li II. Ill i I I t I I I i v - 5 1 I . . . I 1 1 II MS i r 1 1 I I I 7 I B. SII.KRTHLL, Editor and Publisher. PUB LIS HEP MONO A YS AKD THURSDAYS -CONCORD. N. C. THURSDAY, APRIL 14. mu NO I XT OF FRE11CH UOTE iElGHT PERSOJlSDEM HADE-PUBLIC TODAY i RESULT' OF " f OBI! ADO 1 1 ' "PROGRESS IS MADElGERMAH IIIDEMHITY Qr SSmtoomiEIIT jlBILLIOIIfiKS Again in the Ilime Light r Held For Two Hetween Today lours el :(i'eorffc and Delcga- Joy ion of Alliance Officials. k i;Kr;Ei)'NOTTO PKKCII ITATE CKISIS i Plea,. I fowever, Docs Npt Fetin to Have Had Any Ef- c( t o Prospect for Re- Negotiations. .Nil. HI. il II. A conference held l'i t ween Mr. v Lloyd tfic 'i -imc-Minister, and a de.- ..! i hi Is of -'the Iriplo alli- a strike for Friday Hi'P'M't f i h striking miners, . i : . t ........ : ! . 1 . llll'll 111 IMMIlft : i r nlly iiliy progress being npdej .iiljiislincnt. ' . j V. ;l- I vl"tl'M'U I null i in' iM'lJCreilfC- ..,. prime Minisier made a'strnng ;i !'(: li'ijr to the tr; nsport ,in, r,iilay men who with the CS V.1UUI i if ll triple alliance, hi: UK Ml iM'cii-il:il to I'xcniso rest ra Hit and njs plra. iioucvor, ios not apjioari h;nt .liiy fl'ct. J. II. Tlioinas, .!-..... ..r .i... ....:..... l.ll lj'l I "I 1 IlilVJIMlill 1 1 1 i I II I .lilH.TV llH . I illlll J iu oV la red after tlio m lic toiild set' no prospect ihc Kiiiciiiii ol ncotinlions for Hlin-iifii iii of Ha' strike situation. ! 1 1 ! . - - 1 in i in- -(, ciniNi'iii smic 1 1 was said iii- hil.Ur men wew unalle to ..Hi new nuiinteins yiviiiK me gov- ill. I III lllll Mlllfll'll -V III llll'll . i : ii-. ....... ' . ...r ii.. :.. while Hie pverninont, it was 'un not indicato that it was jnakc any further conci's- it lm i I nation 'early this after- i :i.M-ared unehaiised, and the out- il.illlV. - " - ' k.vki-:ks plkad tor tiik Kl I.i;.SK Or El (iKNE DEBS. r ij IVIire Vrrron Hand to Irevent i)isturtanees. ' , pii i,ili. Jlinni. April 14. :While m icompii anil detectives and,-detach-utfmin ;i tank corp unjt of the Imii'-ouii .VatKmril Inarit sHrtod-oiv liw linndieil iersons g.lTnl&T-edt ..... ... . I ;i nail last ntRht and cheered :ilirs wtit pleaded for the release liiiu'i'ii.' V. ikiis, Wjliam D. llay- "l .iihI oihe'rs whom they termed iti;:l nioriers." - Uiiiir-ii's thai etlorts would In made ':tk ii ihft meeting jtrotnpled the if imril iifs lo laue measures. imc were nordislitrhanee. m i:. ( lajlmi to lie lYied This Week. Kiiveiievilile.'l X. ('.. April 14. It s cxiei-i.ed the 'entire session of Cum- ;iinl eeiuity eriminal court would taken "up today with the selection :i .ii'iy in the trial of Tom R. Clay- ; New S York youth charged with limrder Jiere last January of Pep--iHTiff X. II. I'Jue. ! , Wlie WHS 'shot fr vlanth nnrt nrmtv riff W. (f. -Patrick was seriously in- i"''l when tlie wo officers vereserv- -a warrant on Clayton charging him in assault witha- deadly weapon:. In it ifMis wound in tlie chesr. V Fui IMaiock Admitted', of Tharee of I Murder. Mltemarlfl, April l.'l.i-Dan Blaloek, A'nw.i,i(i eljarpred with the murder iWrl Tlioni'pson. , was aciuitted hy MMierior .urt iurv after tlie State I waivV.I; itsi riht 'to! ask "for-a fh-st ,L'n"c verdiri: The ecwlene' shmvri) " I'liaioek killed-Thompson at the I'lliiT s lionie on tle eveniie- of "vlri'i. I'.laloek claimed that at tlie in'-- tlie iltfad Lilian was running him "h a drawn knife and that he shot "I'lltT. Ill protect himself. I:,,l"!la Methodist Protestant Church. "in- seeond nuarterly conference will " Saturday, tlie 10th, at 7:30 "i- The otficials are requested ; to (1 1'iosenr. We are to have the fam lls Mt. Pleasant Quartet of Cleveland !"K"y. They will use James . D. '"Jlian-s latest lxiokj They arei; to ?u:s for Us Saturday , night at the martcrly meeting. Sunday at both ill 1 1 'at 7:30 b. m. You are re- I'txtcil tojeonie and enjoy these ser- lies. ' "ine. Aon are welcome. I J. T. SI SK, Pastor. . in.!rular: Antics of a Dog. "ill Hill Minn.,; April 14. Since its was killedV recently by a a Seoteh collie dog stands i chrtain corner here each high as cars speel by and '"lie p;il! :iv. "!l,,'i iiiuii; gesj to gras the trolley pole it; teeth, pulling the pole '"!"' Willi j 'lr the o,e ani stoppins the ear. The -'""lal Tirol, vhl,. will be - shot, it is f ive Killed In t ... . Aii iviimiiu. H' Kmnoy, Tox., April 13. Five per - worei klljed and from 25 to 50 ""'is mini-nil -nii Toniado. i a tornado swept down from the f,n 0n iIf'lissa, near! here totlay.'Flre My i I ueoris oi rue ouiiuiiigs Uu. o ,h- twister and virtually in . nl.iroj business section, except the an. th0 east side of the town dest roved - - Vr p!m' Ms- Ij- D; Coltrane, Jr., and ur"?lli I'own spent yesterday Mr r. M'lOl-IH;, I j, ; vvu vnarioiie wan mt. .lames ii.,'fW!' wo reeiiperating at the lV - ll. 1.ii m -w- ."TM'riilion uin Hospital .from a recent They report Mr. Brown's as greatly improved. ifcreiicc .iiiLliil tlie AIout This Sum Will Proba bly He Fixed by the Allied Reparations Commission, Says Echo de Paris, j WILL DEPENlTuPON CERTAIN SOLUTIONS If Germany Refuses, France Will Recall to Colors Two Classes and Proceed o Oc- tupy Ruhr Basin. Pali. Auril 14. lleriiunv'K IhiImii. nity4u the allies will l lived at l.e twe i( hit ion and l."W billion 'ghl mark.4 by the alliel repnrat ion com mission, says th4. Keho de Pari. Tlie newsiapr adds the' exact litfiircx wi I depend, upon the soJution of -erlaiu quftjons leing considered. Intense- fJerniany rists settlement, the newsimir detlares. it is aeeeiel hy the allies that Tranec will 're-caP two (-lasses f rK-ruits to theeors ahl proceed to oei-upy the Uuhr hasir district : . This district Include Hi? most jfmpodtant coal mines and indus triap.jphints ill vestern Cermany. KEIHCTION ANNOt'N'('EI) BY THE INTERNATIONAL IIAItVESTEK CO. Will klake a StraiRht Tin Per CVnt. (jut on Products Next Year. rheago, April HPasing tils -tiou:iiHiu rei-enl reduction in sti-l priei'S niitioiuieed hy the Tinted States SteetjtHitatiori, the liternatinial Harvester Co. today aniMtuticed a straight 10 per cent, reditctioti effect ive liext year on products in which steel jis the principal raw; material. "The reduction oil's! ltd came after pur year's products diad hecri ' provid ed.. firf. and will have no hearing on the cost of machines we sell this year," the I announcement explained "It does stahlish a, lowvr replacement cost, haweier, and serves as a basis of a pricei to which our customers are en titled and which we are willing to ac copt.T ..'"' !;: The reduction applies chiefly to har vesting machines. i r The company announced reductions tf f rom 10 to i& per eeti; In marhL lnflf,p; principally of wood ami iron on M...l. ' Mnti'h 7th. TIIK' t'OTTONMAKKKT. . Weaker Liverpool Cables at '0Mning. : Maj OA' 1 Points. ; Nev York. April - 11. The cotton market hero niadiT a .nni)aralivel.v steady' showing tluring .today's early trading. The unfavorahie l.ritish lalMr situatioin was relleeted in w:eakei Liverpool tea hies, hut the local" market opened at a decline of only 1 to; S IMJints jmder Southern selling and lir(ui(hition. The latter was prompted by weakness in the stock market and there was some Wall Street selling af ter the call With May easing off to 11:02 and July to 12:47, or about 10 points net lower. j Cotton futures opened steady. May 11:00: July 12:r4; Oct. 13:13; Dec. 13 :51 - Jan. 13:G8. jCsserand critcised Fop Failure to Keep French (iovern -merit Informed as to Doings jin Washington Paris, April M. Criticism of Jules J. jUsserand,. :-French Ambassador to theU'nited States, for his alleged fail ure; to keep the French public informed as to the slate of aflairs in; Washing ton,! appeared in editorials .published here today relative to. the JiTe?sage of President Harding to Congress. Thief Steals Head of Rabid Dog at Wingate. Monroe, April 13 A man living near Wingate recently kilfed a dog he thought to Im. hind. The head was pack ed in a metal bucket, and i this con tainer was placed in a womlen lox w ith ice packed aroud it, ana consignea u ltaleigli for examination for rabies. Arriving at Wingate too late to catch the! afternoon train, the man left' the boxf outside the station. Next morning when he came back to have the head placed on the Raleigh train he found that someone had stolen box. head and n i twi now everybody is wondering what kind of an expression appeared cm the thief's face when ne openeu n hox and found a dog's head! - $75,000 For liiiversity of;rs: (Charlottesville, Va., Apr il -..Pre ident Alderman, of. the Fniversity of Yirginia, announced l1. founders day gifts totalling $.,..000 had bceii received from tlie jn'l ientennial endowmeuT lumi a-SSrAOOO gift fronv Thomas F. Kyau. of Kew York; and the other a $2...0M donation from , Mrs. Chas. ; II, Senff, also of New ; York. H . PhTsician Dies WTule WaJdng Up Hotel i Guests. ! Southern Pines, April 13. Dr. A. I. Sweet well-known local i physician, dJStf heart failure while arousing guests of the Southland Hotel ear.y t Ins "-.i- n-hPn fire broke out in a biw- ness bfa. eauring a loss of approxi mately ?75,00O, partially covered by m su'ranee. j ' '' ' finetl $10 each niS the fifth $!2i0 in recorder's court '21n V Tohn Dflftir. colorel.-plead Sfi to 'receiving liQuorand fined o0. The court ordered the whi4ey found at his home eonf iscatecL Uwm be poured out later by police officers. j f f' v 5 ' ' v ' . -, V X. I . .S. rrZ Mill ' , ' FINAL KKPOKT FUO.M Y CAJIPAHJN TIIIS KVKNIMi. KesiUt of Mcmbersliip Drive Will lie .Made Known at Luntlieon at As.soria tion Ituilding. Xo'report on the, work of the various teams which are canvassing the city for membership to the Y. M. ('. A. will be made during the day. though many of the team eaprains when quest loneil during the day, reported that they had made god progress. ' The ii'nal reiM)rts of the camiaign will be made at a luncheon to be given to the teams at the Y. M. C. A. build ing this evening at fi o'clock, and until that' time nothing definite will he known. The various tennis eontiiwied their Vhnr.i"rk',t tltlttris - fyerteTfhry afternoon and toilay, and unofficial reports state that much more satis factory ; progress was ..made 'during the afternoon than during the morning. ..More than one hundred new mem bers were wlded to the association, vosterdnv morning, the new. memlwrs pledging more than twenty-three hun-; statin- that it had made an enviable rei-ord with thejnonev already raistnl. t n ml expressing belief that the campaign : and expressing belief that the camiaigu : emn mem he e, JnTilmd S re i rrrrn" atXHhTlS nd ! who. showed no interest it is doing. in the work t, t TIM U In ; Vn vxn AV snrnniT w x- vu-. i. ia w..... f VJTmJ,"1" L-W:;:Z 1 ! He Will Declare a Mistrial- Monroe, April 13. Judge Bis Ray served notice on attorneys in the Ross will case today that the trial would end Saturday night lvm less, or if it was over then he wpuld declare it a mistrial. This notice on part of the court served to speed1 "up action and sev eral witnesses were disposed or. , . i R. A. Hudson for vcars confiden-1 tial business agent for M:iT2ie Ross and leeatce of $1.Ck)0 under the cod-!: died dollars. The goal is .oo new mem- r y" ,",v "" hers mid HHM) additional is largely represent(-l by the increa s-ieaker were (Inc. and he took each Mr. Wilson, one of the Slate Y of-i lue to exl.ansion of division and told Jut how wordly . . . T - ; , i ivif ilnrin.f tint, unr ;ind fur lite iteonle wfre tiMlav ovi'l' twrilial.le licials. in a snort taiK at tue inncneon . " , ..V i . . .t . t .w...r.i.... ,r,.i...i til.- nin t which theiv now is 110 further iieeil. . things: at times he w- dramatic. cal icil of her will, was on the stanu hev- l'-7. when the Irish crown jewels era! hours. Hudson, who has been : .valued at $2oV).io were stolen from under fire of caveators all throughlie castle. lie afterward won a $2.i. the trial, being charged with exert-i IIX-l suit against a Ignition news ing undue influence over Maggie paper which had made reflection on bnu Ross, made a good witness for tjie , in eonnectiou with the case. propounders and for himself. He told of many business dealings with herj on which he based his opinion, that she was of sound mind. . A number of witnesses testified to Hudson's good character. Mrs. Hud son was put on to corroborate her husband and also testified that Mag gie Ross was of sound mind. She had known her practically all of her life. Dr. W. R. McCain, "of AYaxhaw, told about making professional visits to the house and he thought .Maggie Ross capable of making a will. The test! r.iony of other witnesses was about the same. DEATH OF DR. A. IL HAWKINS Was the Oldest Living; Alumnus of the Fniversity of North Carolina. Raleigh. April 14. Dr. A. B. Haw . nn r. . J.,. ih'r. i;.. ing .alumnus of the Fuiveixitv of a sabs tax w as made .in the House to- Another Rir S al the Tarklk North Carolina, and probably the old- hy h.v Representative rear. repnt.Ii-J Ctoipan) - ' , J et active hank director in the United an. of Wisconsin, of the waysamH A big wile of ue-n and l.r. Hr.tb States. diel at his home here earlvo- means- commit tee. He uieutionl JuU-sJ icg anj will begin at th lark dav followinff an' illness of weeksl Baehe and Meyer Rothcbdd. of wjWk c.k' April am f .T Dr. Hawkins graduateil from the Vork, as prime movers in the -am;ipi, throti;n April JT.. Th will I tWr Fniversitv of .North Carolina in 1S15. and charged that a huze fund l ad tm bi;rgct sale of flie ami prir He had been a member of the hoard raisel to siiove the bur man s taxe wjU , offered dnrfns tb- fm lay of directors of the Citizens National Bank here for abotit 30 years and took an active interest in the direction of the policies of this institution till he was taken ill. ' WEATHER FORECAST Unsettled . weather tonight and Fri day, probably showers; not much of a change in temperature. Increasing south and southwest winds. A KM wmm FOKII IS STILL imiNf. Itl SI N ESS AT OLD STAN I Keturn.H to Kate of l.OOO.tMti) (arn a Year; Kmpluys S2,00t With 'I'citioii Never ISettrr. - Detroit, Mich., April If. Steady gains. lMth in sales and production, are rejHHUnl by the Ford. Motor iVmipony. "We were never in ln-tter jtosition than we are litrht now," ll'nr?v Ford said today. Aetttal sales in th domestic market for January -were r7,-20s automobilo ami l.l.'is trators, for? February (53, t'ltc; cars ami l.!32 tractors, for March ears.- ami t.TS." tract one. At present the company ha$ lft2,fKK unfill ed orders for automobiles, ami produc tion of the present wrorliing fone If t tUxau-if ajttKUiOa'ais; alj- ear. ' The company normal firwluction I' fore the plant was c'osed for inventory en December 23 was aUut KHMMXt cars :i month. This refpilreil, at thai time a working force of about r2.XNi meih At the jncsenf. time a little more than :t2.)K) men are employed. , The reMirt says that the diffcrcm-e between . . me present siiuaiion. in S he :Ient forces up to mec Production an effort is being , im In the present situation, in build- meet fu.l tw "'". u .. f remaining with the Ford Fompany - says the re,H,rf, -P.y this ,ho uipany sees a way to re, i0F; to a Mn Ullllll. ;ieUII.V MHHIIl.IIln l" 'W'l It'll 1 and: thus reducing productive, ;ost.' SIR ARTIH R 1CKKRS I IS SHOT AND KILLED j And His Hause iu Duhliu Hunied Tills! Morning. r Dublin. April 14. Sir Arthur w. ward Ynkars. former I'lster king of ...i. .,..... .1.: and his residence was burni'd. i -f a. rjw. 'i in .-. t --- . . .f- A lag was attaeheil to the noty read ing: "Traitors beware. V.'e never fm-et I.-R. A."' . : . - Sir Arthur Viekars was I Nicr ling of arms at Dubin casjle at the time of the faniou rolibery there in Texas League to Open. i Forth Worth. Texa. April 14. The championship season of the Texas liaseball league will pet under way to--' morrow with games in four f the eight cities of the circuit. For the initial .contest Houston ia'urhednldpto play1 at (.aleston. Da las at Wichita Falls. Reaumout at San Antonio, and Shreveport at Fort Worth. The league officials and club ownerf .predict one of the most sncoessftd years iu ihe history of the organization. The schedule provides for a season of l.'.S ule provides ror a t-vasm i " s. u iti, S4pt. 1- a the rlcol.ig j;a me ' date. j VtinZTs-afKix Invest igalions Co on Forever. WashinKton. Aprii 14. Demand for a f'oritrressional investigation to div- dov. Ihe interr-sts trving to put through; - on th poor man It makes no difference of you have been voting in this city for 25 year. ..rti, Mffittur iin if von want .....I ,1... i l..-t.. rf-... ........I ii.. i..r ll... to vote in the municipal election. This j r the' two Ids half pig a-, io to :iiSn'ips to erervone. i.t-- r,-v.i-,.. unit TlmA --- ' : The Elks will install new officer at the meeting tonight at the Home at K o'clock. All memters are urged to Ik . present. ';' - $CK TIIK SLUVK I: VI TIIF LIK A. .;. . , III let II Tli. .Mtrtin? Nlsht Va the ilrt One llrl.l in Ike Serle. The meeflns at tb MethoUt Ytt teMunt t'liiTrli lt night wan t !m U-u . held yH. Iioti! Iu jMiint of attndaue; and latpret. aevrral wete wlaiuH n nil one prifein wa mmle aftrr Ite-. Mr. Moton preaibt m Kwefi mtiuoii from the lexf, rAib Ihey alt with om c-ount begnn to ni.nUi' t mi The lirf said unto htm, I halt itouht n pioi e of ground. .'and I iuul neel3 gi iei it; I pray the. ban me ext u-et. And another wtid.l luive bought llvp'yoLe of en. and I c to prove them; 1 pray t tie Imi ti exiatsed. And noherfald I hava The text divided info three t vUion. and leaix'ius were tlrawn from each divWou hwlntf thi unr-H'n-ableNess if these exeu-cs ind -iinit.m ing them to the way .f tld'e world to day, in some xiiJp have lime fur everything except th wrk f it: time illustrating a truth j The, siK-aker said that or all tnew ............. - ! a wife was ,he most f.wdNh. while the others were al-mt a- l.I. to hi- mh.,1 j This man '.ould hve tken bU -If and to the f. N, n, inn - h i ".. -- J or a 'piece of eround without fir! m- I ing It or at biot eiidim: foine one t make the pnier iuvetlfffltlon of tb intendwl purchis. He p ke at Uinrth of the little iti ren and trouble tlwt .u.e along In every day life that h woo d accept a. cu fnm at 1. ii ' i. : .,.. ft, -.-, m-"'!,. V ui t n also urged ds rr selves for the welfare of others. M ' wa a splendid effort, nndjwa well re . ! i'ivel. i MOI1 .YIOLKNCK FEARED . ' !. . Jesp Ninen Removed 16 Sone Fnknown I'larr For Safe Kerping. Jtmkv Mount, N. C April 14 P.c- i,-.'me of hish feling and fearing molt VJoli'm-e. Jess .ll'C. a; nm- ijij hand alHiut .V year- of age. was rn-h eV ron. Spring'Hope to the nty jail at Na-hville la-t nisht and liter n- moved to some unknown destination fr Mife keel ing. neen!inj to offjeer who late yesterday arretted NiiH near Webbs Mill in Nah rnnfy tip" 'charee of having attael tb fiv-year old daushter of a pnintnent rarmrr. N'onunatioTis of IInc5 and Hrrrirk Cn firmed. Washington. April 11. Hie nnla tions or ;eorg Harvey, of N"e- Yf k. to Jh amtassad'r to C.reat rlUtain. and frroti T. Herri'-L. l Miio. to (. am bailor to Fram-e were Mi.t to th sL-n i!. ii.tiv l,r rri.ilfnt Harding. At the same time the FrfHleM ir:inmttn m.,re tluin r iuui f m ,R ho h.u given tempr rary apt-''" meid while foi!!xrea tin la mi. Tlie Ji-t inr-liided the twrnf of John J Fh. of WWimtin. to itf'm nvcmt-r f the Inter'ate tV.mmerre fVtnmin. w!hs i-oiifirniat$o w 1-M np by p- JXIIt i.n of tle lat w-bn. that will snrpri"' 'fi They will al hatf -a efin xmep fab f't woman's cwat MUt- wrap.'ad dre?e. All thi vtovk mtjjt o at once to make rrom for riram'r Si i li.l jin. " . . . - j Everyone ha to reiir for tb tnnn'ieipal eWtion. ThU laelnde erea I thf 4dat voter, for a new reHratioa ha been ealltjL' . ! ;- - . f -.j AfYipU Principle laid IMV U XI S.Ttist We Hi SurTrttdrrrd No Right i NOTK SICNKll 11V I'RKMIKR iUUANH Note 1 in ftrpfy t Com- muniratio?! f Srtrrfarj IlishcH Itrcanlinji J3wn .Manclale 0cr Yap. f i A Mil H -' w I ' i. lt '?!- Jor-f, ttf rt)tik 9llf !. lMt W . iosti.-tt atit rk)inw It i tel f l - tun r ,J.i ii,t. wfcft fte i'nf " lt! jni4 j Ut 4a- Utnrr th - l.i ..t Yap. lb 'e'9?r,l .!. l,i litttt k Hhtll'itSf ir Mf () all (! k.t t tt Fwlttl fttr-; , ri....,r La all li. I..H . "j " - : - - - i ti t-it i jit l At"lVsaii piirrn j Iih lit iu tUHftt ni frt I Oirtd' !! VtVUfll f I rmr ! ,hkt4 intrt t that ktW thf U-' 1-JiMl of t t'f o lkMAit of M) (7th, PHti uuiiV if iTii atu invring th niaiftatr BfttHii Jaiu wrr h itml if tt N rfbm Part lie. Prttrf Wtltl al Ni 4aty Laitiiur h4! in itn oHir-f of a tttMtr mriinz n li.r pri-Ktn' f rtr-rtMtl f Jat " atecorb nl r" t atlH rftiltif the !land uf Yt" ami tr Jpn-p f1r-itttve bad M4 ot-li-!, Tlw Ml tcit f lb 1'fToU trjJr ariti1e i4i t.v tlx M! twtirt im-ot: dr imI dlfTr uftatt,v . fr- that .gUen ml in Part. lORK COTTON WAX I SF.II Dl RIMi .MONTH Or 1IIUC II Ttiarl la. An Mmillt Wm I ji4 I ember T4al f njZ3 tUtr I -rtl In Ttiat Mtli. Wbitoj. April II -'ltti tifaif uri-r iititi.t iiMt? rM i4tti lurlj?a Marth ttuitt In ant" tmmiii St'L'l Pnle bfitir.g uml .Ant ing Im IttOntll. flerrdlnjf tf fh On fH Bureau tutitblr reluct i.. f. I.iyj Tlifrf wrrr f?:'r ri.foi dlejift opyat$m in th i?.ith tl,n Ing ifiovn by mllN In fbe jt'tton rr .-inif btateti. -'-T1o. tnotifir Lrf pt. naj Z'ClTtls than tn! rH.f-iry. Hlll Hl ImIIU f H" nffOH rTi State !?im Ing 317.7l f lb "' tb:vj r.ft.m iKiittm! w iabt iii ttian tn. FHrnary. a PLN M lif;FTLD TO I riU;MDF.NT IIARDIMi To I'rotlde Mean U IlKfxWa f lla? Swutlarfn C'Ha) f rw. Wbliigfu, April 1 1 . i ptan !ake adifae of the l ld df in IIm' t'n It tut sr! in fTMbtlfi -a t ilp!" f th i.Mfbrff -.-l!'n rrof w.-i .iisirt"l .Pn-ki-ffftt iit tt. t.- i;n rrrr I"1 t ltir!ft W f "rsla. H ri'it fbt ftt Fntxt Staf! al ' he I fteristit fa under rli rtnan tovlv Iim tnUl l 4,i,l in hjttnt of -ti rti frin tbl rmnfry and itMttbf lirUli a mtti r if l ftrilift fh r '. It a in.rtot that lt IVI- JH ai,hh'1,1 J"'1- ing if.- eprei-d dT li. '" la lb Jimier ( it4 Sratla Watraia f'41rfe, April litb. IKI, 11 J mi lor fifef of ,cia Wt rn'a' f'le H1 1 trf-M; FrUar. Affd l"il; , Th- flto tn i tl irtr; fa- Martti AHrf ' Mf Vw. MaCgarrf Watktn. 1rt Hrr ll Watt fllatr. livwaiiott. . i 1m Barra rt fT f la f. !ar Wlaf It Ma t IV an A -Ti'arim3 iu. J IHay tod IVttw-ail- IV the CIHand. iMmnxirtil K4o Papilla B'-- lrs' it arte f ari. Imy l ite . Ihf ftLr VA l.ayTT, Miall Xf Pa"- Alb Ford. i "vf Mrtjvry Jr,r- i;ar Wilt W Tak lt inrtt - - it !ia t IVt;raf-t?--i:atfc Itftrf1. " Iay Prr Hi-Vrsiiia paftnr. rol '.'--.'(; ' Inlriiner.ia! j4n rl-!ta Bn. I-"riiin of J rsd-w I la,K'.e . tjVlH-r Mrtatt I!uiiplr7. Fra North. f Walkltr. Am Ada ra M ild trl i , Ther" to io ft-ra! cttaertiatsdin tre ts ressnt to rr f ration for lii fjtipal eta. a4 taasy p''9 if T te; tt tor 5 ear, a tad t M? fcrrer faUed to partirtpate la a rtra tbo isiprjo Uuit tfcT "B hate f regtater aala for ti ocaalr; Wiiou Th 1 wronf. ErtTTft a to rrj:ttr, srt lh are Mf f aa Airtj ticfore the' bftoka rta, . i ri: mn I llKff Wctvl I uf t .-Mart c 14 rfiauw, .)-. ; TOUNAtH KTRllCK jA Score W. !!m!!ir!S Wrfr I Ntiu4tlird, Irulutlmj Ait iKr Churches ami Sirs School Ihillihitx VM uf V- tf" V.i't, ; ; t.. f fjvsi I i4! M- ? - . : . ...... ,1 .. l,' ' . . ! ': I w .... : . ?-.,. 1 , . i - . . i i .. . i ft ik 111 V I ft fctl t TVwirt . m $ H . l W VnA ,4' I iW tmtAt-4 t dttrf t I 'Nf I . .-. Vl-ltr , Til ' . 11 Mil . -;.Mt4l! ti;s . ti tt"l' :"-. I ',.-. p II -' ilftl t '. ir- fc." j, . ' ',, im' --- it Tirf f 4. iM U jx)1! tttr,- . Mr , '.HMt ul ?ls In -ttiwtfii U 4 if.- 141 l'f VJ'tt. -H ir fHlf4 l lU1tm1 l i fag aif j rj?t ftilta Mfo: irta ;tW i . . -.!.?:,. I If- t 4.r-n' t . :W'tHi a f,l 1. ;i ; fti; ffi f- u i tiiUf'l t4 lle. I War l 4 Hf! at kf iMw - iTtw ! 'mm fc M tti wy r j44 ! 4 4 , U-"- f 4 - mI If HrfjiHr will f ftw l M, Tlwttr M j ai frrtrMMM j Mir Ial-f f --t' f toir.if' , b-TTil. fjiir-1. Bt - f?M -ti' Itjrif )(ti iVr f" ! W tl It' iwtt-'tH t l-f t tmt '.f'atlfU. ,"i "11- mi'-f ! ,lt l4 ! .Mr .!'-dlr.t. I - WANT Ml! l(fHt ItCVMinlUP or .tiik Mniixb ni trfir. IMle lrtt4fY fpm It lt t mt MiiO-t t bHiin'.l f ifsj -.f-f- llf tiiAl f k i. Uf i I f4i' r tiia ikUfti ft Ht4t,, ai gi!.j- t?ttf '' oT rtH, M( V.1i M ttW!!, i'f. T S?iri I-1 (--! If r tJ llrl jf I W . i'. tt' lti-Tt vo It l 4H. lif r.4i irT i-ftfc, i ti rnHm iit'i. ''tsfr?' Iit, i-t--4 Ih d1tttlf !W ti'r M l t aif., -l I l'' ' 3t,tirr. l M fv-:H : ii ft fUaf f t f iiokf5 "-b- If! f trf 1 tnittrtit rt Will ll f f Irf l$OjJ it - i:i in l or Tiir. nmiif k r.iiritr. it inj.tirii. Ud, WH I V4 Ir IUhtm far dff! Tin Wf 1U. ' ';'-l;-i AfM H. Cfrtrff a-- aatt-!! Ia' ls4 that lb taklfcf 4 tt l-f fW t ffttvrr tljsrr Atrt lrls fflw Itrarn Irrf4am f stit W dlj' i td ft!' rf-ataie tii t- Wt t.ofil .Jit'-ii j..fH i 4w f'"wrtar 'IterfW tl"jit?Mt ff!ji-" f-t!i! tl;. fta) ftM" IW ro.i of (W fa ltaii llt Mf ttr '!- 4f t Itw' ie. TV 0tffr $i--t,l m4 a-t-tittl t tb ! 1 T a M-I r-6- t'taM t liitwf! 'tat !' trf t-tji , fa'!:i f:t fri ft4- L T- I't. t ' frtd lb Wtl Mrt I Waa4 !f-ta ). t,i jtb ' HI4 l j tif rjt tf Ik t ! I i.' . 1 ! tart -f IMii1 f j v ir IJ IV it, r!s f fc4.1i - tt tmf1 m ym tlti ftoa fitf rm tfif a4'i 4i f ? riHrf fHU rfTii I4i f .atfr1 nw-' tt a4-'kK-- ra' i MP!? ! ?!,' ' to' fi.ltf, N;iH?Ht: lit f; wo.) M ft tit; fmrt.r - tt t- UH ton iMtf4r lr- : . 6 ja tei AH f t tj lt5 I l sirlial r!rVi l fr4 jn a tt ftt&tt rfaiir. Ka fjr tia fviat!ava Lat av,sl it-alra a ralS"i; J P.. traVl. f9r MTfir: fifla fya?. ! tV, jl . Wtliit' M J . I". fHifti l