IS TT TT f . w4 j p i il ivr -l rgRRI LLJEditor and Publisher. P U BLISHED M O U D A Y S VOLUME XLIII. A u P THURSDAYS it CONCORD, N. G, MONDAY, OCTOBER a 1917 MIE COHDITIOnS THREATEU TO COMPEL EERMANY-TOJSSUE STATEUEIIT OF HER:ME1S 'it hat the German Leaders ant, if They Are buccess ;ul Will Be Discussed in '.ha Reichstag This Week, v ... (jjCHALJS FINDING THE WAY DIFFICULT L Must Now Face the Crit- cs of the Government in the Reichstag Conditions on the Battle Fronts. (By TUr AMoclainl Pr) i.f.iiMl Pn s "r,' r force tbe C5er (lv. n.i;iHit to set forth Its war n.' ri; rlv -having failed on the sur :'i! romlitious within the f a full statement of, (.ermany's tin (iormaii leaders want. ;hv;'sstiiI. will he mscuss- SERIOUS AUTO ACCIDENT. THE KAXNATOLLS FAIR. ..... . . . , Mr. Henry Furr Crashes Through Big Window at Store of Parks Ben Co. t Mr. Henry Furr. of So.. 10 township, hail quite an exciting ride in a new Oraut Hlx yesterday morning, which was brought to an end only when the machine crashed through tiie big plate glas window of the ParkH-Belk Com pany. In the business M-ctlon of the city. Mr." Furr was ' com ins up Wwt" le pot street at a lively pace, according to those vho aw him. When he reached the square he did not check Iiis speed at all. hut attempted to turn nd go flown South Union. In making thin turn he wan almost successful, but his left wheel struck u water hydrant in front of the Gibson Drug Store, breaking the hydrant. The Grant SJx kept right on Its way, not h in- daunted by such a sinal lolV stacle ns.the hydrant. Its course, how ever, was changed, and now was di rected across the street in almost a right angle. Over the curbstone It went, across the sidewalk and into the bis window with a terrific crash. which broke out the entire bfg plate glass. Th" front part of the Grant was damaged to some extent, but the car was not badly wrecked.. It was taken back to the City Motor Company, from whom it had been purchased only a day ot two before the accident. One of the jiersons who went to view the wpiip t'ter the smash-up ventur ed the' opinion that the driver had been reading the papers about t ie big bar gains th:if were Itcing offered in that CONGRESS ADJOURNS popular store, and was in a hurry to get there before all of them were sold ! ou tl10 splendid outcome. of out.- However, the best information i Community Fair. that can be obtained by the reporter is that Mr. Furr. who had been driving a Ford previously, was not accustom ed to handling a car with selective speeds and a foot throttle. It attemnt- ing to use the foot brake, it seems that ho had gotten his foot on' the accelera tor by mistake, and the harder he pressed it, the faser he machine -ran. START-T0-S1 ND AY 1 .i.i.v :i if '; 'ih.. i.-ih-tag this week, proba- - " I,!;- il.i.v.. . T'1'1. i!ii ri ll rliaiicenor. ir. Jiiciiaei 1 tin'li:' tlx ua-v aK difficult as it ! , f..r his pK'd-essor von Hethmann-I'Mlhvi--'. and must now face the crlt vl'of t Ti jrovrriiiaent in the reichstag. Uii.du r. ;7s lias been charged, the bu r,.:i!!(!i!(y :ind tl' army have been 'iTflll TIM- JI.II1-1H-I lllrtll iM-IUUHV Wl , vHioM ami inuemines, is expecieu . . A. I ..t . .1 . inou.lit out m nil- mwiMaj; uu- T. Micli.-iclis on Satunlay sent the ,,;,is!,r of the interior llelffericli Ik f,,,,. rcirli-tag to make a statement on . ;;. . iiuiif. Ilelfi'erich failed to notify ..t.uers .of the reichstag and f'r vijti'ii' wii adjourned until ttwlay. Vf'H .1' Hi. ill' " " j i wiitii he attempted to explain I;,,, jiriiiv's side of the accusation that I,,-!! tniiimaiid was using Very f r ll g illt'I !" " I" lit 11 11 ll'Ml I Ul'l II r..nnrr chaiicellor von 'lethman- inn li;ul a test with Admiral von Virjiiiz. Hie n puted organizer of. ruth- s i!'iaar:iie warfare, and the u nit. The admiral since has been ,m an. he new fatherlahd party of he is one of the sponsors, ac- tvrtii t. reeent reports, has been very tt'ri opposing the j-eichstag majority 1 - ! i I. ... A. 1, lilt hi lr peace Aviinoiu iium-Mi- or iiKlennties. Ii now come to a test hetweeii IfV Mimvers of vojj Tirpitz and pan- tlfiiip'.iis on oiu side, and majority of n-irhstag; on the otlier. uecenr reporis bic sliHwn a feeling between pan-Ger-rtvu .v-iimi reiehstag majority has been K--tniiiiix more intense some socialist ncinl.fis of the reichstag having gone so far as to charge agitation of pan-' (itnii.iiis is dividing the German. people iit'two en iaps on the question of the aiins'of tho war. . 1 lie iipiroch:ng cold weather on the tttMcni front is forecast in the appe'ar-siiii-o of snow in the Vosges mountains. In !'!:inlers the weather lias been mot tM'fnvi.riihlo the last two days, but of fii'inl itDorts iiicntioii no let-nn in the ..' t ...... . "'win artillery duels. The isritisii aMseCtioil of the, city, but to every part : - " "x " i --- 01 uie cit.. .... .... .1. 1 . 1. 4.1 . ...... The committees ask mat an persons interested in .Sunday school work ex tend an invitation to every person they meet in this territory to start to Suu- hreparat i.n for a new stroke in the ! day school next Sunday, and to keep I'lui ti. outflank the German positions ' this movement moving. III" north. T'lwiftiftnl ronorts from t AJxrat Jtj&Oa VtepU .VI tend. .1ml the Fair a Grral orr Etrry Way. Thi frmrraunity Fair at KasnrU Ut Satunlay wa a Mr fmcr?o frvta i tTjr point of tlrw. Tts w t-athc wa wide-aunke ti;tl city from rvery di rection. At leat lU.Oal pee urre pment.- and rrrryUalr lhavrd him Klf. Ex-jrreaiin J. J. Itritt. of Ate vllle. made a Mnrng tatrhtic pwcti. and wan loudly applauded br lb- !ral pcle who hcani him. He true sir uppnrtil lnidmt WIImih and hU d minitratioii. Althoush he i a i:puh licao. ht U biz etMiirii to rLw aUrr politic In thin crucial hour, and b ap pealed to hi hearers to njpcrt the President In hi policies. Tlie exhibits were many and rarldl. and were shown in a big tent near the Y. M. t A. The exhibit nhowed the handiwork7 of the people of Kannai-di and vicinity lit variou way, and were exceedingly creditable. The big parade started from in front of the Y. M. O. A., and in it were many handsome floats. One of the mot prom inent features of the parade .wan the long line of K-hool children. After dinner Dr. J. V. Monroe, of Charlotte, spoke to mothers on the care of 1 ubies, ami gave them much ound and excellent advice. The following were the judges for the fair: For flowers and fancy work Sirs. J. II. Kutledge, Mrs. J. G. Iwef Mrs. James Walton. For canned goods, home products W DECIli DRIFT CASE mm Appeals Advanced By Su preme Court in Cases In volving the Constitutional ity of the Draft Law. trixmu AT XQXT INCLUDE GOLDMAN ANDBERKMAN CASES In the Normal Course the Suits Would Not Be Called for Argument for About Eighteen Months.. Wanhlngtou. (let. S. In onfer to r met an early declUn the uprttae Court twlay adranced appeal frtna Minnes4ta. Ohio ami New York, in volving the constitutionality of the lective draft law. and flxH Ifcwmber 10th as the date for hearing argument. The action wa taken on motion if the government which aked that the seven uit Involving the qttetion le I vdrr lb DifTttlwt mi Xzzs -. At M.t tVt4 Ftl4Ltf rtt l f aiff witlltv ilrwn .. , tfU-tia-1 Prm afurfsaml. Ut, It X ) rTJat ... I Mr. Mifrw MfYfrgt$i J4 laM f tliawt&ar. lMf i.iV, III rrrtl!f ff!, 4t4 t tp NiBstif t irrr Cftar!f trj r4ir. Im tU mJlfkii $ lh rrf I arraeo! fr lir Mfe4 ataew. Mr.l ttirraaU itl:fcny itaN iu aMHty ia" irr?ffits. Vrti urn I cf-r airi rlnxtnx t ftl t fr&u& NUMliet n "ESCAPE OF II teo::io Gcn'fjoiin'r -T" One of Seven! which S!.: Refuse fn Spjniih Peru' DuHrg the VTar Makes tu THEY HAD BEEN FORDtDDEN THEUII Tt ateStetmr rinjr rar)l lUiiLjn 1fM. 11. i fx 1 1 nmabrr. ! N.tng Allonso l ud Decknri That All Submarinti Ht tcrins the Spanish Zenj Would Be foicrocd. Mrs. Thomson. Mrs. T. I. MMse uuU UH!mnU and arguments heanl at the same time. If the suit had followed their normal course, they would not hare lieen called for : argument for atmut eighteen mouths. Among t hero are those of Kmraa (ioidman and Alex ander IUrkman. wIm have Ieeii ent encel two two years in a federal pris on, and tined $10.iOO for urging men of couscript age not to register. Other Cases Advanced. Wasliingtou. Oct. The Supreme Court today agreed' to expedite the gov etument's anti-trust ?ult against the Next Session to Begin December 3. 1 IMttNl hoe Machine Company, and Hast Momenta.: Cnnrre i Amnrt.'!'1 . January. 7 as the date for re- " iitMriug argument. 1 Mrs. Will tiraham For vegetables, old relics, cows aud chickens M. W. Talblrtt T. T. Smith and Kev. W. M. Hunter. Kverybody in Kannaisilis workel to gether for the success of the Fair, and with this united effort it could not fall to be a big success. The eople of Kan- iiapolis.are to be cordially congratulate their rM . . . ...... 1 . - 1 . . 1 .1 . - iiir mi uiuuiii oj iiiv KOTfrii- mhlt itneiit in 1011. but was dismissed by the can ilistorj-. Washington. Oct. 0. In tb of a tliiilSiiig debate of dislopaity of 'lower t'ourt, which held the n.mpany Senator La Follette. of Wisconsin. "the ! blameless. , extraonliiiarv session of Congress.! The government appealed" to the Supreme Court, which heard arguments htllUULi ol.MJAi i.-.nhwi tii- mst monu.iiti.iK in Am. U :'t March and later ordered the case T p A, rrrT . , ti I erican history was adjounied sine die" n-argueil at the present term. . ..VyW.,v.-.M in.uua, ""cat p. m. todav. I Air doubt as to the meaning of the mysterious letters was removed yes tciMhiy.inorning when an announcement 'was niade frm "the pulpits "of t he" va rious churches in the (libson Mill, neighborhood that Sunday, Octolier 14, would be observed as Start-to-Sunday School Sunday. All arrangements had Vehement criticism of the Wisconsin j tfASEKALI. COMMISSION senator, mid las own defenso occupy-i . . .TIIAIN IS WKKCKEI) iugvirtually the entire day. marked i ' . - - the .close of the war session, with I Wseck of Pennsylvania. Limited front other customary adjournment ami leg- islative prKelure. including l'resi ; dent Wilson's attendance at the capi ol. Theusual eleventh hour grist of Chifasd to TSew'YoHi. (By The AoIaled Ire. eiertli fna "TV Uniwt trjUrrt tf Kiurba Coae." ty iin f"fw Jr wttSrh had tw i:funy rrtx4 a4 drauntlxnl ty the frW trreif, Tle atxUt-nrf rmgrtly f4!fJ itr rtUttXns of Chad, the in!rreiU3 tamIata 11 a bd thrilled with ptcarv at L2 e&at trtntahA. Mi t-tieurl tarrva. thw of the errral chafartcm r crllent. Very pinlr.r to tte at4Jtv wa rutrmlc, ty W. It. TmHt, whicii wa read with a piata ammptilssrt, MiM Jctietck pJeri!id rfjawitb wa especially m4iirb in tht rarta Ing election. tlnthulattc atj4u ku tivm tin reader " lat &uatrr, "At tte Hair PrewMt'a." tta humr telnt pilte catCiratln. Ml Kchrnri'a abtb Ity as an injprroHator ant rradrr l tmiuetlocd- Her rlurralnr tre manner mn ctimptMttr aill taurh t her power a a reader. h " Mr. Stirewalt aans The spirit liow. f r. by CampN-ll-Tiptoo. jiimI Itej4xi fienM ty llammoml. Hie intrrreta Hon of The h'plrlt llowrr wa rtf artistic. In Keniomtranre. the aim, nal ranger of the ulngrr clean tntor voiei' wa exhlbltrsi. The fating climax of thl eieeltcid pnigramrae wa Mr. Stlrealt' midl t bn of the brilliant INtbmalM. by I'ad erewbkl. TtiU difficult numl-er well illustrated hi ability an a niuMclan. Mont Autoena Seminary U to l cmi gratulated upin having Mi Schettrk and Mr. Stirewalt among it teaching forci. The -town and community ecs crly -look ftnvard to the cotalng redt a Is of the et.bHi, and contldctitly e IH-ct that the high ftandarti m-1 ty the Instructors will tu maintalncl ttironh' outtheyear. v ; X. ; tr Tin AinrttM M4ii4, Ifcrf, '- A friti aliSi5 tire iUfffrl at V!;t rpl. Nntrtii ' ilfmii a.atitorm r Ite war, fcl t f tlt5 Wktt ta at Cadit it rwevafd tt tft Utrr ty U2 tjU lav T pmrM tMilt.ta tttm awUsrrv Kit At4miM ie- Ut. aSra rt m fMftl&Ufcjt tbttar t lte lriUrTrt pWirf tf tTt tl hpanlh water wr trr 1 prt It wa lrUfrt Ikat mil 6t4aarivr tlct etitrtw! tte Jl5 tva te IbtcrfHt i, Ta SetrrHj tllI4lnr Tba . Wahtattat.:IM, PiTb rpaat CrtTtitttcttt ha I Akrw dtattk actka fit dlMciplltrt the i&rim tpm&ZbZ ' for ttw ife ir.tftl.tctd f lte t tA utterto whk-h rnpt ttm ;, TRIAL' ON tlllltl.t: t of KtiiNAri'ivt; nnu -SOLDIRR SHOOTS HIMSELF 1 tlo V.j 1 1 kkr1 1 1 r kiiKu 1 1 t tiittn f it hit lamcdrt riAn t- r t nnr f neiiirrh f.ilbniMin i been made in :idvanco of this announce-i y ,,n the-IVnnsylvania Limit cl on their men, the. large letters signifying that Slx: month of lint war action, w from rhpa to Nw Vork wn4.u something would -happen ' in the near I "d tonight most of the members who , . wrkl near Heaver future, but-no one had suspected that "" iFnlk west of here, this morning. Ke en loatc- nume 10 au ine cat! i uie , Pennsylvania Uailruad of- next session Deeemlr ... , fiHals that jone of Nornun Overcav!i, Shot Illmrlf In the Lung Satunlay Nlsht at Hr.ti Prlmte Norma n Overcadi i In a Fittsburg. Pa., Oct. 8. Memlers of wriou t cnueai puyMnai c:t- union at ms iime in ivaimaiui a the result tf a m-lt intllcteil !ull -i wound through his right lung, whicit he reivivel Satunlay night aNur h these letters would create so much in terest. Committees have been appoint ed who will see that every person liv ing in this territory has an invitation to start to Sunday school next Sun day, and this invitation will be follow- NTTTrtAnA I mission hqd been injured, although two CHICAGO WHITE SOX j onginemeii had leeii buried in the WIN THE FIRST GAME! wrckage and a number of passengers had iwen hurt. cd up by otbor committees in order to j WUh Initial Game on . Ice mite lliviwi.- ... ...... .v.v , 1 n A O - r TTT IJ. ..... 1 1 . ooi appear oiie lor vvuiiu s . ttaieign iiome uuaru uruereu uui io Scries. Protect Neville. ( ominskev Park, Chiea-o. Oct. (5. ! (By The Awortatra Prm The Chicago White Sox took tiie first! Hlcigh. Oct. S. The Kaleigh Home Istep toward the championship in the -uard. a newly-organized military chu- iirst Star Span-led world series . Iy. niaue up pncipaiiy or proiessi.m- ever plaved here this afternoon when sllll ?,!SS uiei uas oeen nuw i,.,.- i Ti.n- i "'it l uc. iiiif rti nit VUUIU3 ui j. did ir before a crowd of .'J2,000 men started It, is the hope and desire of those behind i this movement to see it suc cessfully launched next Sunday, and to create . interest and enthusiasm in the Sunday school work which will be permanent and from which much good will be accomplished, not only, in this Trial f Fierwm. AtJrf nl I!ra4 f tO$ . - . rjt.pp!nf ' IU.mL ; ' iiif Ta awitM rt-,i Maih?fld, Ma. in. -Tt trial of CUude J. I i r fiiffI Uh 111 Uipplng I.bijrd Ki. liifBt 4 a " Spr Irtgwl4 Mo, i4iilr, i-"fe.t ta It Clrctili C:tt h-ie tUy. IVma, mtt 1 only jcr 'd t It at!-rl I tf I he l4olr tw 4 w at ctarxrl Vklth Mm In the al4mf bi .f tb ttf t I b.i imd'ttr ttlrrm, ! are A1tc4 ..: '-ler of fJUti!f"li. ' ' - Altl:sll th t-t b t ! hi 1.1. v br tily ti fuitod lu art attaHka 1 ctt f . did t.'t Cyarr iti lte Har0a uc.ii.l PirrMi i. ttw tit tdbwi f kWl happitig or attrtapiins ! iklnp, raf ri- a lift -t itrtM' I ta lliift. r v . ; clok. The bullet. . hie i was from -jArcctmt rf Srne af liV fa!t Cf caiUHT riiie. jbimhi iitrousti ui iun ? and bnlp-! in the.' ttack. r. W.; ,,?Th mi t eta i y of ttw omntj fair wUctt in ill 1m Itfid ht i;ioia. oi4r 9 ta if week as a base from which the l'-arrass the-Cermans in the lowiands. U'wivi I'asscliendjile-Cheluvet ridge, f il the Uoudors-Mcnin railroads in M'H-kboliu S;iv stronsr German naval f'i'ts il;IV(' been sighted in the lialtie '.l on the I;uiish and Swedish coasts. ""i"! 'in.bably for the Gulf -of Fin fr njlrive on TTelsin'gfors. Fin Mini lVfrograd. The Germans are ll'l Icl ho ci mi'iMifi'iitiiii i larmi fnrpp ( "ill . 11 l 1 1(1 lllji. l Jt.iv. v.vv. 1 'r.-inspDits. and plan to attack ls'i uM'.ts by. la nd and sea. GERMAN SEA RAIDERS CAPTURED, IS REPORT Roat Contained Machine Guns Men Detailed from Secadler to Make Ha ids. (By' The Annotated TresM.) London I .... .!..! I... .. .......t..l .... bv .Governor ltickett to protect Earl Neville, the negro who is to go Wake 1 a". a1.... .l.k . iL.i k lormer huo are i u e kuu oi t nnrlmvi assaultel the wife of a street Siv rn',V r the bh,e ot !!e nay,y"!car conductor here several weeks ago. The ofhcial gross receipts tor t ie!Two UMSlKKVSsfni attempts were made game werf $:?,l )2..)0. Making the ,,v IIlllls two wtH.ksi aKO lo takt. the national commission share of ten iht uvut from jajj ,i nu. state iHniten- cent .f7,:lo.20. the players share $"10.-! tiarv for the imnsise of lvnchiug him. )02.08 and each clubi share $FJ,l(u.- j Xevilb then' was carriitl t Charlotte 1'J n bilr rate a .! g,ht lArrw ta tbt- Ituki rmn! r which drawn. aftT all liad tS 11 rtrl and trft flt en a immlwr ib Jdf ha aaaf caklug finiht Ttil ''ml t Unit pfsri .! waa t'ntn tt farxa .t. i for safe keeping. FIRST LIBERTY MOTOR TRI CK COMPLETED Thirty-Five Thousand Will He Turned P Out Ki Firvt Half cf 1318. Oct.- s. A Exchange Tele-j -Hr Tt.:.ociniefl graph Company dispatch from Mel-1 jm;,t ox-UK Oct S. The first Libcr- 't -u 1 1 I h-itish statements indicates h'.mrne, Australia, says it is reportod i tv Motor Tn'.vk for theVi;uiteI State j in the intense .,.iiti.v! that a whale bat with a crew !';,! ; pi t mi 1 l- -i. v. nitnw from the Soead er lias oeen ".i- 111 ' miners, ine (teiinue ie- 7 - '''' ".'.t rm.rta was the -launch- t"wl m the vicinity of the I yi Islands - I'Xj-cc cd counterattacks bv the n:i'?i. The attack delivered after taw harrage had heen laid down. 1,l ' ll'auc I'lKt nf Pnlvirun :M-Arl wliprp , ' 1'iitish arc. established on the ;'V1( I'oint of Passchendale-Gheln-nIge. The British guns heat off Y '"'nnaiis a few of whom rerr.ain " 'TtsMiuTs in Hrit-ish hands. -' f'vonble developments ,in - Uiissian situation are reported. ''"'iK-rote agreement, has heen reach r' ,v lrlivsentatives of the overn ' ,'u 'emocratic Congress, and hnnrgeoise, it is announced, and , ' '""'HMliato formation of a eoali n ,'a,.net is .planned. ' . - . rin u-tt oont.-iined miichine iruiis. aul the. (Sermans admittetl that hey had been detailed from the Seeadler io make raids. Armv. the prMiuct or tne greatest m- tor truck designers and combined gen ins of twelve motor truck plant Coroner Stone et Representative Me thodist Churtli Iid by Bishop Candler Wa.-hiugton. O' t. s. Tlw "' cornerr stone of the Representative "church of 5h.OIthtist KidnjKd Cliiireh sw.uth was to be laid1 here today by . llivht.p Warren A. Candler, of Atlanta in th 'presence of ministers and church wr munlt) Fair. Flowe wa summoiM'.l t attend, the r nn'omniir tsjr itM.iMifw. young man. ami tie- physician statt-i I O Kraiel i" - liddln II la ..l,.r l... U , fbAUt.Utr .ir. 'ii:.-ni nwrawmir. w man to survive. unle. lnfwtbm some kind Mts In. The caus of the rah d-l by the young man Iws not leii learned It 1- said that he stated .he wa -having lots of ' trouble", but h- did lHt e- plain, lie was a uieinir i ompauy , rr,,Wl until all th L when it left hen for camp eral t)vr like a chain weeks ago. Sluc arriving then h ? pr,lu-f Un at lh- nu tmntdlf had lxen transferred t Company A. t falr the rmitity fair 4I flr U fear He evidently did not like to le !w Ith j one of th lt lu !! CafJluaa. rata the latter eotupany. for a fw day sg j lug wph'tlw hfat rlr a u4 a Amm he left Grwnvllle without obtaining ha U'n I ft iioturtff-l ii tak !ba fair a furlough or a -discharge and It may a mhw, a all th i--pJ- mtv bblmt have Ixi-ii the serbuiis of j th!- jit... TIh tary i tt and tUa oSTeuM which wa troubling hita M!Ptd mxiHt timr with thoj:tjr afrat IniM.u i itraieUijg annuid t rli?ir ft-cum- i huidtl- and hs ngaI rb- iw I fr lb tldwajr affratbm tbta fia- . ... ... . . 1 . . I . . 1 1... - f mmJt HILL SI MIAl .M IHHII..,wr iu, rt oT in the taiWkcf , I f or fnU rtnmuftitr to t t!i4r rx Irdcrcstin; and Enjojahh- Scrir ilfv jjaiu uhkh lfl 1- r--t aflrr terday at Forest II ill Mr tho!it ? U it:g jiidfl. at tU iii.Totiniljr fatra Churtli !o l litjr ti e t- t cittg t' tt r3Juty ANNIVERSARY OK FOREST tin.' i-t--n thirty sf fit KaiTSfff IMI ti r. r a 'i i 011 I - - - - - I f , . . uur mi 11 niuiiH(,,iI -. - ' - ' sixty-two auto part factories, was com- j .... w. ,f , . , . , . , , e . t I nittnl States Si'iiafor Koiimxin. or plefeil totlay at a hwal manufacturing ' .l . , , A rather informa'l. but very iatierct-j ' . . g and cnJoyi.t.V wnki- wa f lil .J;.7 ; in v";t .niav morning at Forest mil MHh- i ,HUt immn. ine M;ai inr S(,m Ut?h m ,tn annuerry ui ine ?nwia, 1 ftl4i, ll.xf fa1 i tw1 ,11 I fie program w va in 1 iwrr" i ir. -..-- . 1 a -p"'a b. - 1- - -aa - d nr p?l l ! tfc axi ii.J'O" . Mil ".jt.:trn ejiti lair t Mr If tfcna J4 The presence of two German sea raiders in the South Pacific was made known in a dispatch from Samoa to the Navy Department last week. Roth vessels are said to have leen fhanned merchantmen are reported to have been sunk. The Seeadler was active in the South Atlantic last spring, sinking eleven merchantmen there. plant. The standardized machine, of which rio.tiOO will lie turned out in the lirst half of 101S. is said to represent the perfection of auto truck development. It is iiropelled by the new Liberty ino-. tor. ' ' i . . add res The edifice is tit ost BIG ADVANCE IN PRICE OF COTTON Attention, Boy Scouts. Thprr vin ho a spocial mcerln- of ht,M y S( ,mts toiffht at 7::i0 in the I.v , of the Liberty Ian. Every ls 'xi)K-ted to attend. CAMKROX MACRAE, Scout Master. 5,000 000. More to Great Britlan. (By The Associated Press.) eil:shl!?2tn' 0et- 8- Another todivn15'0-000 ,was advanced Mont ',reat' Titian by the jrovern- I'.v mere htbhin.r dhie caused by coins ii!t( j j , ne another, the' civ.' tor nf "r loses one ton and a quar- "'slver 10 ,.and eighty-five tons of Missicnary Play a Success. The missionary play which was rendered Sundr.y night at the Cannon ville church by the Virginia Preston Society was an cniment success. It was characterized with scaredness, sin cerity, and-expression; which was both impressive and instructive: and it strikinrlv showed" three things about our mission ;worI: in Africa: First the privations and problems of the missionaries. . . Second, the awful conditions ot the heathen Africans without the Gospel. - ' . , Third, the vrlue of their souls and the power of the Gospel of Christ to save them. . . Tlfe" music in connection with the iplay was very appropriate. It was excellently rendered, and was enjov aA ilV the lnnre congregation pre- News of Frost Sends Price lp to More Than S5.00 a Bale, (B3rTbe'-AMoctated lrm.) Xcw Ytfrk, Oct. 8. Predicted frosts in the south caused excited advance t f more than .0ft a bale in the cit ton market this morning-. January contracts touched 2fi.4o or 7 cents-a pound above the low level of Iad month. loth fortngn and domestic trade interests were heavy buyers. A piT- ; , it. go to tt iiUi - ?j'.!ff tir far aa4 a"ife H 1 .fHMAN 4rt FKOST SI MIA V International News Service Against Associated Press. (By The AW!ate4 1"t-.) Washington, Vt. S. The Supriaipe . (V-urt agreed todav-to review the Federal decrees which restrained the International Service, or Hearst service from piratin'rV news mat ter from the Associated , I rv fJerman Rattle Cruiser Strikes Mine. rBy T'e Awodaiwl Prru) London, Oct. 8. Arrivals from Ham burg report that early last week a new German battle cruiser, while on trial run off Helgolandstruck a mine and was seriously damaged. Three officers and twenty sailors .were drowned. The vesel was towed into port. P. Miss .Elizabeth BinghaW of Salis bury, spent yesterday here' at the home af Mr. W. S. Bingham. Joe Levy Ciets Two Years. v. (Bjr The Aelate4 rra. Trentrai, X. Ckt. S. Joe Ixvy, of j Pittsburg, who ple:idel guilty to Im pTsonating a son of Secretary Dan iels, was sentenced here today two years in the - Federal ieniteHtiary at Atlanta. Through passing as young Daniels. LeryyJdained letters to prom inent jersns ami succeeds! In gaining admittance to the Xew York Navy Yards, New Liberty Loan Promises to Eclipse The FirsL Washhigto Oct,:tL-KeporU reccivcl toilay from the various I Unserve dis trictH indicate that the second Liberty Loan Is outstripping the first. Each district which has thus far reported) shows subscriptions are far ahead of the-records made the first few days f the farmer campaign. children and young jp! talk w-re made by litln-rs. f ing featun of the bnr 'wa the jr- j mentation by tbe M-blof a UawIo m- '. silver liaudle : .nrnbrella a a te:i of love and e!e m ti Mr. W. It. Heil. vb. for tbirtv-tive rear ha! l-m i he superintendent of tl m!j T! Tlii and Uulttlmi of ( ol Jrr tTcalZl premutation ,wh a maW.y Iter. J rr ,.p atf m CU. Iht of tbis Minday --bl. I ' Mr. .!ell - npoude! In tlttidg an I i N ArVM. N- lt-iit. 4 frt aHrVcbjive words. I In lart f tU r".?rr:i t- l Arf . j. -djij.attl ladiralkei fr tili 44rr w l!f mst iu li 4io taarluri .jeitrJy U:lt It- tuart? t".t CtTi a: zn f f it tf 14 ! mn fr Jaa- Tiie IJiFaUette Im eviration. Illr TV Alatel rrj Wabiiigtoii. ifcrt. S.-lSegir:Ug tl&- investigation of the rph of Svatf f I,Folb i:e U fore a r ,riln I'T tjt tf T at st. ram: it, s-te emmit: iu f; ' Ar: !r eharr. of iuiry rnapil oat ja pr 1" lualnary pnt"elnne and tbn afl.un ml until Tharlay to await further tn formatbn from Statr IjilfoIMte and al-i from fnar StrHary Bryan. ' ! N putdlc liraring will !- l&U fr the present, rtialrmau Ponwivii' an nouuc!. and the cea;aitt-e ttierc imssible tliat th inrrtigatioii 4riH W cnclulel within a few" daj. iibly witlionr any open Inve4fgationJ Tradinx With Kucmy Lain Wahingtwi. Oct. K. Announcement of the mcthoil of adnilnlt ration the tratilng-wlth-encray law will be made from the White House soon. Ccilttti ftftcr &i-f feJr. Octi !r. rsi: i..TT,!T. 7r: Jaartury. firrat Fall Sale at Ibr PrV-i2i Caw' II-gintilr;s T!iur!jiy n'rtdt:g: Od lir 11, te p4rk-!m 0. tlt Uta thHr full a tl rBpSH !tilaf auS tab f taifUiry. UJ - ar! ctifelrrm ready-t-rsr, ts(. l4tdis. drr"-!i tl staii menthltiz l' t&lr Mre. Tb-ir tor U ts fa!l of laU and Winter pl, hkli they tcrsLt rlsht and rr gt4g i !! th aacaa way. In thb ijiv tjLy tty fear thrr mltl xsr of ad. anl yrt la all thb iac tbey can mention a matl part of what I bey hare to t,Zr yoo. ...... ..-' 1 ",:Vrt v u "a uaii y. seht-

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