: ! ' ' ' 1 ..- - . .' . . . . . - " ' 1 - ''-''-- ' a jirrr- -J" -' " " . ' , ' ' , - in--i ; -muf''' '' "" 'Zi ; . i 1 i '" iTTT" n ' ' - tea. S3 c lz. ... - J T3n hi teller. MB. LEN DRY KILLED V IN ACTO ACCIDENT gnd Publisher. ! a PU BL IS H E D IX O H D A V CONCORD. NC MONDAY, JULY 29, 19ia Ran Into Car Beta; Driven by Mr. Jane Roberts Accident Occurred on the Kaimapolis Road. A fatal aceidenV occurred yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock' on the Kan- napolis road, just this side of Cook RETREIT CfltlTIIIUES M.0IIG IDLE LINE tito crick DIVISIONS Haie ttU4 Dwtrn ta Use IUrdM l- lt3.tsr Tbey Have Yt Asaimt the American. tBrnt Ainrtott rw With &mr4n ArsaT l lb tt.Mirra rrrsl- Jotf SX ISria FflflllQ PRESSURE BIHLUESCOHTIIEO nil Re of Marne Crossing, when a motorcycle driTCn Since Yesterday the AlUca j by two eTk dm by Mr. Len C. Dry crashed Into ; a aot ' IS Going 0 1 Reberts. Both parties are of this city. tf1 rri.-A W511 1 According to the best detail that can be obtained, Mr. Roberts, witb;a party of friends, was driving towapl Concord, when he saw approaching an other antomoblle and a motorcycle LvTurnatBay. Is Where Forces Have Advanced Be-L,tl!ea lo iht rt rriti tween Two andThree Miles - XX on a 20-Mile Front. AUhonsh hrlly hataraer!. tb A ;Ctt.V ttX:S At CICNT . Was Extremely Rapid analti,, i ? it Continued unintcrTOpt-u . tt r?w flc riTTvp .'TtU On Saturday Their Progress cdThrou ghout! Sunday. Eiieffl) the rirer. and the fihti shifted SOME HAND-TQ-HANU oiner amuuiuuuc uU 01- ivt ntmcfllT which appeared to be racing wn eacn MLUIl UN ruwuii n,I forth throcrh Srrsy. thrre other.' The two motor Teniae were Ar rnr rCDMAKIC .. . c ATI IRDAYJcoming on the wrong side of the road, QlNCfc 1and at the last moment, when it seem- r iv,i r,prmans to that side, Mr. itoberu steered his The German Retirement nas of the ueiiua machine to - . nfcl5K.r. . t l.n Up to midday e irxa. - " L.. C..rvnvfiir a rccroads? ol w 1 RC ucnnan " 1 Pa vp Them der to avoid a head-on collision. When ut z Week ave- 1 liC it seemed impossible to set out of the i unable to force Ourcq. for Tine . 1 Ua4r. Urnv rr th motorcrcle. he cut bis Xo Witnaraw -;h-ly to the-8ld and ran la ier Guns and Supplies. 4 5 m fart !i i' ,l War Load, . North t the bank on the side of the cut at the place the accident occurred. This,! hnwprpr. did not Dlace him far euousl (By the assu- out of the way, ana me moiurcjciv of the .Mame crashed into the running uoaru 01 iuu invasion nun (lW 1 . i I Via I 1 . . f 4. . U .ntnmnhl a I IlilCt i"- 7 - . . . funeral retreai v-- was thrown agamst " conllns to news from the lighting arv is not quesiume wUn terrible, violence, au"'UM in the Kheims salient, recelrea up 10 11 1 us :uv ... Been Orderly and Deliber I ate Americans Particular ly Are Pressing Germans. : - mm - . . M.yi faB ti. ofiT-o r.Prmnn Te-1 Jrwhua Itemolilis, bead ox ine -i. L. to tnnin nlonir the whole! ,rVnnhl Toliacco Co--after a TrV 1 1 v u l "- " , i : DEATH OF R. J. NX"N0U)S Prcmlnmt Tobacco Laaufartarrr Died Today at Ills Country Hero- ut.tn.KVm Jnir 29. Ulchanl! fit. 3T : ' - - i ft mm-trim. FIGHTING IN STREETS c f tlffc ttStKit-tw Us- Demonstrate That inctr L-uit Num- U3 t- tr, j. W?f jtt; rvYisin draat a wy Determined Resistance Is Very Strong .L .!I4.V. .i .V ;.tt. I snsim I I- ' . 7 tUy ualtcrrcjtrdljr "nl; ' 1 lr-ired m is tne loca" various parts of the lody. t- ' . ' '..-Mriv the ene- it niVod nn bv oe in nnrimlt. ac-...- 1.1. w.nntrr humi. Iter nold. early tolay. J"- hb illsU . n noon. Germans have succeeded lu With front I lie nu ..f J I V, I III'! it n llt which- the ene- He was pickod up by persons nearby. tin bxtent. but not J ill I..V, . The i renca are un ------ Ourcq, and to me cum ' ! , .11 V-i " . ' i - ,v, nw thi accident and was rus ,-iV I a-aw . . . wwm urn t tiorf have 0. nnnonrd iiosoitai. mere s in the uauie s foumi that tne skuu -wn -im-n.i- of the ' : ' ,i(ii)s"aiid Itheims. To- Jed just above the eye and there was ".-f the whole road letween tli "-Tt! ,ft; from Oul-L. it.'nA V,r fnr h S recovery. Illf Ua: ""'Vf,, TVi r:rtn.ms j 1 1 1 1 ii r 1 iiir v 1 r 111 1 1 11 1 - 1 v 1 . . - 1 ij ir 1 1 11 1 1 a . . m 'i - , , . n. -,-, rnr 1 iiut""J : ilnio was one of the most tmcwsfiU hum men in the wuth. HU estate la wu- enlar tUc tu. -VX T... c-ut xu.tcl at fl0.000,c or more. U trat-l VrT ulwl Tw 7halmsfc t lr t A survived by a wife and four cbiMren. rttatw.tm "' m u iH. Um t U four brothers and one f.P- Tr tiirVwarre b.i.d to. tu4 tU "l ai eral serrlcc will be held Wediuiay b Ue ,m ermtuaUy 4t.HI TTe f t U l I li-.it tvf W.'.V pi I: :hcnn- l-Vre-en-Tardenois, death followed about Dor- three or The bodH are stubbornly resisting. trill I ' ' i:,mnc! I ... .11 oil tin ourcM. ana coiii hours alter tne lmui uaBU. - in? villages. ,;i it-rcaenes I"- -vi was taKen iu iuc iiv... n i''1 11 . . .i;.cf nf the L nri this mornins was cat road nmi",- ing " ""V,i"ii etrt and are burn- uiornin .UlEKIC upier liand j I Ui,te la;t nt.ht fl.ins Mill NS CROSS TIIK Ol'RCQ. jm-M for the - nutery t JirN-itrf tr" -r,4 fat ti i.ix !fr ttu ried to his home on Caldwell street: 111' It b: .Kill' from I Ml .. ..t.iin ! I liru w ,; , ...i.i!i,r Tnilitary -.r. -rhn wns 41 wars oi rn l"V . , 1 Krht elect L.. ,r, wife and five children: h;(i " i nnrrrt riv- i will, hp conducted at iw limk it lilt; vyw'v-j il hi' imiciai " . n"v " I HI' tilt1 .i.inn all I . . . tnnrnlno SIIHl T IIP 111- .1.. :.. nnnvv i ninnir Tnmiiri inv uiwi muni -- imil v , ;,V nwnorl cemetery. ... ii. rsiris-Vyiiaiwwa xv..- i terment win uc " Mi ,n" 111,1 .urn" If appears that RES0LUTI0N FOR IMMEDIATE . tMvmhmtl EACE IN AUSTRIAN HOUSE This Idea is fieri' is n in t!fiin- i?b . i k lio sou h o is;ou7. in the ncl5liU..r- RfportM, ta Gen. rmMn ,m tl.c- 1. U C h M .. Sd ot Buzancy. So far the French Communique Today. hut tb- 1 1.- "J";." "iJ STk;rt"-.lmT . l-tl.lrfr hamadc no progress there V, a $ tA. J.,.., ., i the . . "JmiC? .- tJZ ".V'l"' fire leartins to the belief that the t ,i,e 0uri by the American force. In ,hg i;mMM I,, dl.brfw b."- lin'TlW.. Il fc.. o.. tntpml a further retreat. -,. (ntinueil pursuit of the enemy is vkkiiWN .iVjiii. ! l-rn. "M-1 ma Am ths can jaw tier Vesh ret nvrr ire an to . . i. riormftTlS 4.. .'lllf'll I 11C V a organize their " Resolution Declared That a Continua- Xiic v.j i . A. . War la I fteieSS. A, Illll Ul IUC H -TJT r,ro vosterdav. the allies nae a ti r inced between t on a 20-mile front . 1 -. V. ; au. rpooittnl in General rersuiuK vanced between two and ree . - vterday recelveil today I ( j K-Z v I llllllll" I ill1 V 1 k 1 II r 1 Mfl ft. LAlVUkl . A M 1 Oil TI 1 I I M. lilt aavav. M 111: u A Pd the line of -the Ourcq, and there is The capture by the Americans of the T,tt.e doubt now tW he Vm go back of ST seey . .hat follows the ,, 1 1 n fniiows declaring in tayor "I. f mmonlcatlon. ,re 'river toward peace .'fBe retirement has beeuor- ur0 -olnt1(r the ties was onereu i . nwnto So far tne . uk- lmniinn "wrr- n nn. iiniisA Saturday oy weyu i""v uclJJ na hxR been re- ma Vesle from hnlf of the Czechs league, 'xue lng 01 ov Carolina Camp. silde Aine tie ei Aisnc nwhrf are a-noneu, - larmana nlntion d arm the iinpressioii ;tn;i : tne war-is nsatesa toom , mtniDiait; ao i"'i luce Tin' Xir 5; Ablate-P. the vesle to the line-thirty S4a.llondlCTe. beyond the Ourcq, also Ca Tter, Ureenvme -uy AoVjJ-. ta. 29. A resolution between aoiwi. . . anA t n . 2C.-Memler 01 iuc the cwiomii"-i- v nf nn immediate which is probably wen : formerly the first V.lltbe le. . m m - 11 ieo-Tr. ami from tnat yui- - without ,0 ,f .the An ; . "TTTT t u i -,1r l vrm aet U 4d f" Soldiers SurprLMHi noni ""7 ' Usrr o'buf rb4.tWitf. " Showed Them a nnure 01 w Tfai rram lr. Iyrtijr Ul uwi. aim., rhlldm fr W .-wm 1 ff bf fhit a - ft l -- h V Y .a Ua m mm m m wm . B m - - - - s a ha a mmwa - w.am, formerly airm '.r ;nmnUv nnd nolltlcal utiuty. en-Taruenois Tv v r- coniemiu. - of both humanity au ironslT- omh ct tiuu uuc. j tf asserted' that all pww:: -a ucauuu " Hffb- to elf-deteTminatiuu, Gel la e man xtricatms Fech ,y (.I'll, (renui (rtlUltC rt. ivi'iv limicuuun v , - fVl0 Hffht" to eli-uetenaiui""" 1 - 4 n-ces iroiu Th" A,triri nrjuoe the annexationist aim mm,,, viwistance of the Austria opyujiB tic wt ra ned 1 . im- .niA,i 1 v..ioiic noicy wjjiv" 1 - - . , . . rxm upner Sand in Germany, and try rj istratlon Fees CoUectea oy f tHnd a way to domestic 4 of State Show Gain of nvi YilVE SHIP IN v.. .cmn 200 lTAS.Biaa wsi An Evidence of the wnvoy "rrance. ccordlns to a w.ti? i-oooivh1 nere. i t -wi of the command were rrThme' through a cenam i . .when tuey wttw inKnt- national guaru. line lime na " - " ' TOrtiet dlfUton. OTrrN et klnl of ImtWlr Tbe aably surprised recently trt It llabt for a tne boiUiing l I ijv . . - . . 1 ami " . - b-tter Sbace It Was Adopted. tTX-w The AModatctl Pretax , London,' July , 20.Aa atrrence of convoy sywem ai . . 1 a iwr The wcrk tmU4lMt tt l tow 1. tvp .. . II L1CL v-w mil Ti l ;i v . . . . ii.. ithdraw im- vnm.the I suyiJiic;3 . sal A 9 k. ...nhohlv crave time 111 LAIV 1 -ak pni..rt..m'i stroli g ANOTHER KILLKO IT thp 1! Ill V aM - I ir heavier . 7 i. win YPl'V altjiis the far a vital as and ,v , 1... lii Viiifr .md west utmost .f KbiiHs'!fmS" - Actors of the nauie 1 "? , 1 111V-' 112,540.12 ffi . ol Figures given out from officeofCJ. , h,itT,Ps Secretary of fetate, 5iu With More PHILADELPHIA RACE RIOT affiMonrv of the since it was adored by. the aomiraiiy about a year ago, it is pointed out that the proportion i of ships lost to those proved' during that period has been m ner cent. In other words, only one - - , 1 v. ship out of nearly two hunureu .1 . been lost. I ,t.wft.i tarn rrart arw. aBK a am A OBB m - --- V - m . C Ura. ..nKturr. ,.tori? i f nti-e trranne. tmfri rope wiiL'ii ati . . i.irii 1 - 4.. , a little farm house. The lady u,formc(l tilnrrh tn ttmiM.: Tt. aL came .out and encal H.'- ftf thl tMliur-U do l tb Ul " .i.l ImniHl The of the julvaiKV 1 1... I .. I "li.l 1U1V( llVl'l- eon- i -r-m tio1 1 IIM , J, tht line j-i , Knissons IOl UJV1" " Hip 1 aeonsi.U iaMc distance. .t-aivi . lw,wr, ihi tienmuw seem to MM pivot for tiHii vet rent toward the esie rivi'i lu ViVA' riv Ehe il; nriis' Makes Three Than a Score Injured. mv The Associated Pre ' Philadelphia, July 9 g shot and killed today in . Fl nhi.i. where a. succession of 1 ace rioi ; r. ,ianths as a resun UJ. 1.- score persons .nave Uce. accorum "1 feeling -.engemieiw "'V '"w-r " on 101s 'show ending auiic -y! llfrmnftblle Indus- able increase 11 t-" .. loU- 111L . fricfrntion ALLIES PI SH ON ; .su. . . & . 1 1 ir n . k r. ... . .t:.. -oro trained at tamp w"! mat. iij vier into V.t G)i knew all a!out the lorn imvm. - . unt they were traim-i i " ""',.,;, Islington. tarmi . She immediately tar 1 Ik ,1, her l;ou .na enter Uj " K,r ,r, for tl- irraciously. Then . ,u..r tari lw-n lit lilt - " . are J t!e hfsse. H-rral : ..... . . Thlr Positions Everywhere pri,lc ia photo of the yomisi.r.. .uailiiaji - . i 1 an tssion. She ly. In the Iwnne they nr- -are civrn u.lnlnc l ' lien neies began moving into re ; - purchaSe . ot . nnmoer -. :irt upar V" .. . :.:c, rnnulnted exeiuM A orinnl assistance. . ' tin. nllOlllV 1 UllV"" I r anfia SHI'LIUHO 1 w I ' -. nlntOC 111 (S I il lit t - " . I 1 hr whites, imcu ,..,r,i thP secretary ul - " , tin I . 'm fMO 11M I V .A-V I - vrr .1 111 IU31 v' - etnn s. liav- i ..j.,! v.. mnrinps iium - - - i . .t it im ijci.. 'ti.!. the allies this morniu Th tr0uble .. ..,..?, pinsp to the Ardre ie . f , over m '-t'l 11!- - . . il,.. 1 OLll- ' .rvlii.l, forms a proteeuon - it fl.Ml mis. - i . , . .i. i .;t ti,u now stanus, Ms iimsi le considered -to have le on duty in the dis a i n fa ll I ir itoI a M-vere deieat nuim .line lnt it i not a Sedan. . While the Germans have ueeu uu., setting tluir forces back out of the Dag ktween Suisons and ltheims, their Um further north have been attack- iiicfease of ous year. , ' , . 1017 that It is provided in ui co , this entire amount, les te' rV 'drying out the Ujj -Hj thej bec.eta. of State, t:' ti? in Face of Strong German Counter -Vttacks. ! - iw The i Associated Pre. , it., vMnrii Annv hi France, " l r-rhP allies pushed (OOU) r'n-ordimnU r this maintained their posi- fiit-o Ol a on i?3 "tin morning and ?.f state Highway Com- r.vervwhere in . the fac tne 'be necessary expenses German counter attacK. i mission For jl nninber stro g f southeast of SLASHING VIGOROCSLV W tothe roa.l.fun-1 of SLASHING GERSUN REAR bauance t - I mi. i,iitinai f iii"ij . ts:e casualty list KiUed in Action In Array 47 In ;idi Two From Nortli Carolina. toy Tfce AM.rtiiH wn.hlnzton. July IT.i.-Tla. army casualty Hrt twlay Miows : Killed in action 47; rfUuTt It , uiw - .irt u.rerp- Total U. ae-thu- partly u?nrt 1 girl are taught urkerpirt r Ilw chlMrt n. Tle4 t-r rr dSrrrll llr II. rrtrr. wp " y lut 4rl m"T lwr" ".c; ,f ri ra and Mr Wrrwr wh . Uw kII. rfW feature lht b '"o i"0 in., other cao, lU- ' ;E. W I. tl t.r- fiU.y the P.ritish once more, aumi nnth sides 01 tne '""l' iUliUMU viI iv, - Pn..i. 1. ...l . 5 . . .....1.1 v.i c4" n f ! Amiens, anu 1 lii lia Been Occupied. Br The Awoclated Pre.) . 1 . . TIIM . im W 111' 1 1 I ...V With tne Aiueuui tiv29. Front, o .ov - - Mv.j'nri,;,. vn-.n! oast of ! Amiens, rth of the Somme river, took .two m of Cernian trenches ; over a -iwo- fi.Mi,f- -nn. nstrnlians also cap- -..v iii-iii, .iiv rtmrnan Tl'Sl L ;it-j -i , ,j nn ;: - I t,-tfrht tne auw .piwi. iMiuufi. , nrnstVVt ttia I W'c . . -l.-fir This imi vathm is just to tne wu would be close to iuc - oi Haiiel and Viilers ! Bretonneux, cing : line y ou a ft few kUomet vhore the Australians and Americans a, tu - , n, troops were -French and American t siasnmg &"" - , with same prman rear early today witu f-L.!,Sh rrta?a"s On the ctr ob tt the Oum,. the Runs all were buy. THE COTTON MARKET. i- - Mr cent to be used. as a "J'"1,. was originally paid. i . n ' t in number oi list Villi"-"'" - Fore-en-Tardenois cluiugeil band tour CT;,0tmd EVni v I remaining in Passion 1- . ii 1 ir?-. m, mm a - - ... A a. r w ia a a a ia - & x ar Tlie list inciwi" : 1.. .ir ihMe f .loiT3rr wrly.in .lur.e won a local victory or nortnfl11 base at Fere-en-iuiucu- tbe orrter namevi e vj v . - . 1 nnin $8.20n.50.aiily.l nieniemy. Farther south is a line or. occupied. Tppenriv 1 ui "" 111 VI 1 v. I waidi' the rreneli have fi'lvau ti ce.l tu dominating positions aiun Avre river. WO MILES glpTlRtD RAILROAD RESTORED ntner Out This Operation me TO I SE OF THE ALLIES Ul XSm Took 100 Fmo 7lv -9 -Two miles of Ger.l London, July A' "mile front man trenches on east of astride the Bray-Corbie roa , fflrStoice announce. this operation the e brder namea. . Kowan. Cabarrus paid :4nlo3.. on n anlv. $43lO-i.. umi". - xiSioland Iredell $3.10.'.,S'o. ITALIAN STEAMER IS ftX 24.16; March 2 7 Tiir.sTROYED BY EXPLOSION i.t- MlM Ilrlen rtr. name of two The rrreipi .or 1 . - offlcera from North ""'"'f-'i1" "a7i Se. - I-"" rt-c- bShofwl -ere kilhilln act.., W .U, 1 . - - .1 .. PL.VCE AMERICANS iu . mwX .djmnlna PRE r 1 . -"' 1 Tre day . 4 , .t TTI m r anwulT"lc m r I f ihi! werlt. ati v- to Not mly do the Itfom .1 Si it .. . 4Mn Ired In . Tbirty-rwo; - rrAL r;k an annual pltgrimn. t IUiiroaa t:: 7 niTnrr- dty lt - wt. inly 29.-Moderate weak- 4MA4n. including wmc w i . . r-. IUivL ci crop report i? r"-nta Prices. 1'" I br CStnaaw. w in i. .i selling for Ldverpwi " -hirh cera recern " A " nrr nta-lSalifrtry i ior- with the exception of oberwbich lKHi lodged near the raUway JhV , tUirn. of MbMkl.mn. Md. a Ttwo points higher, showed 2 to 20 n Mannbelm ln Uaden on the ory 1 8I1 UyBlt la tU repurv BV" ,lV;7Ia.i t tirri trill .ki.trr lb atisi- ?i:T, MSSSrlviS? Dl"rX. .ad icr! - r !tioii In order 10 po.- .... .11 kin.1. of fil Till W . aT I lift tU47 ' - - - maf lift m.m " ' . a. ay -ai a am ar. . a . -tnn futures openeu . alr raids. bet ' 24.80; Ieeember 24.SO; Januar, October. tober 4.08. The rineeofT Reunion. will for -taw, . " ill .iHnk 1. I'iu-r f faory artis a rTrJ. eio tb mit nianday lo mlf lb ttuMru rmans- Are Apparently Concentrat es Great Forces Between Soissons and Illu'ims. (By The Associated Tress.) Unidmi. .July -Jl). What seems most TaumbW Mra-'t tie results to the allies ? . u - nWtte -7.: rrmnrial association rvlnsion Was tauseo u, Tne iu- . tin2 at -- . -. m.. CTtin I ill lt nilU ttiiu"" . ll uvv. : - ...lar in; Rnmb Aboard The Ship. (By Tlie AMOClated Pressl . v. Tinrj 1H V. AUSUSl Mt Olivet cnurcu th.t; . Tuly "2S.-The Italian Hst, 1918 " pic- ".r npe Garibaldi, of great ?W - account of CTU'I 111 1 - at a. .a inca s wa n a VLB ti m w"v peen uwhj- - - . t Amcrifans Too Unt ThnUT .-,r.iririnz thelKUO. ""ir .hi Krench and American Aula troop in we waiuc- - n aii teru eorren,nuriik " quarters write. today. In carrying put . rM ill inn vMiie (;..ri.,.., int.eiit is the destora- 100 prisoners - -u to the a Uh,l nse of the great Paris, Australia- - ' :'iu ii::.jT--Chalous railway, ny lf Men Gouig v,h,:!i the Champagne front Trinity nics have been called l,.i a flpr Sil SS .11 rife. nd -satttos . s.t. nntr fl nuui-i : i; oct ii --. . .i.. . haro wiiii m i luxi fcaf-riii.x :-t hv the explosion and iue ract uiai r-- called to make Ht- on Yiigiis" per oi yuuns .-- -r we are I t.m -nil mr linu : imu w itiia-l " . A 1 1 U; I I m a-a. - at r- 1 .v-1 ar- a I AW a a tons, nas jnru V thP Brazil- the war but aner "-vr;lTlf. tho heart i.. -n hnnareu , , aii twies ana rvwiii." lV1L 1 " i iv members of tne ex" iion i - . . noW a num ian coast, bix emu . we have wlU1 us nu were lriSSr have bad four year, of ,rf rtntly nd he !em .- u the value te I ranee .ox "J-" .:-' tiMil ;enaan. r rewmm- - - rairt.i t-y Turuf Turtle tat-TiiK Jir V1 17 Burr i " "- V t overturned h! ridli.s f rurte. . a'. it . r t-ft. tfif - ttt!MYll. lU . I t-.miti' Tiiey to i: l ; Amprlcan. ui - . tbc-m. tt UjrIoo wa unlnjtirf-t. 31 ! IJ r little for U, a hU!iiy trttl JS ckii Lj, ami l urv 1-1 br but their own ml man. a-TTl .matt rbil4rr- t -r; JUM ai aa . -nrwTO is ouij - - i -f oil to I ue a tii ! we o uul " -- I tr iT we .u ., , ah.i , ... jtiiartri IUJ. . - a-a ; - pit ,i i i I r .t " ' - -m -v r - i n 11 a. v. s rrai n ar--5a ii ' iii av iiui - - m a ar- ia i . a. at an iu x aam - - aaar a t a z r. id ui m w - - - Hst vkit.,1 .iiuiwhiPh will be an irum) ' rr;;,iifr College quu-!-:- . tYkat the explosion i - r , . ntrintie. but asc'M i, are aoxaewnai. ; 1 . ' " ...... , , .. . ! - r. nT iiie j--"-- . . n rnp t'ii.t-. . uiih is ii- irfisipi iu ji i"!'- . :maiuiriuvi' . . A 1,1 -jiimi factor in former rcm. - ttBhnre training wv -hv. . dynamite bomo ,.etr of foodstnns m Mic. Eath R" ' . ... .... .1 V.,T ScrvIiS Itn debated and practically. to have len placea aooar. . .&. hut the French leare ' -.'"hiint inilitarv 'ri'e action irtiir imw slow down and ! has been Sr ed o JSUh 0 - " v rim; 1 iijx;i a. v a. J''n Soissons and Hheinis, where the tary au ' mails V'PariiLtly are ?s.Vhe. Se t-aruthoritles .TLlSli one of the T' concentrate thfe Ustf T""Utary trainlngre Quart W.. SchooL lSe have. ever nscA. AU of ,s,u, Tk ' wcouio stabilized for a time ue- oi vuc - - duty it v nrft poncentraims me i" " - uitnrv train" "r m for,. i.nf ti; fomaina that the two monius , Reftis- i -v. , .mi me j.a.v,i iviui""" i -.-r 'n-nTl5l llinrvv.. . 1 -. -m H! P-WNewsom. These will repre- vx liR-t-U-t inr a sin ? u men ol uiuuuu uai .g rcaa um o"1""' ' . -mtnl si-.w... Tu. k i,i. wuw n.fnrt. Uont the lacuna- . co to I day scuwi .in?tif Quarter, -vv iu,uui -I hOVS "- " . -I -Cnrnlimeni UL itfe" . - . " Wesley Tayioivy V of year we uvucv. - -tniittnT; nice picnic dinner without latint,behlnr . : rwrt f or second qnar prosramswt Uy lnvlted ,r,i -TriAncLS i art; mwv - . . . . ajjdrrfcrd, Jr. The TrlV Wesley Thomas. - . 1',' . H. Shinny, ol ''Kiit has liPon fnr-i n oUnnrinn near-1 Among tne half fi.o i-..i u iiics I rioffchnrr are i.frv . " JKixamaces gaiueu-uj . x -- ensvve of Mav 7 I Concord and qution now is, will the enemy 1 Norwood u qovci, to resistance in the plateau - r tnre 400 Prisoners.;. SS?0l-Vwle' or continue his retire- The Associated Prer.v rt to the heights between the Vesle (My fichting no the Afcne? ' Paris July fay 400 prisoners nf the Marne yesteraa state- giish village requires feeapmre say office today;re b' .utPit when notice or a wea- mem X.To in the situanou u--u8 ls given whiPh iinnif i rPturned was no change m ,. 11 110 confetti is used. : f the night fr ThfW ' IL our xneuu-Administrator , iiuuj. - . died today. and vvegc ftl mvitation Vauderiom, - - wk rT"S: come one and alU touow n of 2S5. and doni -w $13?02- hnr. seventy-five pn to ue.yrv r. -ra.il filled aro lie n, ,t tie a. aT rat ,a-i " "a. Iinil" ai. 1 i nMTHVI . T lurfici " " I Tie WO'" ...i. ?iU.r-r for'ap. rita W r J. A- i rTullcitU. He was r - - - i r , trfr. . t u.tnn r nisr.1 ana nun'invi . tw-ft rraiiklin P. It"- ran j , Kins .erse thlf caors.s&, - Pres. to : rtui Kr,.xd PhorA whc - . w ithA nmi IllU had neither been taruj n. Sbli M ?" " w. life w.. ! lpa'reu , ., . - jia Tt. Senlad three teachers. 1 Mr.ii; JlrS-S XTrui tef i i . n ten T- trn w - a i a-tat 1 i a uu a a - : " . estimated SSBf 3 revenue .nu jtclax. ":: I tho British army cobw. - ntatiTe of Trinity tou. eniaieL - ,i cif.tmi n veai. vf .. -,Hnn between - -"r.v ' .