i THE .1 JilVJl u" - J)., gjRlLL; Editor and Publisher. PUBLISHED 1 : . . M O W U A Y b AN D THURSDAYS ttJ a Yr. ths fcs Arus. CONCORD, N. C, MONDAY, APRIL 8. 1918. Ml . i ft o S GET READY FDR ANOTHER ATTACK E FRONT IN EFFORT TO REACH AMEHIS NO. SI COUNTY DEMOCRATIC CONTENTION SATURDAY k ibbline at the Al- Irtish land forces ' . I i n 11 w Kffnrr rn Find weak rill buw j !es at Various Points Points ;o Attack. JAVE NOT GAINED - THIilR OBJECTIVE r- rf i C 4li s-v -k n i o ffhe fcnorrs ui uic vjcuiituia North of the bomme riave Been - Solely to Capture Artillery Positions. k'-I at most points along the .,,jt from Ant's to Couzy north of .i viiiMi Jmcs in an euori to unu I u, ik ixtt. So liii- the enemy has heen '.! -1 ,.niiIm-1 alolll nil' csi icugc vt mi: t;w .salient. On the Chauuy-Coucy-Jirf triangle along the Oise on the xliw at end of the southern front i ,uiiW line the French have retired , 1,,'li.T tfruiiiid. (VrnsiH'iKlents at. the front in Fiiii'v say that si'iis are not wanting i ...... .ik itt f 11 r wi I sr k i ..t.i.l- iit i (icr 'fmnt ImIIIiCII iilll'llll.l illiuin wn t uvut, In 'III t 111 Uavor to reach Amiens. Ene- iivfiurts north of the Somuie recent- v hiivc I.xtii solely in an enueavor to ajilun' artillery io.sitions hut the .vnuans have not gained their objec ,ve. Atrial fighting continues heavy, iriich and llritish aviators have ...it .i..,i i. '(1 ininniu tii rA i nou vhilt IVrlin reports the destruction f Kntcnte airplanes, (in the- Aires to the Somme the Bri line still stands as it did ten days No Resistance Either to the Japanese or the British Landed. Bjr The AMM-lairil Press.) Washington, April 8. News of the -lauding of British forces at Vladivos tok which followed a Japanese party into me city, readied the state depart ment today officially from the Ameri can consul at Vladivostok. No 'detail were given. Additional advices to the state de partment said only 50 sailors were landed from the British cruiser. They were sent ashore to guard consulate. The Japanese force was increased Sat urday by 250 men. No resistance was offered, either to the landing of the British or the second Japanese force. WARSHIPS BLOWN UP BEFORE GERMANS OPENED FIRE Three Russian Battleships Blown Up on Finland Coast. (By The Associated Press) Washington, April 8. The Russian warships sunk by their commanders off the southern coast of Finland to keep them out of the hands of Germans reported several days ago were blown up after the German warships had opened fire on them, according- to a dispatch to the state department to day from Stockholm. Three of the Rus sian vessels were battleships. THE COTTON MARKET 25 (; u i Ma in s men Recovered Today Another 20 or Points of Its Recent Losses, flly The Associated Press New York, April 8. The cotton mar ket recovered another 20 or 25 points of its recent losses during todays early trading. The opening was firm at an advance of 9 to 21 noints in resDonse till maintain theii l" Aillu U1C? fuu , , i r j. .a ii j : ti . ipltbdi: ueiense easi 01 iue ois-runo ailway. The (Jermans have tried to ad ;i!:ir iierth ofthe Amiens-Roye road a tl' region of Hangard, but the rendi artillery fire was sufficient to reak ;rj the attack. IVrlm elaims further advances in he iegn.il north of Coucy, and around he 1 wer forest of Coucy. No mention f fighting here is made in Paris. hunt h Vf Chauny the ground is low Jtml 4i;;;rliy, especially along the Oise ive ( ise canal. Wither the (Jerman attacks on the rout Ittween the Oise and Coucy are csiciMil as a fake 'to draw the French iitii iiti' i! from a more vital point, or fc tj i- beginning of a strong effort m fur,-,. Hie French hack to the-Aisne iiiii- lir developments to skow. Up "tin1 j-reseiit the (iermaushave only iiiiiiV; rhe marshy ground! along the JUise. a Ml low lving ground between hiiiiiy ;iinl Coney, as well as the lovv t '-V-! of Couei,J which was virtu il i.utled of trees in the German in a; .f. March. 1JU7. Ann li, ;! n troops on the front north- Toiil. have successfully coun- jtt'ivii ;.4-iian attempts "to raid their a'l'Min'fts. Two raids were made at F'Vh M :i.ts Sunday, but each was dealt "nil (I'icaciously with machine i?un ;tlj'i "actematie ritle fire, the enemy ' .'haii, -ii:-: no further than the out- "is Fii.iay the Americans also check fl two raids. The first was taken care "t easi Iv whil ' " l ilt, iiuiu Atucrieaiis i,.ft the trenches, and pur tl;, Germans back to the first ,a,my treiuhes, and drove the Ger- wans into their support positions. The -imtTKan artillery silenced two Ger- lui lotteries. up- several points more before the end of the first half hour. Cotton futures opened steady. May, 34.30; July, 34.55; October, 32.10; De cember, 31.88 ; January, 31.78. Germans About. Ready For Another Big Thrust? London, April 7. Reuter's corre spondent at British headquarters in France, telegraphing Sunday, say3 there are signs that the enemy is about to thrust again on a big scale. All the fighting north of the Somme during the last few days, says the correspon dent apparently has been directed by the enemy at effecting and improve ment of his positions and possible to secure a better "jumping oft' place. To Klert Delegate to the State Con vent ion. Elert ion of County Chair man Postponed. The Cabarru "County JHiu'rratlr convention for the pari of flvth:g detegat-s f to tl Stat convent iuu held In the 'court hotiM la.t Satunlay at 1 ochk-k p. m. M. H. Caldnell nas chosen chainnitn of the iatfting and AV. W. 31orri sexTctarr. The fdfV-tion tif a chairman of the county cxpcutlre .committer was j-t- IHnei until the next county convert tion. The following resolution, ottered by M. H. Caldwell, was unanimouslv adopttfl : lie it resolved by the Democrat. of Cabarrus county in convention a-m- uied -mat . In this rnomentous hoirr in our country history we plwlge our selves first of all as Joyal American citizens, proud of the record of our an cestors, ireparel to follow in their footsteps even though it shall become necesxary to make sacrifices in prop erty ior me support of our government iiwiifaie ourselves ami our all to our country's call. Resolved -further. Tliat without bit ter partisanship, but wth determined purpose we will sunnort and unhold: oy woru ana tieed, the administration at A ashlngton in all its various tin (lerrakings, not merely because it is liemocratic but Iecause it is true American, and the bulwark of Amer ican liberty for fenerations vet un born Resolved, That we commend the records of our Senators, Simmons and Overman, and of all our North Car olina Congressmen in their loyal sup port of President Wilson in his. Hercu lean task at helping our nation to speedily prepare for the jrreat struirzle for our nation's life. The chairman was authorized to ar point the delegates to the State con vention. - . 1LEIIT ARTILLERY ACTUM USIMGHT ( in riii Dixii:of3i in run; ! lire Oercmwl Almn , trbl tlx AfUTTKrv ihsSf $ t I-: - Mifej Zi-m lwt:i?& Ctctt! 4t.I -tntJ time- titkKvi WHEAT PRODUCTION Will Be About 560,000,000 Bushels, Ac cording to Estimate. (Bt Tbe Associated Press.) Washington, -April 8. The winter wheat production this year will be about 560,000,000 bushels the deport ment of agriculture estimated today in its report showing the condition of the crop April first to be 78 and 7S.G per cents of a normal. - The rice production will be about S6,000,000 vbushels its : condition April rirst being S5.8 per cent of a normal. Little Hope Held for Dr. Hope Cald- weli s Becoveo'. Sunday's Charlotte Observer. Telegrams yesterday brought to Charlotte the distressing news that Dr. D. Stanhope Caldwell, of Char lotte, at a Richmond hospital, has! little, if any, chance for recovery. Telegrams to Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Sar- On the Left Bank of the Oise, Says the French Report. No Infantry Action on the Principal Fronts. FRENCH BRING IN PRISONERS On the Southern Bank of the Somme the British Made a a Small Advance, Says the Official Report. ?! PR01IEIIT CURB HDCUFFEOTOPOST If ttr -Jr-.!rf-Utr h-rik-r- 3 l--: i u ii- r-nn IT it . ti a: .s,jJ . AiCAab. of Hcwmcr, . ..... A!j.. Draped With Red, ile 2nd Blue Streamer And Placarded on Back. Ur The AssscUite4 Ires) Paris April 8. Violent artillery en gagementM occurrtnl last night espe dally on tbe left bank of the Oise river. says tinJay's official report. No infantry actions on the princi- pai oauie ironts are reiwrted Tne statement follows: The night was marked by violent artillery actions, especially on the left bank of the Oise. French patrols were very active in bringing in prisoners. On the left bank of the Meuse. In the Argonue, German raids were re pulsed. Everywhere else the night passed quietly. :' The British Report. London, April 8. On the southern bank of the Somme the British last night made a small advance, it is an nounced officially. The statement follows: We advanced our line slightly dur ing the night on the south bank of the boinme, east of Valre-Sous-Corble. North of the Somme a few prison ers and a machine gun were captured y us in the neighborhood of Neuville- Vitaffe. -The enemy's artillery has shown in creased activity during tbe night on the whole British front Heavy hos tile gas shelling has taken place also between Lense and LaBassee Canal and. East of Armentieres. ratt, parents of Mrs. Caldwell, said Between Mesnil and Bucuoy, says that the physicians held out no en- the correspondent, the ground the Ger- couragement whatsoever. Dr.' Cald- maus now occupy is very unfavorable well's trouble is stomachic. He went to artillery movement should a big to Richmond a week ago last night, push develop and only by such a move- Mrs. Caldwell following Wednesday ment could a great concentrated at- night. An operation was performed tack upon Amiens be carried out. Friday. As soon as the result of the operation was wired home. Dr. Cald- - a V I 1 School Closing at &t. donns. well's father, R. V. Caldwell, of Con st. John's school will close next Sat- cord,, left for. Richmond. Miss Este. urday, April 13. At 2 o'clock, Mr. Lotton, for years Dr. Caldwell s as- Morrison Caldwell, of Concord, and sistant in his dental office left Satur- Prof. G. F. McAllister, of Mt. Pleas- day. followed by Mrs. Morris Caldwell, ant, will, make addresses. Following of Wilmington, sister-in-law, and Dr. these addresses there will be rendered Anders, partner of Dr. Caldwell. a short exercise by the children ot Dr. Caldwell nad been in bad nealtn son-s and recitations. for sometime, due to overwork. He At 8 o'clock there will be given a is on of the leading dentists of the nhiv "At .Martins Country Store." city and state. Under the strain ot This is an interesting play written in work he broke down. Up to midnight five acts and using about twenty char- no further news had come from him. acters and irives some real lite as may ur uaiuweu is greatly oeiovea in v;nar- . - . , xi .1 1 ,.! . 1 I 1 hp seen and heard at a cross ruaus ioite, anu news ironi uis oeusiue wm country store. The admission is 10 and be eagerly awaited. 15 cents. The proceeds will go towavu (APT. WIIYTOCK'S DAUGHTER KILLED BY AUTO TRUCK Child (.f Light Lets a Street Car Pass, hut Does Not See Other Vehicle. xv Verk World, 6th. 1 ielt ii Wlivti.L- ;v.- x- 'rn Avenue, Brooklyn, started to .-N-ventu Avenue at Fifth street ' M f-'la when he saw a car ap ihe waithed until it pass- uHu lesumed her journeyf but was iu-k i.y u northbound auto truck "! and unrated by Dominick " "t No. Hamburg Avenue. ,. "'"' Halter Trout of the Marine ,. . I,s- t.nvalesciiiff at the Methodist !'N;;"lal. Hospital, a block away, was 11 ' a walk and saw the accident. paving for the school piano. The pub- . 1- n ; : t-.l oil tViAco or lie is coruiauy iuncu iu a tv. ercises. Deserters Taken to Camp Greene. Deputy Sheriff W. F. Propst left last Friday for Camp Green, Charlotte, having in his custody two deserters from the army who had been arrested the -lull frt tlio V, Vilson pronounced her dead ';!. M- .i - 41.,. 1 -I 1 a t J3 nit? diiiv (jiiiifTiiTpr in :,1Mt 1). Whytock. a well 1 - w spaper man. He was con v The Evening World when 1 t'oke out. He enlisted and v,'ivoi u commission. :mi. Mrs. Whytock and the ;': are well remembered here, visual at the St. Cloudlast ",,r when Capt. Whytock re- "'I the Vow Wv.l.- T7TToninT i . 1 - Aula jjrtuiut, 'I M in o... ...... . . - : fiA4,. J "u investigation, or me The Money Comes Back. invpsted in Lib- in this county. erty Bonds is short and complete. The One of these. E T. Burns, a white people lend the money to the Govern- man, was arrested last Friday near ment the Government lends some to Mount Pleasant, on the charge of ha v- onr Allies and our Government and ing deserted from Camp Sevier. He ""1 AiHoa ctrnthtwav srjend the lived at Mount Pleasant, and was a money or the greater 'portion of it, recruit who left here with Company nm'thp TonlP of the United States. L when that organization went to In some instances the money paid in Greenville. t: ,,iT on ono installment of The other deserter was W ill Alexan T.;-t haiq io-nntii hv the Govern- der, colored, wanted by the local ex- - r ' nnrl hv their emotion board in Roanoke. Virginia, ment to "f J the fnr his faiiure to report there. Alexan-Ut the home of Mrsu J. A. Cannon on emptoyers pam ua . - - -nfT. ht wns re- Krrth Union trPPlL Friday afternoon way or wages ueioie . Uutrl ' nt Ronnoke. where he was Ut 3 oVlook. Two charming hostesses. .'uiAi tMAnr io imp 1 i.---- - 1 working. Because of his failure to com-1 additional to Mrs. Cannon, were 3ies- ply with the law governing the draft, he was also placed in the class or a deserter. Second Phase of Great Battle Has Died Down. The second phase of the great bat tle along the Somme, which the Ger mans began on Thursday last, has died down. It lasted .less than three days, and the fighting has resolved it self into more or less isolated engage ments, in which the French and Britl sish allies have more than held their own. The attention of the Germans for the present is mainly directed at the lower end of the battle zone, which apparently they are attempting to en large for the purpose of getting elbow room- in which to move their vast masses of troops. Meanwhile, General Foch, the com mander-in-chief of the allies, is biding his time, meeting the German assaults with powerful resistance, and there and there conforming his lines to the necessities of the battle. It is confi dently stated in Paris that Foch will not he drawn into any false move- where each move is of such vital im portance but will strike with his re serves at the moment chosen by him. There may be some significance in the report that the German emperor after a conference on the western front on Saturday with his chiefs. Von Hindenburg and Ludendroff, intends to proceed to Rumania. At the out set of the great German offensive, when it was sweeping the allied forces before it, notwithstanding their te nacious resistance, Emperor William, it was announced officially from Ber lin, was in supreme command. That announcement was regarded at the time ns evidence that the emperor ex pect ed a complete and decisive victory. Since then, however. British and French and American reinforcements have come up. April Meeting of the Dodson-Ramseur Chapter The. 'April meeting of the Iodsnn- Rumseur Chanter T. D. V s nvm rt t-fYt it, ii.. i,nz tif ittHit and ft stole- Jfif mrtkt up in " ' ' lb- e-ti! rr. It 1 iHvUir ti.t tt fr1 . I VtfX 1 fir ri-itukttl ff la ftt rae. S4e 1 K4U A U U A I : ' d'mu m fntt .f lhutrh CimtnS I'UM f UUR HUURS' the fire In tbe t.r r4 - ' ' ' alartij, Tti tSatae bad tUl w8 I t . - t t ' h-adway. Lowevrr. that :'tMt I S AllCgCU tO I taVC fc-u .in if- vi;i oCiJ lm tt 111, Th church rji an rrrl?etit .t-ftrl tmctnrv with -late rwf, a;! .th al-mt llo.toi, Tltre m. ,vXij- fjtM In'inranoe. Rer, v. !L Krlh-r U js tr tsf the church. ALLEGED BANK ROIUIW: IS IIEUI AT C1I ARIXITTt: Thomas Fraiirr Clarrrd Ulth (in On SI0.000 Erom San Vrxnti Bank. Armted on Street Sunday. Charlotte, April 7.Tlma Fratlrr. allegitl to have rtbted a bank la Jan Francisco recently, jtUnc away with over $10.(MI, wa arrvMrd htk walk ing along (e of the principal strec-U of Charlotte late tlay. by Ietc-tive Bradley, of the city police depart turn t. who reeutniicted the man from plmto graphs Kent ut from the California city. Frailer had been Mopping at a leading hotel here, with hi wife and two children. Detective Bradley ahl tonight that Frailer liar made a con fession to him. admitting that h was the man wanted iu San .Francisco and telling him where a majority of th $10,000 could le found. Tbe polk of ficer did not llvulg the allegrl loca tion of the money. Fratler'n wife and children expressed great Miri'riw tht he was implicated in any crime. San Francisco officer were advled of the arrest ond Frarler ldng lield in jail pending instruction from tlHm. Data in the hands of the police con cerning the robbery diow that a re ward of $250 wa offered for the ap prehension of Frailer arid 10 percent Of vhaterer part of the stolen money might lx recovered. .. . Pro-German Remarks, and Was Discharged From Mill For His Utterances. BOLO PASHA IS GRANTED A REIRIVE installment is due. Buy Liberty Bonds, 'itii,, l:;n in- M'csi.iit f Mrs. Maude A. King. Edi- -munate Inefficient Men From medical Reserve Corps. (By The Associated Press.) ti.-.-hingt on.' April 8 The elimin; t'b. .(nm thtl niedical reserve corps of iti,l( f, . -1 au men who are not qual dertoi.'"'1 !Ktive service has been un It js , ' h-v Surgeon General Gorgas inissi, ! n.Uat((1 tftat about 1,500 com- Ml i(J 111 Ule reserve will be revok ' ;l -ri'sult of this action. (,.. " i ' in thos!?'-1 llame lias beeen enrolled al oif41 "V"e army service of Cen Irri;.otlodlt Church, that of Mr aJdi f' ;,ook- Another star will be to the ,L , service flag which hangs chUrcli, making 25 in alt German Activity Indicates Impending xVttack. (Dy The Associated Press) T,itih Headauarters in France, pril S. Intense hostile artillery work ias been proceeding ai anvwo -"" nlnnfr flip UritlSn XroilL luiuufev-uv Action Based on Statement That He Had Revelations to Make. tBjr The Assoelaied Press! Paris. April .8. Shortly following the action of President Poiucare in re fusing clemency to Bolo Pa&ha, con victed of treason in acting as agent of German propaganda in France which caUMNl expectation that hi exe cution would itejong delayed, it "was announced today that the military judicial authorities bad granted Bo.o a reprive. Their action was ha! on representation of his Attorney Albeit Salles that the convicted man had rev elations to make to the authorities. The length of the reprive in not gir- cu in the official announcement, which in making public the fact of the re prive. states that Is is granted "for the moment." $250,000,000 FIRST DAY dames J. M. Odell and Mrs. J. p. ai . at.,. -.r.vtiLi uttami son -.suie ironi un ivj;ih nfs Mrs (harles Meis. a new mem- her. was nresent. and the names oi two others enrolled. Mrs. W. D. Pem- lierton, president, pro tem. presiuen. Pausing a few minutes after calling the meeting to order she paid a tau- tifui tribute to Mrs. S. J. Krvin. our faithful co-worker, registrar and mem ber of credential committee, recently passed to the Great Beyond. Among other things, tne irmsun-r Says Clemenceau Took Up Peace, Ne gotiations in January. (By The Associated Press) Vienna, via London. April S. Pre- Hie niht and this morning. North of mier Clemenceau in January of this thp river SCarpe, uuu wuiu vi I yeir iuu& uu uistusaiuua i ill Ausiua Somme river, the iierman guns respecting tne possiDinty or peace ne- s.rtnHno' nnnsuallv heavy artillery jrotiations, says an' official statement hnmhnrdment such as -heretofore has issued here today, in reply to the offi- r irt showed ten dollars forwarded ;tt,1 ttv1 on lHlUeUUlUii tn... uai ucmaio f aiu i.uai. Iiautc uau i 4rt T n I i II I I 1 111 r I UUVX' No infantry action, however, has taken the initiative in the exchanges. I 05 for packages for our col- been reported up to 8 a. m. today The statement- says the negotiations ored soldiers going to Camp Grant, 111. were ueKuu nueu Aieiaouer xuuoi was a ronn wus nn orni taken 10 unu . -1 X 1 CkntV I r S T-4 ' Al Al I - . T . . v,, . cn; Slmuld lie Ltinea tp auu ouut, rremier oa iraiire, uiai uiey wereifhp Dauehters who ownei uieny says jl cut.. uiwcu wax., ouu ogoiu ui&cu up ujr jx. i jjonus, otners wno were uu) iuoi . Tifnskoffee. Okla., April 3. "Spies Clemenceau. ' and war savinss stamps, and last, but should be court martialed, lined up and - - by no means least, those who were do- fotr citizenship ended by' bullets: Bntt Again Nominated. ins Red Cross Work. The report of TOr pvnrpss treasonable senti- Asheville, AprU 6. The Republi- which wiU so to the North CaroHna ments should be tried and punished, cans of the tenth district today ac-1 Daughters of Confederacy war relief v... oil kps law should be obeyed I claimed J. J. Britt their nominee, ' and I work committee. A committee on nnd mob violence such as practiced the name of the former congressman, programme for May 10th was ap- in certain parts of the United States who is now contesting the seat held pointed, after which Mrs, L. E. Boger should be everywhere condemned, that by Zebulon Weaver, will therefore be read an appropriate selection. This TTnHpfi States may not sink to the submitted to the June primary for le- meeting adjourned and the guests par- . . thP Germans." for- hral sanction and ratification. I took of a most refreshing cup of tea laTTTl40H KHVUCIJ "i. 1 . mer President Taft declared here to day in an address before the Chamber of commerce. This is Estimate of Sale of Liberty Bonds Saturday. (Or The Aaetate4 Presa) Washington. April a Unofficial re- ports to the treasury toaay put me first day's subscription to the tntri Lilerty Ian campaing at $250,0tJ0,- 000. Officials said this was probably somewhat high, though, a firm re ports are unusually optimbnic. After planning system of gathering the reports of the subscript iona day by day. official are now eomddcriiu withholding report, or giving them out weekly or bi-weekly. One propal Is to make public only ngure report ed by Federal Reserve Banks laei on receipU of inltUl payments m ub jscriptlons. TRWELING yLS DIDVT LIKE THE KAISER PICTURE Fired Two Shots ai the Screen In a Picture Show at Davenport, Iowa. I By The Associated Presl Davtninort. Ia.. April .-During a IHTformam-e ben-: lat nisht of a pho toplay depleting German atroHtie. a man who gave hU name as E J. Kel ly and said he was a travelling ab-t n,.,n tun hit.H at a Mres when uaa - - - - - an' iinrKTonation cf the German tm iMTor was shown. Kelly waa taken into custwly. but tixlay it wa announc etl be would not be pro-ut-'l- Buy Liberty Lean Dcnds now! There are in England, France and Belgium more than 3,000 soldiers who have been totally blinded in the war, and nearly 25,000 blinded In one eye. with delicious Sunshine wafers. SECRETARY. Realization 'generally come up. to an tidr-ticnat ths crntist's. !Vrrt5cr, AU. Ahuv Dr$e4 Hit tfrficts f- tite aM tiv9 I?- tfc iliTtiU "dikkJl a ttm I. 1 J. win. J4c.NU, a S)H1 kuoMu ciiti s ta'icSrl t a ls4 on the pftMi'l tUv4t.faf ft the city utM!ay blgU tf ukmmmtt tics. He rrtatrd fttrted to IU lot fur four bmra SIcNabb I alleged ta c4 rt Ceriaao rrmarka abd U said tu Uvn dlMtuirfed fruta- a r4U aalU Ut i tim- t UU bUrthrk Slc.Vabb dmird hy dialojat tat faeni, mint says te taa two lkfi ta the army, aid aittrr nlt to draft. SLSS 5I1XT1G IN Tilt: interit of unrim iuindh Court I lout Packed Lvt Saturday Afternoon. Woroen OrxaAiie far Work. A great meet In iu the Jtlertt c tln Ttdnl UUrty !ii tti lu aa held iu ttw court lat hatur day aftenHKJti at U uVU k, 71- court rtHuj was packed with trlMlr tm-n. wi'iiK-ii and chlUIreM. Ur C H Hwiuk wa siort4l a rtuitrtaati The sjs-aki f from IbXih, U in expected. taUeil lo arittt. lUj..t and 4riring ntriotlc fiwrr!U-, htw, ever, etv made by Mma IS. IL Caldwell. U T. Hart !!. Ttw Katt' naisdU lard furalhcd rtrelktit ted inspiring utuk. which wa grra tly enjoys. Mr. I. T. llartrl In a iat wcrh preMnteI medal to a uuumbrr of Ur? Scout a who were ioccful In Vllinf a vrtaln numter of UkmI of ihe m ond lue. The ladle of the canty . tbrti forta mn organfxfion to tw-Jp in th ale of lond". The wotneu of alarrt are ptiu "to ih their bit In th catntatcu for the third Imup of Litw-rty lUnul, Mr. Jos. V. Gooitmau aftmdrl tb State metlug In lUldh m Martit i. rejircM-nilng Mr. tttrou Jlc Itae. as county ctiafrmsrt, Tb ofl fsaker. direct from f Wahlujrtoti, u hi .cs't-a 1oil, lnpir) tbHr h arra with tlw thoticht that not only tb men, but t!e winoen houhl hare Ira his great 'privilegeof- wlllnc hrd. Sir. II. S. William In toothing ti hU pliaM of war work Katurdar af terrHwin did honor to tbe wotti their patriotic efforts aa rrll a any. thing el(M ttiey undertook, Tll ec. crmraffement alotw should Itdrmifr ! Jntent and cnxfis-ratloti of th women of the couidy, Wrm. Glaan has apiMilnteil a chairman In each townhlp. asking tier to aelert her own committee, that tbl rf wcrrlt n!rtt te pnnbed right on. Ktery man and woman, every Uy an1 girl, white and colored, fthotlld te the owner cf Llterty Ilntid-rHfarti' ooe buying ao Cfirdliig to hi own ability, wot atlllty to buy but ability to saeriCce. Beit of alL tellere In the bonds, atWI 'le- lleve that what Secretary McA6V aaya U true. -A Jjterty Hood U tbe safest investment In tbe wotbL" North Caf. olina hould te among tbe first to raliw her quota. The wotaaoa ceo- roittee will do their harr iu bringtog tbl to pa. Arrbibaid-WiU. Invitation a follow bate lrea re ceived In Vrcr-l: Mr. lift Mrs. Kdwln Vrtei Wltta r"ju-ft the hojwtir of jtmr tirsrtsce at the marriage of tlelr tUugUtrr Addle. lUndol-i - to Mr. William RoUrt Arrblbabl on TueIay vMuinjr. .jflJ tb- tefjty tblnl rJnete"tt budfel arl tl:Uti at r tchjrk Kirl !t-tljlit iiUTch '' M'tnpbL. Terim-ssMHp-, . At I 'tae Clinton Place, Empire State Express Wrrcked. (Uy The Amssrlated Press! AHany, N. April K The Empire State Express which len iorK this morning for tbe west, and train No. 10 east bound from Jiunak. col lided with a freight wreck near Am sterdam shortly after noon. Tbe eat bound train is reported to bare over turned Into the Mohawk river. Doc tors and relief trains have been order ed from nearby point ji. . The first report received In Albany said no one was killed. Later Several Said to Have Been Killed. New York. April & Several per sons said to have been killed and man injured in the collision on tbe New York. Central just west 'of Amsterdam today. Courtesy makes friends and fcrsis times fortune for t!.? d!.crc"-r. Ylctt. DarivBronn. Invitation a follo-w bate rt-cHvul in the -liy: Mr, and Mr. Moe Lctber Brown, rwt the booor t.( your pn-Tc( at the marrlMg;' of tehlr daughter Lory ' ' to Mr; Aujo II Datt Ttrday rtetiing, April twenty-third at half after sTtn .oVIork; All JUlcta Episcopal Cbnrth Ccnicord. North Carolina E cry Day ITnd MIU In Better Position. (Or TU AMMiiits rmi Wabujgtott, April Every lay finds tbe allie Iu a better jsdtbat to reit with defmlte- ncceiwi the great German e.TenlTe according to au ufij. rial review tUy by tle BritUh mill, tary attache lie re. FrvtcJi. BrltlIi and Americsu re-rrrM are pmxltz In !.il!y t ?t,-rA An!r::, t?.w rrr-r ' -.!:r;