iWatch; for the Cyclone on iihe pecond Floor I 1 . - Via c f I :.- n r o I t I r S" iS - Vi. i. i. -1- 1 rtf f:. Sf. t .m " I.'-. r Hi. coats s y n ii s v v siifs it ii I i r uj in to yoii Our once These must go at once to make room for summer goods. what we are doing. All our oattern hats will go m this sale. . . : V.. JL C3 i : s something new. LADIES WOOL SKIRTS - 1 . mm m m daily, alway Children's lats a s pecialty is will prove Wget these WAISTS. i2.00 Voi es and Organdies I $1.00 $5.95 Georgettes $3.1)8 (Friday and Saturday Specials). WASH DRESSES. 3.98 Gingham Dresses $1.98 P2.00 Bungalow Aprons $1.00 2.00 Children's Gingham Dresses, at L - --J1 $1.48 One Lot White Dresses r ' $1.00 (Specials' for Friday and Saturday.) s if5.00 Fancy Plaids mJm--J. $2.08 $7.50 Black and Navy Serge $3.08 WHITE WASH SKIRTS $4.98 Value li r I $2.9S (Friday and Saturday .Specials) COAT SUITS In Tricotine and Serge. All sizes. In beautiful styles Less 10 Per cent. (For Friday and Saturday.) MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Now Is The Time For' Muslin Uiulcr- wear ' -r f 1.25 Gowns -.I...-L- -i 7:c 51.25 White Underskirts ..L. 70c $1.25 Silk Camisolesj 89c Specials in Middies and Kimonas. All prices for Friday and Saturday. DRESSES I In TalTcta, Charmcusc, Georgettes, Canton Crepes, 10 Per Cciit. Off. ( For Friday and Saturday). All the New Shades and Mau; : Ictsi 10 Per Cent. .- : - . I h ! (!or Friday and Saturdas ' INDIES' HATS $14.05 tu 22.50 Less 33 1-3 Per f9.95 to $I4.95i Less 20 Per Q $5.00 to $0.95. Less IfUWtlcm (Special For Friday and Satur div -.! A '-: I 111 : i ' r i . i i ' -' - ,m ' " " 11 i i i i . - 1 i - r. , .ii i i i ' f fiT) p7 ni) r3 n : ' ;- I ' - ' ' ' - - "r"'... ; ' j ' . i. ' ' ' : ' 1 i ' " 1 1 1 .'. ' 1 iii b .: - , LOCAL AND OTIIEliWimi K ANNAPOLIS 4 DEPARTMENT & O p e- KAXNAPOLIS ' S'KWS. K:tunuiH1ix. "April l.'J.fTlif' Jtniior Class of (he KymniiMdis High School rhariiiUigly tntcrtaliu'il tuo Seniors ca i last Thursday ovoniug at the hoint' of Mis-j Mury , IJradle.? TIuuupsoii. on "llitlgc' avomio. Assisting in . entertain ing wore Mr. ml Mrs? Thompson and I ,Mi)sj f'laire Thompson. Cianiejs were 4 played throughout the ;; evening and , Ijvtjly iuitests furaishe(I ,imu-h lnerri . lueut. Siiss'Smith tleliglited the guests I with Several clever readings. Delicious ' joe. cream with, taice was served by the ; hostesses. .The. favors Mere' running ; inijiiature diplomas tied with the pink I stud white colors of the class tf l. TJio 1 members f the Junior Clas are : Miss " lutia - Wilh'tt. Xormai iMoiitgmecy. ; Geneva (Jrieber. Thyllis. Hill stead, Fan nie Oven-itsh. JIarriette (Uass, Connie . tidgcrs. iiary r.i-adley-TlvLnupsou, Ya sx (Johle, Creole Trazier. Marie, Hodgers, ; Mabel llwl. Mary l,lovej-,laisy M--. 3u1!ie. Jjiura Ilall. au.l )dv. liondy Campbell The' guests jncijided Misses Margaret 'Litaker, Fannfe Joluison. liuthi Walter. I )olli? Allen ami Callie "iiuH-cfC of the Senior CJass. Misses . Margaret vSiuith. Martha Snider and "VVijrifred-I'clis of.tHoJUlgh School ' Fav nlty and Messrs. Iuther Gillou. J. T. Nance. Guy Ritchie, Gleiun Connell. Kdward Kelly. I'ender I)ak i Ilarvev 1'celer, J. l Choit. l'aul Short, Mel-; viliQuldell, 1-Heet Collins; Klmor El liott, 3anip,s. Wiseman. Uilul, Strand, ('has; McKinley, anl -Winifred Mout-goniex-y. i Mr. 1). C. Caidwell, of Cpuin.rd. and . llev. Mr.' Plaxu-o. pastor Usf the A. 11. V. Churcii at this pla-e, left Monday afternoon fur Itessemer Cify to attend im Jf li st I'resbyt cry f the A: It. p. Church' which convened at that place lH-giiming at 11 o"cl'ck Tuesday luorn iug aftl adjourning ttnlay. . ; The; AVomaifs 'lub met Mondav eve ning at eight o'clock at tluj Mary KlUi Hall, j The Hmuc Eccnomies Depart ment of the club, of which Mrs. M. L. Troutmaif is .chairman. : had jltarge of the program. Miss Mnuk; Wallace, the State Home Demonstration Agent. : of Jlaloigh, made an interesting talk "ThP Six Tests of the Welldrpsod Woman." Miss Kathleen; Wiloiu the "Comity Demonstration Agent, of Cou t'v.nl, made an interesting talk. Miss May "Stockton, the county nurse.; was a welcomo giTest. A delii -iuus , salad course : was' nervwl. ., Miss Anna. Short, oldest, (laughter f Mr. and' Mrs. J. 31. Short. ind Mr. Samuel Hartman, were inarried Safur day evening at the Jiome of the bride's a i ents on South Mai in street , llev. Mr. Jioldeii hoing the officiating minister. Tie wedd i ng was a. quiet a fl at r, the couple having kept the exac date a Se cret until the hour arrivtir. for the eremon-. They .will make Itheir home at present with the bride's parent-. Mrs. Ilartmau ' possesses pUn amiable disnositiou. and both she and the greoin Mr. awl Mrs. K. h. Cioble and Mr. 'Jhe program ih as follows: S.ns, have lnnnv, friends who wish them a Vaughn' Corn were guests Sunday of America, i'laycr by Ilev. A. U. Sur- . . . the Salvation Army force at Salisbury. ratt. Address by M .smooth sea for life's voyage. , Mrs. Fraulc Flowe entertained a. few friends Friday afternoon. Five Hun dred was played at -three tables, the highest score being made by Mrs. W. II. I'randon, who received a lovely cut Mesdamos Wrenu Sloop and 4llie Walker, of China Grove, were guests Sunday of Mrs. C. G. Sechler. Mrs. J L. Ketchle and little daugh ter have returned from Moiresvilhv glass vase, was served. A delicious salad course; Mr. Clarence Guide, or. China Grove, ; was a visitor Suntlay tf Mr. It. E. Go- !. ' ? - ! i.i. '. ' - Mrs. E. J. Sharpe delightfully enter- , tained the Social Hour Club Thursiay; li Xt'H Catithen. of King's Jlnsi afteruooti. ; 'i A nmnber of guests enjoy-!U'S College. Charlotte, sjnt the od the occasion. Mrs. Hob I,owe made wtHk-end in China Grove and Kannap the highest score in Heart's Dice, and j "lis. reci'iyed two lovely linen luindker-! Mr. T. D. Ingrain was in Spartan chiefs. Mrs. A. K. Stirratt won the i burg -Saturday. contest prize, which was an .oil cloth! Mesdaiues L. As- INtler and T. P. luncheon set. The hostess assisted by Mrs. .7. E. Iialstead and Mrs. E. E. Lady served a tempting salad and ice course. . Recently.: - the eighteen months old child of Mr. aiid Mrs. Rost. of! the Cabarrus Mill ection. fell from the kitchen porch, a distance of 1'7 feet. A physician was iiunnoned and it was found that its injuries were of a minor nature. Mrs. E. E. Lady '-has issml invita tions for an "At .. lloinc'V Friday after noon jit three o'clock.' The IJterary'. Club will meet Thurs day afternooh at the Mary Ella Hall. Mr. Frank Pa i-imU spent Monday in KammpoHs. .. . . . - Miss Stuua t'iiatman spent Wedue day in Charlotte. - Misses Tempie-Rass aiid lau-y Stough have returned froni a visit to States ville. v:. ; V-:' ' ' ' Mr. Henry Smith spent Sunday iu Gastonia with frieuds.j Mr: and Mrs. John Hi Rutledge spent Saturday in Charlotte with Mrs. Rut ledge's brother, Mr. James E. Drown, and. aunt, Mrs jatnes McEachern. who are seriously- ill at the Presbyterian Hospital. '. Miss Lucille und Mr. William Cline. of Mt. IMeasa nt schools, spent the w-eeknrt at honiei ; Miss 3lar- Dove siMMit the. week-end at her hoine in Cornelius. Mr. "Chuck'V Adanis spent the week- end at his home in Statesville. I Mr. W. E. Railey, of Charlotte; spout Sunday with.'his family in Kanuapolis. Misses Esther Rrown, Elizalieth ttdell, lietty Gay Coltrane and Master Durette Coltrane, of Concord, spent Thursday with Mrs. John H. Rutltnlge. Mrs.AV. J. Cline and daughter. Mary Limna, were Cliarlotte visitors Satur day. . i. Work was started Monday ou the side track for the new cotton mill at China Grove. The Presbyterian Mission Study Class met yesterday afternoon -with Mrs. Hill, of Midway. The bank was closed yesterday, it being a legal "Voliduy in celebration of the Halifax DeAfarutiou of Independ ence. - Mrs. S. fV KiimiKHis will be liostess to tin' social Hour . . Club a win?k from Thursday. " : ; ; Rev. J. R. Cra.ven. of Daveuport Col-, lege, and J. F. Kirk. Presiding Elder of 'the Salisbury district, will speak Sunday at tJve 'Methodist Churcii at au wlucational" rally. 1 Mr. U .D. Grier.jf North Wilker-.v lssel th rough ! the city Saturday. Moose have returned from IJiicidutou. where they attended the 25th annual session. of the Woman's Missionary So cietj' 4f the N. C. 'lassis of the Re formed Church. Mrs. Pevler .was elected President. ,( V Mr. Marsliall Teeter, who ' has re turned to his home at Glass "from flu1 voncoru Hospital, wiutc lie was treated .for injuries susfainel in an automolvile wrc-k, is now improving. Miss Mildred Uiulsay, the attractive slaughter of Mr. and Mis. John Und say, of East uveni', and Mr. Raiidolph llartis. son of Mr. A. II. Hartis. of ak strict, were married in Concord on iSaturday evening by Rev C. C. My ers. After the ceremony , the happy cou ple bcanll No. :" for Charlotte. Thi marriage cauK' as n snrprise to tin friends of the contracting parties. Tlu bride a ud groom are popular in Kan- iiapolis, and both are active workers in Sunday- school and the Young Peoples Prayer Meeting. A host . of friends extend to these highly esti'CUHHl young IX'oph' their lKst Wi?hcs. liev, W. R. Shiun, of Salisbury preached two excellent sermons Sun day at the Methodist Church which were enjoyed hy his listener: 'Clean Up Week-.! I'.verybody busy : Let s see who will win the prize? Miss Dora i Thomhurg' returned yes terday from the Concord Hospital. where she uuderweut a slight opora tion. ! Mrs. N. Ruckner. of AsJieville. S;ate Secretary of tlu Raraca-Pbilathea I n ion. will sieak at the Rapt 1st Church Sunday at three o'clock. AJ1 interest ill iu this work should avail themselves cf the opportunity of hearing Mrs Ruckner. She is a splendkl spo-iker. The Mission Study Class of the Methodist Church met Monday night with Mrs., Hazel Allred. Mrs. Frazier is able to join the Parks-Ielk clerical force again after a week's illness,. " Mr. J. P. Fleming is indisposed at his heine ouk Mullerry street. TliS? residence of Mr. John Shank neyr'here, was Imrned Monday. The household goods were a total loss. No. iusii ranee was carried. Mr. Jas. Rowe and family, of Yad kin, moved to town the latter part of last -week.. They will occupy the I'm berger house ; in Ccnterriew, until a residence caji be constructed. Mr. Rowe and family formerly residcri bere ajud Kannapolis welcomes them luick-J Monday night a reception was. given at t he sCabarriui ILalL formally opening the Hal! as a X. j. C A. Tlie decor- sent lug building to F. M. C, A. Ad dress by E. C. Wilson, InH riuilional Secretary of New York. Solo. "lVrfei-t Day.", by Mis Uutu Montjtomery marks by 11. C. Prpst and J. C. Fun derburke. (jiutrtette- l' J. S. Query, Wily. Sam Porker, E. J. Shun-, oth er sjieakers were: Messrs. J. S. C'ar iM ifer, E. J. Sltarp'. Roy VaiL Mr. G. ;. Allen imitKlucel the -p"akcr. Refreshments were . -rv'l. Mr. J. S. CarH'iiter is seretary. After tin pro gram the quests were Invited to the gymnasium riKin where they enjoyed a volley itjill game ahd a bixing match. . Dr.--.Oscar . Hay wood, of New York, who is conducting n meeting at the Raptist 'Church, is b'iug heard with enthusiasm. The miH'tiug started Sun day with much interi'st. fur profes rimis U'ing made the first night. Tlu opening is a great smtrss. L. Cannon, prc- Rorn to Mr. id Mi. Jr.. ut Rio Jain Iro. UiugliUr. T. W. SiuHb. ncriT vim is hiuut in u;tujn ;tiiMN April ll'iU. a Mj-. W. R. Rrporf itrsrhiftg A4eilll. Iotn Many Vtha Sy It AJI I l)rlro)tL Aurfitv. April I- Diriwlb ut tfu fruit crop in intern North tVro. Una at a I. elmilii! to l i,t n, Ode.l ha Uu ii'tifinedr, dama-bisr fri aml Joxr-titut'iiTafiirt' ; The prfho of t.ltoit the , market today i 11 'tid- i-r ii:iid; cotton at -'4 '-ent- nr t,nt-l. to his jiome on NOi th 1'iiiou sire't for s'ieral days on uceiaint of iliuc.. 1 l:' i A r?i.it frwu GnMion.fc ,,f Mr. Mar tin 'Roger In No. 10 tonibd. kiy!o. - that bis ooitdll and but lit l hop; reoivery.! Mr. a iil Mrs bn ivnmliif ttit(.-ii! is enfertnlnc! f.r hi- A. th.u ct In Monday 'night, tmurdin u all tvm,r n-urUhiii atb ultui bt iu iiiii uy. "AU .hud. very 1hjc!.' one.' wu tlx- tcrv rin brMchtJ ,r ... ITofitj. onutijr fatju d- I r I -r. ft.,,lr',- f" "-yl wtUi, Ap- " r it- ui Another "Fnllh Healer. Monroe Journal. . The1 Bcthune. S. C.. "faith healer" has competition. People, in this sec tion with ills b'th real and imagina ry are goins to 1'incvlHe. in Mecklen burg iinmty, where an old quack is said to be )erfirming wonderful cures with Indian herbs. He charges no fin;, but accepts any amount of fered, and he is attracting "suckers" by the score, it. is claimed. So long as people believe In such "faKes," his kind will continue to flouriKh. They psess no supernatural posers. Some people, by reason of the faith in them, are temporarily helped by their belief, and these are the ones who are "miraculously cured." Re fore lonij.it will be found that , such remedies as the Pineville man pre scribes can be had at home without any charge, but he will have disposed of his alleged thousand dollars &Ux-k of herbs at a pront that "xl maintain him in idleness fT months to com;. TTie Bcthune "faith hcaicr" pnd' the Pineville "Quark" are like bubJilcs At it -liJ.i- have Ihh-ii siK-nding evcr.C vvillil n . "'' ,WT" 1,1 Ur ... ii..i i . . . . . ' i Uf ii an !ij4 imii,i rt... u rn. . I'lim'iMiiK, nae rtiernctt t I heir fn.!. n.i n , f home at West End. j i f Tn 1 ',J rlriwl l -k - S i U Ui:" n"rn uniU of th o?s tntif Mr. R. I'. Johnson Went : iiar'otte w. dc ttol. R W8S -timutei this morning t. jsjml bej day. M. nil larn.rr. wcte utt ifl'ZTi ? "V 1 . "HPW "M the three ,le wrd !uat,.J, n ( harlolte. folbm Ji h teiul tUtu an cDorij, lo, thmiiilr R. illness. i..rn'- urn! i i " .'i, UH.uiHaiO otsn .vtev.rs. f , U .; Swiuk. C. J, -.mxti. I " . W. Flowe atKl A. IX J !!... r r U f r 1 MIX t. uoia,i ; il hAI II.I Hi i-. lie: -Fruit A Ivllhii" JiKjufn from wtcrfct' n.iit.f fbn. llr frm ili4iHtiir.t. . . into fade the air: away. they son burst and Ibis looming for R Unghum, Avhere ,,,n-,tir trm ditn.lrtiir.r rejftf, they will NH ,,d UnUy U!d toinrtort ;I;!U';-'1 'h s.lMJl!.ir rt s,v all Hi They made Ibe trip Ihroiigl, tte 'y'Zjwl jTwlleallj- n fruit .if. try. ' I 1 yinl.. TutT'' uir I. fw !et 'ibe Hornets oMu'd the PC! Ii-j- ball (Kavni hi liiarlotfe ki-Mi-nhit l,v defeating the Twins in ijn cxhihjf ionf Owl (tuukr Wt.twi .i (A ln Eiiii; (-'.. & T.!lrr . -. ilr. t f 1 1 'i te aiMi W'-I' ilt S tr U . : uku aid p x . j M ff !i. u.oiii.i-i t. i; , Ii Hf!j't l.r. jt i i, - iU-lJur U if. ttp. 'Jej'i.j'. h liad tiit tt.--(Jn-ij- ") t , tli turn - ha' f It n.t i.. K't In lb' !-( hr' Iff Jit M.mfH? ? i 1 lit: Sv m tt ii ; yr n)t rfsf o j,. i ! !bi;f tb; j i ttLlRi S o. Drl Car f. If 1Mt, ourM-. i1s,iiii r..- ""rrr'! !'"" have ut H imt ttt. Mt Mn thel'M"? j "V " rtiiiii. r ... 1. ..m.i ... i. . . mm- r-- 'i l'bije! &Hmll "'H-iwit g K lwk.il bim i..(t ,,f tbi4 ady f..r tii.Hl'Htitt- "lie two team-! it d'- iij-ni tlx. i,i 1 - i ? IWkl Milt ft. A u ... 'm. giime : to 1. p.oth team; oan. nnu ix.tti h.i-m r-a puir-again todavlnnd liihmrr.m- ... t uiL f the firrint wiff X,t ii ... tfreeiislKn team trt'gin twinLty w-5,n (I' bm fi wbbli m rii s wnjj uie Hornet'", the 'gam" to wt.i-" t'mnui:n for Ju rii fruit tt. gin e.if ! day nt IV:VAK I nder the aiiH:i of lln itjr nhl In the land of the ky di-tkm Mrt-I. lit.. tr.L ,f ..a. irtne i4ii wlfh !ut tb.Mb?e forrr ItrotrriMi, fl tb lJui; il ' t-rMi ltl s ;--' iir i.'A'iij arr mR: ii i ii - - f , -. , . , i nun a x Mirier aiidiieilit!g! be. wiJl iu i;ie an.juorimn m M. Ilea- Brookside Mills rice lVlicn .Hen 0 iiu Strike. Knoxville. Tcnru, April 11. Reject ing a -wage cut: of 22 1-2 per cent, ordered into effect Monday by officials of; the Brookside mills, with institu tion of a 5j-hoor week a3 against 30 hours heretofore, lw employes" f the ' company refused to eater the plant. todayThe jdant will be eloiscd indefinitelv. "or until such time as the help reconpidcrs the tua'ttsr and applies for resumption of vtrk under the new conditio ns Jame ilajaird. president of the company, announced. The lajit regular meeting of the jre- sent alder manic lard will le held at the city hall tonhrbt at oVock. "So far as known now nothing of special imiiortanee Is tocime b'fore the board, but it Is probable that tvn tractors' for additional cement sidewalk w ill be awarded.- New city officials wlli lie sworn into office the' Saturday fol lowing the election, and tlil-s will V th lacf". rwmlar sTitlieriiie 4f Martr itjonv were dogweod aud houtAsucile.J luhour and Id Uard weujifers, Dr. Jxde Mcllro ihn h ',tiji-i 4 rn fep'dfitfr.-r.! rn the tan of twl Royal Frf-e IIotftaL In, ijomUif. b5 the dfxifm-ilon f bmz th tirj .t iin j'iK-i ijii; man in tnsti'I to ft utt mn April fid talks a nt, N. " Frblay night. I'-fill. In i -uiiiHN-tiori w ltl will lw imide reiatite to fciiool tax to U vottl jtt Ing iniuib iKil ela tion. A ten li nts Will tm Hiarged Sl Uers admitted frn-. a . . ... ' "". Hi ctltl .a tiijrf iii T hariottc France and at KalorJea xn.fiiiiij uiiifi iiiai: rii . . .... ' - - - - ; )ui: and ftr .tt ' 1 i tti i litmr il V. srtrlklnr eiTr ,S f k.si Ai"l J ii K,r - n. imring Urn Wp,t4 1 tri4 laii1mr f Mr. W, WV Wts waf, HJjJ, SeW, Tr5Mt f f1aJ 1'., f erateil on v..ferdiir. .t(NMi ti -J. I . Y:f . " ' ar.C!r i . " ai imx fdithn i Tl." fW.rd Jlirti .sVd .liate.-Mt nid - Mr War 5 . ww lai- ,h k yesterday gntb.,1 fr.mi IN (12 HH,1'? It f -- IT . .-arx. . M' Vai'f4teItC lfK!etendetnr tr jpri4ty i s Unit tl or- lutU adtJ A gao tttMl l W-h iiw- 111 i ,. Hon f,r Im, son. al-o. j . ! MM..It f ,r VrLlM, K Mi - of Rootk iih; w-boid. ciSyrt arc j rw ,,lwt L,y' f j '! Wu display in tlie offkr of Pof.' J R 1 'Quli'ji.. Irs" fMtmlcr f f iif f titaW ! Rubrrtti.ja' the -wtirt -Hou. Tbv f "'l,",,lwBJr ,Jb tw. t Tflit' frl. j fttt ' -" J lasJket- were maU.nIi-r t.. .nnJri." i .... s ' - i i i ; kn i,f tiie teacher Kali!,, ii can..n ! . r " ..... ; . . IrtoUifc ami arc ct-c h-tii f .n.i ..r - mui 'ivpirj. bata tia Uj s.f - disn. leof the UetL; ?r A?" . W ,,mt Wt M - a clrl fiv riir- oLt n.iiit ...T. . "r " ,T"M" 4 aata i tbOU&Lt iW s. , - ; mtt "IH- ! t I nt.m tl ft. rl 1.. L ...-,.!.. .V . . . . . ill. 1 fttfl ... ir it- ... iia orth t-jkM. Cue t,M: ts ber wchyjtL but i rwvn of w bvst iu the comity: ." J ' - . ' Marl? flUur.iar.