1 'l.v JbTsKEKRILL. Editor and Publisher, VOLUME XLVL PUBLISHED MONDAYS AT D THURSDAYS n S133I Y A?1, 111 CHS QUI AGAINST THE LEAGUE Qavs in Soeeeh at Pes Moines todav That He Is in Favor of Jtaunff Out of the Ver sailles Covenant. j : , ,nNTSTO TURN " HIS BACK ON IT t, - K Is Not Interpretation or Reservation' He Is Seeking, But Rejection, He Plain ly Declares loay. CONCORD, N. C THURSDAY. OCTOBER 7, ifCO. K ANNA POLLS NF.V. (Irambrr of Comme ree Organized-Fa . Jiamw Mm Shut Down Vur a Wrrk. -Other Ncitg. A Chamber; of Commerce 'waa or ganized here quite recently wiih nvire than thirty memW. A can-nai was, waged, Mr. CarIhnldLf chj,r. lot te. made - tx.H h Mommy nl5ht. nu i ie numner of nifjnlwr wa swel ecl,t one hmidred and six. Much . ..m.u.n, mi is wins .shown over thb TsauiKUioji. aiKl our citizen believe much gooL to the, community will be the remit. q Quite a uumttcr of people-froin Kan nniliH atteticU d the li.iiis - I'omlnz niMl. County Knlr in ('Aini,r( the Hrt nu! H-fn. ni. a!ninne wa mak injr trips over Knnwji,U nht h ftiintly Siiturday nnl Humlar. Many of our prn.ple male trljw In the i taue Auions; them were: Mr. and Mr. J Sob Inve aud litrle w.n, Qnliiten: Mrs. Kharp, Mr. L. K. UoKt, Mr. K. (i Vok. of KHrd'n utore, niu! JIIs Annie IkJ gefx and xister. 'JlieCabarntH inill u.pended npern , fvii' ..reject ins th(-leaKe of'employeK a ehariee to attend the great ;.,',,,Vw: jireepted by. Senator Hard-. Hajcenheck-Wallace kIiow in Conerird. '-in a -i ' i0.vt pmsinns -uaxrer juiM-rr J'.ailey, of Mt. I'leM i,. it.- problem t eianiyiiiR reser .'uiftn.i (leelarins lu- would "fav ';"u,ivi,.(j one- of the covenant writ; lit' Versailles. f ' ,; ' (,,. ciind'Hliite ssi id he wanted no ae J,j,r i-r tin- ienKiie with reserva t" eliiril'ythe Anieriean oWIkh !'"k lilt the proper eourse would be ! r, u.i ilm-e eoiiiniitnients altogeth- ft. !S UPTO SPEUCERTO THE PROOF PRODUCE i,,iii v net. 7. A direct Issue . a : i : r ii.. Jh it iiiiiiof wain io cisiriiy uiosc- 01111 r.ti.ni,.".l"' want "to turn my ii ttiem. It not interpretation, p.jM-t tun Hint I ani.fcSeeklnjf." TIip Senator also restated hix pro ps ui f ; worll assoeiation lnsed on urFm in harinony with the eonsi n;lii, !iml refM-wed his pledge to ini tiie formation of such a coneert iiuMliat.-ly after his Meet ion.'- (fl RFSl'.MKS HIS ! rKKSONAL CAMPAIGN Oprn His ( ampaign in Kentucky and Tennessee Today, j (Br the Axaorlated Preaa.) Ecii Koute With (ioy. Cox, ktt, .T. With si uiimher of speeches throughout E-ittucky and Tennessee, Governor (t today resumed his jjersonal speak-iiisT(-auilmix to continue virtuatly;till itinii day: . I iiH'!iini; ! -his Kentucky campaign fithan early morning address at Eliz iWlitown. the Deinocratie presiden tiifl eaiKlidsite was to spend peveral kmiM for an extended- address at Mi reenjfhij SitKp.,SMJ U (ftitral liwre of a mass meeting tnnight a t Nashville. Tenn. Several Mr plat form addresses today also contenipln ted and tomorrovv the fiiivpmftr will visit, more Kentucky iiiii'S. endinir his lour of the' "RlUel Grass" State tomorrow night Jit LouiS' Charged That President Wi! san; Definitely -Promked Aid of American 'Army to uoumania and Serbia. BRODKLYil LEADING III flFTHllliG TODAY STATEMENT WAS DENIED BY WILSON President Has No Steno graphic Report of Session at Which Promise Is Alleg ed to 'Have Been Made. ANOTIIKK EXPLOSION IN NEW YORK TODAY Offiirred on Tank Steamer Tied up in Shipyard There. 10 Killed. (By the Aasoclated Presa.l . NW York, Oct. 77.-r-An explosion ftvurml shortly after two o'clock this fvniiis on a tank steamer tied ip in i shipyard at the foot of 27th street in Brooklyn. Approximately 100 ;per- sf'iiswere reported to have been aboard the vessel when the explosion occur- ml. . .. ".. j-- ' keiMtrts' received at police headquar to in Manhattan stated that ten per Nis were known to have been killed i" tki' explosion. L ant, srent the week-end with hi par ents. Mr. nnd Mrs.-K. W. Bailor.- Miss Carrie Watson- recently accept ed a position with the I'arks-iVik Co. Miss Thompson, who hail charge of the dining room nt the Cabarrus Hall, has accepteI a; position as matron at liarium Springs. The Cabarrus Hall has loen cimverted into a men's room ing house. "i ! - Iter. L. A.-Peeler and , wife are doing light housekeeping in the Cabarrus Hall. ! , Mrs. li. A. Peeler has just retnrnel from- Philadelphia where she attended Uie mfirriage of her sister. Mrs. L. E. I'.ost-is spending a few days in Cn)rd with Mr. and Mrs. P. fi. Cook. Mr. Ctthk ' has recovered from his recent serious illness. .The Iiaptist church has employed he services of Winona Clianev. of Ijih- rens S. C, ns city missionary. Miss (Tinney came Monday and took up her woik Tuesday.! ' i Iter. Mr. liryant. pastor of the TJan- tlst Church, left Monday a week ago for Louisville, Ky.i where he will study r his health permit. His people re gret to lose him. Mr. Kilpatrick is recovering from an operation he underwent recently in the hospital. A dinner was served Sunday in honor of his 52nd birthday. He was the recipient of many nice presents, which were presented to him by his pastor, Ilev. Mr. Bryant. The little child of Mr, and Mrs. Knf- ns Parker Js very sick. MlsiTrldcrt.1rki-4ft-:.t;rw'ks' ago for Richmond to attend the Bible Training School. ' . Miss Gladys ! McCorkle and Miss El sie Fisher, of . the (Tiina. Grove Farm Life School. pontjrJnirsday niglit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mc- Corkle.' I Little Blanche Walter, who has been sick a few days, is improving. A large number of people attended L he health demonstration at the Y. M. C. A. Monday evening. This was given by the Woman's Club. ' Dr. IL H. Cauble, who has had a room at Mrs. ;T. P. Moose's the past nine years, is' now occupying -nt Mr. Sam Query's. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bost are making their home now with Mrs. Moose. " Mesdames Charles Graeber, Jap Ix)we, Thomas Thompson, Walter Yost and Mr. Preston Corriher motored to Winston-Salem one day last week. FARMERS' UNION TO MEET HERE NEXT WEEK c ix Will ( any New York and. - Indiana, . wago, Oct. 6. Senator! Pat 4 Har-' rson, of Mis-sissippi, chairman of the fisiern speaker'sr bureau of the De- cratic National Committee, today issued a statement declaring Governor would carry 'Illinois.. New York Jersey, Ohio, ;est Virginia and 1J-na m addition to the solid South. 45 for .Mai'Vlanrt nnH TTontiinlrv hp .ua there was nn. Hrrnht I that hev ld be in the Democratic column. ''f aiso predicted that at least ten rn states would gn Democratic. l'e described the claims of Will v Republican national chairman, absurd,"aying "it has! often been case that the Republicans won in oer, but failed to win In Nov- a WlU make our .big drive during hW.' Senatr Harrison said, "and - purposely held back;, until now -m nave more speakers out than - Kepublicans, and as to quality 11 oe no comparison. .. spite the fact that the Renuhli urv .Ve tried to tie UP every hall in. f!e"t 0Ur speakers' -will get be- (Or (W rm.) , Washington, tui. 7. Toihijr"' con tribution from the White Uoiihv in the contrverny U-tween Trexident Wiliu aiul Senator SiJenr, of MIuri. who thargeil the President with Lay ing definitely promised the aid of the American army and nary to Itotunan- ia and Serbia at the. pence f-onferrnee, was a stutemeut by Secretary , Tumul ty; that the President ha no tenog raphie report of the .'Nth plenary ex slon at which the. promise is allegetl to have bf'U made, and w far nt the President knows there is no uch rec ord in this country. Senator Spenrr callel for the record. "President Wilson tells me there is no stenographic records of the proceed ings of the conference in Ids posses sion," Mr. Tumulty says, "and so far as the President knows there is none in this country." Mr. Tumulty added that "it.wa up tO; those making the charges 'to pro due' the proof." f HAUmVICK NOMINATED. Scored Two Iluns in the First Inning. Runs Were Due to The Hitting of Wheat an .Meyers, j CALDWELL TAKEN OUT OR THE BOX And Mails, Recruit, Took His Place Before Uhe End 01 First Inning.! Speaker; Scores Run. ? CEtlSUSFlGURESOF f f tm it iMt on:? nnn iREFUU i UKlTtD STATES TODAYlS:-; Will Be Given to the lubUc! mi M i REPUBLICS!! - i Work About Completed! titi '"- by the Bureau. ESTIMATEDTO BE 105,T00,(H)0 Brooklyn. ct. 7. lUtt-rlf-w f.r today were :. Cleveland, jldeU atl u'NciU ; ffr I'.n-iklyn. Smith ad MUfcrr, First iniilna;. -fir.t, lsslf : ClevcUnd: Smith broke a wide curt e over the plate for the first itmc, Ol.a thrw out Eran at first. IVamby w.nlkeii. Johnston threw out. Speaker at firf, Vauity going to second. in thrj out Burn at first. '..'"' No runs, no hit. First Inning. .-second luilf: BrtkTyn: .Olson walkett Johnston secrifi,cil, O'Neill to Burn-., SeweSl fmublert GrilHth's grounder aiul th batter wa safe at first, Olon' gong to third. Ol son worcd on Wheat's single to left, Griffith going to mcojhL Griffith sor ed on Myers" slne'.e into rlgh field. Wheat going to second. Speak came into the diamond and wit Caldwell from tlie box. Mails went into the txx for Cleveland. Koney .fliei to Wamby. KUduff fllcl to Wood. . Two runs, two hits. Se-ond inning, first half, Cleveland : Ganlner got n long foul into left field which' looked safe. Gardner sent a high flv out to ; ri flit li and then j-at down. Gritfith roblsHl Wnoil'of a loiig hit by a fine running -catch. Sewcl! weAt out. Koney ..to Smith. .'-'- No runs, no hits. Swnd inning, seend half,." Brook- Carried 100 Counties with 236 I'uii Votes, 46 More Than Neressary. (Br the Aaaoclnted Fcaa.1 - Atlanta, Oct. 7. Thomas W. Hard wlek former United States Senator, was nominated for Governor of Georria in yesterday's primary, according to I1 complete unofficial returns compiled Miller waikeL Mnttn nit into a today by the Atlanta Constitution. I double play, MaJls Km.k his pop ny ami Hardwick carried 100 connties with then fossil to num.-, itui.img 3iiiicr conntr unit votes, or 42 uuit roteft at first. Olson single! to center. Ol- more than the reauired maiority on on out stealing. OTfeiH to Wamby. the face of the Constitution, rftnms. one uit Chifsrtan-U'M ftu llartlwirk.'l Nonvl Third inning, first )1L tnerelaml; inaiion I t'eni weui our nsnr on ecniiHr r- in, I '.', --'" - ..... ... ........ chairman of the Democratic Rational Wjml KU,,uff wlm maA ;ni(.k Committee, in a statement today de. Will Be in Session Two and Perhaps m, Wk - C1A fff ... rnree ways. air. oione iiere. Mr. IL W. i. Stone, of Greensboro, President of the North Carolina, Farmers' Union, is spending the day in the city making final arrangements for the annual meeting of the Union here next week, October 13, 14 and ir, r The meetinss will 1k held in the court house, and the first session will be called to. order at 11 o'clock Wed nesday. On Thursday, Hon. J. W. Bai ley, of Raleigh, will make, an -address, which will be open to the public Hon. Benjamin C. Marsh, of Washington, Secretary of ' the Farmers CTouncn, will speak one day during the meeting. About 2r0 delegates are expected, and Concord will gladly welcome them. er Surprised to Find MacSwine Alive. I (By the AsHotlnted Prcaa.) i hJ0": M- hurried 'over law ?,P!"" 1 would arrive in Eng. time ue t0 attend my brother's ho is A-5?!11! 1 marvel at the fact that iH su !vill?) thougll there is no 1 tl,e pnu is near," said Pet- recontly arrived from V -"Ml HI, -Vvr v , llM a ' 110 visitetl his Prison ' ''"winey in brother, Brixton 1 rtM L inoan,l Dol,arsrIiV ot Cocaine (B Conflscateti; prhibitw. c' Oct.,. 7. Federal orth of n ted approximately $1,000 thft a1 faille. Which w alron ft ft herTfr1 steamer Pawtucket, in x iuuce. -JMacS weeny's Condition. By tbc Aanocinted Preaa.) London, Oct 7. MacSweeny, lord mnrnr of Cork, who this morning be gan the 5Gth day of a hunger striked in Brixton prison, passea a iainy guou night, but- did not appear very much rested early today, according to a bul letin of the Irish Self -Determination League. He: was very weak, but other wise there was no change in his con dition, - : - " - ' Poles and Lithuanians Suspend the " - . Fightuig. (By the! Aaaolated Pre. . Riga, Oct. 7. Military operations hhrpon the Poles and Lithuanians have ceased,' it was announced at the Polish headquarters here toaay. ims ftflfAtnanf Wilis made in connection with the announcement that the allied mission on the Polish-Lithuanian ques tion had arrived at snwaiKi, iu. day. - .v.. -:. -. . - , ! Fair Weather Predicted for Game To . ... - day.,- m- Bt the AQClte Preaa.1 , . ' vU vorkJ Oct; 7. Fair weather again today greeted baseball Ufans . ear ly fox . the , third game of th world s series between Brooklyn and Cleveland at'-Ebbets ;Field. Siigiiny rismg .m peratures and a brisk wind were, pre dicfed for this afternoon. ,u :rX .Amn' of Jtebrium as a class are noted for the smallness; of their feet. - ove t(t- TVi-OV r ATn i Ij-- flltwt jiitt tti tvp nfttr clared he attache.1 no significance tJ halls were called on hini. " "KIMuff me uouiinuuou oi iiui I tomed out Evan at first. Hardwick ror iiovernor or ueorgia in i i v rilIW llo ilirs yesterday s primaries, wenaror aro-1 Third innine. second half. Brook wlck opposed tne league or .aiions i lvn . In the primary campaign. I ( Johnson went out. Wamby to Burn. T iN'els Imtted for Grimfiitb" Jewell FORMER IIOTELMAIN 1 threw out-Xeis at first, the ball Just TROUBLE LN KOCKX Moating the runner to 1 lie bag. Wheat cot Texas lea truer over Sewell's'head. Edward T. Kirif. Charged wttn fllis- his second hit of the game. Myers appropriating $5,000, Sent to tiau. fliod out. (By the Aaaoclated Preaa.1 J No runs, one hit Rocky Mount. Oct. 7. Isrougnl I Fourth inning, first half : Cleveland : back by local officers last night rrom l eis went Into right field for, Brook Xew York, whehe he had been taken 1 1,,,. Olson tsk Wamby's grounder in custody, Edward T. King, former i Mmck of the crass, made a ouick re- manager or the .kicks uotei in unsivery and threw him out at first city, today waived preliminary neat-1 Speaker shot a long hit which went ing on embezzlement charges prerer-i through Wheat's legs and Siesikr retl against him by C. K. Bland, pro- J scortnl. It was a two-base hit Jtor prietor of the hotel, and was placed Speaker and an error for Wheat. under a i $7,000 bond lor nis appear. Burns went out at first, Johnston to ance at the next term of Nash County I Koney. Johnston also threw out Gard- Snperior Court. It Is understood J ner Rt first. King is charged with tne misapprq-l One run. one hit. one error. priation of about $.,000 from receipts Fourth inning, second half; Brook of the hotel, lieing uname io give i irn bond. King was sent to the-ash conn-l Konev walked to first. Kilduff j?ae- ty jail at Nashville to await trial. rifieel. Mails to Burns. .Miller filed out to Evand. and Koney vas nearly Young Man Arrested When He Tried I doubled at second. Smith grounded "hkin bame. I out to Burns unassisted Jones Flowe, a young white man of I Xo runs, no hitsr no errors. this county, was arretted Wetlnesday Fifth inning, first half Cleveland: bv Mr. A. F. Goodman, cashier or Wood' struck out. falling victim to the Citizens' IJank and Trust Com-1 Smith's wide curves. Sewell walkHL panj', when he tried to get by with a j O'Neill singled''' over second base. Se-choi-k flashing stunt. I well holdine tlM middle Iag. Mails The young man early in the day I hit Into n double play. Olson to KU- told Mr. Gootlman thatlie wanted tojdufT to honey. lHrrow $20, and asked that a note1 fori No runs, one hit. this' amount be filled out. This was Thu-Is Exclusive of Insular ,u: " 4 roesjjon(t- Totai Pouu-Ni. i i lation Is Estimated to Be 54. ir.'. 117,930,000. ; Walini . . Ttw tuJi U it tk tnsp;"i,,t. tbr C ts mi lie rrmm ( i p. M. Lty will EBtMi ih? ' it tot it I ' unmix r f ii.bstirjiuf in rtj iuiiful l'tdtl Matr..'' : Indication are .'tut.; th '-'rfBi4H ru, the 4tti in tbc cw!tri" .jut, lory, wii: tbow a tat jl ifl'UtUm tn the United States eJtcv f Ir iknns. ''t 'pr7lBt!y -7oii.i!t. uraHr t2.ti'Ui per ; r tlmateil to tic living hi the iln4 esiqi. maktns a total t.f H7,!.i!,lil under the protvtbt of tlje Stunt an Strips. - ' The e.tiujatl are bii ; iwt i re cent oJtUJal mitjouncptactit that ttw ccnUK, when s., per -tit. coitI te, cave a itptiiatlii of ' tu..ViUJ fut tjutt proportion of ih caftfry. r GKOKGK BI.NFIKU 11.11) FKW MIM'TCH FI1KKDOM Sav. rd From the Cotmty Jail A tain Ami Tried to rUmpe Durinj the Morning. George' BenfichL a prini'r fn ibc county. Jail here, male a break; fr fre dum this morning, fir r sawing Id way frmu his cdl and cwflplng frotuj the main corridor of the. Jail hlb an attorney wan in the jail questioning a client. . IU'iifiehl ewapcl from' the Jail here wteral week? ag after sawing llmmsh some lirs. .ai'il uimm hU arrct was placeit in a cell with an Iron ceiling. In some , manner he got hold of more saws ami for two. eek "hart tn nv. ing on the celling of the cell. Jle finUh h1 his work-, late yesterday, ntriiln to om statement he. Uiiide to the po lice, and whtr'all, local Vtlonw-y Vft the doir f the tnatn corridor oi-n while i he was talking ne of hi clients, Benfteld crawled . through the hole in the roof of hi nc-ll anl e-ap-ctl through the open door, ,; Mrs. James Cllne., tlaugbter-in law . of Jailer C. P. tline. saw Benllcld a he reacheil. the Uittiun of the stepsj lending from the rlU to Ik nrC oor of the jail. She immediately gave' the alarm and chased the man ns far, as the Calarrus, Motor C4itciiHny. where she told several men to cntih him. Mr. J. P. Innis, a "Jitney driv er started after the man in his car, driving as far as lie '.could behind -the' old Lutheran graveyar!,. where ' Ben field ran. aud then starting "after him on foot. He caught dm in aUuit ten steps Hft r he left his' car. The entire tviling -in the cell wImtc Benliehl was kept is smoked black, ev idence that prisoner heated the Iron In-fore trying to saw through it. It i Iwlieveil that lie ujm1 various newsm- iK-rs, which be purchasd a ftK-1. ami n inai ou mc picv i it-uuiK wnieu he cnt out, shows that it tut eknily when heated. . : ? The man Is cbalnel in Jail now. awaiting the next term of Superior Court. 1 lie was to hare lacn tried at the last term of -onrt. Jut awei his way out just one" day lcfore tlw cn Ing of court.' lie is wanted for Maln iu money under fal-c preteiirti; and witli carrying off a horn froai a res ident of this county. ,; done and later he carnk; back with thecfTrinp,v np-.-r,, r tT viniix note,; supposedly signed by himself 1" VR fivRlA ' PFMRFRTOV and endorsed by Mr. J. Harvey I)or-I 0F MK- ENR1 A. PEMBERTON. ton. But the young man had made a . ;.. s. mistake, and instead of signing in the crurreu oi " proper place, he had placed Mr. Dor- P"" " SalisbuTy. tons name on the dotted line, ana net - had endorsed. the note on the hack. j Salisbury, .Oct. ".Henry F. Pem Mr. Goodman at once saw that Mr. norton. 40 years or age, son cr ine iat Torton s sieuature had been rorged,! on. n. j. i'emierron. uiea raiuer suo and he grabbed the young man, carry-jdenly this morning alout 3 o'clock at insr him to police headquarters where I his room in the Empire Hotel. In this he was lodged in jaiL j I city. Mr. remtKM-ton, who lived in Albemarle and held an important po- New Low Record Price For Sugar, wtion with the AMscassett Mill, in nr tfce Aaaociae raa.) company with inree inenas, was re- vi- ti w w.tnrning from Mocksville, where tb ortl for the 'year was made in the lo- attended the Morrow-Meroney wetl--al sugar market when the Federal Jing on yestenlay. hen he iNcnrae o.- iortino- mnnnr rnlnml the ill, his friends snmmoiHHl meHcaI aid. price of refined sugar one-hair cent per bnt Mf' pemherto,n dled witWa a hort bound to 11 cents. This is within two I heart trouble ling given tfc cents of the price prevailing wnen ine i industry was under the control of the uouy win ie iakra mw aiier- mwommpnt - - i noon io AiDemarie wnerp me luuerai government. j I . . .., , sr. r.t.- Mrs. H. IL Cranford and little son, Ms sunrired by two sisters, one living II ' II- Jr Of Vinston-Saiem, WtlOI" Aiexmiuria. a- uu iue uiucr m has been the guest of her parents, Mr.J allfornia. He was a nephew of Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Utaker, returned! u. remnerton. or uoncoru. home Tuesday and was accompanied I "(Mr. Pembertoir held a position fn br Mr. and Mrs. W. C maker ana I this city for about xonr years sverai CONSnENTIOl S OIWECTOR I ON A II I NCKR STRIKE. Has Rem at It for 81 Ihi)T--Began July 15. ; (By the AaMctolMl Pr.) ; Wasldngton, Oct. ""While Benja min J. Sloan, a conscientiona olijrtrtot, continued his hunger ntrike,'wbch te gnn JuIy when he was admlttel to st. EIUaleth hpltal herej attorney for Sloan sought to obtain hi rHeas from the institution throngh hal corpus procecdinjc. . Immediately in belwf brought to ft. Eiijmleth frtm Fort iVwgla. CtaK Salmon, whnw home i in Denrcr,' re fuscl to eat. and despite rmrtly suc cessful attempt at forcible fecdlnt. he'has maintained his attitude for M tlays. . .:':.. . ItMrr wJil tar tt -r4 fKst t t. t ,tt;'8, mh hf wi'.l rni m db-t . vj -tt ,ff.- .U Vit 1-t.t"W 1st .t U wi . A lt .t,ativf .&mtrVfmm ?ll ! titrt t Wr H. It r if; af!rrt a J &"rhmiy i .m tmm a ml ttrt"f. ttf-fa( t a ftfrwtit, -j - Bcr. U. IL l.Wiu t'r .' W llrt JtrfMri . PrrvitrrU CtiOirf'. (t VtMlf t tUt wtiCt will t"J4 a mfUm 4 tMr-ttt for Ir. Calbmaj tlcr4! th A. It i Cbuivh 4 that Hty, 71i-r- J! . an ri!utt Wi ut tta br t rtrttrt Um itt T lar i I Woltwlur, m tt- ! im f t-tti vi-ii at ?i ti, IV -nabilantU-u will l f..r I ! 'mhi j ikI Mate t-nir jttN. au-1 w!J t- tir Ut , itnut!ty fr if,ct t r. o ltf rllt.i ate IU! rem. V. K. Cltfl irWLVtib. ci a utl nation fr j4fli of CarrrrClctk nU I h-44 at tb IW office b-re oti (Mutter X. Any tm de lriug fo take tb rtsmiiMit kw ti Akc to write to tlv Kntrmtj, I', H, Civil KcrvUv Ibtant of i Ltuh Poit Office, (Wit. NV f , C4. Allwrt Ct i t j-k Jo ivu conl ncit Twly, 'i, r.t wnH with the lUUh Kb id ArtHW-ty n Fraiicr. imI all r'f-rri it u ar lHlatly lnvlfnl to Lnr Mm 11s . dn i will ! drill cnt at tf. nmri 1mmii at 1 'tik. atl t ! tr str Wln In-ar Cot, tt will bear oi of the l4 speaker in lle Slate. . The Iausbtcr .f tlw j t ftilcrary are rtMwtiI t m-ct with Mrv Je 1-. Goaxlniau on rfU I nUm frl. mi Friday aftcrtuwHi at 3:.a Vb1t. r attant to a call of tw President Tbe Presidiiit ciprtMH tbcbe tbsf raibi mcrorici' will lmw Ittlcreirf; the wt ing and lc prctif, a isiii ,f tn isrtanfr will-come !forr tlw w-t-ing. ' Chief f Police C. A. H'Adnmm Mat (hI this inwrning tluii be wa wi ll 4- cd with the Utiavr f this cmd heir fmj.llw' circuaj-ilcriay. "While ilcrc were rvblm-e f sotue dritiklag. tbr Cliief swid. "we had little IrouMx wUh the trowil atnl ercryt;c pfrmni In a good bmmr. Tlx ultow jtopl" lbtn scire Iw-ttaved all right. atl we bad no conij4irit to male with tbcia." - Tlie flrM big f- 11! tw t I plaiitl in lluirtoffc thi year will ! the IMtII-mi Wak Fr-t pmc whlHi will lie fdty cl on West rn Fbbl 0:1 Saturday, Motir I'Uh. wibl t Saturday a un k. . lU'th TMn aivl Wake Forct have ml duriii tfcU -,ycr, aiul Ju.lr1n by Ibe shih In (thcr gam. the Tirttte rmtc(4 should Ie an rtcrptlotiaUy' ti. Mr. Carl O. W.4f, wh AU a Ca taliM-y in the Medical Bc-rt Cri. has written to Capt, Kenneth CaWlwctl stating that he will t I-r fti wi fo make n 4iy steal . rtamlttatbu: ,f the ntcml-Ts of the local military tna lamy. More than fifty teen le stra it! their enlistment Mank. and tbey will If ntnrn in sw tlie niodl cal cxamlnatiotiH niah and the f fitT rcjwirt sent in to italcicti. Plana arc still gr Jng f.rwnl fr tle cntcrfaltinwnt of the nirhUMtr r lurlet! here on the 13th" d I Ifb fr the nH-dinx f the tatc yurmrr' Ut bm. Jbmw bare lcr Aiud fr fiiany of the d-bi:afc. and rm bar l-n rc-rti-l at .lwl b-l. for many tb crs. IHtT htmvr are stilt tswlrt. w cvT. ami any fiw wto will takr a M cgatc r two la akfd l ptt In fbHr nanw- to Mr, IS. K. IlarrK t lb" Mr chanta Aoriatl. 4 -iM!- it I - :, M"6 1 tf W-. W!4t it i . 1 n S --- a4 -,. n..- t i" V mi t s s ' 1 . njf" . j-,.,- - , IW t I w l. tiH' 4 Vrtl'tl Ml lt U .t i.W tlii'' .. v . -I i'lf f t - fte f f I 's I J 4 .t tHTpiW- mtil, frf? tififii fi4 tMwwi h. -' . U! VUMIM Kit J lit f11trTM tlt.4lV . 1U ll UIl t W lB UMi at HUw. r." Ct M M I, ft. .M 'f J i;, 11 t ; fUf1i! ftt iirta wt a tta1of wt.l t-- it'ig 4 t. fl fc. -" r9M M ati knti4 .'m J1 r -4 l' V;4 4 ft f I . 'i.t. Wish t Ifcf f 1 1. .M 14 t;f nsiS . Mr It fasi . tii Ltc" wtl fei ir-r t -H'Wc.l 'wtti.tf t, it l IW tuki i tb tri" t t , WrfV m it Itrt" 11 s4 lit aod an ci. iti.jfltt f iSUr- li wtrit Irft 1,1 tt bath wa ! t ll 5,1 iaji-w- It W. tifc-r lfrf !.!- tatr 't'd ! ;! d fta tt saa lt Urn w fi.t 'wl !.- . r4 tHarw f !b !l4 4N, r trt t't : . Thejli't ,Hj tf ulaM"' f-ar f s,-i4 ta4.fci lwa-l'ith td l4lrt,:' II I aa(fI4 t-t hi ll; Un of fM 4t ti Jttn al'. I'utMtal lo mf Ik u- ct lbt lVei!itr t ,t Jknr t'f1" llntt, ail 1i t1 Kit lh-t" la tV t9sf wiTimau it. or uiuti JOINT DISCI SSION MfHi Takcw in an I ifrt t f Www fU Illegal Hale Nnrral 4al. , nr ra Waidiifi". - l ff it.-k tb- Hl.-r! t " I45' IWrtl (VrtHlftWiiWrf Kfrf-f lS ,1 ulutiawai t Ui,f ttt tt triFnrarity 4Mittt l City ' e1 ffi f Ict?t?t ap N-w Jet r-y. Mr,. Kiit ui!jwtid tbr i ! I t i t wad fc a b aMI IMI J'. It rt a twiM frrt A t'. Iatrrttt4. tlft1t i4itln al Chi, for ttr 1 iwtr r.atwf l it (sffwt M t cibr itri. M 4 l W m yrt tcrni"t tlx g4rf t -t ft-sj sHt1ln. i tk..bt. -- i.i - - art. BK4her tf Mrs. II. L UaI-4 A mMage rccHI yrtrrday f r Old Stewart. tKae of tbi city, had fallen atd brok en her hip. Mr. Mew art l lfrar f Win, at si tnucli iinictm ti fHt tuf tm-t rjpeovery to accronl cf hr tttmw are. furticulan Lir iWo fr?rt of the rTidit, hSch Ift leraee known tu the- fatally hte thrcmffi a letter from Mr. Jtewart pyiUifi. Tilt: c wn on mi max :? is ritv ' (fir Its Mmmmm4 fV. ' i.t it pillar .f t.r t'-i!f - lay, ftrt tt Re 4 JMV: cr m J4, t 3 I H I"- on obr t4ii. litnti s,i- 4if . m fttm iiwts fatly, ' tt $tf nl wif m$. ft4fw,fjtt f-. Rt!iJ r ! i!v3N. -as! lo-r- wa rattrrt wliasg l.arr.. . tl t-Kjtbw-tt icir- wi.ifef w - tu ctiWrw afl iwflt am&fl ttrar! firf ! f 27 l With I .tU f Uix at J? January at IJVi. Cutton fit nf : BXireen Conjrrwnwn nlottshtao Dr. J. I. CampbcIL Ttirre Date? In .Cabarrus. Tl'c Joint li'cnjin fa-twrcti i IIm. Relt. L. Druntbtrm atvl lr J. L Ca,i:irJll nf , lio 1'Is.l.tK I V.Hiri,Utfrl iu;t rtn i-, i.t.i tn tt- ,nir ! tumv . bih i tab tirriry t-i r pcrwiysi wto hate orrhm to g t Cliarbttc fhrourh tlrrttjtry wjif 1 wW to go via Mr. MiUcrre Itarti h tnr ou the lvitar Ttit rd. Tlc Misses Mary. and; Carrie Litaker. years ago, ami while, here made hl home with Dr. and Mrs. Pemberton. - Fall is the ide'al time to paint, and! He U a member of the local lodge of the Yorke& Wadsworth Co. has the! Elks, and is well known and liked by rnxxls. Go. to their store "and get a I many persons here. l-eolor card and make: jour; selection. ( Dr, Pemberton will go to Allemrle to- Iok up the new' ad.' today. . ' I morrow for the funeral. Eds.) y ( -. -'- .','. . - - -1; -. - Catiarms at the tinw and place a fol lows: ".. ., . Conconl Vetlnes.lay, night, Octotwr ISt'U. Pethel. TtinrsiLiy. 2 p.m. Octotx-r 14th. Mt. Pleasant. Thursday night. Octo lr lllh. - 5- - ; ' Ever"ne i cordially invite! i tf present. ' - j TixlniaiJus 50651. 1 i .Dy, lae aMrlr4 Pw.) Afashington. Oct,.7.--Cin Crnre Thefamily of 4 announced today by ,th Ccnua Bo- reaii lncludel Virginia Z?ir7J ; in- Icreusc 21l.7in. or 115 rr cent HrtlDt ot tit Work lai&aT i'Vme ro l!w; IGINWt AMI pOTIL III CK KIIJ4II IV lllt IIIUIM C O. Ia-rrtrrr Trala trral4 Nr rBrftClX ; iBf iw nrt IInt!trt"f, W. Va,, turf, A Jtilif rf lt - frtl .- 1 - "W-rfP j! thi i-swraiiia fe-af, aV l tw-f f fi kf at- - Tl ,8td mtv-i. Hi . WcwmiIi., f fliarfwfeW, t Ill W . i AatHni iitsiiway.i.,niaiai-.iw, r (;8J;t, f.ai,--l V. j ! for tte itortt. If he rtil je rlt tJe -Snake Koad" width Umtt Cimff at the Gibson MiXln4 tum:hr&T to tic left Jut in frt .f tJe Lose f Mr HarrU. T Chrfe4te:rfs4 t by Ihr Brwn. MSH i is tm tlw Ctrm aide, tit r&ri-ai -re atU etssacl tm th ! Meriifcirr tretrfc. and thi rad i wt 0 t-! a tbf rtaike R'wd. M .' - , kur muni il I r- u,-i0i on IVradur Jbari near ted 'm fcaia Sf TW' 'fVil rriwn i'f -Jfc -.r rrrt-l lirf-4ld A fit t-r f4ws f tje ;jairr a jkrt a" "fi Mr, ft - 1. "At3eM Mf." I e , flrww v wf- Iva trw ?HtV f ' Ttt r f r. JJjrti'r i affj-iiif tfe- t ml Wrttrr 'f . ffrfr t wrf. ff Wi!f t tI jMl,r -".' SS-ta -' fU!i tft ' -te'Af frafyai,' Tlw , f tturral rtwflert! lf ltr !-. M. ' Waltua. f t,tt, f tit "f Jrirk Tm4sf ftrrawB.

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