Thursday. February THE CONCORD TIMES Rase Two 9 2 Three Generations Testify to the Efficacy of ' DR. CALDWELL'S Syrup Pepsin I- Perfect in maintaining the family health. A combination of simple laxative herbs .with pepsin, free from opiates and narcotic drugs, and pleasant to the taste, it acts easily and naturally,rcstoring normal reg ularity. First prescribed by Dr. Caldwell more than twenty-five years ago,it is today the indispensable family remedy in count less homes throughout the United States. Sold in Drug Stores 50 cts. and$L00 A trial bottle can be obtained, free of charge, by writing to Dr. W. 15. Caldwell, 457 Washington St., Monticello, Illinois - J53ECS22 Stop ! Read! Think! Act ! tU Th.?y say, who 'have come hack from Over There, that at night tronMcd earth between the lines i.s carpeted with pain. They fiat Death rides whistling in every wind, and that the very mists are charged with awf id torment. They say. that of all things .'-pent an. (squandered there young human life i.s held least dear. It is iit the jtioper t for those of lis who yet can feel upon our lips I he pi- s'suie of our -mother s good-bye kis lint, please God, our love of life is not so prized as love of right. In this renaissance of !ir smi:ry's 'vnlor. we who will edge the wedge of lier assault ?n,ke cahii iiecepr.mee of its hazards. For us, the steel-swept l rench. tli' ' stiffening eoIdveariness. hardship, worse. For you. for H'hom we go, you millions safe at homo what for you? We .sl-ai! need fod. We shall need care. We shall need clothes for -.Mr 'f"iifs and weapons for' our hand. A shall need terribly and v nliw'.r failure supplies and equipment in a stream that is con- -.?;iV -and never-ending. From you, who are our resources and re- who are the heart-and hope of that humanity for which we and strive, must come these things." (Signed) CITIZEN SOLDIER NO. 25S n - " th District. National Draft Army ITuy "War Savings Stamps an J Thrift Stamps and help, in answer i: the - above appeal. , . - . 4 ANNUAL HETOirT OF THE , j JACKSON TKAINING SCHOOL Made to the Trusters by the Scrperio Icodenl. Mr. Cla. E. Uortr. ttUptfTlUivUilKUl lUVC, V Aim! Jack- uu ru.i.i Sdioou ta mating hi rv pwrt to Uj: Aurii ui Noretaixrr, lUl, FUi" ixvuur ilv tL. we look tiiarv tu work at: the Jitc.MJU 'i ruining f!cJixi. and "fciwv lUul IIU'S ".it. LUie L.-vU O'JUtlXttulij tiie jb itiiom any vatSUju wr iyi-uj of any kind. j With you i riuii-n. we U-s L-avV to -auiit a ii-v ir yuar ii.xai"iM- iiiHi it-Litlif to couuiUous at tlt litie I took f.irg uuU now. iUii Wt;v about J.i buI-eis ut iwn ili t crih and about l-t tnishtts of jci iu the bin; the rouU;je va not u:ii cieut to make au iujprejiou tu our large roomy Utru. '1 here u oniy oi;e haui for tiie MJj'p!y of xaeat tor tle year nu lrd and :ij hi" from waieii to obtain any more. No cjal iu .-tore for winter um-. The Murv room was pretty well .-iippiieu vttU canz.-i Xhi lor waiter, Lut the Lill wus .t ii. mi i .. ; . I . i : ; I . . . eiualiy well nueu wh-h uuia iccNauie to be paid out f the tumls for the nei.t year. No potatoes of either kind were to be fund and no vegetables either canncil or drietJ. There were teven head of cattle, six of which were milk- ers. MX Hordes neioneu 10 me .cutKi, and two were bought at the time the Committee apiiointed !y the Iioard Hiei at the school to make the transfer. The .school had an enrollment of boys and an appropriation of an $1S, 000.00 maintenance fund. Soon a new cottage was opened, the enrollment was increased to 8o boys. All back accounts were paid and the. school was livin? within its income until the abnormal ai: ffl CABARRUS SAVINGS BAPIK CaUwb Manly ....... WajnDe ItuLbcrf orJ ... 4'laj ......... VttfjU ...... New IlAiiorcr I ha ta ..... Johiu-'n ...... nmani ivdk Curoterhal . rawjturtaaU .. lnSn Surrr linn. .ii ! x ib.-trru ... Oild Willi ... Wake .. liurke lli'Oti.?" . 1 -a ii fort ... Martin . VilMii ..... ClevcUn l .. II kiuii au Yaneoy Ashe i- Jaekon . . .'. Cheroktv . . . ph ILa on Hoard liermxn rrU Cttw .(Vtvabiicrti. IVU Tl Stptfclftb tris. nr fro tAf4 fraft m tan a vf t,r- r?i..-ef nhlV b rtuW' Vit t efv N-eti oji-- ?t . ni rru, t o -? ll !r-t. r l fan A ml- t-r-:i ,ji-tt tv use It -;a th" Jka . 4 i refUM'l !-lt H .ii. , e. e hit. Uti j hit t , S- A as-" V s-i - t?" - . I v ! 5 c t ,1 j--:t -. . lb i "' -- a?Ul if ti Stj . vy i i .e ae A ! ' t-1 h t rv! br k f f . AppVr at Trvhnn 4Htkv. if. v' 31 r !!'. V y t t! Ne i'.h Nash Wi'kfi 1 'I he work at the sehol has U-en considerably harder than ahy previ ous year owins to the unret and un settlel conlitlons caused by I the war. Several of the offuvr of the .chol have Ixtn callel to the cidors and all are under the draft. The ehanzn and prospe-tivt changes keep the mtnd of the lMys in an unsettled cnditlon. ()ur Schrd department. Sunday ScIhkiI. farm. wool-shop. etc. have all lived tin to their former record and no condition in prices male itself perivp- f rr.ninlaints can be lodged azaiust either tlbly felt anions -all classes and condi-f()r ineHk-iencv H. I. W00DH0USE, Pres. C. W. SWINK, Cash. Capital, Surplus and Profits $235,000.00 i 2sf Expert StorageBattery Workers. .EVEREADY Storage Batteries in stock ' Concord Motor Go. 'Phone 396 Rentals U Charging Repairing 2"T err Sr.lXDJJlI DK0P HEAD 3LCIIIXE 7 5 Macliiii exactly like cut. Table wade of selected white oak, Stan. I black enamel Iron well ir.foL Head latest style, fitted a frh svif threading shuttle. Com rplete -r of iest steer attach ments. A Lifetime Guarantee in 'wrifinq;. Don't let some aprent t1 you into paying 60 to $75. . for a machine that you can buy for 51.73. We sell oil. needles, "belts and atachments. All make of machines repaired at reason . uable- cost.-- Work guaranteed. Concord Furniture Co. SOLDIER HELD ON A SEKIOUS CHARGE. Is Held Yount for Allesed Insult fn Lady on the Street. One of the soldiers from Camp Greene who is visiting in Concord is hading his stay here not the most p easant one in his exierience, unless his past life has heen an unusual one. The youns fellow, whose name is un known, is a corporal, and Monday was put in the lockup for being drunk. Tuesday morning he was made to pay a fine, and was released. lie was again put; back in the coop at the city hall shortly after noon on a charge of having insulted a young lady on the street. The incident occurred on Union Street near the moving picture shows, and the man followed the young ladv up the steps at the Cabarrus Drug Company. He seemed to be under the influence of whiskey again at the time. He will be given a hearing before the Police Justice at the next session of the city police court. W.S.S. tions of Society and Industry. Today, there is between 7 and 8 hun dred bushels of corn in the bin a barn full of roughing so full too, that scarcely could any more' Ik; placed in. About 7", bushels of K?as, IiO bushels of Soy beans-and near H0 bushels of pea nuts, lOOO cans of tomatoes, -o bushels of green beans dried and iu sacks, about KV.) gallons of kraut, 2. bushels cf Irish potatoes about I'OO bushels of sweet potatoes, besides fruit and pellies that were canned at the cottages. We have 15 promising hogs for slau ghter and 8 left for future purposes. ve have lM head of cattle, IU milkers, 4 heifers .ready to be fresh, "t. calves and one ox. The number of out horses are eight. Some old ones liave been traded and young ones have been se cured in their places. Our farm lias steadily increased in productivity until its value is about two thousand dollars more tha.n it was four years ago aside from the natural increase in the value of the laud. Our old worn out uelds on which We" have Sown arid never reaped are beginning to take on the ap pearance of a farm. We hope to get some return from a six acre held sown in wheat, that has been nursed to this prospective hope. Our Maintenance Fund was in creased last year from $18,000 to $2'J, 500.00, but with the price of necessitie on the market today, no one wouul say that the increase in the maintenance was anything like commensurate with the increased cost iu living with $5.00 flour selling, at $12.00 per barrel 7G cents meal selling at $1.S0 8 1-,'J cent fat back 27 cents; $2.10 shoes, $3.08 ?or00 hulls at $20.00. This difference in cost is not so noticeable until you begin to multiply your items by the multiple of 100. Even shoe strings at this ratio is quite an item. During this time we have built the Stone Chapel, thanks to the goodness of the King's Daughters, built a power line to Concord some three miles dis taut and installed electric lights, built and equipped a new cottage and erec e a Ufty thousand gallon steel tank, installed several pumping outfits and dug a temporary reservoir for immedi ate water supply. With all the increased cost, we are glad to report that we have come through another, year and find our selves in no forse condition financi ally than we were one year ago. What the next yeVr bas in store for us, we cannot say. Our financial condition has been greatly helped "by increased returns from the work that the bows of the school have done., Had it not been for this help we would have been Considerably in' debt. Our returns from work sales, etc., at the school since November the 1st, 1015, have been $2317.SG. We could not find it possible to open our new cottage on the funds we had for support and the hnildhi"- equipment has leen standing unoccu pied ever since our meeting in Con cord and must so stand until snnw sou rev of income to'maintain it can le had V detailed report of our bovs for the eleven months of the present year is as follows: Number of bovs in charge T)- As an example of the character of work lndng done in our School depart ment we call you attention to the ex ample: of one boy. A little over two and ajhilf jears ago this-boy entered the school from a city that is conceded to lur. i' a"gHN'l city schooj system.- After a haif of each day in our school de partment for two and a half years he returned to his home t.-wn with an honorable parole, entered live grades above J where he left off-and is stand ing well in his class. In st-h ol he trained two and one h ilf grades during his May with us, grading that he would have made -a grade a year at home whichj was very doubtful. This is only one of the many cases we Could men tion where a like advancement wac n;; le by the boy while at the school. Dr. W. S. Kukin, Secretary of the State j Hoard ut Health, recent Iv paid us a visit and graded us high iu gen eral sanitary and health conditions. He expresiil his great pleasure at fee lug how well both grounds and build ings were kept. The: health of the boys continues g(M)d and cliallenges the whole coun try for a finer record. You will note that we have not in cluded a detailed financial statement in opr report. This is because our Treasurer Jias made a fuller report than ever before and our statement agrees with us . ve are pleased to report that we have, received a check of $1000 from the Estate of our late friend and benefactor. Mr. Caesar Cone, AVr have deposited this amount on certi ficate in the Concord National Bank. we were recently made glad to learn that Mr. Bernard Cone, one of the executors of the estate of Mr. Caesar Cone, will continue to furnish the school the shirting and denims for the boys, work uniforms. This had been j furnished by Mr. Caesar Cone since the beginning of the school. J. O. Parks, of the Parks-Belk Co., called to me on the street and made known his desire to make a donation of $50.00 to the school. The school has this check in the cash account. . Col, Al Fairbrother. of Greens boro.) recently made the school the possessor of a folding machine for our printing office. This machine has a value.: of several hundred dollars. Craving the loyalty and the prayers of every one who is interested in the work j of the Jackson Training School, we leg to submit this report. .' Respectfully, CHAS.-K. HOO BR. "- Superintendent. IF I RANGE ! . And you want the bestSure if s the cc GLOBE you are looking for. Made of "In. Electric WeldM with apolicy for 25 years the life of the range against ,rust or , Does more work with less coal or wood range on the market. Seeing is bclievim; is the proof positive. ' When -"in need call Store That Satisfies and have a look. A just as well complete the kitchen and m.; room of the house. McDougal Kitchen ( the Woman's Friend, saves miles of makes kitchen work a pleasure. & Harris Furniture Co. Be The Store That Satisfies" "The Store That Satisfies is a busy place. Cvxre Seed Oait9 ' (22ril Rye. ecd.'Poliiaitocs W't now have in stoek a tine lot of the! following: lied Rust Proof Oats. Maryland Seed Hjre. Irish Cobble Seed I'otatoe. Ked Bliss Seed Potatoes. Ked Clover, Orchard Grass and all kinds of (Ira Dwarf Essex Rape. I eed. Will have in season: Velvet Beans, Sorghum seed. Peas of all kinds. Soy Beans. Karl V- In fart, our store is headq uarters In thin line of order from Richmond when we have better price? CUM & MOOSE. P. S. We buy your country Meat for cash. ITf f?$J l! 7 H F W n 75 Ti FT - rirrmriiiin hi it otfaLiwI reuzk the old established "O- SWIFT A. CO. are being quickly noas&t by HanuxacUirers. invention for FREE SEARCH Odd a. model or ket"hes and descriptioa ' tf'nr invention for FREE SEARCH A acd report on patentability. We get pat- i rt or w fw. Write for our free booK U ia:KAMdi!)d inventions. I Patent Lawvers. Eotab. 188S. ?CTT Seventh St., Vashington,O.C.iJ JAPEXESE PLAN TO TAKE ACTION IN SIBERIA SOON. That They Have Lons Been Preparing for Impendui!; Move is Evident. Harbin, Wednesday,. Feb. 20. -The Japanese, according to reliable au thority, intend to take action in Si beria at an early date, and there are evidences that the Japanese have long oeen preparing to carry out this move. The situation in Siberia is considered extremely grave, owing to the inabil ity of the Cossack General Semenoff. head of the anti-bolsheviki movement in that vast territory, to securerallied support for which he has appealed to the Japenese. . ' Before the war the Germans consum ed more fat per head than any other European nation. To meet the threat ened famine in fat, the German house wife has been ordered to hand over to the authorities all the dripping she may have. . W.S.S. . The former Grand Duchess Olga, daughter of th ex-Czar of Russia, is said to be giving piano lessons to chil dren in Tobolsk. in list, 1910 Number admitted during the year Number returned for violation of parole Total number in charge during year Deaths ....". Discharged - Paroled ............ Total num!er removed from the stitution during the year Number on roll November 15th 1917 Average stay at the school of bovs. paroled during the year a years, U months. . 07 40 . 1 13S 0 1 28 43 03 H Woman's Burdens are lightened when she turns to the right medicine. If her existence Is made gloomy by the' chronic weaknesses, dell dffan?eents, and painful disorders that afflictfaer sex, she will find rJief and emancipation from her troubles In Dr. JT,eJl, Yori to Prc-ri Ption. If she's fi!57rk w' neiToa or " run-down,- she LLds new hfe and strength. It's a power IT,oratfns tonic and nervine which ??IfLa? 'apy Tears, in all c&sea ef mpiaints- and weaknesses. For Average age of boys on current roll Nov. 1st, 1017: 13.1 qears. Average of boys on roll when ad mitted 12.8 years. Number of applications for ad- misison received during the year 12S Number of boys admitted during the year 40 There were 46 counties represented at the school durinir the vear Tho boys from these counties 'are distri4MES M c Pdipps, Box 05, Routes. uuieu as iouows; Mecklenburg .... "1 MA. v iiuniorxi 9 iredeu Davidson or vromcn at the critical chan of life in beannff-down r,xi7 Ewt'Jlc?rat50?- aammation, andery ff"1 ament, the - Favorite PrPnZ 1 D V'.M- Plrce, Buffalo N Y 10 nnta for trial package of the tabieiC ion,Tekn.-I suffered from woman's SmS&.i60118!?1 on . ulation and a catarrhal conditoa for three rearsT 1 .1 ... uicffl aia me any good I harm i. the 'Lotion TahlTt.. LfSL.iS?? S?61 goodthan all the other remMiM Jl 11 ill. Hi 4 k S3 Just the correct terra for pre M-nt day farming. T- farr .. now providing h farms with our Don't grub along with faulty plow, harrows and othr r ime a cx.rapieie Jine or tlw luruft rwrfect lain in. Nh.iiY on the market The man who neglect to get all rible from hi hU. 5 ? - gld mine right at hU feet. hnr UA will help you to mine your gold. r-wtra A Ml KHi . I hope this will helpsome woman wh3 Mrs i theroxd to heithT MBS. M. C. Pmppa. Box r.-, pr7:,,u Davidson g : Florida at thir-l 11 v- waa m Gaston SiSSS SftW fess?1 Lfet. Yoiir ft Anson Alamance Pitt .... Lenoir . . ' .3 nr. JIfa, I took fx Ford o Yous el Power Wo Your Ford car vhen TOth a Staudo rMxtk-- -": with belt power sttAcK: " Bawwood. grind fc-cl, ' 5 silage, fill eiloe, ' opera i? Eaeiicrs, pump water &', do other belt. . power tri- DOSS Afl tho Wflrk c! 0 Horsc-Povver Gas ti-' SffeSS? araniagcs ma its great eonveiuaice wifisroeal to FOB 6.1 LE DV Aumto Tractor Comnipany -C.

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