" - -- " i": . L - ; . ' ' :: . ' . ' : - ' ' . I .'''-' : cp" 'i-' -. ; mi nf ! i ! it? VeRRILl, Editor and Mi XLV1. ; . : i I ' ' . ' ;VS I I ilLLCUIIlSt 1'LT- Ur torv. Conirrcss Mark er Time; Till. -.Presidents JIo.sa.iie is ueceiveu. .CILLEIT WAS ELECTED SPEAKER U Claude Kitchin, IJemo- ratic Nominee, r- Nearly 111 the 1:15 Members Prcs- M For the Opening. uzinii. April II. The.- 07th i.i.'.i . ii.. r , r-,.x ii --ciiimc ' luoiiipiiy. nr. noon V:ii 1 1 President Harding die 'lir-t hv-Wkhi expected now to IM!'' ii'n;ifw? llillll Jtlll v nulling j was soinewunt jer-im-T ii" i 'ongross ' inarkinj; time t f. i - iiri! l''iiiorrov of I'resi 1 1 : 1 1 . I i f i z ' :-; ' jS r s I 1 1 1 f s f a e q i i 1 1 i n I n s !, iii-; lit lei;!' I lie iiatijonal lawniak- il - CH,l I r I." IJIl- III I illlUltlir't 11,1. i..aIi,..i :i iii!Ji;iiis i( nicei uiioer a; repnn- .diiiiiiisiraiion in s. decade. . The lie iicviiiiiy itao neen organizcn v MM( i:il sc-sion which Iteg.m last h lili. Iiiinlie House proeet-dfd to (ru:iniyti'ii0 hy re-oleetinjs Fi-eler- II. CWi'H. of -".Massachusetts, spoak- ,( r ( laudf Kitehin. of North t'ar- , ii,r itciiKx rntic candidate. The w:i in strit-t ly jiai t.v lines:. and Mr. u was circled by an overwhe-lm- lii.i iiiiity. I a nk W. .Mondcll. of V.voniins..vas lectcil r ii!ihli( an leader and lep- l.Tiintivi' Kiiviim iK'eaine cleimwrntie i,ii-r I'.v virtue of his hoinination for spt :i.iTliip. lie sHrcoeds the lale :in:i 'l:u k. . . " t..iiiv nil the -I:;. niomhers woro - iii f..r the opeiiinp:. , . l iic it iWficd House galleries hroke napjilaiise when Miss Alice M. Hh--m. repiihlican. of the lnd Oklaho district, the only woman memher .(Himifss. came on the floor. She i-icd a huiK-h of red roses. 'ully a thousand hills and -roHolu- iic. niiniy in milieu ltfinHi nt me i.-isi k-fioi' were t It rown "jiito th(fe. Jopiier Z U-Unc the House got unuer.'iy. Jiciv. was nu irtce resolution in the it. this lieinir hold to a Wait Hie views I'lf-uient Harding. IliKlit at the toji of the hills was the rdnev emergency tarift", votoect 1' r. AVilxu, lnrt hrotight in under an- Iher name precisely ,ii)i the old form' f ci pt fur the stipulation making" it of- retivc in six months instead of 30 Lntlis. If will be tailed "Wednesday. Till: COTTON MARKET. lore Favorable' Krilhslt Labor Nev Aci-onipa n ied by Sliarp AilvdnceJ Wv York, ApriMl. IMore favorable 'iiri)i lahor news was acexnnpatiioir ' sharp, advance in LiverixipL and lii' cutldii niarUet hero opened at an .I'haiice of . from l!J lii !!() points', on "'nn ;tnd .Wall Street and lavef--x'i haying. . 4'i'here wits somo South in and New Unieansl selling on tli" a ly which caj-ried SUiv to '.12 :0! and inly to -J :01. but offerin" were weH '-crhed .at reactions 'ints .from the best. of 10' to 1," Culto.'i' futnres opened firm: May r-.i-i: July ll..it: Octblter 13.1",; I)e mU-r :A2; January i3.r Ainerioair Legion to Sponsor a Big Minstrel Show. Minstrel lovers of the city and coun wi'l he given a real treat at ('en- 'nil (Traded School tomorrow night. F"i- at. that time "The dixie Minstrels pf 1021a wil be offered hv twenty-ftv young peope. of Mooresville: -The min- h'rel was organized bv the American I 's'i"!! Post -at Mooresville, and is 1,1 he shown here under the auspices. ."f 'he loc:il ILegion Ist. . 'Hie trouiH" lias already given the l'"rforniance in Mooresville. - and p' ns who witnessed h, declare it to t'" unusually line. The cast is compos (ft f 2 of 'the best home talent and professional players of Mooresvl Jn,i there is a heauty chorus of ten. You -in get yotir tickets fur the imw from any memher of the local .I""5' of at the Porter) Drug Store. The 'lue is April 12th. The show is paid to a iviuidor; j Judgment Stands. Washington, April) 11. Judgments "Mailed in the Delaware courts hy the ' xocutors oihe estate of the late J. P. I"i-san vsJ Jas. (K Owenby, for "O" will stand as a result of the de 'ifi"n today by the) Supreme Court. With the judgment the lower court had ucd authority for) the' sale 'of suf I'l i. nt stock held in .pwenby's name to '"ver the thligationf. " tion It in Regard to Labor Dis putes I rged. washinStln. April It. Legislation '" Put -teeth" in the Labor Departs 'it's efforts 'to conciliate labor dis putes was kirged today by Secretary 1 'it vis. lioth sides should be compelled live up tu (iiC agreements reached, "r.iecisioiisi of arbitrators they have accepted, he said. . . . Oldest Ore chief ii the United States point of service is Thomas Gleason, ,7 h0 hns been at the head of the fire ''Partmont of Ware, Mass., for more '"'in fifty years. ) . ' latin-Anterican countries, as in '1)a'Qi itlhas always been the custom J"". ehiidron to bearhe mother's as u'n as the father's family name. ,., pi. i'. i -tin' reorganization 'of thef Nfwj Vrk last TIune.! former (;vernor 1,. :i u--n:Ki l!d of ' hills here. M 'hsirJiM Whilmnn aflil ('apt. Arthur Publisher. AIMrST.Mr.NT OF DIslTTK Growing On of the Kan fUm Oil Di. ptite;i Kuggetded to Iniled Male. AVflKimision.. jiri Adjustment of the dl-pute ! l-iwmi tin I'tiifcl Srati jjuMl (rf-ir lirJtalri growing oi, of t he San Remo oil ngn-eim-nt .-c-crning Mesojtofamia haw Ui-ri wzfir ru iniriiisiijr to I he l'nlri' Siai.-. It ThjHit!ai proiMi wax Jji n moin rnndiiiji tH iius tie Stan- l i-nrtnnt httf wjjx not nifulo in mfu h a utnnnor a in iim-c tin. jKi-',ify f a th-i lUm m thin vcrrifiir nt mtil won- I'tirut n jrcp4-n(atiii an- rwoiTI. . ! It : iift)rT that the TuliM Sl,'ilf :i j.jHjiiit ai tiuunUi.ttfcr to fr! with the I'.riUli Vt-truUuny Tom JiiIsMi in .the tM tlef that mu h ilire t neKOTiauoiiM wiuihl )au to a morel '-IH.tj iHljuwfinent man miglit 'U ex l tfiVjfliriMiKh the UMial liIitrifat i ex rhanxes. ri- ' r ! (ONVINCKI) 'IrilAT IIAKIUS lONFKSSION WAS A l-'AKK. Ilarrh Should TlaiiUy That II Knew Xolhinjr or the Tilwell Murder. Huffulo, N. V, Ait il 11. tV.nvhieeil that (Hoy Harris told the truth in re pudlainir hi confeion of W.mn iciir hi tht mnider of Jof. It. Klwell iii t'arev of the New YWk tk1i dciiart im-Jit tinlay not I (led District Attorney and Police Thief Iligglns that interest ! in the prisoner had Moore their easei 'Ifa;rris showl plainly,- sjtid Mr Whitman after his interview with Ilarii.s. "that he had not the slightest knowjtKlge of the facts in the Klwell case jexcept what he .had read in the ncwHaiers, III N MARNK DKFKAT L.II TO 1'IIILOSOriIV Von Moltke Charged With Heing at a Scienre Meeting as Hat lie Itaged. lleilin. April .. Did Field Marshal Moltke-lost the; battle of the Marne I lo calise he was a philosopher? ' j This question led to wild scenes In a meeting of the Stuttgart Philosophical Sociejry, where it was alleged. Moltke attended a philosophical session in stead; of remaining in France and transferring his headquarters to keep up with (Jen. von Kluck. ! In he midst; of the unrcarious meet ing.! Moltke' s widow, who was dressed in rtejop motirning, dernandetl the right to defend her j husband. She declared that I although he was interested in philosophy, he! always fultilled his mill itary duties lirst. SNOW LIST NIGHT. Fell Ut! tfw Middle Atlaatle States. Southern New England and l'ppr Ohio Valley. I . Wtishingtoni April 1 1. Snows j or lightj. rains have fallen during the last 24 hours In the middle Atlantic States, southern New; Kngland and the upper O'iifj valley, today's veather bureau chart shows. The temperature has beenl decidedly efddC in Atlantic and eastj Oulf States and freezing temper atures were reiorted as far south as westjern North Carolina, and light r'ost to the Atlantic coast. ' , Continued low temperatures were forecast for tonight in States east of the !MississippiYivor, and light frost is pVobable tonight as. .far south as th; interior of northern r lornia. . j Tt'RlvS" PRESSING CKFKK . IiiSoutltern Seelor as Weir as to the I j North in Region of Brusa 5 rhrls, April 11. News from Asia Minor reepivtHl in Paris during I the last 24 hours indicates that the Turks are pressing the 0 reeks in the south ern sector as well as to the north in the reuion of Brusa. ,j ; I The losses of the Greek northern ar my are indicated by the condition of i tlirlee divisions which, according to the reports, lost' an aggregate or .-!' killed and wounded. The 10th divis ion! is described as having leen virtual ly annihilated an entire ri'ginient of the1 7th division captured, and . the 3rd liv Isiou redujetd to two battalions PERMIT REVOKED or Operation of Cable Between Key j t Wst and Cojimar, Cuba. I ' Washington. April 11. The permit for the operation and maintenance of the Western Union cable betwrt-n: Key pok or at the Porter Drug Store. The yoked bv the President after reports thjxt the Western T'nion would use this line to -onnect the P.arbadoes-South Vmerican cable to American shores, it was disclosed today by a government brief filed in the. Supreme Cottrt., I j True Bill Against (laj ton. Wetteville, April 11. The grand Jitrv of Cumberland . County Siiperior Court twlay reuirneu u nv against Tliomas R. Clayton of murder iri the first degree for the killing of Deputv Sheriff M. M. Blue, in this city January 28th. Clayton is at present confmefl in the state penitentiary at Raleigh. The. trial was set for Wed- .j i i 1 1 1 . rrns kiiieo ttiim ih tempted to arrest Clayton. Seatmg of Repuldiean Congressman ; I iToiesieu. i Washington. April 11. The seating of Richard E. Bird ns a republican representative from the Sth Kansas district was protested on the floor of the House today by Representative Flood, Democrat, of Virginia, At his oWn suggestion, Mr. Bird stood aside until the other members; had been Sworn. "-L " ."'.-' ' -j S 1 ' The project of the New York City club women for the erection of a $o, 6CO.CO0 clubhouse is all the more won derful when it is borne in mind that 4erf)ns ) ill living-can remember when such a thing as a regularly or ganized women's chib was unknown. ? No one can blow and swallow at tho same time. ; . P U BUSHED CONCORD, N. DOMESTIC AFFAIRS OF DOWIMS GET IN COFRT Mrs. W. i Dowd Ask Court to Make Inoperative Deed Signed By Her For Husband. Chariot tee.- April 0 Two .com plaints have been filed hy Mrs. Ellon J; Dowd with the clerk of the Mock lenburg Siqwrior court, one against W. C. Dowd and the News Publishing company, asking that, the court make inoperative a deed sigiut by Mrs. lkwd cn-eying the profH'rty at - the corner of Church ami Fourth si reet to the News Puhlishingg coiiijMiny. the other against W. C. Dowd in which the plaintiff asks the court to make provisions to secure her necessary sub sistences The complaints were signed by Tillett and Guthrie, attorneys for Itev iJalnlift.: , ; 4 ..i In the -omplaiHt againsf-Mr. lmvd and the News Inblishing company tin plaintiff alleges; "While the plaintiff ' was in the office of the defendant, ir tne t narioite News building her hus band Informed her he wauled hpr tr sign n pap,'r ; a hat he informed hr. when she 'asked the nature of the pa per. that he would; tell her later; that it ivas not necessary for her to know then, urged her to sign the instrument a'ng jo before W. M. Belt, notary pub Me, in the adjoining office and, ackowl edge the instrument: that, without reading the instrument and without knowing its contents she did sign the instrument and yent before Mr. Bell The notary '-inquired whether she sign ed it freely and voluntarily and thai she' replied that she did not. but atj hei husband's request :. that the same day the defendant Informed her that , tht instrument conveyed the real estate te the News Publishing company and sht expressed surprise and dissatisfaction that he thad secured her j signature That the defendant wis the owner of practically all of the stVk of the News Publishing company, that he was president and general manager and managed it exclusively as his Indi vidual property ; that the recitals in the certificate of the privy examina tion are erroneous and untrue. , Allegation is made that the instru ment hud no legal effect to; convey her rights, but that it is a cloud uiou bet contingent right of dower ; that the defendants! are claiming that hy reason of her signature to the in strument she conveyed all interest in the property. - As a result of these allegations, the plaintiff asks that the court adjudge the deed as inoperative to convey or transfer any rights which the plain tiff may have in the property. In the other complaint of Ellen CI. Dowd against W. C. Iowd the plaintiff alleges that the defendant separated himself from her and failed to provide her any subsistence whatever; that the defendant is a man of large means and enjoys a large income and; that as his wife she is entitled to"have secured from his property necessary subsist ence according to thismeans and con ditiou in life and asks that the court ;take such steps as are necessary to as certain what property he has and his income and make the necessary pro vision for her subsistence Asked as to the charges filed with C.erk of the Court C. C. Moore by Mrs, W. C. Dowd against W. C. Dowd and the News Publishing company, Mr. Dowd expressed the opinion that the proceeding had not reached a state which justified newspaper publication except for the gratification of gossip and scandal mongers. I Mr. Dowd stated further that while it is embarrassing and humilating to keep silent under the publication ot bartres that he knows to be absolute- lv untrye. he said, he prefers to pur sue this course at the present time and asks the public to withhod its judg ment until the true facts arc brought out in open court. Mr George St epp, of Uendersohville, has arrived in Concordt and is occitpy in the position of superintendent or the G. M: Hosiery. Mill. . Mi8 Jnn Coltrane thas. e?ne to Washington to attend the meeting of lie Daughters of the American Rpyolu tlon. . ; if ' ' " - . ' ill II ---..,.-. ' in I- I I I . II If f A:yy .' I ifijr.yx : V, vA'Al '".v-1 lfl-l - V 6 I K vTV tY.7, ' 'SVUrV i :' ,;my k"r-: n u 1.1 O H D AYS A K O THUKS DAYS C. MONDAYAPRIL il. 1921. - a lie jjnurciiuy (m II I! -r FI NER L OF lATk 41DGE 71 ' PRITCIIARD! TOMORROW All Itusinefis in A iievllle to IV Sua pcndeil For Trii Minutetiy Many Ifomiiient IVopIe AVill AttemL Abbeville. April II. WPh i.r.la niatiou from Mayor Huberts miiiiM ing all liiiiuess in Aslu'ville to snjMid leu minutes on Tuesday 'afternoon tit :S o'clock the city with" several suiallcr iJaci's in western North Carolina and eat Terinesse. plans to pay last re-sM-ts to Judue .refer . Pritchanl. the prcidiii; oiTn-er of the 7th Circuit United States Court f.Api'ls who died here yesterday morning at m'v o'elock. ' ; "':"'; Pnnntnent menj from Raleigh, (treenslifuo. ltichniond, CJuirleston, W. Va Washington and New York, are en -v route-here to-'f fJ'V 4ie--rtMnJ lobe held Tuesday aft eriKHtn at threa o'clock at the First; Baptist Church of tnl s city, of which; the deceased was ,'ong a proniiiient lUember. -Interment will hejfn Riverside 'eme lery this city, which also re.t the re mains 'of another istingnished North Carolinian, Zchnlon I'.. Vance, war gov ernor and for 2-" .fears senator from this state. I " Judge Pritchanl t succ(Hilel Senator Vance as I'nifed , States Senator from North Carolina, I Messages of cimdoWs-e continual rolay to jxiur in from all mi-Hons of the eonntry. .'.'., PE.TII OF JUDGE PRITCIIARD. Distinguished Jurist 1'asses Away After a Lingering Illness. Asheville. April 30. Federal Judgf Jeter Conley Pritchanl. of th" 1'nite.l States circuit oourdfor the fourth dis trict, .died here this, morning nt W oVlo k, following nil "i Iness of several months. Death of the famous jurist was due directly td pneumonia, which developed Thursdjif ami served to ag gravate his previous physkul afflic-. tions. He was in liis 04th year. For. more than 4 hours previous to his death he had been unconscious ami while medical experts exerted every effort to save his ,'ifc. the disease; con tinued to fasten its prip.' While his death was not unexiected this morn ing, it was a great shock -'to niembsr of the family who) had kept constant vigil at his bexlsidk The, funeral servif s will be held Tuesday afternoon a fc." o'clock from the First Baptist ehirch of this city, of which the -distuiguihcd jurist had long been a leading ijemlier. Tlw ltlv will He in state from 11 a. m, to 1 p. m. Tuesday. Rfev. Dr. W. P. Pow ell, pastor of th; thurth. will havi charge of the serfhs ami he wil. ' assisleil In- seyer.il other well known divines. . !. ; It is Joeing planned here today to have all business? in the city sfopped for 10 minutes njth funeral servh-es liegins, in token of oving rc?iei for the dead official, j j Messages have Ieeu iiouring in here today from all section of the United States expressing sorrow at Judge Prifchard's deathj Civilians Attack Hotel with Bomb. Dublin, April 11 A battle raged for 2 minutes this morning around the Northwestern Hotel here, when civilians armed with iKimbs and fire arms, n tacked the'h'tel. where govern ment auxiliaries Ure qiwrtereil. One of the assaulters was killed and sever al wounded, two iw-riously. Ai,numbcr of auxiliaries are le!i-v-ed to have !ccn voundeii during the lighting. " j 13 Children in Six Years. ! Putnam, Conn Aprii.lO. Three set preiije Conrt bHL Refo-al .f th; of twins, one set of triplets, and re- snpretue toirt-of Minne't to rHeae tvnt arrivaLs in the form of Jfjuadruj- J, yiatorof the Mate tainte le lets. all but one of wlnm are iiTing. is p-,, the offense of whieft tt? the anti-race snicide record aciiieTed" Tietel i not 4-c ere-J by th Federal py Mr. .and Mrs-iBeneoict Lecrotx. tni.w wa alSrined. toeir sue yfars oi u:arni uie. Jieaicai men belieTc the ft-eonl to be unparal leled in the history of cizilited life. From cask to i caskat is a natural jump, according to the revenue rleuths who found two. rof fins full of bour bon, i. i 11 i A fl'I-KNDID IJIIT To Jarkvnu Training Srhel hy lr. -Icpli K. (a in wml It Will EnaUe the StIhmiI le Arruioplisli (irrater ork-.Mran s Murh For ltj ami the liblir. " Mr. J p(', F. Cni.'ii. iif thl dtt, on a vifit hM.e fnuu Sr:ina- lkc, N. Y., where be U taking tnatinit. ba :tuthorly.id Mr. J. P. lk. tutirman .f the Boiird of Trustee. Ut prfNnl ! onci' ut the cuini li'te furnishing of the splendid aiKlitoriuia of the new Nib.. Building t the Jakati Training; School, and prewnt the bill tu hiiu This; ne Tribune uudcrotaiHU. I o of the haud-oiue?.t and nw.i-t helpful individual gifts the In-t It at h-n ha r i i ivI silfci' its foundation. The auditorium -will U ejuliji-d w-4l-4tult opera -httirv hHrijlx t u i es i ii st a I fetl. ra gn ; f nrn i hel a ml the placing of n piano. ProMnItioif. for the' fumisMns of alt of tlnM nt u atlffactory prh-e are in 'the hand of the otticials. and TIm TrHiiM bear that the order for the, seat h tfii rplaivti. Tlie total t-o-t of all thtx ipiipincnt will not lie ! than two thoHsanif dollars. f -Though lini-hed for inuths. jhl splendid auditorium could not h un-d lor the want of furniture. It is plan ned, when coiiipietetl. to hold for t.l lirst event a detlicjtftory exerclw -of the nuslel M-hool build inc. to 'which t.he'gmwl ieple of the Mate will be iu vited that they may have a tlrt-hand knowlelge of the splendid work being done at Ibis institution. The Tribnue under-tands that Mr. Cook ha auotbvr -ood friend, who will iniMll a moing picture outfit, so that the boy liu; have weekly opportunities of M-Hug historical, Bibli-nl and litunan-infnt stories on. the canvas. s' For what it makes avaiUTot.. fr etTt ting ltnis fetters that lleil the who'd hands, and for downright goHliM- of the heart, Mr. Cannon' irlft at thl lime tit the Jackson Training School , a most hnjpy one. . Tlie publi im! friends alike of the institution, will p. plaud this ftioughtful and helpfiu geu en sity on the part of Mr.--Cannon. HOLD I IN IV S. TOILS; III (iE AUTO RING BARED Oflierrs Say 500 Are Involved In the Scheme to Steal Car. Chicago. April P.A nationally-organized IuiimI of automobile yiee. c;tnsisstlngof more tluiu U tln-ft ex perts, dealers in uet cars. s utn-nx-eieil today by the Federal authorities. Two Chicago branchc-s of the goi em inent, the Iepartnn-nt of Juth-e ml the Distric t Attorney's office, hate ii ed forn fr a concerted drive on the ring. . Kridenee already obtained, shows the baml ha stolen automJilei valued at nearly ?U" In the larg er cities of the Middle Witt during the last year. Six alleged mendiers of the gang were arretted Sat m relay. The Chicago I ranch f the fhiei'' orKauixaticHi is said to luive ojrate.l exclusively in tlw eetire rc-Wenfl districts- After t"allng the autfw biles he re, member were asigne,I ! drive the c-ar to Indianapoii r Ie troit. There, with the help of certain manufacturers, tlw car were rebuilt and wdd at a Mg pnJit. Federal official believe the organiwi tion is financially lrkct by -etrral wealthy mi. I jwa AgaJost Traffie In Inig forreabie. Washington. April 1 1. -Ttw dealing with traflk. io drug are n r..n-ot.i v-fii In eitnaM-l Aitti the -.u.nai an.i.nami- s-i the Sn- .. Over 2H0.0y.f' Bnir. txaaiti,-l into o2S different lauguag. lue beeo distributed bj tie BMtbh and lreiya iiifcle Society. ".. , ,' ' In the short life f nun m ly time v&t be afIordcL " n. jiivjiiL Hf?3 i t I . P---4-. .fa :1 i ' 2 ttMi ( Aiei !W-Jfti' - - At'-..' r4-:jt 4 vwtnvi a -niioot TO KIM. MKtt Us til I Ml-"lsl' tt tlr n l'WW VUU 03ee Umu4 t- Ita PMlitier ;etfl ltf itfv ti f tMi-U titr Aftf-fi ati .il 4)t- trfK LitwMibc uiae 4kt i'l - lt Wit! J4 f M I i . frtti) fir Ur. IUt k4 n(t ir (tot .tt rf ir tiofCl t 0e jit.)e .f U cr4 ciii- t rt f Hh rcUcit t,i ! tiur lv fM. Tin mitiii .rtfnm rfsTNMil l tai lu.j1.r tHat tta tWYt -tnjUMitrt-eit l f -r -n j ; -f tin oir tfnt, T1U eHUlctati mmf pMilt acrvunta!4e f.r a Witw. 4 iii-1i eonff-re-. te tU rtw ei t. f-V hmliiC order 'ii ' : T HBr UtJii 4 r - tMhrt nvmn U. tfitf a Mil 4-t tlie '.ttftw- le)iriue4 i p$ a reUanl ( i4 ifmling 4?t i--M tilUl tal mii. r til t fl arintsit at etery tnm n I -f-4t ta uphold tlie bro of lt w $so.aoo DiMt. KKID AGIIXST VIRGIMI M'lf.l t: Alb-trd Illegal LhiI4ni FrwM ace 1ted a GrmitttI Far tikm. Richmond, Va Atl I. Datnar- Dm jefent cf Jt.Vi.Cimt arc a-kt frotn 'Vein lnl of iIm Virginia l-r f prft-bnial lnetal Itt Itfmt proceilitis llilted lctay In tlx tlr i nit. -u rt of It ictsff'ood tv li" XU. tVitv ilj fornM-r" (m mr ft Hie Rft tt)4M ! elide. - - . , !eariM at I he l.;eetfn h'ht itt Mk o N"eiulr sf I'-c. 1 tltc-d tle E ro -id for the atli. tU t.ii- f Jodgu.nit I ifj In that Mr. Wiltt n-ti liol noth tat be r lle IUH niond Hnl wmifd m tried . that hlfitit aiicr haT tn of.rtlly to pr-are lu clef ;e. Tld i- allowed to ! tMa tby f fbe .agne, jMlfH. a. DEATH OF AIIN IS' LINCOLN ( O' Daid A. t oon. Atc-d Died fsttadar. -Wac IJenteaanf la C'cMifedcr, Army. h-kory, Aril II - IMH A c.-.,a pnifirti! farmer -of IJn4n " iwiii.fr. clleil Son'tn at the r 4 7 ,r Iejwa a I.tutenant In tb Cfifft-f atejAtmy. a wounded n'f fitM Ja twit day fifhtitt at !rttf.org, remalnetl lyfnx cm ttte PHd tbr ti feffre he rs pftirod ami til. rwi,.J dr by I'ftlon t$rg"H. Mr bed prlser Vint If lh -nl .f the War. Sun hint are eibf eiiMrn. anijong. fbewt L 'im, cprnti, lent- of the W'llm . tii tU, T1C fntKral wa fe'ld thi af-tii. DfUTII flTI ROXIINKNT j NKiatO OF It IMllfctl. Jaat II. Vanns. Arrd Ci. lr a) III ! Ilfltne Tlierr. Raldgh. April 11, -Cot; Jam U ,Ying. ti. for-year oe f ilw mnt prwrolnetit aejrre In the h'a!- tit at ;hl h'fnf lere tlay after to illm-o of )4everal frith. ,Uct. A'ccins .mam detllr fetel r lector In the eateri rth Carwl'sfta dltrhi fc many year. tt M-ttej one tc-rta la the lower h.ae ft ft State I,eri:aturr. During ltw Kims-il-AmtVan r Xtm: C t.t of: the Tl.Ird N. i;nttftf- rfoI of j negro tri. ' . Hre ai WII- Satonlay Mffcl lM i f :04joa Daaaaca. Wil-otc. Apt 11 I't Tle ivtaetar fire uLlfb cbtroy! tte 9te.jrr rtattx- Milhtiftg of th Wl!i9i Tl"" eifuiiny Hat tmty , fIcTf ttl4e1 ,a lopn of JM4i. wlif a t?laI1f l!iturrL Iletweea .V atd h bead of totar' eot p la Murine, Io adjaeent lit!diig lle A bH.-an T lreo ftutiutjy had Zjfi !4 'f ttte W-el In Mrate, lit with wifrk dooe lr fh- Wil aI U-k M.mtl. fireTicbter aid faf Wo,t, :,-r KUtiim Un.,- fa the td!'ting ift-1 t4i wrre Mine Owner sad Mriking jefJie j . , Cmnfrr. jldon. AprU It l.?tfh mtvr and t-triVhsg ep .ye eBfr rtd for ata Umf ml tb- 1VH -f TraA thl tfontS ot a ii4e 'wrfTwwrf c-jf the -oiir:nrry hkti lrl ta t!f mineT waltt. Tbe rofef mA jcmroMl at & tttl i p. m fty, lUAtt H. Hv. hter!r t tle rVrhrqter. peeidt- Many Io I4fi l A'r Vk city cfStala rrtail aiJt is trr saaWir bl ot gieatrt ratity fkai ! are to tve fa4 ia ssUay wlr a ? ef tahraie all i T him rb I deensJaaf it maina crdr to art. v Yrf. $?kjf fTHEFOI!fRf!Pllf OF C- . : ' 1 " . bULA Wai alf the f ktitisfSf , ft INK 1 KAIr II iTv'I? Hint IIUI nw;ANr m Ijit YVVti, Her Vmti Br Mttch ii . .. Ou s4 It - Mi . Nlt L-4 4tNiL$ Hl i'?M- .. tr1 t tt" f-wt erf l isi '4s4iVM il j -4.rtS' t- .it- t i'iil sj - si muw ija, I ' is iifii f . - A t,e. 4 ffA !-: M:f l -.41 fmf i. ; , ; j i If ifVN W: 4 ' w-f jt lr ilf" u i wf tcii in--.k. If tii' .,df i4i 'i . t'i ! -.- lit n . . tlr l- fcs f (V t4 . I !"' '"" TU V'f";ii'HMf cmi ! Wt Hti t'4-t W4 i t -: . . !! wl TiaM W urn- te fr m lt f! eJ ', f rN Fri N4ifV4 i j ' WifOi ;lt4. iMil V ' I ft ta pi t.: tl " Uu tr ral j f (jW 4 4 z U4tm 1 jit' int4 MitW mm l (Nl4 Jrii tittM IMtWf j- Fatrral la he .ttrM HfHew lHa U1 M at t l-. t tnm,ttkm ill -. -if ifj t?: tiwtbtVt f M f if r, i e I.IUH ltl ItRiikM Hi tIH, TRIM til 11 MM. luirae I rr i 9r lat!' a 4 ttaiUiag Htil Rr tlaUkH Hf leafcfj. i - - Tftltf j C-tJUt. iia, Jkit s1 (irtki bia f" ilp f date- 'l.ate l : bftll : lag. ; fcl't lit W tt p ' .ni,aVr llt' ft ' i Ut At t4f li'fiaat; fa. r4 flCrf-r t4, 'M the r?c A 11 leaf r 4 a Mm' fium ft i?a far IM 4 i- bins $4 -'-5 lag ti Mto Ug mi jffinwibt i - t4Uft tit- ' m t.ljl5 fr If' 4t. th UMiiug,, in 4-a $f ' .blnc 44rtftltff avs4aliii.' fW -1 tf: y"lstf tw Milk( f . farllttU a .' ..M. i4 -! Tis, uni-k' the fti frfr H Iiii npi 1 1 r ? fai.. M. Wsnwft.kef iUi ifi ' r-"-.- !hi! It .Iar4 l-f tmtihtm' tc4 - in Ii- jt r. .IKK FLICf J UN Till II, (Itarred Altila lllemi I t M Jaawe. j" f trta4iM m -V". - 4nffblV.. Vaw. -tt1l V-- .Fif hHr si-, Hrrt ffe . aitmwt&rfm hi (li fimn f lrtrii f'40itfg fe nrter jpf ,lVa. is feirW of Marvf) , 0U fmtf4 lilf Wi tn; InlftkU "Je C4k, T? .-f. tJf tfe-kiJ?sf rr ftrN4 rial tr i rlre!M 'wt f II tfi-r- er,f f J : .Iflet : C.'arm9 fM tet i im a Jfe4 MI4 V lllm a a Hlttft ft g4 Mm.. U ' a ; retWf'Wl f!t t-ilt f if5i f h j Moi.fi I ' " t . pm'iA ie fPnt f- ' -flV"i ifttrIV M jm"" H- -f t: i-fj-r a! --Jwijr1it' .t f - fre s, aW-41- fvlHtf Owe Wiarffcrf. Tle v.4 fMraajt fVit !. '-' '- lr!flt!s- ia4wtr--4siif Itt tM (rji'. -j-ia tjM.fana.,) . , Tl- S4t: ' A. llMtft rrfef IW a!-.' f-fcy ' i.t-IW 4rair ?. fi tf jC j ! : M -S, : SMr rer 4; tly, - I'j.jMf M a rta'Mf' Hf vl I l's Tfciif r41e r jf Ijfcr Uc rvt a:aMIrr ne3pt fx' r-l t4riti '.- MftS t ffc f- tr. ; ;'; : ' -.i: - i-i anaa)iiatwaat--i- iiww jsf - ii r.r OU. Il-1Wri-s f n fetf, I wiSWtsj . .ft-fa t ;J we jrar 4 assd it jaauaf fr e f cut .,, cl&a,i fsnSra aJt ay m ,-