gggiERRlLL. Editor and Publisher. ., S1IW.C0II PUBLISHED MONDAYS AH D TH U8SDAYS CONCORD. N. C, MONDAY. OCTOBER 11, M t4 5?ri?jr in A.t NO I OF WHAT PRESIDENT FEREIICE IDE PUBLIC ; White House Gi jes Out iLident Wilsons Ad- ws Made at Eighth Ses sion at Versailles. rVlTOK SPENCER'S pHVitfmevT FALSE Afir a MWiUftiaf"w nim 0&lUlU . f1,ro4iU Cava American iivfiu . Uson jviaae no oucn tement as Attrioutea. Stat (By I ..111. II" I . nlMI I lli I " " ' o,-t. 11. The White oday what wok de ait Vil-" ,.tfirt;ll i.l 1 S. lit ' " .i ii.' r M con f """' version" of adilresH J at the ion at the Ver- The exjik word s', directed to the ,l-!l . . . . . ...flTIIW III J i' flll4l " "'.'r.rf'o-Shi-v.-ikift 1ms been jthc 2fa rtmlmversy betwjen "ri-i'i been the sub- the i-4il illUI .I'llill"! ......... i The Senator had Si""'1"-, i. Ilia Pmic . .ia,I proiiii l Kouniania kind Ser- evcr invaui meir .send American -if ;inv imin'ii t ..i.i . -w IUI IMIIIill v nibses s io neit mi iiinr to the ,iis aiT'i- ,?:;.!i!ry lines. AVil-mi "i a reu'Kniiii ....,.... ".tli cn?l tVnt tVila VI'1, - . . T 1 C nf.n'r called fr the official re- ,1, hi. hnl reierreii whs in tiie ,Va-r session in whicn tne rresi jtni was "reported to have said: 'You must not iorget tnac it is 'owtlint is the final ciiarantir of the ijrp of tlio world. If the world la r trnilliieil, UK" I iiii-i riiJii-a mil m m this side of the ocean their in' and their fleet; tv President . words, as given in :5f official version. fdlow : Hot ran n iKvcr like the .United -iftcr sipnins tliis treaty, if w elements which they do "wwili le jiermanentr NWfi the sea and rHHr. h m it Iiasr a Kertveuiit m of the world? It. canno al ret there underlies - al it con hot le- S.OOO mll- ita imkk hleft-if.e: do so. these" msacttens the expectation bn the lit for example of Rouaianla, or MoSlavakia and of Serbia, that k' an? covenant of this settlement are rt observed, the United Stajes will md hr armies and her navies to fp that -thev are observed." The official version of the full text f the President's address was fnr- iW to the White House last7 week Fml A. Carlson, of Chicago, who n an official stenographer with the American pence delegation, aid who me that "he. would be glad t swear to the accuracy of the transcript," and ns nidressed to Charles M. Swem, fflopliaphor to the Presidefit. Mr. rrte letter was dated October . G. Hf explained he had read' Senator wr's reply to the President in fiinso newspapers : that lie liad n pme ott his notes, and that he will find "nn such statement as that wilted to the President htr Sena W MVnCPr. Tin o,1,1r1 fVinf !f roo . ' imm u lllttl t My possilde that the quotation 'Mroni a, translation into English .Mantos translation into French - "k- i resident s remarks, ftnd as .'wiKiiow. the translation soinetime& tip things a bit." , voxunmsa debate Candidates ii.T. Imlt a;i4 National Chairman Approir. Durham. Oct. 9. President K. H. SkyeK, of the Durhain chamber of commerce, announced tonight that plans have been et on foot forJ a Joint debate between Senator Warren G. Harding and Gov. James M. Cox, presidential candidates, to take place in Durham, Friday night. October 15, at the annual chamber of commerce membership dinner. Managers AVUI Hays and George r White, of the two parties, have rtEea ahelr approval! to -he plan and. are now In commun ication withMessrs. Harding and Cox relative to the engagement. Judge lkes stated tonight that there is .more than a probablity of the debate taking place. In an effort to clinch the big event. Judge Sykes last week made a special to the northern headquarters of the twx' candidates. He found both managers receptive. They Informed him that the candida tes iwanted to speak in North Carolina, and will probably look with favor upon the Joint debate on the league of nations, the $15,000,000 slush fund and other political questions of the day. KU FLUX KLAN IN PARADE. Took a Prominent Part in the Reunion Parade f Confederate Veterans at Houston. Houston, Txas. Oct. 11. The knights of the Ku Kluz Klan took a prominent part In the reunion parade of the Con federate veterans held here Friday. The Ku Klux division was" headed by masked men on horses followed by hundreds of footmen dressed In tfie white costumes of the order. The identity of no one in the Ku Klux division was revealed. Banners carried by Klansmen in th division announced : "We . were here yesterday, we are here today, we will be here forever." The appearance! of the' Klan in the parade was unannounced and created a pronounced sensation. The crowd toes-ami I cmi speak for no other received this division with greater en liiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiniimunimm um r. ttot t fit; tiori; I DEMOCRATS OPPOSE BLIND TIGER MENACE I TTZZ&ZrSlX'ifXZ S - I I'-, ".! .. .... M.JMrJM..Vfw .A4thi4 Have Put Themselves on Record to Protect the Ilornci, Churche and School t. At the Democratic Convention held in the, Coun House September 11th, the following resolution was adopted unanimously and with great enthusiasm; We, the Democrats of Cabarrus Count after eight years wandering in the wilderness of de'feat, behold the dawn of a new day, when woman the guardian of the home, by her vote will give us a better government, and we welcome the women of Cabarrus i 'County into the Democratic Partv Believing that obedience to law is the foundation of our civilization and that the defiance of our prohibition laws, by moon-shiners and "blind tigers' has be come a menace to the welfare of the homesi schools. and churches of Cabarrus County, we appeal with confidence to the good women to unite with us in sup pressing this lawlessness, and we herel y pledge the nominees of this conven tion to a strict enforcement of all laws, and we promise our determined pur pose to aid the officers In the enforcement dlaw. s!if f ttn,4 I .'.. 5 I ft lt"i. P-tel I . m$C ; Wie t 4 ,mmm mm Si iSi fubi. 4, .I:'U V W ii r I f t mA.) S . 4':tair f titi-toC w4 S5af U0 r$m i itf t tlf' ttlarws- f4 Oar. tAbi 9i tM9&ft.t 4 IJ. ft c4 fsr i s S ; d h jTItat f1t UlttiiiittiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiittiiitfiiiiitniJitiiiitttiiittiiitiuiiiitiiiiitiitiiiiiiiSfftstifiiitiiiiitiittttitttiitfiitisiiitttttiititsti. THE CRANK CONFESSES TO STEALING CHILD Smuggled Little Blakeley Loughhn From His Home at Norristown, Pa, Con cealing Him Under-Coat. MISS ESTHER KtMiEUS- IS DRI IN PHHADEU'IIIl. FOUND THAT HE HAD SMOTHERED BABY Confession Was Made to Maj. jLynn G. Adams, Superin tendent of the Pennsyl vania State Police. thusinsm than was accorded any other featuresof the parade and the leading Veterans took off4heir hats and bowed theif. heads when it passed. Col. Wil wizard of the order rode in an magnifi cent float hnd has been accorded an ovation since his j arrival in Houston. to Methodist Protestant Revival. Wrdny was a great dajf at the MW Protestant Church. The y- was -packed' at the morning m to hoar ItewJ. B. ''Williams, f'(,ll a great serhion 'on ,Stakt'" aiul nt the ('lok of tne ffl"a three persons accepted Christ, to ?ias a finp' spirit manifested cni n Cllristis: some of them C f (1 in the 0ll time f ay-Tne 1 hur( were opened and 10 niul T,.j. .... , I JOllioil T ciol SJ.4. l 1 i-l. a tilled again, and they lieard an- ir?, ( rmon- brother iWilliams Tim 1 'Us wrmon on "Pit Diesine." . preaenpr showed very plainly that ia,l l'r" t0 si than to pe sinned iu, " "nphasized the fact that m man breaks Godjj laf the'ser- Hov !VS, llin's- aiul that bite &Hi f ,nin(l a,ul qoiuV'He ii-fj lnan.v people die prema- &.hi. a rfs"lt of breaking lie told about p. woman 111 'd health and xyent to a Y. RL C. A. Notes For Week. Girls gymnasium class meets tonight at the T" at 7:30. There will be a meeting of the Ite ligious yjrerk committee on Tuesday niglit n 7.30 sharp. All the churches planning to co-operate in the Sunday vespers service are asked by Chair man W. G. Caswell to be sure to re port at this meeting. On Wednesday night the Hi Y boys will meet for-their first regular meet ing in the committee room. This also is called pr 7:30. Bible study books are expected fdr this meeting. Moving pictures on Friday and Saturday- night. "Story of the Orange,'? and "Lake Champlain." On Sunday afternoon at 3:30 there will occur the first regular vesper ser vice. . An effort is being made by the Religious .Work committee to get the various Men's Bible classes in the city to cooperate in putting on these meet ings. The men's class of the First Presbyterian cnurch will take charge of the meeting next Sunday. All men in the city are invited to be present This included all older boys over 13U years .of age. It will be a public meet ing, open to men only. . Employed boys and men can use the gvmna slum floor on Tuesday and Friday nights of this week. at ; was tor niciiii-iw years. She dirl that n(l V f thp l?clne she tilings hp , thu nnd ma.ny other ti, vod th destrn tjve re W'!1! S(-n'iifs bite. I,ril? L "llt at 7::M)- Come and m PASTOR. Nu-, u,, l"-nw. The doctor advis hJ'r make frierids with with f..'..'110"1 s1'p had been mad u,l hr.l "HI I Mar drananrc r iJ j fu. " vaaC voiuniueu. II1P AMoeiated Prn.y ri ""J, "uiSi-u Willi lltft. Pitcher klyn Nat- Mo: """ t. li 1 i;;"uai'"- "f the I3roo hp1"0,- PPoared in Municipal tini,:,,, "'"-l.v ana was ay and e Until r .... . . .-i iniur ftoft?.0? of tw've "ticl , 'ini durin Mrs. C. Outlier is visiting her Miiis ' 1 'urs- D- 0. Bost, neai- 1 iBj- the AMOdafe4 Press.) Harrisburg. Pa Oct. 11. August Pasquale, 4-the crank," has confessed to Maj. Lynn G. Adams, superintend ent of the Pennsylvania State Police, that he stole Blakely Coughlin from his home in Norristown and smuggled the child under his coat. He declared he buttoned the coat around, the baby when he 2iea rd a noise )ie was de gone some distance from' the house he found the baby, was dead. Major Adams said today Pasquale had sent for him and while he was talking to him in Montgomery jail, the prisoner confessed to him the kid napping and the smothering of the child. , . ' Pasquale .told me in just so many words that he had gone into the room where the baby was sleeping, put the child under his coat, and while he was getting down, heard . a noise, where upon he buttoned the. coat close about the baby," said the Major. "He said he Iran away as soon as he reached the ground, and when he 'opened his coat he found the baby had smothered to death." Major Adams said that while Pas quale told him what he had done with the body he would not make that pub lic until the locality could be searched. WILSON-TAFT LEAGUE MATTER MADE KNOWN BY GOV. COX Daughter of Kamurl I IirT. Far,-, Indicate That She X a Sulfide. Hjr Ike AMriitHPrM.) Philadelphia, iU U ll.-4l KmIht Rogers. daughter of Same-! I. Roger, director of the I'niteU Ktate .'4Vmu Bureau at Wahlnsrtn. died in the Jar re ton Hospital here early tUy under clrcniu.tanc that indicated 1ie had ended her life with im, e i)rdlng to the police. -j Miss -Rogers,, who sa 2? years old. was fun ml In tier boarding Iwhi'. 1740 Green btreet, late la t night, miff eriug from the effects f puiMn. Hhe was rushed to the hospital awl died with out" regaining consciousness. It wa not until today that it le-anie known she was. the daughter of the 'Director of the Census". Mr. Rogers was notified by' telephone and announce! that he would leave Washington on the first train. lie said his daughter had not been In the best health. He, knew no reason. h said, for her to end her life. Recently she had leen in Atlantic City for her health, he said. TIDE .'SWINGING TO DEMOCRATIC SIDE given a h. Mar ket scalp- the fore- ' The Campaign in Rowan. Charlotte News, i Walter Murphy is speaking Granite Guarry tonight in the canvass of the county by his party. Mr. Murphy had his first appointmen in the county last night, speaking at Woodleaf and has an engagement for all of the com ing week in Rowan. Monday, nighthe is at Mt Vernon, xuesaay mgni hi Franklin, Wednesday night at Spencer, Thnrsdflv nicht at Cleveland and Fri day night at China. iirove. eatunng the campaignof next week will be the rki.o.Viff.n-CfliTmhell debate which is schetluled for Cleveland, Salisbury and China Grove the 11th and 12th. Con gressman Hoey is to be in Salisbury the night of the 18th for a speech. Senator Lee S. Overman is scheduled for a speech at China Grove on the 2Gth, and from now until the election the county is to be covered by speakers. The schedule for the entire county! is now arranged and at every precinct in the county local speakers are scheduled for appearance. All ap pointments are for the evening, the hour being 7:30 each night, and I -at each place some woman member of the executive committee will be present and make a short talk. , Williams Hamiltoi xtjoo noasie Hamilton and Mr. W. R, (Bill) Williams were married Satur Ar, 5trht t eieht o'clock, the cere- vtrttr rworf ormed bv Rev. D. A. Ttm Rwell. erand-f ather of the bride. Afh tr and Mrs. Williams are pop- ular young people among of friends of the Gibson Mill village. A wedding dinner was served at the home of the brides mother, Mra M. G wctprdav to a few friends. They will make their home for the present witn tue uuut Published Because of Ex President's Equivocal Position. Taft Advised Mr. Wilson. ' Springfield, 111., Oct. 10. Cable cor respondence between President Wilson and former President Taft in 1919, during drafting of the league of na tions covenant at Paris, was made pub lic; here tonight by Governor Cox, of Ohio, Democratic presidential candi date, together with a statement by the candidate criticizing severely Senator Lodge,' of Massachusetts, and other league opponents. ''.'. Mr. Taft, the correspondence detail ed, ' sought and had cable communica tion with President Wilson, submit ting numerous suggestions for changes in the tentative league draft and ad vising the President regarding its pre sentation to the senate. Governor Cox, wlio is schetluled to make addresses here and at East St Louis, 111., and St. Louis, Mo, tomor row, said that he published the Taft- Wilson correspondence White House memorandiun -oecause of the equivo cal position ex-Presiden'Taft and oth er rrienas oi tne league now occupy hi their support of the candidate of the league destruction itself." i The correspondence, : Govenor Cox1 said, was "initiated by him (Mr. Taft) aS a result of his study of the draft agreement," and quoted Mr. Taft's own words when sincerity of mind and in- 'telligence were not .beclouded. -by the partisan prejudice o a political cam paign." The White House memorandum, con taining some of the cables exchanged by President Wilson and Mr. Taft stated, that in "every instance" the President followed Mr. Taf ts sugges tions and Governor Cox's statement declared that "every suggestion of Mr. Taft was followed literally." The cor respondence indicated that Mr. Taft's suggestions dealt principally with pro tecting the Monroe doctrine, and deal ing with American domestic questions, withdrawal from the league, unani mous league decisions and disarma ment. The correspondence made pub lic contained two cablegrams from the President to Mr. Taft and several from Mr. Taft to the executive, in cluding one in which A. Lawrence Lowell president of Harvard univer sity, joined. Chairman White Gives Assurance of Cox and Roosevelt ini November. New York, Oct. 0.4 George .White, chairman of th Ikwus-nttio National committee; tonight gave his personal, assurance to tne country that the tide has swung to Cox and Roosevelt..' Senator Harding's Ies Moiues speech, turning his back on our nation al pledges and ideals and rejecting the League of Nations and all modifica tions of its covenant," Mr. White's statement said, "proved the turning blow." t'Since then this headquarters has been receiving very unmistakable sign known to politics of a turn to the Dem ocratic candidate which will end In certain victory. ' "I never said this lefore, lecause it did not appear to le true. I say it now because it does appear to lie true. If we can collect the money necessary for the Intensive publicity required to pre sent the truth the appearance will be come a certainty. "I say this because the Republicans, from their candidate down as Jndged ty His Kansas City speech intend to cast to the winds even the few con siderations of truth which have taund their discussion of the covenant. We must nail each lie several times over. "This country has realized at last that the entire Republican campaign is a song of hate. We want to he through with hate of each other In this country. We want to be fair with one another and we do not want any future President to besnbjected as Mr. Wilson has lieen. to a campaign of per sonal hate. That was what animated Germany. It is not the American way. It will die on November 2 as Germanv's EX-FISIDEIIT WT MAKES A SWEIIIT Had Given Permission for Publication of the Corre spondence Between Presi dent Wilson and Himself. TAFT BALKS ON ARTICLE TEN Said, However, 'He Would Stand For It, As He Is Ex ceedingly Anxious For the League to Be Established. (It? Ike AMHafe4 Pre.) ! Seattle, Wash..:' kt, 11. Former President Taft. when shown the tste jueut made , public by Gov. Cos at .Springfield, UK last nlglit, said be recently hail given iiennlssiou for pub lication of ; the eorrespoiideiWe tweeu ' President Wilson - and hlmndf duriug the drafting of'' I he league of tuitions covenant. He also declared he hartretttjtedly referred t tb .fact that the President had consulted with him when the league constitution was lieing drawn anl there was no ele ment of secrecy about the sulstauce bf the communication exchanged.' "When the subject of publishing the C-orrespondence and myself was broach ed to me by au emissary of the white liouse I promptly said to go a In in L" Mr. Taft said. j "I had frequently refcrrnl to the correspondence mys'lf and would ps sibly have published it if It had tsi'ii my business to do so." ! Declaring he had favoreil the sc eeptaiM'e of the league wltliout reser vation, and expressing dlsipjsint ment that the l'nltel States has not IsH-ome n iarty to It. Mr. Taft held the President resjsmslble for the de feat of the plan. "The President wrecked bis own U?ague,Mie said. "He wreked it with Article X, of width he Is the author. Personally I would stand for Article Xbecause I i am exceedingly anxious for the league to be estaldished. At the same time the league to enforce peace, of which I was chairman, had no Article X In it." i "It has Ueii clearly demonstrated that the people of this country will not stand for Article X. The stole Iiorhness of the President In refusing to accept endorsements by the Senate of the league covenant wlthont article X defeated the treaty. "Now Mr. Cox swallows Article X and declares that as chief executive he will not approve the. league with out Iti That means that with Mr. Cox we shall get no league for even u the strafine was killed on the bji f Mtf itl.t And at the same time will die Senator Jcmocrats elected every senatorial Harding's attempt to make a separate rand,(,ate whUu tber har ,n !he neUI peace with those who tried to put the aip7 wonld not haTe 'no,l !" Z nymn or nate the Tree chorus of man kind." The Services at Methodist Protestant Church. The service yesterday at the Method ist Protestant Church for the old peo ple, was enjoyed by a large number of peoples the church IsMng crowdeil to its seating capacity. Rev. J. J. Wil liams had charge of the services, preaching a sermon of great power. There ''were a number of old people present, and a splendid service was held. It was inspiring to hear these old people whose ages ranged from 70 to fK) years sing "Rock of Ages." "Je sus Lover of My SouL" anil "How Firm a Foundation." Quite a number of old people from the-county home were brought over in automobiles, and they were profuse in their thanks to those who had so kindly remembered them in giving them an outing, besides the pleasure of having one more made it possible for them to attend church services. Fine Weather for the Game Today. (Br the AMwdaiH Pma.) Cleveland, Oct. 11. Clear and warm and no sign of rain, warf the predict km of the weather bureau for this after noon's, world series game. the league without reservations." The Forest Hill Revival Close. The revival which has leen conduct ed in the Forest Hill Methodist Church the past week, dosed last night. Two great congregations attended the servh-es. Pastor Armstrong preach ed at the morning bonr on "The Gl built City" and at night on "T1m Prince and His Choice." Mr. Early' Spencer Gilley. of -Rutherford Colb-gc. made a fine address at the Epworth Ixumi'- devotional meeting. This meeting has resulted In great good to the church. ' The preaching throughout, the week has been direct, ed almost entirely to the church mem bership. As a result of the meeting a eod class will le received into the church next Sunday. Miss Hix Entertains. j Miss Llewellyn Hix entertained a numtwr of her friend at her borne n East'Cortdn street at a birthday par ty Friday ni;:ht. After a number of games were played, delicious refresh ments were serveiL Ereryow left with a-heart of grsl wishes and wish ed Miss Hit many more happy birth days. . ONK PUKSfiNT. Ik it f tatc ' TW r I4 i M?t I tw 4ifr1i. Am 0 t -f tl i r eeml ttrtttmm tr tit Htr, tfinciRf the tS mmAmt f ri-t I, ritt Am ih rfi gtmm tm- tttijeiig )m ttf5 f?Wr et n in it! tt-e I !ffMi(Hn. tI Ifrr t tte nrrt tit tgVr y rlr ft ft t St -i riity JU l a. I, til. rf Urn ttt-mwn 4re ftiargil ih ifu t H. biW Mri&r rtuirrr ftralfe ilt. xlr will lrtrrt fin tl 6jijtv thltig M ttW at spring t e .W awl fb anltfttk- M thin tt;i wWI t fttfttw-r trxtiftM. MORE IIOOMn MtJllJl T Care ft the Irlrcalr lib WW Ite lire I r Fanwrr' Met tine tlte drbfalrT fo le Nrth 'Vmf4Utm Fartaer Coiim mtiW ti t l t- ihU wek. t, TfirWf a1 Friday, i teisrt gimHtfUig pr . l?t a" ttw tiut'lT f t4rl-s I birKe. Iily to He t It M eartieHr twleil that rnf room 1U le ffrr to the eji!lrr. A canvaiMi tf the Hty l let' tti4e this afternoon U sTtir" r, Tle c!?Wr of tlte I'ttbm iiff-H u that ibis nieettn I fr buti ait thai many very important taiti mt to le cHibtered ami dStsed t. there will nut be moli iht fur miv sble entertalnttteiftt, BmI It im ed to take the dHegatrs twt f ternon to the Jack Ttabdhg H4 mt Welnesitar or Ttiunslay. atut 41 autotiiotdle will W (uenled j fir that pnw,.!V" Tfwr- IVwnwtt?' 1 WF.frt- tainment, Mewrw. A. II Harris, W. li Stewart and F. C Midoris, will W glad to bear from nr ew ran fender cars for thU jirt-. It Is hopcfl tliat every tUlwn of Concord and Calarn cfunty slil li everyUdng sm(i.Hle t make .ibis stay of th delegates to' this great conven tion plensaiit , While here, and elefd to each one a f .rdtal weWfrtoe aftt tbe glad hand. j THE SITItEME Ct)I KT I I REITKES TO CYNSlDEtl EST TALKER FOR THE DEMOCRATS THIS YEAR IS II TH STSTEIIEIIT T tW V teii .-sf W4 miM W" m " 4 W -- , in n .. i tw i-jMiMt. mtf it, ,4 !. : &4t m-m .11 mtnmtitit is,.!, att.iiCt it Itua, evm f , , v "" i IV ' f".4 m At 4 i -i s-'-. hT ' S! .. :- f I '? S "- VI V 44 Jit. t.lje r t-i- . iwA. V Me,-, r 99 !. t . -s- .,,. v 4 f -W fr . fi It I 94iif . .wfi. -9 t 4vl . ittm- ,. tl.t !tcvjii-.te f ?, " f . . jt. St t, , Ul - Uii,S, l.t W l. 99& t M 1W firf-' Its DeriIon SmUlnint Validity ( Ihr lrohibilin Amendment. (ttf ao ctal IVvm.1 Washington. rt. lt Tlte Hnirctne Curt refused toilay to reeruisbler M decision of last June sutatfdug lte validity of the probibltirat i ameitd- ment and jsulioti of tlie enforcement act. The rehearing had been askel In f. tit ions aked by niritin Feiutan, a brewer, of Newark. N. J , aod t;. C. Iempey. a wholesale lkWr dealer of Boston. Massachusetts, j Ciomtn unity MeHinf 4 I VI mum. There will ! a fminunltjr Rv-ti.r2 at the Patterson schil n t'rUlaj night. ikt-T L'th. .The ! foitowins program will tie rendered: ! Song ly all. Roll call. j Reading of minutes of h4; nw-liiff. Business session. ! Song. -. 1 t mr school seen by a HIH;.' i Hit school as seen by m tri Onr scbofd tvn by srii-rtn!eTil. ent of Iublic Instruction. ' j" . - Music. j He needs Of mt tu-by Mt. W. V. rldlemaa. folb-mwl by dm sion. 4 . j v nans for otir slws4 4pen di siou. - . - i What we ran do-SIls M-tui liar row. j; . Mrs. II. P. Carpenter, Miss Corrie Carpenter. Miss Lillian Caldwell and Mr. Willie Carpenter spent Sunday in .Stanfield with -friends. Miss Ida Porter, of Charlotte, spent Snnday here with hime folk. - Mr. M. O. Hurlocker, a tenant on Mr. G.C Heglar's place in No. f town ship, brought aweet fiotam o the city Saturday that weighed 7 pounds. It was of the Porto Rico va riety. .... : " - .. ' ' Misses Evelyn Harper and Irene Curry, of Charlotte, were week-end guests of Misses Minnie and Margaret Hopkins. Pfish-RusMiai Vtmt Trrmly WIS l hifned Twdghi. (Br ) Xmmmrmtrg ftoO Riga, rt. 11-Tb P4l!di:M Ro slan swtlet is-ace detesatea: ttate ar range to slm a prrllailtry e treaty at the Blackhead llou- lv-re tonight. Ttm treaty wtain 1 r tbles aiul 'Z annexes, ow (1m- mrmlV to be rwnclwled tonight and) the a"br a man, ! ' The armitke- irswi!ktly im H- that RltitlRX i to rrs within HI hoars after th stxnators of the pr lirolnary feace teVBjs, aal inse "mUh night, OrttsVr Ktlu the! drfl&Jt time war I t rar w tarr atwj m and in the air. This ctfepttatii Ink sen! tm the s-tfsitkn tttat the ns. Hminary term w ill le ijtBtl at mUh nixbt tttiht. I! - . f.f Mi " !1fe.ty t U tftmr , .. -.. tt IVltrf mm M '!! f',- lb ltuU' iwti.f r.r mfHitH t.99 l Yt r t ut ti-i Mf, .it4 m tm i I t-m .$ Mt !hr tM.tU Mwit Im v tU'Ui, 1r fif i M mu.Umr 4 Pf"t 1 I- !. t 4U)!,J f tc.f tu t f IW It a , Nhtf ! If m ' e4r-tajff !" l mttti, tm iftm , l.ip att Ut .f tw ir, t i!l i-wr. -frtf tl tlw fOtiiti. p4 l' Uvm ISI f"tt,l t.J .Jf 1VlMI)i has fcff Ism jt m m$4 m4 t tvrLr.tU fct'w mmi frawt4 t.hc- mUi kr fo gjf,-- tV ta rtimt.l'.Tiirf; ltetiii ad hmhwm- 1r t t4, Tty .f rtrty rw Wa tf the !Mrrr ttttf4 t jr sire t h njt f istiifv- w, M nrr It I tto. gH!Wr ft it .H tfUfir t.r nr4t1kct Mf ,ti(t,twt ff i r f . t if.Wt e (Up. ,fe .f J t etjf, A let lt ft wJy - tr t f lte f,.it.M tw tartulMtf .4k rstn Jwt oriri .f tlw r fro It-U at,r fi ,. rr 'tn rfx,?i6- hiskbiff mtiKit imf It lf( hth agnrnifur" tsis li4t-. f t. tail Alt tli' tnsrfy itt mtu,-.A ltri" hf InsLU tUr fat s!tff t irt rrt1h f $ty t fe i lay his hand w n. t5jt ,.fr JkMi In it -.: 11 ttr t 1 far rnatr-r $tautii;r it. j tU Uwetiix U t in, U dmiraot tactr "HU tWJt plUMr tt" iM f Ui half t arwl that rfh- r4f;f!y tb ace A n and TW tifY I suisiiui, I r t y rf f (1 tothi4 fibl.n I -fJ trf I-m ae-. A U mf t. ffwrii of this l.nntti 1H ttwn than half lb m)& trt f.' mitum $r imjrrty las ! year o !h big rr-mi4 Urn. THE ItlTTON MAUJitrr. Saturday' DrvaJi TiUn4 Irrrf Urit at Opritf Ta4j. (ink , NVw Vfk, kt ft tw,!,;'. stiari lreak was f4Wl t.ji iffr ' iarify at fhe f tw r4i roarkH t?ty, ' nit4 peV V. Itef brt I 4,t. kfUf bile iW-ar VKfti hit fi tw r51 tf-r Mtt.i rr 4T With My ililg thm i t ,t J tltt tr Vmrt m4 t grofjlwl tf tl- Af mmVtg t 'Jt'f.i t?e t. ftavrc t ri V" lit dl Jr4 fe44 tk ti. tars'. IV4t4 fsfifr irl Ml y ; I . 3f.M: Uarti. urai; Mtf Mr. S. M. trrr. frf AbnV, a, kistant Grand SeTetary of the lxle of f Khl FrIJowa. im the rifr atl mill meet with the csem?sr f fluid Water Lodge. No. iZL Uitttrtm fcixbt la the blr rsm at which titue be will give Instruct Jon in the drgree nurX. ut fbr order. - " ' - Will dJvergrficte f pnfitirv ernae erousd for diroretj AltML TO mi;lDKNT. Acaln as tUdinr f fl faaraVr the 7rvmfiry, r HniHtiH fNbi whiiir?vft. (Tm-ji. TM tilr: of fh rnfctff ffVt WSaf t Ml lfet Its- rJMf m lw -f lrr4lr tf Le Trswry thai tsry Imparts.! tailt t!ltr to ra4 afl fattJsrr p;tf 4 ItMPsa fs4cr li rtJir1 f.wr i9im li trafjt!V -f i.rit fftf rihf tl b r4;i if, rarvter. - 9tmit"T urswi ri fikf iu rial to f fhe riIfsU. 1t iu 'tcfiCit tiaflug thr it4' l4rrt Marrit 1 aftt S tifl fr $iyiat ly Ibe frt;rrffe (W Jcre (r.ttiinn tt Umm thM W ffI 4x11 J.c tVf sald d te trb IW trm f tb law. TL r;rUVf fi iti that lfc lsss gmrMr to the r4 Be ts fM fJ 'toot be (W-Tt'fcaraL ! 4"-

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