'Tn S Today " . , 1 to') XV W : . W a j' b. SHEKKILL, Editor and Publisher. PUB LI5JIED U O M D K Y S AND T HURD AYS 1 JniJIi Uw'tJrtO .1L ) i . Aii ATlTlin lllinriirn ninnn I ft 1 " '""" " " " "" " ' '"' , "" UN LAL J I fl I BHUIHtH SHAHPUUAL 1 XISTIHGJIHCHAIiGED CURTAILMEIIT TODAY 'fmmmm CONCORD; N. C THURSDAY. NOVHMBLU i. .o.a yet Senate s lanurc io run- fv Treaty will Have an In--i.rea Result of Some Im portance; It Is Expected. HASTEN EFFORT r0 Restore) Full Commercial and Diplomatic Relations Bef.veen Germany and the Powers Mtifying Domestic Consumers -in the South Are Being Limited to the Purchase of Ont Ton at a Tirrie. ORDER OF REGIONAL COAL COMMITTEE Br Th' Aaaoctatrd Preaal ... , .n. ' , !. -:-Although; not (it li;ii-IV:.' '.'- ' 11 w.-i-.n, - hiiuceu the tinted I.I iv Venule's fail- I icnly :il lis nf. i;it.iI',',,V; :'if' C i.i r .!-li:,li..' ,"-:i.-;- ' : .1 ...i i... .;.i...:.. ; ,r jiiU r HM i m ttf iiiiiiii- i i i' . i - i . - ' . . ...Lull- t.t L.MII) liiirnivl. " - 1 I. .... 4 . . . ... ji.e l!rtfv itt'iiis uiivcii jo 11- ion. th'- I""" ' """ Unless Strike Situation Im proves It May Be Neces- : sary to Limit Electricity For Signs and Windows. lino (' t.Hf' .pliliiT Mi Jjiv v iru inkni li.crc,. is like- .i - i... i..l..inr if t liv iirwfMt io. :m inrmU, iiii'f;liHlin; t lie; proinul- 0 ,1,.',' i.i-i'..wv fiki1kil Xvllll il! ri'-t"r'' : fnu;vi.!ii)u ti -:ai una uipio- v.-rs wiiHii nave ran nen ine !':n5 ilispatclios hnyo saltl ii Step .AVilS. wan Ml IIM- IMIl- IIIIJI. I,- art(oi-.f lift sciiiiU', lut it is ihi- tli'Tc will V i furlh(r flc- jtii'.tv for rli.ii :ln'asoii. w 't!' 'JH'W ( niiri'ss v'!l lix'ct on Ik'O- ntipj: 'tiit . I"" mi 'vn i u mot nr Mi -iipiHiiU'r r t.lu Meaty tn4iovo V m.iilil U- P'.-mM" itF.raki' it up airaia iiV'iiiini i i.f'i'lH' s.i'iii. The Christ--rnis ;i i'H'cl('l to iutor- hrilH firiss WHS 'Ji4'(-t(' to inlo-r- A. Willi i)K' it'nli 1 1 1 : i f a olfar :',iriii,' iii'iiiy i'iiniiliM'atioirvoitl( not r.ii In I'nif l:iini:ny al tin OitrlU-st. ifiiii' lln'".!!! !- t:i-.i jM.wvrs. liaVi m ifliiail uili .ilit'ir . cslalilisliiaviil f ill naile nriiir) iiiloinatif rt'Lilions liiii ('iTiiuiny. i.Hicials say iicw ar 3i;'i'iiii'fifs wilT liavi? lo bo iua(l hy ir I'lityil Siulis to lit into the vam 3yii Mii-iiio t h i! s cfca t t'd. v ha t eve? V Vniiiil StaKw 1ia frirli tlie iiinil ivvi'rs. ' ' . ; At pn-M'iit .1 It' wiir nrraiwniont h.v lik-h Spiiin i -nrhif for tho AnicrJ ia intcri sr in (U'ruiiuiy will continuo Ji tVrce, mill that is not oxpcctctl to v ilisiiirlicif. Tlic Si ut ( Hi parimcnt is oniphatic! 'at uii Aiiii'i icaii cniisuls pan lo sont ii iirui!iiiv until penco has heen lo liiii'ly csiiililii(Hl liotwoon the I'nit it Miiti-s iimi ihat omntry niul they1 Hiiv i.nly iiiipi'ifo t Iraile relations' n invlmili. up without consular of inn. who iu.-i-liai'Ko f tht legal M . iiii('iiiiii.:iiiiiii nidi.. l'iiiili'ialili' iinHirlaiit Iftrislatiou Hiiiijiicfc.,! iiud niaiiy. measures If'-punii f,.r iiispusal. vlien the re:u '"if m.-viimr -! triii-" ' l)e-einhpr 1st. IV sivsim, ,-lnCiinr (Milay. which i.vas iwrilianry one. convened Ma v J. uimIi',- "-.in .al.Io-l from -Pa r llay 7 l.y President Wilson to eon r lirlimirily tU. appropriations "'I wliit-ii- failed at 'the senate end- Ma.ici, ::ni. : ident Wilson Has No Stattenient to . Make. liin-tui,; of. 20. President 'pi w.iiUii i1;lvv statement to J "it Hi,, failure of the Senate to J;- '"Mivaty. it was said today at W h.mse. Senator Hitchcock, JJiiiHtrntion louder..- and : Under J', of -Alabama, called at the white 'diiriiii; tlie nuuninjr. hut did not t'Viiiiiiy Tumulty, who was with " "'Kl.'i.n .h ihe -south lawn. Surprise CreaUt'd in Taris. Nov. jo. -The adjournment of .","''! Males Senate for the ses ""limit ratilication of the peace ' (ivai(.,i much surprise in peace envies, as .lispatches from . ...Me.! luni s-u-jjesteil some com- - was pruhal.io. Henry White, . ."uen. an delegation received V,:i . I "--lU tlH '"lie i . By The A ! a led Preaa.) AMaiila, Wv. 20..niitii r sjiai p eurtailMieut of coal went into efiWt in the South iK)ay., douiestic loiinni.T- i-i"K inimeii. inn piircrciSf 01 one lull of coal nt Hie lifne. 1 a household, by Girder if Jhe M.iitlii rn n-ionat coal c4iiniiHce .f lh, raliroad adiutnTtr.i-. tion. . - .CtiupJeil with, the--order.- went th forecast of I lie; coin in it tee thqt unlesy the strike situation iinprfKves shortli it may hecome necessa ry x n.rhid the Use of electricity for tidv4rlisin. sin and show windows a ml 'even close th? moving picture thejitres ami noii. esn tial industries. ' "The puhlic xenerally'drs not real lze the seriousness of the situation, said a memlH'r of ihe comintP0. Operators and Miners llcpeful of .Milk- ' : :' . ' ins Progress. . '.' ' Washiinrtoir Nov. -. Upturn i up liejfot tat ions tiwlay with a view to set Hiiur the wage scale' in the competitive field. ojHratori4 aiwl mine workers avpit hopeful of making: progress. Totlay oIh seryers' looked upon operators to pre: sent counter protwsal to miners who have so far- stood pat on lheir'demaiut for ; a ( .jer-;eMit.: yj.jje iuerease ar.'J a :!()-hoiir working ' week. (Jarlield Still Vthh,l(is Articn. Washington. Xov. .'!.-- Kuel Admin 1st rat or (JjiSllehl still withheld tHlay nny.net ion. toward H nationwide restriction- of,'-oal consumption, which tlu pulwomniittet's of mine" workers , and operators continued negotiation fro a WMt?t scale in the central competi j e iyieid, a mi '-n-liirti '.'.?" the'pt tier trt'ent of the miners strike. Steps bolus; taken in - localities' where the pinch of t he-coal famine has lnn-n felt haveJie'ii action of regional coal, com mittees of the railroad administration. The. joint .committees were reported today to he making progress 'toward, a settlement. For the lirst t iine, it was said, they were considering derails of the wage and conditions arrangement. The workers were reported to have lecedtMl from .their proposal of local adjudication arising out of the gener al agreement. This, it wan waid. would, prevent sporadic lahor difficul ties in localities after an agreement had leen negotiated. The . operators, however, still were withholding a definite counter propos al to the miners demand for the ''( hour week and a tM jer cent, increase in vvagps, hut it was understood (hey were prepared to offer some Wage in creases. Annulment of Trains in South. Chicago, 111.. Nov. '20. Regional di rectors of railroads today had a free hand in dealing with the curtailment of non-essential industries and unnec essary passenger tra flic and extraordi nary efforts to conserve and distribute the liftlon s steadily oiminisning coai supply leing made, Under authority granted by the director general of the railroads, after -a: two-days conference with the .seven regional directors, tin entire South, east of the Mississippi and south of the Ohio rivers, except for a smalKarea in the Pocahontas re- cion. toda.vHiad heen placet 1 on a war time basis, and annulment of trains in addition to the 14(1 already taken off was under consideration Associated Press C(lm,, :"teniling the Supreme " ' v 1 1 1 n i , i . , . rr-t. i '".. ine meuioerM '"'""'l withheld comment. iKitnmi,""ls 1,li,10rs 'hftve not K (lf , work. In fact, very Hi,'.., i m :',l,, u work- Most uu Haw ,,ai,i attention to the iii, j,,.,' r,'s,- mining, issued under dof '". T,h,iro Anderson. Thty !p.ijTv'i T ' ourt-'but the strike v- uw uhoyi the orders of theh tJ" ."V miners cannot in ronrt ? J:'" f"r 00ntPt or. finetl ' '" vecalcitranct r'l V MORK H: - WAR SAVINGS STAMPS ;WATCH YOUR LABEL? t scrim i.J ,0.wiH'h your sub- J J-our .,, , "ul ,s Pointed on tefnn ' j' watch this X Tfrtr- -Ul rpn?w at least two X-o that voir the time expires, Ul.,s5ow.r will not he & Pl ; suh-iber. The T J-.IN) rt venr U nil iW Pl I'LISHKR TIMES. 4. y- . yV vt i i ; 7,- rh ?h 7T Kevolutionarj' Troops Iefealed. (Br Tb Aaaoclated Prcaar Vladivostok, Xovemler IS. Revolu- forces -.which for the last two days have attempted io obtain control xf this citv. were completely dereateu uy government troops today in a battle which was commenced before Miawn Gen. Ouida. the revolutionary leaner. whs wounded and capturedand his followers driven from every point of advantage by the government troops Labor Orgaailzer Is Run Out of Nash ville, Tenii. - Nashville. Teun., Nov. 19. Kidnaped by a squad o unidentified men as he was leaving the omce -pi ms aiioruejc, John Ft. Lawson. alleged labor organ- l7er who led the recent Knoxvme street car strike was hurried out of Nashville late Wednesday with orders not to return. Last reports said he was on a train traveling in the direc- iism .vT t--invillp Tld. ' " American Delegation to Sail for Home Paris, Nov. 19. The American del egation to the peace conference will saif for home on December 5th or Cth it was learned today. The British delegation will probably leave Paris about the same time, although no offi cial announcement has been made. It is estimated that the oil lost au nuallv bv the burning of oil wells is equal to nearly 2,000,000 barrels. , In China are to be seen, hordes that are spotted almost like leopards.. Collective Bargaining SO - .VY V.tt y't,,f , tr-l 'ee cos wrs''' ' ...M!vi M - v i.-. - -. , . r ' . .'. ., ' . .' . . .. ; ' ' i - v - iSUPflELlE COURT IS ; ASKED FOP, DECilll 11 m E CiSE C0!!ES I! IIP HI 111 SEIISK IO.; Iy K h the M iffirrr i she- I n forcrrr.cn! Act an M A? tf k many coMLiciiNr. jf AU.rur to hk;aiu DECISIONS CIVtM CIVIL SlltVlC!-' lU IJ S ;Th Failure uf ibe Senate tu!U.r !hc A. -.-cn. Ratify the Treaty, h I ai cn as Onh Cojnplsjittn the SttUJiton. it h SatJ Hurtt f(tir h At!ct?4 fv Sc:u!C Ci.iittcr. is . i . ;-'-it'f-;.9" j $ ' . ... . -i 'r i 4 SECOND IU.VS WORK OF TIIL yi. P;tCONFERKN( K arrests at petersruk;. .Is.. ii. Arrrptini S. CALL RECEIVED FROM STrlXMlIP ,R0MN which a business session was held The ..'.most important work of the jif- ternoon session was the ':elet,tion tf of ficers and some of the most important coinmitfii's for next year5 The 'elcc liitif if offu-ers J esiiltft AiS' follows President--Rev. U.viL Aiulrew s. I. . knowjngPy iK'rnnttn eriun-s to go on I).. if Ureeushoro. - ': Secretary Rev. C. W." Rates. StrrriuK firar DrvUrn Dphiu- " . i tiuaru inner to ml ' . m-m t rt-vvrry. n.co.'- f,t,?,Ti,! jSi :, Bf 1 ,T, t.(-. I.. KvMow ini (By The .MrUiiwl rrru.1 j .ij f.yf 'Vti i m. t urn- 'mid hmi . Xm York, k. ,V',.S aV.- ?' ' t,,;V?'tt '" r 5.- 'Tr-- l '.- evlex eoiiiuitt- xwr' rcicivl heie lt the t"! iiu-i' f !'vi-ti '1 V t-i.t - ft u .. uiU-rs of tin ,.iW vfi'm lb'' M'.un3dp- It nfth S ffA; nn'' rJl:JL t;.-. t., m. , ifcti , neiif alrendt I Kuinf ?finu" New orW f,.r la llt lV1t'r t -,.U f :oily and ofh-Juii-.iiiHKi "Ivcn tiU.iu mdL-V pH"" ,s,''r' t-e j i V- .4 Kt" ; ' ' , i I l.r- Mil u! f f i i ft.'..!.5 fc.w k 4 U S hair t-" jv! .m o t . j. . ur i. iJ.--t I W' a H - a i t - 4r lltll!ital . att l,i . f " 1 til witktt aultvlll) f .-en" I.r Poliremfii ( hairnl. 1 with ConuitiUees hi Session Tmla) Exrel-j , . Rribe Takrn Iota Custody. . IeiU Sermotr list NJght. cn Tb a-. rrr.. The afternoon sissiOn af the cr.nfer-. Petersburg. Va; Xvrr. iH.'vMow in- j ence Wednesday cohvpikI at 1 and ''i:es or fu-ccptits hrilwv ndtH-itie the ilev(tt ional services "were- conducted v IM,r,'s t niimerouv MiIn-vIpx ci'imnit l.y Rev. II. IV rogleman. follow ing i1"" --nere lar year, -it m j I'etersjtnrg : lli.ci tl'-rtnn tiaVe me.u- taken . im t'ui in. the report wbhU wa tol:iy suit lf iter'nfniiiii i..u wi-te.l ihtuVt 'li''-1f- 1M4 4dV ll- I . r- Un KaJltltr tf .(! Sial'.- lrty f r-rllS-' a ffc i.it h , V; W . w-;-1 it . -. ' j. , l - . - l-, itJV'-' -'' : -.yi' aw.... .;l--'..l-t . J-t.t 1 1- tti it! w Greensboro. mined lo .ludge I'lililn by the tfr.nhd j fSv 1 1 e- Mlit, 7j Km j( tiVrriecJ " aji 1 : h L iiotr i icK- t wi-ni i t li" K-!'tiii' i,. .... -tin this city, and in ouie case lcing f ; luirtic to it. The repfkrt Unit in sni4 j iiistanees dtnti rs h'arf had Jnforiua- City, Tre-isurer-IHW. Taylor, Hen-; of proposeil roMtf-nex. atMt.liure 4trBttiv--k-:.' -.i' i-s . I cvwi iftu- uir aTHTTWiteh outside Statistical SeTetary-r-Rcv. L. W.i f, :.iMWuiR.i.eHitf-riii'rt.wIiIle itiieve Oerringer. Reidsville. ; . operated on the Inside and the theives Press Reporler Rev. H. S. Surratt. f and the cffk-er left together.-" ,;.,' The mosti; important nnnmitfee ofj Tnehfy-fur ntore ane-ts re-eHi.. the conference is the stationing: -oiu-1 t'eiore night. mittee. whose work embraces the as- . : '".''. "" i signment of the various, pastors ,t- the; ' THE COTTON MARKET. different churches. On this commit-r ; ; y . tee the conference apiointel the Pres- SenateV Artioh Has Confusing EtTert. iden and Mr. L. I.. Wren, of Siler ? tn A? liintH ljiur .-;''" '; Br Tl Aaalaled I'rrM.I The work of selecting the c.mmittee; ' v. ' vrt v..- 'hiti,.. on itpiH-al, finance, standing district . iU)U on tiio treaty bad' a cvnfiiM. committee, conference trustees, ' for-; ,. iH,umn. the iV.tton market -it ward movement and auditing eoni-!th.. oieriiiiy i.-hiv I.i ver.w.,.1 !.. mitres was also to have omie lefore: ttT thaJl ,imv ht nittliv f Veterdav the iconferenee yesterday afterwMn,-.; lale ,t,yer-.wer.'-.Uer and there w, hut the other business made it impos-Joon!si,4rahlo M.ning for Southern ae sible tselwt all of the committees at counts. The - earlv weakness of the that time. This will Ihv done later. , Hno, uiavkei; and the l.ienk te l he for- o'clock ami the devotional exercises disposition to sell, and after-opening were) under the leadership of Rev. 1). easy at a decline of to to AV2 points. A. HighHll. Iruuiediately following active months soon sold aln.nt 47 to this 'the conference sermon was tleliv- G2 points net lower, with January ered by Rev. J. E. Pritchard, pastor of . touch iug .ir. 7 ami March : 1.1 to. the church at Burlington. " ! Ctton fntun's '; niMMM.il . steady : !- The sermou was forceful, to . the I wmlier :r.!i0 : Jamiary :4.m; March point and heard by a congregation 7 ..mo .May ; juiy thattfilletl the church. For his text: Mr. Pritchard chose-the HHh verse of I Mixed Trains To Re-1 nmived by tlie the 4th chapter of Secimd Corinthians: Sou t Hern ,4Fo the weapons of our wartare are! Announcement is made by the state not carnal, btit mighty through t'od corioraticn commission, nt Raleigh, to the pulling down of strongholds.' jthat the Southern Railway company "The Weakness of Our Warfare," has agreetl to eliminate the freight was the sub jm Mr. Pritchard derived j ears from trains Nos. Ill and 112. 1- r'ailjyr.l.v tlie naval -iunUfuiMlUMi j - ,nwt' , ifsn Sfi' -f tfJ t, it,- t'tjf hnd" Kfoll -n dmviTTyid, t,hHt: ih rirj.i snui.-i.i -urfl i.t )vrfl'.'i:.,." v -, tX ,v tK'Ing buffet ml by v Von-li Mli'Jit ":,'irr"i . ' i e ii. K w,"r, vt T . cniiMsi i.v- iMtv-ri "'w-umW,' . fir"t ntM.t that 4Jf i .tr Mi-t . W vvV . sm The e,.n"t guard cuifT j2erfVVl JK'T,,rJ 'MWlr kl. anl"na-jt,j, r - parM to Unntch a cutter t,Ifc .a ilr. n hMM .r- Jfl Er jr sistnCe. o the -ilil-lnf llott some vcm sparer the Rojimii dv1 answer tlie tudiii e.ill. . -.' j - A NEW INDl STRIAL CONFERENCE ArfrtoNTED Called by Presidi-nt AVHmmi to Meet in Vahisloii .-DerrrnlHT -lt. Wa.Uiiu'ton; . Nu3V - 'Jt. Pteidi-nt Wilson today 'appointtil u 'w?.v lo'lit trinl infwnc and called it. i.du "ion here' iHn'tnlw-r lt. - The eou?ereiirv. w ill to .coiuprxil t seventeen inent including pcrntociit oiliciiils, buine til u and forinct menibtMs of eabino,. and frnier ernor of stJites, ainl it will carry on the work undertaken by the Natloii.tl Industrial I'onferene' which found-ml on the nck of collective fJargaililns. art lu.e jn 4i A iku 1 ',' 1 t nl. aud )' ihI tbiv.ii'iirrfat rrv-nt fr!v fr.Kn ritenSlr llfelTaw ! j vf 'rt. Isuge rt'tan!'! 'f bf IcV : 'f H I f--1 w .ir-h -Arjntnir nl on i r Tiro rf 4tillrfi Ul. WaliinK.H. v; , Vfi'.tt.Mi.J ( flu-- t,'titlieH"n4t;1 i f att! piohiht' net nctlic .oiorj 1 ". tii tot;i.t- r'---t!f" Mipfctie '"Oft. T ii-tl Me court tlifw - lill fr-U l'i'cf.i ctrtltt lullHCa,. Trotri KentiH4,y Inttdior lb" ImaJLi ! .lolHi MM -e- it N .rrt.tf- 14l,'I. from the text. "The Almost Ie Paul was in the midst of a great conflict." said the shaker in leginning. "Certain men had crept into the Corinthian Church who were trying to rob him of his Aiostleship. Paul fought back but not with the same kind of weapons they ied.' Thev fought with carnal weapons, but Paul fought with spiritual weapons. "There has always leen a-conflict in the world. The world war through which we have passed, is iNit a part of the great conflict between right and wrong, night and darkness, that has been going on through the"; eenniries. tweon fifpenloro and fiMstMr thu' making these two t nt ins solid pa smmi ge rt rains.. Street Car Dynamited in Knoxville Last Ni?ht. Knowille. Tenu.. Nov. 10. ;()ne pas senger was pcrhais seriously injure! and a dozen others less serioitly hurt here tonight when a stn-et car whs dynamited. shape character 'which any man might covet. ' .'.-' . . ... 3. Tlie third weapon is that of Faith. Without faith it N impossible The world wins its battles with the to please Col. Men who have done biggestgun. flie njost powerful Iwittle , the most gooit are thnse'-whn have the ship, the most dangerous submarine. ; largest faith. In this clns we might But our weapons are very different. include the aiotlcs. the Inartyrs f What are they: all the ages ami the men in Hm world 1. Preaching. This is not an age j today who are standing for the right, that is conducive to great preaching. j o. for a faith that will not shirk. People do not like to sit still long. Though presscl by every foe, that To Ditfustt Railroad .Problems. New York. "Nov. 'jo. Rail road legis lation with regard .to the Interests 'X. the Shipper, investor, lalr im1 TO KTK(TTKIt CENT. FROI ALL DRINK tRLLs Hair Tonlr. llaM-ins Ettrarta, Ml irira? CpuU and rrrfwr lm lie Deiuiturrd. lUlelili. NoV, IIU. Vli..r j, w. Itaih? 'i!mi ""hsi ' .i'-m.-! . ft. ii.g : :' ' 4rM .Jf'i.M 'Iii mla m dW4it a. fib if . i I 11 nna- faF - a - : j- public. will ' d:M'U-fl a ine aiiiniar0f many i.f tie K,i"'t r -!' fl meeting of the Ai-adethy .of Pililicnl j whiTi ar t H-til oft thr loari, S-iciice. which is lo a'iuble at the ( na 0,mr th r lui that a will not tremble on. the highway of an earthly way. - V - - "4. The fourth weapon is that of prayer, fireat leao;er have alwavs enough to hear a real pennon, hut a great many of our Church people will go to Sunday School, listen to 9 man teach who has spent, very little time in preparation, but when the minister ' been men of prayer. Of all the things gets up to speak many of these peoplej necessary today it is prayer. Prayer have gone home f that is i-arnest. prayer thtft Is sincere. What is (Jod's estimate of preach irayer that reaches np and lays hold ing? Jonah was commandetl to ion Ootl mid His promises. I.ord teach preach. John the Baptist began to j us how to pray. preach. Jesus preached, on the day j "These weapons are mighty berati : of Pentecost Teter sttKxl up and "l. They create a new earth, preached. So wx" may say that preach-, "2. They are blest of Cod. in"" has been r ordained of God as one! - 3. They are life giving, . of the weapons of our warfare. ADD CONFERENCE The second weapon is that of Teaching. .While the preacher has a great field in which -to work, the teacher also has endless possibilities. Germany's guns were powercui. our The OTBtng session of the cocfereucc today was revoted to eonferecees held by tjje rarioua committees. tne serncc lonint win oeguj at Hotel Astor tomorrow fir a twoxlay rt-s;iii. 'Hie Mcadeniy fe'! at th s time it is imiortaiu to have a throiii;ii going, disinterstil. puldic diuhm of the eVtential of railrad iegi-la-tion in view of the deeinn of the government to run the railroad- lutck tt their private owner at the cnd-f the year, and the two; ery diffentu legislative projMaU iMid'lig iu Co.i grens to deierinine fulnre J"1Mt and t lie relationship of the gvcniuiiit l the railroad problem. A feature of the prgram will I' the annual dinner, at .vhlc!i Viscount tsl ward t.rey. the Ilritish AmtiafcHador to the Cnitnl Stat-s, ha Ui'ri iinliil to be 'the guest of honr. TTi'pfikera a the dinner will include Senator Alert It. I'uiiiihins tf Iowa;. chairman f tb' SMiate Comniltt" iHi Inter-tate rm nierce: ('ongrissmain Sclaiylar Merritt of Connecticut, iuerutifr of tb IImi Comni'ttiv 'flu Interestate ami Ftrign Commerce: llowar'l lUlbtt. president of the Northern Pacidc Railway i. p:i ny a nl Alfred H. Ttn Th. K-t w-rat counsel of tlw AS4ciiibii of Railway executives. " MfViarll 4wafa UMSnM . (ntif Ui AawM fWltif . lMl,( rt , ill I T4i. ,..? 44 " tipiA kl ... .-w tt.'lffe m Unit tt ).! i-t tlJ.5H -kl f V $r :CiAtf '.:; 'lf 'rtw.tvr f ttw tJJ1' ifi $l i'Nttf tt )!lvtlU lU f t. 14, 4 t '.rt; ! t'ii.t ''lfp A.,f l,ita! Mi.UniM V4' 4f 'f Xtmiuinf mnt in e Atf f -!. t'?iijr tixf ;fi .-.' 1 1 1 . ? IU''; i 1 t Ut !.'' i m r a 4rl1i4rif a-tilW4'I I m lt. Twr1 t.ir mt4 a alrnalo. Ha !lr tHt ' '4f-i.t. U V, uikfUi !? I ri t?igi rt.-' 'Ap""?.. I t .wiW4 4 -. t y tftr- 41i'WX i 1 4 a r ;'A rii4. w-ti.-4Mt4 i t -.14"4). ftua-. 'fit t4iu f . i'f fr en r l t'Hltt r !! rf rait s!ifftftf ' w -4- tUfitm-' a?l a ..!.. t ,t3 i ! fifl ft it a If i-mhfjh' rmdi-r t tc4,tara Lion are tit for 4--rra? it After Jaiiuarr ti, l'rK ttw Ut Im 1 111(11 liur II "J iiw "Sir".'.. tlon act li-"mei tfTle, it pr-..-: rali cannot U W rally Tnjt.ufatnrl and ld. "It ha ' 'lerti h4"ijr. adit.v t fnlT that tl iit-Ts of tl htt ftturcr a wr-tl a f tl- grroMl may t th'.twiehJy nJi4tv tfl a, aisti the ni-i ftf I'wnDtet 1, Pi;, fm a M-rie of oi?ifitnw-4i and lf trr on ni irciirath. Tin" tMir-. A alK h be rlr;ga, will m U iU- 1 a y and tiH-sn J Httw-r muct r crease lh pofabiMtjr; of IU-- f-jaia tin. irj,.rtmdry wiiM "lrn air tuann fa-turcf lnl-j;-tsl in I Ur- ! tuat ft-r dnrini that e-i I pr-'1. 4l-r in writitig r by j'rM4al titaW . WashiniTtofi with their riesrfatj-4. Ihir in t-arl t' tbi aaaftrf., Tle rtiirdlr ".rlc f i"fti'f Hbif h m iff I- ard-r ol tcrati a this tltiw arr ; ' : ' , . "Tiart r' uf jk and j ffntaca. Mon!ay. I -ci-ai. r 1.1' ' I ra. IH1MIST IN l IT KIIU4I ItV A 1Rt Dma Induslne Contention. : New York. Not. 20 Tb firt tfa cral ftmvention ever Wld by tl rn8 ufacturers t wotortiV garnwmt sud malcri-N in the Cnlted Mrv will rW held at Atlanth 1'ity early nxt uvuth. Tlie A s n-ia tul I r e I tu hitr - f Arnerica'ls arransing or tlv catl-r-ing. mhleh is enpf-tetl t attract mm ufatiurers :frfon all jwrt of the ci9i-try.- - : ' The- eon vent iu will deal witli reform needed in the jarmect ttidrj try. aul ways mean. will be dJs cu-cl fcr nieiEj; th many ifTftlTB ahich have cmm. alut a r-i!t of the war. It i expected that rer t h? mwt reproectatire men in the " i o'clock, and will be under thoj mec'a faracnt aad kitvlrel inda;tri will atteud tne cfursiicm iie ocit jrate rcprescnri&i; Unas d! an ag- t .... ii tirti J back of her guns was hex teaching that j direction of the North Carolina h ranch spurred her soldiers. The man or wvjf he Womau's lreiru ilisionary man whtv-froes-lf ore. a class Sunday j Society. An itluiJrated lwiuro ril! after Sunday has an opportunity toihe given at the night session. "Liquid nslii4al ti-MHwK WW- newtay. Inlr ... 1 a. m.-f I p ta. : .' I TlaToTirz r.irarta, Fri lip !- lrf-r 3s H a. l l ra I IIvtibs wiH If 1 Hr hatldlrut rvaL ' tf1; ' Wbt5t. !. ..- Vmaf Hr? it at Kmif U4 lith Matndj) l 4ltailaal. la, 4 (tap 1W 4m a4 faia 'l4itaim. a . b f 4-. t J I 14ffrt .t , "t.t-tr, r-'aflM if rtt t- !.. ft.rrcj :' It a It at f.f4- I Ui t a til )fi4t ft'Cfttf' t V.tdV j M'l t-r4 t ! trial " "IV a'! ,v'aa't -4 riiart ttw iithfjj M tl' -.??$- lf:W! rs.- Ij'l Jr ' eiM - Tli ii-"txti f"r , b- Mry all t-o I fel''t', fi-rf .Aefina-. ait t.oift fori In ile riI r . h t 3HroT-i by -r?ary IUUt. Jar U. FraziVr. NV Vrk auiv kk1 the lal. lsir? H1 t f bteojw, at.ruf half the a aJr ilUr. u tt 4' iH tr a 4. ore f A'Morr t:a Ue xTijijSi : TIj- Cirai War 'Tr : XintiM" Or the rrter'ae . ikle Itie :'eK'f tk allil l aorlatwI j.?rff a. It It a rmarkaWe fat ttaf fU crer-fe a urinal rmsJr.e of 1X ieepet rs1 of th ji art c H f fY,W. J r rry near furvl , -:. . IjiW ! NaW NafUataf Il... ''T,tfa?, III., War ;', -fUp a-.it.4 rad 4 Wlrsrle La arth'! i tV iff f Ii- f! f4 atatvama.l f Iff ta n i'r t ! I I. Ii;f ?, M4Vt Iff lM4"la? Tl -f ft" fc 4 fa rarrl4ts at.a.-t..f- f .. f f?, f t,liiif,S fetif .fawjtr,. '" TV .!tf tta a tW.ttJfKt -!J r&Jlf t tfcf it-.Ji ' tU4ai'.a' - at? " M!v l;Vtte ; (vt !.? 5.-fat' ttff7f -fct f tL tiar 4 I f ,f t-a k sii3: .r.Vf ire . at , -f-rrr'. t1. 4It a.? t f .-, rr-474 : J.rt Mti'ii . afc anrriri.fcf l..Arttsr rl ?.r- alNr.?. .tafM f'I 7V auth' Ca farrtaaa llama CW Tae IttK?tW frfi.Tt Tr&l ( W pafeiia a alva'a at !fcu aaaa. rerf t etrr jwirti&r V4 aV rrlfiksj iri Jrti i id f r Caspar fr 1 fcr ' ytir TV uv ajrr rfiis'-a rti avl as4 tfiV a'itlftjp tfc t& car.. feat Cs.ulb a41. tT.t- Ijf4t. Cla. tt- CtWlu $t tt w4 usj evaf. ii ta!W tn la lis enrxia. It H a fi'-fs asl f'w-al jrf at w)tX,