B. SHERRILL, Editor and VOLUME XLII. UTTERS BEFORETHE STATE LEGISLATURE JFFEAGE, HOTEL INSPECTION, j PATENT MEDICINES. ETC. III THE HOTEL Bill 'either House 'Will Meet ;Till 3 O'clock p. m. A "Frying-Size" Flood Keeps the Legislators In- fdoors Much Favorable Comment i ... lis Being Heard on the Proposal of the Roberts Bill to Grant Munici jj pal Suffrage to Women, But the I Chief Interest Centers on the Edu j rational Fight on Wednesday. - I Three Kinds Legislation Proposed. j (Special to The Tribune) I Raleigh, Jan. 20. With neither Ioiisr of the General Assembly meet ntr till '.V j 'clock this afternoon a irvin-size flood keeping everybody mloors, legislative circles on the sur- ... v. ...i uiuiumi; as a ueii r n..n OfI ill I AT Thin vwt a . . I. I. s aoout to lay an egg- Huddling in otundas. and lobbies, however, leg shitnre gave themselves over to the lreary contemplation of the. weather I ind the week's work. f Suffrage, hotel inspection, open formula for patent medicines, and education are subjects uppermost. A jood bit of fun is being poked at flic hotel bill, which has the endorse ment of the Travellers' Protective Association. Opponents of the meas- POKED lire say it is drastic and prohibits the at tne beqinninsr of the week. After use of one towel by more than one selling off to 16.55 for. May contracts person, the serving of the same more on Monday, however, the tone became than once, and the waiter putting May touching 17.42 today. . This re more than one finger in the soup. covery of about .$4 25 per bale from I Much favorable comment is heard the early week decline was attributed on the proposal of the Roberts bill to to a sharper demand from trade grant municipal suffrage to women, sources. but chief interest centers in the edu- Continued full clearance sesmed to rational fight of Wednesday. : Three relieve nervousness over the ocean kinds of legislation will be proposed: freight situation to x some extent. The election of county boards by the while the rally also was promoted by counties, their appointment by a cen- small ginning returns and reports of tral commission l.tpe created, and continued firmness in Southern spot their cotd missioning by the Governor markets. The demand from exp'oTf- after being nominated by county ers was reported to be falling off dur- Democratie primaries; Senator Person, of Franklin county who is 300 pounds of vim vigor and voice, speiu me v -.tv vuu ni numv preparing ior an oue::sive, me ukc t which has not ho- seen since the Kaiser crossed to Marne. He fav ors election by counties. DENIES ALL OF TOM LAWSON'S CHARGES Pliny Fisk,. of Harvey Fisk & Son, Denies the Whole Business. (By The Associated Preaa) . . New York, Jan. 29. Denial of all of Thomas W. Lawson's charges acainst them. Darticularlv his al- lptvp1 ncnri at ion with Secretary. Me- I vviiv u in 11 1 vji.'V . ,1 n.l W a 1 1 KlvoAt nml XTflfl mft.fl ft I today before the "leak" investiga tion committee by Pliny ' Fisk, of Harvey Fisk & Son, New York bank ers. Fisk denieUd that he ever had a .ioint Wall 'Street account with Me Adoo and a senator "0;," that he had told Archibald White or anyone else that he controlled Secretary Mc- Adnr. nn d that he had received ad vance information regarding Presi dent Wilson recent peace note. Asked if his firm hadever enjoyed any advantages in transactions with the Treasury Department Fisk re plied negatively. He. admitted that flfto entircf to Secretary McAdoo tmf nffita in ft Vmildin? his firm owned would be suitable for a Feder- al Reserve Bank, he had leased the offices to the Gdvernmnt t ' ' AWv TTScV in CIOSIBK UW , iwuu,, said he still thougl ment probably was the result-of a ' 'disordered -brain",. and several 'erit icized him for dragging the name of tt x.v tr cl,. into 4:bA ittauirr. rill) uansvu o "Lawson should be taken at his vieted and sentenced to a term m 3 tv-. iiaA tU. he.lrjrison. but was granted a new tnaL hind 'bars on basis of perjury when he wantonly handled the name of a TPTOifnWft citizen. If his statement is the result of a disordered brain, as it appears to be, perhaps the good Lord will take care of it in his own Lawson it developed today, has V. . ' - been ordered to remain in touch with me committee as ne way ,i r,, , v -oao iui at any time. ana im rmi t -r ot no notra.li.. ii, :vf o Nr tvorfi trom mm ijonaon. oaix. ai . vjc ' m:i.j papers, says an Exchange . a eiegxapu expressing loyalty and promising that Germans will foll6w the , Emperor throu-b thick and thhr untU the end of the ?reat war. The hope aiso 1 Z:Z.:iS X;a ;:;tninly will be -H--cu tU? --,,o Publisher? P U B UT. PLEASANT BASKETBALL TEAM BOLLS UP SCORE of 131 H P. C. L Quint Defeau Wineccff High School, Concord High School, And the Howell High School. Mt. Pleasant, Jan. 29. The Mt. I leasant basketball team rolled up a wore of 131 to 34 within twenty-four hours. By a score of 48 to 10 the ca dets defeated the Winecoff High School at Winecoff Friday afternoon. Both teams played a fast game; but the goal shooting of Schenek, L. V., and Mahler. W- A., were the outstand. ing features of the game. In the C. H. S.-M. P. C. I. the cad ets were again victors in an exciting game played on the local floor Friday night. The, end of the first half found Mount Pleasant leading 17 to 11, but the end of the second half found Concord trailing behind bv a score of 41 to 20. Mahler and Schenek lead in shooting, while the guarding of Schick, J. E., and Bost, W. B., prov ed to be too much for the locals. Sap penfield and Miller plaved a . good game for the locals. . The Howell High School team met the cadets at Mt. Pleasant on Satur day at 2:30, but were unable to shoot a field goal against the wearv team of the day before. The visitors t1 jiv ed a good team but they lacked" prac tice in iroal shoot inn- To ice in goal shootinir. The score was 42 to 4- MaTiW n r J1 ' v ., ieatured for t ho tnnala. COTTON RISE FOLLOWS DECLINE FIRST OF WEEK Ocean Freight Uneasiness and Poli tical Conditions Responsible for Price Drop. New York. Jan. 28. TTr.paair.Ac over ocean freight and political condi tions seemed chiefly responsible for a sharp decline in the cotton "market inr the middle of the week, but someLi.f- K aana improvement was said to have taken place in the demand from domestic spinners and ine iraoe nere nas o paying more auennon ro tne staris- b i.' i I ut'ai j)osiiion At tue present rate or mstriDM- tion some am ?ontiej n-ure that the i V I will be very moderate and such fore- easts have been considered largely re- mi , i j r ' i n i n.ai we nmiwi wuiuuirui ... uu canvassing iancasmre . bpmnen in or- fUnf tKtfr nill oheAlnfoltr wumta I uiai luc.T 4Uttv -h""- ior me reiuamutfr ui me- rn,u twai XI ?J C IT I im-lbv rvMa wnM lu holA ti n minimum fnr I ( uc . uaiaill c ui iuc ocaovu uw W etanD .xr.1 Ka tVn fr. nrnvlo adeouate facilities for necessities.' rolno hrw Wn rAivtrt. ed in some sections of the South but renewed complaints of :dry weather were besrinning the Southwest- to reach here from FRANKLIN S AFFORD IS FOUND GUILTY OF PERJURY Had Sworn That J. W. Osborne Was "Oliver" Osborne Who panied Rae Tanzer. Accom- New York. Jan. 27. A jury in ieoerai aisinct court, aner ueiuer- aHne 10 hours, returned a verdict at 10 o'clock tonight finding Franklin D. Safford guilty of perjury when he unuio luoi nj t-ii.iij vo w.u., assistant district-, attorney, was - tne I .. , I. !.J i . -v Miss Rae Tenaer to a Plamfield, N. J., hotel- ; : The jury recommended mercy for Safford, who previously had been con- The present trial began January &V White Man Under Arrest ' at San. ford May Be nrr. Albemarle. Jan. 28. Sheriff tr- D.I Blalock received news yesteraay from Sanford to the effect that the ,ii xii I . authorities at that place naa m ens tody a party suspecea at ucius tVa chnr nni iciuea ruiiceuiau x u, , W O Sutlers at iorwooa several ay s om;. The sheriff boarder the next! Oin? train iwi a"1"" v f 1 zia v.. chmii1 turn out io man. f"ucu " . " uc mc iui 1.1'. 1 ha3 reacnea nere eu . : Card of Thanks. - We wish to thank all our inencis for their many acts pt kindness aur- ns the illness and death 01 ouriovea one. MR. AND MRS. N. W. MURPH AND r TOAVrTT.v - VlnoA F tV. eAaovn Ktit alosJA 1UJ V V ' J 1 L'I SHED M O N DY CONCORD. N. C MONDAY JANUARY 29. 1917. SPIRITED FIGHTIIIGI THE VARIOUS AREAS MOST NOTABLE ON NORTH END OF RUMANIAN LINE . SEVERE UEMHER Oil IU FED! Rnsslani Broke Through the Gernaa Lines on Saturday on Two UXb Front, Bet Are Not Able to Ad vance Further Today. Activities Also on the French -Belgian Front. Probability of Offensive Movement By Germans in Alsace Suggested. The British Front in France is Also a Lively Sector. British Capture Important Position. (Br Tfee AiMU(rd Pmi) 1 Despite the severe weather reported. from nearly all European battle fronts spirited lighting is taking place in several war areas. The most notable recent derelop ment is on the northern end of the Rumanian line where the Russians took the offensive on Saturday and broke through the Austro-German lines on a two-mile front. Efforts have been made by the Russians, after heavy artillery fire, to advance furth er in this region, but according to to day's German official statement, the Russian forces are unable to make any progress. The Russians also are on the offen sive in the Zlota- Lipa region in Ga licia, where their campaign for Lem berg paused some months ago. Ber lin declares that the Turkish troops have beaten off the assault made by strong masses of Russians. The French-Belgian front also is breaking out into activity at many points. Berlin reports persistent efforts by the French to recapture their lost po sition at hill 304 northwest of Ver dun. A surprise attack that failed was followed by three others, but these, are declared-to hayejbeenbrok-; en down. - f The probability that an offensive movement is Alsace was in contem- sugsrested by today's report of further evi dences of pronoilnced activity in thi is uf ' Numerous rmtrol clflhei thm nrp 1 recorne.d in t.hft FrpnrJi stntpmpnt. Wuiie ;n one case somethino-more than a raid was attempted, Paris says, an advance being made on one of the French trenches at Hartmans-Weiler- konf This onrdino- p--;- flB . . -"""Lwonn more money man uixiers, ac- easily oeaien oacK. oernn, nowever, announced mat it resulted m the cap- ture ot 60 prisoners and a machine In""' . Hm T . 1. ! -1- V X 1 I xue uniisu lruut in Trance is aiso 1 a rwi i . I a liveiy sector. . xne reportea capture the British late last week of an irwrkonnf ' rwciKnW naaV TnncW I .ri' Kv PrlA tv- -i, ' i , nas luiiuncu UT it C5U ' oasaUUa UC1 1 - meitieres. These, failed .with severe luV ai..mr f P;n so-ithwest of Le Transloy - the 'Ger- mens captured a British post.' Russians Tale Prisoners. Petrograd, via London. Jan. 29. During Saturday Ts battle, northeast of Jaeobeni on the northern end of the Rumanian front, the Russian troops captured .30 officers and more than 1,00 men, the war office an- nounced today. PAPER PRINT REPORT TO BE MADE THIS WEEK Federal Trade Commission Report to ,Be Made to-Congress. - - 107 JIBve AWMCUIIM pr.. i (Br Tke Aaaoeiated Prcsa) Wajbino4ft -Tar, oo -Th tmI I . - O ww.-. uuiuiaaivu x ciu k tia Men print paper investigation probably will be made to Congress late this week Yinal agreement on legislation to be recommendedr and a rerort on the Canadian situation, it was learn- a today, are all that stand in th way Uf its completion. Commissioner Parry will retnrn from Ottawa tonkrht with templated by Canadian officials. The commission 's law board will rnt be- fore it for approval shortly recom - mendatibn for legislation designed to- . - - : - .j W . prevent & similar paper shortage in ine muire. - - . ... . Tn,n,niwvu tv, -d-:. tj. - i -r T'k,r w. Philadelphia. Pa., -Jan. 29. All I 1.0 , ; T, . . . r J i nppn seinntr nr on cpht. tfuinxr mcrps. lea ineir once to two rents a codvi rrirr. rt luiucr u1a1e.ri.211s eiiitJi lnir into ine ma&.- ling pi a newspaper is given as the cause ior me increase. f Gardner and Tjiwsati will h at the Strand all this week, with attractive vaudeville features. Good pictures ' precede the vaudevffle, S A tl D T H U US WSm CAIIDIOATES EIITERIIIG FAST LIST OF NOMINEES IN AtJTO CONTEST IS GROWINO. Q5!l ill BE ! Sill 0!IE La Than Seven Weeka Ucta Chrr- and Baby Grand Piano and : Other Valuable Prises are Present- red to Winners. The Caapaiga is . ' Young Anyone May Win. Every- l one Will be Paid f or His or Her t Time. Managers Ofice in the Tri- Bcne and Times Business Office aai ia Open From 8 a. to. Until 8 p. a. Call Upon Him for Details. On Monday last the Tribun and Times oOicially opfntnl to the public a Great "5,000 Club" Hreulation Campaisni. This catupaijm will be MJinethirg entirely new and unique to the public of Concord and vieinit-. The .campaign will be very interest ing and instructive to everjone. "The detail of the campaign are based upon the announced xlicy of The - Tribune and Times -1 lonorable service to the readintr public. With The -Tribune and Times, this cam paign is first of all a business propo sition." Even the most confirmed op timist would hardly exp?ct The Trib une and Times to irive away a small fortune in valuable prizes without some sort of a return on the in vestment. Therefore, the first and foremost object of the campaign is a special advertising campaign of it? own, with a secondary object of in creased circulation, naturally. " ! There you have the secret oi the "5,000 Club" circulation campaign. Yon should not confound this cam paipr with a prize contest. It is not a.p. ize contest in any sense of the woriV There can be no comparison, forT;bere are no. two identical feat njl -loQip mpare. vienles; o f tffe campaign appear elsewherer The are j worked out on a business basis and must be lived up to throuchout the campaign. There is no lottery or chance feature to this campaign. The members of the campaign simply be come employes of the Tribune and Times for the time being. Everyone tho does not win a prize will be paid ten per cent, commission on every dollar they collect, while in the em iove of the Tribune and .Times. .. As it ;9 with all employes some are jA. Alr ' Sordini? to ability and energy. j A11 the same amount of co Operation from this office, all receive rha: oama nmnAncallAn aa J n?lCQ ICtV t,0;..0ffnw. mfti xchnt ( mo i ua aaa v cuuiw, uu . r-r. .. ; P UV" w muvw. i 1 here is " notning nara xo unaer m - t A .3 t.anla!ioul tenn or. lnA.faeVwiniI nmg. i nere is a nominaiion uiauk Pn anoiner page B;"'T' -.WWU" Votes, -when DroDerlv filled out and sent or brought to the campaign man, ---7 . r . . atrer at the Tribune and Times office. Fill this blank out and send it in, and the manager will be glad to explain all the little details of the campaign mm m A to you. As soon as you have nomi nated yourself, or have been nomi nated by a friend, you will need to start saving the vote coupons which appear in today's issue You should also ask all your friends and acquaint- 1 ances to save these coupons for -you T i;tWtn these couDons. al .money paid on subscriptions to the Tribune, and Times will count yotes a. m uuuintvM - ' I IKr YOU, nccui utut; w Ask all the people you know to i ..- mnrnvr TtTr I . TIMES with you. Then-collect the money right on the spot and bring to the Campaign manager, .who will rive von votes for it, which will be hrood anytime during the campaign. I The manacer also has at his office I jspecial receipt books and vote blanks t for vonr convenience. These are all rtt mnnaorer is at his of- flee from 8 am. until 8 p.m. 1 1 AB.Tl.'RSTED FOR " ATTEMPTING ' . TO WRECK KINO'S TRAIN Identified as Deserter From Regiment Stationel at Malaga. CDr Tk AaaaeUtcd rreaa) Madrid. SDain. via Paris, Jan. 29. - 1 - . t, .ifl,i A AA . A 1. t-: Alnnn's 1 a man ju wiwuu 1 aiiempi 10 ww. xwu 'iit' : lZZ nt uedt i bciici nuui "- r- Malaga- According to sonie reports. the bars of lead found on the traces had 'fallen, or were stolen ? from frpiVht train returning from the mine at Linares, and their presence in the path of the royal train was pureiy ac- 1 I cidentaL ARE DAYS TO WELCOME ZQ121ZZS s Car rtta Maytr VTt Wasia Cty ta Wtteit Sc Him Hs rrca dir. Mr. EL:cr: I&ash at ti ; a; risl cf Co, L. i cMsv a wri r ilijf diitast asd tw it,n Wss takm !oir J cuj: ti h m t. pr4l &, as trainr ?f tVsTfsl, to ail stv? t!i Dasj-Urrs f l o.atKm, tbc CiiW Irsgw, lit Ki;' afed ay ele ttrrr4 in Keet at the library tt&.rn fl4rr. coa at 3. oVJ.fk ta srrarr m fr. ?rn:K. Charlotte, GAtttil r.d tWr t it have alrradr Wsrtsa ylxzKtiz U tU hosceocEin- tf tbeir 4dirr , and the p!e of Cunetrd W3ll t4 be behind oar iter eltir in aij rrrU. tion of lhee on ar,nj mh hr an. ered their rour.try ' rail t rret erxnal aeriftfe. I rail ajo rmr ettuenf to unite in rsakln thii re. ception an event to be rr'i of. C. A.lSKaiOUU, Mau r. January 29, 1917. t SALISBURY POLICE MAKE WHISKEY RAID Two Youths From This City Casxht Two Others Caught. Tried Sat urday. Salisbury, Jan. 27. Policemen Minsris and Hall. lfore diy thit nHirninsr, tok fharye of four utt faen that were iwicg handUHi from an automobile. to a -local hotel. They also tm.k charge of fur men, a fifth one makin? a cet-awav. The men ar rested were: W. A. Ileniit of Spn eer: lAze Broadway of SaUbury, and llhara Kesitler and ande Ham. of Concord. The suit eae eontainc! SI pints and 11 quarts of whUkey. The men were iriven a hearing in county court tcniay and all were found guilty of transporting liquor. Fines ranced from $20 to $100. IWa son was also found guilty of bavin r liquor for sale- Notice of appeal was riven bv each defendant. The Whis key was ordered poured out. . r THE WHEAT MARKET. Price Advanced Sharply Today, Due tolthe. KalserWar Manifesto (Dy The Aaaoelatea Prea) ChicagoJan:. Wheat advanccl sharply today owing to a large meas ure to' Emperor William's war man. ifesto, and to consequent disappear ance of eace rumors. Opening quo. tations, which ranged from 2 to -PH higher, with May at 1772 to 1794 and July at 150 to 151 were followed bv moderate downturns, and then a fresh advance. Miss Nellie Vinson Entertains at Badin. Badin, N. C, Jan. 28. Miss Nellie Vinson entertained several of her friends at an informal party Tuea. day evening at the home of Mrs.J. D. Monroe. The young folks ere deliirhtfullv entertained for several hours by playing "old fashioned n games," after which delicious re freshments were served. Those enjoy imr Miss Vinson's hospitality were: Misses Blanche Sutter, Louise Harper, Lois Trotter, Mattie Ilayde, Catherine Loughrey; Messrs. P. E. Book, t , I . Arthur, U T. Venney, Tbos. Ilam, C. R " Yonntz. W. J. Newblings, J. M. Janitscbek. ; Mr. Kerrigan Chanxea Date of His Appearance in CharlotU. Charlotte Observer. J. Warren Kerrican telegraphctj here yesterday that he would not be able. to get to Charlotte until Won: dav. February 5. instead of Saturday the 3rd, as previously announced. He will meet the patrons of the Broad way, at a public reception there, and shake hands with his numerous aa- mirers, after which be will accompa ny members of the southern uro matic League to Myers Park, where a section of the screen will be made of 11 Down in Old Carolina." Albeaarla Citizen Win Give Ind Alhmarli Jan. 26. S. II. Hearoe. who owns several hundred acres of land just smth of Albemarle, an nounces that he will donate ites for manufacturing enterprises desiring to locate in this place free ot charge- Mr. Hearne is a booster and wants to see Albemarle grow. Some of .the finest sites for manufacturing plants in this section of the State are to be had on Mr. Hearne fs land, a lanrc portion of which lies between the Southern Railway and the Winston- Salem Southbound Railroadd. The Danville police have arrested a negro thought to be Arthur Ivery, wanted here for murder. The negro. however, says his name is Rice, and while here worked for the Southern Cotton Oil Mill Company. It is known that a negro of that name did work for this company, and it is thought the ne-rro held in Danville is not Ivery. . Yc&sv Ihttt ia Adrar.;?. - UPS ABE DO l'lllOl RAPIDLY ALL WILL HAVE ZQZ' ; on wrranr a tnxs. :C:::J.iflKEOtt!bj':: Artsy OrtUla tay TUl tU Orrat Vaite, Net Otr la 04 Mr ef Hariaala tie Tre?a 1st Alao la lUizgzt iAWst Xtui' Kerd44 IejrtTtsuiU aa4 ta Mr Nle4 Casiitratiifrai Cc&xrtu Wahnrtn Ja Te ti M cairo, unlrr Mi r fSrtet l ir- tnf. & id tUy t W j nri,fc )ttMnt liitrh. ll tt eertrd Kfip tlaf all ef tie will Kavr rrl tle lrfdr tfKm ft mm. A ' m rek, a?! at rat a tart T Ue if. n;atnin? C u rd n. ra fa triil duty tiiav be fr Jrr4 btl!f thereaftrr. Army oSker btre iint oat fftit value of lVrhinj etfWtticn frxe rmlitary tn!pifct r4 ttdy at harilentn the trJ, bet is brincin? aWut tnarb needel improve menti and at ill ttare needed emd r ration fnm Cosrci and the es try. -r; - Vben Pfrlinsr efet into Mtiif, for initanrf. the armv had bft! lw truck eompaniiM, of '27 IrutVi eh. Now it ha iTiore thn tmrlt of modern dr?n, . lile!, the preat increaise in army aviatUm tretirth said to lie due larly to lb fcfcd iJwn by tL eipeditioo. THE COTTON MARKET, s Off About 20 Points Today. Max ktt Rallies And Then Breaks A fain, New York, Jan. 2! The eotta market t'lay cqtrnd t a deehne 4 t 12 !in?a, and present crop de. licn' Wold 20 to 21 point nH lower risht after rail, while new crop work ed alwmt 12 to II iint net lwer. The tone then Meadied artnind 1 -4 1 for May and there were rallie of 10 or 12,'pointa, but thi bulre earned to meet increase oflennr. and lb market broke azain Wfore the ed of tbe firtt hour, with Mar aelhef off to 17A3 or about 21 to 30 poiats net lower. ! ' Cotton future opened Vtra4jr: March, 17.42; May. 17JV); Joly, 1745; OctoW, lfiJM); December, 16.60.- " .; ' " ; . ; - ATTEMPT MADE ON THE LIFE Of KINO ALTONCO. Spot Chosen for Derailment of Rcyal Train Particularly raTOraUa. Madrdid, via Pari. Jan. An attempt wan made today to wrrek train on whiVh Kin? Alfonx was a panemrer. Tle Hoyal train wa pre ceded by a freight train, the er.rite of which saw an obttacle m the trai-k and removed it Neither the royal train nor the freight uffered damaire; ; The i"pt rhrn fr the deratlr&est of the royal train, near Gran a&J Muaia w'aa a trrtiealatly f raHa . as th road 1-jin to re- - downgrade- The police ha arretted 2 men. one of whom ;wat found co4 letters from Pareeloaa. DISASTROUS FIRE IN BOSTON EARLY TODAY Dacaea Estimated at S3S0,te3. I Ira Started la Center of Whelesala Dry Oooda District. ! ; (Of Tkm AmmmHmfd Trv Ifeiton, Mai t , Jan. 20. Fire en gines from the mMential diitriett were called in to ait the down ta firemen early today in the harCr; fisht of many nsontbi, the Ert ce- troyel tie 5-tory hmldtm Channcey ttreet and Eitter Ila. The to it etimated at XAS;' Fire was in the center ei me ale dry goods aection. The following were appointed fcy Concord lrebytery to install ih tr' paator of Cannon ville Cbareb tonr row mornins at 11 of ekk: Kcr. T. IL Sjenre, of Rocky - River. t vmth and prtpoand the contitutV&al n ti6B; Rev. IL l Beat y to tharce the paator and Elder IL I. WoodU;:e to eharsf the iopli. Tbe. aeniret will be , at Cannonville Presbyterun Churth it U a- Sanday. liiV JJUIliVA 0 v ' -w m