II El II A I 1 II "i K 11 iT - ; .. ' L - , KPRII.L, Editor and Publisher. P U 15 L I S II K D M O N D A THURSDAYS (J .Ml: XLV. CONCORD, N. a, THURSDAY, APRIL p. Heci 1 - - y S A W D i I 1 'J 'nMICL ? n f i Ul!""-1 iSHIP OFiROADS u n.-! the Illinois Gcn- 'i-li'fad Says Govern O'.viicrship Causes inur; -mixt. Much Iniemt Sfimvn In Ihe LV nt A gro;j r ACTION OF LABOR s l-iig if- As ci ts That if the Rail- Are on I rial J hat Other Institution Is Trial. :vc! Oil .-it i I!' ii liiiii'" I, il. i -lil'iM. riir .rlntril Pre.) ;..,! K. .. A J nil 20. Govern , ...i ,.! .f railroads is ji step ,,1 ,, . i i i' ii irovcrnniont, nccord , ( 11 I I.iHJiam, l(osil'iit Of i .(Hi i n I . yoiiii company. It. :i! i I- :i! ni''t ing of trn.ns ;, I, of l..rtisville last jlrlit. i rue Mi.i i private ownership i . being given its ,. final i! o tnii' that all American i n- :in- on trial" .! Mr. Mark- ::i , .!, ! rrn t-- 1 and aiuiou : : , ;i i -nil of two years of govern ,..,( ;,), nti i'.u leaders of organized rf,r !;! "itly opose the return of r;iiir.av to owner, but -made de ..ii.u f..i-th"ir rotentionUtider eondi Tiuit woiil'l liinko employee! vir i ni;iii:ii'i' ;inl iK'iieliciarios.1 It -.vroii' -it way in two years. If , h' iipiwiiifiit-. arc suoeessful how ;' take to nationalize the il ii;i'u'-. iiiilUn.u intTTPKis. distrihu- ,n of ? I. 'and finally the resump- ,n t,' liilc lo the land itself?"' ",' I If Id Tomorrott-. :al of lut tr r l .-'.!;. wm-ti Jiiih. rorniM- his?, w-h..l Jiojit I nil wh-H.1: niti.KU Friday uffM,i4. Aprd .t. ju .'::. vi.-k, Wl,e tb iiM--orr ;,iJ( i or.'-. .id irak niM miiu'M rr lioury. lrij li-n-M liy heNVirii-i.nl i.. ........,. ... . vinets in jt,(. rhhf , vt.t. and h ii,l'i'; atleriHfUM-e eM--t.ft. '1 idj r i fhe lir.t mrt-f ,,f l... k:.d tuld in l,.n c?r.l for a lon- time and tli- eunt. .rotru t.i lie full , f it.tereH and eath has , hojjes of wlnnhi ihy.Hjorilv of th events!. The Jneef is lwin" held under lhf. ftttspi, uf v. M. r. A. i,d fhJirle It. 'hite.le, phyir-al ,!irt4t or of flu Jof-al awiation. U wort in ' sincess iha in future it will ! i a regular eveat. The j,;d,l e:.rdi.l ly invue.1 jr K. pnent Frhht v to uit nesK t!n-se 4ontest; ami to It iek tVlr respeetive h ems. Ilrin out voiir w hool eolorii and help (V neonl to 'win. 1 I Kvetit.H. J alestlicnle seventh jfraflo 2.lnnipitk' iii' hio.'td; hijrh. BEST DEIS THAT ' HE MURDERED GIRL ciun xai. si a I i. ldtr IIpiU-J . I I !IW FOR EIRCEliC! Says. That Ik Confessed to Murder of Vera Schneider! 1 Because He Was Tired! and Afraid of Officers. irih. v r- r iUsf S J1, Mr. i.'id ,y..rt aisd eh;Mrf o, f :!.4?ts. rt ;! Uirf 3lr. allJ MK I,:i!!! f P'Mi., I!rsM. f il t4i, I--f tl SAYS HE HAD NOT SEEN GIRL Drill - Sixt h and hoy;. . - M Uuiiuinjr hroad ; stan.J. t unniric; hl-h ; sinndinx MFRICA Ml ST KEEP IlI K KIGIITFl'L POSITION nd Not lie Made Little by Little Vmtians, Hankers Are Told. Hy-Tb Amounted Presa.1 l iiirhiiri. April 2H. "America must i l.i' iijevMitel from taking r rieurful position as a world na ii hy little Americans, narrow vis- .Nfi ititii. or oeanui itomicaaus. ani l.-; H. Sisson, New York ..banker, lured today in an nddveps at the mitl jiicHiit&r of the executive coiut of Ihe Anierirau...Bauk.er Asoeia- ft.-. 1 .-' ..': J (r. si?i(i'uasscVted thnt despite the imlar (hniafiil for n national raer- mnr niarme. one was : Imnoss-ble of atiini under the present seamen's . Eularired foreign trade, he mid, owns impossible with prCjater.gov iiuirital eufournpement in 'the Way fade, information and adequate pro fiou ef Am 'riean money abroad. ni!'i!i';i!i lidustnal lire, he told- the k;rs, caiiiMit reach its-full develop at witin'ut a more 'public spirited In .v. ..-n-sheJ:-r0 yards: JtV) yard i - i nrif pen; r2., . IVtattu niee, O-'Shot lint. ""7 -Uelay kare. Following a nii.ffieials: t 1 Ktarter-'harfes I:. ! -Whiteside ("lerk of ('.urse A. K. Wehh Field Mafshal M. j. Wol ' Seorer AV. M. Sherrill. ,' Timer -K. PatterKon. " Vield JiulRps Hev. A. K. Lawrence. F. M. Whitfside, Kenneth C Caldwell J. Y. Fharr Vrhev,. First Toj individual seoriii' high est total ii(tintsSlrt bathing finr, given hy r!;s-i:elk (Nnnpany. Second flinsebal I plove, tiivvn hy the Musette. Iie., to indivdual scoring seeomUJi fhest total K;nv. M -- Other priizes to be given to winners in the following: Saek race. ioraro race, relay rnce, three leg race. -4- -I And That Me Knows N'oth ing of the Murder. Hear ing of Best Aiain Been i Put Off Indefinitely. i Pont be. Mich., April Anori Hest. this -moruinz iu the prcM in-e f his attori.ty, I'rosetitor tilih-sple and a .number or ne,.vspnjer 'irvti repudiat ed the confVson the tru? CMtor de- fl::rvt- lit' mad 1n lh 'r.i ,S-iflfid'-r j .. i: -.'! t t dnjrtfter, i-!ti; J. 11, iH J, J t;irri fj; FrUtj, "Is. J. II. Ijitou !h t;.Ati-.t LU fyioliy t. 'h -s r. ftf,;t i afo-ji a ir ';, Mr. J-ajia, l.Jfc f rrj rtiaLti. tI ,lfiM -bi re ft,r hm rl iiH.tli". ;! I-! n !tiriH a -nri r-rii v r r at the Gilsi 5l.lt Mr. Martha h'nuth tt-l ui Kd dre:t. IIti jnl Irnl. if PavHurkt-l, ft; I, are t.i-iulitiJt -tMti t!ir h-re uittj l.er Ln!,'htir. Mrs. Jdark li MU i.itll Sf1. of lUwk Hill. mm J4!te week-ii"l !r wPh frl-i.. Mr. Ya-U itK and falsify Sure dy: visltiiiif Mr. ainl Mti. Allan IMurn nier in No. tt toHiishlp.l Miss Iyrtie VUi utid Mr. Tena Craven ?-enf lh Vie'k-!.! Lit rt-eu-horo. -J ' llMlMni Ktm m lii'xK At?i 'Z?.i4 5 -. s? -fc.AfcS i im -4. ...... W-. I jo AttlnlJJ i:iCt.Vi,j U w ' rirst bsh of a Rumored i .'t.w . m Revolt tiFlht Mrti-an C- p--i'. t.'- TROOPS PL ACPD NEAR THE BORDERlr eas. .1 Th p-isom-r iiiaii;laiof. tlmt Id- first story twlil when h wj.s '.toppeti al tlte scene of die murder i 1 the truth ar.d that bi.- fidudssiiim tn;d". aceordlng to the proven : or' In rie presence of H-veral offa-ers yesterday were alP tnlse and due to his fe jr if otlners ami farijfue from tti.evtiininx. Plate to arraign the man again In the circuit court today h;jve Ictu de ferred ber-TTse of the new develui Kients. "I di.l not kill the girl or have any thing to ; with it." Kuid P.';M this laoi nlng. "The . story I told the nlli cers when they stippe?l nie there that tiight was true. Thud been oid walk Sng ami was on -my v;ay.;lioim: tliat was nil. . I had not Keen the girl and knew nothing of her murder." 1 Mr, Floyd ' ': enf.TF Ike Hilt THE COTTON MARKET WO Mil LION DOLLARS (ilVEN TO BAPTISTS hi Another Two .Million is Offered Conditionally. ' Xv Y"(,rk; April 29 An outright it of .OOO.MO and conditional tew of an additional $2,000,000 from Ul.uma KpeUuian Roekfeller momor d fund-1 tlio $100,000,000 fund being used lv tfie new world movement of if iiorthoni Uaptists was announced 'lay. Added to the contributions an "'incod - last night by ..the Baptists raisod gifts and pledges in the two days amounting to .$0,000,000 "ui nocKeieiiers. Of the Laura Spell- fi:m U-'.-kefeller pledges $1,000,000 is "Hiito.iml -n the raising of $02,500, IH ly tl: Uaptists and a second.mil "!i is eimditional upon the ifunds ' K-hint: ss7:otH000. )'IVE AHE KILLED IN RAIIJIOAD WRECK Jlcatl-on ( ollision Near Sanborn. Minn., Has Fatal Results. satil,arn; Miuu.. April SO. Five per- s us kilU d and 12 injuredNwhen pas- !M' tr:,ms Xos. old and 517 on Chl: :ml Xopth Western railroad met iii 1 ;'j"l '"'n collision near here today. Ac- "I'lit said -to have been cnuael hv :i:--lnierpretation of orders. Four cars 'Vi-r.-. ivt-..l., a , t '. . . .... - - vMvtii una -not a engines.,. '!iKe Conmuttee Rejects Meat Pack ing Law. . Honor RH Central School. , i First grade Leslie McEaehern, nernice Jaao. Mary Harrison. W'ini- Krefl lilaclavelder. Koltert .Alexander. Ernest Cowan. Johnnie Pickard. IteH-e Cook. IJalpJr Kidenhour. Sarah Win gate, fcell Roberts. Myrtle Baker. Ruck Earidfordf, AVhitGeld Sloop. Or chard Lafferty. Louise TUume, Mary Elizabeth Davis, Rnhy Rimer. Sarah Frances FJsher, Claudia Mooie,T.Tohn U4inson.i William Ward, lllenn Ilor totv Bruce Jarn tt,lleleu itidenhour. Boyd Grady, -Jay Cannon C. Tr, Bifr leyaon, Zeke Morgan. Jack Morgan, Clyde White, Alite Armheld, Sarah G. Davis, Grady Hinscn. Lloyd MWvay, Boyce Blackwelder, Helen Fink. Thel ma (irny, Yirgin!a Troutman, Charles Parker.. j:l i . f Second grade Frances Pickard, Nancy L.j fcannon. Ethel Gaskel, Mary V. Query; I Franklin Armstrong, Jr., Hoy Bosfj Irene Honhergei-, Frances Royster, Edith Blume, Pearl s Fink, Douglas Archibald. David Sears, ;WiF ey Earnhardt. Nell 'Price. Dorothy Hartsell, I Irene Long, Ethel! Pec-k, Theodore; iRogers, Lee . Ritchie, r M,inn ford Ritcllie, John Morrison. Wallace Helms, i Bernard Moorehead, ; John Query, Fred Brown, Raiford Miller, Charles r Day, Madeline Troutman, Irene BIdenhour, Katherine Riden hour. j -.- . ' : Third grade Marie BarnhardtJ Eliz abeth Rws, John ArmQeld. William Dick, Charles Kestler, Alexauder Mc Fadyeu, Archie Miller, Charles Phillips,- Stephen Morris, Frances Boger, Mary Cannon, Margaret Harrison, An nie Louise Hoover, Margaret Mclchor, Fourth j grade Jason Gaskel. R Mil ded Glasi Virginia Hahn, Nett Flem ming Harris. Esther Hutehins, Charles Lonsr Ernest Walsh, Edgar Melchor, Mav Medlin. Virginia Reed. Hubert Turnei, Millicent Ward, Fay Black welder Reid Craven, Doniild i Wau chope, Evelyn Goodman. Bessie Webb. Fifth ! grade Harlan Craver, Mil dred Battey, Margie Stone. Zula Pe trea. Earl Benfield, Blanche Steyvart, Lillian i Hamilton, waiter i;a noway, Oscar Heffner, Elizabeth . McFadyen, Tlovothv iNorman. Louis? Webb, Alice r.oiven Frauk Arm field. M ftivth brrade Inez Cochran,' Cather ine Stirewalt. Dan Ritchie, Thomas Alexander. Fred McEaehern. ? Seventh ! crrade Yirgltna I Batte, Blanche Y. Dick; Inez Troutman, Rosa shal Talbirt. J ' . ; A. S. Wj:iiB, iupr. -t"ii. April 20. Proposals to "si- meat packen and create a com- :"' io enforce the laws affecting .'"lis0 A'i' Ultural Committee. With i i.H:,-I.,...: ... . - . "'m-ii,uiuiis agreea upon a suo- "v loaded by Chairman Hang ,' " ll,,va. was appointed, to draft ' "lilUldUllSe loll emlwlinr flirt 1 ' n- vot'iv and senntA monenrP Thrrf Was Selling on the Better W'ealhcr at the Opening. in? Tli AoiiteU rr.i New York, April . 2i. There was selling on belter weather and reports of pending labor troubles in New Eng land at the opening of the coiton mar ket today. First prices were barely steady with May unchanged hy gene rally J! to 20 point lower under liquidation and Liverpool ami South ern ,ell5ng. May sold off t(),40.lS af- night's t-toslug, bii L: later months, firm ed up. on trade buying and covering. Jills soon advanced from P.S.10 t.o OO Oil more Hospital ul Asfii-vllW last Tlmr day,-u here h Hake trament. He was af ""inpanied t.j Li brother. Mr. P. p; C-k. The latter rturul home Saturday. ' - . - Mr. Coy Siting jituL frtouly. of ICau napolis, f-jM-ni Snnday here with rela- tives. Messrs. Charlie Iug. . Rotrt Freew, Edgar Skidmore, Frankj-Jdr-vi and Ed. Smith ip'iit S(iinlafv ?n Rock Hill. S. C, visiting Mr. audi Airs. C. A. Calloway. . ''Mr. RolK'rt Fnrr vieut the wei-k end with relatives in Gsistonia, Mr. and Mrs. John ... Ellington and (Yhildren, of Allen. ient thf week-end here vtsi'ing Air. anl Mrs;. T. S. El llinrton. Mr. W. Iiarr and wn. Mack.- of Me klenbnrg. peiit last Thursilayhere with relatives. . " t Jt. '"'Itorn to Mr. acd Mrs. MarkEd wards a daughter, on April 21st. Miss Minnie Cm n fill entertained a number of her friend- t a birthday party oti last Saturday !ght 'it ' the home of her parents. Air. aad Mr. Buford Crantl'll on Allison street. She; .received many nice, presents?;, given by the guests, ami all present reported a idee time. - " ; , ' Of much interest ti their many friends is the marrhige V.f MUh Ruth Bond afid Mr. Henry A; Polk, both of th eily-The marrjtiwik place at the.Keir Sfrtiet" tettitet parSfdnagi1 on Sat unlay evening. April 2-lth, at 1 o'clock. The ceremonv wan perform-. 38.30 and Octolwr from 33.00 to 33.S2 1 M y the brute s , pastor,: Kev. .1. , with t hi? - market ruling about 5 point; lower to 1 point higher. Cotton futures opened fairly steady: May 40.33 : JiUy SS.20 ; October 35:03 ; Dec-ember 3-i 10; January 33.03. HAIRCUTS IN CHICAGO TO ADVANCE IN PRICE KeVen Simps in That City Advance Priee to 13 Cents. fBy The AMM?lnte! Irw.l N Chicago. April O.-Haircuts in 'at least eleven Cb'cago barber shops wilFJ cost 75 cents after Monday, it was announced todny in connection with the promulgation of new scale for journeymen; barbeis. -Nomo ot ine master barbers said a higher price would fnean fewer luiircuts." and woyo "''undecided- as to whether to post an increased charge. p ' ' No "Sericns Problems Arising From I By Tb Aolaled rreiut.) point congressional committee on print New York. April 29. Economists, bankers and educators will discuss pro blems arising frdta the war, chiefly as they affect the high cost of living and price inflation, at the semi-annual meeting of the American Academy Of Political Science to be held here tmor- row. Professor Samuel McCune Lind say, of Columbia Fniversity. in making the announcement, said the prime pur pose of this national forum was "to bring together the best thought of the nation in an effort to remove the hazards of the era of reconstruction. Striuer. In the presence or only a few: relatives and near frit;ids. The parlor was beautifully decorated with cut flowers. The bride was very love ly ' in a coat su't of dark blue. Mrs; Polk is the only dauzhter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonds, and is' widely known and loved Wause of her charming personality and accomplishments. Mr. Polk is the eldest srn of Mr. and Airs, W. S. Polk and sin-nt several months in service oversea. After, his return home he entered the bafber business as .manager of tffo Fnbm Iiarler Shop, where he has mak many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Polk left shortly after the ceremony for Charlotte, accompanied by AIlss May Freeze and Miss Lillie Steel,, where they are spending sever al days with the groom's sister,' Mrs. C O. MeManess. After their visit they will return to Concord and make their hooo here. Hosts of friends ex tend to them iheir heartiest congratu lations and best wishes. , j And Measures Arc Taken to rfl Protect the Uty ol LI Paso From Srrat Bullets, It Is Stated. f lfi SJ 4: l'.;S n ' :- -i f f BSflflllTflM- Mm iA5 Mr-, ' . ... it r. $ f , ifl : Vi:; Kr?- l$ixc-' I-m lie TfrrJ, it- I-. - - -i - i - actios roijires .' i ' n lvjH' f,iti.;ii.; t . . . . . l;-':lk. i5-t - . r . ... .... . . (i. 'ifl e Lr iu,;t ', j lit d"iV. 1,4 ( - ' S f H i New jcrK Take t'Uer Cfiicrs! Savt n Hr UmIi4 rrH,i , 1!S Pj-. April s:.--AioW r..f. Il4y a HaitoJ bf. Brt t tu nior.t! ttnit Iu Metii-ao r'Ht 4 iurvtf oi-io.lt. b-e i"h r tu tt" thrratn Ft 1 '.-!. la-jr u zui aid jmitimie;4 a ioet ADMIRAL MfKLW h io iin iu 9U I IO it, hmbt Mre M-Uo libllt"l a -rUti ---niI tltktt i vhilliUi wst pimHte4 14 la wjih ut an order, Tl fci'anir -rt tx protect ttii Uy from ! Uf lUllets f;-ot.i the Mi.nri Mde. " V'. tray ADMIRAL MCKEAN I ONTINTINtt HIS TFTIMONV A m ; k - '. . .... . - .. J .. . ',., !!. . .. . - J A' Oir KtAtati Win at V St l ull Pmaretf tr r lo UIL ... ... ... -. ... , 1 iwtr A.'s rat u fi;HpKrMt l,m tt f i t. j r Said Admiml Sim ave Mere Proaii .nenre to Cargo Slifp than TriKp Ships. ' ' j . Tli Awwl fPr . "', Vshineton. April 2?. lt-r Admir al '.Slut ditorirtl" view ff lhj iH alie vnlui of jrntgo hipH and trn port wng , th' fi:iid;iuo-iijal raiw f the whole un j"U-utioti of the tiay' eonditct of the war. Rar jAdmiraS Me- Ke:m statiii today, 'Stin ivcr S 117( R'-iir AJte ft J. 5!K i s-rate rf ti h s i tttat J!ie diifp neu'-il ! s),-. Jhliir rl; 11. t f .;t. fi ! JWV4,r.-t. J f rS ,1,T ion Miiantitrv .1 1 M. V,-sJ ,n Ftr. . f -, l fore to FoklrtJ SliSl. j 't;jvf Itt a. 1 J' ft- !lt, D' lMiloil pist. :rff agcerate.1- the importance of ntHf Ships ami gare thm priHiHhucif oer troop tranxfMfrti,' fie de laretl. H" iiUotet Admiral S'nr as bavins testlflcit lit-forf ih Flettier court of imjulry "that it may "-u hesrtl to say so, but tinder the condition It, would have teen ben -r it? have lvt trttop transport?, for wer Lad .lo av the cargo ships at ail Iia-tards." "There was at ih tlme an oflli'er of tft'iaf fit the'avr lupurinmit tfoU this vin of the relative lmtKrt ance f llh reMrgoe. wliether British ftr Amei leant f.elnff7 jmrrir l? to the. lives of Amerlewu sswldterf, t!et witness asserte!. I . ; Admiral McKean iletisjreil that Adt miral Sims fold, the committee lh "we naval oftki'rs have made up ofsr minds that we will i.ever go Into an other war In ..the condition in whhlt we went into this," did hot represent the, attitude of naval ofjicera general- iy. v . ' :- i ' -. !: "We naval oflicerR arcineither Prus sian militarist nor lioHhevistv" the admiral said. "We ha i done ui we were ordered in the pastj and ill conj- lume lo do so. Th it ioiir fo. ' i i i i . i i 4 , . - v1 Whs t 4 ' i -v s t f -f -ti . t:! ilsi -1 11 J S licoi Honor Roll Sixth' Month. George Batte. Gils Jiiidit-ti i-m,i, .... , .mi- uHI0r;l(,,i ".l"KY0,!(.,. x.. t luvniii. '';"0 L' .llij. !'.... I f'l . TlAn -Nola Helms, ... Katherine Elizabeth Dayvatilt, Sara E. Liuker, Lillian Uiiwoli V-.lfi-. T-:.rh ide Osborne Aliller. . -ptu-H grade Cora. Ie Buchan- r-(..... n.,.....,,)'! J A. S.' TIBB, Supt.. i. - lo, ' , I es,t!mated that 000,000 bales of J staple cotton will be used in the r; " ,a,:hu'(' motor tires, in the 1 Glares this year. BROOKS CANDIDACY IS BEING WATCHED IN WEST Is Believed the. Grensboro Will make Inroads Into Overman's ; Strength There. J Ashevile, Apr(l 25. The west is siW ing up land taking notice, of ttlc can didacy pf i A. L. Brooks, of Greensbor to sueeeed Senator Ie S. "Ovennan aud it is believed that once the Greens bfrro man gts into the west and lets the people see him and know him that ha will bo able to4 make sa great inroad into the strength of the Junior senatoiyfrom this state . j , orior.ii innkine campaign in the west fmr Brooks would uo doubt help h'? cans a lot and his menus nere are planning to urge him to come here t n iearlv date. The west Mikes to see arid hear the men it votes' for. this has always neon nie case uiui ai ways yvil be, and the past has showu thnt -the candidates who fail to visit the west were almost forgotten by the west.1 Max Gardner realizes rnis ana he of fien visits this section : where hs tc i5hin?r strensth lv leaps anu . -'I- - ' bounds. " . " ! j - -I - . . ');'' ' Iu order to avert an entire paper famine icf the country, Russia has de eded I to put restrictions" on the con sumption of all grades oi paper. Death of Mr. J. C. Blackwelder. Air. .L C. Blackwetder, a prouvr.ent and most lf-loveF farmer of. No. 5 ' township died at his Iwune last Thurs-1 day. April 22nd, after a long illness. Mr.T51aekwelder was n gooik man and was loved by all who knew him. He is survived :hy his wife and a large number "ef children. Besides his wife and children he leaves a mother and one brother. Mr. Blackwelder was a splendid man. e nave Known mm ror years and can say that we never heard that man say a word that could be counted wrong.. Our sympathy1 and the sym pathy 4f the surrounding community! i extended tothe bereaved family. IV II. Work of Cabarrus Civil Court. 4 A number of cases have been dispos ed of by Superior Court during the past two days.. On Tuesday the case of Mrs. J. T. Skidmore vs. the South Railway Company was taken up. and a verdict rendered by the Jury. In this case, in' which -Mrs. Skidmore was su ing the railroad company on account of the death of her husband, the jury decided that the plaintifT was not en titled to recover jany thing from the company. i ?rhe east? of A. M. Sluiraan vs. the VaimiiMi lumlwr Comnanv. Board of Water and Light Commissioner and the Southern- Power Company was compromised by paying the plaintiff the. sum of S500.UO.- On Wednesday ;the Jury grantM ! a divorce la the c-asf- of Rita Smith jvs. The case of John B- Lost, caviator. is F T Itot and J. W. Cannon. Sr.. executors of the will of A- J. lst. was settled, and the will declared val id. ' .'.'.. The evidence In the case of Corl Smith bv his next friend, vs. Cannon Manufacturing I Company was heard yesterday, and the case is lin? argitNl to the jury this morning. . j Cemral Wood Ijead irt New Jerejr Newark. N. J.. April j 23 With 53 district missing. Mnjor jGeneral l.eH- ard Wool todar was leading Semtor Johnson of talif or nia by 072 vote in the New Jersey prefereiiUal pNhp-n- tial prinwry ctmtes. Rrvisd rettiniH at noon gave Wtwd 51JS22 and John son 51,150. Wcod Inereae Iead. Newark. April 20 Ma Jor General Lecnard WohI this evenimr. had in- ereased his lesid slishtlr over Senator Johnson tu New Jersey preference pri mary contest, v j .' Vote with 45 district mims gave the General a lead of 7JL j Johnson Wants ai Recount. New York. April 21; With Major General Leonard Wood i leading Siu ator Johnson. Of Califafida. by only! a few hundred votes in the New Jrer presidential preference primaries.. Johnson' campaign i manager in.uo(ed today a recotint would J asked-in lsex. Morris.louceter atvl CamdenVonnt lea. - i I . llalcn Suggest Hearing f EdiJora and Corrrfcpondent. VcMni-toiL Anril 2S Ro-er W. Babson. whose putilicajion of th Of- j thrni. j tavr. Aiiira! i U. n itii!t4hifl! ffrt if ieh a-iwi men lit i'l ini u j o suiadl f,.r H j" b. -FJ" !t jje .f n3k--r v. a wi t Und j fly ami, he ssrilr.l An rt mi I v R.-sr Ad wlral i Vrfor JUo, thru f i kira8 f iifiTiik4 ii mi, Jh moling lh Uft tniTF r'tmti rii?t T t the ship, be saM. w a l 1 ' t I i: A- ir.tciiisi. uttijxt i A1TIRI.MI tttr.H1f ltt ll Im4o4 t I Kivt. -r. Wat -. i It!-.i.,r.' t - ff? tl .e?ctHl rf- ; ill st mt''in at frmn mti iut lA f tw- CJ pi Til III I'lllV tnil-TfIT-l ! - 1 . f : ij-4Mm - f '. t v-"-V ' M alas I i ara v- 4 i AKI. M.LDLD f f i.Vti jcl tTr"." M:miovs lh gift f fjf errtj'- Someifcay tle Daj of.ilie Stmn on Sunday U Iacti Ionilon. April 2!. Ar n rrrHt in diiTniabV? Tld l iota- i: juoH'm "n -which a tWlh!i loay 1" taken! by the l,Uh m of th- Arsllca! Chnrch at a in-tltsj tn Lattdt!r in July.: j - A ictin f hnr l.n-n re r!arH to ! f tle triirdon that I)- dy !f fh wiftuiti 1mj p ,ismI. "11 h hold thnt If a inn ha t preaeliiug It 'Wftidd ! l(ti-t one that he should oot prtsfi. Tte two M-rinorot t(x nmlay rifos. they i ay. liuiMM4 a gri ati train n the filersy Mraln rfinaMj If t.t more heavily f-tt ty th latty wt are mjulred to lifcti t lh'e j fuh? Campalcn I or Teflcraj wirace C-t I . Irlu .. Wafcbtngton. Atrd Lll-fTbe esm pnijru for mlifif-aiifn f Fi'sl "niffrape m'nduetjt U. tfat tt,f5 loiml v. .nH-h parlr '"ft 7,. jf v announced a! Ij-adfjuatlvi I,' t- 1 day.j. Mojt of tb rMitril.pli o txts? Iu mull amotnt ' fr mt i h t. Musi T!m-n, lb rnmi vm vt ey .t? nKTslh U-ji:g 12 1 ?inh J '-" Ameriearfs an Get IJqwci In Camta. j a I3y TV Jkmrm4 rnn Trtrfnlrt.' April 2!. Kuicmrr reI tletiis of Onfari ts br-b-r tHlrsi 4 lb Cidted Stairii of 'at4lA ir h Iort; liquor Ike atn af "-rrsf,-ri! ridet;ti, amrdljj lo a riVnt by jnu vlrvial Jceoi"',ifaibr!'md lolay. . L?-.'ifMtly It Gals S, I e'iitlj, ,ir-M -- dat" f ? t ft fft i -s ? ff- iff i.!Mejrff i f--MfrM --l s:s'"t,4 Pffii-o? bd t-n' ff-ti.I I f i'm If Itif.i, 4?rF Umi -jr'i. 't t t-i sVr.- ttt :--rjn-''1 -ijr ! tU. t--!'?i ti. ldiif t af tft.r ? -' ? iim, 11 pi-tiiwf f--i' ? p tt . Howell iTLmm. ' s The following invirat'ons liave leen issued : ; Mr. and Mrs. Marshall B. Swaria?en request the honor of your presence at the marriage or their danghteri Zoia Belle Primm ! ; -to ' : Mr. Shelley Thomaa Howell on Tuesday-evening, the .eleventh- - of May r Nineteen hundretl and twenty' " . eight o'clock Forest llill 2vlethfslist Episcopal .'; Church. South Conconl, North Carolina-. 3ff mortal Service Sunday Afternoon. A Memorial Service for the sobtierH ef dibarms County who dieI in France for the cause of Liberty cliinng the Great War will be held at the Central School, Coneord, next Snmlay. May 2. at 4 p. myThe wrvlce will le conducted by the AlcConm-lU Post of the American Legion. 1 Alemorlal Certificates from; the French Government will he given at this service to the nearest of kin of those who died. - -A The address will be delivered by the Hon. Luther T. Hartsell T!m peoplo of Coneord and Cabarms County are urged to be present at thU service. " Lest we forget. ' Miss Mary Miscnkeimer. of Winston-Salem, spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Airs' P. SI." AIi- X - ?- -4 1 . enheimer 01 .o. u ionoiiip. ficial Bulletin wa trf.ted to by the P- r '7' 'r ; 1(1.nt rontrvions! COlrimittV OO prhit- temll -J VW! fW tr ing. suggesteI to Snatpr Scotir. chair man of the committee that editor, correspondents and pre agenta I oi led to testify on "the fpietiOn wneiner or not the pre of the country Is nn der Y-apitaliftle contril-" " i . . Mr. Babous pnnofil was made, in a letter which added:! I "This is not a critlcin nt the. pre associati'n. Morefveit. I have not criticised Hie nwpap?r owners.; aa they.iire helple.ly the victim of; e tahllsheil custom." ! ! Joe Tnrner Identified in LynrKHuir. Br T rimi Pro.! j N. C. Nffrf Fatur Vtt,fr- NifTrxje lialCSZJl. . April J i lf Ufr T y Cri Roh!r "n tnttd arainf t,le n trtr spirit in all Acwlnw I ttt!r.ntPi e!-rtfl d-!Trste to Gwi lirhi ttfttiar.at crtnri-ctifcn. ar.d, pa ! i--! aoffrase. j ' . (.Kn:i.i utmnv Aittt RK.IMI RIMJ t fTt: Rinie Cpmly Van4 are lttn 1 fir nw (twio4 r- Way'.etn '.. " i1 V 1 t-as:M-( - t," tt 4k""!f af p.?.u)if r'tfity I -t tiil!i -f'ss'arT! t-- 0-t If tl I?H mm t.An"ui 1 Uf jl.il tin, ltU l f n r':i-j- li ,rr. is f-.u?f fr hl IrortWfi ' Inil'dtaftH f IUII Writ f4rr 1VI New Yft!u Aft ;t,.i 5t' Hsirjr. I!? .f tis ' !.- - jkfTI ' t r??gt-l t--. ffce ?. t - Nr; VW ?irl, a- -j -g t tnirr'ft fxtf I A-:'-.M l"sst t-t . At'-v itl . R Ata ! .f w. if- he haf t-il r1S:.f ?,;lt--f.jilk'U lir- ! Ffrrryr Manssr4 lm fis-4Wfa4 !IJa tif s - ' rf Yif.;cr. au -ta?4-r . t tH h f--5 tet. 1h tfr J--Ha iiVt l5,e. tr-f 'hr-i "T t-'f ij ,f lte afc2iref .Iiif, f . La if 4?"si-l.- "-!fl. ar IItlj ?? hr i'H- t F2UI ExplcAtB a t Malnr. v.I r,i Whli nikhi Hzl Ir- il;n;i-H la A wit !27- -.: a TW AmmIM mttm klllfJ. al fi-'e-ii le;srt !-s . W4ff"w,. A 1-11 "5 TU? f.tr-' kit eTppjeiS In the ergi rtj f t.-j Osvr? I yrjwJ -.fT I m M4am 'Ga -ajay jJatt tll:?fst'if it- 43 .f f Lynchburg. Va April 29. John (rUi iUtf sr. , irW f r Js-imttW Mrs. II. A. Barnnarur, 01 .o. a township. Stvho underwent an opera tion in n Charlotte hcppital a week ago, is improving. "'.. Williams, negro, alia Joe lonw. charged with the murkier of pdit-? d tective Mann bre March 25. wa r turnel o Lynchburg early today ty Uical policemen who : tit to Tee.!o. Ohio for him. Sherifli Willi, of Green ville. South Carolinas Ideatified f the neero here as the alarer of the two poiii-emen there. Wade NoccIna'Jon WUIiJrawfl- Wasliington, April 2!.Th noa&a tion of R(4t. T. Wade t t p-t-mister at M; rehead X'ify. North i'arv Tb1 epl.th-ji'ocr4rrHFS a jrt f the j'e&t Iruti h h; k-'.!r i1 the ra of tt rlijf.-'pa -.. f t 3 a r dfiK-tie pttrTe fef'-r lie a tit-tat. JTt.e tn t,f tM i lis i. 0. t ijri msUt, j - Can it be rUe,t;3t the lrih de fire Te"tT 'ttidrpfiyJi-e' thin ihf are ercilcz c-owt ItattlKr Fen. jlwrrt-r, fj5ilas f jttjlm tf new a!1v-r rl4U-. Ihf- ?&ot Lar.& hf! a.u.l fvsijjf fbi la btmil U t&. feHow-' iri.. lire jp fa 'rss K. ractuth. Near. t The Btrtitsrr lifter C f Mt eauL 'I1 irfre a!f Una was wllhdnrsrns from the Setiat? j ettrj 'pesylTstU ti u-Uj by President WUscn. fra :la thi ratit If eijiJift.i --r ! fei-: rrtiee Cir1. ttr fU-i tL hs? Jxtr tJf jrf , Jitixr Ti ! 'CVwf lij-.ja. In, : ' - rilr. T-4, At'r d 2 T1.f J rut - f.-f Il J 1 t: rtjrf f IV N p$ ti Rnilri -f f taf!a 1 i ; I i tid t lit, i j a itt 1 't. .t tu ajMife,'w i' tv r; Tt &a?iy '-. ' P f f p 1 1 ra f rwsft.M re port 1-. wPli i-irifi n