... " - PAGE TWO THE CONCORD T I II C 6 2I0NDAY. IXBF.UAT n HiOTD GOEGE ISSUES A SOIIJ WARNING CSsatioc. Calls for the Grayest Zlcacurcs. Speaks la Hoonse of GoasioxuL Ionhn, Fell. 23. Premier Lloyd n - vi co iv rim in a speech in the LLousv )1 (,ommons today that the aueeu of (he allied cause depended ca ti.sr ability to solve the tonnage -aorta: which now was affect ins Hie ordinary needs of the nation and the jaUHajT' exigencies. The situa (tlae&. iv Wlared, calls for the jrravest 'nb 1 Vernier aid there was no ft ire may to victory without hunting the cabmaj iocs from the deep. Enormous sacrifices were necessary jTrom the. menaced public, said Lloyd Ieorrrc. Ho said the government ijjroposM to dispose with all non-essential .importations to save ton- The Morks'of foods in CIreat Brit jain at present time are lower than Ihcv haxi' s heen before. Mr. Lloyd Gconr said. It was essential for the life of the nation that every pos rwlcavor he '-made to increase Jbomt' production. The Premier said that the ulti mate h'::vr.ss of th Allied cause de pentld on tho solution of tonnage difiVnl? ,e.t 'ivith which they were con fronted. Before the war the British tonnare had been just adequate and since that time there ha been an enormous increase of, the demand" for tonnage. Mfwir than one million tons of British shipping has been allotted to France alone, and very considerable amount has been set aside for Hu- sLi and Italv. in addition to a con- i!rnhle amount that has bf-en sunk Xfr I lovd (Iforcr said that lor r.m time there had bn a hort aire of tonnage required for the jen 1 of the nation, and even rrht . shnria? in the tonnage for mHitarv nurDooses. The nation !,riM realize absolutely what the conditions were. "If we take drastic measures. he continued, "we can cope with the submarine menace, but if the nation is not prepared to accept drastic measures for dealing with the menace disaster is before us." In announcing the decision to re strict the importation of paper, Mr. Llovd Oeonre said that the govern ment had arrived at the conclusion that a vcrv substantial reduction was necessary and the amount would be cut to one-half. This would reduce the allowance to 040,000 tons. ipunod v. sjU3. c oj f joj iSnoq nq uwa odij uotjM v 00" I )K s.oopjpxt d A'poq.tuu pjuoiis OGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'SGOOOOOOO 3 ' r a mL W t J. aved Guts use o o o o o o o o o o I want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re ceived from the use of Thedford's Black-Draught," writes Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. "It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, live and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles, they went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford's Bbck-Draught made, them break out, and she has had no more trouble. I shall never be without T- THEDFORD'S :0) y ' In my home." f For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzi- g - S-r ir-.f.-o Vn)rii -Tillle nnA tartr hiliniicnpsi; nnr! nil similar J-- - 4iy.o 4iiaiaiiu, villus uuu w , vi.vrMv..ww, - -- q ailments, Thedford's Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, q O reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. O O If you. suffer from any 'of these complaints, try Black- O O Draught It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five O , years of splendid success proves its value. Good for g !q young anl old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. q PEESOKAL UJZHIQZ People Pros Ccsccrd Ari Elsrirbert WLo Cosa Afid Go. Mm. IL M. MeKeiaie. of Spartaa- b.inr. is the 'gi:et f ier sister. Mr. II. CaldwelL Mr. I ;. Cwk returned Thursday to AyresvUle. (ie.r'ia. after spend ing several days here with his family. Miss Johnsie Sixms is visiting rel atives in Salisbury fur several days. Mr, I). K. Ilarrv. of Greensboro, was .a business vislstor in our cit ThurMlay. " 3Ir. and Mrs. l. L Armour, of Kannaplis, were visistors in our eity Thursday. 4 , Henderson Dispatch: Mrs. Mac Cameron and mother, Mrs. Cameron, left Wednesday for a visit to rela tives at Concord, and Rockingham. Mrs. R. -M. McKimie, of Spartan burg, 'and Mrs. Mac Cameron, of Henderson, are visiting their sister. Mrs. Howard Caldwell. Mrs. J. M. Odell lias returned from a visit to Mrs. S. J. Durham, at Ress- emer (.it v. - Mr. J. F. Davvault has -ret3irnel from a business triv to (Jeonria. H was accojupanied bv Mrs. Dayvault. Miss Sarah Miller left Tue&lav for Charlotte' to spend the week-em: as the ugest of Mrs. Kemp Rattle. ' Messrs. Reece I., and' ;1. W. R. Long, Mrs. J. II. Long and Mrs. Lew is Hartsell returned Friday fron; Charlotte. Mrs. Lee S. Overman, of Alta ista, Va., arrived Saturdav to spend the week end with her mother. Mrs. ' W. W, Gibson. Mrs. R. A. Rrower left Saturday to spend several days with her son, .Mr. A. b. Urower, at Kaleigh. Messrs. C. I). Warliek. II. C. Doris. J. P. Lindsay. Ren W. Matties. Jno. F. McKee, A. lllrich and I). H. Le- drand, of Charlotte, were here Fri day. Mr. J. R. Roydof F- -etteville. is visiting his mother, Mrs. W. C. Rovd. Miss Ehna Rovd is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. W. T. Kluttz, of Salisbury p. o. s. or a. ttzrnsa. jlis Order Celebrated WJiisfta'i BirtiUj Willi ApprcpxUU ixr dies Ttzndxf Kitht Th. Patriotie Ord;T 2ni i Aiaencaa ThurIar at P-t i hp one LuncirrU ana nu- nfth birthday of Ue r;e Wa&Hin.'l n. .t, ion!Jiha:r exem. The xt l..!.t . Y rnri hull.- n-:ui irrr ou w --- --- and a gd many tcpie were vrr rt ir. i!nc3t them. The members o: ine omcr etna a .v i,l,. f-.f-i At . :.siJ and lors.ei lir. r,f march. They then ifcarrrrd U .t . ; f u k VdfMh Hi!! fi.m-1 ft i . - - . TO EMPOWER PRESIDENT TO DECLARE POOD EMBARGO - I ''-'T' j i il Resolntion Introduced in the United States Senate Today. Washington, Feb. 23. Senator Martine today introduced a bill to empower the President to declare an embargo on food exports. It was re ferred to the foTvim relations com mittee without debate. Similar reso lutions are iendin without prosieets ot action. ,..j.r,. thi nrtres!on. r nni Inrr ,Vv rrhed to the roart haue. and t .Trisit began at b o clor;. ' TK. nrinrinal addresi of the even ing was made by Mr. M. I. Hatcher. State President of the order. Mr. Hatcher's subjeet was: 'a the Rem 5nienses of Washingtr3n and the Organization of Our Order., The d oth intereating and in- i i i " " structive. T1e following program was car rtt out : ; " ' 1. Music bv the Forest Hill Rras hnenin-' S4ng: Mv Country tTa r,f Thee." 1 Tmoention bv Rev. CM. Short, .,tnr of Forest Hill Methodist rhnrrh. A. Welcome address by Mayor C. A. Isenhour. .r. Music bv bras3 band. n: Introductory address bv Dr. J E. Smoot. 7. Address by M. F. Hatcher. Sta4e President, of the 1'. it. b. of A. UD iV-t On the Reminiscences of Washington and the Organization of Our Order." S. Closing with music by the band. Clyde Lowrance Killed in Florida; lbemarle Enterprise. George Clyde Iwranee, the 13- vear oni son oi v . i . aim nnrrar Lnwrance. accidentally shot hnnseli near Orange Heights, Fla., Tuesday, Feb. in., at 1:30 o'clock, t. m. Tin father of the deceased is a bnther of upright nn the buggy when the hors" It seems that the voung man was hunting ouail and ducks, a few miles out of Orange Heights, when the ac cident occurred. Others with him were the boy's father and a friend. Mr. Lowranee in hunting not far from the road had run into quite a number of snipe, and fired four or five jshot?. The firing of the gun frightened the horse, which started off down the road. Clyde, gun m hand, hurried to the buggy, got in, and evidently attempted to secure t.he lines, which had fallen over the dash board. In making the attempt the gun was in some way discharged. The father heard the shot and notic ed that the horse had turned and was coming back. The boy was sitting noright in the buggy when the horse was stopped. The father noticed, however, that his sorl was evidently injured.' He lifted Clvde from the buggy: the boy looked up into Yy. father's face, smiled, siirhed and ex pired. It was found that the load of shot had taken effect in the boy risrht side. ranging upward and pierced the Jungs. ANOTHER CAR Of Hio-sc celebrated (Jlobe Ranges, with 25 years insurance policy o covr life of Range. The best on the market bought when buying was good. Complete the kitchen by installing aMcDougal or Jloosicf Jvitehen Cabinet. Save miles of steps, and last, but not least anything you need in the Furniture line, "We have It." n War Plans of Suffragists. Washington, D. C. Feb. 23. I n tier, the- direction ot Mrs. t ame Chapman ('at, president of the Nat ional American Woman Suffrage As sociation, one hunnred members o the executive board of.' that organiza tion arm representatives of practi cally all of the States assembled in asiiin'itcn today to formulate plans to use the organization for war service. The association, it was pointed out, with its membership of 2,000,000 distributed over the entire country, can be Worked into a won derful unit for . aiding the govern ment in a war campaign. The ques tion is to be thoroughly discussed at the present conference, which will be brought to a close on Monday with a public meeting at which Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, honorary president of the organization, will be the princi pal speaker. Baptists in Conference at Wilming ton Today. , 'Wilmington, Feb. 22 Considera ticn of preparations for enlistment in xeiais, preparations ior a .mis sionary campaign and the advisabil ity of a 10-days' school for pastors are the three questions being consid ered by East Carolina Raptist minis ters in conference at the First Bap tist Church today. The conference was called to order yesterday morn- in".by ev. . Johnston, of Ral eigh, A.-C..' secretary of the hnnrd of missions of the Baptist State Con. yention and last night- the de livered a powerful sermon before congregation that taxed the seating eapacuv oi tne auditorium of the rirst Church. Practically every town ana village in r.ast Carolina is rep resented at the conference which wii toe concluded this evening. Dividends Declared By Three Tobacco Companies. The American Tobacco Company has declared a quarterly dividend of o per cent, on common, payable March 1st, and quarterly dividend of one and one-half per cent, on preferred stock, payable April second. The United Cigar Stores Companv has declared a quarterly dividend of one and three-fourth per cent, on pre ferred stock, payable Mareli fifteenth. The Porto Rican-Ameriean Tobacco company has declared a cash dividend of four per cent., payable to holders of record February fifteenth. Bishop Vincent 85 Years Old. Chicago, 111., Feb. 23.: Bishop John H. Vincent, known the world over, as the founder of the' Chautau qua movement, reeeived a flood of congratulations todav on the occas ion of his -eighty-fifth birthday anni versary. Bishop .Vincent was born at Tuscaloosa', Ala., in 1832. and betran to preach at the age of eighteen. For manv years he was the editor of the Sunday School, publications' of the Methodist Episocpal denomination. He retired from the active duties of the episcopate in 1004. VOTE SCHEDULE February 19 to March 3 Inclusive DAILY TRIBUNE BY CARRIER Votes 5 years $22.50 345,000 4 years 18.00 225.000 3 years 13.50 135,000 2 years 0.00 60,000 1 year 4.50 24,000 G months 2.2.5 12,000 3 months - 1.15 4.500 DAILY TRIBUNE BY MAIL Votes a years '' $20.00 4 years 16.00 3 years,. 12.00 2 years 8.00 1 year 4.00 6 months 2.00 3 months 1 00 SE-rEL WEEKLY TIMES. 240,000 105,000 135.000 60,000 24.000 12.000 4,500 5 year . 7.00 4 years 6.00 3 years 4.50 2 years 3.00 1 yeai- T50 150,000 extra votes each $10.00 worth of new subscriptions turned in up to and including March 3rd. Votes 45,000 36,000 24,000 12,000 4,500 TIME TO PLANT PEArf. SUGAR If you want them early we have the kind to plant now, l5e pint. GIBSON DRUG STORE The Rexall Store 4 r . ..x M Vv' l4-m . utUiixvincnuu P . -t c J . tAduixei coax, dc Jet. MOIT WASN'T LUCK. ? HEISTHEBOSS'IBECAUSE HE SAVEO MOHi.isv, OTHER MEN WEREIWASTING THEIRS IN LmtUOojs. EXTRAVAGANCES. HE WASN'T STINGYHE1 WAS "CAREFUL HI m THAT ALL THOSE LITTLETHINGS HE DIDN'T Rt Alii s t : WOULD AMOUNT.TO AXARGE SUM SOME DAY. Hfc Br BUSINESS WITH THE MONEY HE PUT IN THE BASh SAVED YOU1CAN DOiTHESAME. BANK YOUR MONEY AND BANK WITHIUS. lot t , . J2in FISH, SALT FISH Lake White Fish is ti c cheapest form of niMl n h ; w t the market. Wc arc wiling at practical! the Am pn-itu we obtained when Western Meat retailed at II wati pr p and notr that Wetern Meat i louble tat pries yo Sk- mnch better to buy some fifth. We have in our ftore room a big lot of rea fail rth !i Yfhite Fish, in the following siaes: 80-ponnd Darrel 70-pound Barrel 50-pound Barrel 40-pound Kit 'JQpmind Kit 20-poiad Kit ,11-poaad KU 0-pound Kit Will be sold cheap for .he nxt tw or thri4 nonth We take your country cured meat at hihet -pn tu n change for White Fish at Cheap price. Then we want to buv ALL MEAT. We pay cash. YOUR" COUNTRY M Sl: MOOS WE WANT TO SELL YOU A wa?on, a buiry, a set f taon harness, b'urj hnri;- set of plow harness. Try a new disc, plow or harrnw, an ; date cultivator, a fod spike-tooth harruwf or a walkin r. iag-plow. We sell them all, and many other impInTst. Now is the time to pet that manure spreader. You'll r, and it will goon pay for itself in labor ared. Ju-t tt" that we sell everything for the farm. Ritchie Hardware Co. CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK Capita . . Surplus , . Undivided Profits $100,000 100,000 18,000 Resources One and One Half Million 4 per cent Interest Paid on Time Certificates of Deposit In Our Savings Department We Pay 4 Per' Cent Corrp: - Quarterly. PICTURE FBEE If you have a small photograph that you would like : enlarged FEEE eal for one of our cards entitling you t ture 11x14 motted to 10x20 FREE. . Cards only given t , of families, but pieture may be of individual, groups r ! scapes. C. W. SWINK, H. I. V00DH0USE, CASTOFUA For Infants end Chfldrea In Use For Over 30 Ycsrs Come and see we do the rest. Bell & Harris Furniture Co. Always bears tho Signature of Positively Relieves Cashier President Co!d&.Croup.Pnetmonla 25c, 50c, $1.00 AT DKUCCISTS I w

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