prr "W Tj V I . - - - I J -; : n RI LL, Editor and Publisher. PUBLISHED MONDAY 3 A K D H URSOAY S CONCORD. N. C. THURSDAY. MAY 1, 1919 ftf IJ.-IB ALl v. k frnf' BI lilt DETAILS UP BEFORE-: COUNCIL OF THRE OTHER OEUBf IT lABRFSR cjHCTE! VERSAILLES EE! I la'KIlM 1 . . - "- 11 11 " -WBWWWWi! "- .' - Mill WlliiaL IIUIIBIMIl'eiai.e!- IIIN-IIAT1XG JOG, YirTKILlN OF XUt'.lJ Vi.Mt, TO IILTP HOOST TlIC Vlfimv j M J ,'.., '..jj,: " ' j ..jz: L'rr-z 1 . . lII Tr. .r- . 1 '"' ' - " - ., " , 1 i ; 'D'jtcctsd in I " ' ' ,..;..! JJe'd Jjr5 at at! Salisbury ; V." ii PACKAGE I biiLIVERED 1 v. j Senator Scene ::t Inception jrnd sons Might Have n'-i, . V , ; i K I, A p ickago UU , ,: ;.'-ii:iu' en iiifiM'liat ; s'.ilislmry i:o:-L i,ii night i'roMi .; i.) "Sen'itor Leo lid-iiry. . V" 'ihe i up in t i iiit for last night, and 1 1,:-. l'...-.!'ull' - cl"rks llll'l v, i-i t.i n'C 'IP nssort- The Question of the Captur ed, German Cables Is Alsr Being Discussed by th Council Today. FIRST MEETING OF ALL DELEGATES TODAY German Delegates at Meet ing Today, Twenty-Four Hour Strike in Effect in Paris and Mot of France. l.f : I ,.,,! j-.,;- ii, -.! earners were v.- ,,. i machine Si'HSfl- :l ': i' ..', r iii-i pi ess dispatcher-, ;. :if t In in diseovoted s i aim- I'l inaii, .tin! ,1! it V.ilS SOOU that tin n eOery 1 ft :t 1 1 t pack-'S III !-J 7.0, Ml.ip- r;ipi r. iu :i limine i.-i! ! "ii;:- meat ly wrap- , ....... In! c K i) cii'l. 'I" lit JKiclc- , i i ; i l!: 1 .V-nl .-:t ufHro, " i'.'.'.vdin nt ti'.ut' virc 1 1. . i : 1 1 i '--i t :ii '7isliiiij;tii!K and up ,,r i-; ,'.Tll'Ctf(l It. 'IV' lit OlK'P tO i,!' ill p:ic!;:iirt'. It is fl'- Hial'tli" p'tU'ljii'.a' H'UJ!ot TOi'.cll vi nni h ifn.i-' l:ist ni;:lit, as;' the ;ni..'iiii'rs' "i' ''t'liulor and ilrs. ut.' man-inl at S o'clock . : . i ..: .1..,.!.:.. r Hill.:'. 1 'if in 1 1 .i tiwuiFiv.. liiim!ri-i!s of packages ui,- s were being received I Hhi ! v i : t the )vi rinan home ivi'iiiiii lit niu' vi! the scene of n i i it . '.'('trpin n aim was crowuv.i K-.ii.-iiH nsit'ing people," and had I-!- n tleiivereil at once, it I,;,.,' .r.':icli(Ml' the liome at 1he fcli." mvntuui va.- et us neignr. v i'vtTni;:ii -li".! no intimation ho i i Li ri'.'r.v :imv : uc!i paci;agi uu r . i . ,.i ii,.. i i,i Miviins v as iu' was ui ur !f l!ic '.-'riiate coriii'lltec inVestl- I'n' 'r.'ipigiMiil-i, activities o '.V. W.. :ui l siniilar organization. -.. iii" 'lie beer' and whit-key ln- Mliinnc tin' past several months.- r (ivi rniai: stated this morning - luiil ivrnitly reecived a miin- jf ili!v::t.'aii!U' loiters, one or two !lip';i;'iiiiri his life. - . : rai-iy. May 1. Various lc- t de tei's'of the pcaro treaty were takeii I'D today by the 'roiincil of thr'c. :!)om,t ji in the o,uc tion of .the cip tnrcd (Jcrninn cahlov With the Kiao-rhau prohlom dispts-ed-f, the Adriatic iie' tioii is thi' on ly highly important 'mat tor remaining unset th'd. (Jcniuius at Meclinir. t Vefs-illles, .May 1. Tlie hvt t tr.cial meeting between r.lliel representa tives and the 'eimai! peace delegates, v ill 'take p'aeo at this afternoon. A committee from the allies and the I'liiied State. will receive the (lerman ( redeii'hils at that time. : 2 1-IIcur Strike. I'afis., May 1. While Paris and a jrreat iwirt f France was tied up to day by labor's 24-hour general strike as n; demonstration for. better working conriitions and changes in cert an gov eriiiaeiUal policies, no disorders have la'ciivicpcrti'd up to this afternoon. Italian De'.esation Meots. . -Ko'iihn Vv'ednesday, April "O S :-10 p. m. -,rhe Italian delegation to the peace conference met late today under the chairmanship of Premier Orlando to, consider the- situation. The meet ing ;c:iuie after . conferences - the pr liiierhad with the King iind American Ambassador I'agc -. , ' . 'i- -. - 'i:i, -.v '. ' - . ; ! -V"-- v-.. - Ml . . . ., ' . - - . I .. f --- Jf ,J . ' .. - - .. . -l f ' -----I - - . ... .. . ... , : : H NAVAL POLICE FORCE ..'' ' WILL BE NECESSARY Seen C:riztn No.-Thst Tc:r;s of '.the- Treaty t,; v?,...t . . I 1 . t i- ..'. 4 mam Mv :n . Firx? QUESTIONS STILL jTHRLF MORI! "HOMns NOT AGREED UPON T)ISCOViIRLh Tl)aY SO. iff. t fry .v ..-.J . Cognac fought (he Whe with the Snvufy-lirst rti!lerjr. AhhougJi !jc is little than a puppy, ,e I fen over his hatred of his pain foe. lie was in ti le servh fur m atths, iiever iids-s! n !riit, -tit joMiiii tin mkuuuom huh eiuran' emi ariMi iuiiim ii io n)4 arnuryiuii vofioi: they ln-andil hiin with u wrvic htriiK' on the J.-ft f(re'ig. !! i in our Samuels, who through Jess Dan ly, presented him. to the Friars ( nac (the Friars are going to call liiiajlrain Juice after June hat broken several teeth trying to annihilate one. Thi hatred u, U t irm-d to act'otmt duriu- th.. Yl"i.ry campaign. 'ognac's bat tie-with hun helmeis are to 1h stagi-d on sjHakers stunds nil over New Ynk 4'iiv Vh noiieeii mat iiiih i.f the Friars ilijiK-.l this photograph was taken he a helmet almost under his nose. wasstaiiiliieg at attention and hadn't TH!: nvrroN ..Sjaukkt I Td'ir .t Oi:cf.;HS cf the !Iar ! Tc.iliy. " ..rk. May . 1. Yesterday's re.a-'.i.-n was .fo-lowed by ' st r i.'ne iii Iho ciitou market ear? t:iy. Liverpool was relatively iii'l si'r.i imyiiig orders. 'higher, ii m,v uf ini improved spot do in die SeMth were a,Conr1e.nied ui;1 1'iiy i nr oi'ilors around :the iii-1 !l:t ir.arket op-'-'tietV at an ad "f '.i- in Vs points. "luTi'iurfN openc'l steady: May t .Ii.dK---JiW'.t : ,-tobrr ''4.C.0 : l)e- l::..laiiiiarv 12::.!1. Ininieil'atcly After Signing th? Peace Treaty; Says Secretary of tlw Navy, Josephus Daniels. ' (1S- TIsc ANsocIaicit Pret. ioudon. M;iy 1. A large naval inter national pidice force 'will be necessary under the league of nations plan im mediately after peace is declared. In the npinion of Josephy Daniels, Ameri ca's -'Secretary of Navy, ::nd one of the bje'ct.'of his trip abroad is, to discuss with, admiralties of England.'. France and iltaly some of the iletails of-thla f(rce, particularly to type 'of vessels desirable. ; 'The desire of Conquest may still inger in the hearts 'of some nations ifter peace" said Secretary, Danieis "imd such nations must ho shown it would be unprofitable to attempt to anticipate these desires." As the league of nations becomes os iblishod, Secretary Daniels addotl. the naval force would certainly be decroas- L ed in proportion to the strength of th eague. TIIW F(l Kill OF irONMS SI HSCRIREl) Li'liri ?!in;. h. I).!lur Mark Has Keen -M:iv llv Cow Oiher lil- s.l!ir:tiill Vi-.-t.'.r '.I l! I.I ,10 Is !, April --Subscription Liberty Loan, oilicial Tiee.sury' today passed 1 tins with the cam- Iiaif over, loss than one 11 "i th ' L'.iMHNMi.utH) total- has sll''M-nl',;.(l- 'i;il sut.-r'ip! Wins -nut Vet backef -. . iii' :'. Ill prl- 1 m: ;!; t, ii... .:,;ii:..v. .inc i'"Oi .ft :i . . i ... 1 v-::" :rivoa Jy. the man l--iiiiaee i-t :i viucist1 Mf-nto- iiio suli.-eriptii)n srtua t iiiiti il imvuiiiTit i i.. ' i i... i :i,h sevral'hundrei o. Ml. !" il... "ilyvi.i!- Over ("s Pr.t out IVilors For h'H-v Fi :n Paris. -v-iu ...o. : lliore - is- a slight ; el-aid. which srives v-vann-: (,r ihiv dillicuHLos m: the neace confer i. nave ,. .-ve.iat;!',-. i-i,h!eiiis. There , i...i;r i.uino uiat over , 1,1 -lis v( -uld j1(,t iK, unae. .11 ( r w. .i.l.l ":""; leeeive every at -A Xe MAY PROSECUTE ALL BEER 3MANUFACTURERS Department of Justice Wants Evidence To Show Any One Is .Making Deer After Midnight. Washington, April .TO. Agents of the detvartment of justice have been instructed to obtain , evidence show ing what brewer continue to manufacture ifMM- jifier liiulnulit Tomorrow wneu irohihifion of the use Sf foods in' the niHiiufacture of beer, wine or other in toxicating liouors becomes effective. This evidence may or not lie used in prosecution of the brewers, depending on what the Federal Court decries in the bwr case now pending in New-York.: Manufacturers of beer or wine who continue to operate 'after May 1, will do so at their own tsk, although the department has not indicated ' any . in tention of causing immediate arrests. CONCORD INGOING IN j 1 THE VICTORY DRIE Miuh AVcrk Is Yet To Be Done If (lie Drive Is To Be Success in .Cabarrus County, Little progress has been made in Conord in the Victory Loan Cam paign. More interest must be shown both in the city and county, and many more Iwuids must be sold if Cabarrus is to "go over the top" again. Con cord, and this county, have but $2SS. 2.10 to subscribe iu the Victory I,oan if the splendid records 'of . things ac complished is to be maintained.- It is felt that the great celebration of Tuesday will be an incentive to the people to work longer and harder for the loan, but too mneh dependence cannot be put; on the enthusiasm M the people that day ,if . the campaign i to be-successful. Chalriuaii (rf!eb W. Sw ink issues n urgent appeal to the poople of tlfe city and county to get busy and put the loan over the top. Our people have, never failed in the bond work, and we cannot afford to 'day down" on our Government in this, the last and most important of all the popular loan campaigns. This loan has been put up to the people as a means of celebrating our- Victory. Don't make it merely a celebration, of hat raising and flag waving. Show your apprcciationof the great fight of our army by buying the bonds. The workers are doing flleir utmost to arouse interest in the city and coun ty but it is evident that tlu public is not giving them the proper encour agement and endorsement. We have got to wake up. and wake up quick, if the loan in Cabarrus is to be success ful. .-Those in charge of the -campaign here are not pessimistic' over the tinal outcome however, for ; they--feel that the people of this city and "county will do all in their power to maintain the pood reputation they made for them splves in the other four campaigns. The county committee is mapping out a systematic campaign, and it is thought our pro-rata will be easily oversub scribed when the plans are put into ellect. .' i lint it is the duty of all to take part in this drive. It Is .wur bond as .much -as any one. Let the people get busy and make the, campaign a success be fore the time expires May 10th. HA.MIT0N INSTITUTE JUBILEE IS STARTED i-nn't F"t- out arr1 In upprer-i.-ttiori uf .-r it-w an I :.- vs brought ti thii f.utrr 1r PrU.tle Sv-, lllb, of whicli he U the oflk bl la t-4. tV?- k-s a (imniii hehiiit m tmi-lt t!.it he fun e Fif- Jubilc? Hold in Celebration cf t! tieth Annivcrsab' of InstKiitr. Hampton, Va., iiay 1. Edue philanthropists, public oflicials other interested in ..the welfare of thv negro and other dependent rue America assembled Jiere in large ber today to pay tribute, to- the inf of ien. Samuel C. Armstrong, ill . Howard, Dr. Ilollis P.. Frissell. anc n tiic Upton itorf, and nuiu mory n. (). others who took a loading p.irt founding and development of Ha Institute. It I fifty years' jdiue tin pionper institution; for the pn ctical training of the negro In agricultu -e una industry was openetl here, and the oc casion of the present gathering i a celebration and industry of, thalolden join up with Rowan' Fpicndid high-l'""' -'V. ' U A ,u,v "V jubilyee. The feattv" of tolay p pn- way. f-Of the ctst of thi work, the jrranr-rWf tlx? itHfu-atuai ofUoft .0. .', rr L Ca- Ogden Memorial Auditorium." erecte! in memory of the noted -Now" York nu'r chant and philanthropist, who was J generous patron' o'f Hampton Ihstltti- ! - .- t J . -- - . . 1 . . . I. . 1 lion aim ror many years uie pnsiocnr of its board of trustees. The principal speakers at the 'dedication exercise wer-Dr. James II. Kirkland, chancel lor of Vanderbilt L'niveVsity ; the. Re-, Dr. Wilton Merle-Smith, pastor of th Central l'resbvterian Church, Naw Tov York City, and Iwiac ITniversity. Following the dedication exercise, a memorial service, counducti by the Key. Dr. r rancis reenwHMl PfititoIy, t of Cambridge. Mass., was held in thi- institute cemetery, where (Jen.- Samuel (!. Armstrong, the founder of Hampton, and Dr. Hollis P.. Frisll, principal from ISO.", to 1017. are buried The graduation exercises of thj tute will be held tomorrow. D Ham II. Taft, who is president board of trustees, will prose PETROGRAD EVACUATED , BY THE BOLSIIEVIKI ?v Yrir.hIei ,. ' ''" tileiu to slum- i. flirt II '"'H'-' til 11!' it !!(; 1 fil lli.n ... in. m v . id ii'lil. :i Piviiinl of ...";'!; """'t hurt the kit- "I'm earryiiig them e'l.lT." ' Mvins.-' To Debate Eighteenth Amendment. P.oston. Mass., May. 1 The much discussed Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and the question of its repeal are to furnish the subject for a forensic tilt tomorrow flight betweeni the premier drhaters'of Yale. Princeton and Har vard liniversities. The occasion will lo the eleventh annual debate of the ( -leafeue. The ctin- iivt wiil be held simultaneously In OCpw Haven: Princeton and Cambridge, each university being representatives bv an affirmative team abroad anu a negative team at home. - ' ',. : ' Vliat Do You Mean, Dust? "T cTovet liere before you in the dust !" observetKthe impassioned youth, no He snnk on to the varlor floor. "T don't "know what you mean by dist" renlied she coldly. "I'look after th'is room most carefully myself every 'lis. ''m'.v. "f 'be local Y. M, C. A 1 -'.1Ct'i.l . '-'II X . . . . . I'l . ; F,. . 1. '""tniii to- f the regular Mav 1'Vi.i... . . "H' l I . 1 ' iow i,,i ' 1" ls or standard size -' in p;ilHr. t- -x mornin tvtr flnles Pickard and son Francis, have returned from Raleigh,' where they took the Pasteur.treatraent. They lmve both fully recovered from ills suffered from the bite-of a mad dos..; - .'i '. v ' ; Xo" Maude, dear t fugitive verse is CCl'NTY CtLM.MISSIONTRS 3!irr LAST TI'IISDAY Will InvcstHiatc . Hncmy Wc?c RcturtK . t. Gimk! Representative ana the! For AdJ.tlo1 llnUr, ibght to Represent h varu 21 the Treaty. X'atvhcJ: ' . I' - f tv i 4 (rMk 4f1 Tfc t. rtt4 frois. S IV i n it I j .-iL J,et Mk, LU Hj-M!,. 4- It- J .a U,;Hut t, ''- I tii . mf j ts h lrr,tai f t U , i so S ;ji .i vl Tl. Ur t Hi t f t it ' b- t"i- Get iiiir .'f t.lif trlr"..Mh f1 ft m U!!h;I l r rVst!Sit?l.f's. Tbf t'tdtj" Jpi"! K4b ii-il ili- di"iM3 tit I Hx? j b t-JH Mttl-t tJ 1 -it f lM-.' h leirrt-tut i! i t ! l-lt IV fti-f J-raw U'ddlntf" ! ! ji"f witfs out n-ne t. Jtri. widib gfti'e tt hau l ib Sli inf siiidi tnk t I'tntwi wttts it ti Ctilea and JafKin isn t U fuiir it ltrprt-ti-r. of Lhi.i t If ut-Ut trot of ll- !eaKti" if ts'ei". Matter cf lrinripal lli-tm-ay In Ca barrus Irescutd. Other Matter. A methnr of intrr!H.f to evetvriii! in 'C.ibarrtiH ntwl adj .iu!o -,mii!b FVM'.iiAL I R. C. STIAVAUT was i,r!d by the !t..rl of Comity' ' f!LLI AT MAWXL C lit U( 11 es in LCommJ'-sinerH n Tuevldy at iHi eie.irt hot--. The Udy v.-as t-jrlbsi in ! iVadin; Famter f Crab (HferJ Twnn Ht'al sssio?i toneet with Mr, or- l!cet. of Wl!it4nSal'. tit. a imadHT of th-' Stxte Highway Cotnmilo-i f'r this district, to iibbT ttie-HiUdin of the principal hirhj'.y in Cabar rus county. The National Highway from (Jhi- to the Hownu c unity line 1 to !w worfeetl as foon as jHiHsibSe, r.ud ll'.e road put in iirnt c!ass condillon. to hl.ip 7urla; at Arc of ?9 Year. - CliatUitte Observer. lii!itHt Mrir- r tbf r-H of U, C. Stew fill, iTl T'. h d.t Utbjitly at' I'i S'iae i.ear Nrwr-ii Tuxbiy ufi' r!nH at il;o u- v. were conducted it-'nla)' i f r-i at '2- o'llock at Nrw ,1 Pn-byt4f ... ' i . k . .... . . ... .. -. t . . , j! ! j; it - 4 .H.ft 1 V'. - 1tft 1 fit" i 'W t- kut . M l . t I -M t "tft t"'t jU;1 1 Kfi .-,! "I! t ' J IwtJ Ji....M"-.ttt i vftl Htr t tt' P4 Jlf) i t . ! --' A trW'ti at ' Jtr ft;. 4 . f t. I "J t ? ln U;j vt , Tf V-'w.i! l- I''' t-f f-nf-alfcr! i dff ". tbf" , " lw) -f 1 r tt-nurt "f '-t.f J -' . -4 ttril aml.tM-.atr. . . 0 I nst l- . Wil of the kit th- candidates fr diplomas and wiM make an address in the 'afternoon. speakers will include the lley harms county pa ys the other rxJ ier cut. There' is also to .Lo a rmilntotuinee fund for -the upkeep of the National Highway, ftom the Uowaii Cotudj line to the Mecklenburg county Ihm In this fund, the Stnte will fnruNh half f the caslt, while the contity will furnish the remainder. ' The road -from Concord to the St;;h ly countj Une Is also to be taken tip tb Fist- ! immediately. This road N now built up ior jiikiui uve tunes, iroui - onerru.. and work will begin ut that iwdnt, cml continue lo the county line. In I hi work, the State will pay T." per cent. ,of the construction ;co.,t, and Cab.trruK county ujill p.:y the rttnaining 'JT inr (vnt. 1 Tlie above are just a few of tli' road projects that are to be -ouidereI by Cabarrus county in tin imuu-diate fu ture. The goviTiimnt money avail able for the construction of good.moN iu this county ban bvu aei-eptI by th local Board of Comuiisloners. Hid the county 'will furnish a like ni"unt fr this pun''e. Ashby Jones, well known clergyman of Atlanfa. and. Dr. Robert R principal of Tuskegeo Institute graduate ol Hamilton EXPENSES INCREASING7 SINCE ARMISTICE Other Dr. M. Mot on. and a DONT WANT REPl BLICANS TO I SE PEACE LEAGt'E tKiKtor. intcTjai nt w?i in th tnurb Mr. Stewart una Jm ltnfjiMn.? f Crab Orchard low re-hip. lie idsl In thU C'tiufy pri4f,'t!lf all of hi llfv niiiPwa ii of !! H. A." and Edr ilK'th Meuajt. of Me .b i dm rg county. TliriH rh'.ldreu Minlve: ( T. St'r urt Miel Mr. .WUie Prtoth cvr, f Ch.itl.itte, an! W. E Stewatt, i f IW c-ord. Hue brother anl t ieir ftl no Mir'lvc: J!. A. stnrtt. f I-fe b-nburg county mil Sh. NVilie Ty br of SfateVliIe. c:if Mr. J. H, CHc of (liar;tte. t - " Mr. Stewart waj a Lyl uj-ulr ( N'ewe!! Pref-btifian b'irb nod r-c,giiiJU'd ax a nun f i tiritl"ii et'if' JKter tltil lljrh Intel -r,. e"5iiutdiij; the -!Mii hnd tetip-l of J.j'Uj) ftUtnU lu thi ity n 1 n-tudy. u:gi e mw.ts must in i . s. Reports From Reliable Sources Says Bolslieviki Yere Leavbag City Wed nesday. ny TI- Aaoclatd PrB.t. Helsingfors, Wednesday, April 30.- etrograd is being evacuated by the Bolsheriki, reports from reliable sources say. Maiy of ' the inhal)itants are being sent away, and the Bolshe- viki government is taking vigorous measures to prevent the news of the hatiieuings at Olonetz from reaching the people. s Says Referendum on Dr- Amen&nent is xmpossiDie. ; Washington, April 30. Tecision of the Oregon Supreme court that a pop ular referendum, on an amendment; to the feIeral constitution can . not le held vas declared by Wayne IV Wheeler, general 'counsel of the Anti- Saloon -League of America, in a states ment tonight to settle the ''referendum controversy raised by the brewers of the prohibition amendment." "It will soon become apparent to op ponents of the ISth amendment," said Mr. Wheeler. ir rney uo not see . it already, thatr national prohibition can only Ik? repealed by Congress and rat ification of the repeal by the legisla tures of 3G stated" Prcsressives Say the Icatni- Cchld Nci Be Made a Party (Jursiloji. in, Tli. A .uvrlnlnl PfrM.) t DATE;; Washington. Mtfv 1. Several repub lican -oiin tors of tin irrouo Jnoun an Outlays for April Amounted taApifroxi- progress res. let it l known tmlay mately $1,120.000,000 Still Ma!;inR that they oppose having the league tH . nations covenant coniderc'l at a re ieans. - ....... . a. ..t. .. ..r termlniuglie attitude of the party to ward the document. Senators JohtiFou. of ( altfoniii outlays fir April, amounting mately to $ 1. -J20.000.0( Y- of atout fwo-thirds went to pay t ion's direct war Hills, and d went to .the allic. to enable foodstuffs. The tremendous outlay in April nctiotHt might take. made the I'uite Stafes aetual tures t?inee the nation entered a little more than two years about roo..;iK).fo(.ooo pxpenu- the wax-. ago, to Intercity Trap MatrlzJ Xew York, May 1. Teams of the best trapshooters of the New York Athletic" Club and the Athletic Association have nrrhnged to supreu matches. The Citizens Building and Loan As sociation w ill open its 27th series Sat urday, May 3rd. You can buy Liberty Ponds through' the association. .Read 1 tival rtiicu wiil Le riven iu their ad on the first paga today for this week.- Many will to to settle the cpiestioii of relative acy in a scries of Jutercny the first of which is to b he row at the Travcrs Island The second match Is scheduled cago in August, and tlie thirdL cidiug contest c necessary, at City in SeptemlKT. Each tenni Hnposel of ten men. five hiph --cores to count. Many peopTo from thi cj purchased. tickets for the Muj (By Tht Ai-oftatut r-reiii.) Washington, May L Nearly six months after the signing of the armis tice, American war expenses i ot only jon 0t Wnshhizfon. McXairV. of Or are continuing without abatemHit, but (son. a,i i;rah. of-Id.ile, m d' tte actyally are-increasuig ver those ai raiia declaring the b agi:e conbl not the past few month.'! ins was siiown Ik made a nartr ou-stion. tiday by treasury rcixrt of government They were comment ing on the te- jhreiro-si- c I. ... .! r.- nii.l Vim. Ti't - iinii 'i rrinii'i , 0 mi.r, ' . l.rt- . . . . . . . ll l II.'" J-'- ' --. w mi .i a for (.urti. the wir.p. in inermi ni:v ; . . .-tr,.it Mtikl .tm tht o- .republienu mmlra of thr Se:ite t.j u'ai ' ' ' )e-third withhold expre3iot corrert ing th .,, ivVTQ N'fl fhem to i.aKue untR a party cf.ntVretKv mMl '' " ,,.nttf-iT pittK try heretofore for war materials and said he did not opp;-. the eoiii'C'-mc. but would refite to ! lfiun 1 ty any OprrJn; of World IVar rnin lu VavhUi;ttn u (ftclr. Pari. A pill '.' It bn b-i lilnftb ly d-eid-J thxt the firl toiytins f Hh LeatgUs" of NiitSoti !iatl l ImU Iti Vti.h!ngt"ti. nM ( tttr. Flans are t!ngf..nn-tftted f;r to h ddiltg of thi no-efing. th" iliitUI ialb cring .t Iff in tin' lUi-l K f thi White l!oiic, tiieb-r tl pt i-dd'' "f Presidnjt WU-m.ii. At fi'rdav pt-n nry M-i f th- p-:trt- of-reit. t Pre?idi'ot Wi!ini touted for !! up Ionir.:"nt of a ouitiitv of xdfi t: m Iht to. arrange for tli" Inannir'tt-'J. .f -the iVagU'. and tbi erit.:i1tt'- UI !fgi: its wnfk toUHirniw, ls lak tll bi'l'Hb' the forn:ut!iu of f tnaiN-t't p'ian fr .th work of tb !"gf t tJetK-Ta and f'T tb Inauzural its?-lug- in AVchh!Ctoi Menii-ahllr. Irl U"1 1 'l E. M. irUT ar l Ahr r -pr (fntativf tT?! f v.-tii'i tst!' ha 1lJfcm.-.!'t!k bo'di'i'of H zn' 'g If? . ,nr. ? NOKTll t AROt lNA ti. M. i IN tOMirvtiOV At tLMlV drrtl J. !; ;.MHt A tWl- ium Atf !ii.wai'aal'i fM a!l t.'t, 4 Xih iiitt ff in i Atttt-t" bf- ,a! lit -faa-.i r ;!i-o'.-t '-f AU Nlt2 lf-ti W- t ! of ttw ttitt m '' f it r ibi l l t in l?e ati-Hovrm j f lb At?4fcii- lTti4Ui At tt- pri i L- "? -f lb -o- t t tfj.latj n f t.y Hry II I' iintwti, .fi.!-'nt S-1 -f tlx I- t Ha !$.! S ,r!jtf- fr v rI iu W at by Ura U situ I t! atJ, pt-',T.t -if It J"hn ! ' bata tinir. ..Mi Hi TI .-- fr! -'--w I I hr. tr. Wiafci-Wiislr. 4 '.. mr ('Ui-irff J4vf.ft I - I Jsen I, 5 iu.j i r. ? toil i.;r. ti i oi 4,f .:ti wit ir t --x v 1 f l' tt''" t ' .1" YVVT IMI.KIMtt Rll. ON lt; AND mUT St!-m tUi:rwahi A lr If-atr-M! ttatr I'nm I'oir Hal4 I Mr tW A - J rr I Wld i. it. Majr t it l r f f Jr rA.!- . . I ?n' - 'I f ', 'f. (:. tl .! -- ff'-.f N1t Ci'. ;t i . "''t r-'.;- m -f--' t-' -- - i?t'i .a if- -jr . ; -? 4 . lJr GfAItf?' T'VI intWipas A til. iUft1 V-' ' Ta 11 jrrl tt Ilrti C . ' I n t tiW rerrr-, - i t I ti t ttt t. Vj4r4 r i t .f ih ;t;..- ,W'!r3 nade up Chicitg" 1'. S. CO.MMERCE IFN WANT WHtON HOME I - Rcc!utin AdcpOsd CaJ'Inj Fcr Im mediate Return cf tl Prtiid--rit. rty Tfc AmoI4 Ire. St. Louis. Mrr I. The -Jiata?'-r f ! ,fdins? t ij-tmI-'' tj'-r. Diplomatie Adilery C;nri ?lrri4 to Adltrrr la JspxnVCtsin irx Shanturrj. Tohb lUr L -Tlf bpl.t.aife L riw ry c-itHI votI tUf t. a :h'-rr to JspUl'n! f'Ut.t t. ihf tni:sf T-'olni!.?. ail t tnaU. Iw ef rrKbr.4 r -omprn.i at Pari. j i i '- :- f-rt . 'l.t'u, I ' f I . Sift t-t tV-1 'lp.-U -? ?'! l ' -r- ! f . ?- fi- -- f , , "f l-f r- f " 'oniiner' of Hie Ttdfel Stole. repr ser.ting half a nniliou Litl:ie men. today adopted unanimosisly a rtolo ti:i urging tlie immediate reiwra to A tomor- Uln country of Preiihnt Wils.'i, srd crtiund-5. if5 r-stra seiou of Cigre- t' uact Icgislntto rtrcp.ary t j-areruarj our f-ocial an bn.ineis ytruv'ture.- R CelebnUion i FayetUulIe far for Chl if a de Atlantic U to be ty nuve ical Fop- Charlotte flcltlletrs. (Dr Tie Auiair4 Vrrw.'i Fayetteville. Alay 1. Fayctterin and Cuailierland cniunty are: today ci b brating hotuecomln? of tLfir tlditri from "the world war ar.d the .iap'etkn Chirb t:e iof Ccrap Bragg with a dialer. tf "err- rtUI a k raen,, a great tg pamue, an l-m further particulars of the new series, i Friday for the .p?nin-e:-ani lar-rer- r.artv is planning to enlov th?;tork na-jant de-jjctug scree froni th BUT '. A UBEITy .; BOND.'' mnsic-. Satnrday.' .-.i i U,, . ... coaatrjfa 'i ',", HunarU-Hi OUrr Rcs-Raniam C ny rw Ami4 rw-.i Imbm. May L ' Ttr llnrrlsn -v-rminn!ti. s n iri-- r-' -: "w I.t:dapt i5. l-a "Tprtr-I ft l.tttaaJ latf trevenira:!. terr1"it c.)''i ami mjntr! tmar-liat' Tkm'if hiftil.ti- A 'pN-tw in-?- frA CJitri--? tl U mornin: -brim ii It.frtsjtton that Uv. J. IL C. ntr I r-Mi Tery well ith ilitfly Utter ytp- r romnrJotj xt-rUf wilt b L-M at Mt. Hrct'HiIJitticra3 rhorth w Ih rl Sunday af!er3om at 3 rVrto. . "-.'.''-'- - Mtl Ins Rstt ihrtUmtr4 l t ' pariiitrL 4C!irMl t-rtrT - l''Bafl-f t- thi jiJf !. ti.-V - bf yi-tr-rlJir l-Jf 0-?v-3t,! t V t--rf t- Vr mtptf rrjtif' V 1t'd 111 ri )U t !. ti' tfc trt ! h-ir- f ft-M f ' f rt ! "4fT f-. . istL-) lt t hat b-f fsfiMtt t tt .? . lf )r" ' a4 r t f ?f -ra l.tSfr rf VS&i..t? 'ir-.-Z' i'l. - 1 Tli- tffnrtiV.f fci ff-..,a4:rl il-f !il-fK-i--f 'f pfJ tLf'-t";t I!.' f fT IV sf5V rx;tittl ta tlx tr. Th" t"r tt.iHl il trvfjr.? ir r ?-''! af IV. fswt - liJ .AIIa- "trim. Wmr 1 I. "Jp- t,. ball !"l4y rKr f tias f tlo ptS Ui T- IVMltfti, aartttT' ! .IttMi ars'". IV li..'i! j-:V-r? 7rst I-'f-'tfrf t-r-t ' Starrs f I:tur4 . j.t ? 'not so cauea oc;ausi-- -,

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