I r OP AT Made in NX, U. S. A. AND V p 1 1 mm Ms FOR REFRESHING :en women and children Is Now Being Sold in Concord by Gibson's Drug Store Under Money Back Guarantee In KannapoJis by F. L. Smith Drug Store Take a Minute and Read These This lady is willing to testify for us and if you are interested in your self and want to be benefited write to her personally, enclosing stamp for reply. LISTEN! "This is to certify that I bought tvro bottles of your Rheumatism Remedy (L-Rheumo,) from, you and took itand am now able to do my work. "Before taking your medicine (L RHEUMO,) I had suffered for several years with Rheumatism, and INDI GESTION. , "I am now feeling like a new per son, having gained at least twenty five pounds. "I think your medicine, (L-RHEUMO,) a God-send to humanity." (Mrs.) MATTIE ROBINSON, R. F. D, 2, Morven, N. C. This gentleman lives in the town where L-Rheumo i3 made and where Dr. Williams has been giving it to Rheumatism sufferers through physi cians for years. - "I suffered for some five years with MUSCULAR RHEUMATISM, was treated by different Physicians, but found no relief. Then I went to Patent Medicines and tried them out thoroughly, still got no relief. At this time I was induced to try your Rem edy, (L-RHEUMO), and after taking it for THREE DAYS the pain was relieved, my Rheumatism was gone. "Now, one year after taking it, I , feel well and strong, only took tone bottle. "I advise everyone suffering with Rheumatism to take it. (L-RHEUMO), and feel certain they will be cured. W. E. PRATT, With F. P. Pratt. & Co., Morven, N. C. . Charlotte, N. C, Sept 1st, 1916. Chapman-Alexander Laboratories, Charlotte, N. C. Gentlemen: I have been a constant sufferer from Rheumatism for the past six years, my right arm was so badly af fected at times that I could not use it and consequently lost a great deal of time from my work. During my four years residence in New York I was treated by several specialists with only temporary relief and on moving to Charlotte two 'years ago I had several physicians treat me and was advised to take the baths at the Sanitorium which gave me only pas sing relief, then after almost giving up hope a friend 6f mine gave me a bottle of L-RHEUMO to try and while I had no faith in it, I wanted to please my friend and so about the 10th of July I began taking L-RHEUMO and oner six-ounce bottle made a new man of me riot, only giving me back the use of my arm, but improved my general health to such an extent that I gladly recommend this medi cine to all the people. Yours gratefully. A. LOUISA. 904 West Seeond St., Charlotte, N. C. A PROMINENT COTTON BUYER AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AFFIRMS : "After suffering from Rheumatism for about two years I was advised to try your remedy (L-RHEUMO,) "After taking it for a few days I was entirely relieved of painand now was entirely relieved of pain and now most one-half of the first bottle left. "I began taking (L-RHEUMO) about July 15th, 191G, a little more than a month ago.'" II. G. HUNTLEY, J. P., Of the firm of J. E. Moore & Co., Cot ton Buyers, Morven, N. C. CHAPMAN-ALEXANDER LABOR ATORIES. Incorporated. Main Office CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA, Laboratories MORVEN, NORTH CAROLINA L-Rheumo Contains No Harmful Drugs Can Be Taken Up By the Most Delicate Stomach Look for the Big $1.00 the Bottle ONE WEEK'S TREATMENT "PASTOR" RUSSELL DIES ON TRAIN IN THE WEST Inflercndent Minister and Editor of tl i Watch Tower Succumbs to an Attack of the Heart. Csindian, Tex., Oct., .31. Charles TaL' Russell, known as "Paster" Ruh.idl, an independent minster, edi tor of the Watch Tower and promi nent author of . studies on the Scrip ture, died this afternoon on Atchi son, Topeka and Santa Fe tra'n en xoute from Los Angeles to New York. Heart disease was given as the cause. I'a.-.tor Russell was an independent Teli'iuus worker. He was familiar to church-goers and those who never -V.T..f I ,,1...MAU . 1 .1, 1, .. 1 -F . California to. the North, Sea. AH over the United States and England he hell pastorates simultaneously. Pastor Russell 's f ul name , was Charles Taze Russell. He was born In Allegheny, Pa., on February' 16, I8o2, the son of Joseph L. and Ann IFMt.a. (B'rney) Russell. He was rear ed tinder the teachings of the Congie 3ation;d Church, and his education was. gained under private tutors. At the tender ae of twelve, the boy be- 3?an to think His mind became con fused because of the inconsistency, it seemed to li!m, of God, whom he was taught h believe was Love, condemn ing fio creatures to endles torment as the result. of their sins, even while knowing that these creatures were not able,, in their imperfection, to walk Jree from sin. -Fail.ng to find satisfaction by in qury of his teachers, young Russell rejected his religious teachings, and later rejected the Bible, which he had Teen told taught this doctrine so dis- 'pleasing to him. For many' years Russell searched the creeds of other denominations and "the writings of religious men and phil osophers. Then he turned again to the Bible; thinking that, after all, his "teachers might have been misin formed. H:3 study of the Bible, analytically, 'text by text, was rewarded. He be ame convinced that the Bible did not ttcach eternal torment for the wicked; Tbnt that, on the contrary, God had a wonderful plan, revealed to.him in the Scriptures, so vast, so grand, that he wrmdered that he had never seen it before. He then became Pastor Russell. He did mot found a new religious creed, Imt established an independent minis try. He had acquired a fortune from n chaia of stores which his business aV.lUv and thrift enabled him to up build. He' sold his . business and ded icated his future years and his for tune to his independent preaching. That was in 1878, at Pittsburg. During all these years he has trav elled some 30,000 miles a year, mak ing semi-annual trips to England. His two big centers have been at Brook lyn and at London, where his famous tabernacles were .headquarters for the spreading of Pastor Russell's work. Pastor Russell founded the Inter national Bible Student's Association, made up of men who have, like him self, given up everything to spread the message ' that the punishment of the B.ble toward sinners is eternal death and not eternal torture. Pastor Russell conducted his wide spread work without collections or solicitations of any kind. His books on the interpretation of the Scrip tures have had wide distribution, and are said to reach the enormous figure of 700,000 a year. Pastor Russell 's sermons have been published by 2.000 newspapers throughout the United .States and Eu rope. It is doubtful whether any the ologian has been wider read than this independent preacher. A GREAT DAY AT ST. JOHN'S. 1 - The Lutherans of Cabarrus County Hold Their Annual Reformation Services. Two Splendid Addresses Are Delivered. throughout the entire world. The Rev. Geo. II. Co.v D. con ducted the mcrning service and the Rev. M. L. Stirewalt led in the general prayer. The afternoon service was . conducted by the Rev. L. D. Miller, as- s.sted by the Revs. B. S. Dasher and Sunday, October 20, 191C, was a , G. TT r Park in ih nvr great day for the Lutherans of Ca- j Tbe music for the morni gerviee barrus and adjoinng countes All the j was led bv a chorus from Mont Amoe seven Lutheran pastors of Cabarrus ' Seminarv under the direction of county, together with representatives Prof Hampton Stirewalt. The choir TT-1! ?astratf' assembled at j of St. John's ably led the music for "Old Historic St. John's" for theifu0 for c,-; V - annual joint reformation services and for the beginning of the celebration of the 400th anniversary 5f the Pro testant Reformation. In addition to the representatives from the churches ah v.auaiiuoj uuuicittua came in mrL;e TT numbers from adjoining counties. The I IIavinS enjoyed such a great day large and spacious auditorium was the afternoon service. Dinner was served in p'cnlc ."'style in the grove, and those who know the hospitality of Cabarrus county people need not be told that every body was abundantly provided for POLITICS WILL NOT -LO DOE'S STATEMXXT I - nut r -i t ... ." Postscript to t: L.k'-i.j. COURT CASES. Numerous Cases Were Brought Up And Disposed of Tuesday and Yes terday. In the Superior Court, the case of Glenn Harmon was finished Tues-' day, and the defendant was found not guilty of larceny. Dock Yow, Oscar Sutton and Tom Helms, charged with larceny, were found not guilty. Yow, however, was found guilty of carrying a concealed weapon, and nuisance. He was made to pay a fine of $50 for carrying a concealed weapon, and the costs in all three cases amounting to over $250. J. H. Draughn, who appealed from the police justice court, was found guilty of carrying concealed weapon, and made to pay a fine of $50 and the costs. He was also put under a bond not to sell Rivico in Cabarrus county for the next three years. Lee Todd, charged with abondon ment, nolo contendere. George DeBaugh was found guilty of larceny, but sentence has not yet been passed. packed and many were compelled to remain outside in the grove. The Rev. II. A. McCullough, of Columbia, S. C, delivered a masterly address at the morning service. His text was I Thessalonians 5 :21 : 1 'Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." The subject drawn from this was, ' 4 Private Interpretation." The word of God was held. up as the only rule by which any doctrine or con fession should be measured. The speaker exhorted every individual, aud especially every pastor to use the pro cess of proving, of testing, of reject ing, ot holding fast, everything new that appears from, day to day. It was also urged that a closer study of God's Word and of the confes sions of the Church of the Reforma tion. But above all else faith in Jesus Christ, the Righteous, as the only Sa vior of the world should be held fast. At the afternoon service the Rev. R. R. Sowers, pastor of Organ and Evenezer Churches in Rowan county, delivered a strong address, using 2nd Timothy 2:9. 'The Word of God is not bound," as his text. He gave a brief but very enlightening and edify ing portrayal of the chief events in Luther's life from the time of his birth to the the Lutherans of Cabarrus county are looking forward with much pleasure to other special services being plan ned for the year by the Cabarrus Lutheran Minister's Association. REV. G. H. C. PARK. Kannapolis, N. C. Oct. 30, 191fi. STATE SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION SENATOR BANKHEAD'S f fT T"lTTVr III I ITTT1Tn To Meet in Burlington November 17-19. An Interesting Program. Burl -ngton, N. C, Oct. 31. Com mittees in charge of the arrangearents for holding the annual convention of the North Carolina Sunday School Association in this city on November 17, 18 and 19 are making rapid head way and it is announced that one of the most interesting meetings of the organization ever held is to be ex pected. John L. Alexander, of Chicago, su perintendent of the secondary or "teen-age" division of the Interna tional Sunday School Association and recognized as one of the foremost au thorities on this branch of the work, has accepted an invitation to attena and take an active part in the sessions. Diet of Worms. Estpma1- The Program, it 'is announced, will 1 i ly were the finding of the bound Word deai especially with educational and ... I L A' 1 idi'iit h,sl - r," a w cakti-.r.' U r I.ij''!r uu. ilv N-h K. ; .' s-Vi lrir:, Mr. Senator I'rvMl r.t ; l au.rhdr. r.1 To Take Place at His Home in Ala bama, November 13. Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 31. Invi tations were received here today an nouncing the Golden Wedding Anni versary of Senator and Mrs. John IT. Bankhead. The celebration to take plate at their home in Jasper, Ala., November 13th. of God, the realization of the great irutn mat "The just shall live by faith," the nailing of the ninety-five theses to the church door in Witten bnrg, and bis appearances before the Diet of Worms, strikingly described. Then came the appeal that the Word of God be unbound and kept free from the commercializing influences that are pervading the church of to day even as it was at the time of the sale of indulgences. This word should have free course in the life of every professing Christian and be preached and lived in a practical way in our fair southland and it should be sent constructive plans as regards the kpc ondary or "teen-age" division of the Sunday school. This department in former years is said to have been con sidered one of the weakest joints in the work but it is declared that under new plans it is rapidly becoming one of the strongest. Of the State Department in Regard to Sinking of Marina, Lansing Says. Washington, Nov. 1. Scrr'tary Lansing authorized a formal statt--; ment today that the progrcj-s of-"th political campaign would in no -way-affect the investigation of the sub marine attacks, and that "there had been no change in the I'nitcd -'State government's policy. Meanwhile Count von Bernftorff, the German ambassador, Rent a wire less to his government asking that he be furnished immediately bv win U-m with all the details available in r- j Inn p.;. gard to the sinking of the Marina. tI;a secretary Lansing made it plain also ! that no decisive act:on would be tak en till Germany had had an oppor tunity to reply to the inquiry for her version of the attack on the Marina and Rowanrrore. . Instructions ent to the embassy at Berlin are aid to have asked more for an investigation by Germany, and not for an exjdanat'on. It was not meant to indicate that the United States believed that it had any pnf that Germany had violated her pledges. No affidavits of American survivors have yet been received, b it they are expected to begin arriving shortly. Tbe department has request ed that they be cabled, immed'ately. The question of whether the Marina was armed is becoming increasingly important. No mention of that -has been made in advices so far received, and embassy in London has asked for information. Germany has contended that the ship was armed. even with small s'ern guns for defense only, should not be entitled to ordinary iruaran- tees, but sank on Eight, as be.ng prac tically a naval auxiliary. The fact that England has bet-n arming more and more of her merch antment.has raised a vital question in Germany's consideration of a wider submarine campaign. - - Officials here leave no doubt thit the United States will not accept such a contention by Germany. The gov ernment will stand on that point as it has stood throughout VXt J'l MTlt't . W phai7'-! ? -ed af! r t: : u;is:n tr.'rit id t t! - . 'ial'-. ' in't ; r: .r ili-' t. r J' that 1 r- - tl if '.a Do You Have Sour Stomach? If you are troubled with sour stom ach you should eat slowly and mnst;. eate your food -thoroughly, then take one ot Chamberlain s Tablets immed iately after supper. ObtninnhT erywhere., adv. A forward progressive movement was alunched in China Grove on Thursday of last week, -when several ladies of the town met with the fac nltv of the Graded school and orran "zed " A Community Club," whose oh ,:eot shall be the moral, social and ed ucational uplift of tbe community at large, but especially the betterment of school conditions. which "It f.lid 'to ! 1 ' ' nv-d i. '' rr.omir;i.'. outer har' ar.d East n. Captatr. lard i:t i ' cident. T-- ITiPll X it . SIX Six Negrcci : d: 0 s r I ' ; h . jfannt ''' day s r-" snd wn-" ' n'-'hi off lauTicii uV.' f: atul'.i !at'-r. N"4' found. V ar. i - is 1: