! F Hi"" CRITICAL PISE ST PARIS COHKCE V.rliament Will Not wtTiH May.Cth. Conn- U of Four Not Yet uecm- i ,.n Iralv's Terms.-, VICTORY LOAN DRUE iEATY OF LONDON ..BEING DISCUSSED rinwls Notified ; That IjprjM to Hear Must ?prcsct.alivcs -cace Treaty Real Delegates Canvassing Teans'Who Will It Ca barrus Ccunty Over th? Tcp. . j The litu up for Victory. Loan D;ive b"j.dnoing today, ending Saturday, May 10th, is as follows; Team No. 1 Canvassing 1 Ward and 1. 2 and 3 townships: J. Ii. II-drtKMl, captain: J. E. I;iv!, V". M. Morris, n. V,. G. Caswell. A. G. OdoiJ. C. I!, Barrier. Juo, A. Uarnhtrlt. V.. Ii. Ogh.:by, 1M. S. Kiv'n. V. I:. Bru- Olin ealdsvoit. Arc;!!" I i !: r, 0. uonJno. Fox, C. A.; MK W. II. Gibson. W. 1). Harry, Maury Rich mond; F. J. Haywood. K. I'... Andrews. r !j. ii. Sberrin, W. w. Howe, j UL Nibloek, C. MeRao, W. E. Stewart, A. It. - Hoovpr, Masen Goodman.- Allen Harris, H. H. Emerson. R. W. Fh m- i'-;, t.;;d all the minister in said towii- Miv 1 fllef Prc.V j ships.- - - - - ..i:.'.: -l,;,.(. i Vim 'a O f'niiVliivlnT W-l r.V K II I I II lilt I I I.. Ill II I IIUII Ii; - -V.IIHU.- - in, l,( 11 ' . . I . K-..,. ! 1 U !...... H' V. !!i''Sl.l V Ol in IS WM'K, 1 '! ami o umiiMii, . ..... until " Tiv-sday, Mav J Foil, captain ; II. Ii. Wilkinson. E. F. . ...1 . j 11M.I.,. T t ".. ........ !.-.....-. i ,:, .M II . 1 1 T)il 1 1 1 H'fi IIOIII " nin u. .1. i uunuii, i iiinv . ii in...-.... t has', B. Wagoner, W. is. Brut.m. J", i:. Harris. Geo. Watis. J. A. 'lather, A: Crowed, G. F. McAllister. MoiW. Fo:i. Widter Fisher, C. (J. H"i'lig Guy Miller, and all minister:'. - E. W. Bailey and J. G. Lowe, No. i and -No. .r townships. Team No,. 3 canvassing Ward .'J and No. 7 and No. 9 township: Jno. L. Pe tri a. captain, .1. (V Moose. C. , F. Uilrlue, t. M. Ivey. I). J. latt'.e. J. i. Honeyeutt, (J?ore Shinn (J. W, I)ry, A. P. Wh'.enhoii-e, and all inini:-ter. Team No. 4, cijnvaiiFins Ward 4, and No. 10 and" No. 11 township: A. l Ilartseir ejptniii. 13. l White, W. W. FJowe, L. T. lliirtseil, II. S. Williams. Howard raid well. T. I). Maness, T. II. Wehh, A. H. Web!, T. N. Spencer, and all ministers: v The government term for tho loan are as -follows: , 10 per cent with application on or before. My' 10th. . 10 ppr cent on or before July l.'th. 110. per cent, on August lth. 0.. per cent. September !)th. 20 yn-r cent. October 7th. k?v cvvitj Xovraiber 11th, togeth er with accrued interest on deferred installments. . ' I ; ("' )! ' i i II - rv. i.a-tponcnK'iit was evi ;v cm-. I by the failure of the ! ii o!' T"':r . ! the peaec conference xi t" ic:i;li :is yet any solution' ',. pvi.i. in r:ii-fl by Italy's claim iiimi'. tin' ' Halnnitiann OoiKt. wpi.tHifs fn.in -Paris indicate that .iliiiitiiiii e:uitf";idy Italy's .linyleld-;iU!ii.i-!'' has-' -reached a critical ... -Sv.vx from 'the peac.r C(;nfcr- i.'i Sunday Kliowed that reprc-. ifivci of :;-cat I'.ritain. Franco and ,-. the tint'- nations, together "With si'.''t.'ry f the treaty of Ion friiined nt London in 1,1)1. 'J, lefore ,.!:try of Itiily into the war, on bc uf ilic entente were in conference th.it I'reiilent Wilson was not .nt. It-was also announced he 'il nut lie present when conversa- H: were renneneii loaay.- r. Wilson has been up- against rec :inii of'th' Treaty of London, up- ! r. i - . . f i . - .n il iiiiij s inaxiiriam xerritonai pn are n:i-.ii, ami his absence ui'ttini: yesterday m'mht have i al hv. the iacf that the Ital- ceie cmvokiii;,' that convention :pr;Mfr f their territorial claims. spii of the warning: sent to Cler y liy tln peace conference, that ileleKites.-she sends to the peace :ress n.nsi not be "mero -nxefwn- ," (icniiaiy has sleeted rather un- 'i(;ii;t ;.eis in j to o to Versail lVrlin advices say. these inen will ' power in: rely to receive ithe 'ttMiii! and toke them to Berlin. Ctrm i.i c ihinet will then either lt it reject tiie term.1?, it is said, or pit t hem to the nconlp. . pnnhes from Paris, however-re- l a rather positive attitude on the P "f the ivaee eonfirMir wliiMi If 11:..'.',', l! inforni -(Jur'nifinr' (hot she mv.l to Versailles must hiive r to sit'ii the treaty of neace. Tt 'Itl Ajiril 1', will be to demand evi- pfinni the (ierraans that they pos Mi'.h powers. 'Hifvism is asain on tthe back fc ou tlie Western Ukrainian front, W'h of the soviet forces hav apjKireiitly been concentrated in J'-ioit xn overrun- the Crimea, h'vn successful. The. cit. (l liitoinar and Proslmrnv i .,. , . . . f.u.if n ve n S l.iV:L-5 I... IIcti if Indicted Ur MurJrr. Ftai!ardrl!h, Va, Af ri! pr Morris ir.ouidaSnetT cl;iniaai;. " h' fo thrci wwin has Ihsmi Id 1:: Su.tl.? hilts defying the sheriff en I Lis cjr ;n tley,. nH-kin:r to crrJt I?.m lor lh: uuirder of .MfisWtr;:t SJ.nfor ! Sulil vnn. failed to c.irry mil )iU repo:-d threat to apiH-nr In 1 1 o l -:i' Cou:;ty eairt tKlay, and with hU .din '.run tl.cot up tlie ouit if hf were iu llctv'J for murdvr. . " . , '. The prisma cf the A'beiaar'c It: tie fro.Ti '"li-irlottev. ii!e, iirhlfMinW' frem ,'ovr;!ur Dtvl.? t' prrtx-t tL iurti had -a quieting, c'wt. When , 3.n ' FIshbam , eperr ! the April teri cf cr;t:rt thU rirrJii.T, a I :r;e crowd wu-i on h:n 1.' Tro-ps Ru-irdel the cocrt ho;i ti: 1 ,vav,- that order prevailed. The crand jury Was 'ercn.ir.eliH I, a?:d at once ian copshl eratioa (if tlie cise. r' It Is under tof-l t'Vi Indictment' are Ik Ir.rr considered atraiust Morris one for shooting James Morris at u.Christ m.H ilctiee . . at the home of Ho'Hns Kh'iSt-t and the other for 'killing: Mas istrato Sullisun. ulitv rtfh fer? ronkl' at ta ::ik-s his' r;e from' U'' 'f3,!jc, Mri. I tv h-i l5rlt-r-iH?c fcr ' dI:mtT' la cx k?r-st!oa ct ta" disjr.: trr i a . tl: k ' tlxre . h III to. nfrX ;-ul Uc tr.d c'.rliItiM in h'.or of ;t a:;r:VveTisarr. ' f' -r 5Jr. Xw-v-r i .tf.l" cjh; .f t..k?rii euU; rvi?t ! i'iir -:t:e:!i f '.fJotJua. i'ct'i:! tu!iiillT II;' t tU?-t nith iafrfr.sin yr- tis ! cf rn or -n-.t::.' ;-:it!rS'.ilr.. I:w tHijvjyed hf hi la a-Cif3 t! f optii utl r e rf 0-c 1A;kfUal iFt'lht. 1 T." Several Other Aviators Were! TELEPIIONEEIiVICB IS PARTL1LLY RESU3IED retaken from the force E P nIUni' th(' Ukrainian peasant i l- is iinnAimrt,..! ii - -v rt.rt.rt. hovIL- , . . U U"U J luuc 1U.OUU nn 1 aVt;,j0!1UHi the Ukrainians. ;hrn KusIa Kolsheviki forces nriiuh ; J,n artvJing pursued I Tij unu Xill,91Ul OrerafwS and AHicd rcrkcrs. Seein ricsseJ With Results c? Strilte. Not Definitely Settled. - (By The AsocIntcl Prcsm.1 Boston, April 21. telephone service here - and in other places affected - by the strike of the" operators- and elec trical workers of tlie New England Telephone & Telegraph, Co., and' the- Providence Telephone companies was partly resumed today.- Wherever avail able many operators" began theii-duties at the regular hours, at 7 or 8 a. in., having been notified of the settle ment of the strike which started last Tuesday. ' ' y Although the operators and allied workers did not receive the full amount of their wage demands, many of them appeared pleased with-the results an nounced, especially the winning of the right of collective bargaining with the company s management. Others ex pressed dissatisfaction, and say they will not return to work until they have covered the situation fully ; In .muss iiieeiiiiiis. ANOTHER CONCORD BOY CITED FOR BRAVERY , ;' ?.Jr. Iivvrer.ee IL Johnson,' of Tliij City J titeu icr alrntoncns loniluci In Fighting NearTe:jip!eaux, I-Yciire. Mr., Lawrence II. Johnson, of thij city, who was a nieinbr nf th 110th Field Hospital, .'ioth Division, has been cited by his Division Commander, for merit (.rious r conduct in battle. Mr. Jol;nyjiK won Ids honor in the iightiicjf near Templeapx, France, during the lighting from September 24th to i-iep-t-'-mher ."0th. The following citation has been-issued from Division Head-(juiirtei-s, -lOth Division: . Private Lawrence II. Johnson (1, 332.47.J) .P. II. No. IK). This soldier was on duty at the Am bulance Collecting Post, located near Templeaux from September 24th, 1018 to Sept ember 30th. 1018. During this time he was employetl as runr.erj nit mil the Anibutaneiv Collecting Post and the Regimental Aid Posts, i often being called upon to make trips under -neavy shall lire, working day and night to keep the olticer in charge of the A. C. 1. iufoiiael ns to ed'mU tions at the AidJ.sts, which informa tion vas of great assistance in the speedy evacuation of he wounded. Re alizing the necessity for more stretch er bearers, thi soldier on hisown ici-itiative-cured eight (leiman prison ers, organized them-into litter squads, and taking charge of them in person, sueic-edod in evacuating a large num ber of wounded comrades. His abso lute disregard for personal safety and devotion to duty during the entire en fra cement, no doubt resulted in saving of nmny livas, and is considered wor thy of the highest praise. By command of Major General Lewis. JOHN K. IIERIt, Chief of Staff.1 Official : . ANDREW J. WHITE Lieut. Colonel, Inf., U. S. A. Adjutant. !h nptUat. :i otix-xt tft st?iti.t nffi r-!ini!t r oia't !n t!f t'tJtrJ States, rnd, by iitrt- nil.- Uk been Ma of the m'M rtia.irk.ttJ ar:d rr ces ful cj.Tv't t-&y Amerk ui f l.bt day. A; a lawyer hi html for year? ut the hea l of the New York 1 ::r. ism! cs Htt"rney for Vxir.dirbilti end othr gre".t eorj ndivris - fc hohl his own nr'tiif stub inen'RS Il.fK CwkHii William M.-, Evs-nx, D.vi.l IHviU-y Fbbl. aiii Jf other Teet Jiht. it this the j.froTi.:C5t legal c?i;'tre of tbc enintry. A ire;4ycnl nt the New York Central Rallrwid lu minimi fr many years or.e itf the lzft rr fKjratlons in Amer.-i, and as a. leading-New York jKilitUian k Kit Sit the United State s.-ne.t frcra IStO to JOII. For a quarter-or s i-eiuury tr longer j t.rah. he hejd.Hl ti Ncv, York delegation to i v tele-ram rw ivM Uepntiucan -n:ioiai ' j I -fV f k, f JTV-:i, Ig-W - I i --,! -Trrr-i Mil I- -in inir-l a UtMUh from Pans. hdt- n rt , t ,tlNii? lht.t k$.ai i.on oi Cjuc-jo inbunei. ,.f.l !.::-J-rJ it Tf 3 Not Killc j. INJURY SLIGHT' U'Atn. sl Je ait; - !J If nr?. ttrtniifit 1,,'.! I.4 All V3 L'OCM, iCOMMITTEF-S TO iHAVl. FINAL COUNT I ! '.-c ?if.f tvtt f ;! ia ?r ls s'. i rwuu aim -ounuca 21 m: td.tir crr m i Time, But Is Is BclievcuUr1 1 Lt. Morris Is Alive. Ilwf ilut Lieut. W. Ci.ib M ni .f tht Oty li4H jKil laet dciUi ia a Sr-f ! it -.1 tti 1 1 R.t -! it ft uah ro- r it i ' n ,f. J. I tt to t!s "..-iru j il Vi 'fcxH'tJ; ;(ltp La' : Wat t t!Hii)U. a had u revJ by the War tiiay arou-! ly iim m:pt i-r at In which it Is s,tute.J tint Lb-tit. Mr- I ri wmi on'.y i!i-!;!:y iajnrtl in the ft .rv &t rh'.t4t trtf t ttmt ftsir i!H Irtlt1 4f f : fc- ' " - To B? the k-3 frtn th War the Ilepublican -1 Conventbns. D t Thnrn ly VtiU- .tat- In he rcivived h vot fur h, IJrut. MorrU h.d ln rci-ft. pre-lihnlTj:l unEilntIo:i and at the , ,,, . .. - iarne gntlring he 4e!iverrd the r;HH-Phj w! kl Aptr" r' T n" tiiacing Benjamin thai for'-the head 'jf thO ticket. Early In Ids career' he was I afinointed mi l winnrnioil !W TTni?fcl if?t,. l i tt or . H1 1 lis t Mr, Z to J-imii fjiter lf miylif h:u-e !''' v. tine min i-ivf Iieen reeiivl l;eri until !W njondng, when then ctn thrmtcli tb A. Mo-rN, fatlifr of n cllsiping from th ..,oirl Crrnin r!L5 t,!3JW-J wi W ' -"' 11 t rHUer I?h ih lj-p -f Anbii JV- . ... ..r .t t.r r, .titr r. t 4-f-:' S - " titbit KlmiHrlt ti h!c!rSl !t tf ; Hon Kith 1. or m-rt- rutat- MWat-.. lu! ISf tt4il 4'4'1 .SI ft t Not a i is ia PreSCta Ircaty Friday. t.ui, , .. .. ,tr."uu,n .nere omr,;, ::;,; '"lI1r Uit- pjected . ".-u.u oprosenreu.to the pau roiii e. 'ii ta fives the coming Fr l(M t,v .;'" lvuy win ue eommuni- wel l" K10Ul II o,l,,f ... : ...... " "'iL. 1 1 1'. II IL' M U C?MT i- u. nned circ.es that it woulu N't .IJy lnitviviM., . rume-n , u . r IU lu P'Ire tut fon- , "'pietee final form in F'ui; (lays -remaining f ri'ra;er" i !..... oh, y1 "J1W. Clemenceau . , -"'utau s olhee -mil r.r...i '"(-r.itioi, of. the ,-!,.;.,.5 ,M '-l Hilsoil Mill nlwontna Mm I rnt 41, v itivu-umr President Wilson's "14 points" and that Final Agreement. (By TIte Associated Press. r.oston. April 21.- Tiie agreement reached by the committee'of striking telephone operators vclth olficials ; in the New England .'Telephone & Tele graph Company, ami the Providence Telephone Co. yesterday, .was ratified by a mass meeting of the strikers to day, and all union members were or dered to report for vork- at their switchboards at S p. m. today. L.1W FOR PROTECTION OF WATERSHEDS UPHELD H 2-ti( cs - : Not SI-ve Pimw.' :'r,s. i ii., ...... , . ,; .... liuv:::..,f i... 'fl - u luocivtioro an- a?-..- ... . Ul teV!II-ll t.y. S.. ...!..!. .i.. i.;.. ., jvivi-u. uuiiiscer, -':ellt v,ouU lvX dele. '"':n .'i 1 n..vi,... i,. . n . " i:'"'nit them to the it', nas contribute'i !l-V-n-!.TOfi r 1 .. "!V.;i j, . . ' I iiru nil 1 , ' v 'V i. I :..; .. . , t Secretary of State in th cabinet cfl;ri dtn of tlwn.trsm Trilmf- iK'ring n H"lsi iti-peiea rrtn in-Vc- Cermnry. telliug of th tr??- The dlpatch, datefl April Hrd. inra'n Lieut. MorrU as nne of th lnlur"t. smd states Id Injuries were flight. It is as follow. Treves, Cermany. Atrll H Two Americ an .ilrrfancs err. v d In tlie clr and v. they fell n-nt two thert tuml-lln-f down .yeterdar ner t! tn of WittUch. Three ofUt-r and an en listed mn were kilb-d end one oflk-cr and one m:iu "-ere injureil. - TIte Df ad: I.hut. Ilrarton Nido!s. 2S ( e-lar street. W m atter. Mass. Lieut. .P-odenck D. Coi, Ne-lU. Mb". IJeut.. Charles F. Yolk. 1LV4 Amster dam Aveiio. New York. . Private John J. Selerno, 431 Tearl str?tr.-NVw York. - , - The Injured r lirut. W. C. Morris, )7 F'"ith Mala . Utrect. Concord. N. C injuries vli-ht. thee .ol 1K :u:i u iiu.iui i . v. .-'. ......v... West a KKUft rnuiuren. All were members of the ICfith Aero Squadron, now nt the Treves rcro d route. Tlielr mnehlnes were the two seater D. ILUVmrs. In formation flight seven p'.o.nes had startvl off with Wittllch as the objec tive. .The formation was Pyii'g cloi" together at a low height suddenly one -.. ... . IIUNGRIAN AGITATORS- ARRESTED IN VIENNA The Commiui'sts, it Appeared, Failed in Effort to Scizs Control of Govern ment. " : .. '- Ilj- 'Tlie Aaoctacd I'reMri.t Vicuna, Saturday, April 19,-The communisfs, it appeared late tonight. had failed in their attempt to seize con trol of tlie government. Most of the Hungarian naitators in Vienna have been arre'sted, and the arrest of Aus trian agitators has-been begun. Constitutionality of the North Caroli vx Act of 1913 Upheld by Supreme Court. 4 Hv Ti MOolatoil Prs?i. I ' Washington, April 21. Constitu tiomility of the North Carolina act of 1913,. designed to proteet watershlps from fire by requiring the burning or removal' of remains of trees cut for commercial purposes within 400 feet of wTatersheds was upheld today by4 the Supreme Court" in affirmmg. coit victions under that act of Fred'A. Per ley and W. II. Crockett. Seven North Cara'ina Men in the List of Casualties, Washington, April 20. The follow ing casualties from North Carolina are reported by the commanding general of the American expeditionary forces : - Died of aeroplane accident; x. William C. Morris, 97 South Main Stfeet. Concord. Died of accident or other cause.: Albert Everett, Margarettsville, Woumled severely ': Francis C. McAuley, Dunlap. , . Will Jordan, Gastonia.' Wounded, degree undetermined: Joseph S. Garner, Climax. Preston C. Trull. R. F, D. 3, Monroe. Wounded slightly: "'-,, Samuel 3L Clanton, Charlotte. I'refddent Harrison: but drellnl oifer.-. ' I' !'';; i ChHUucey M. Iep'S popui-lilty is aj sort tint is probably not posse-'stnl by; any other mm in Aafrit-n, All his life he has 1kmi associated with m callod monoiMiiisfs? alid capitalists, still the masses end; th? laboring class es have always lacked upon him as their friends; and--though he is a' strict RepliMieaa. tb.e f Democrats do li'Vit to listtn to hl? jy-eches. liriag his long;, active c riT he was one of the btticst men in, the United States, and 'apparently one if tlio f.rroate?t men bavin; the. most lcis-, urn. He has attended its many dinners perhaps, as any other inm in the Unit ed States, and has' made more epooch- ea.than p.ny prof -rt;vloa2 - lectuyer , or noteifstatesmni fori mahf years lie received an avegari of ten tenuests a day to deliver addresses, or to renlv to Kpecche and toasts, end during his time he everat'ed mro tliau sieechos eveuy week year in and year out. tn his speeches j Mr. Depow has never repeatel himself. The charge that he retailed his 'qwn stories until they became chestnuts Is not true for all of 'his pooches have been publish- di and he has 'pi;ken.iagain and again, year after year, to the same associa tions, and. of course,!' had to have a new speech every time. Mr. Depew wns born in Peekskili. N. Y. At the age of 24 ho was admit ted to thr bar and-"three years later he logan his public enreer as a mem ber of the New Y'ork assembly. Among his most notable public orations were those delivered at. the unveiling of the Statue of Liberty, at the centennial celebration - of the i inauguration cf George Washington, and at the open ing of the World's Columbian Exposi tion. : Mr. Depew seems to Df tj,e result of heredity on' the mother's side. Mrs; Depew lived until near her ninetieth year and was in possession of her fac ulties until the end. When very old she knew "Ma'rraionV and "The L"?dy ot me Lfiice ny nearr. uer-memorv vraij! j'hpi'onienal. She studied f I! her h'f .and died happ-iln thf e':ef th-t r.othla-T was bej-ond the powers cf her son tnauncey. i .. -4 rtt "it . tt--J.9tj' tolf r- 'l-tsw torn ! u f t, . id 1 M 4 -! l t X tl4-:fi"il:V" tJ.f?:" tf.; p.-, t,.f ...i.t t4sfs. UW.fii tirMitmiii uv rmr. m.-mlr trttIiTtW co,rdis. t. a ttr1t;:..; t Mil4. vcrlUI iri;rt!.on. More lhti 4t of th- Ca tuvi .Fi) 'tln('t in tle hand f t dS!ribtJa tirfsH-. f Mclal tan le from rptttml Gr-, muti cnutK'M an t l1 cn to rth tc--ralwr i f VSctttry L? t n'tr-iaH' Th tae-lal l hUnt Ah .f n Mdf dollar ar I l-ar a diin ft th- ltt i Stte Trnury t'C!i Fjict k on eavh fer th? nnnie of tl rie ipiet.t. j U one i;iti!ti-l Th Fri 'f ivi V w'itli rint fr' f vt filta, dn,vGns ttw preat quaiitUi rf vemr witd. A m:nU-r of tfttit f)i(- prapliCil-at thf front durltvr Hk fitrt !ng lr Amti-in d iwt vtij i fhown. Ten T.hnV lave Wt jrrTml II 't'rtMfl, .t.n-. -f!!"llr. . 1.4tthrr. IL fvif-r,. m Nerttt H- It- 4 f'4 kwrr. ttW.'t,t' "ll4i!f l . tt f tally d l'M bH f i?. t . lr.l t- tw t- t-s . L. OTHER LOCALS. Smith-Thomas." Announcement is made of the mar riage of Miss Iva Thomas daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Thomas, of Con cord, to Mr. Artlmr Smith, of Unioii- tville, N. C. which took place on Thursday, February 6th, 1919 at 2 o'clock. Owing to illness in the bride's home the wedding was a quiet one. Af er the ceremony, which was per formed by Rev. W. S. Boyce. at the Mrs. B. R. YariK)roucrh and little son are visiting relatives at Rocking ham. Ir. C. L. Mosman arrivel in the city Saturday to spend some time with his family here., j The price of cotton remahts unchang ed at 27 cents per tounl on the local mirket. No cotton seed are being bought. .-his, is National i Gitkgh.m Wek at he larks-LoJk.Coiipanj They are nTcrirg bargains you cannot afford to. s. Read their lied ad. in today's . paper. -' -- Z:K):neI' to J'tss over nif ler.oer ir.un the rear. Ills wing canght tii" tau or the mnchjne ahead. Roth whig and tail were torn off and tlie two ma chines fell. Apparently flyin' frntr ments struck the. otl.er two as the con trols .f both -the latter at one,, went out of order. One fell Into- the Moselle river. drowning Lieut. Co". The fourth ma chine glided to earth with no wom re sult than a bad landing, but thr:e of four men In the two mvhlncs that a t,rt,nl br tJeticml IVrh'nf. ' Ttjrl ., ffrHr l;ntb1f Homntfsrr.-nh t.r irired ty n.U-td -and Uhtt I ; .i ru v ftir.tiM bfin. t tlrlr .-i-rfrhl'ti rsJ1 im U .t twv.M ii,-1 i-fr.-i .---tf w ft t .Jill 111 I I , 4.1 . 'P ..... ' ", v.ititrr. lltlns rnral ai rnji dUtrliis. . 1 j lh in it. A feature on which lh Victor Ub tfcc !rttji ;1 v Irf.an organiratlon In txid jnniJ-h -n I d!i Tt tl:n.' cu'isHt of f-ntr-fur t tlj'n.'ir trails 1 i b-1 with tfe!Mt fp'tti . I'm h . ti4il:ij td; iei-:n batt!ef!.R Ich traf'i ' ull! M -fcndt -if d?!. -1 trt m ike four .r hre n!.j-i a diy. jldytnHVr.i?r"f Jo .;. in m-.Jl town end 'vrd'orrjr bitt.-r fTif f lb. tr 1--t !ti lt.- f?fl tt ?1 tit,--. h ;lf tr-r 5 t. fani-.f .rtf j tn;r i-itUs .f.f-lal i xblblt of Gertiuh'citi-j mm, maebl!" gut.. r!If atiJI'Uirr ordnnne' will IjP h'u thw-tithwat t!;Nlilve. - . ' - ! -. Of ;iv cr-turel Iermsn td marin writ to thin crountr, Imn rnangf pHn'to run one np th- Mliil1'l f If 1 " f Tlot?f;H ;iltWt SrlI T Tf 7iU Mil. J- nf?-;ihttt tvt tktf"11 ff fb. lided were killed outright. It is hX"J and to rUdblt tl Hht a I mt nere tuat un i w- '". ' ' i - rr ,- ... ...t- ti!.rit- f J" ibis sort In the It 1st cry of the Ameri- 1 4 . .,--1 b -7 ti of ; I t ft t f tihr- 'rt! In tl . t!iff, Occupation, lias l.n in months end there have Nen only three previous fatalities in tV -ir ser vice. T'e mr ff'.cn T.'e-if Mrr' 'j'-th-itTte h' r-. .-. ? -o V -- ro hes-thnt thre !s i prob-bil'ty 'I. youqg man is still alive, anil will cut ionslv await further news about him. - i.f. -. i.ii.i.i li4i lji. ms l bii Germany f.-r T.; . ' ;t' " ' 7. ' t.,; !'tb lHti THE COTTON MARlilTT ii tliK-tivi 4"i ;.r ' Y.ed 1 j Six- I'Vf-n, r. ith a tots! lu -. V'l tn'llb hare !-n dl'f !'-ti'i !. Tb" . - i .v.fnt r tb" n - - -ur L'i' ' " nwt A Rf ci--r : "For fT'n tViintr-." br Alftr-! It'tt Invel r." "Ata'Tl'-iTt flo-frl Ch-tdV- Clirl'tr' A Th-M-M ' -- 'oti'dn't KM b ic-rsrttew-'.fc'.'f'!! - ff tqlSl.ft- -n)t-? T!. ltlf .U f-V r?- fN t-sr In tb L fnb; if .;ct it io: tlie yuiy-jsc ui n-uimii . i.ei, j - ic'es to m h peace terms. tii r t , ; .. ' ; '.- ' : ; "P lit i . inn , i" ' ii M" n r tti ;rm , ' v, ir -m .o. xv iui uci t-, uiiu an rini)n;i - n.i-iu . l.a -!, ,t.. fb.oro nrn no i lKinnir-ns In On- 14 - . . .. . .. . ' . ivo,nv V.X..iU,T.tIlat -t will notUJnw nnv wititfo in th dictator- r. Miiim wear to ms nome ai -umon- , 'leieiraiion nnr fnl- ; 1 n i vine. iue. .vuuus t-uuyie are iioiiuiar "-"" - among a wide Circle or mends, all of The proceedure of the council of four,( wljom Vrish them a long ahd happy i i ii. i;ui i ei v . i i l ia i iif- -- w -.'. ; . i n - III "I U - ,w,.Tr Mra Smith Phni-Intto -r. ni ht ami the Avscciated P;ess is toid - CoRcn Showed Renewed Strength an I ArtiT ty Durin- Early Trading. "ly Ike AwMK-lilrt lfM.! New York, April 21.1 he cotton market thoweil renewed diCj.gib an ..cuvny during tmlay's cany trading. Weather conditions over the Lai-r .1 ieia.. s y vv; rc oisalcnil gencraiO fvor..bly, and . there was Mime u ieg- uiaiity at the start, witu May J ij.ni iOwt-r and other-new tyu moath - kn to .13 p duLsHilgher. U ie v on- siderable southetn juciJhig here, aulj scattere! realizhig on a om lut F--.?t!ie; "Tli ti:kioi court is now in session v i"-"vren Tn . . . ace is n;v;;, y'IiUUCC d negotiate Pnfovo,,";;111; anxiously m nonce mi Pce ,! . nest step to- rpi circles on the German re- i; !oS4S? so,me garters that the ur-,,.-. ''eiopment may af- i' "'-iv.ai T.,v M--1-1V :ni:iiv came as a surprise, notwithstanding the news of the past week foreshadowed it. and it is interpreted in cabinet circles, and at the foreign office, as final proof and prosperous life. About the only time many a fellow hat the entente is dislined forthwith ' ts a gait on is when he start to run i- th" moetiV-m t0 nb?r into negotiations based on VersaiMes ' Tf . the ' I!r0?i(lcnt Wilson's "14 pots" and-dha- true terras a, waning ueriiiuui aic -'- a ' " ' '-'1 f.f -i "1" . HI lilt 'v rr.:,,,;; p ,'0;,'-n raises eontro- atfssnahr Stat'" of their 'dole '1. i, . 111,1 Pi-'ceo,lure to i, iw in reniv to tho ro- is , :',lure to l)e follow- "V'nAS .'.,;, ;;'.'' the arrival of her '..n,i ia-''"'ailles miv-'-ho c- bLtJ than half cr 10 the ente;wUi"on. .or M ans- --v.o mvnanon to Ver- and dried. v lA- ; v 'rh German emissaries will merely have instructions tocarry peace doeu- througha fortune. BUY 1CT0RY LIBERTY LOAN! Four antL three-fourths, per cent, fo ments back to Berlin. The question of terest.; notes matunn; iix tour years. All Kc t as nr-ani of drivlwt !m- tl" t'rj of the war anl tb- duty f ti K'pt tl Fb! fer. T-'l I TTv t?.- -rt tt tt ! Is t ' ,. r ; i'-itf. f rsv'l if t0 . 'U. . -,' "".; .' .rf!!V tet IU In G.itM! It :u-t f u-May AlrL Sh, ' Uwl it !i"m to f.n'w it tih t V.lr $ 11 ta dMl.ira are th: -whr-re fh-i rn'my -f.T1 ,y hum 11. C.ftn: "Th" Wat-it .nth l:ht- Hrr-r-t-M-w.r AMin C. Rnklri: Thr Prt We Pay." "h'fwsU ri Ilrd"-kj : nn r -rf-fMlh f Her-re'.ftry G1m ii r tvj m. ,; t-j f. nrfii fin hun-Xml ifH dlyl tl?-p-g-.i ii i ..!..lm n h.r ImK t.f-mfJ5 4 , u nrnrnmcnl Wl I IN. 1 HP Hrhl lliur iU.JiiO iuwiv ruj u.ci. WlP' Ul'r, i"'-, 1ivtmv r '1" Vi f-. , -i 1.i'tw hurt" -: tu:U 'A.n-.tt-,r-nr the fifth - Otid Dr.ngS eta Dfltk. 'twmfi or whether it. wuiro-iib-s.oic present them for a national referendum J is-a matter of conjecture. '' " V- C. W. SWINK. County Chaiman. Court Ccnrtcd This Morning. Judge Harding Presiin;. April term of Cabarrus County Su- Ovriior begn n fce.ioii ut ; Uie vouit Uv.u-e he.e toaa... wtii i.t.i ..a. ,i.ii, hi v.niOiic, ' U(is;iiu. -.Citor .a j Cvii i-jeiiicnt. vL ottUsr- ii..ur. , wyC.iH pre -Jen t,- to handle hi bo ha.f of the .Ute cX North Carolina, ai: criminal caMs. Up to the- noon recet-R, the court had taken up but one case, that or State against John A. Uaiikin and Geo. C. Goodman, charged with 'assaulDJ Both defendants plead gailty, and tlii-' evidence in - the case was being gone over. ' Tho grand" jury was first selected, and is cfrmposedvof tha following mem bers : S. A- Perkins, roremqn, D. H. Gastxr. Huchie WinecoH. J. W. Estrldge. lt. A. Hinton, 'A- J. LoveL. A White. G. L. Brcwn. M. M- mitn, ;"or rc B. Bogc?.' J. L. Rimer4 George A. G reene, A. F. . JIisiheisaer, G. ( T. Wegener. M. VJ Kluttz. O. D. ossa moa, J. T. Liiicj, IL E. Ilolland. Mr. t - i ,.nn. ..r-.-r-nu .i fi t-1 111 -t iK-rtii il ir ii 'ir;'-!'i."i Uiiiviauit; ui-- .-. ... i . i. fn rncaci' cfMiiereiice. uui iav huii.ik-. ..... . - - ... . . . .. rrndiiv abrbe.l bv a bPMdc:.hig d.-4U raf are to .u-- mi-stic May eri ...1 ,!i.--i-.fi.l IIT. I f TTVnW IO II- iirirw''-. "-r and October filing u-rorc ui- : " v - - i;! d of the fim'hHur 31 to pn: 'V-n.c T;. " Cotton friturw ci?m tenly. 5Lty i fo"-e.i In pid X. J . ,,i " si. ,..- .ill .i;-.. .7 .i . -. - - - - ii w. ir. S3: octibcr oil. 23.:;. . - new, 2337. - . . i 'k l .-.n'-tf rintt'-.tr i;ir-rtr rnt"f! P. G. Cook Is officer to the Grand Judy, munize women. SOVIET GOYERN3IEN7 OITERS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM This U to Lr Annctmrcd From All PuX pits Na Inttrfertnee With tlu Clerfy. B-dapestl April 19 Tla Cih3;- The eonmlssion of finest n ha In-stractc-1 the. cirgy Jo. d-c!are froci pulpits during the next ihw Sunday's ;h-:. the : or:t t goTcmmeut gu-ratee religlous freedom to'jill: th;.t tier" will b? no Interfere se witH th- clergy, or chuTchs, or oUwr religious bnfldirjr-. ami that the soviet trill not change the present order of marriage, nor cam- "t" X'tifi.nnst..J-rii.'' ' -X ti$ its trt -s rf.:V" r-ti-4- AH .f t?" fr--"!--f Xx-ttt mrh ml t-;rtkp-'t tbi ppcr. A irt t4 th! rtt it- ;i-s iJ-Jr tif U IlHty iriXem. fh ir.tnarm t'U'" -;FfrJa trp f n-l tojr-tbT firrrt n ''tibk-rtsiH rif4 .-t l&rf-.fx-5?sstfe ili mch day throurh thf 11 rt I-rt Ittvf riikt f ti- iS;fl Bauku anlJinally through ti, .TrU nil irt. t-jtjr ' ury at WaWoM. . . f ! Irry. . If?-! t k!S.t It r IrcrtkHr fTrry lr rar In ILplnftnf w8I t fi?i!rrft United ltatr will dlT'ay of hrro4 Hrtl.-lftr! 611 f1 IfT tmt car "! ro5tri-fl'-I If frh'M tfeJ Asr Uts if lr Barron G. CV.lHer. ' Affjx$ jf4y ; r-ii!;t. . ' . -. , foor thWJn-1 rltl- :H t- .WWlj'- , ! Jn thi tasnrw-r. I . ii--rrrv i ihrtv lam rorkPT oiklar ct-t III i UH rwe iTrn G??3M M r-.i- r.f Wlildl EOT M3 r ,. - i ITU-- trf far tf Vo rf- Wbkh will jrffe ert 1 rltie. Hi4l?.w?;JW gW. General !tfhUig' ArriB CipIH ,