' r, , fp rrnWcTnnD TIMES" . ; l"'"" o - - CALLS N. C. NEGROES within next rav days. Dr-nrril Waited for Milter Weath er to Senl Them North. Completes . SZales Quota. Washington. 7D. C, March -I. The department J preparing to call out -Vorlh Carolina negroes . within tkc rr.t (".v days. This will wiml up tbefirs; draft lists for the state, as the mota. v. a 1",.J71. ami 10,7m! have al ready calleL North nirAjina negroes will le sent to camp north of the Mawm-Dixim line. Tin failure tif call the negroes bswrofore was' due to the fact that camps had not Wn selected. The de partment his waited for milder wea ther before putting them In northern eawps- SXanv Yn 1 various negro. farmers and farm laborer will 1' exempted if they can show that they are actually, help teg to y!an? crops. No loafers will U excused. ' W. S. S- ' Life to a conundrura give It up ant1 every one NO AGREEMENT WITH JAPAN ON SUBJECT. Of Possible Action By Japan la Siberia Say Senator Lewis. Washington. March 5.--Dlrtssing reports of possible action by Japan in Siberia. Senator Lewi, of Illinois. Democratic whip in th Senate to declared there is no agrement or un derstanding' tietween the United State unit J rem on the subject. Although the attitude of the Ameri can government toward the proposed step ha not been announced, military action by Japan to counteract the Ger man influence in eastern Siberia and protect war More at Vladivostok is U lieved to l imminent. Diplomat here are inclined to the' view that Japan probably would move quickly to meet emergency conditions leaving wope and purposes "of "enterprise pending nego tiations or understanding with the .United States and the allies. Chattel mortgage blanka for sale at The Times-Tribune. 3 cents each. 2 tor 5 eenta- 20 cents a dnr.en. HUNTED STILLS IN STANLY COUNTY An Trip THE N0X-PABTI5AN LEAGUE IX 3LIXE TO Jill IT'S A R AM E And you want the best Sure it's the celebrated GLOBE you are looking for. Made of "Ingot Iron, Electric Weld" with apolicy for 25 years insures, the life of the range against rust or corosion. Does more work with less coal or wood than any range -on the market. Seeing is believing; a trial is the proof positive. When in need call at The Store That Satisfies and have a look. And you just as well complete the kitchen and make it the room of the house. McDougal Kitchen Cabinets, the Woman's Friend, saves miles of steps, and makes kitchen work a pleasure. Sl Harris Furniture Co. "The Store That Satisfies" -. -. i vTae Store That Satisfies is a busy place. Come and Fee. Bell rsTaanaaranpg nni3n22l32 11 ?1 i si el lot Of oh oh. Seed Oats, Seed IRye. Seed Potatoes !We riow have in fetock a fine lot of the fallowing: . Red Rust Proof Oats. Mar hind Seed Rye. Irish Cobble Seed Potatoes. TRed Bliss Seed Potatoes. "Red Clover, - -Orchard Grass and all kinds of Grass Seed. l)warf Essex 3lape. Will have in season: Velvet Keans, iorl;nni seed. Peas of all kinds. Soy Deans, Early Amber In fact, our store is headquarters Li tins luie of goods. Why irdw Lroui Ricluiiond when we .have better prices? See us first. CLINE & MOOSE. "I. S. We buy your country Meat for rash. Jjufr;tt;t'Yrrect term for present day farming. The farmer is IX - " now providing h e farms with our IMPROVED FARKMWVHmE&V '.D'Ki'tTxrub along with faulty plows, harrows and other tools. win we have n complete line of the most perfect labor-saving MACHINERY on the market Km1 -man who neglects to get all possible from his soil, is, neglecting a goM mine right at his feet. iur iovds will help you to mine your gold. Sltclxie Hardware Co- Let Yisb IFoiri Your elt'Pover. Work Your Ford car when ecnuDDed with 1 a Staude Mak-a-Tractor with belt power attachment will saw wood, grind feed, cut en silage, fill aloe,, operate corn Bhellers, pump water and will do other belt power work. Docs All the Work cf An 8 Horse -Power Gas Engine This featnm ad can be easily moved from place to place. Its many uses, its labor savins 2aatage3 and jls great C0aYenien.ee will appeal to every farmer. ATurfco FOR BALE BY Tractor Gommpainiy Oon-ccrd., C. Taken Ily the OOrrr. Charlotte Observer. Stanly coanty was the destination taken by feder- nl uwl city ofEcer Suniay nlxht. 3nl the trip, which result el In the arre f.f O. J. Rratton. of Itwl Level. wa one of the mt adventuresome taken in muny month by officer -In thU sec tion of the Htate. they declared on their return. Six crfllott of liquor vax M;rtNl when I'.ratton a arrestwi, which be i alleseil to Lave offered for sale to the officers. Probable caue was found acaint Rratton at a preliminary hearing t fure Unitl State Commissioner J. W. Cobb yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock on a eharjre of "having iix gallons of liquor on which the tax was unpaid' and .offering fame for sale without tirt bavins paid the revenue license tax." At the request of a depu ty internal revenue aptnt. the horul of Rratton. for his appearance at the April term of federal court, was fixed at SI 00 by the commissioner, owing to a serious illness in the man's family, lie save the required bond at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The warrant was served upon him by Deputy United States Marshal E. S. Williams. A few minutes after t o'clock Sun day afternoon the "scouting party" including Deputy Internal Revenue Agent Hedrick, Captain M. J. Henry, provost marshal, and Lieutenant Rob inson, assistant provost marshal. De tectives J. D. Johnson and R. C. Mc Knight, of the local police department, and Jennings Dixon, in whose car the trip was made, left the city hall. Mem bers of the party at that time inform ed a newspaper reported that something probably would happen in the "wee sma' hours of Monday morning." At 4 o'clock yesterday J morning the "scouting" party" arrived back in the city, having taken a trip of more than 7-" miles in search of liquor and stills. They found no stills, they said. During the tour in the dead of night through Stanly county they visited the homes of several iersons residing there., inquiring if they know where any liquor could be bought. Getting no results after visiting a number of homes they stopiod at the-.. house of the father of the man who was '-brought back to the c!ty. Officers . inquired if he knew where they could get any liq uor. He' replied, as the officers quot ed him : "Wall. I ain't spenking no names, but if yer do as I tell ye and te quiet 'bout it. yer kin git some. . Now go down that road 'till ye run ajrain a barn.: then turn to yer left and go 'til ye see two old sheds sidewise, cross the road: then turn to yer left and go rtil ye come to a branch; and on yon side of the branch turn to yer right and go 'bout half-a-niile up the big road and turn to yer left agin. In that shanty on de right side of the big road ye'll find a house where yer kin git some liquor, I 'spect, but I ain't speak ing no names." This advice was followed. The offi- feers rapped on the door several times before waking- Rratton. He came to the door, asked what they wanted, and said he could supply them with a little whiskey, the officers declared. After he had brought the liquor, the officers told him who they were, and advised him to consider himself under arrest. He refused at first and produced a gun which flashed in the moonlight, said the officers- also had guns and Rratton seeing this put his away, they said. En route to Stanly county a tire blew out. While the party was fixing it. a light car came by with thne soi diers and a chauffeur in it. Captain Henry stopped the travelers. Search ing the light macluue. he found a gal lon jug of whiskey. Searching one of the soldiers four half-pint lotties filled with liquor were found. The captur ed jug and the bottles were placed in the officers' machine. The soldiers were informed to wait until the tire on the machine had leen repaired. The chauffeur of the? ear in which the sol diers rode offered his services to as sist in rixing the "scouting party's" machine, which offer was accepted. The soldiers were forgotten for the time, interest Ixing centered in repair ing the tire. Soon Captain Henry re membered that he had taken a jug of whiskey and seme bottles from the soldiers. Jim Johnson said the jug had been put in the-tonneau of the automo bile. Rut it could not be found. The engine of the light machine, in which the soldiers rode, was heard and a rush made by the officers to keep them from getting away. In the light machine was found the gallon jug. The soldiers had stolen the jug out of the officers' ma chine and were preparing to steal the chauffeur's flivver. W.S.S. FARMERS ASKED TO BUY W. S. Must Lead in This Highly Patriotic Duty, Says Secretary Houston. In an appeal to the farmers to put their savings into government war sav ings certificates. Secretary of Agricul ture Houston yesterday said: "It fc the patriotic lnty of every cithpm who is in a pcsdtion to do so to invest in war springs and thrift stamps and thereby help the nation to win this war. The purchase of evey a 2.Tcent thrift stamp is a definite con tribution to this end. To win this war we must have both men and money. I know that every farmer wants to do everything in his power for the nation in this day of trial. He will not only labor, to nro- duee the necessary foodstuffs, but will also generously contribute of his means to make it possible for the men at the front to achieve victory. I .am confi dent that the farmers of the land will not permit any other class to take Jhe leadership in supporting the government-in this crisis, financially or other wise." W.8.S. Short Course for Merchants. Knoxville, Temu March o. A short course for merchants of the South. with particular attention to war time problems, was opened here today under the auspices of the University of Tenn essee. Governor Manning of South Carolina heads the list of speakers to le heard during the two-days session. ransiDKNT TO riuK. Will Vbdt Defer? Ceazrr Tle Vlrw of La Addrrw. AUrt W li la Wh!rt rwt. With Pir tktt Wnf triU"rd to t rrady :o'iiHrr l.Vii th latrr !ij!!Ufeal l!otii 'in rrL d it turiictHJir. tart f lb Pr-v r hi h A Sew Pol it Seal Party Ila Bern Or &ualttd la Tkat State. Augusta. Mf- March 5.A ww r4i tical party, la tr knvtrn a tbe Malue . . 4tu.Uaituat. juu in iu "uir' - ,v - ..... ,.t, V., tk,fc.tf- th. f,:r,.lamitAl al!U i fl iRilwbl; I, M-b. V..fartitM Lran i:it --byioj.rair ! to advaiKx the material intere: t.f ,r1 fi fsrawr and the worktxijT cla- in politic. ! 'I he fcdlowing 1 the tentative p:at form, subject t a State cn"entiu tu t h-5d by the new orgaatiatiH4 in May : A government I Ai national. n-an term- luie Ua 1 &-! U i i.,ii..ii... nu,.,.i.im Bilnnn of tl ertaan and recall. ' i-ndcl. x.up!t-i with the mutKTnjrnt lif ttie J4M!H ninuwm m . . . i.n- . . 5 t.-r rifl:fl Jitdll t'Uli lion vi puoiic uumim, c?-riaiiT iu t . it i i i wum a l-iuB hi w i aKa . aajaiii rm. i - - ijrapr. tn t;' 1 of. by and fr ii"U f- htii4iJ2 it !$ tr-4irr. i vi"-h It i uudr:.l t!ut tl- rtril-r.f ! ill make th ;ruiii aoe trtm t I I'm,. I?. u. r, .t f.r a r'4f. r,ct nd U. ; definite oUtUiw -f thU tith4i' lltbXi latent l-rH pastil. mn.t ri f in trie liirljl 'i ii jp aui lainr uh: viimiuuniH, i"-'iu !ti in telegraph, telephone and water p-mers. i SuVrinn etjliti..!, .itteti.i tito. th To lower the cost of llvhig the Gov. lrridentV tet Mairmnit, but Ibt U eminent should regulate prices, and to make uch reguhttltm effective, we alvocate natinonaU state or city owner ship of grain elevators, stockyard, warehouse, flour mills, fuel yard and other agencies of distribution. Thel farm and loan law to le so amenlel as to make it more within the reach of all farmers and of all farm purpo- All taxes to ! asessel in actual land values exclusive of f irm improve ments. All land held out of use to !o taxed at its full rentarvnlue. All war profits and all incomes excess of $10,000 to ! confer! ptcd the (loverninent while the war lasts, I w r q ' ' DRIVE AGAINST U ROATS In by United States and Allies Resin (Ireat ! Offensive Tliis Spring. George R. Rrown in Whigtn ItL '1 he :. greatest -.olTenive ugaiust tbt? German U-boats since the iRginuing of the war will Ik? conducled tiring the nt vet clear. TIh fact that NlckoUl Imltm tt NUhevikl leader, virtually Kay .lgiHi the peace term In advance f knowing what they conUlm'! lu "the more lie talked the more dratic t!ie term U-oim and the farther the German trooi advance!." give a strik ing idea or how Germany!" maile! nt mudieU out all delilration and rean. Rv contracting 'German word and German acts, the president will hateau opportunity to exi .the batn and subterfuge f Von "llertilni. ortkdal pence utteraiuf anj maV liml fur ther talk by showing the futility of even exchanging views with the repre sentative of the preMiit C,erm.m gov eminent. NoJhing 'would pb'a many senator ami diplomat t:"r than to have the President make n end "f !b ' ,ev- ..r ,....... vii.ir iiermanr. Tliere is ui:dotsb:lly a growing find- Preiilent's chiefly to ing of disapproval over the t'eh t February 11, du the fact that paHiM and inee'by-iar- siiTi't rter have M izeu .upon ii ir.ittvi' tlu niiiliT' i iiiralis !int ot ad- i ,f surety Wing i'-' -iume. ....,' .. I 111!" IIT'III. II-.- - o tiau.-.ii- . . .. . ..... .... CtitU!l!ei! by lite iaci liiii .mihiuii soldfnr lire 'now a't'l-.llv eprieneing ctuniiejr snrinr and summer. It will . ..' - . . . i- i .... i l laice tne iorm not uiy ot nawu auacK - , , , ....'. t,.t-. lie' Jlliu ;:mi im - - ditional measures k ndonted for the protection -of tr; hint ic tonnage. While the submarine menace cannot 1k checked lefoio i.et fall, in the opinion of experts on loth sides-of the ocean, a distinctly optimise i tic feeling prevails in Washington with respect to their ultimate conquest this year. ; As to most of the measures to le adopted with the coming of milder weather little information "is obtain able, aad it is of a highly confidential nature. That greater security b to be made posibledn the war zone service is not a secret. The winterhalter board of the navy, recently appointed ostensibly to test the steamer Lucia, that has been equip ped withr a nonsinkable device consist ing of 1 air-tight !nxes distributed In .various parts of the vessel, Is acutally Investigating the whole subject of non sinkable ships being used for trans ports and" a supply freighters for France. It is expected that it will inake a re port at an early date, and that its rec ommendations will be carried our. It is by no means the unanimous opinion in the navy that the adoption of any device to render ships nonsinkable is advisable. The object ot all marine traffic, espe cially under the emergency conditions imposed by the necessity of making war 3.000 miles from base, is to move ns much freight as possible. The oppo sition to rendering ships nonsinkable is based upon considerations of a practi cal business character. Mathematical calculations made by the lrigliest mari time authority in the world would seem to indicate the advantage, in the pres ent crfsis. of the ship of existing com mercial! tvpe over the vesseb renderel nonsinkable by devices which consume so large a proportion of the cargo spice. w. s. s. jiiark"d.ly e- the horror of the iTu-stan metnwo of warfare. , While Ameriean are lieing ga-od 3 0Oi.miles from home. the.Americjm p.p!e ore In no mvr.l to. exchange views on jnn-' with the iH-riMtrator of these ntroeltie?. : w.'s. 4. ' OUR TROOPS AGAIN MORE T1LN MATCH FOR GERMANS COOK CANNOT GIVE ROND. It to Miss Margaret Matthews returned Monday night to the State Normal at Greensboro, after having been a week end guest of Miss Lena nail Fisher. Has Been Definitely Decided Bring Mrs. Ilirsrh to Trial. Atlanta, Ga., March r. The bond of $3,U00 fixed by Juds;e Ren Hill for JL WCook, recently couvicted of attempt ing 'in "conspiracy ' with Mrs. H. "JL Hirsch of attempting to extort $o(X)t000 from Mayor Asa G. Cantlier on a blackmail threat, b so far greater than he lias leen able to make. Cook's attorney confidently auntmiieed on the day of his conviction that he would give Ih)w1 the "next day but he m j-vJ" in jail. Meanwhile, it has definitely de. cided to bring Mrs. Hirsch to trial, instead :of dropping the case- against her. as the prosecution was willing to do. She will faee a jury March 14 to answer the charge against her. Reuben R. Arnold, who is aiding in the prose cution, intimates that several new de velopments of an interesting -nature will be brought to light in the course of her trial. W.S.S . Eloped With His Own Wife. Atlanta. Ga March Elopin with another man's wife would be expected to get a man in trouble, but it remain ed for C. J. Nash of this city to land liehind the bars for eloping with his own wife. She w-as an inmate of the Georgia Training School -or Girls, located on the outskirts of Atlanta, on account of her several desertion of Nash in the past, and her wild and frolicsome hab its. " ' . Nash and her mother went to see her and consented to take her away from the home, concealed inhis automobile underneath a laprobe. Soon after ar rinving at home the police officers got there with warrents and arrested all three of them. ...... i W.-8.S. : Charge Unfair Methods in Snppressing Competition. Washington. K March .". Comphiints were issued today by the Federal Trade Commrssion against the American Ag ricultural Chemical Company, of Con necticut!, and the Brown Companv. of New Jersey, charging unfair methods in suppressing competition in the man- uiacrare ana sale of fertilizer - Another German Attack Met Firmly And the Enemy Driven Bark. Once more te American troops, hold ing, the sector east of St. Mibiel .in French Lorraine, have prqvi-d them selves more thau a match for the.'-Germans. , Auothcr of the numerous; sudden strokes the Germans on this front have been launching recently upon Ameri can positions, was driven back last night apparently with considerable force, as the attack was one to warrant notice in today's French official state ment. It was met firmly by the American., however; as was last week's German thrust iu the. 'same. re gion,, ami the enemy was driven back. Resides repulsing this enemy attac the American on the Irraine Iront were active in ' patrol.-work in which they tooi; pri.oiiers a number of Ger mans. ; w. s. s. . Russian Situation Absorbs Press and Public. Tokio. Saturday March 'Z, via Shang hai to London (Ry Hie Asxiciated l'ress) The Russian situation is completely absorbing the press unddhe public. There have U-eu frequent meetings-of the Japanse cabinet, at which. dubtless. the entire question was' considered most, careiully " with a full realization of the serious nature of the responsibilities involved. w.s.s. Saved From Many Dangers Atlanta, Ga., Marcti '5. Abraham Amato. proprietor .f a little shoe re pair shop on Capitol avenue near the state house in this city, and cousin of Pasquale Amato. the famous opera singw, lias just received a letter from tns wife in Jerusalem, whom he has not seen for tUre years. Joyfuly an nouncing the capture of that city by tithe British troops, and the fact that she and the two little children are safe and well and luppy. 'Thank God we are all safe and sound and may the Almighty Uess our fighters and warriors," says the letter -for they have saved us from many dangers.! Boy Scouts to Sell W. S. S. Secretary McAdoo lias asked the CTjO.OOO Roy Seouts of America to en list iu the war savings and thrift stamp campaign. Medals will be issue 1. Special instructions have been wnt to -each of the U,ys from ttw. national heatlquarters for a house-to-house -anva. , Complimenting tlie scfmts on their splendid work in tlw litrty hwn cam paigns the Secretary of the Treasury has sent them a letter, telling of the chance to serve their country. Red posters will be printed by the govern ment for the scouts with oniers K-ned to all rstmaters to delh-er stamrw to them. . nr - W.B.R. I North SOMCTlIlMi xnoii GKM Or ef the .M( U Ilrury J. Uu&,, ji;jnr?l Pf!;?' . . -. Itr .t 1 1 ' J l-- r ,.r.'w i ?Tf J t.m 'SPt--i.-4-r-;!' lit : a tlr -ircj 4' . Att; ..?. ;b-sry Cfrtk'i, IU- .iu;-trttru.-! i.- AJftaf.i tsi. t;tJcrl Ua vrr-rf Ui lf Kl . .r.i4tarf .--i t t J. . i for I h Tt vr . Sir rr-!n U k I: , can-v.. i ti M ; tw r Ur;-! ;,. Guards !-l in i. Afrknn War. tv i Like nvnj 1 '. hate wtu fa;.. ml l ar. !Ulir VMti " He f--r i ! iu , lit Su?U AfrW. "at ' -K. f K" trtif,: In him iTuptlritv Wlwn tl ptr ;,t ctmtnar.dh.g Ii- 1 1. the rank of marv . , Krann Hitti !! r.r? . Hi firt j on't!i rtmertie il!i tt rw. wrrp wImti Ird K ut from .ImhJou h, a ' Rritain entered it,. nili! nf tin forw d ! retlretuent of tt- 1'- ... tliut city. Int r h ' 1 Prencli t Ypr s the Pmrrtti .Arm " v hut JftdeeUiie bi?ti ' For hi hrllti-int ' . UrniHl enca'Cfliwr.t -. M ir it. FJ " f.. , (imw:im!r of t!- !' Getieral K :vi S i ruotis Mtiri- f f ' er" in COJUm 1 1 - t b of ttr S-t!. i. He was fih of fn . . ders wli"1. r; .i!'n ' i'-t tlv in PS.-:.! 3! paf ?5 of fj.tt r r ' ir HutTf Gc-udi to tb S t ' ntf.K .. the IIlJ-rs ab.-i- v ' fo h.nrat fbet;j .in i cm ttem no resf .ir r Reiving Ger;er.i I H; !. ' home hi main aff.ok I1t'w well Rauiin-'!. CHfleI hi f Jieir "difh i h 'Pi 'the dep;i t'li of n -eh?'f. wtifrb al1: " ! r knowledge of thHr i f eil and siutnl Jn! i - determination, provi-l f every all on tbetn. 1 ! ' tie' tlieir selection f..r . etuntnand."" w.s. USE LESS swi irr- That Ts (lie Adiire Ic I r.f ti; s dicrt in Frame. WasJilngton. Marcli .". !' up good iquoo with i-t- ' le tl.etl for neiletl auiliini. .' - ' dy and cakes taMc nrn - do nincii pxl hn . t !- H - "- hif oSfenive, w don't ' : ; ! hinder the Unite! Stnt That I the pirlt of ti . V - -. soldiers in Francis a troopiT In a leter to bi- i i s Minnie F. Falioy. of A!.. Postmaster .Genera 1 r.ur5- ' 1 th- mother wrote, jUou .: t-r -rer. h'clarr! tolay that ' ertrrse! the Ati:Ti-.,; i ' wimld in tin war. Complaints of delay' ? mail usually are fnlbo. t f ' stating that ltr ahii- ' 1 th mail i iN'itig pronq ' ' " ' saidMr. RurleytMin. "It 1 seldom that ;!?? .' " 1 I eomolainimr tlrlt' i hw ' '-' In r ranee, sIkwj itint come a qH-djly as d-:fi .S.S.- 1 "- Carolina farmers and fttti consumers liave crme to realize that there was no hot air about the warn ing they received last Spring that un less they produced their own food and feedstuff they would hare to go with out. The railway situation has been such. Is such, and promises to con thine such, that this section will not be able to import fool commodities and feed stuffs in any considerable quantities until after the war Is over and by that time let us hope that our people will have realized that it Is fooll&h under any circumstances to import corn, oats, and hay. to feed livestock to row cotton or obacco or any other crop, especially when the production of coton and tobacco need not be reduced in order to secure an Increased produc tion of food and feedstuff . Crop rotation and better farming will rnm the trick. Iat Comcntinti of l'hl Chicago. 11! March " Vi bably will U th laM n.;' ' lion convention to U h : ' hibit ion 1st s. a h a litlnr v " Ziitlon. nss4mblei in thi ' was callel to order M v . shaw. chairman of tb ' tnittee. Tlie ehief pTi- ' veti t Ion i to ratify the n - -Prcdiibitloii iarty witn tr.--lonal pnty tliat wa l-n-lat Novetu Ut. TTie liior. -od t ! effertrff tomorr"4 National pa rty meet Ivr It permanent organize: hiMthaj iirty iinyenfi ?'; ion will alo dlscti a ' -of cot id acting a ennipilir- ' tlon of tb recently ubrr';' tion amerflment to th F titutlon. " w. s. Russian Invasion of ("hint med. Peking. '. Wineday. I governor of ttw provii west em China, ftntn niu repiTt tliat Turk at ; stirring up the Moh n graphs tliat the Rti- i ; on tb frontier, etl b-M Invasion of Sin Khtng. add that Ow-xq'e. ar- ; and ak that rif! a; s le sent to th" governor. The pro vine of Sin K ally 'designated a C!dr Turkefitan. It I t-m: ! north by Mongolia, on t!. sbx ami on the south we-1 ton and nortliern India. m fL g ... Narva Captured By t hr r London. March 5. rNar dred miles Muthw--t of !'" ' teen captUTel by the Germ-. enemy is reported to citv ; advance on Petrograd. w " Exchange Telegraph Hi Petrograd dated Monday. Says Action Has Been 1-oral.m. March .1 Tb 1- saym tte question of Ja pan tion In Siberia has tieen s ft'. the allies as well as he ViA' have agreed to Immediate safeguard the interests of tb W.H1. Buy thos Thrift Stamps ta-Uf