RRILL, Editor and Publisher; PUBLISHED MONDAYS AU D T1IU I15DA V5 SIC- Yf irkr fir b AbV. - - - OONCGKKDNrTH UHS DAY, J U N B3i vca NO. 5TAfi "I Ml R f 0! S SUBJECT DSf HI IS ILL He Believe in -the Old Bible Ultrine of Eternal Fire $ Those Who Finally Reject Christ. : . ; PEl'MST NONE ; '0F OLD TIME POWER 0ther Additions Made to the Icmbcrship of the First Church-Mrs. "Black's, Fine Work at Piano. ; ? IT''1 .,. , freshing things nlout ' T il l various napiisi " It nm" of ir ol,Uime POWOr t0 Hie i'i"""' r i" ;i" . .. i v, i.wul nf Hip i Jvv l-li-vo Si. the, Bible con ,,f'vin a world ruined in". tli t1?l Ul. im l.vpeleswithoUt n n-i'ii"' intervention.; TUey-be-wtt.it niilK'Ht the -rfjwl.lir.jf of i(,K, ,ll(.rV is i... remission Beheving ... Lv .r-ach the gospel of Calvary wr..i "p"" Jiiy; spirit - IViH tl' -'"'",r- T,,oy believe that .-hrti ili.'niivi t-l sinner believes and (1,,lf,u.- Christ ho is. made to.ltecftme . Ihil "f ;"1- regenerated and born of (i,4V,Hl as Midi is eligible-to-' church waiwrMv. "' very, gratifying confess Christ join me MVHTrv or KinvrrriNG STILL INSOLVI J) TODAY Hundred Sean Mil' Etrryuhere Tor Missing Koy of NorrisUnvn, Pav. NrrI?tow'n Vtu. Jrine 3. The mys tery surrounding the kidnapping of thirteen montlus old -Ilia k ley C'ou&b Ynt who wa. stolen from hi rrlh ear ly yesterdny, was still uiiw.1vp. today. Hundred i of persons InHuding the home police, member Vf the State" po lice, Depnrtrneiii of Justice agent and detective niri bed . the surrounding country throughout' the night without finding out Jhe child wherealut. The jlice however, announced today that I hey arc I working on jirojnisins clnesCV - ; i-- ; ; . Apparently tf kidnapper wa c fiuainteil with.:th OmjrhHn home. - riieiaby father i prefWent of u PhiladcIJia lithoraphinsr oitieern uiwl is a fonner FfirK-eron athlete . Boy's KiJnappfr at RuiTalo Arrested. Bneaio, .N. Y.. June ?..Une Valen tine, allepl kidnapper; of, o-yt'arHild mmi of Kdwnril Ia IWdle. fit Hmyrlm, Delaware, wan arreted here toiiay. The boy was later fouiwl -unharmed. unit : " iiiKiB i:: cmcfi lv ai r.v t.y to wuuii Ktr.'e f IIa.a2J t wrUfg li."Lfiil lt of rkrk n :4'ti t.f tit AfUi.ip JC"t lenr.inaK efj:l if if l.U v o - r iit iv.v t m i rusTii. riv ivt::rw: s henator Johnson and Senai;ie Nhww iuur.i(hi tor Harding on. Hand. rk uur. u, thr .,r. incir onnntT diaries uic Beginninff cf Active Days. CONVENTION IS v ONLY FIVE DAYS OFF tliin; tin who ,:il)n.i ininiMllatelr; This is the- way ,hv iiii.I it when the Apostles preached, jhi't thfit jrlinlly received. the - word Kfii!'!iiitiz'l mid the Iord Added unto jnrst dinrrh since" the last re port; - ' ' " ftf. Tlij't's theme last night was -Heir mill it was evident from Jiis troimHil of flie . rttibjeet that he he !i,:vi(s inln' old Bible dM-trinc of Mfriial fire for those who finally re id rtirist. The congregation gaTe?him an atti'Stive hearing nnd deep earhest iifd p.M raded the. hearts of thCheaiv The t-hure.h is under very; great obli- piiimix to Mis. lvatie Iee Jcauoril. Black for her fiiutlifnl and very errl- (ieni work at tht piano. The choir firlt.er!Vc!ly fttease when' she Is nnwXi. knowhiff It lint how ever; diffi- M'tly. Thev ajpreciate her service all ir more heoanse she has done this when it meant the sacrificing of -social en gagHnentf. She has a place nit , her mu in iho hearts of both pastor and ; At MetJill Street Church. Another large congregation "was pwnt last night to hear Evangelist lliiv on "Uiiscality." Quite a number" i'f people have heard this-interesting iracher at every service and, count ing his shop meetings at the various amis, perhaps a greater number Of pnple have heard him than have heard any preacher that, has come to Con-. cwl in a lmig time. Many' new faces Ktf seen in tlie congregation every nighM . . : iiv ; Emphasizing the importance of Bap tists reading their denominational.' lit erature, an .opportunity wis given - to tlifsc jresf it to subscribe - to their site paper.; The Biblical" Hecorderr mri Home and Foreign . Fields.' : the iilission .journal of the Sonthevrt Bap- t'st Conveiitinn. published at Nashville, im. Aine subscriptions for the mis sion journal and two for the Biblical Rwmler were taken and nine bright Wand girls volunteered to .take sub senptionsr during the remainder of the Dtfethifj. . . y : . The Rooster -ehoir was furnished wth ribbon -badges "to distinguish 'Bern from the rest of the craft." . ; After a prayer offered by Dr. per-""S- Mr. Morris sang, "You Must Do Whin.? With Jesus Tonight"" - , ff 51 ?raPbic word picture ofJ u.im which Jesns attended at the of Simon the.Pharisee and of woman who wns n siniW nn- sointing his feet. TTtth roi fao yet art A 'P'ng tuem with her hnir: tha nrnoh fr said,. "Women th. fli-ct tn Virtr , til , 0,1 . wo,aan "t and the.lastrto 4 her hack. AVomen are.thelast m(k a crooked man out and the Ssll" llim ha'k' a"nd the reason f ' ' Iar. IP seek ; woman's standard jwoTT, ls,low' man's standard for : 'Dan w high, and they both live as fpeeted to live." . . - i-heus was aext thrown' on' V an! "Ury "creon and his character V. rtrHiri" with Jesus faithfully SZ Th evanSit said he was I i smart enough to figure '"out three i W u moncy ; inherit it work ",r it or steal it. - - - termfKPayinK llis resPects in sizzling mt Somf of the modern methods ! rtnE yl an1 fceeping-jrioney.-he w 1 niakeT , Kay,ng that : Christianity i m'm T . mn stxaijfht, and thar 1 hlwith.mcund ' - """"ma Koss was rpceiver! hv ' Church m Wet Concord. Baptist Tk,. "... . - ; ' 'TIia n n sect for i tonight is ":,vbt hln in The. World.!'. WHITE AND NEGRO SAILORS l CLASH IX'NEVirORT, ENCIXD Windows Smaslicd and HcnseH Uadly " Diumagedx Two Are Hurt. - (Br ib Anocit& Prrtm.1 - Newport, England, Jnne ?.. "White and- negro , sailors clashed in - street lighting ? last ; .night and early this morning in thi city. Ijirge erwd as sennbled in the thoroughfares, windows were Knlashe! nnd a numler of bouses badly V damaged.- Several revolver shots were fired.nt no -ea sua 1 ties re sulted. Several of " the ; combatants were liadly lieafeu, and ne White sail or was arrested. Careful handling of the crowd by the police finally restored order.--; "- ' v '" .; The: encounter, which was caused by a quarrel over a Wcman, recalled last year occurrences. " ' THE COTTON mRKET. Nervous and Irregular Todays Active v Months 5 'to 12 Points Lower, v (By .the AMortated PreM.) '; New York, June 3.'The cotton iriar-? ket was Hiervous and lrregular-tft the start today - with,ntlmen't evidently divided: between"- yesterday's, bullish croBifduilfavorable features in the tndustftatand financial .situation. The opening was; 8 point.-? Jower to 15 points higher, with active months 5 to 12 points lower tinder -stattered li quidation. f ;r - ' Cotton futures openetl steady: July r.8.00; October-:iT.r0; Decemljer MAZ, Jahnarv-13.8M March rStf, - A "Bad Grajnmar Causes Wilson to Veto -; -v urn. c Washington, June 2.--Because . .of !'ba d gi-a mma r,M t Tresident y ilson to day jvetoed a. bill, to make the Inter state 'transportation of immoral mo tion picture -films, a felony. The Presi dent in his Iveto . message . said the transposition of n phrase in the bill made it ambiguous. - ; . ' - The house on receiving the veto message conducted an investigation nnd Ifound, that an enrolling clerk had transposed the phrase., The. , bill as 'corrected" by the President was re passed tonight by; the , house. .: . All of the Candidates Except Hoover Arc Expected to he on Hand JIajorily of the Delegates Unpledged. . . . . ... . . Bjr AMlalH rrtM.) Chicago, June X Senator Johnson of California and Senator- Harding of Ohio arrived In Chicago tolay awl their coming marked the beginning of active days of the preeon vent ion per- Five days remain. tcf ore rhe Repnl lican party assembles in the Colis uni to pick-its candidate and those tlve days ar expected to eontaln, c-rowded hours btl conferences, last-minute align ment of forces and final decisions among the campaign managers. Every one of the candidates crpt llerbf-rti Hoover Is'expecfeo here., ; ;,'-; Tlie advanee guard of the deli.ntes if re beginning to arrive, and by .Sun day they will be coming in ft, steady stream. A majority of them to be sure, are technically Unpledged, but most have their leanings ; C As soon as members of the national committee are free from" consideration of the claims.- of delegations contest, ftlg for seats, things are expected to move along with more speed. ; yv.. The committe today still had , be fore it awaiting decision the Georgia and Florida cases ami cases of eight d 1st r let delegates from- MIssf sslppL From these eases It was waiting to pass on" to the contests from North, Carolina, Oklahoma. . Kouth Carolina, Tenlessee, Texas and Virginia. Morehead Delegation from North Car- , ---ollna Seated.- , Chicago, June 3. By unanimoiis resolution ; today the Republican1 na tional -committeel-dlrected Chairman .Hayes to notify all State-Organizations that they must discontinue holding lo cal contentions- ftn the flection of na lZJi UI-t,-.e iii ibices where It-Is the custom and practice to refuse jttd- W'isK tnarWif-i. nrt liii'r;sut frp la "th hrrak f ih rtfk ttrlL. ln.tirrurlfnl on tt O-tittai tf v,r.i reil iHt rfk n'K ; j Iarvrmft In it tt-izht 4tiiail4ti ti nil rad tcrjit t K.mtU-rti are rrpirtM tK. RrpLarlii; Strul-r CUrk Who or. FalUbury. Jnw T rpl l pnry ttie V) oih-r Ilailirjix clerks w b quit jr-i enlay, Umt olnVIabr and "' ial tif lb na afrhI lst tjlght a ! ttmtt' nw during the day. No Clerk on Stride at ;rrentUie. Greenville, Jnne .-No rallrt Clerks are, ni ftriKe nie. a w re- porteil la Atlanta last nlht by J. V EUJ. TJ U iMilV. - iai ty t-,t fm ty im I- LfUli'LO rnn'" IllL.il LfWj t "f1. roi:nrss is to ia itm i ;;i.lt m.xios srt i:mv. Srmie Aflrr tTrU'i ! Ird4i Wt Ktwn. Illy ik itMrUiH hrm.) VVahIriCl4n. Jhi J.t'jN einl It preni jiturir ?.-f IImht r.!i. .f tj.nm.m.'i t t4. a Ki3 r - anrf-A. bad rw-trt fa ll Whifi HMte that Im"ttrt4. WiIM tlkf tt4 Inteud u rail a wil urkm during the umtsrr, o;;W i a ffrate tiwrpwy,;, The Vite ou the r'ltttbHi 41 to 2. It eaut after t atuiif t Aeiion, vice preiu m or tae rura I rert. tne tsnr a t rr fr jnrfitherDOiMi, it wa auntrtiiKiHi hHrei a rece In ie ti Jidr 13. mw Return to Wcrk at l ayetteviad lTeiJf nt WU1 Not Call IHtra SrIdn, Fayetterlile. J nne ! nClerka bx -I Wabir2lm. Je 3. lrel.rfit IVfl pi&yel ; &y tLe Atunric at I,iresa ha anrted t!w lunate IW-ie lUJlrual..'-if .ttdt clry, wrw wetit iu I rrat that If iL i.rt-.i Ki..u i strike a fnv days ago in syuipathy If-ndd Sat imlay 1, wi!J call an with tre striking employes, of thetra scjLm. tlftrli,- ih.. t.,nin .nm. neutral or i.eorgia .jtaiiway .retarisfHll rncr unit in m rave Hrr A imnu nH-ment t.f tb I,r4.lHti dlbn wa uutde, in the N-oat to llnr hr Ktn1ir 1 'ri.f rtt iwl Alal.ntnn iw.tt.inM rn.iivi,i iH tmcraUy leader, yiw Mbl b bad """" ""! an extra wxsioii laI 1'U remteninta! nn.. ium in ir.i..i tm.. i - . r - - Viute line ai v v. v.i mn miu'l&l z .. ... . . . t , L i Sham rridrlsui rrnl th ailhmrti. Four union clerks, employer!, in the I ' .illti j, . ing at 10 o'clock. There were but fiur It is understood that, the men struck after receiving, orders to do so frjim Spencer. Every office from Charlotte to work this morning. I'NION FREIGHT CLERILS ta Greensboro, has experle,a f.Tlirush the Efforts of th Amerinui "liSt-. " J.! Commute of Kelief In the Near t ion are not affect ed by the strike. . err PRICE OF COUARS. Senator Kenyon. Uepubllcan, moved to ameutl it m that ad- onrnment would be to August SO. AR3IRN1AN FAJIILIEH i ARE BEING KECATTED : 74 fc-tr 1 1 r f f v 1 ....... St ftv.t jrt ! C i i',r f t t-v ltr fe t. ! tt ..'j-,?silt .4i lf t. f.cf t: 4 rM.lV I..:. - t ' I V: 4 c ; J . 1 r Tins is ia-vr Avcmii - IN iLHTi C Illl'S ct iit in Ar" :.-.! Ib 1I ;!-ttr.?r.t t l In Lower Cost 'of Materials Results 'Reduction to Dealer. . . - New Tork. Juno l.-r-Cheapcr collars w.ere promised here tolay when rjep reseutatives or. one or tne largest col East. ' tOr the AM(Mlair4 !.) Constantlnojde, June S.-Hundred" of " Armenian fainHis anei In-utg re united monthly "through the effort s ot the memliers if the AmHrican vut- imlttee fr Relief in the Near Ilit w ho ttf,;:.. women t:r;tcj!riii in tut: m i:nm tin; r.niiisa uaa - . . slate iWrartmrtit A4.nl DUffWt .f toluiUa nft.ltM.!ftrra fr Mt tttrpt cf 'a f 4vrt.int II. Br ike ut trr. WalIi.ffttM. 3rij e--11 Pttmnt l.ta? 14 ntttt f Cdwusbla tn;.nlviwt-f fur a Iim tt of fat a t b-iMW IttilWi Hag jrjkSrtday Mt frt cf h Treiaary t'jr rtu-t e;ptUiw?t with tf lrtb jiM!i.?o, '. I tw ltl tiuut trt lis n l ItUllVf, v;i; la I !,! ti ir.rft-t f. ll atiJim ef tti j-ti ifli ifei t by the ltritilt eEby, Ni ! w ert mada thrt ih 62 burtl, nnse rJi-rei ninnr tbat time. "lb" wie hate i' the TiaT frt"rtly tt bqridBiE ff tb tug pae.1 almost unm'th'tNl, atbe r UK f the taWier lrfrcr mt thA Treasury btdld;ar bad eral t' r cite publkt eartmlty, - State Inrtmetjt nfT.r mbt twt Indbnte tib.lt aHbU l!l I"! tairti af Irr the retni -f f.i r.at Ufi r- ceJrcil. . . trf t f,M t Rtiot on Wheal Had la Calami. . Jlr, Ji. D. t;.itilnia, cfsnitity a if. tit. itt;it-t thal.iu !NCal 4" tl Minty the farmer have t.u wnJsi f.f t "lt in ,nt.f .f I, ft tMttln4i I fwreil :'tt M.I fi lb- 'r-tte fl If tf t H. Trmre la Cwrja I f4i N-w. VtW, 3. tns ii. .f awn 1tM) IW -t ' ftmtb'fld.' . tit twly&f4rii "t'rutimTt it ifrt n! f ! f 1 a-t itl fltig H At ttrf 'if 4!t t:4sr tt ! m-t . dl t at tlwir !! t -t tt.e - 'tBtH 'fnl 4 i&t 1 K.iss, Tle tfit MtxUi t tJf t.atr 1 f-t . Ut tlrm tf tt Krv'fvtatf f atui ifr ( s 4 n m ft. It l:i bar nianufacturing .corpora tlona "nouse Orders Senate Resolution. - By th Aaaoijlated Preaa.) - Washington.- June 3. The Senate resolution declining grant -President Wilson's request fo authority to ac cent a mauda't over Armenia, was ordered today by the House foreign! relations committee, unairman - x-or-ter sahl he. did not expect to ask the House for action until tomorrow. Democratic members of the commit tee offered a 'substitute, .declaring that 'Congress belieVes it-unwise to grant the executive power to accept a man (Jate over' Armenia until after ratifi cation with the Central Powers.". This was voted down by the Republican. ma jority. ,-vJfvJj ' ;--:Cnarlotte TiHageJ C rhnriotte Observer. - 5 , f A lady I met yesterday- in one of the drug stores said, "I have been looking for you all. day. I want to Ull vou something that I thought awfuyy funnv. s I was in Kress and a .lady,- a Rtraneer to me. was at the phone. She was trying to get the operator to an swer, and she exclaimed several times. That's the way with" these village tel- "Jnst for run, i asiteu. er wm-ir.?" was from j and what da you think; was the answer : JWinston-Salem' I" ? - Supreme x Court Asked tou Review Ar ; kansas Cases. s-'V, J (Byi the Awoctated Pww.) ?t WochhVton. June 3. The Supreme CiMiW in netitions filed-today was ask . - . r ed to review the cases or x ranic aiwic o.t five other- negroes convicted of murder in connection: with the race riot in Phillips County. Aric, jasc soiji mer. All are to lie electrocuted. . . The court expects'to act on rue peiuam- when it meets next juonuay.; tit.. . nists Advancing on the Polish Fronts. y T tb Aasoclated Pres :'l nsts f!!?lJl'nV-Russian - Bolshe- end of thJ ni-V a(lvanciag on each alZ i ohsJ front blJt are being hitrln 'al stattmcnt issued yes reless ad received here by mission to negroes.' : The two white : delegates ' from the second Oklahoma district were seated. The '; negro contestants arguetl unsiic- cessf nlly K tha t - they had - been , ba rred from . the" Muskogee convention. . ; Jn the contest from North Carolina the Morehead delegation was seated. On.e contestant appeared to press his claim ; against them. , -'. Unusual Demands for Tickets for Wo i.: :.: ; ;"-;; men.-';'; -"' ;; Chicago, June 3. The added Inter est of women in politics Is responsible or the unusual demand, for tickets to he Republican National Convention this year, according to Chairman Will l.vHays,, of the National committee, whV said today he had received 150,' 000 requests for the 13,289, seats. More than JLJOO applications for the 07s pr3uckets,have been received. "The requests rrom women ror i ies- ets are unprecedented." Mr. llaaes 000 requests for the 13,280 seots. More cations for every seat."'; ; ; 1 1 - BARRETT SAYS PARKER , IS LABOR ALTERNATljE l ftr eatteril-throiirbmit the lendin! over ttie Nne rul xthuM Ua J- a, tu f tl e Sr f cities of .-Asia Minor with headquar-tared m tnnt, f tb wheat. tb rnt I tsw-f.t t'-a-hi lim H 5,il 44 ft- ters In this city. In tiie. deportationfcl ieing woi-m .n ine rrop nif u jtim. All ! SW of J of the last four yearn, Armenian baTejraIcI mi Unl f.rmly lt lrrr. j .j , rt tti U t been shuttled . 'about' U'fore various military movements with the result la n wrote ti !r? I. A. Wi'tf'! te II JT 1 n ' t M.it.!, wki j erfklliroughouMheeonntry to jsell that nearly every family IVeaftTd,y product ttlKi cents each. They how for news of niisslnx mfyibers; ' ' retailing as high as 35 rents- : Levon Sliamllan. a young Armenian Mr. Jowlui8i ;or tiie jstate tia. aHrtirtHi. rti r 'rfe i f tit- f.i. i In rejrntd to wln-at nvt. ? In Wolfe tntti that p"ah will re- IW-!. armie of the wlirat rM. a?d wJH tnrtke.tbe wheat mttre rel4ant jraint Troy, -N. V.. 'announced- tliat , whole sales prices bad been jsit fo enable hre- tailerfk its are 'No reduction Jn - waes vr. overhead I w-ho is now a sUcrewsfnl hien hant at charces. but slmnlv eheancr eost of knfl. I ItalikCjihrr. recently loCntel His mnn terials, have brought the lowered pr,icer j er. ami young wster, inrongti an aarer-ittie iHir. jr. ni.ire aiM Mates mat it was ernlalncd; The additional xtatc-1 tlsement printed in a loeil fwiier bylaff exnerimetit U Uis tna1e't Wet rlvaspii-' uru k.-juii'dt i'rwiceuH,i luietgn witn variety-r tat 't tttrrr ri4 4 a 14 lrrfi wno ts mrextins tne AmerM-an mk r!t rettant. and whicJt fcas imn emi ih , btrry 4 tmnn luuvt-uifui iu uime AriwuHii Mjervsjuiiy raiei ia rum, inne csnamiian is preparing a nome tr incmi f a, with a view of determlblns If in nalikeshlr. . - - I thia wliMt tlll.rruw in . ibK htitf. J.ttn n.rtcMt!inUmhiMi iv I Tne-ntittory. or.ine namuan. larauy 1. xtj. !ni rarietr will not t a m. v v a a v a ovu . aw ma - a aawv w - - - - . a 1 - " New Orleans, Lav June 3.-Theli2th g typIT or, ln ! .iT ntable at firt as the vaHHie now anniversary of the birth of Jefferson BUU L 7,7. i " hi Ta,ml ,M Ia,1' K w Davis; first and only President oil -the '. -'V'? enoitgn in at lean umr yw ment was made that this company the first to advance wholesale collar prices when production costs hegar-to rise and is the first to reduce, t hem. - 1)r - r2J-t t. tit fir!, ,f .-ii, ft Miklta ,'e I 1 ;.! Ms tea rtr tJt il tb d rt. fw"t J f I'm Ur4 Wrtigbt I laf f e filtrt. z ait-f atMl ftRiir4t t'i !i;ft'-1 t-r PnnfprlPfntA KtAt nf Annrtcn. kvaa "r " "V"' ' . t IUlrlInte tltcw ail oVef lte iaw Wcalber In Kotitb Mrt Fat arable Fer j .OoCloit."'' Wa h tngton. June 'J WI b J he rt I eastern fcihwjf and the rtrrme notlhwetcrn ftrtbn tf tle Iwlt., ca lf Gardner Is Nominated lie Asserts That Republican !Yil! Be Elected. New Betn. June 2. The democratic voters5 of North Carolina must nomi nate either Morrison or Page for gov ernor at the polls Saturday or the labor vote of the state will elect Parser, tne Renublican nominee, in r November. These are in -substance the words of James F, Barrett, editor of the Asne yille 1 Labor iAdvocate and orator-in-Chief of the non-partisan lalior com mittee actively - interested in the gub-. ernatorial campaign which ir.now, at jthe apex of white heat v - 4 ; ; He dwelt at length upon labors posi tion with reference toihe office holder and contended that-v the questionalre sent to all candidates provided no plalge. as Mr. tlatdner asserted It did. He is a fluent speaker anu receiyeii much applause. ' ; , ; - r He concluded his remarks hy asking the voters to favor either, Mr.-Morri- son or Mr.: Page with the nomination, and warned them that it was, in -his belief, -doubtful if Gardner - could be elected over the Republican nominee. Mr.' Parker, Previous to the speaking there was a parade -of union railway fehopmen, who bore lianners boostimj Morrison s candldacyr ! vo.ieqruiiiaiPs vi wiurrxca, . ra Shimlian and bis father wre-eparat-geneyallyi observe,! w throughout J the tm-th! rest t the family hy t lie South today. In several of the S ates urkaIafcna Vun was fon to go 1 li the day was kept as a legal holiday. t Turki.,D arniy and las never wirn a ciosing.or twe courts. iwini,th-T. hu father - 111- rrand- ' , .t i and: mibllc offices. Elsewhere the an- LL, MVI'. Vl imlli ceptlon of retain anws In. ibe nivcrsary-was appropriately observed nliJ moU,er was taken .as servant by by the public school and with-meeting t.. - prflnn3Uh. wa-s .taken as a t be , I Tni t el Conf edera 1 e allied organizations. In this Mr.; Davis spent his last Where-his death occurred there was a parade of veterans, in honor of the niversary. : ffr aitl irtft rj nf fb n.t type i I TUfjM wifb t ?1 Im puI'meriTO frpe.l terI. .Tte- tW ariiir ff tl Tetie fc fte !o H tUUk ftf liirt frf &btbfr Mt lmiim mt tja tiA A fir -Wi the tr 1TJ ratrr t&,tlvi t f fjre than JO tJCuVf il Wathbfil N lea fer W-ri f tt U "f lJtlrt.(. CVvelafrl, bA Jie f ,: Ttul fW Girri!ifit I il.x rllfR,!.. if riu a fid fresk ; lr ! ...t. -ai.a. 1 '. I Veteran and .mi -liHiehter came tinoii each other Jmw "r r,w r " Vf"J ... . A. . 1 i b" t'f rrtW4 city. Where nnexnecteillv In the American r fuge nP: nniue m umnr 1 iar m - ,Mjf t,T fw.ll it f 1V.1- days) and at Alntab. both baviiig walke.1 bun- tartory prosres. aemiiiut m 'ltm. J 11 ALtt f Aftfi in 1889, dreds of miles .4 ml. iiftered: tcrriUep"' ""' "H' ;irral I'A'tr. in r.frr I i..tr Confcilerate hunger and -hardship in thclr earch M" i"'7 ' ,r' 11 with mzArm t t?.e i,i.i i;f, birthday an- for Relatives and safely. 1 ' too nA the first fuirt of the 't! JlmnfarttW Ai ' K I- tw e -tll nlo 1 prlntelh be eastern wrlhi iikI l. i.-l !kII Wraibetti'. in dlnf f ! 3Q0.000 Textile Workers Get Raise To taling 21,000,000. j I I ands of - homeless ' la Armenian papers, In 'America '; In wet In theorthwer. -. o- the.hope of-findlnj: homes for thons- nJiwvth waa rurd,l in amLs'of -homeless children who may Carolina by end ( tusbta awl all air ilw ersjs;tt,- La 1! Ntfb jtry, rate rs:iUitj t!.'; j4&t '?t' . Stebbini Ready to "Testify.; !-.;r (Of the; Aaielaed Praa.) ; . ? ? Wflkhlnetoh. June 3.--IIorace cfhKina nf.Xew York, the first treas urer or tne'ianwiu-uvwu sought by isubpoena servers 01 me senate investigatuig coniumiw .m several .days, wired the eommitree to day from .Montreal that he had just heard'ef he search for hln and deslr ed to testify. He will be heard tomor- row. i ; . ; ,vr--'-:::' -' v ' ' V -:. -'- ...... , - ; Rock llhl lias 803; Belmont 2,941; . ,(By the AJ4oelal Pieaa.) . - 1 Washington, June 3. Census figur es announced today include Belmont, xr n ? 041.. increase 1,765; or N 150,1 rAr pent- i Rock Hill, S. C, 8.S00, in crease 1,593, ' or 22.1 per cent.' oiwtorTjune 1 1 renerat increase have' friends or relative 1o America, moisture la nee.le.1. iti thai tale; 11 9tt4 terk yie'wiM I Wi of " i - InVrxlmateS The American committee, had nearly a general Imrvnhent w rrf-'fte.! farir ay Mt. in tn-itf tw OOOOO tATHlA tmUtSl wnt into 30,000 orpha us in.the Conrntantinople from South CaroJit. . altlrtsb It twt t4 mmm-n om!, WratLetty eZMo"fnXwHSantext districtna-nely twice that -- tI fjj tt-v UJ fZuluttXTZ centres. Approrimatdy $1,000;W)0 will number In the Dei rut area. gr.nrth. Ih bulbtla saU. ,1.4 Eir CeorK roy Kale .Cloe fturuay . Vtrfi Tlie Park-tVlk Company I rotstfa- uhut the IMg Jlconotny Sabs all fMi wet-k. imrififf bl Mle ymt wi'l ril ti"'1 iviPHjTTC. ATI0N INTO v uiiu. framing tue luurwia, sun in- - --: Z,.nn; irviTVTJ u iumivi.1, mil mr vivuui, iw .u.i ... - t ' i-.ml nrfl lift were four years ago. fi"ST. A majority of the unerganrzed mill! A"' " w " " ' tz la toons litindretU of ctfer ttinr a V workers have accepted the increase,: as I WasWngton. June f,ae.J!"'7 tcf l-eantlfnl ctit gbts iric4 at ft AH ions. ;in ome Instances,- however; noUures was jmerropw i Satnnlay itisbt. Juoe Sth. it .10. action has neen taken on ineouer. anuimeraners oi w pmuHmcr ....y,--0-Hr) ,k now pa4 -t .to. t.ar ed in tne aeoaie tm im-. ' unt nn the rew.lnt ion providing for N. .W. Passenger 'rrain imaneu. I adjournment of Congress onaioniaj . (Bt thA AaaeelateA Preaa.'l i I io Ha tnterrnntiotl lbe CtrtOniU- i Hagerstown. Md- Jnnei" a-PasKen: J tce reverted to the fl nahcinr of Ma j. w trnin- Kt 1 ftmiUihounrt im thfr Nor-1 nn - TAmiartl Wood" campaign. Cll- foIv& Western t Railway, containing hng W. BBurtt. assistant to Cot. Wil sleeninc ears from New York and PhU-l!i.n f. Froctor. of CmdnnatU as p-ft" .oinin-".- .wni nMr AntiPtm lT.-l. r h. Worid mmUt. wm-iwuni anion tee anlie4 to draft an njd?5T,t gain. See th?,j fwses of e K in 1 1 hi paper. - ffi i ft iiiimiii t i ir r ir " The Treaty Wth CAnli. nr the AMriate4 tra. wasLimoo. jcoe Tr;e mnrn : WMr i. .r f! - ..f . rr tne prr?jen treaty wun toa:.a t -i- t jLir!i it at. . .... . fl , I - --- - trf bate l49j aHtfi tfc llfee, .. ' . . : X ; o Party cw.;' ' - "; The ifty r W'tn If ?rtnr la it f U4i:nnf trjw -f l!i Twain fMrtfl fy, lr ;Th--! tllriw,1' Kbkn l fa at. IV tts!8M.t)t Tblfe tflfy. l-r f ftf tle tf-it?iiw ,f rir family. It w .lr i f trt r; fciw that the lrf tifal -frr rrtiVt , rif rT tw.rfbta t f. bad become fastened in a trestle No passengers were Injured, but five train men were hurt 1 1 VtUa's Attack Repulsed, r . (By the Aawoc-latnl pre. ;. ,Washlngton ' June 3, Advices totlay to the State department saut Francis co Villa; thOrebel leader, reported to. have attacked, Tarral yesterday, and had been repulsed, with some loses. The formers governor- or vninuanua was saidyto be in active. pursuit of the rebel chief.-v; s?t?i - - ; Drowned In Cave During Storm. (By tie Aaaoclated Prcaa.) Nashville, Tenn: June During the heavy ram and electrical storm last night Andrew Holt, his sou ; and ; a daughter were drowned when a'eave in which they '.'soughtTefnger-overflow- edJ; ::,,'::-'i:;:'-;'--' v. : ?;o' President or ex-Preident died out of the United. States. Has To Burn One Third tof thcllcases ln " , Vera. Crux. wK; . ' (Br the Aeeiat4 rrji 'Mexico: City, June 3. One-tjiird of the houses of Vera Crnz will be burn ed because of .bubonic.- plague 1 1 infec tion. It has been decided by citizens of that city, - according?. to the Excelsior tlay, . : '- !.: ; .- ' Bolshevists -Ector Tapital; of Persia. (Br the Ajexate4.Pre.; .' Constantinople. ; June 3,TUe ; Per sian' legation .has received a .dispatch saving the Bolshevists . .had . entered Teheriu, the capital of Persia. VEfird's 'hasr knoebed the Ut torn out of high prices on men's clothing, which has been reduced. Ifrom 25 to 40 per cent. foraFriday,' Saturday and Mon day. , See AS r&z at todays tw. .lil he tiras a-ociated with-he Wood campaign ntvtll the change Ju hA mana cement last January , when Jdhn T. King quit at national mana- ter - ' '-' - thlft nffprnoon ami exti io i ''ltf aftt'rfTier ti. eirl-t. tre. . - -' - . - - the present pliase tomorrow, ;ujwrn-i fartdtnre eftrcrfii. jol i-ntHr f ing then for tne' i;epuiii.--'aw"M- loiter twnr irois wsiiwr h Convention. -'. .:" r ? I tint whkb ba Mtbrrto t-n nb Me -and Mr. I. l .Cltrane, Sr At I 4 v.cti rotairimthe t-j tste lstmn -1 tome Ttaj. - - i ta e nriee i tf Invitations asjTclb'w have befn i-j reefy tene la mtttar ni vti-lmz fTr- atM.s. : A T-ra ii er tnztfsmm ts "ttantftiw-l ethyiefee. -fca a aiijttiy higher IrieSicUot; . -;" ' ' - . . ' ??n:y b f 1!" f-. tf irtkt.f!y tbtt-ity .?. K'lt-t3t ; l-ra . I a-irs.t tlns ;;A new ln.lo.try fca Urn Jatfo4oefjtiU Vnt r:Hmti ls;,l' st Milan, Italy. It fMf la tbly t t- T At fi Btanofartor - of iias ru.t "rV wib 14 rta:iy a fc'';!' 1 . . , Mr. and ilrs. II D. C. It raae.iSr. , - .' . t At .Home ; ? ? lrlday erenin?. Inne the fourth, Nineteen bumlml and twenty 'lne to twelve o'clock . Mist Mary ISransoa CoUrate. , ; ; In Constantinople it U lrapoiute to Mmnmrtit with. auj.Jin. by . taall. h. nn must send a .?rV3XA With I the mosage or; onU. j - : ... ..u .... - trian.enIt was rt?klil q-.;e t prf-per ttisr ia Etf-axl f?r a ras i to ..ciat;re, kle3i w Lh b!. ta rtrr at ithr-epdof daoe.-. . M .; . t.ia i-i a i.v J t u ; a a ys r. ..- Wifn Vt ttT tr ' !.!.' ' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ' t It i Yalt tttl .. evftil reffrt bs-1 ft?;; .!r Crts-t tn j mw tt.e Jf.-ri!? ! r?--l t,f t; rnrrfe ref. aM !b-f tats t Afceflm ttiti tl r-ilftt n t I"-S it U ft bte t r ' i:,t Lt l;t t:i the gUA t eW;t f J fa ai-1 U l etlutU'Yta trrtt f I-5 rmrj ty tL f---t eiA"rr:iar tatItJi!5 l J'!l!i4a i -an t ertatt tu -r- kul tre ii ti-rlr htt wj;.