. II HW M I Maill'l'SSWWMsSBSSS3SSfcSSSSMiiSl iJHM WfciinWLiWIatoiMiBMW fecWtfeAWntt, - lUTHWlWuri fli STllTSMMSS liB SSM. cjiERRILL, Editor and Publisher. foLUMgXLIIL roa.y discussed Joint Military Op- rations in oiucna iu rre- Vast Stores; h PROTECT TRANS- t SIBERIAN RAILWAY an Kepresemaiives -in r . i iVasl hington Oppose the v ction Proposed By Japan in Siberia. The Associated Pre) -toil. IYb. L!S. Japan's move , i!c feeling of the '.allies to :op(jii for joint military . in Siberia to keen the vast Vladivostok and also the ii.ui Railway from falling of tlie German invades , discussed today among :'! oin.-j.iK hut all Avere ; i Lri' opinions for publiea- ' in London that the decla u.m's Foreign Minister in . diet fo::ld only beintor '".;i 1:1 1 ion that Japan' was i '- ! nio. was regarded as ' '')('! ' of negotiations now !h t wi'cii eod.elligcrants to ( ti.in -f ixu internal charae .;.! including participation of . . r o; e-esei i ta t'i vex here oppose by Japan in Siberia. while ; liferents are thoroughly . 't'sf the vat quantities of . ;icd up at Vladivostok bought ' for by. American cash, should Mie bands of the Germans. . W. S. G. 1 1 K COTTON MARKET. unvhit Irregular Opening but Later Firmed Up. (15 j- The Associated Pre) v. York, Feb. 2S. The cotton raar t w. somewhat irregular during to- y f a : ly trading, but after opening In points higher to one point lower, iiicl up on tha failure of AheweaiherJ up to show the expected rains in tne inbuilt, the continued firmness of crjM;l; and rencAved trade buying, iirrh.-eld up to .'51.02. making new A rround for movement on talk of hnhrr lt-ductions in local stock. Avhile ,iv .vlv.iiiced to 31.24 and July to30.80 til to 2.1 points net higher on 11" :..-r:i I list. ( ittii futures opened steady. March D.I.". Mav :!1.20. July .,0.70. October vCl. l.-ember 2.40.. NOTHKIt SPANISH - SHIP TORPEDOED Inn Vianish Than Italian Shipping Destroyed Last Week. , Hj- The Associated Press) .Ma.ind. Spain, Feb. 28. A Spanish -inpateh announces today, with it 'viitinuation. the ' torpedoing of Spiuiish ship Sarniero. Efforts to !'l;l!H H'llt : .'formation elicited this.com- T-i.., -.'.lin-, ';i!i;i ts obtained better results Spanish shipping than against hipping last week." A ::i,;!e shipping records contain Spanish P" inf rmat ion concerning a '"mi iiip named Sarniero. .W. S- s. Ml ill PORK BEING SAVED. Amount Made By the Department of Agriculture. 'Uy The Associated Press) Migton. Feb. 2S Porkless Sat re -.effecting .-vast savings of i; k "Id storage holdings of all ';s', v hicreasoil ' liirinr JnnuarA'. the ' ks Avere increased about 10 ii T " -w.e. s. H - ilv:nin-i!..,,ir. 4-m lv.. iv:., n. 0 Almmt r"-n.-i a. JiHC If III 1 H 1 .liufiii, i Pleasant, r . . polis. Feb. 27. In; a fast and - iiu of basketball here Monday : strong Y M. C. A. team de- Mt. Pleasant by the score of The game. Avas close through- :;it. I t. 'in. Ar no lime Avas there over four v ' -iiiVerence in the score. This 1 of the best games here this ' of Mahler, the Mt. Pleasant Ving present. Tl ' number of hdng from Mt. Pleasant. V. lures Avere the goal shoot " Sfhenk. for Mt. Pleasant and ;;: ; for Kannapolis. Leonard is "!''.v man to get a field goal this : of Mahler, he Mt. Pleasant -:nl. he getting six field goals, ll,- 1 v"lli;si i) I tit nanfar -fiv Kannapolis, w-w .... - .. . n 1 i o',u VT tiT M1 "rpoiiont to cret two tiD-offs In tne l i 'l'ts ,.v, ,. T?,n,K ' wme The guarding of Rob- aim wniiam ror ivannanons as ' il Vi-i v hrh ornor IW'Iow-js the line-up: Mnnapolis. Position h'bintii ..... Mt. Pleasant ; . SXrak T Center Jf'nar.l .... Mahler . Left Forward lX'lliraer Schenk Right Forward Villain ' ' - " ;.. Beaver Right Guard Left Guard IkOhens Mahler I -w. s. s.- Mcssrs. C. B. Wagoner and M. JIarsh are spending several days iailihco, S. C; on -business. in ilOVE IS C UT. IIOBSON LAST NIGHT. .Made a Powerful Prohibition Addrrw to a Larjre Audience. ('apt. Hichmonl Parin UcAttm sioke on 'Ainerit-a in War," last night at the Central school auditorium. Kv ery xeat in the liou.e, up tair and down, va taken, and considerable standing rcxm u.mh1. . The American national hymn wan sung, after which Upt. It. M. Taylor 11 in prayer. Mr. I). IJ. Coltrane simply presented Capt. Hobson to the audience, and the preliminaries were over. Capt. HobsonV Freech wax unique and different. He dealt not with the sentimental side but the practical. He presented the matter of temperance and prohibition from a standpoint of a military and scientific man who knows exactly Avhat he is talking alout. He realized that this is a sol emn hour and that humanity is in peril. Realizing that he exerted every effort to make his hearers realize it. The future religious, moral and physi cal well leing of all the jwoples of the earth is in grave danger. If America becomes dry, he said, she will be in a position to call on all the allies to fol low her. Two thirds of our popula tion and ninety icr cent, of our terri tory are already dry. We are now get ting ready for the last big drive to put prohibition into our organic law. The breweries are now destroying over .(KK),(XKMHK) loaves of bread a day. more than enough to feed the armies of our allies and our own. A mere handful of men. less than one third of ow per cent, of our popula tion, are having this horrible burden on us. It's the big breweries here who have financed' the German propaganda" in f ids country. Not a gallon of ber is being made in (icnnany and Aus tria now. Why should we allow it? Let every man write President Wilson and the Secretary it War to use their authority to' shut down the breweries and put the' country, on a dry basis. Germany and Austria are getting the benefit of the added efficiency by shut ting down the breweries. Why should not. we? Democracy wet cannot win against autocracy dry, and if it did the vic tory woidd be short-lived. No endur ing iKuice is possible Avithout a sober world. We cannot be free as long as we hae liquor. Are all the sacrifices we are now making to be in vain? Capt. Ifopson spoke of the effects of alcohol on men physically and morally. Five ounces of alcohol if taken into the system at once, will surely kill any human leing, and there is no hope for him. Liquor has doubled the mortal ity of our. young men. Twice as many die as ought. We lun-e 700,000 more deaths every year than we would hare if "fhla-wereTt sober rratioit. -Th mostt of pneumonia deaths should be at tributed to liquor, direct or remote. America must become soler or perish from the face of the earth like Baby lon. Nineeh, Greece and Rome. Liquor has" laid its tribute on the motherhood of the land. Half our species die below the age of five. The speaker told of the awfid effects of al cohol. speaking from scientific stand point. It was a picture never to be forgotten. It Avas cold-blooded facts, free from "any sentiment; A nation must renew its life through it's fami lies. Let us cut the millstone of de generacy from alK)ut the neck of our species and give it. a 'chance to saA'e itself. The nation that goes on in this degeneracy Avili surely perish The stupendous thing about this war is that it has brought the great psy cholological hour of -mail's opportun ity. The nation that does not become sober now will never become sober, and you can Avrite its epitaph in ad Aance. The hour of human destiny has struck,, and the fate of the species is hanging in the balance. Let us break "the shackles now and render this great service to humanity. If you want to do the greatest thing to pre vent the peril that threatens lis, that the sacrifices of our boys may not be in vain, enlist now in this great Avar Avith us, implored the speaker. av. s. s. AVIATOR FATALLY HURT. Accident to Members of Aviation Corps at Lake Charles, La. (By The Associated Press) Lake Charles. La.. Feb. 28. Lieut Wm. L. Magill, of the army aviation corps, Avas fatally injured, and Lieut. T. L. Colman. of the marine corps was slightly hurt Avhen the airplane fell near here late yesterday, according i to information obtained today from Gersmer Field. Lieut Magill died in the field hospital. His home was in Jersey City. -w. s. s.- A 3?irthdav Dinner and a Wedding Party. VptPnlav at her hospitable home on Poibin Street Mis. A. A. King enter- rained at an elegant turkey dinner in honor of her seventy third birthday, The guests of honor AAere Mr. and Mrs. OHver Kins who came OA-er irom Mooresville in their car to spend the Tn,t Tbursdav Mr. Oliver King ana Airs D A. Lowe Avere quietly marrieu ?n Mnnresville. Other friends who enjoyed Mrs. Kiiiers lavish hospitality were Dr. and wife, Mrs. Walter Howard . T of Triangle, jars. o. . vn-, vi or ir la K Fannie Bynum, Mrs. " r r- ,wi G. C, m -w m -va ix i ww iir-i m i s i. xu a . uuvi XJKJ X9 Mrs. A. S. Webb. . . Tn the afternoon other friends called to offer, their congratulations. S. Germans Still Marching Oil. (By The Associated Preaa.) Berlin. Feb. 28. (British Admiral r WTireless Press) Germany's military operations on the northern Russian front are tuning lum uvimai ,n,irfip the. German general staff an nounced ..today. Another Esthonian regiment has placed itself under the of the German staff. In Minsk the Germans captured 50,- 000 , rifles and ,uw macnine guns. PUBLI S H E D U O N D AY CONCORD, N. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1918 GER11S MEETING WITH BESISTMCE Apparently They Are Unable to Make Much Headway Toward Petrograd From Pskov. AMERICAN SECTOR AGAIN ATTACKED Gas Shells Used Had But Little Effect. Aerial And Artillery Fighting is Most Severe. (lJjr The Associated Press) In their advarfce into Ilussiu the Germans are meeting with tnore re sistance, ami apparently they have been unable to make much headway toward Petrograd from Pskov. Petro grad is declared to lx the Teutonic ob jective on the north. Tuesday the Germans made no progress there, or at lea is t Berlin reports none, while in the south the greatest gains were made iu the Ukraine. The Germans attempt ed to take. Vitebsk, near the center of the front hut' failed lx'fore the Rus sian resistance, which forced the ene my to retire. Petrograd siys. Tin American sector in France on Wednesday again Avas subjected to at tacks : by gas shells, which had little efi'tct." Tuesday's two gas attacks caus ed five deaths, and the poisoning of about sixty American soldiers. The majority of those affected by the gas are not m a serious condition. Ger man airplanes are still active tiver the American front, twenty-seven crossed the line Wednesday. Aerial and artillery fighting having on the British and French fronts is most so vcre. l,ighteon German alrnlanes were, brought down by French and British airmen and guns, while Berlin claims to have accounted for fif teeu entente machines. German airdromes, railway junctions and other military tanrets continue to be bombed by allied airmen. ' British shipping losses for the week show an increase over the previous period. Eighteen merchantmen, four een .of mqrMban4.(a tons were sunk by submarines or mines, as compared with fifteen including twelve of the large tonnage the Aveek before. France and Italy lost no ships of the large tonnage, and france only one vessel of less than 1.600 tons. HUMBERT SAYS HE HAS BEEN PLACED IN FALSE LIGHT. By Cables Regarding; Funds to His . Credit in New York. (By The Associated Press) Paris, Feb. 28. Senator Charles Humbert, owner of tne Journal, who was arrested last Aveek in conection with an hnestigation of German pro paganda in France, has written to tary C()Urtf a ,etter that he nas been placed in a false light by the cabled dispaches from New York re garding funds on deposit to his credit with .1. P. Morgan and Company. (An iinestigation made at the request of the French government by attorney general -Lewis, of New York State, showed that Senator Humbert had cash and bonds to the value of $.24,000 to his credit.) The Senator asked for a hearing on this subject, engaging to produce complete : documentary proof of his assertions. Part of the ::ioney in question, he writes, came from his personal for tune, being deposited in August, 1915, for the purpose of purchasing print paper for the Journal. -W.8.S. MASSACHUSETTS WILL NOT RETURN JOHNSON. Was Arrested in Boston as a Fugitive from West Virginia. (By The Associated Press) Boston. Feb. 28. The request of the Federal authorities of West Virginia for the return, to that state of Johu Johnson, a negro indicated for violat ing the Mann act, 'was denied by Com- misssioner Hayes today. The govern ment announced that the case would be appealed to the District conrt. Johnson was arrested here some months ago as a fugitive, charged with assault on a white girl at Charleston Governor McCall declined-to honor a requisition asked by Governor Corn- well of est a lrginia, and he was re- leased The federal indictment on wnicn tne i negro a arrwiru lait-r s-i lium iuui lie had transporteti tnin uoaney, a i Avnite woman irom vuariesiou 10 v,ai I sm l a a a" a. lettsourg, ivy., xor immoral purposes- W.S.&. liaising tne salaries oi tne rreaeners. x. c. Christian Advocate. From Dr Boyer, presiding elder of the Charlotte District, we learn that substantial Increase has been made in pastor's salaries in many of the charges. Dilworth increased salary to $14100: Hawthorne Lane to $2.500 : Central Church, Monroe, has raised to $2.250: 'Wax haw to $1,100: Morven to $1,600: Marsh vide to 51.320; PinevHle to $100 Polkton to $l.iw, and Pros pect to $L0O0. This makes a total in crease of $1,870 with several charges yet to report. : w.s.8. The speaker at the moving picture shows tonight will be Mr. L. T. Hart- selL Tomorrow night Mr. G. A. Car ver will speak, and Saturday night Mr. M. H. Caldwell. s AND THURSDAYS GEUS RECEIVE ORDERS TO STOP The Advance in Russia, Ac- i cording to Petrograd Cor respondent of Exchange Telegraph Company. RUSSIANS ISSUE A CALL TO ARMS Enrollment of the New Armv is J Succeeding. Cossack And Other Regiments Are Marching to Front. Dr Tk Associated rresa) Ixmdon. Feb.' 2H. The German army ! has received order to tp it advautv into Russia, atvortling to the Petrograd ci)rreHndent f the Hi change Telegraph Company, who ha rH-eivnl Information to thi-s efTe-t. which he regards as reliable. Issues Call to Arms. London. Feb. 2S. The Council of the Tropic Cain m issaries, according to u Keuter dispatch from Petrograd, has i-sue-,! another -call to arms in the e( urse i.f which it is dccl.mnl the iU r luun tiivaders afe arresting the Work men's! and Soldiers' Couie AU. !-hwttit g c.iiutel iUl Guanls and arming German and Austrian prisoners in the Ukr.ijHe. The proclaiuatiou asMTt that th. troops .iit the front have now pullesf thmsehes together arid are r' sistinj; the invasitm. It concludes: "2.17 the bll sp;ilel in this un einal struggle frillon the heads of the German Sociali.jtsi who are allowing Germaiv workmeh to lie ranked among the Cains and Judases." Enrollment of the new army is suc ceeding. , an Exchange Telegraph dis patch s;iys. Cossack regiments in Pet rograd are being sent in the direct ion of PskoA', and other regiments formed of mixed detachments are marching to the front. j W.ft.8. 3IRSJ HIRSCH ! BE WILL NOT TRIED THIS WEE! Cook Still Remained in Jail at Noon iBr Tbe AaMdated Press) Atlanta. Ga., j Feb. 2S. Mrs. Marg aret Hirsch, indicted jointly Arith J, W. Cook, who -was convicted yesterday of attempted blackmail of Asa G. Can dler, millionaire mayor of Atlanta, will not be tried this week. This announce ment: was made today by Solicitor General John Boykin, who also stated that atorneys for the prosecution ami defense Avould meet next week to de cide when the case shall be set for trial. Counsel for Mr. Ilirsch are urg ing that the case be heard in April, but the prosecution has not agreed. Cook still remained, in jail at noon, but his attorney stated that arrange ments for his bond of $3,000 pending the hearing of his - appeal, .would be made later -in the day. S"S"M ASSISTANT POSTALVSTER AT PORTSMOUTH ARRESTED. Is ( !iarg ed With Being Several Thous- ! and Short in His Accounts. Uy The Associated Press) Portsmouth, Va., Feb. 28 Charge.1 with lelnff between $10,0W and $15,- (KKJ ; short in his accounts a t the local postotiice assistant postmaster Steven C. Pace AA-as arrested by the postoffice inspctors late yestenlay evening. He win taken before a United States Com mission Stevenson at Norfolk, and ad mitted to bail. ! Inspectors are continuing the work checking up at the postoffice. The ex act amount of shortage is not knoAvn. but was said by postmaster S. T. Mon tague today to be between $10,(aX) ami $13,000. W. S. ff?.- NO FURTHER WORD FROM AMBASSADOR FRANCIS. He And Other Ambassadors Have Left Petrograd, Say Unofficial Reports. j (By The Assoc! s ted Press) Washington! Feb. 28. No further wOrd from Ambassador Francis as to his plans for- leaving Petrograd has been received here early today, ami Secretary Lansing, when asked alout unofficial rcrxirts that the amlwissador and some of ;the other embassies had j departed, declared the State Iepart- ment had no informal ion whatever. W. 8. 8.- Honor Roll Rimer SehooL Third grade Harold Faggart, Clar ence Sieord and ome lrouiman. Fourth grade James Cress, Agnes Lippard, Grace Safrit. Cecil Safrit. Aubrey Safrit and Clyde Troutman. Fifth grade. Nora Lippard. Sixth grade Mabel Safrit. Florence Sifford. Sallie Siffordf, Nellie Furr, John Sifford, Viola Safrit. annie Furr and Morvie Porter. M. L. DORTON, PrincipaL Death Sentence for Going to Sleep on Sentry Duty. (By The Associated Press) Washington, Feb. 28. Four American soldiers caught asleep doing sentry duty in the first line trenches have been sentenced to death, but General rershing. although he has authority to carry out the sentence has referred the cases to the War Department for re view, j WSS ! The Virginia Dare Book Club will meet Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Mrs. N. A. ! Archibald. . . tnrru: or cmuv Tfes ItJTW, rtartlrj. V4 A t;4trtiirJ tu!lW t m rw-fs t Jr ! ntMs tl l-fv't tL4UsS t4 f4r- ftm ti) rrv lh tsrtl t,-Sfir Tb d-rttrr mrtr AliUS. tS "m :U ftat Tif- rv v4t iattr.J Vf m csa'n f I'Wljrtsai ta-ii. ! i!rJ l rr ,t IU I!u4lifi frwtit ttfvj'C! lh- f, As t!.-y jTiati tlr U&,!ry, Urn- tlfttijm j;UAfii iriirJ tTt tj! th" Alt)isn rrj ra4, iUl lrC rx! tt:ti lir thfw ef tlf lrt of fucru. fhr hrt rriirt t r-itifrtrcictiil hiW- the At tian l-zn tMXlltxc ttw wtrr. wtktj prt-x-iiirly b.rt iiru!fl, iiu,t a Mat-. lUfire a Iath KjoI Ut-tt rwtwhtj srtt tt Uni-r. a UnsriazHrtat f uwuotrf German military jw.linr jriUI up After n hort ilrmiti, t!- &nird t "'"Jt In trtt-riwmrritj AlIUw, A few of the lU-isimn wiflmoi, hem cAer. iKTrtleI iu gHthij: into Ilr land aft lyf - 'M 'H THE MLKUY .MINSTRIJ.s. TttiwrrtrAr Mcht at IVntral SrlwwL At Karma pli Ttynixht. If you hdf !-v!i ii the (.jfn-t t!- pa-t two ,ia j yti nuif Ua" nt vy, of tx-autiru! LMfN. Tli,-r r. iTJn. i iit-r art the ca-ver. ei.i-.-y, i b.nj irl ine..nerry .Aim.ir-s 3la.-j and ul ! wi'ii at the Central wliml auditorium tomorrow t M uinc Tl y art- f!if a l miration of jdi tin' Su r "J.-hn-! nie-i but tfn-y-are m h t H h;tj rn-d j lr .Mi-.- Ieniptatioii Hard Tm thst not t vi-n our uiot uUe:ttunu IU-auv Ilrummel ha Micceeded in geltius: rttn a word with any oiu of them. If the- are a go. I in tlw-ir inrt they ar g.ol to hik at their tiint is eertaiidy a winner. It has1 Utii rumoril urouiHl ton that no men Avill l ndmittnt to tin' mintrel thiw. but ye wrlbe i more than happy to announce that from headquarters comes the information that the Minstrel Maid will he 'inure than pleaMHl to hce every man in town in the audience, and from all report the man who misses the hhow will miss a lot, so don't miss it. There have leeii o many reiiiMs or the children s cake walk in to ivatcnl that the management finally ciViseuteU and the little lota were mil vrcirth th prk tL juUaUIan 11 year and well worth teelng again. The tfhow lngins at N o'clock at the Central school auditorium Krhiaj tiijrtit the big Ktreet parade at four In Hm afteriKKHi. Ztter than !cfore. W.K.8. A RING TO END THE AVAR? It Should Re Sent to the Kaiurr by All Mean. Paris, Feb. 2. Could the Ring of Spain end the war at one? According to a French writer thi hhoiild bo possible. In Madrid, in a certain public f-juare, stands a statue of Our Ijuly of Alum dena. On a -gold' chain about tbe wck of the f tattie hangs' a ring richly M't Avith diamond. " SAly meddle with it. EAen thieves let it severely alone. The reason is plain. For the ring in endowed with a terrible ioHer, n it history proves. Klmr Alfonso XII. .made a prnt of It t his yvife. Quen Mercelec tu'n Mercedes died a month Liter. Tlicn tin King gave the ring to hi iter, the Infanta Maria. A few itay after wards the Infanta died. The ring, re verting to the royal giver, wa nett present to his late' Jtu n grand-! mother. Queen Christina. w!k. dead within three months. After that the monarch kept the ring in bis own jewel cricket. Within tin year lie was dead. Ever ince then the rinff lias hung alont tlie neek of Our Lady of Almudena. The Miggetion of the Fmich writer is this: Why shouldn't tb present King of Siwiin wnd the ring to tlw Kaisr? THE BAND CONCERT NEXT MONDAY NIGHT. Promiv to Be One of thy Bei4 M od ea! Treats Ever Arrorded Our People. The concert wb-duled at tb chool auditorium in thi city. proml to U ne of the let musical treats eer u(Vtirdl the ji'p!e of Concord. A vafieil programme las ten arrangeil which Is Mire to pea rnnic lov-rx f all class'. Among the nuniN-rs of the pn- crararue is ot:e ly a lw-ai o m:i-r. iir. C I; Wagoner. i m1' Mi Janie Pafter- m.i who nwb no ititr!o"tion to tb 'e of thi vicinity. Tli 10th Hand l condd red m of Uncle Sam's lt tauK-aI a-t aiI will no doulf Upbold .it reputation at this performance. No one luld mi II- opprt unity of helping Uncle Sam and at tb any time hearing a crwert of tui kind for f final! amount a twenty flrr -iit. The hour i 7:4- p. ra. Allies Urxl to Stand by Japan. London. Feb. 2. The Tin print signiflcant editorial forecatinr IUhi-by danan to forestall rauiBy -ellrlin to Tokyo plan. The Time ay tbe moment may be at hsnl for her a Hie to lend support to ant action Japan may fjel ?iotmJ to umlertake for tbe protection of ber Interests and their own. W.S.S. . The lart invasion of England from the sea was more than 000 years mgn, in the rear loa. when a small Ceet of Spanish warship landed troops n the Cornish coast. . . ttZO a Year. Dst to A4rarsk NO 70. tunui iu OF THE MEAT PUCKERS Frances J; lUnty Al Con rci For Srccsa! And SpccJy Lcstihiton to Ex amine Thctr FiIcil WANT TO GET -'HOLD OF PAPERS Mr. Hcnc' Asks for Supple mcnt to Espionage Law to Facilitate Government In quiry Into the Industry. tr tw ar4 ! Wiltij l h --kj'Ut . 4.1,4 ri'-leiuU filr i f !!r ft-rt 4rf f .t . ... ..... . ... . - . I tii'.t',fi .trliwi' "mtil Lmt ).t- la tL -t&fjW-tir r.-4 tf t!" twt J u Jf'rtsLirs:;.!4t' i t. ! I ft- i . J . j It-;, -j , j hmawi wiiu4 tt v.tr..xii-f.. $i,rft?it m trt . ts '" trtriir.! fcjr tttt fr taiiK f JiitUT !!.-,. .n in I sue i s u ' p "f ,f' l Char tJt f ff f fx i:rk-r. 1 ! t-,i 4 f fjiiH, tr, 1 i i . x sirt f.r t,$-p'rt-irt ti- Jti r lh lr l f- liflitt tt.r. iir f !-?? U-IUlrT P!o f!e i:h!utrj- Affff fi-al i'lpp IaH i'f I . had lu"it nf'&ti b ftmt,A ae,!h'riili(jf w letrr t Ift t si tltt-r.t 111 jM-kUjn rvf t ryVt. tt- FitiersI Circuit Cirt rt-irsii 1 n turIi f rai iac r mto lnr any aff In . Vrl-r- fsuM further fr'iu rtaraiutns r in any JT iiing i r alrtd lt by t! cs ri!tnttt Tlie aHioU f fprjl!e rHirt to ! tilng tin ts), j Mr. Ifrfiry, !- tenttl th ric-riifnttit fri reu rt itmbdng pip-r lrra!r In its m, and mlilrh a rVfftt dUttlrt iurt Iwd fmind lud tt irt it mean f ro" rnitlinc frlfiks by tflff h IVw and thrr rmTratUai, THE PASTOR luVsKM, OFFICIOS - AUK RAIDED. To Defermhte If IJlmJnre Contain Seditious Matter. New York. Feb. i7 Ajrru of lb 1'nlted State army UitflUpyf srt lee raldeI iIm lisd'iuartf !n Br lyn. of the Factor ItuHI futlatk, a reputed religloiu f jrnlwt bn. late tmlay and M it'"! numl-r f tA.s sod a r- Ti' litVrstufr ws tar tn over to tb feJfrl dltt k1 attorty to determine If St tt4ii-l irHt Jvu matter. Tlie rid h wild to luirtw-o mad in connect lti-with 1 1- srreVt f r-tif foibiwer of 'the Ittt-J in Tont. (Htt wIstc ftr m-rt sr trlsl ibarpl with mbHbinr nd Hrrtdat ing a 1-i.k mlN "Th nUIeI VI tery." nllegel tots wedl!ioi. Factor RtteU Acrnt is Hrtd In Forjth fail. , Wlntou SsWtn. Y4. 17. An Ct for "11h- rinUtwl Mjtery tl- imp lication of tl PaMor I-it futa tlou. ttetnjHlng to show by rfjjure that tlf war .Vnwrk-j l nt:na i urong. I tsoir in tt- KrMh city jail If-re awsitirig trail in the feerl cturt for allegfl Mitlou uttrrafi. Tlw man. A. W. !lbr. denouhcvd It was tf-tifi-! at hU t-trlc t-fote a United States rmt0UhiT, P-tr-Mant preaHir fr etjrirasi -tUtroehl of yiung mm tn the army any ytZ ttiat money a.-l in tt" tir cla.w of lltrty tfd sbl te kt. Wl-n aie If Ie nw ruruua ,-t tod. Hawi'-y rep!le4 lat ls could. Otrrr are aH in be worltlus ofi otbr imilsr re trre. ttjete I. ins eTf-rl fHlbm-T ef It- Pa! !t fotjndatloo in H Htr. - w.ia., AUSTRI ANS REFVNK TO JOIN IN ATTACK t ItlN Rt'LV Will Not' Take Part in At than Asaimt Rumania Eitlv. Wl.itu'1"!s. Vh, Y ru:l-T rrh d-i "f b i:rmins fralfj to fH iu-t. Mwmii ri;i.r Attta ti-t tin r-tc;l f lit- Lf t r f o ar. tbic- In tb" an. tsrt Itd"U i gyn in r.al i.i!CJ n-rf h-! h re t-tar tPu l'rarc It rj Hf- tte AnIfi4M $.rrf i-T utrU Hmsary wUl ak- lrl 'tt i.dtStary sctkni azain! ,'!ttU T lla I u .a. and ' W !r.ia Into Ukraiirt. Tlie dliatrh ? f !- tocelltx Utneen ItTer "arW 4frl WlU ,rn Fetrr ary 2! atit T ttrfre setu I lite iloub: that rioua roaBWl naa at'Nii !s'een the lei ,uioM btih iWtMtar I- deierwei to twttle by rioU-nt neaur if rerary. w.a.t ILusrarr Nominated U Soreeed Illsa (By TW A sHaleo Pis Wahlnjrt. Feb. 2Su IreMent Wlb trIy uotaUsatel Wto. CJ. IJao- , mer, of Aheboro. N. C, lo the United Htatea Distrirt Attorney for the wett em ditrkrt of North Carolina. -y.tt ii. Vben a hlh aalarletl ofSeer Crsda It cececury to eek the man yoa Buy expect to tee ttxieres tryhsg to break: lctoJttt . i -

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