. Times. , . We have received the following let- ter from Mr. Henry Morsrenthau. chairman of the Finance Committee of the National Democratic National Committee: New York, Oct. 30, 191C. Mr. J. B. Sherrill, Editor, The Concord Daily Tribune, Concord, N. C. , Dear Mr.' Sherrill: - Many thanks to you for sending Mr. Bost's additional contribution of live dollars to the Wilson campaign fund. Our Treasurer's office is sev eral weeks behind in the sending out of the individual receipts. However, I have mentioned the fact that Mr. Bost and Dr. Houston sent contribu tions on October 12, and have asked that their receipts be sent to them without further delav. I thank you for calling my atten tion to the matter. " Very truly yours, H. MORGENTHAU. Chairman Finance Committee. U. S. SHOULD GO OUT OF THE DRINK BUSINESS So Says Ira Landrith Today, And Gives Good Reason For It. (By The Associated Pre) Altoona Pa., Nov. 2. Liquidation of the Civil War debt, the only ex cuse ever given for the Federal Gov ernment issuing liquor licenses, long since has been accomplished, and now the United States should go out of the drink business, Ira Landrith, the Pro hibition vice president nominee, told a crowd here today. "You northerners paid this liquor bill.' he said, "lou did it in lSb2. We southerners were not in Congress then. We can prove an alibi. You said you wanted to meet the war debt and von; -probably did. When Presi dent Lincoln agreed to the bill's pas sage, only with the understanding that it would be repealed when the war was over. "The war has now been over more than 50 years. The debts are paid. We don't need the money any longer; why we are so rich that we contribute $50,000,000 annually, for just plain pork. 'Yet you keep a white apron on Uncle Sam, and use the American flag to wipe off dirty bars." Fine Report of Methodist Protestant Church. At the last quarterly conference for the year of the Methodist Protestant Church, held last Saturday night, all the collections were reported paid up in full.' The conference will meet this year at Winston-Salem. The salary nf the Dastor hereRev. W. R. Low- rntj mereased SuUU. JUT. uciiu'i, " " ; b Lowdermilk has done most efficient nnd aceentable work during his pas torate. Brick has been put on the ornund for the erection of several Sunday school rooms; as the Sunday school" has outgrown the capacity of the church building. Miss Lucile Linton,1 of Athens, Ga., is spending several days in the city looking up family records She is osneeiallv interested in the history of the family of Rev. John Thompson, a Presbyterian preacher who came to this section along about tne ear xiou. LEFT CHICAGO AT 6 O'CLOCK THIS MORNING. HS 10 IE III in a Victor Carlstrom Starts cn Air Jour ney to New Yoik, Carrying a Sack of Mail for the Dentschland. Ex pected to Make the Trip Without a Step. Passed Mishawaka at 7.02 Making 80 or 90 Miles an Hour! Is Following the Tracks of the New York Central Railway. Had to Descend at Eria Pa., on Account of ' Engine Trouble. (By Th Aaaorlated Prea) Chicago, Nov. 2. Victor Carl strom, aviator, left Chicago at G.Q9 this morning on an air journey to New York, announcing his intention of having dinner in that city today. The aviator expects to make the trip without a stop. He is carrying a sack of mail made up of letters from the city officials of Chicago to the officials at New York. Included are several communications said to bestined for the Deutschland, at New London, Conn. -j Going 90 Miles an Hour. ' South Bend, Indiana, Nov. 2. Vic tor Carlstrom passed south of 'Mish awaka at 7 :02 this morning flying tot a speed of from 80 to 90 miles an hour. He lost his course between Iia Porte and South Bend, and when he passed this vicinity he was six miles south of the Ney York Central rail way track, which he intended to fol low. ' Had to Stop. Eria, Pa., Nov. 2, Aviator Victor New York, landed here at lletaoteao .Carlstrom, flying from Chicago :to New York, landed here at o clock, because of engine t roubles He was unable to say how long he would be delayed. '.Established New Record. Erie, Pa., Nov. 2. When Aviator Victor Carlstrom. who is living from Chicago to New York, landed in this city at 11:26 a. m. today, because of engine trouble, he had established' a new 'American non-stop flight record. Erie is just half the distance Carl strom set out to cover. He intends leaving here as soon as possible, and is expected to get to New York by C this afternoon. A Big Sale to Start at Efird's Friday, . November 3. On Friday, November 3rd, Efird's will open a big sale at their store here. Thousands of dollars worth of new Fall merchandise will be put on sale at low prices during this sale, which will continue for one week. Ladies' ready-to-wear, men's and boys' clothing, shoes for men, women and children, boys' and girls' union suits and hundreds of other good bar gains can be had during this sale. See their page ad. in this paper today and attend the big sale. No Mail Agents on Nos. 11 and 12. "Mail agents have been discontinued on trains Nos. 11 and 12. This will cause little or no inconvenience, hero, however, as Nos. 37 and 33 will handle the mail heretofore handled on trains -Nos. 11 and 12. It will facili tate the delivery of mail, of No. 37, at the postoffice, as the carrier will bring the mail from the depot immed iately on arrival of this tiain and will not wait for No. 11 as formerly. 5 n in. Oytfe At COURT HOUSE T M Mr. Hoey is making one of the best speeches of the Cam paign. Come and haar him. MUSIC BY THE FOREST HILL BAND Ainif -iHE -smmimis iimiins State Departaeat Awaiting Farther Particulars to Determine if Ger many has Broken Pledges Made to United States in Regard to Subma rine Warfare. Report From Ath ens That Germany Has Noticed Greek Government That She In tends to Sink All Ships Carrying Supplies to Allies Without Any Warning. . Washington, Nov. 2. State Dcpart nvnt oflicials are still waiting today fur the German version of the de struction of the British steamship Marina with the loss of American lives. They also were expecting afti davits from American survivors on which to determine whether German pledges with the United States had been broken. A news dispatch from At liens last night saying the Greek government had been notified of Germany's in tent to sink without warning all ships carrying supplies to the Allies, was regarded there to be of no great im portance. So far as is known, the United States has received no such notification and not known whether such has been sent to the other neu trals. Such proceedure would be consid ered by the United States as direetly contrary to the pledges made by Ger many. THE COTTON MARKET Opened Steady at an Advance of 1 to 3 Points, With Increased Strength Today. (Br The Aaaoelated Irea) New York, Nov. 2. The cotton market opened steady at an advance of 1 to 3 points, with prices soon de veloping increased strength. Yester day's sellers seemed to be buying on the advance, which carried January up to 18.99 and May to 19.20 before the end of the first hour, or about 33 to 34 points net higher. Coon futures opened steady: De cember, 18.68; January, 1S.6S; March 18.S1; May, 13.83; July, 18.97. First Number of thet Lyceum Course. The first number of the Lyceum Course will be given at 8 o'clock on Monday evening, November 0. If you believe in and enjoy clean high class entertainments secure a season ticket or a family tickci so thatthe whole family may enjoy a treat five times this winter. It will save a dol lar to buy a season ticket. Just phone Mr. Webb that you want a season t'eket as he will not be able to see every one. Be sure not to miss the first num ber, The Old Home Singers, as they will call back the days of Au'd Lang Syne. The Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Protestant Church will give an oyster supper on next Satur day night in one of Mr. L. IL Sides' ne-v cottages oppOs'te-the church, on Ann street. Oysters, pickles, cakes and old-fashioned chicken stew will "be served. The ladies invite vou to come and want you to "come hun grv." fUl Gil i. LOCAL AND OTHEEWXSH S ti.- tif M. L, W4&U i u. til iws of lit TiS,r a3fd : pr'.fr. Hoa. Clyde R. IU? ' S oVWk st the et;rt bo-tu ti'8:fit Mcwr by .Kowt Hill Bxsl. ' t. ih HorJ t ii W. A. Su;i:h hour t r.ikt abd. rrt ct sapper. Cotton on tte tsariH i batjr ins: IS 0-4 eecU UUy. ('VftUn cJ S5 cents per buhrl. Tlier will be preaching Mhr C4J Water Lutheran Churrh ett Sutd afternoon at 3 o'clock, by Dr. t)rr?r II. Cox, of St. Juhn'jL Hetember hen raa po t vie text Tuesday a&k fcr nix ballots and vote in all tit b(xe. lie iiire to re member tbi. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Andrews of the Christ an Vcdantecr, bo bae leen working in Concord for &m time, hare gone to Lumberton to en srage in the sarrV work. Mr. Frank Plott, nho i attending school at the Southern Indatrial In stitute at Charlotte, sjcnt Sunday with the family of his father, Mr. George llott, of No. 9 township. TLe Cabarni Savings Bank lias re ceived a supply of the new Ikvjc of dimes. The coin has the Godde of Liberty on one fdde end the insignia of the country on the other. Unlike the other new coins, it is pretty. Tomorrow night there will be a public debate at the Wineeoflf School, on the proposed Four Amendments to the Constitution. TLe 'public in cor: dially invited. Refreshment will be served. On Saturday. Efird's will Wgin their big shoe sale, when they will place a $60,009 stock before the pub lic. The sale will last several day. See their advertisement, and watch this sale. Mrs. A. M. Fnrrart yctcrdav- en tertained a number of Confederate Veterans at her ltome, in honor of hr father, Mr. Mack . Krnmon's. Those enjoying her hospitality were Messn. Harris, S. O. Bundy. ieorge Broun. N. T. Blackwc-lder, Jamf s (onln an, Press Facrgart and Monrfe Hillon. Mr. Ernt Klnttz, of BlucfieR W. Va., is vis' tins his mother, Mrs. S. I Kluttz. Mr. Kluttz is a member of the engineer'nc: corps of the Norfolk & Western Kailroad, and has bon at Bluefield for about eight months. He expects to return to Lis work next Monday. Mr. Howard Plott, wn of Mr. George Plott, of No. 9 township, who wa? hurt in a railroad accident in Texas rtently, has sufficiently recoy erel as to be able to return to his home in Amarilla, and exin-cts oon to return to his work, with the rail road. Mr. J, M. Sifferd, of the Rockwell action, showed us today a f-franc piece dated 1836. The pie-e of money had been in the possession of , h.s mother-in-law for 75". years. On one s:d" are the words, "Iuis Ph'lippci Roi Des Frk'.cab," with a pMure f the King. Elections cannot carry themselves and therefore every Democrat must be up an'd doing from now nnt l the jk.I's close. Try to ge. all your ncish bors to vote ' with you. o not de pend on others working for o r uc es but work -yourself, ar.d do to ai if the result depends on your own individual efforts. CHAELES E. HUGHES IS BACK HOME Will Wind Up Presidential Campaign in New York State. With Several Speeches. Illy The tjwMH-!ae rre Buffalo, N. Nov. 2. Chas. K. Hiifhes came back to Lis huir.e state. of New York, to wind up his Presi dential campaign. His prograna ar riehim Unlay through Central New York to Albany, wiure Le il peak tonight. Tomorrow the program rail for speeches rlorrg tie rally of tic Hud eon River ending with. hi 'arrival is New York 'City The congrrgstlcn of the First Bap t"st Church will put a ne- roof on their charrh building at once, and the shingk-s have been put cn tie ground for the purpose Mr. J. W. Cannon has gone to New York, and will be at the Waldorf -Astoria for tea days. CVACCATIOS IS'JCreOCTCO nt Aiur "rrua el frn IU4 t Elrra Up.-rVLtsAUj-'AU QrsxsA Takca Vy tU Otrc-ua lit XLmAj cf iU Htz llJLt fwra Lci . rrrsch Trocrs Osia 0r4 U At UcXm 0raa liMTt la ia ran Cealmt4 hf 0?r&a lUna No Ut Vp in raJkrra'i fm cr ca Err.sr.ifca ricatScr. (By Tm AtmUM r Fort YU1, one ..f 1 1r rnt itjjjft' a&t fortiSfAt. t, A4rrd by lt Cirrvr.gk in Ihrir !ne for Yerdife Um brn eacu!is ty Um. Tl. earaikt u x&riuttl Sj IWriua -day. The rrrr,r5 facuAti4 IV ft Vai dunn tt c l. tle.r fftU r. ortt without J iftdrmb' hy t h Frrnrh, an I attrr portor of the fort had been blown up. T! Frrwh c . ticued to iotir a hvy fire frx lie truns on the fortirAttona. . '" . . Virtually all the frrt&d f prv nuncel a!ue, fkm by tt lirrrn on U bank cf the Mea In tbr;r inter and uprire ofTetM ul Vr d m, has now, jth the flt f Ft Vaui, Wen lot to ihem. French tno ojrraUjjf ia the lm Boeufg and Hancourt itnni on tt Somme frtint alo raliHsl ?rrn4 terday in attacks on the Herman li&e, The'-ParU. rfttrt Utt-n'gM, aftooanc ing thee advance, W io Tt enJin. el by the 'German official tatemist tolay hich, how cvr, drsUres tie main t fTort of the Frrtih te for ward was repub-ed. The BritUh 1 kewiwe, pjita IWhr, failed in an attack north nf lVtirr lette on the Sonn. front. Imdo4i Jat niht reprrtcd gains in the I -mi Boejf Mc'or in oferiifn in cca juncti'n it i th Frrnrh, hni ai no-.! need t day th.it heavy u;n were falling and that l rf ai a ndt worthy hapH"ntn: daring lie njrht Tier ; n a? larcnt Jef W! in ti reti'?:ire which (hn. von FJkcr.hart i exerting rlong th Ikurrantaa nortSifHitem frn!lcr. but ia jrcntral the Rurrnnians are rrrtd ho'd tig him fairly wr 11 in fhcek. Ja f:'' vance of import anrc are avaiMnnef Unlay by the (U m an ar trce. On tYe Stokhol river in 4hvn;a a Rtwinn. :defrat viuth of Wjv-r.iU is announced by Berlin, in hi'h ll rerort tie catture of irtre li an .1 prioner by the German 'troop. PLEAD GUILTY TO BLOWINO UP SATE. Jerry Tarfow, U GiTea "IV a Yean Sentence at Salisbury. Sal:bury, N. ( Nov. 2. Jerry Farlo-w, a voting -a Lite n.ajtt, arreti here some week ago, pfw4 fruilly is the- Federal 'Court lb s rrmir-g to blowing -and robbing lie Mfe in the Sjnrcr ;fwto.f!iee la! Janarv. H fentT.ced to 10 ren is tKr Fed eral pnon. Farltiw evapd frri the Georgia State pri-r. fr r.nth 'ago,, were i,e -wa. erf ir-f r zx.au- slaughter.- THE WHEAT "AREXT. Arrestic-a EaLsa T.t Wheat EsH at j a Disadvantage In llarket Today ! .Chicago. Nov, '1. ArgentinA rait ir.dd !odv to wheat bull at a disadvantage, 'aliroagh trd (rpm that eour.tr." that dr- 'weather, had led to -brief rally. Upetwwr tai lions here, rarged ..fro ti 4 ' to 34 up, with I'i rr h r at lfc2 12 U 1-2, ar.d May M 11 1-2 to 1-2 34 ere fctlh..wed by a rrxrked bulge, al ,w..vj oj pamus t rtisfj uqt c!crd.iv3 fir.al Hgtiff-s. Cecrt Adjocrsj Till Next Tfcsnday. ' Only a few raw ere di-e.! ef in' Superior 'Cort yptffdy itftrr rsom, which ercp!-tcd'.'th erixisal docket. John Kady 't f4sd-iriilHy of selling. Jar:j?;ca gingtY r.d. wi z(' with .r-h."t!f t:- e !.. vf the Henrv Trn. r.ai fn?.d gui'ty of tratrtirg ti'r, and raV t-;ied trfth -20 end. the t-.t-- Tl. ' e;u:t t!-en e.d;l -'irrd until t.irl Thuray, whfn it rall take rip !hCttl D'xit-t. .TLe drt'g-Mrc of t!ie fi'' ure plsnni'ng tt rttisre eah fcr ill rla finfnjn drinks lifter tBe lSth of this tnontli. l': & -1 . I t