' j j3 SrtiiKJii-i r-auor ana JP ubUshcr. t- - -r T TS J! ... P UBLISHED UON D AYS A N D TH U RS DAY S "V OLUME XLII. CONCORD. N. C THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 191? KUMtlllRU TO flU PRICES Oil NEWS PRINT PAPER CONFERENCE OF ' PAPER MEN WITH TRADE COMMISSION. m fc-.-cnce Being Held Today in V; .-.l.ington. It is Aimed to Re s cr Free Competition. Believed That the Surrender of Thoose Who jr ., e Signed iruthe Pace of Crim inal Competition Will Break the Xcv.s Print Market. Many Difii- n T..n! Ai- ( ICS are oeen in ruuing xne i Into Operation. The Ques- of Distribution is a Puzzle. ;i'-u Hit Tlif AuMocIated Pre) .ington, Feb. 22. The news :n;mui'iiHurers began arriving ,nl;iv lor conferences with the ! Trails Coommission on the -,. that the Commission fix the print prices tor a 'period ot 0 - . Manufacturers representing -about ! J !' the production of the United .iikI Canada, have signed tlie i i H -;i I. Those coming did not :tiiii 'in the surest ion, but are here at ff.ucst of the Commission, which -a mm si heir views on it. K. juration of free competition in in u s print paper manufacturing -'.is i lie aim of the Committee. The mirnnittee, it was stated today, is li,nt mi fixing 'a cure for the; cpndi liitions ami not a mere paliative. At (he (nil of six months the Conimis- lliof fitriAi f inns in tlin nou'e print inquiry will have been so shaped that "unrestrained competition will insure, fair and equitable prices. Aceptance of the proposal:. hinges tspon the attitude of the amnitfactur- rs, who are arriving here. Thesur teinler of those who have signed -in the face of criminal indictment ofTi- r'ials. believe will break the news print market and force prices to an equit- able level, whether all other manu- j'at'tnrers join. or. not. Members of the Commission are hopeful that the most of the other bigmanufaetnrers will com in. ' ' . " r- ' ' " :" This discontinuance of the Depart ment of Justice's criminal' investiga tion lias not been promised any man i;'ai turi rs. it was made clear today, h it if i - not believed that if indict mt'n'f.s are found the cases will ever lo-ne to trial if in the nieantime "" nt it ion is restored. Many' difficulties are seen in put Us a:. v . price-fixing nlan into oper ation. If the cost -'of production was Mi.- ai:ie in. all mills, it would be a p.-irativelv simjtle matter, and a ;la! rate would be put on paner, but the c.sts are different in all mills, and tin scale of prices will be neces--'irv. . 'The 'question of redistribution : !- pn -ents a puzzle.. The Commit ii e , prohah v would work out some arrnnc-ement wherebv newsnapers, a far as possible, would purchase their ? 'u nrmt from the noirest null, and !:.i'iMiv cut the freight rates to a ii'iriirtinMi. VILLA STILL IN MEXICO One. of Eandit's Aids Denies Report of Trip to Japan. No v York. Feb. 21. John W. Rob -ru reeeived a telegram last night '"") Ceh. lvafael Castro, one of the -an bandit's aids, denying that '":ier:i! Villa had srone to Japan, as '1 'een ''reported in dispatches from '.. The message was sent from ' ' tiiees. X. M.. and is as follows have been informed' of the re-'-m New York that General Villa ;' v..ie to .Tapani This is a Carran- ; i;e. circulated to relieve the fear i : ,Mi,;(i.s i!aVe for General Villa. I v :..tieral Villa only three davs He. asked ine to make public ' -Mitement that he is friendly to ! " - mcrican government, and that 'es.iiot wish trouble with your Stevenson Winner in South Carolina Race for Congress. ' i nnbiaf" S. C. Feb. 21. W. F. 'Z v, uson, of Chesterfield, was elect ."i Congress from the Fifth South ;: n 1 Mna District for the term begin March 4, according to unofficial -!js received here tonight. More two-thirds of the total vote urn 2.000 vntp over liis nnnon- C. X. h Stevenson and Sar are ruts, and wnrp sppkinor election :l the term for which the late mutative David Edward FinleV, ' t, was re-elected. Paul G. M' 1 'ivle, of Yorke. Democrat, had ' i'oosition in todays election to , t'K unexpired partion of Mr. ""V s term. ending March 4, next. Author of Casey Jones is Dead. (ly The Associated Press) '"s Angeles. Feb. 22. T. W. Law- Al.'i'le . - . .-1 - - - - heing taken to a hospital for OIJUJ WlllCl, U1CU UCIC tin "I -p. ration. His best inown song 1S Lasev Jonps '" - Buy City Garase. " ID HAVE PROPOSA A. F. TT.-irtcnlt TW t w WdiiifloLtntiiTr Tonrpspntatives of-the :f or- ft -f iunjctt. wia.y puxcuaacu r V . VJaiil"e irom xne estate 01 Linn TM, .':ii 1 .cl ." irr invn ? j l i j 1: X business tomorrow mornin; rt The Philadelphia Arrives in New York. New York. Feb. 22. The American line steamer Phila delphia, from Liverpool, pass ed in at Sandy Hook shortly before 10 o'clock this morn ing. The Philadelphia, which sailed February 14, was the first American liner to leave Kurope after the German dec laration of unrestricted sub marine warfare. She was not armed. Not a submarine was sighted during the passage through the zone, the officers said. . ; FUNERAL OF MR. YORKE. Took Place at First Presbyterian Church, This Morning at 11 O'clock. The funeral services over the re mains of Mr. A. Jones Yorke, who died Monday night in Baltimore, were held here this morning at 11 o'clock at the First Presbyterian Church. The services were conducted bv Dr. J. M. .(jrier- Mr. Yorke's Pastorf The following were the -pall-bearers':-. Active. Z. M. Moore, C. B. Wagoner, J. W. Cannon, Jr., W. W. Howe, E. II. Brown, J. I Hartsell, M. L. Cannon. Dr. F. O. Rogers. Honorary C. J. Harris, Jos. F. Goodman, John Fox, M. L. Marsh, J. W. Cannon, Gowan Dusenberv, F. L. Smith, II. I. Woodhouse. ' . mm.,. : i?. 1 p iiu- iiiiiit;aai. e lunerui suiwce 01 the Presbyterian Church was used. Two hymns were sung by the choir, after which Mrs. J; B. Wom- ble sang a solo. 4 Some Time We'll Understand." This concluded the service at the cliurcli. The service was concluded at the grave, where a quatet eonrposed or Mesdames J. B. Womble and Gales Pickard and Messrs. Lloyd McKay and Ed. Sherrill sang, .'"Peace. Per- ler eace.'V Many beautiful, tasteful and appro priate lioral designs were sent by in dividuals and business concerns of this and other, cities, and these show in a marked way, the high esteem in which Mr. Yorke was held. Not only all of the business Concerns in which he was interested sent designs, but 4tlculiy TV "V- rV" wuwm represenieu in mis iriouie 10 one ox me cu.y-5 most popular uuu ;nmi- ential men. " " Among the out-of-town people here for the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fetzer and children, of Balti more: 3ir. Louis lsenlohr, oi -Phila delphia; Mr. Paiil Howell, of Rich mond; Mr. and Mrs. 1. II. Thompson and family, of Salisbury: Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Mendenhall of-Lexington; Mr. and Mrs. JV W. Peeler and fam ily, of Rockwell; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Yorke and children, of Charlotte; Mrs. II. M. Barrow and Miss Adelaide Barrow, of Spartanburg, and Mrs. Robert Houston, of Monroe. Many of the business houses of the city were closed during the funeral service, as a tribute to the memory of Mr. Yorke, who was always interest ed in all things" for-the 'good of this ciev. THEY LOADED UP WITH i ' . . OUR COTTON GOODS One German Embassy Secretary Had 200 Suits of Pajamas. (By The Associated Press) Halifax, N. S' Feb. 22. One of the German embassy secretaries, re turning to Germany with former am bassador von Bernstorff, on the steamship Frederick VIII, is reported to have 200 suits of pajamas. In the baggage of nearly all other memebers of the party, cotton goods known tP be scarce in Germany, are plentiful, customs inspectors discov ered. In view of close association be tween cotton and explosives, the ex aminers, will take some of the ex cess clothing and make allowance for it. It was also learned that the Ger mans are well supplied with gold. As this is contraband, it is believed will be exchanged into some form of currency less useful to Germans. THE INAUGURATION OF PRESIDENT RIDDICK Fourth President of the A. & M. Col- lege.A Great Occasion. - Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 22. Wallace Carl Riddick was inaugurated the Fourth President of he North Caro lina Agricultural and Mechanical College here today with ceremonies declared never to have been equalled in the historv ot ortn Carolina eau- 1 institutions. Dr. Kiddick succeeds Dr. D. H. Hill, who resigned Kftveraol'months ago in order to de vote his time to the preparation or aj historv of the part taten uy xonn nnr-rtiinn in t he war oetweeu me states. GERARD AND HIS PARTY ARE NOW IN SPAIN They Were Met at Station by Span ish and American Officials. (By The Associated Press) Feb 1 lUitUlJU, ' ' . 90 i w. Gerard, former Amen ca'n ambassador at Berlin, and his l liara ihis irinrnin? on I 1 &; 11 j 3t 1 1 1 v r"t 1 liciu i . thai, tttov t United. States. wia AmoriMns were met at- the i eign unac mm j..iaj. a - r 1 ttt'ii j 1 ntrttr winara aim xn I Read V PENTTY COLTHttlf IT PATS, BIG EXPLOSEOII IIIA AMMUIIITIOII FACT MORE THAN ONE THOUSAND PERSONS WERE KILLED. GREATEST DfSfiSIEB OF 1K1 The Accident Occnrred at Dresden Germany, During the Christens Holidays, And the News Has Just Reached the Outside World. Big gest Disaster of the Kind That Has Occnrred Anywhere Since the War Began. 30,000 Persons Were Em ployed in the Wrecked Factory. Emperor WiPiaS1 Visited the Scene - i the Following Day. (Br Tbe A'swoclated Ir) 1 London. Feb. 22. The explosion in - . - r l an ammunition iaciory in uresuen, Germany, during the Christmas holi days was the greatest disaster! of the kind which has occurred anywhere since the war began, according to the Central News dispatches from .Christ iana, Norway, quoting a Dresden dis patch to a Christiana newspaper. More than 1,000 persons were killed out of 30,000 employes in the wreck ed factory. Emperor William visited the scene on the following day. London, leb. 22. 3 p. m. A 'Paris dispatch dated January 30,. said that according to a letter taken" from a German soldier, and written dxom Dresden, the Dresden arsenal had been blown up and 1,000 women and young girls had been killed. The let ter was dated December 30. ; . DEPARTURE OF OTHER STATE TROOPS Practically Completes the Homeward Movement From the Border. - (By The Associated rrcss) San Antonio, Feb. 22. Additional dates announced bv the Southern Department headquarters today for departure of State troops from the border practically completes -the homeward movement of the organiza tion, included in the first two contin gents in which . 50,000 gnaiulsiEre maining to be moved have been di vided for transportation purposes. the following additional dates have been fixed : Second North Carolina Infantry Prom El Paso March 17. Third North Carolina Infantrv from El Paso March 11, North Carolina Ambulance Corn- any Jso... 1 and Field HosDital No. from El Paso March 15: troops A and B North Carolina Cavalry from :i Paso March 14. THE YARROWDALE PRISONERS RELEASED Action Taken Only When It Was jvnown inaL uerman snips in . mi. a aTI . m America Had Not Been Confis cated. (By The Associated Press) Amsterdami via London. Feb. 22.- A dispatch received here from Berlin says the American sailors who were taken to Germany on the steamei Yarrowdale, had been released. The Americans were released.-the dispatch says, after the German gov- ernment had been informed officially that German ships in Amenean wat- ers had not been confiscated, and their crews had not been interned. FOUR STEAMERS ARE ON THE LIST TODAY The Steamers Destroyed By Subma rines Aggregate 4,793 Tons. Mili- " tary Operations Quiet. (By The Associated Press) 1 our steamers, aggregating 4,703 tons, are on today's list of vessels sunk, as a result of the recent Ger man blockade measure. A report today announces the sinking of a Dutch steamer,, and an other a Norwegian vessel A Rus sian steamer also nas been sunk, in 1 ..I addition to a British trawler. Military operations during the past 24 hours were of a minor nat ure, as of several davs past. To Beautify Conntrv Graveyards O 1. ' A Ml oiaiesrme i.anamark. Representative McCrary of David - son county has put through the House ?J fef81?111 a bU . the purpose inof ..nn? m0le tne atK r,,ill0!ey.S Landmark has not seen the.. test of the measure and is unfamiliar with its provisions, but it is in hearty ac om wnn its purpose. The unsightly conmtion ot the average country burying ground, as this paper has re marked more than once, adds terror t odeath, and any plan that will help in making these cities of the dead more sightly should be encouraged. The Landmark commends the pur pose of; the Davidson county; repre sentative. WEATHER FORECAST. On account of this being a legal holiday, the Weather Bureau issued no forecast. We want every subscriber to The Times or The Tribune to have one of our vest Pocket Books for 1917. These cannot be given to children, as our supply is limited. THIS WEEK AIIO IIEJfT WILL COUIIT MORE FULL ONE-THIRD MORE THAN AT ANY OTHER TGHL - THIS IS THE BEST IH'1 10 fid i&ere will Not Be Any Change From the Annotmctaeit ' Midi During the Contest. Candidates Need the Help of Their Friends Now. A Wide Field for Obtaining Votes to Secure Second Payments on Subscriptions. In Many Cases the Subscriptions May Be Doubled by a Little Work on the Part of the Candidates. THE PRIZES. Chevrolet, Value $595, First Capital "Prize. On display at Concord Motor Co, Baby Grand Piano, Value $150, Second Capital Prize, On display at Concord Furai- ture Company. Two Victrolas. On display at Bell & Harris Furniture Co. Two Diamond Rings on dis. play at S. W. Presslar's. Two Kitchen Cabinets. On display at Wilkinson Furai . ture Company. Two Merchandise Orders. Ten per cent, to all non win- ners. This week and next is when yourkfeeJs or that he would desire, would efforts wil count a full third more be: Jones Yorke, Onconl. N. V. than they ever will. Remember that under no circumstances will there be any change from the announcement already made. If you are one of those "all wise ones, do not let your own feeling stand in the way of helping-that friend you have prom ised to beh at the last. Kvervone of the candidates wants your help. and WANTS IT NOW. and next.:- This week, "As -you think, so it wiiribe;"! your campaign will close the way yon will it. It you think your are beaten en and cannot win, why of course you will be beaten, for j'ou cannot win against .your own pessimism. If you go on with a quiet determination to win you will win. It is going to be easy to win, lor no one nas enough lead to amount to very much. It is going to be this week that is going to count, don t torget tnat. "It you think you already have enough votes to win, you are lost. If you want to throw away the votes you already have secured, and the confidence of your friends along with it; why, sit down and don't do inhtl er thing until the end of th 3 contest. On the other hand, it you appreciate what an opjortunity yo-i have of winning, and want to show the public that you appreciate v liat they have done for you, you will dj your level best this week. Do not say that 3011 cannot get any subscrip tions. Tor you can. At least all the people who want them to get them. If vou win that will be thanks en- ough for your mends. Here's a Field for Votes. Another wide field for votes is in obtain " second 11.' It will be possible for most candidates to induce the subscribers thev obtain early to extend their subscription for a longer period. In many cases the subscriptions may be doubled. "And on these second payments: many more regular votes are given than were ob tained the first time. Resides if the second payment made was a new sub scription before it wil count on the extra vote offer now on for New Ius iness. Here's how they 'total up: Suppose that vou turned in a .year s subscrip tion to the Tribune some time ago and vou received 8.000- votes for it KV if that subscriber pays anoth Ui er vear vou will receive oCl.OOO votes in other words the difference be tween the first votes and those you would be entitled to on a two vear subscription. The ease with which advancement can be made is now L.fl ' Af Th i,; ,ci, i comin Excitement is keen amnng n candidntes and their -frills. TIe who hold up and battle till tfc final wire will he the ones to bav e e their names appear opposite on tne list of beautiful prizes when the ofh cial judges make their announcement of the winners. Towns Back Candidates. Out in the country districts the clash promises to be an exciting one, especially as civic pride is peeomms such an important factor in the race The entire population of most towns are getting behind their tavonte candidate and have issued a challenge that their town must have the win ner. " File Protest Against Sinking of Ship (Dr The Aocfatr4 Pmm) Stockholm, via London, Feb. 22. The Swedish minister at Berlin has been directed to file protest against sinking of Swedish motor ship. Hugo Hamilton. The fate of the crew unknown. .." A JONES YOr-KH As A??rnusix & t hit ntrr' M,s4jiv msii u fnc4 mil tuf th ry. In lU hie. ht i fft5 . -u44ra.j .s,4 1L lit rfwrst ,.-S f.4-"tnr .?-4 ltp.bv tts.. Jife lamer Iwfrth ! iitfT Wrtk -If ! -t nt rw Hil, Thai l e h. het "(ndrrful '4r in !if-'-ta hs njn, is :.., a i-:it!i afcw!---1 4' iittl!bv.all A K? tnrAit- t-rr4 rl v ajh imtrl ! !. j:j ta trir that iv t. la i!bT, s4 aaiMiu th ?n all. ihrrr ri 4if1 d 'HAr.' H; frirr.d arr a c Ir a th '.t. If h h an t.-r; 1 n-r fca Sum. , 1 . kind h Ha jo run .?, pHr. 1 knw Litis .M h1 lhat, hash and ,''.!- :at;n f aj gent If man. goift'arri.. th bar 1,. Iriends about h.v.i, jb h.a j;b!c wife anil uh happv rhildn n ! U- his hon.c.liff, utth lis-' paihaa cprad with hti h 1 autitul iWwrr .f hoiH and Kve. it i ci!rci-!v k.i.1 a: tbu time. T!:e reA.nrd .f hi laW vere jut Uing nMTl... In thf battle of.. life he had jut won it m lr. phies. anI all the pleanurvs ihat oW to one aft r rearhiug the h:h r nrn; on life's ladder ere jut readv to b exm-ritnred. Still.- af!r lif fitful fever he rests well.' Hi name will be remcmlH-red in after vcar a Concord h most micceful lusine man. His loss will be lonr felt in the home of his childhood and all over several States. Hig character has not a blemish. His reputation for iwmare dealing to rich and iMN,r will be an unierishable memory to all. When our history in' written hi name will loom large in golden letter, or should. The only enitanh h ii. KD. KKSTLKII. INDIVIDUALS ALL LIKE THE NEW IDEA Last Days of Week' Expected to See Many More Come toPay Their Bills and Pass Prosperity.,, National Pay Up Week i being made a wonderful success locallr and rrri y :?-rlweain inc kmuiwu is jcajiiu great oene nts. If .you are not in on this move ment you should get in at once. ;iv up your bills so the other fel- low ean pay up what he owes and then the money will come hark- to the money will you as payment for '.what I owe you. This is the way the plan is work ed out if we pay ea-h other, all gam. Putting money info circulation creates prosfwrity thout;hout the en tire 'community and nation. Mr. Duiuess Man, go and pay your neighbor, it yon owe Jmn any thing, and he in turn will pay you or the next fellow and it will come ack to you. This applies to even- business man. Mr. Farmer, when vou come to town, plan to pay up all the trade ac counts vou owe. Get in lino to pais prosperity around. If vou cannot pav in full, pay in part. It all helps and makes it easier for; the buyer to pav you for what you have to sell. It makes it easier for everybody to pay for what they want."" When we all have money the com munity prospers. New York Theatre Elevator New York World, 21st. Falls. r rom tiiteen to twenty p r?ons were injured at 11 :.'! clock last night whei an elevator fell frm the rrnd floor of the ( 1 ork theatre where' moving picture are given by Marcus Iew, to the basement, distance of six ttories. Many of those hurt were taken, to' Polyclinic Hospital in anibalance. wile others were M-nt to th-cir hmes in private ambulances .or taxi cabs. Tlie accident created m in - jh ex citement in I.roadwav U'lv.een Forty- fourth and Fourtv-fitth stru ts, where the theatre is situated, it became necessary to call the reserve-f t!se West Forty-seventh street station to open tratllc in the thoroughfare. Thousands of persrms crowded in th street if and sidewalks and it wan with lilTicultv the ambulance stirgen worked until the arrival of the police. The p'li were unable to Kirn up till a late hour what cau-ed the ear to fall. They arrested 4Moe.f the operator, wrio said he fnnUl not et plain it, although one 01 the passn ger? declared th decent had hardly begun when a cable broke and precipi tated the elevator. Woman Is Survived, by Man7 De scendants. Newton, Feb. 21. Mr. IL L. Sig mon, widow of fins:ng Sigiaon, .who died Saturday ia Cliue's Township in her 01st 3-ear, h survived by l&tj dependents, 27 of whom are grand children, more than 10 great-grand children, and quite a number greai-great-greatgranehildrert. Among the children are J. T., M. S.. and C. A. Sigmon, of this county. Funeral ser ices were held Sunday by the Iter. Mr. Koepplin,. of Michigan, who re cently -went to Claremant to serve the Ohio Lutheran Churches. Winter has made its last ,drire and is now in full retreaL - - , .... WORK OKTHE STATE LEGISLATURE TODAY swtrnNo rumn txtctn n rOfiXCASTCD m pir bm or mm u a ta -Tvttilizt ist tU pAy, test U Dett riszZ t! Cc ztuu Nt U4 TUa I $m Km ta M Ter CtU tt XUk t&rxmtx - n t CiU JUtu cry E-rd t! rTt ITU Wrtt Om, Mr, Oru? Tti&Us TUt tt. Dc Kct OZtr Esih IU$ fa iht PjiiOfter. r . - firr.fil in lh U.ff vs'-.( lie rlf rs.t A -ta My , - f ., .rt ' that i!v p4M 4 ftt,d tA i f:t a!r a lull prudtts t r lU &1 t' li t- drpr&drtl! fat t.f IJ tr- naerpn.rirr., t4 lf- ih& 119 if ' tut'tf. I .am . ..f 1 1 . an Buviteorv tijtr! of prU lj m rontttn!r! if tW t!,.rf,y tr-fcefsJ. pnwii Uirrintendrt!. thtirmzit the pri-in dirtrtrr. l.asrtr aa ot the tatc U.artl uf c harat i rt t orr for thr an rulr.srnt. Uritr, f Irvdr!!, thinking that the Ull d nl tUtr eno?igh hoje t the nwiT. The Sfnat hjlf-hjr nmtir" rk this tuurning and dit:rnI fill r. ening to attend thr inA uurtn n Mf W. t Hiddiek. M. College. . HOUSEWIVES CONTINUE THEIR rOOD DEMONSTRATIONS Police Rtterres Called Oct to Ex press Octbreakt in Vrloas Parta of New York City Today. (Ur Tss AssstUU4 rrM ' New York, Feb. 22. lIoasiit continue their demon trmtumi icai&it thediigh rot of lititu hre today. Police, reserves tnpj mn! the out break in variou iarti tf th city. Dorm" Vif'ptub rarti wrr? ovtr turnexl, the eoniinU -'detro)fl aud the ownem attack-l. Ta mftt were arrested, rharyed ith aMult and lati r n leas d. Hundrel u'oruen ncttl. a pirkrts in fore provision tore mn m 'an cf- tort" to .eMablh !rntt. MhI of the disorder rurrrI when wonld-fe Mirrha.er "MK-d the picket. 1 lie "are ruin ruiiraic in ssip teluig the s ntefif 4 on one of fender gave anung that iherraftirr !; wiuld 4 j,d dit ur! r to'jail. V ha pnM-d iiisji.?r of tfW womeh befV.re nse," be jnd. and Tiot one of ViMl !i;prr.-d U e though vou were starving; Trouble in Philadelphia. Too. Philadelphia. Feb. 22 - Diwirdriy scenes oeeurred in the tkonthrarm part of the ritv. poinlatcd Unrfly by ftn igner toliiv, hen band of men tnade dernotintration raint dealer that have ratd fmwj pneet. In a disturbance in hieb utorr were Ining attackel, a ftnan l shot down and tran-4sj Min. fhe. was taken to n htital jth a briiki en leg.. The ioJjrf diinel th errwd without seriom injury Win? done. Minor diurder " of'r-nrrel in other ' .treeti of -foreign i sorter. The demonstration wan th ttui of a meeting of worneru at !iKh It was deided to liVro lo al deaief. W'oinen With le.ttle roft umg krr 'lie are a!i,-i to h,ir- tt tre! tt I or ?!ieat. iUU and Ae.'f fable. di played bv ! .tiers and to hat e attack- I curb ti t' dera. unt 1 and ., &rt ten A TIOHTINO TOSSU't This is Nc: Always a Meek a ! Lo!y ' . . AclaaL ' Athnta. fia. Feb. 21. That a 'p-Mura t tvl a !..-k and lowly animal that will fake a beat ing without fighting" lis- a' . th rather ?:rpning Jihwr- r-sd? by I)an D. Mdbr. a . ferlbknowri ntifrn of tin rit.v, hfn U t ttfinultttl a mean hl rle ,ni:uu t rb'r tn a telephone m the ".,:ert of A thirk- lv fpulatel reidrser ert.n. It haperjei tfal ililfrr a carrying a -brand r.- ti.iiing rxr? - 4 - jm he iM-gan to lmtm,r it &-fw. the - l'aefc;. :xie-ting to hnng it Iort tt f t'6 bit- of diiheuiH !'.:! ir.ta of tarr.flr !jbr:iittir; t ih"- attack the f id tna!a ' grabW-d l?M il walking tiefc between h; teeth und gripifd it tightlv tht MI!r tnUi nf iill it loo,-. Fir;!h"' a trrt r moiorman carrse to th rnte with a ront roller !evr and Milb-r cave li'i)!n and later d:Lrjer to hi friend. Yesi Pocket Meracrandsra. Here., Oir PM7 Yest Pocket Mcnir' dam Iijk! arrived yrsterday alte nam and want -vrrv taWriWftf The Tribune a.vl The Tis one. Come in tnd gtt cn. to tat Nrw arrival in S-hoblr hats, ne' neckwear, new spring suit, etc- x Hoover V This store till has a few overcoats to close out.