. : ' ; j " - , . r . ; , . t "". j ; : . ' . . ' .. ' , H -IN 1 , , . IV . Al J ! V vtV i' ! 'lb M. P-a"-""- W-"--"BaT m-.WV - BBaateMaaa ft. a V- T H "fc. W A . , ' . -a. , Ji L f ,IF . I IB ! SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher. PUBLISHED MONDAYS AKD THURSDAYS 1103 a Yff. tuMf U 'Aii?49 .i.ume xlv. CONCORD, N, CTHUJeSDAV, FHBHUAHV lf, 10) NO, fVV '- RESIDENT WILSOH IJUIICIIOII ISSUED jLimt fJUIIGE II By jysTif-."1 thf T Ly sroii COfflPLETES ANSWER PELL VlTHDRAVi'S 111 FMOFIffllll t m - - - - - . t Cleaning House 111 III lj'j ; ; iu i Allied Supreme Council oil vuiiauw vutsutKU Expected to Be on the Ca- Beforc - Night. hies NO INDICATION ; AS TO CONTENTS President Drafted the Docu ment in Two Hours. An swered Council's Conten tions Point For Point. .MHOln(pl Irei. Feb. 1!). President Uil rrn .Mi;iv rommeieu ins repiy. to rt- :iili-i supreme : councils on the A'lii.ii' qiK-siioii arid sent it to aci ni - ' --! i :i i v Polk., who is jiu Hint; it in I'.imt for IPiinsinillal to the couiu-li. Ii t iMi lcl in Ik- on the -illt's bo- 'rfii n- w.is no Lndioalion -jis to tluk i,.,n 's jojitciits or length. Tho I'n si ,!, iit l.c'iiii lijiflinpr it ojirly tlris moi-n-in:,' :i nU coinpU'tnl it iit two lioursThc n.uiK ils ( onuiiunicnt ion wan -twoi vwl yoicnliiy, and the Kpofnl wttli which tin- reply was propaml was said t ((iiiitutc somt'tliin of a record. Tin' President wnt to his study at fi r.'t Ibis morning and summoning his .N'hi.tfniplier iminodiatt'ly bojcan dict. .iiiiiL' iti'" reply. He. was understood to liitve .iiiswered the eouAcil'K contention' jiiiut for j):int, and to have adhered M ihe position fjikeu in his no.te of r.l.nuiry 10. .''' . . . ,. It i-j now protty w4l established that in the eoiiinniniiition the President iiifm uied the alli'd countries that if tiny proceeded to a settlement of the Ailiiniic iiiestion without the consent ::n I participation of the American jrov- riiiiu i). the United States would have to ilii iile whether if could become a Itify ff the; treaty of Versjtiles and Hie Afi;,'!o Krench-Aiorican pact. Answer Completed. ; AVastLin-tori, , F(J. 10.-rreitilejit Vijsuii hean dicta'tinff. hi- reply to U"' -JI?IKuy.'jtfincUiOwU' u) -iirr tin" Adriatic sittla'tion early, tortny and lie hopes to he able to have it trans liniicil today or tomorrow. ; There was no intimation .at tlie v.hite house as to the nature of the I'lcsiilcnt's reply. The allied note received yesterday IS 'ahimt as loni? as the President's .first note" it was said at tlie whlt lmnse. Jteporfs from London said the alliiMl -reply contained almut 4AMY) oi ds. uiid this figure- wa accepted liy white house officials as bein? ; ap proximately correct. TCKKISII-SITUATION OVEICvSHADOWS.ALL OTHERS Miu'ii (Ippovition to Derision to Let Sultan Rule Constantinople. . B The Aiioruicd PrMi.1 I.0111I011. 1-Vh. 15). Tlie latest develop ments in tlie Turkish '-itua lion have for the moment pnsheu the Adriatic question into the background in both lKihlic and nflicial 'interest's.'. The. re nervations which Franco and Great Hritain are said to have made witji rf-.ir.t to the Turkish peace terms, in- 'lii'ling the retention of the Tuks in v,nstaiitiiioplc have arou.sed i strong 1'eliii in Parliament, where the oppo sition objects to settlement of the Tur kish question with referring it to the .-t'omiuons. Particulfti' antagonism has ''en aroused in opposition quarters to ttit decision to iermit the Sultan to H !.-iin sovereignty over Constantinople. TWEXTY-FIVK GUESTS STILL MISSING TODAY 'Jains if Htel Lorraine Being Searrh- ed by Poliee Oflieers. Illc Tk A,inil.iiil lroaK 1 I'lovideiKV. R. L. Feb. 10. Unable "leiinitely to locate 2." of the guests' of ' he Hotel Lorraiue. which was hnrned yiMer.luy with a loss of three lives. I'ulirc and tiri nfVu-iiils todnv made" fur- I! search'of tlu ruins. It was their ''pinion, howewr. that the missing "'n's lull escaped, but had not fouu( if convenient as yet to send word of u- afety. In several instances oth '! OTests have sid they saw on the m i vi'ts lifter the tire persons, who are ,ISI'H as iuissinr -r.a ! l'reMsc(l Increase in FriglS Rates - Disapproved. . M'v Hern - Feb 17. K. f!. Kirknat- illv Hie V;i -liinidi'. aetini" srarV theNe Kens Plain Received Favorable at the ' t I lie organiziition of business men siiiitpcrs from Eastern North Car '''"'i ...cities, which would be effected lu increased freight rates for ' which Norfolk k Southern Rtrilway. re-! ,fi'iy applied, today receivcKl a tele r "; 1,1 I rom J. II. Fishback. at .Wash iiJf "ii. c. the Association's attor 1"'.v. stating that the proposed increase li.nl li(.iu disapproved by the division "I' public service of the United .Slates K.mv.iy Administration. This is im- 'frstood here to-mean the ending of present tout rover sv as to tho in- ' reuse in freight rates to and, from New Rem and many other -Eastern v"th Carolina -towns. JIiss Sangers, who was the. iteiio- -'ipnor of President Benjamm Har l lsfn, is said to havo been - the first the White ""man ever, employed, at House in a clerical capacity. Says He Will Make J Every Effort Now to Have i His , Opponent, A. J. Maxwell, Appointed on Commission. GIVES STATEMENT AS TO HIS ACTION Presfdent XXouId Not Con sider Name of Either Man So Long as Both Were ter'the Appointment. Af- ftul-ili.' I-Vb. vX4iuYif ;; P. Pell. mendM-r of the Nortti Carolina nMratiii r.u)inissioii. in; a state meat lu-ic tMlayjnitnTnnec. ibis with drawn I from the race for. the appoint ment to the Interstate ('ommerce Uui mission aiul expressed tlie wish that every effort, be 'made to. have A 4. Maxwell, also, n' member of the North Carolina .Commission, le appointed. Judjre Pell's statement fllows: j "1; am informed from Washington that the President refuses 'to consider the names of Mr. Maxwell or myself for apiMtintment to the Interstate Com merce Commission, as long- as toth names are !cfore him. anl our Sena tors divided; This bein.s: : th? ca. and notwithstanding my name was lh-Kt! present el and I at least had tht rieht to expect ,no opiosition within mjf oflicial family?. ami notwithstand ing the fact that Senator M)vermau Secretary Dani&ls.i and eisjht out , of every ten of tho North Carolina Con gressmen endorsed me. I feel that; a proper regard for the interest! of my State should compel me to withdraw, winch I-havei done. The appointment Ss-of suchvitat imiortaiM-e to thf Slate that! I trust every effort will be niwle to hand Mr. Maxwell. I' have some- information which' iaues me t prelict his appointment within forty eight -hours-, after ' my ''withdrawal reaches Washington.-' I have no re sentment toward those who" opposed me. for they have the temerity to of- resident would .jiot, appoint a lame man. This is certainly a lame ex cuse, for my Jameness" is an as.set. to the state, it requiring that I sit on my ob and not ie running around, ii enjoy the distinction of having been in my. office more days than any man who ever sat on . our commission." i BAKER DEFENDS THE I ARMY ESSAY PLAN Says It Will Net InruYate.: Militarism AVithin Minds of the Children in Stliool. - J' ;J ' ' Dy Ttir AMOolated Prr. Washingotn. Feb. 10. A practical working. knowledge of the nation's new peace time army is essential, ior ev ery school child.- Secretary Baker stat ed in a letter made public today' in which he defended the War Depart ment's -plans for a national ssay cotjj test February Ut among . the school children on the subjects" Advantages of an Enlistment in the Army.' r ' Militarism, the Secretary declared in the letter, whUri was addressed to Mrs. Georgia CWant.'-.Winfield, Kans., will not l)o ineulcnted or furthered by the essay contest, , ' i 'We are all opposed to militarism. said Mr. Baker "but we, must face the stern reality of facts. Peace-.-we re gret to acknowledge, is jiot toay su nreme in the world. The sword is still unsheathed in many places. BODIES OF SOLDIERS ARE EXPECTED SOON Those Burried "in England and Uear of Amiv Line in France Coming First. ' . -'T i ' ' : Br The Auwlitr Vrmm.t Washington. Feb. lO.Bodies of American soldiers, buried "ill lngland ind in -the rear of the army zones in France are expected to begin to arrive in thi country soon. The War Pe- t announced today that 1 belies had been-disinterred in English cemeteries and were ready .for ship ment. This will be the first homeward t'nf .American soldier dead 4AJV v. -uv ii -- - ith the exception of 111-bodies re moved last November. J MAY SEND THE EX-KAISER i TO ISLAND OF CURACAO Hague. . .. : tty The AmocJI PTMfcl Paris, Feb. 19. Suggestions hat former emp'r0-' William be kut to the Island of Curacao, ore me cucujiuiii coast are received more favorably in smie quarters at The Hague than the idea of transporting him to one of the Dutch East Indies, according to the Matin. The newspaper says the last allied note to the Dutch government caused evident i embarassment at - the Dutch capital. l : :y Prominent Farmer. Killed. ; (Br Th AaaoclateU Prmt Clinton. S. C.. Feb. 19. Eugene rvntris. n leadins farmer, of Laurens roimtv was shot and killed here to day, and L. Klakely, a negro, who - as snr-iWi with tne suooiuix. uw a ' parrel over a labor contract, is be-1 ing sought by a posse, DEATH OF MRS. Jl'I.H S F. FISUKR EARLY -TODAY- Died at 12 :30 OVIork of Fneuimmia at Her. Home on North Clmrrh Street. .This entire city was shocked this! mining when it was anuoui.l that Mrs. Juhus K Ushor died this morn- ing at 1 :.) clock at her home .ou ; Nonh Church street. I'neumonia. fol-1 owing a fever case of influenza, wus the cause of tlie death, .. tfi.ii. ... H M known that Mrs. Fisher was seriouslr ill, her many friends hoped n?uiust all h11.s; tiwt she would recover, and her dentil comes- as one of the saddest tolls of the inflm-inca rpidemic.' Before her marriage. Mr. Fisher was Miss Margie Sufher. daughter of Mr. Jl&SSS Sfftyt-Ara.of .age, -rtnr ui uinriirti i Tcnioei: i;n.. i and k survived by er husband and, on Si one dnusrhter. Helen Klizibth Kisher. I .-,,.. i She is also Riirjivpd i by her father ail j two sisters Mrs. K. C. Stone, of Jones- loro, and Miss Helen Suther, of this city. Mr. Fisher has ?een ill with influ enzal for more than ten days, and while his condition is improved, he is not able yet to leave his home. The funeral will le held at the home of Mr. Fisher's father, Mr. tjeorge F. Fisher, on Loan street to morrow morning at ,11 .o'clock. "ou- luctel by tlu deeased",-i pastor. Iter. W. r. Lyerly.' and the Interment will be made. at Oak w owl cemetery. , , The . psill boa re r wilt be ; Thomas Alexander.. W. A. Overcash, Cliarb-s Barrier, U. B. MeRride, F. M. White side and F. C. Carroll. The death of Mrs. Fisher has pe culiarly touched ever.V one in. this city. Just in' the bginnlng of womanhood. with one child only throe ' years old. nnd with Sebright fnture lefore her. her death comes as a sliock to every one who knew her, and loved her. . ANOTIttlR ME.SUKF:l TO PROTECT CABINET Bill Introduced in House Today by Representative' Madden. 03t The AMArlnictf Prcit.V Washington, Feb!-1.). Another bill to deal with the situation arising from the inability of a President to trans; act.. his duties, was introduced today in the" House. Representative Mad den, republican,. Illinois, offered a measnre empowering the cabinet to determine when- a president is dis ablel. Like -other similar mea-uies introduced yesterday, it would not he applicable to l'resident Wilson, as it Would not become effective nntil next March 4th. " Mr. Madden measnre '"proposes that after a President had leen unable for six weeks through physical, dis ability or absence from the conntry to perform his duties, the cabinet conld declare the disability and call upon the vice president to act. 1 he vice president would remain in the office until the cabinet should declare the President's disability ended. MANY CHANGES NEW ! IN SOVIET RUSSIA Martins Says Criticism of Soviet Rus sia is Allowed 2o (By Ta AwtditH trai Washington. Feb. 10. Many change have ; been made' In "the original me thods and laws of the Russian soviet government, Ludwig C. A. K. Martens, its agent, in the .United States; testi fies! today before the Senate committee invest igating - Bolsheviki, propaganda in the United States Among other things, he said, priests and clergymen can vote, and press cen - sorship has been abolished. Groups which criticize- the. sovtetirre tolerated and a lowed to maintain newspapers. he added. ' - : " , ; ; ; - f . '" ; -. -,, . . . '.The total production of radium In the United States up to tha close of 1918" ts estimated- at approximately 53 griimmes. :which is u&ersrood to he'the shoulders of each of :nswx oust niore thnn hairof aithe radium the Individually li;ure out mt own liabil- world has produced. MISS TERSKY rlHLLIPS IlIKirSriHIKNLY YTERDAV Had IWif 3 Making Her Home With yir. and .Mm. V. V Ritchie For Fif- Irrrt Year. i -! Mj Tersey Phillip)., one of tl,e ,n0sf devout women of tlia eitvj ami knmvn hy hiuulnU ?. ot inn aer. ...,V..1.1. A. ,f 'T f , Ari i 'ifi..hT kL " " "-. ""'-in mir she ,,,,1 innIn lir 1.rnA years. Itis thought lieart trouble wan the cause of dalh. t .' - ' - - I Mr. and Mis. Uitliie attended the funeral of Mr. M. 1. Ubh hanan, land upon" returning hon found in Phillips lying on the floor of her room. .lead, . It is? thought ho died alnmt : o'Hoek. f r ,..r - , 3 "The .Ini ti,rfi,i,, i i ,A. nii"iii.-i i.iiinvii, untiiiK jiuei the church more than, fifty years Wo. Wfls an oarnt.st always took an aci (.nrt.ii xvork church worker, land ctiv part Ju all the She is survived by only one brother. Mr. I. F. Phillips, of Charlotte. She was born and reared in rnhafrus county, being a daughter of the late Mr. James Phillips. Funeral services were held t hi af- ternoon at 4 o'clock at Central Meth odist ' church, and -the interment vas made in Oak wood cemetery; Tlie pall bearers were: I'harles I. Mollornilit Henry T. Ft ley, Joseph Suther, Luther Robblus. ; ;1 CIIICAGO I NIONS WILL DEMAND MORE MONEY Will sk For $1.12." an Hour Instead of $1.00 an Hour. ' ' (Bt The AtuMfi(ed 1rt-m. Chicago, III.. Feb. 19. -Thirty-three tinions, -ompriing the Chicago build ing trades council. are preparing to demand $1.25 an 'hour for tljeir mem lers instead of the; $1.(10 rate adopted last fall, union officials announced o- day. - The announcement followel close 'af ter the declaration of the associatwl general contractors convention yester day that a building prosram .aggre-, gating $0,000,000,000 during the com ing year was !eing held back by the high prices of materials, and the in creasing cost of labor. Wase Provisions Predominate. Washington, Feb. 10. Wage provis ions of the re-lraftel railroad reorj ganization bill reprted t; the i-en-ato and house yesterday, were counted on to enter largely into the delibera tions beginning today of the confer ence between Director (Jencral I lines and the twenty-five leading railroad executives; I j Sections of the revisetl measnre, which, it was considered wt ul.l at tract the most attention from the Tall road" executives were those prohibit ing any reduction in the -wage of j the ' . i . . . . . . . . ruiiroao workers prior i iejHemT 1, and creating a permanent arbitra tion lxanl of nine members represent - ing the public, the workers and 1 th? corporations. I : ."The conference with the railroad executives was calief. :y Mr. llines to ascertain the attitude which i the railroad corporations would assume toward the proposal advanced 1 by President Wilson in his reply to the demand of the railroad employes that a federal commission be appointed to consider he wage problem. Protest Against Railroad Bill AlBf Th A Hael Frvaa.) j Washingtoin Feb. 10. Protest against the wage provision of the j completed railroad lull will be made i in Inters to l-retddent Vilsm and Ii- rector General Ilines, which represen tatives of the railroad union organi Kation and official of the American Federation of Labor were framing todar' at conferences : at the federa tion headquarters. , . rW. tan. -m.it tm a himliTt ftnirfr An ity for a return and a fax. GIBSON MILL NEWS. Miss Iii Hamilton in Stn.itlU- IIspitaL Mm. IauUc and Ua Re roTf ring From Flu. Other Itrjm. Miss Annie (V hraue ban returned to her : iMitne Hi Frwln. Tcniu tz i?lKndiiig everll day heivf-ttlna relatives. I Mis Winnie Trult-iSKpeudin:; xomc time ut the lHt1die of lwr mother mI Indian Tr?:ii; j , j Miss Ge-irgla Caldwell nciif Sun day near Stutevllle viidllng her grand UHdlier. Mr. G .Y. Cabhvi U. , i Mrs. C. S. Snrner has rHurnel from the bedside of her, ha -band a( Djii ville, Y.- . r v '' - - - - - , I Mrf,JL O" Lueke ant little tun. Bolwrt, if., who have Item 11 ntb influenza, ar Improving: ! ' Mrs. Tom Burdentt ik! ehtldren. of Spencer, spent weveral day f lat wk with relatives' here. Miss JI'.ev.ie ir&miiton. who under went an operation at Dr. I-ons iSan atorium last .week, i improving nh-e ly. ! . Misses Juia Jackuu and I.ixxie Pag spent Saturday and Sunday In AlKmarle visiting relative-i. Mr. and Mr. R. A. Stirewalt iixl dauzhters, Ik.rls and Mr. Ralph Ken nerly, spent theweik-nd in Rowan county visiting the former' lurerit:, Mrj and Mrs. 1 VV. Stirewalt. i Mr. Kssie.May has returned to her home In Saiifhury after Ending a wiek here at -the tielstde of her moth er. Mrs. Ma iy Tally, wtm ban Itfn ill, lut is improving. Mrs. Fannie Gariuoti and two chil dren ' spnt Monday in Stateville witii. Miw Bessie Hamilton, at Dr. Ionc"s Sanatorium. - Miss Nellie ICeavis Is cr.nllnetl to her home on account of flu. Mr. and Mrs. Hasten AlesandeT spent last Saturday night here vl.-lt-ing Mr. ami Mr. John White. Mr. W. F. Holland and Mr F. G. Stearns peiit lat Wedneliiy in Char lotte attending the funeral of their uncle. Mr. W. C. Ferguon. ; - Mr. aud Mr. K S, Holbrookn and son, T.IiMtley . . itrowti. fciwnt Saturday an1 sundar. vWtinz Mr. Holbrook- sister, Mrs. Arthur Honda at Kauuap- olls. Messrs.-'. IL- IX (ierge and Harvey IJhinehantt. of No. 4 township peid Snnday Tlsiting Mr. und Mr. Wade II. rK4e !K)OL!N(; IS CHARCED RY . EXTRAORDINARY GRIND' Jt RY Conspired fo Indirt Ga-ston Meao far Murder, Governor Smith U Told Albany. V Feb. is. t.overoor Smith recel vel today from Itaymond F. Almlrall. foreman of the New lurk connty ex traor Unary grand Jnry, Kpecirication3' alleging mijeonduct in office on the pirt of three aiultaDt ditri attmeyi. John T. I tool lag. Jatns Yl Smith and Edward ' P. Kil- i roe. ,: Tlie governor aabl he wonH UrMt nate Attorney General Charlei I. Newton as pecial cwid t the jrrand Jury in the investigation of th charge. iHn.Iing is charged with conspiracy to bring about the indictment of Ga ton R. Mr-ans for mnrdr; Smith la al leged tir have levn guilty nf neglect of duty in respect to inre1igatinz and pr .- 'u ting gambiing and disorderly lK.u-es. and Kiln U accniel f ijeg.' lect of doty. !' ! Im4dent at. lib Deal Araifc . Vr Ta .imritoi n , Wa!IUngton. Feb. 19. Prei4t WilsiKi has Improvrd j tnach Rear Admiral Orayn. hi phjTtician. M today, that he pe to work at hi desk in hb study every morning at 0:30. Dr. Gra-ena id the Pruddent had not yet resumed using his type writer, but be probably would do o 1 .. - . i . , I i The rvrlc. of cottoti on the local mar-1 Icet Jf" 552-22? at tlnS Lad iSri per pound;, cotton teed at ?L0 perfUd t- -J - - . . a 1 uouva To Prevent the $a!e iWKtvtfs .Ikcck-rJ Vttm !lf Thirty Former German Liners y the Shipjini: BoarJ.at Th it Time. SAYS TH1; UOAUD HASNT THK PCWER To Make the Sale of Ship, as Congress Did Not In tend to Give This Power When Board Was Created. itijniMttct i r urul ii- tr .f t tW f4 - - )W ... ftrtM-.r (!(tw Mii,"r trt ti e ! tM $.- i-n m-m -C-tl t-) i-at fts ., t fc4w ft tr 4--. rt Li hf -'lt -l' -4f ! f t. II mm ". ti lr 4 the I t W I C4!ull wt,'K,-i I t ' W -fj W f Hf-tt! crt,' - . j I uim su-jf Ju4Sr ttalle ui Wl that aflrf rrf t 1r ftd evamlnatW tf ttw tte l- ! J. tfel IU tii- t of fte ofinbA flat thry tU iwK 4i tl hMi tML lt tvtm I1V Intent ii tm Iferf pmtt f fV'-'-tf I ' lKtW, iUti It .MU-Amt ,f to Arr in lite Prrti-t r 1 Ik hipping tnwr! tte t-r l "-HI Ibi htp. Apitb-tlt. f'f l! liJurtlM mad Lt 8d!urly ly.. WUIUwt tUti dfpti INrl an-l ltritg i! t IwrH Ut Mdjilny hlh- tt llp -r-U-li2 .fTi-r-l t iMtlb ttmiiUm, TV liuird annoutwed ieterlar tlmt It tlff thf ir-tiWi iM .r f'g4- dibb-1 to t-1 11 fe MU rnHrti- mUmtJ) ill At Uw tUn- It -k-4 Cwirr-j ' It ttt kiM f ltr fr atl-Hty id gin oflTer it b5f it tbtj t, ttu-t re ki i. at piddU- anrtlfHi. ltlic tu ti?kl tiittntym ' k. Mr. liu. f tlie bifJn lrd.j Mntt 111 eitM trt aiiitmiiM-ed fWiy that be ftonld r-tti jfi m K1 W MfUf jjr 4 mend t tlw I-pniaeol f Jn-Jtb1! jIk ii' "lli . tliat ..an nal frm ti1 letsiMrirjr l i km in a tear"" ltilB lujM-tUn r ubl ! ttnuti d lately. In lle meantime, !e H, it wm extwteit ttuif Mr. HnN mld le etiwfd 1 fartUt tet l p l-ft Hie 1rd agitt! hm hf rirt f lle blp lying Idle.' FAMOUS TRF.ELT1IK V Y. L C X. GROUNDS IS GONTK Oasf 0di Trrr Jo Yard iVrad. "IV CWM rt ilimTm Bft t pie." aiNl man ban rter h&d retard for the Irne that f iIom tm tewra. tUm. Tliere U alay Mnctb I rut trag ic in the death of of ti4 flaOt of the forrM, ttUlt Iwa Unl f be lnd and mtfrw of f and ba n many eneralbn come aiwl g. . Tb -turilj k. wbw-ti ha rcnulrrd the gift f the year lo tufug it to t maturity, full by 'be ne In the.iaee i.f m fe houm. (bie of tiM ancictit moar1i h Kto.t iu tle ard ior twt by tn local lng Mn' "hriiB Ibni longer far than Ihe taTry 4 tt l!-t Inhabitant. Wttea tk tttt among h are tenr gry witli yrr were un-xv ty. ! jrtant ire wa then Ioerlws twarl tl lra- crux in Mralsht aud majetk grstl-nr. Tlie waiwn hate come at gne, manr men and women bar livnl oit Ib'-lr allots I time aixt bae i-rsl tn lni' flu, iiiur aerii. Martaisl hf tb Affil rin au1 the annHgbt t the nf ia j ating pring. tlrt aot t tiny tendril! Upward. CHlOtU-a etteratbma f j binJJ lu re made tbetr haftpy iKtae. In th lnicrl f tb tk -bWh 1 . f- llu. M M W A Bit I f .A ( ii ..- v n v. i Tiinz, iiwu -au ini 4 -- lure, iwnd the e thrill tbr.tiirh Itw ram -t ' ,itt. 1- i ,.4. 1,1 -S'X'a .!r.Urtl Btt. trt 1? f -SJ loan, layer cao- w' . V"-" 'T ... i . . tt . it.. - ? leaven lo iKiri inn to nr nau man and blrd Tbla -p,ing wbetle Call II l i i7ii it 1 f iniim t i-i- oHVhti .11 the many frr, .tvl hn.- in-t libera an.T the .t,t? rail to m lif- and fruitage, ti--re mUI one towering r-ak. ofr awng the ft rd t respond, tlt will fall t' amwer tle call, oe Mux t I be w! tlatrwlU tetuain dnt aiwt lit leja, for t hi one 1 etl. If 1 Vrer !- or wife folkws fhia tref ! to Matxl Tlx r-e.t nr bt tb' trunk and cracked the earth, o that! any llme txnr thi lmelt tm- 11 likely t torn era-bleg t eirth. ct- j Ing laiae and pet bar lJwrtrg man or tiMat. ... J Kr thl- rra-. tte ire. U tiag d' U. ad s that pert arte Ht b lo all no rwii'i in irazn j. phi m uiu.t ! bf (Her f be win tap that will remain there will l lr- awl aWarrra elimMiig tbi m3-r. m thm can oerrr tk th le 4 th al-hty tre that I being fHlel Herat"- It L laiern t alio tt Im Mand knrr Tbo. fa- - f 'tW ancient landinari.. Tl lh errl log hand "f time ha telW tl.U t3ti atiti f lb 4 l Ua rl that the f-aee tb'"f Ufl know It i nvre. Stti in jjr lf toh f rhsing Jur fa w it tbtisa) and !ta!h- e aiih af. Artp t Ymr for the fjucl gif y of fb tsalghtr oak that retnrn t lt prSmal el-uf ibis day. r, it niiTrjiir. Owin in the ,ta !ni.ir,rTl4(iV fS5M"' " Rer. U. Patber ha Joat ferried j l M -4 fms an attaf cf lrtf!ieta. tb-r -SH ! . , -J tm no xrrice on fc&djy rrb.' 33tl. at Trinity tib-raa Cbofrtt la No. 4 town-b'p. . . -. . M . - . .. a . hi to ot fr terarlx 87 jean. TTVciont titf Nichi,-" The Urtt Ind atc ! Change Heie, runm mmis rUOW PNEUMONIA Nunc Holding Pco'e Vp For Higher. Pay, Want ed $10 For Working Tcn tyFour Houn Now rn,rnH , tr wt. JUfttsir 4 tfer " i4. , mt4 1 lf 11 s 11,f Wtl mint rr fM1 l -T- 4 tb tit-'' at. IW 4Wf 1 W " kritWt iW rStt f tW imtit. ft-altbudf tbat fti- h4- l l ' ' e ! ftW vmll mut, fw tht ftttHHIbl, UImH U tCp tkmiitl ti fr. IV 31 ! w iwg itf tr jr -- f I a day fcit twU LHtf. At ttrt-r imr I bij f5 , Tt K i'rtmm - U JUi lb! .itiirM tbrir tte, t4 ihm ' t!r t,ian'Mlli it t-f ! attH l txihm. TVr ar ' tilU t ar $V I i ir 1 i 41, at4 -t U l-i fat our at'tbu tla, tnt tt l ( t-ttl that ttr UrtiM t WJ4 ft t If I t'rt Iftfeta (, 14 If f l-arw! imi wtujug tj fi( fr ft, i 4r h' h It Ilr tf-a t -Tt wtb ti lb rtitktt f4t 1 ri (n any r tt I 4iirt tta tbr iMtu't b t In. ao Ibat t r rf. may t aitL IMteT-orAMk 1. 4ts 11 rtvl l , Ml M ft IUtt tlo tto t.f lb- MfatolMtV!! lie i twins f atili t itl a-taMr eaorti rtT. Ut f ft faflW - lt ttife Wl Iff ;sj tf-4 I. aixl Mitti tnm uu- ftnf III ltff. Mafra bat tw w.l aft t ni ra-ily TiiirctmoN MAtiKtrr. Jirdl frti N-rv tJ Irrrttdarily Al Oj-if JwAf Mr rw Aaaaa4 rtaa vwvl. ivt fJitl -.4t- tmMf, ISt4-a lbs a ll ft wjfu tnliil. tm tail iriatl'a iWiM. TW - . mtf .' it- m JfJl.? Lt Jt , . , , , , . , . - Hil ? ! 1 ZTHI' if4t . f IBf Iwi a 10 , in' i'fMttm fiijare ! Sr. 'May. 51 K; Jwty, 2?-: TRnn nfotiaticjnTto ui: im txisr. nn$: - 1,1111 . .1 While lite IHm- flaa4 iialW. an4 Olhrr lUllrrm, r AMaiMi raa, Wab,ftw ri. lt-l4rt t th tifify . Ijht lif-tM '! liat ih- o-.rrtrry t Uf t in..;f.ir LSI ft Mf rni'l-f iux ra.1ad and --tBr 1 Ttiere a , rrr, tafcett-ef . b it ) 4 ftoaart (-- a ' ; ,te 15wr, r jiy g '" fr ari !' r4 mm II dii y-4-d ibia it !( -tMe-f at ait., a fcr4.f ready t tr-k., I --p art4t' tk are tHirg ft-asv laftmal;. Mn P Vim Cm$0l4aU far f-rlVl r Ta A4Hi ravt .Na tp.ta,.,. -t a!ilMtltv Jjielg, Ml.' "!'-. - I, tera,f . I rtlfl-ft Pr" ft- fcJa t'Mtn- V. 1- rtvkl-t ft( -f- frfmary tt a -USi ra4Mi Vt V rr-H-tif- f-Aifcr.'ti Lt U-o r"t44 t ilw iserretary . tt i nrr? fig , w la '?! Tt nty i a rj-eariir. tu jaf-ioV R. C ih? pf--ts ease- la a fcdf$. Jlr C IL lt;l If irpeadx l-ftfil dljra in Aiia-rsUtf on Unie-

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