1 ( j ' . M 1 1 KliILL, bditor and Publisher. P U BL ISHED M O N D A Y S A N D THURSDAYS 4 Ytif CONCORD. N. C. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 4. 1917. i SHlTISH BEG!fl ' m drive NUMBER 27. high school kecf.ption I To Be Hfld at I! R;t School Building J morrow Evening at 8 vil rw - --r m -TV Friday evening nr-UU oVJ.r-k th student of the i -., school v,u al honi.. t i!,t. i,.ailV.r. ,.f !h, sh.l lo.ird. the teacher- i-. CONGRESS TO ADJDURII ITHE UST WAR! HP U iruuKynvr at mkmjn miiju !l BY NEXT SATURDAY IHrr Thl rrf f ts Off. HEARST ,.--v ki Stream of German ,:ier Arc Being Sent ! : ' ,L British Rear. Satis-pi-ogress Made. N t-the Patron of tin high it 1; the custom of thf IS ISSUED TODMSiSS BOLO PASHA DIIIIIER hvfr.I. CRMANS FAIL TO CFT LOST GROUND iui,-t i.iy i...t,.r ,, r.Mi.n.,1, i,.Leacers m Both Houses ArejTo Drafted Men Who Have - III- Ill'W Tf l)liiLj I... - . . ) . a Prepared to Carry Outj Failed to Answer Call to I'ilu Their Plans to Adjourn By j That Time. .-j on f the Heaviest Fight- the Verdun Front fallowed. British Hold ;; Ground Taken Intact. II, )i Awai'dated Preaa.) .1 ...t.l f Mn-'- the ...mi: .-in-'tln'i' in Flanders. Field Marshal 1 :.. ,i, c.nlv- reoort. announced 1,1 "' . : . :.. i.i Uritish this.moni- 1 riv at the (ler- U - Ill .. . . - .".ii ir, iJiiir.i l.iim t.r rhina ;r(vi. tac!i-r of nialtiinath : Mr. Laura IIW Iio- of Concord toatluT of VaxzWAi. and Mr. II. A. C'anipJM-II of AhenhH'ti. teac-iwr of Tli' twlwr and patron an very anxioiirs that all tho fiarentK luII In Ires'iit at tht puhks' of thf iiXH-tint' 1m that tin teachers and parent mav lifiiiiiif letter acUjintid and tmis Ik ahh fo ciMprate more effectively hi the elueatkm of their Imvm and Rlrls. An interesting program lias iieeri ar ranged a n I teachers and pupils will appreciate your cominic. The meet ing will le entirely informal and the school trusts that every parent will Ik present. t4jt, fib,- lr-:r ' J. "' : ONLY TWO BIG MEASURES REMAIN a stream of (erman sent to the Kritish I ..f I In. I'liiniliii-v' li-l.-n T! IT'lt'WJII II" I iHinn in 1 ' t-.i. 1 V jiliiT an eigui-uay uuervai. ni j .-i iv i nisi i-fiv in- ,; fm-vjii'l ovir the ground on hoth ii,.. ,.f tin- pres-Menm roaa, advanc- ,,, oiii' li.m mile to a mile at ; Miii!t iilong the line. , 111 I 111 iiinmfi iiuiiii ii mi. .. . ,r...li.rn friillt fnllkWtl . tlw unkind-assault arter assault . ..it..itittf tii piiirii in I'tilii.!- ilc.IM I .1 1 il I I ' 111 I'l l" ilin icnuu- m Miinl I hey had lost. Almost "iiiili nt if. however, was held ,,, i,y thr Kntisii. who in rne mean- 'jj'r Will Mi I'iu iii i-'x.. uiv lit AL-.xifi - hnf JMML Willi lUilil IfIIt'I WJ. iw tin l;ittU' ot r landers is 1 .. . A. l ..wii' ui'irc iinu more io resemine ,f ,n s h.ittlc f the Somme, which ,l!,uiil hy the ft in oils. 'Ilnulen- ,r: -trntc.'ic retreat. Tin suiic general tactics or persist- thiviiu' :it tlie same point in ;nr t viu liny exnecreu oy ine iru- fn jriiii'.u' i similar result. This :. .'.' w i - ci. the ground which would v '.urn .-.fuiuloned would he far i wiJjj;i to the entente and its i cinesiiondingly heavy blow to iV;iu:iiis tor the licrman-ueiu isei- jr-dst line with its suhmaiine and :iii;isex is at srake, Together wnn nat French manufacturing city ami wide stretches of territory hiiii Fiance and Flanders. MEN-C'ALED W HO FAILKO T( K?l0T Thirteen Men Who Will Be Arrested on Sfeht After 3 o'clork Friday If They Have not Reported. The following men failed to report to thf !oal Hoard Tuesday ftr in duction into the Military Service of the United States and they are de serters according to the Selective Service J,aw. They are to ! arrested on sight on and after 3 p. m.. Friday if they have not reported to the local Hoard to Ik sent to Camp Jackson. S. (-.. for mobilization. A reward of $f0.00 will Ie paid to the party de livering these men to Camp Jackson, S. C. John Ii. Thomas; James IJ. Kelly; Sheffie J.. Lenta: David Wasiner: Har hy L. Skidmore; Arnold Th Harring ton: II. I. Campbell: Frel Perry Lovelace; Joe i Austin. Harvey Franklin Eudy; John Atlas Iltillock ; Willie S. Pruit: John Chanlcrs. Senate Agreed to Take Final Action Today on the Ad ministration Soldiers and Sailors Insurance Bill. the Colors Notice Bv the Government. mtc4 a a Spy Were Pure ly-Social, So Far a Attor ney General H A afc. WILL BE CHARGED WITH DESERTION MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE. t'By The Arartat4 Prctil Washington, (h-t. 4. With a program calling for the adjournment of Con gresH war xession not later than Sat urday the leaders today wen prepared to call out their plans to that end. Initial action on the question was to come in the Housf on a resolution hy Representative Kitchen proimsing adjournment at ." o'cliK-k p. in. on Sat urday. The resolution was prepared by Mr. Kitchen following a conference yesterday with Senator Martin, when the arrangements for final adjourn ment for holidays were completed. The Senate action in agreeing to take final action today on administration of sol diers and sailors insurance bill, and the adoption of the 'conference report on the deficiency appropriation bill, hastened the date ot adjournment. Only two important measures, tht military insurance and deficiency bill, remain for disposition lie fore the ses sion ends. Will Be Given Chance to Es cape Punishment if They Join Now and Explain Failure to Do So Sooner. Oy The Ammmrimt4 lrrtM Washington. iK-t. 4. A Ut want ing wa iviifd toilay to the drafts! men who faileil to aiiKWfr tie vmU to clr. The iiovemmeiit gave nothv ttuit tlioH who fallal to rvjiort will U given an opimrtunlty to eK-aie punish ment if they will join tin, colon now and explain their failure to do mi h. er. If they tliow a disposition to evade service they will lie charged with U sertlou. Drafteil men failing to rvintrt now will U promptly advertlel a deserters, and a reward ot ofTfri'l for their apprehension. Divisional com manders, however, have Ufti directed to question personally Mich men tiefort a I rial if ordennl, and M-e if the s-oldier wilfully sought to evade service. "The policy of the IH'partmeut will U'. it u-hs announced. to punUh them and retain them in the wrvioe." ttnr--,- ' ? tse .-tv4 tlaf 'fcrk gl nrt L iW'lrit suiTm--i Kirr. tu!. I4r 5r gtxmt , i Jr I .1 I C 1 J ' ' I I C, C IC 1 tt-y wi-ui.1 t" i' u " Nnff j f-rl-ta--t think ttt mM f tW AT THE DINNER i ""httrf" mrt amr t-f tWa . . f m to Kur thrm Mtrt tlt rayt-fj rrm tif ttfrrrU.' a r-aa. the t4 nHthtmn ti.t mk clji.llt 4a ttt t I brjp Mltr tlw ur:dri t thM Wltft jut by thi mnUm (W rlly ln-tdd hair- l-r-j -lr-r-f t--l ft Jt j ter lo -Ui.play ht art I tA It a ! ami It rts aftt-r oitiif-rM rffofi. rami. t found tit. IIrtrr. tUr effort will Mill onitiiuw in nirr t. dieint-r tlr rinVr artUf. atl mutrv out '.to hi in tirttrr attt uSkirnt HiDlh ment for hi art of drptedaf Mt prar til uihi ihl rt.tatnutUj . atu unii ty! Among Thovc Were Captaint Uoy-Ud And Von Papca. Naval and Military Attach cs of Germany. KLKVN MO UK MKN OBDKUKl) TO KNTILI1N t j Men Chosen to Secure Members for ISankliead' Highway Association. Announcement was made yesterday by Mr. George L. Patterson. President of the Cabarrus County Branch of the Bankhcad Highway Association, of the imtups of the Membership" C-omuxittec appointed by him. This committee . con si 'of the following members: C. A. isenhour. John L. Miller. I.. A. Wellington. A.' Campbell Cline and Ed. F. White. This committee is to see the citi- i attack followed sharulv ai counry and city., aim se- tii 's,airing effort of the (Jermans U'ure their memberships in the Jocul it off. Crown - Prince It up-1 hranch of the Association. They will be making their canvass from this time on. and it is the hope of those at the head of the movemeitt tat a large, and active membership will be obtained. Bup mi! struck at the British line yes- ri;i at its most vital points between V"!ti"; Hamlets and Polygon wood, but :mi'iis atraiti were mowed. down by f I: itish guns, the assault making 1 " iiiiN'csMuit whatever. on the British k "r iill'ccting the British purpose 'Hifnek today. Tin' French lighting front has been niiuatively quiot except for intense nilii.v iictiviry northeast of Verdun. Til- force of Fi'eni Marshal Haig's "in- !im1.i, apparently was greater :hat of last week for early press !'!:i!i'hes reported advances of a mile r 'a. ii in phu-es asjthe British ad 1,1 r Mvept over the crest of the !''ni'iit!;iele-;heluvelt ridge. The '"il1 "lion of the capeure of this ridge imaiediate object of the British. of it -will open up the' level " ;hr Haiiders plain to them. Ill tile earlv Hohtin-r lw nttaekin' como rli ;4tinfn kkA'tnrl '"""ihlilt 'r.ir.i HINBEBlJKG IS 70; ASKED TO EM) WAK His Birthd v is Made a National Fete Koyul Hopes for Earlj- Peace. Amsterdam. Oct. -2. Field Mar shal von Hindenburg's seventieth birthday was -celebrated throughout Germany as a national fete. The Em peror aud'all the imperial family sent greetings to the Field Marshal ex pressing the hope that an early end of the war'-would crown his wprk. Various cities bestowed their free dom on him and sinn-ial celebrations were held by the schools. coupled with collections .for the war loan. The recipient of these demonstra ions spent -the day at headquarters. He was refuted to be slightly indisposed.' FACI LTY RECITAL. hr,,- ;if ;in important crossroad. is nearly ne and one es oat of Zonneheke, which the British line pas- uiorn ilia's i ii,i. ther llv attack was T'hev advanced material ti the south also, leav litMitod ground - around well in their rear. ' i:!i h end nf Humi- itfiek the M!,,ve to within a short dis ' ''"' U ippelle. which lies' about -i half northeast of I.ange- To Be Given at M;ont Amoena Semin- arj' Friday, October 5. The following is the programme of a recital to be given at Mont Amoena Seminary on Friday evening. October r. at S o'clock, under the direction of Miss Anna Schenck and Prof.- H. A. Stirewalt : Autumn Chaminade. "The Little Shepherd of - Kingdom Come,. Jolni Fox. Jr. (As dramatiz ed and arrangetl by Miss Schenck.) Sextet tefrom "Lucia li Lammer moor" I.eschetizki. (For left- hand alone). Tlatonic Wm. B. Terrett. (With piano accompaniment.) Songs: (a) The Spirit Flower Campbell-Tipton, (b) Becompense Hammond. , At the Hair-dresser's Anon. Polonaise Paderwiski. ACTION' POSTPONED IN LA FOLLETTE CASE John D. Rockefeller Please Note. . Washington. Oct. 4. Substitutions of ordinary coal-gas for gasolene as a motive jowcr for automobiles for city use is the hlea embraced in a new in vention which is said to have leeii tried out with marked success. In place of the gasolene tank the motor car car ries a gas bag which holds -sufficient gas to drive the car over a distance of ; l.r or 'JO miles. The excuse is est i mat- j ed to lo less than half fhat of gasolene ) at present prices.. It is suggested that if the gas-propelled cars come into gen eral uso for trucks and pleasure ve hicles in cities that the gas companies will be glad to establish stations throughout their territory, where the gas tanks may le refilled from the or dinary street gas mains on the nuarter-in-the-slot principle. Another Session to Be Held Tomorrow to Determine What Artion Will le Taken. (Ilr The AiMrla(H I'rrs.) Washington. Oct. 4. The decision as to what action it will take on the i t it Ions demanding the expulsion of Senator BaFollette. was today lost IMUied by the Senate Election and Privileges Committee. Another session yJl4Jie held, tomorrow, when it is hoMd to" determine whether aiy "action will Ih- taken, and if so. whether lnfore or or after adjournment of the present session. The committee is considering various courses. Tnlay the question of a formal investigation and hearing uiMn Senator LaFollctteV sceches and statements was discussed. Sca--eral Senators were said in favor ot resolutions deploring his attitude and censuring him.' More drastic lotion, such as explusion or iuiKach. incut, it is said are nd seriously considered. Are to Leave Here Saturday Fee Camp JarktMMS at Columbia. The htcal exentttoii Utanl ttlay t tltied eleven more ineti to prr-wr-nt thrtu-M-lvit at the office of thf rhalrtuau i.f tlH hoard tomorrow aftertuHi at 3 o'clock, to ret-)rt for toilltary duty. The men are to entrain here on Sat unlay, to pi to camp at Columbia. S. V The men not I lied today are: arl M. Ileintz. Willi-UJ JaeL-xi Wall. EnieM C Plot t, John II. Itmrfott. Irly L. Hcldermau. Jikr C...L. Btt. I--e ChrUty. John 1 lampion !lo.kinv Iah Johuoti. Jtdm Wilm Buadl. David King. The Itoard tinlay alo sent lit let- to the following three men to present themM-lves for examination: Jatne Phifer. olorfl. KnuuawdU; Henry Davis, colored. Knmiatioli ; John Lu cas. Hay stret. Cotieorl. lnk 4 IWttit, it tukai nm wm at It lUpMa! t-i iWtkf m hy ttWrirM turafw fnm ti fiwritfi t!ior. ftft 44atMra tOa lr Male attorur; iitfl tnaU TfcU riUftwY mxkrtuitrtf trm a I Mf oi lUrtti.t.KJT t4 a ilifTTt In dlrrtiitfu ibr actlHlU 4 Part TV rvUfwr 44 laMMt. taw d. frotu llujrw K ttal lt. ait4 of tttr liruitrUr lUbk. mtnm ka amltml tilar. New YfK, IM. flw (.tU9. IUU f AttlH-r Mrttrti II t-lta ftt tltf art i tit ie iirtv of U4o Pa ler arrv-l ttt I nwr ttf. aftv tarf iintajraixlUt. dtMr1M fbat W in. I Im l.t4i e ft , ftr tmm faf putdUlMt attrrMl! m lU.rt tt l thU Htr hjr IMo in Marth - j ronlliisT to 'tlx attixt- trfl litere ei tfTMtit at ttit liiUMr. Mr. ewi tld taa-t ttti A4k4 Paeit.trili. Mint nrrr at au tattvc tueiflary - ftr tt tranfrr tf I'rm&m fliiid Itito em Vfk to ta-arnt ti Pari for iteaoe prtcretlt a aarwn the FreiM-h trp'prr; Ca (Mlaua Hoy. 11 aiel m I'ajtiii. umm tiki military WANT TO SEND LA FOLLETTE AKD QANQ T0 BERLIN.J t tarb. of tlx- firman rmty: a4 GEN. HAIG BEGINS A, NEW OFFENSIVE Jul BK a rrrncli Iwnarrf rb It rvteatfiL twdtfil to- frcam Urged la Ee volution from Eiecutive ' CIub'ofTolcdoT" ' " w (Hr Tlif .tiMTlalfil I'ff. Columbus. Ohio. Oct. 4. The Ih. portution of lTtiite Slate; Senator Bfthert M, IFolhdte anl hi rui porters thnuigh the allied line, to Berlin, because of their tren!Mn r.ble utterances. uas'urgrl in re. wiillllloli riU'iimul f.. il.it I..- J... ... from the executive club of Toledo.! fctate DepxrUncnt OSdlU So Ad. n presenting !J4 rluh and aHia. nit TodaT. If na ctplaf'ne. f.r !le alloOiry ei-tieral that the editor frUthai mit IWdo to-rf tne ial m far la ttflu a Wale. BERNSTORrr DIRECTED EXPENDITURE Of TUTO3 !l,n i-r.-cft A i i .t . v': :UUi' 'ii Anti.Salcon Ieagus Con vention. i -Sali )n League of Ameri- ""i its convention in Wash- '' . December 10.1 ,1917. ".'"Vvmion will be held for tlie i dry state, as Trohibi- ''cniiiis effeelivn thoro Vnrnm. j - v ...v . v - ,. 1- he nrnre purpose of this ;:,p!lt""i will be to push through !,..!t";' M'.e Slieppard.AVebb Reso ;.;;n'!lsl,1"',hHitig National Constitu. K;,!..l.'',Uil!it!,,n to tlie states. This ,.,..,," 11 ,n. ,!a;i already passed the s;;;! '' ' digress will then be in the Hiii j', u'",;- o' its regular session hi,;.; ,s ,',,,, that-' National Pro- "i"l h.-.- ! Park-Ballent ine. The Lutheran Congregatin of Kan nalMdis was given a suhprise last Sun day when just before the close of a congregational meeting the secretary read to the -congregation an invitation to Hie marriage on. October 24 of its pastor the Rev. Geo. H. C. Park. The following is a copy of the invitation. Mrs. Mary Jane IJallentine requests the honour ot your presence at the marriage of her daughter Mary Ina to Reverend tGeorge Henry talvin i ark Weilnesday afternoon, octoier rn' twenty-fourth one thousand nine hundred and seventeen at half after four o'clock Saint John's Lutheran Church Lexington, South Carolina To Dedicate MeKinley Memorial. Niles. O.. Oct. 4 Niles ttalay is ablaze with flags and bunting in pre paration for the most memorable event in her history.- the dedication tomor row of the MeKinley Memorial Build- J ing which has leen erected hereis an j Attack Made Karly Today. Good Pro gress Made. : (Ur The AaftoelMled Preaa Lontlon. Oct. 4 Field Marshal Halg has lgun a new offensive east of Ypres. The otlicial statement from F.ritish headquarters in Fraee, issucl today, says that the British attack at ; o'clock this morning on a wide. front and are making satisfactory progress. A numlier of prisoners already have been taken. ANOTHER AIR RAID MADE OVER GERMANY ( ity of Frankfort and Rasattc Were Bombarded It Night . iUy The Aaaoelaled IVfM.) Paris. kt. 4. Another aerial arid everlasting memorial to the martyred j ,,ver Germany was made last night by President in the town of his birth. The j French aviators. The cities of Frank-dedir-ition is to be i.iade the occasshn fort and Bastatt were lombarded. for impressive (nemonies in which! manv men of iiaticu-wide prominence! Basatt is a town of 14.t0 in Bad- tnns in that eitv. A cpy of the - reolutiuu 're to Prfsideiit Wilniti and the Ohio Sen ators and ongre-mn with con'fit that Ihey le entereI in Bm Cti2Te' ioual reerd. -4 - - . . MRSSEN(ER GIRL ON GOVERNMENT PAV BOLL As a Result of Shortage of Boy and Men in tlie Capitol. (Ur The Aaaelale4 Preaa.) Washington. IK-t. I. TIh nneii- gr girl" ha made her apiaaranci on the government taiy rII in a result t shortagi of laiyw and ron hi the capi tol for that work. For tlie first time hi the history of the government, no far a anyone her can rememU-r, appointment heretofore confined strictly to men and boy. have penel t girls, and thf civil xr.le c-ommisidon has 'annouuefil ttte date ot first examination for "nn-iiicr girl. (Hf The AtMrlaiH Prex. Va.liin2ton. M. L- Stat D. f .-ir1rcrnt ofbrial todit admitted tl t thev had evidence fhaf Ccmit en licm.lorfT dirwtrd Ihr eira-tidi. t.ue-of the fund lul to loh Paalha but dei Ihtit! to r1e thHr fWIar nl'hoih thev ttav do o after ht Frnrh s.rrnrnent f'nhe ita) lUdo'n cajihr. NEW WAR TAY ttltJL is sow in nrtxt THE COTTON MARKET ' il :1V oe miiloe ronuid prat inn " t that time. Ti, v,..;. '! ,M'Plusts in Session. in- ll! 'Il ),-t. 4. The annual con- Americah section of the this T, " ''I Ui. Niii . ,;, .vx-iety opened in nk "'y bead(uarters at the '"W ill,11 1,oto1- Man-V llotP(l load ,(f i!,.., 'V ult 'uv hi attendance, some '"Lhi,,!.. I'-uits.as far distant as io,, ; ll so(-it.v will continue it v,.., ' " 'I 1 K rrh the remainder of the ft-iiF ."'Ports' n.lienln the m- '"' Iik i V "'Oicate that fr'usi,. !,,( offect of greatly Nl,..,,; ' 1,1 :i tendance of women at State l'harmacy .in the United f,. "m vVi in..., . 7 Mino ' Ks carry pigeons tieoa.- out messages in case of October 10 Point Hi; her. But Other Months .t6 to ! Point Ioer. The Aaaorlaled Preaa.) New York. Oct.. 4 Tlie cttn toar- j ft"i . i lain' i o-i mri ll ( iiidi second attack on Frank-! during tmlay's eairly trading. Tlie mar- will take part. The principal oration j .n. fourteen-miles southwest of Karl of the day is to be delivered by former ; hue. rivi.im.f William II. Taft. Other I This is th mwi-nrv will 1m Seeretarv of War ! frt in the last week since the 'French j ket opeiuil eay with OetoU? 1 I-itit Deigned la IUie $ZJXM.JM In XTi Ta&r. Illy The Aarae4 Pr Wahiiig14i.. Oct. 4.-TIf rar ar t. delsnateii to ral tlTltOMW under tle prottiot of Bm i mntm bill lgmd yitertay by PteMmt Wil- Mti. -went into eflfert tLa. In tlie form of W-vie m ixvfam. n ee prfit. Iitr, toart. traaaptar tatl'-n aiw! ra iiu lumrW-a tMt ittaa tnetit. tlK law eittwef dlrwltr !r b lirelly afferla Mrrpifw in tlx- rrxxntry. Ojx of the fir retllfa i In Oas a4-Tanee- In dUtillet t-tT p catim ly an a .- mt 'f f B p sralbnj. THE SWrDI.S GET MD P.aker. (Jovernor Cox of Ohio, and United States Senators Pomereno. and Harding. . Bamliardt-Brown. At a delightful party given yes terday afternoon by Mrs. J. W. Can- non, Jr.. ine auuDuuiruinn i iur x" gagement of her sister, .Miss .uai guerite Brown, and Mr. E. C. Barn- hardt, Jr.. was made, ine niariiage will take place November . -ine an nouiicement will bo of imusual in terest to many people here and else where: as both the young people are widelv known and popular. A delicious salad course was served at the luncheon, and about forty or fifty guests were present. American Schooner Attacked by Sub marine. - (By The Associated PreaaA - London, .Oc. 4. The, American schooner. Annie F. Coulon. was attack ed by gunfire by a German submarme Wednesday morning off the Scilly Is land. The crew of eight men has been landed safely. ' , inaugurated the raids. yd icy of reprisal Quebec Votes on Prohibition Quebec, P. Q.. Oct. 4. Whether tlv city of Quebec shall le brought under the provisions of the. Canada Temper ance Act is to le decided at a special election that is being held today. The election is the result of an order-in-council issued by the Federal Govern ment in responee to a petition signed by 8.000 citiens of Quebec, advocating the application of the temperance act to his city, ami requesting that a vote 1k taken on the question. To Fight Tuberculosis in Army. But land. Vt.. Oct. 4. Preparation for an intensive campaign to prevent the spread of tuberculosis in the Ameri can army and among those rejected by the draft is to Ik the theme of discus sion at the annual meeting of the New England section of the National AssH POLICY OF REPRISALS FOR GERMAN AIR RAIDS Ucc3f Swrdhdi Caol Ship arr D In IHalir4. higher. but other month mere 'JK t Oir TVe --iai4 rrMti - ioint. hwer, and -dd to ii-ktlrjj. M. 4 TI Vletitkaa. dC point under lat nigl.f hing TtiU 8 eU4 e-al e-- by tfx CaUmS break -MH-nurfiUfScieut to attract frrh tafi- Trt'td Great Britiao, Jt buying, however, and prio- teadie.1 u. tutw of Je-U.i rt aldaai caa - 1 f I do Tl,( Tfiii 1la towanl the middle of the morning Cotton future- ojanel eay. Oetol-r. .;.".: Ih-cemlxr. 'J-'IG to '2?T2 : Jan uary, MareJi 2-i4.": May. -Been Agreed I'potu London. Oct. n.nlelayeiJ According j to The Standard, a policy of reprisals j IMPORTANT SPEECH IS for (Jermau air raids has neen ueeni h uion. EXPECTED FROM SOCHAELIS Thatsuchadecisi.u, had U-en rt-ach- wu " ed by the British' Government was in-j or XlTSZ 01 ncxi dicatcd by Premier Urd Iergf in a (Br Tfce Atliif4 Irw,) statement on TmsiLay that rtrmany I Ciif-nhagen. Oct. 4. Dr. Mi-hae- w ould be bombarded with compound j j,-.. rK:3n hnienal Cham-ei'or. interest. j Mf-onlin. to a di-jatch Tnnj iVtlm. io iiesner an irr.ir am i ni r-nat ion a I 1 h t j ral tlx BottefiLam .t teitttr rf. try fix Bri!i-h, nuhr mwU lwlixaa ti"?i IxTe. eieti ast tlx afa aMt4--f rletxlty ' t tx- a!!ir! eata-, Tlx- X'ie-4-ih pr- lir.Uea U ettfelts It div t?-ilure. Aggregate Sinkiiigs of Vessels Again s!w(l ,,n Levered. London, Oct. Eleven British merchantmen of more titan l.Gtt tors each, and two vessels und-r 1.-f00- ton Cere MinJk bv niins f.r 1 1 ' 1 . 1- .w.AaUt s eiation for the Study and Prevention si.uniarine.y iak k. .ot...,,,. the British Admiralty .statement. (ivAhr.. at the end of t eginning f next ei.- hJ3ri--i'r will anwer tlf lntenHathn.- tolay for a two-day session. A $:).00O. OtX) campaign fund for IihjiI and nation al work is proptel. the The average man thinks he is broad minded because he is willing to forget the wrong endured by others. Chicago News. ; Marriage license has been issued to Mr T D Maness is spending the Mr. J. W, Lilly and Mtes Julia Kimble, made public this evemmr. Thf - foreiniin-r statement of British ; Admiralty again lower the aggregate of British merchantmen sunk by mine-? or suhrrrarines during anv week since ( ierraany began her intensified submarine campaign. As against vessels sunk the previous week, whieh was the low record since Febuary. only 1" merchantmen are shown to have been sent to the bot. ton last vieek. Lriti-h (Iain All Object ie 011 Wide Front. (Dr The'Aaaeate4 rrexl Itnd'i!, Oft. 4. In their o!fc-itte in the Ypre Mftor tnlay the British gaiiMil all JiJftive on a front of PI, nh yard to a dett of JJi yanU. Frf"leri-k B. Maurice, chief director of military 4jerathns In the war olJc. aunt'uncevl toilay. Since the tgimdnsr of the war the United State ha nhipped nearly L 00O.000 horse; and one-third mllUon mules to nTope. AutiM DUIrjrjMrtnrtit bjr RaHtaay. For imprtMemetit tm U ttm4waj em tUilwaf t'ainy bj tlw pvpm n tfx jsotiih d;rli-x Atrt. ItHT. tt .rtit!ern lL)!lajr mh ;t taj im ;-ut!i aciTding Io f:nrr a- ivxitHvX hr Cfaftn?er A. IL Plat- Tfse S.ni!xrn Itaitiaay lsiay di- . tt.o . ... -i.. . . . . I.t- mater Uh Jit!U-a t tr parvaa. -Vt2Ji' of whlh $T.fIL!!l r KLSl j-r fv-it wa laid to hlititaala &a4 in !uuif lTifei In 1I5W Srxatti. th's ;ju U-L'i- lJti:rT! In er- af Cat tout tin ttr-y c?itrlVutrl by t!a Sodir for truprtatttj i:rya-iw For StaprrtatjU it roadway atvl lntrtjwtjrt-, tbe S.?ntx-rti wpml $L.C.t47JC In Att. 1917. as asahst $l.l7JiSC durlns Auxufc 1P13; d?ritg the t taath fi4 Aurut HI. $XtmjSlt?, m agaln-t fi- itrwzz in VJitk Iioru to Mr. and Mrs.Cria . WalL Octt4r SrL a daughter. Vtr gtr.la Browa. ,:.-'-. ;."-' dav in Albemarle.