PUBLISH E.D MO N DAYS A t!D THURS DA YS i:. S V'oi-L'ME XLIH. v CONCORD, N.'G, MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1017. NU.MBUIl IX HER RILL, Editor and Publisher. iCil OEIIPTIOII ". BOARD FILES LIST MC!1 Who Passed Physi 0' ol Examinations, And Did ).jr.r Make Any Claims for uniption or Discharge. i TEEN MORJE MEN H CONSIDERED FIT FO- c0 j of Them Are Only Si L'iitly Underweight, And n Every. Other Way Are i t vsically Fit For Service. ;il cXfini'tion ioard -Satnr-i l t tiie I it rict Hoard at ... ;i list i sixtv-eitrht men , ! en examined bv thetr ami fou mi to be phvsieallv !ii;.r diitv in the new lira ft ' U'. A. i' - Iiiiz f' tl't report of the ohiv fit'tv-tour naxsed the , tits set bv the government. ()W( t-! tiie exec ution board Das ifis!.r:i(-:i'iis that when in their opin. iiiivsieal trouble is not' sen; nit eri ere Willi service. me iit't the men, jntohe armvj In of the men who failed to ' I'JiS'' llilUi fO!' Ili examinations their tmlv wjs in their liulit weiaht. anv ih tn were less fhan 10 pounds Lt. If a man in this eonditior i and riven training", with rec urs he will in almost exerv I, c.w'.. s.-on reni n me miiuinunKweiirm Tli "en whose names follow con. 'itul? the urst ones in the draft army from Cabarrus Count v on her quota of 'Xfy men to be furnished. The kard ill continue to call before it ih j rtered men in their order un til the remainincr 141 men needed are surest. The names of ' the men draft? .and the order in -which thev er(. firrtftM. follovv: 4rte Cliftotx Page, kannapolis. 2787. Jim Marcus Medlin, Concord tonic C. : v. ''"! IfttB Ben V. Matthews, - Concord, 17.V David B. Cartner, Kannap lis - lM; Fletcher; Dry. Concord. . . 'm 6&A Barry Plyler, Concord. 127. 0. W. Wood, Kannapolis.-, 75fi Weece Plummer, Harrisburg, Honte No. 1. ' - Arthur C . Morrison, ' Cabar viiH. ' , 1 ;!):, Bramion, Harrisburg. ' SlfJ--Stafford Alexander, Concord. W -lk'imio Douglass, Concord. ir.v-Ths. Tinkney Shinn. il ' t.A 12,'i( street no:- lloiWy Allison, Kannapolis. Ci!o. j. II. lientz, Concord. -ftiiv M. Beaver, Kannapolis. rionv B. Phillips, 217 Gibson' ;ienn Campbell, Concord. Walter Lee Smith, Concord, . Pearl Tadlock, Concord, r. 5. I -Lffts-Samuel Adolphus McOommons, tWtt-HV " ' - -ti7r Silas Leroy Furr, Concord, r 6. Arthur Davidson, Huntersville. -T.eorsre W. FaffKart, rfd. 5. aienee Or Penninger, Concord. William Henry: Muse, 'Jr.; Con- tvrd 'ieoiire S. Graeber. Concord. J. Lewis Cress, Concord, rfd. 4. ' Ma-Sam Harrison Gray, Concord, 21V.4 Drayton Horton, Harrisburg. Jiineh Hathcock, Concord: A i t hur Howie, Harrisburg; rhij,. Mak Walker, Kannapolis. Henry Walker, Concord. A.'-l. Faiifloth Coneord- fn f. 19!,'! Daniel Monroe Smith, Mt. rfd. 1. ' . If. T'axter Morrison, Cabar- 1. ! liarles Clayton Sloop, Har- Wl.' 1. s , ;.! , ;. (u2er We.ldino-thn Concord. 4'. ''4 ;,-orre F. Coble. Concord, r. 6. DeJma Wells, Concord, rfd. 6. ;M..u,im Wardlow, Concord. NS- Clyde Allison Blackwelder, Con fore .. . . - Cleveland L. Smith, Midland. Colio W. Smith Hnnenrrt rfd 1. 1'H' 111 I'll TTrklmrwci Wnll-. f-frt A XV illiam Franklin Ritchie," -(." , ( ha i lie J ohnson. Concord. ' ; . - Harry Turner SkidmOre, Con huond L. Hatley, sul, Concord, M'tum- Chiwson. Newell, rfd. li '"'m Columbus Pruit, Kannap- Si " '' ' " ?vr " -Malachl David Swinson, Mt. 1 ' s. I Cannon, rfd. 1. Odell Thompson Kan- !;1 1I1C er M. Barringer, Mt. Pleas- .1, "troh, Concord. ' ' Y L. Honpve.nt.f rfd K A.! Ht-ller Pennirurer. i if '.Fohnfnn . " " ' ' -. vllMy Blackwe'lderr r , ; t...., j: cia, i,.VttlKS-iVIk Co. hn a- n ' fpw aru i.. f " i i.lvui ineir hi- rjiia 3e-rn .. "M1 feeji at. sale prices to iv,- iui'v wsii : L ew ad iTfi , eir "IS Fall stock . . u,,ixl this paper. " rl Sanders Litaker.fd. 2. ' --i.j'.is Eddie Troutman, route 4. -V""-Charlie Dry, KannapoUs. -' r:,1;k Hooks, Harrisburg r. 2. ' , Hartseil, Cabarrus, rfd 1. PATinOTIC CONCERT AT ; CENTIML MCTIIODIST CIIL'RCII Large Audience Presents Churtfa HI- tlngly IWoratrd. An Excellent Projframrae Jlenderrd. A ful house wan prt-M-nt Suulay ev ening to enjoy the patriotic concert at Centra! !etho.llt Church, siren llerriiiff and Ml Jni aIptnthW PatterMon. Kvery number tit the Rplendidlr 'rraureI lting of national air, anthem, so los, etc., wai niot eluirminfflr carried out. The pulpit Mtand wa drapeI with the American tins. The onran and rHa- no were draped iM French and British nags and the American easier while tile cluuieel wh ut wiMi niMfut holding bankets of red roses, wlilfn hv. llrjl U'ffh vm-ilt fTrm 4 .... 1 of mem berK of Compa ny L' were pres ent m uniform. The vola wilos by Miss Patterson ami Mr. Hamuel Glman. the violin solo by airs, uusseii liarnlianlt and the flute and violin duet by Mrs. Barrihardt and air. Kay Tatterson were indeed nttm. tive features of the evening. J no. stnries of The Star Spangled Banner and The Maraellln Ira" wapo tit. tractively read 'by Mta'Jenn Coltrane. A most fitting, climax to the solendid pr6gramna was the History of Our Flag, go beautifully iri ven br fr IT S Williams, the call to the colors by Mr. Crooks, followed by the enthusiast ic singing of "The Star Spangled Ban ner" by the entire audience, led by the choir. The personnel of the choir was us follows: Tenor Mr. Samuel Goodman. Sopranos Misses Jannie Patterson, ElizabetlT Coltrane, Myrtle 'Morgan, Jessie Willeford, Nancy Patterson, Mary Pemberton and Marv Branson Coltrane, Mrs. I. I. Davis and Mrs. J. H. Palmer. , ' . Altos Mesdames Victor Means and II. A. Brower. Bassos Lloyd McKay, Kay Patter son ana Jesse Itaiford. Organist Miss Nell Herring. v An offerijig was taken for missions COURT THIS WEEK. Judge E. B. Cline. of Hickory. Pre. siding. Names of Those on Grand Jury. , Superior Court began its August term for Cabarrus County this morn ing, with Judge B. Cline, ot Mlick ory, presiding. ' ; v : Solicitor, Hayden: Clement, of Sal isbury. 1 is also present, to prosecute all cases on behalf ot, the Staters -The Grand. Jury was "inxpanejled this morning ; by the court. ' and is composed of tke following: " W. R. Burrage, foreman, K. J. Wal ters. W. H. Whitley. W. C. Taylor, K. Cox. D. A. Sides. R. li. Dorton. E. L. Hayer. T. F, Kobbins. M. L. Casle. J. F. Fisher. J. E. Early, 31. C. Tucker. R. O.; Kinehardt- M. C, White, J A. Troutman, "Wai. Junker, and G. 11. Heglar. x .The first case was that of state against W. 1$. Cross. Rich Goodson and ArtjjurStitt. .who are charged with an arl'ra.v. The jury- had been selected, and some of the evidence taken bv the time the court adjourned at the noon recess. - : - RELIGIOUS OBJECTORS ASSIGNED-DEFINITE PLACE Will Be Assigned to Duty" Which May Be Designated as "Non. Com batant, ' 1 ' U; ' CBy The Associated Press). Washington. Aug. 13. iCeligious ob.iectors vere assigned" definite place in the Rational army for thy first time, in a ruling made public to day bv Provost JMarshal General Crowder. Thev will be sent to Mobi- izatio ncanips for dutv. which Pres ident may designate as. non-combat r ant :, -. .' '' The ruling so "s that they, will " be drafted, forwarded - to mobilization camp, and make up a part, of the quo- ta ot the district , tram wnicn mey come, and will be assigned to qu declared bv'the President as non-combatant." ; . NEWLYWEDS TO DRAW ; - DOUBLE AMOUNT OF FOOD A Premium is -Placed; on Marriages C ' 1 in Germany. (By The AMoelated Pre) Berlin, via London, Ausr. 13. Mu nicipal Food Bureau of Stassbunr. tliaf newlvN married cou ples will be entitled to draw, double amount of food indicated on xoou cards. This privilege is accoraea them for a'period of six weeks.. ; TOWN WITH ONE HUNDRED . -.... virt'nT"k PER CENT DKAx i , iwuo vxva The Quota -Was Only One Man. How- ever. He Waived iixempwou.. Yt- if. Asoela(ed Pr) tdwn odaV boasted of h lr cent draftrecord. Theuota of the town was one man. This man; - i ' j .,., oiivn Pd in tne ne national anm. , ; . r Girls Ga on Campmg;Trip. j vMisses Margaret, Tvirniip!onttd' euvi T.uev Kicnmonu Elizabeth Lentz, Martha Uaiaweii, u f and, Ruth Cannon f Tw,n Cnldwell. Ruth Croweii nnnn on a oif R(cky River, uto -g-te irney win ; camp just vacateci oyjj . girts Mont- chaperoned by Misses Shiney lomery and Helen Patterson. sunset t his: port Det vteu rzrj- jpv rise were rew..' - tnn.iv ur-i"" announced by the Department it Y G OF POSSIBLE ' !! Government May Stop ' the Excessive-Pleasure Use of Automobiles During War In Order to, Save Gasoline. STATEMENT MADE BY DIRECTOR MANNING Urges Auto Owners to Stop Unnecessary and Extrava gant Pleasure During Time of the War. (Rx Tb Auwlaird Prcwl s Washinirton Awi. l.'i. Waniinc of the iHifsibilitv of drastic aetiun b the Feteral Guvernirent to stop ex cessive pleasure use of autos durinjr the war in order that the trushne needs of the United States and the allies may be met. is riven in a state ment bv director Van li. Maiming, of the Hureau of Mines tolav. in which he asks the eo'-oneration of au to owners iri stoipinc tbe practice. . Enouah irasoline to care for. the re in:rements of America and perhaps of its allies, will be saved in the opinion of Mr. Manninir. 4if auto owners of the country will stop un necessary and evxtratairanl pleasure rid in 2". and if the owners and dealers handled this fiuel in a careful and economical manner.' Director Manninsr liives a num ber of methods to save irasolene. and conclude With the statement that his warninsr does not mean that auto owners should lav up their cars or that, anyone should chancre his mind about purchasing a car. X FORT MEYERS MEN ? TO BE COMMISSIONED Exercises Today. Cabinet Officers and Other prominent Officials to Attend. . -- - , ' v(Br The Amoclmt4t& PrM ? f : Washinston. 'Aue. 13.-100 studl entxofficers ofthe Fort Mver. Va training camp will be . commissioned late today in the presence of Cabinet officers, members ol Conarress .diplo matic and prominent armv, and navy oilicf Secretary Baker will. deliver the 'Graduation oration . . " Prpident Wilson hns hppn invited to attend. . ' ' -.- , i Asheville Boy, Gets 'Commission at , - Fort Niagara. Wrashins:ton. Au?, 1.1. Commis sions irranted students at the Fort Niagara officers training camp in clude Wilbur B. Hammer, of Ashe ville ,N. C. to be second lieutenant of Field Artillery. One at Fort McPherson. Too. Washington. Aus. 13. Commis sions granted to students at the Fort McPherson "Officers Trainint: Camo include: Captain of Infantry 0. R. C. John KTavlor. Yadkin viile. N. C. RECEIVED COMmSSIONS Atf FORT OGLETHORPE Six Cneord:Men Are Given OEScers " Commissions. - Adjutant General McCain has at last issued the long-expected list of the men who will receive commissions as officers in the military service of the United States as-41 result of their train ing in the reserve officers training camp at Fort-Oglethorpe, Ga. -The list includes the following from Concord : To be second lieutenant, infantry section, officers' reserve corps J. Watson Smoot, Charles II. Wads worth. M.H. Caldwell, Jr., J. Lee Crowell, Jr. - - To be captain, field artillery section, officers reserve corps: Albert I. Nor man. , To bev second lieutenant; field artil lery section," officers reserve corps : John M. Black, Pioneer Mills. GENERAL DEBATE ON THE WAR TAX BILL Begin in the Senate Today. McAdoo ' Confers With Kitchin. ( By. The fi.uodt& Prcai)' WTashin2t6n. Au?13.- General de bate on the war tax bill will bejrin in the Senate today. Senator Simmons in eharse of the measure." bavin? fin ished his statement .Saturday. . Secretary .McAdoo will confer with Chairman Kitchin.' probably tomor row reerardinsr plans -for raisinir part of -the additional 6.000.000 00U re quired to meet war exienses until July 1st, 1918. How- much will be askedUfor bvSecretar- to' meet the present needs is not known, bnt i may be as much as $2,000.OOO.fXX). v EX-PRESIDENT TAFT ; CONTINUES -TO IMPROVE Sat Up in Bed JTesterdav for First . Time Since Attack. . ' By The AMsfeeiated Press) , Clay Center, Kans.. Ausr. 13. Con tinued -nprovement was shown todav in the eondition of former President Taft, ill -here 'with intestinal indica tion. Mr. Taft has commenced to eat resilarlv and yesterdav" sat iu in bed for-the'first time since the attack be- isran last Monday. Attending physi cians said it. "would probably be two or three days before 3Ir. Taft would mm VERY I ADD1TI011AL I CALLEDBYBDA tOne Hundred and Fifty More Men Are Summoned to Ap pear Wednesday, Thursday And Friday. BOARD TO EXAMINE FIFTY EACH DAY The Men Called Are Not Ex pected to Appear Until the Time That is Stated in Their Notices. ; SttHt the piota of ruti frtu Ciibar rti - county-ha nt yet been Mxmmi friu tlie 4JHt men xummoim! to appear before 'the local exemption board, the board on Saturday mailed our notice for an additional l.V niu to aptMtr on Weiliu-slay, Thuixlay nnd Friday of thU w ek.; ' Tlie men notified U at the next 150 in the which they were dniwn. and the board will ex amine fiO of them on each of the day named. In order that a man may. lose no more time thau is necessary, the boanl has also allotted the work' for each day,' taking 10 men each hour, and have notified them accordingly. The men, whns names are jrfreu be low. Mre summoned to apjiear at the hours named at the office of Attorney C5. A. Carver, chairman of the exemp tion loard. on the cond lloor of the Morris buildlnj:. and from there they trill be directed to the examining room. : , " . I- - , The list of those uotified. and the fhourii at which the.r are to appear fol low: . . , WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15TH. 9 O'clock a, m. iai2Cash C. Dennis. V 1221 Ira Brewer, 1102 James Davis. 1G20 Carl T. Fagan. - , . K56 John Franklin Flemminjr. 1C65 Arnold Lee Harrington. r2100 Lonnie -Israel Little. ' - v Waldo Jeremiah Sloop. . 1281-r-Karl. B. Walter. 51 William Dolphus Barringer. - v 10 O'clock a, m. 717 Lawrence Hall. 1037 George Ingram. 1256 Clarence V. Younger. , 1073-Sherman Gain. iJOJason Harvey Earnhardt. imCr Floyd F. Lipe. im Marvin Cleveland Gray. JiSS Charley Flow. ' 1423 Lee Penninger. 245S Hurley Devotion Griffin. 11 O'clock a. m. 1716 P. E. Correll. 773-Iticnard Little. COS Richard Nathaniel Alexander. 406 Earnest Presley Seaford. 2502 Lester Durett Coltrane. 510 Henry Stany Swaringer. 1730 Xissen H. Coggins. - 25 Richard Ira Hammill. :02 William Chatman. 2aSl Martin L. Smith.' 1 O'clock p. m. Charles C." Graeber. 8S0 Troy Wallace. :?S:t William Gllmore. 1160 Harry G. Troutman. ' 1712 IL P. Campbell.' 21S0 William M. White. 5S Charlie Britt. 2591 Davis Lee Vaudry Whitleyr 856 Lester Lee Mlncy. 705 James Phifr. , .' . 2 O'clock p. m. ' V 1346 Lillington E. Stewart. 2S35- A, Scott-Walter. 2263 Isiah William Elam. 2053 Frank Alexander Barnhardt. 2051 Shnford Clyde Barrier. ? 1057 Henry Dry v 576-Oliver Judson Crenshaw. 2023 Hugh Itlley Honeycutt. , 250tV Andy W. Perkin. 2022 John G. Culp. THURSDAY. AUGUST 16TH. V ' ,9 O'clock &. in. (Mi Espy Mack Cannon. V I860 Fred Perry Lovelace. 2037 Charles Mac. Eeddix. v 1S0S Joe C. Austin. 1043 Albert B. Bost. 1677 Benjamin "an Duke 2Wl-Walter L. BosL "2706 James Brady Burr is. 122 Mitt Alonxo Cress. .1783 William A. Beam; 10 O'clock a. m. G42 Tom Rhyne. 939 Robert Bruce Cochran. 1630 John F. Ferguson. x - ,; 222 Corl Marks Castor. 2364 James Monroe Rowe, 1715 Thad Childers. - 906 James Francis Sloop. . 1337 William A. Smyre. 2226 Ollie Hinson. 7(KW-31ark Walker. 11 O'clock a. xa. 1250 Frank Lynn Carr. 1195 DeWitt T. Sherrill.. 3406 Henry F. Mauldin. 297 G. Lawsorj Herrin. 321 Harvey F. Eudy. 736 George Blackwelder. - 2994 Robert -W. Hunter. "162S Hunter A. Falls. 2611 Abraham Jackson. Simms.' -3043 Pearl J, Mann. 1 O'clock p. EL -2853 Crawford Coble : , , 707 Jay Misenheimer. 2550 larks WMker.- 3025 Floyd W. Prcpst. . 1425 Samuel P. Parker. - , , 1002 Monroe Reeary. . " ' ' . " u:. ui:;u i4!i Cai?,. -irt- Tti 1 tutxi&tm rT7 !Jrrt ttMiaok.. nUDAY. AUGUST 17X0. S O'clock a, sl ri7iWWU!Uta lt t2BWeL 2lc; Mix MteUU M Itn II. Auim. 1 175- R4ril MOrf " lu7f-M:tii CSrtcgm.' " 73S Sam AWt4-r. liai Vri W. TrrrHl. aVWlUUfa Alfni lKt ksf, 10 O'clock la. Hei7-1tin lwu, 1191 llrtfe lUnrBtd. ' 1214 lUrly AIIioii. 17M J44n Atla BaHwri G, KIth- Mv w-ar irtitrtle blmtrl. 225 William V. Wlkr. 1 1 v Howard JkMi. 2i:?-Eurme O, lUwihantt. Jr. 121-OrU UactA, 11 O'clock a. m, 25.16-Iwemoet It. BaUlwia. 22 1 - Colonel Crimen. 2005 Samuel Hatley. 1537 John CL Ientvard. 'U51S Walter WlUroe. 1474-FninkUu M. Correll 114 Willie H. FroHt. 2253-Jeie Ulchard McdclUod. 2T50i- Boone Ijifayrtte lrowell 27TC - John Chamorrm. 1 O'clock p, ct. 161G William F. Griffin. 292 Carl Mqnroe l!Hnl. , K22-M. Luther Ca!e. 504 William Jackmm Wall. 1001-Paul llirrlf. 2557 James WlUou. '1205 Frank M. Sloop. 22HJ-Jamc Godfrey IJpe. 2CS9-John David liarrlnrr. 2370-. Ernest Chalxaen Plott. 2 O'clock p. o. 2152 John n. TkrtmL - 1310-Clarence L. LIppard. 1091-nJamei B, Ellia. 2139 A. Jerome Garaoa. .s 470 HUre Lanier. 8ia Arthar G. Greeo. 29S4 Earley L. Hclderman. 2C33 Jake Cook. 1507 Jacob O. Miller. 1729 Robert Lee Christy. :..'r,.: , TO REPORT FOR SECOND CA.W AT OCtLLTHORTE Six Concord Men Ordered t Report August 27. No More Training ' Camp. '. The jicoond tralniug camp at Fort Oglethorpe for reserve officers will hare 467 North Carolinians in it. acoonling to the appotutmeiiU to the camp. The successful applicants for the camp are thuH provided with plenty of time be tween notification and the date of re sponse to orders to, get their affairs at home in shape for th? three month absence. The orders are to report at Fort Oglethorpe Augurt 27. So far as can be determined at I hi stage of national affairs there will be no more .training camp for officer after this now under contemplation. The government has announced its be lief that the first and second camp will provide enough officer for com ma ml of the national army to be raid ed ; certainly enough when the number is to be augmented by the promotion of men from the ranks to coram Im Ion In "desirable cases. Unless unforeseen developments occur to make It neces sary, therefore, the men who have re ceived their order sto go into the sec ond camps are the last who will hare the chance to train for commissions under the instruction of army officers. Among those who will enter tbe sec ond training camp are the following from Concord : -'-'' Quint E. Smith. Frederick 8. Klatii, Roy'M. Ritchie, Vktor A. Mcau. Mar shall It. Sherrin. John I. Belt BRITISH DELEGATES NOT ' ALLOWED TO ATTEND Permission WiR Not Be Oiren Them to Atttad the International Social Conference. London: Aug. LI. Andrew itonar I .aw. the government ffwkesman in the House of (x)mnHini told the mem bers of ibe hwej fcoase IbU alter, noon. that the government bad decid ed that vmnimion to attend the in ternational CV-iference woa!d.nt fe irranted t Tliritih d-leate. Mr. IJonar 1-aw said: . "Law ofliee of the Crown lrc ad. vised the" governmeni . that it is not Jeiral for anv iern reidrnt in the dominion, to fngace in a cnferrr. c with enemv ifiibf-t. Therefore. r-r. mission to attend StkboIm ermfer- enre will mr. be jrrantl. Tbe b..i decision has hvt-n mad bv the sc" rnrnent t-' ,!te L fit In! ' Hate. France and Italv. nh whieh hi Maiestv' covernmcnt has been in com3iun:cat:on.y? . , ORDERS FOR LUMBER FOR SHIPS IS PLACED Ship Builders Cannot Find Tisher to Use in Building the Ships. Br Tlie AHall Irr) Waslangton. Ausr. 13.7-Orders fr Jnmlier for more ships have 5at been placed b ythe r!menrece- Fleet Corporation with " Southern Pine Emergency Bureau, it was announcl today. Contracts were let for these ship-3 some time ago. bat difficulty was found in obtaining 'timber. The rerpondiori still has before it ec n- fur " -"-'..'" r.-f''-' fM:- f r FBE AfiEniCAtiS : PfflL0ST American Steamer , pty-; of Athens Struck 3 Mine Ani Sfeat Darrt Near Csp Town, South Africa. FOUR-MISSIONARIES 1 '-' WERE AMONG LOST The Mbiioruricv Were Mr. And Mrs. NaygarJ; Muj Robinson and MtnThuir.p. son. 10 Olhen Saved. trak m ttr,0 . 4 trr te I a. v!ti Attta m Ar. . U. rrtHiiiX to Ul S hlU th . Wfn-er aad izr utih trm ! rrt, lt, tlie d.t TUf d,tjc , .v lar tal ti Ataenrsftt'v'atte tUtumt! r4 natr Mr. nt Mr. Nai kid. ti and Cn'n I l t the Utter t tW llHh U t Mia Iktarti. A - Mr, lUt, 4 fiat mi tb m tared. Kt&flna tiler r.-. Mocanes of an tTrtuta fcradrj4sner at In4ir S tmi, itntilin. ?r afd i j ' . Tt f.fth Axeman Ji was a Mr. hummer, addfrM r4 f. i In a !di'.n & l tl f n liihman nataed D-k-tft. tt 1 ii Auirrifin ife. a&4 m h.ldrrn a1 ! lost their livrs. Mr. I ck father livrs in !cover, .1! name hat not Iraixed Atsir lh saved were Mr. Hammer &4 it. ari-srentlv fmi lit. sir. Riche. of Chirac; Mr. iVtlrhett. f ' IhilJelnbia: Datid L At!na. f South Dakota. an4 X. F. Utaatcti. Micnea:?Us; Mr. Pcnlatau an Av tralian. with his Ax,rriai ifesi,4 tA fhildren. and a Mr, ndh, i, Sc!drrs& iriin . . yfembers f Inlerdeaemlaattesat ?is" also.'' - .New Ytik. Aug. 13. The tatty . cf R mlwionaries atxrd the Ctty cf Athens, which was sunk' fey a taist near Cje Town, were member f tit mUsion. which la Intrrdroossi&atkmal. In addltfHt to th 1!. two rtdUreti tS Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Camp were aloarl the vrrl. Io. Charte II HttfUn. general director of tlir crrginitatioa here, mm iwi wonl had ie-n.mtlte4 as to the fa! oflbe children A FURTHER DECLINE IN I THE PRICE OF COTTON Market Off 23 to 50 Points U Opca, in Today. Market Later IUHksL fDr ta aHaiNi rri New Yurie. Au. 1.1.-Tlirrr as 'a furl hrr deline of 2.1 tfi ."W tjiat at tbe oteninof the ctton e rkt it. tU with Oelober Mllinr at at,J January at m the eslh AVeaJhrr map fade d?olitw anv grrrrl f am in Ibe sriuthei! Imt txtrvi for lb . dn02bt eimiiiaint "from twrts if lh uth and west Teia. trot are gm. erallv fa ! Me. erraticg th ir pfri sion that rrwteets are imtrutina it tle aversre. The break airat! eon.ilerable. eovrrinif. lMeer. acl there 'ere rallies of 10 nr 15 t.tftM shortly after the eall. Cotton fnttirrt roened iadv? Or. tober,2f.tMl t iWrmbr .2MJ; January. 21.43; Marrh. 2 !': Mat. 2W . TWO GERMAN AIRPLANE3 WERE BROUGHT DOVTN Wert Amonx Tfcos Which RaUrd Esxllah Coon Yesterday.. '.I lrabn. A:ig. !X To of i tUf, ' ran roahin" K i b iterd-s et, . in: rsidl th E?liH .e? trrn roa. watrrinsr tIe. wrjf !trr ei bt i'rit;sh natsl mUnrm Orisl.' stairmrnt iued'bv the t'xiar a f!t ots of tnths was a Ciotha ainiare atTd ffee t!hr a- jwiwane THE WHEAT MARKET. Goremsest Ansorscestit cf Ccn, trcl MiVf No la ?rUst Differ, jeacs) In tha Prica. . - '(Df Tk As4MHrtat4 Pri, "'t'Chirai.'"- Aug, la.---AajwOfei t i sxra! ten f tbr ivrr.s&en! plans to rule aheatand tur bjNi.r oftli- tntmnirv Ui&4 T tZiifsttJit. lif!rrenre in lie b4t, tzsiiH Ufir. Af er o:nlnj. re r-fi! ter at 21 for SitinfsWr. te ftvaftrt t?rtr tft 215. So olhrr M ft hnt S-rta- j4rwa kdrU in t &u eitre.l ist eier. i r. .' TO PURCHASE GOLD BULLION L J ON A BASIS OF rniENESS Step Tlken on Actozzi of texts Rise ia tht Tiic9 of EHrer. , (Oy tw aiat4 rrei Wahimrtosi. A ur. 1 3. Beea a e u f tbe estrem h in the irire of sihrr. Director Raker ha ; f.alhrtzed lh& fiiints and avar ?irrr U VMrth-'S cold ballion hereafter cm a bat: of finer en, di.rmrInr . the rrevtouf regrlatioti .unler; whlrh t.'-Hi.n wi