5 . " . ;. 1 1 : if r-Q X jHERRlLL, Editor and Publisher, AimmXLVl..-- P U BX I S H E D MONDAYS A ?f D THUHSDAYS im .- ... . . . . .X . . , 'IMIB ffirinA ii "i i -I'm. mrii.mnMM, ifTf - n - - , ' -- ! ' -a T IIICE1 IIIDME BY DR. J. M. W Wrncd Members of the Scn r ( Ia of HiKh School .gainst Philosophy and Vain Deceit. -VFKCISKS CLOSE " THIS EVENING CONCORD, N. C; MONDAY. MAY 30. 02 1. uhn tnc Literal y rvuuicaa licit . Will IJe lJeHverea ana me Certificates Given to the Class Members. " ; ;i.':iijit vain deceit .Hid a lr t,i ; were made hy .1 in .. i m ; rn'i' hi 'H ' ' . i ... .1... !....:.. rlaU4i -l; Ml I III. -rilllil .....-.-. his baccalaureate -. ........ -li '', jiir, Srfimil yoierday morning. ' '(Vi r u i ri. tl - iiis hearers to he rn, Vi any iii.iii spoil you through 'llipinll :iin deceit" ami poinf ',"(' tj;,t- real liappiiiess and snevss H,,.-.! t lii -iiti .If-ns Christ. Hi ' .'in; ili 1 1 iii the Nth. ttli and .i-..u;h-.- Ii.-f any " . - ... ;.i c . ujjl, iliilnMi.iiy aim vain Nieceu, i'lii-iii '''' .,k'' world.' ami not after 'fur in liim lvfllrfli nil the fulness ; ll. (lixlhcMil liudily. ,k1 yi' ;iif ((iiiipU tc hi liini, whfili . ii-Ik'.kI "f "II principality nnd iow- ,,r.,s .ii Hi-oiid thaptor of man "spoil you HARDING ENDORSES EFFOUTS 1 I m iimuwir, t wiiu. i.uiMill &tuhi Tflram la the Amerfran Ct Ion AHMMJallon In New York Wash I ii lit on. iiaj 0.f "florin to promote ttw intrt of th (tiitoii In li$try wrf ndorwl ly ivlr-nr HardlnR tKlay in n hlfphom- juic to tin oiH tdng lUM tiii of H AiiutI--a (ottou .fo iatioti in m-av York today. j "1 uni; glad to nay n word to the gatherinjf of Aiiuihiin i-otton erovtor. inaiiiifn(tufrs nnd rcprcxcutatircH of ntlillntMl Inii-rctsJ. uathend t Consult witli a vUw to tho ndrnu-fiu-nt of tluir (-otiimoii int'ts. Mr. Harding said. ' ;.. "Not only' dof's Armrl-a protluco nlKiiit Wt r tent, of tho world' dim ply of tliis intiv-rKiiHy nH-.ary ta- jiio, out our iNiniifitic nidiixfrh-x tin -ottoti ; n rv nmoiiK tlw gn-ntt, whih our I'xiMirts of tit Um hav for juan.y-dfad's 1ku ii-u!ijir1y Import tint in maiiitaininj; our statu in in tornatioual; trade. . "The frufxirtanee of rottoii Is no: (online to any set-tion: evfrylxxly either grows, deals in, manufaetnref, M-lls, or uses it. Any liaster to the eottori industry must necessarily IA n rli.astr to the wlioio eoimlry. Any movement suh as ydur, which aim's to promote.:' the lest interest of ad concerneil in tiie -industries hascd on cotton deserve cordial approval of all t lie people. "Just at th: time it is recognized that the Litton industry faces a criti cal situation and you may be. assured flint the administration desire's in every way ; to cisipcrate with those seeking to improve conditions. "To the American delegates who are about to leave for England to attend the world cotton conference I want to express jny hope that the meeting may be successful and may contribute not alone to continued development of tlie cotton industry, "but tward the restoration f sottud. economic condi tions throughout the world." r ntlledTfyTg noxveryevqri- etaoin un monaav Morning . -.,r - ; . . ...... , . , i IkJ 1 ! - K!tH KIILEP OK INJUREP 1H ; ! ; !; I . I X A 111 - .,w i V' ?.?L IN . :: M l U ." Til ,s- i H H ' I I r.n - !l III .--- . . I . 1 J V P m. t r W:. Ii III B . 1 f i ! r - . 1 A Y1 1 -ii j , t MANCil 3l-HIfi(JKIJS. j I 1 ltAtl Ntii. r.r Till iHrin or Yttvii it. ft '- V. ?41 .',.o I t J te i E Sm nirn nr.- j ARE IIUBUHED TODAY TlliUGIIOOIIiJIi! 1 "in lifpiniiins in-.-Mrier congrntnlat , the iiu-Miii'Ts "f the Senior Jt'lnss ,, piirliin-' this point in tlieir lives, liirh he (Icclnrt'il is a niili'stone, the ."itmins "f -tlie-tinie when they will ,,,(. frm iimlcr the guidance, of par- iK anif will have to make decisions fthrir own. lie. reciteil the experi nif (if tin' Israelites, when Jshua alMl ilicni tnetlier and told them to -ili- tlifir i-hoiee of whom they would i ".....-. t , . ....... mm1 li'ni nr woiitiiy. iimiim. .loiiii.i, hlduiiit liesitaiion.. told his brethren at he wuiilil elioose to serve God, and wariH'H niem an io net wisri) , , iui icy liiid to choose some master. "This is tlie time for you to make iiar derision." Dr. Grier stated. "JJan- b-rUis in delays And it is dangerous 4iltr Mi k-f V'l yO tr-iwrtuiHrt IJust do as Joshua did; choose whom Tun would serve. You are sure to x'm some one, ;i failure to make your t-hoif-e is a fatal ttung. And don t drop in the level of people about you ; 'nut lie led ast-rny by philosophy and um reeeit. - - . .- '!ln the 'olden'' times, when persons tkth sinilcl they had been made cap tive. Pout let your soul be made spoil vr.'iin deceit; diui't let the AUO. of Mtcralism nnike a captive; of you. !i is t in ii ire that anv one. would want be led from Christ. Live in the KKilnni ot hive and be. 1m1 from aili nnd sin. The rope that makes mi a en jit ive is; philosophy and vain bvit. I'lulosTipby follows after the rsilitions nf men. after the rudiments the world, not after the tradition f Christ. "Ahhcrialism is on every mini: we nmsf beware and take care f ourselves."' t h why nu'y man would trv to anyone ' W from tht Iovpj nnt wlness of (i.Kl is; unthinkable, ' Dr. ;fi'r stated, hut such neonle exist, -he "aHL and -are with us ahvays. They ire always trying to throw humanity K the mud and mire of sin by lcick- ' tile cnihlivs of rpliirioii from nn- -r it. -Hut when we have these fHiptainms we. must reiipnilur thnt ' Urlst is Wil.nt cmink : llnuio "ill,KlIIV tllllt U'Jltk vmi frnm niirfct maiiTiaiism.: This philosophytf- 1011 lliithllio- I,, 41, . . . J lllll- (-111 1. lI'llll'lllliiT II,., - . I1,!4- . ....... ,,- 1 1IV.I 1 ll.t I I- - V-UliiM. um is all fulness. Ho was one in ",,u aii us so we t-:in hn nun in 'ith llim. ii,. took 'on Himself , " ...nil , in- IK-lillllt- 41 r m .sorrows and grief so we could " .leees t.. 4'...1 ll..., l. T-r; H, - wm iinoufiii I'liui. "ujovos us. That is the eternal , r 0vt r "s is n iod of Justice and ' not one of power and wrath. God ail the influences of the world to Xlu' lov(' f Christ. Christ , to Paul, ami nil that fa naa,wi jLiV: Hil all to us is for us to le r" niw.. To nt:ir ci,,! .,.,,,., e. so far nearer He GEORGE SEEMS TO HAVE " BITKIEI1 LEAGUE ALIVE JJ tinrlight. because we are. n ? 1,ut if we f'l till -us he i ""t and "Tlie th-s Oil' Whole lliu'ivnn o...l 1T 0 . Ullll illl UUk ne.iii, ,s gain. HllS IS tllf. lil'lln 11,:,,. 4-V.n . ..inn mint; . iu.it in us. so that to live is fen. J '"'"K for "s to do is to be WT WUKV ovc' of fiT. We M Jl. "sr',tlon nroRl the death fctiL u"" ,,f Christ, We mu in-order to get a new ,., ami m,w anitn lp fmvnri iifp ''nit lhat Woul(l ke work 5lr iKme, IIT,,'(1' aml the source of tvl..1 ls '"ve of Christ. This is mia ,nri t11',w,,r wp llteV against iib l tt l "sfrplltli of evil. We thp wpauioiiship in . Christ. This Wof ti i,f l,rtoction; and in the tonioiKr,;. . p (vn -vo "eed this coin- If He Has Not Already Found This Out . He'll likely Discover It This Week Harvey Went Too Far.' London. May 29. If Ambassador j iw i fciji tu m i r-i IN I Iirv I.; Till I antf Tay Tiiliutr let the mitfiHn Itftitral. 1 i i kft.I A . . S .... .. , . i - . 4 M ANT. I'M-RIGG KKS Harvev - has not already discovered that he burieil the league of nations lp,,lmiar Hnpio. and the i-c-remonv. Popular Couple Married Here This Morning at 7:30 O'eloek at 'the Home of the Bride. Miss I'na Iliggers and Mr. (Sirtis Mangum were married this morning at 7:.'i0 o'clock, at the home of the bride's mother. Mrs. II. J. Iliggers on West Depot street. The marriage canie'as a surprise to the many friends of tlie al'.ve ."when; he spoke at the rilgrims dinner, lie; will make this discovery next week.' Within i very few days after he proclaimed America "would have nothing to do with the league. the league jlinancial committee met in London, drafted -final plans for the re habilitation of Austria and learned from Washington the administration improved the - Austrian reconstruction rosrram- desnite CioloneJ Harvey. On Mowtajr Tlie wmmtre. wm -nieet agaitri and finally, approve a report to the su preme council which Colonel Harvey will hear, i even if he does not have anything to do with it officially. Next Tuesday Colonel Harvey will have an other evidence -of league activity when the amendments commission of the eagne meets in London to discuss amendments to the league covenant which are, numerous' and varied and whicirhave been suhmittea by a; score of member states. i Suppose ; tlie league committee sanc- tions amendments to the covenant which- will eliminate some of the chief objections, to tlie league voiced by league opponents in the United States what will Co'.oriel Harvey , do in the meantime? . SCHOOLS RAD, TEACH : WITH MOVIES: i:i)lXO Could Advance Civilization 10 Centnr- ies In 20 Years, AVizard Says. Substitution of Tnation pictures for bocks- in the nation's elementary schools would in twenty years bring ahout. an advancement of ten centur ies in civilization, Thomas A. Edison said recently. .The scientist d-eclared present pri mary school systems were poor and unattractive to children. "The rem edy," he :said, "is to eliminate bore- some ibodks and teach witu motion pictures, i This is a more vivid, more comfpelling metnoti or noiuins u cuim a attention." . Mr. Edison's criticism of primary schools wasT given to - quality a pre- ?taitemtent that after a, series of examinations of college imen, appli cants for positions in his plant, ne nact found themi amtazingly ignorant. The fault, he saitl. was not in the col leges nor the men their early eduua- tion had been poor. which was is'rforiued by Hie pastor of the bride, Itev. (i. A: Martin, was wit nessMl by only a few relatives and in vited friends. , j Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Mangum . mot ored to Siilif bury, where they caught a train for western North Carolina, where j thcy will spend several days. After the honeymoon they will make'their home In i Wfldesborp where M r, 3Iiurmn jsj ! cngagei in ousinesH., -.i. - The bride is the ldest dattghter of tlie late Mr. R. Ii. liiggers aiwliMrs. Biggers. and Is exceedingly popular with a wide circle of friends heret Use groom made his hme in Concord Ik fore, entering the army for overseas service with the .10th . Division. He was formerly associated with Mr. S. W. Preslar, and now holds a position witli tlie Hoy 1 in. Jewelry Company in Wadesboro. ? A HMVE FOU -'BUTE SrVDAY blue Presbyterian General Assembly Calls . ii Other t Imrches. A concerted drive for Sunday laws and -a move to check wide-open Sabbath agitation were started at Winona Lake, Ind., , last week at the sessions of the Preszyterian. .general assembly. r , - Church members of all creeds and faiths iwere asked to fight "the million-dollar propaganda against our Christian SCabhath" and to urge civil authorities to prohSbit Sunday amuse ments. " Presbyterians, together with Bap tists, Methodists and other denomina tions, formed the Lord's Day Alliance, which was organized for the promo tion of the so-called "'blue Sunday." ' IKT iU r.KN.iIKNT 1' i IS NOW BANKRI PT rrordiiiK to, Fnonirial Dipatrbcs He--' reived in liig-.i From Moscow. Itlga. Itva,' May ?JK Amdiiig to it direct MofHiw lliatch -received to day from imJeixMideiit wMin-es, NokiH lai Inine. soviet pretnien decjaretl yesterday that the eomHiiHiliii was in complete bankruptcy and 1 4nke1 the presiding officers, of the lAlt-Uussian Central L'xeeutire Couimitfee to-aiv prove the unlimited return of capital ism and the recall, 'to Uussiaof "the constitutional-Democrats and other parties to aid in rcbuiUKng; the State. The statements in the dispatch have not been carried in any Wlicial Bil shevlki advices, not nasi anything tending focontirin them Ien recelveil from any other source. u , TRIAL OF MANNING TO INVESTIGATE HUSH OF AMBl LAM E AIIU'IANE Neprro Who Confessl to Aiding in Killing of Other Negroes in Georgia. I Covington. Ga.. May .MK-4-Th' I rial of Clyde Manning, the negro who con fessed to aiding in the killing of other negroes on the Jasper County tarm of John K WilliaOis. scheduled fo!egin here today, was "not exiK'cte'd to prow iof long duration. j j The negro testified at the trial here, jef Williams that iir fear of Ids own life, lie aided in. drowning' all three of the negroes -whom the state claims Wil 11. tin si brought into this coiiutnnl kill ed to blo-k n iMHinage investigation, iWilliams was convicted and wntenced to life imprisonment and il. now-setk ing a new trial. Should Manning Ik1 able to convince the jury .that he was coerced by fear of death, he could not under the Gerg1a law be convicted of the killings. i ; COLEY MAKES IICKKIEI) EXIT FKOM HIGH POINT iflMhe l 110 Other's, love opens of Christ ?'rof atwss into the heart sh. ',i ..,?',irt hath seen the San "The 1, faor also.' tra,1itiniw ,t "f (,rt takes away the' AR(" of'J' n.ian- ik takes away the van , ialisr' u destroys phil "'IadviJ m (k'00it' IterBhi! v,u.t0 mke a definite and ith Christ i lce- to-rve God. Walk 1 "afeiv tV!an ,on Hun, and bguld- ul"K0 fe tn thft ttmiiiD 111 "fflerstv tho Pwer that Passeth a ei.eioi.se of commence- Amfriean Woman Champion Defeated. Turnberry, Scotland. May SO. Miss Alera Stirling, of Atlanta, Georgia, American woman golf champion, was defeated bv Miss Cecil Leitch. the British champion, three up and 2 to play, in the British ladies open golf r.,n'TnTtnTl tournament here texlay. Miss Edith Cummings, of the On wentsia Club, of Chicago, heat Miss Isabelle i Kemp, of rontanenieau, France 8 up and C to play. N 1 Baseball Today. ; riotrnJt ivnv-hiean. Mav SO. Morn ing game American League Cleveland G. Detroit 5. v. - . Washington, . May 30. American Leagu-l-Morning game New York -Washington 1. Cincinnati, May ,30. Morning game National League, Str Louis 0, Cinci nnati 4. " . ', :. ; '. The Mission Band of Trinity-Re-formetl Church will have a. social and business meeting at the home of Mr. J. A.i Peck, on West Corbin afreet, this afterntion at four o'clock. " - GREAT, BRITAIN HAS ; ACCEITEII TIIK TKI.M Iaid Down by France of Examination. of Silesian Otiestton by a spenai Mission. I Paris, May 30. A note from Great Britain received today in reply to Premier Brian.d's recent communica tion with regard to the meeting of the Allied Supreme Council,, insists upon desirability of a meeting of that body this week. Great Britain accepts the principle laid down by France of an exahination of the Silesian question by a special mission of experts, but holds that the council should meet first and riot de- lav its. session until after the experts Citizens Become , Dissastisfied With the Alleged Healing ! Methods f South. Carolinian. i h -High Pont, May LS.-jTraveling in his own automobile.. Prof B. A. Coley. of Columbia. S. C. who claims to e a psycologist and healer, shook High Pont dust from his heels early-today and left for the Couth Carolina city, carrying with " it is said, j thousands of dollars which he is alleged to have acquired during the two ! weeks opera tions of his ffaith" in this vicinity. Following the profesor j when he left were local citizens in. automobiles apparently lient on putting a stop to the, practices of the South Carolina man. The machines returned to High Point after giving chase-Jfor several miles. . ' i Professor Coley came! to this city two weeks ago and during his stay here he is saitl to have "treateV sores of citizens, among jw bom were many prominent High Pointers. After obtaining information from towns in which the profesaor has1 visited, lorai that, j nls sjreseiice ,.D...t!i oc Vmiieo linil snfistel i citizens decidcil lia" " " T would ho longer le tolerated, hence ' UNIONS RATIFY . . Agreement Between Shinpinc ! BoanI . and Marine Engineers. i Washington. May 30. ITnofilcaT in formation received hslay by the De lia rtment of Labor was that the agree ment Ivetwen the shipping Imwt'I and the marine engineers had bfHn rati fied iu the refereiMium h-ld by the local unions. One large union it New York rejected the, proposals, however, ' Secretary Davis plans to met to morrov. with representatives of :e men, and Chairmen Inson of the shipping board, for the formal ignir.K of the agreement. . ' . i SEVEN REPORTED KILLED In Head on Trolley Collision at Roeb ling, Near Trenton, N. J. Burlington, May 30. Seven persons are reporter killed and more than a score injured in a head-on trolley col lision totlay at Roebling, about half way between here and Trenton. Doi.Uf.l if the Eatt C us of the Disaster Can Eier Be Deirloped. Wh h I n s t on . XI a p 3 I. , tin y " .!?! r were .pieparina ldny for unintik-lal iiiv"tigat!on of tlw Tah ilurliijc a storui kite S:itnitly near IikIUu Hrad Maryland, of the auibulanw airpso In whidi fven men. live-army :ri4fi ami two (iviUsns. met dimtti. Tht fact that every otnipiiiil of the no chine was kilhil. making it ntcery for the Imard of inquiry tt ! ilt-'iel largHy tipon the bM'rvjit'tiui of in stant eye wJtne?js in fmiing their eonelusins. made it appear bnftlul if-the ' exact cause of the . diater could ever be developwl. 1 The plane, a Curti lagle. which had leen Nli vested of it n ambulance ii4am$nt.yn-rt ma VtK,it ,trttm;.(iiBht( from Jjingley Jle'd, Va to VMhing' ton, when It cmtuntereil a severe -electrical stona, v acximipanled i hi winds estimated; to te blowing at a 100 niile vehx-ity. Kye-wifniej said the, plane, unnble to make mir head way in the fa-e of the wind. dcend eti npparentlv in an attempt to make a landing, luit after dropping .J within alout feet of tln ground, appnmclied a clump of tren and swerved upward. The trees were cleared, but as the plane wtarteil for an open field nearby.-it was wen to quiver, turn over and dive vertically to the earth. . 'Those who reached the wnt k firM found all 'Keren of the iiicn ih-ftd. All the ImmIics were clowly grotifw-d -t gether. tnie badly mutilated by tl engine which had leeii torn from lt !ed and thrown backward, cutting tie men down like a ytlH as it -'plowed through the narrow iaenger roiu partinent'of the plane. "' A waf'h lat r found had stopiw-il-at Vcll-'t oVIork. showing the exact time of he frage,lr. Arniy offairs wlio later vfewew lw writ-k. said B was the wotvt thy had ever secu and were at bs t under stand how it .'could have resulted from such a short faJL ; TWENTV-THREE DRIVERS IN INDIANAPOLIS RAC'KS ment will be held at Central School tonightiat 8 o'clock when the literary Mrs. Mary B. Lindley. has been scholarsi of elected a member of the city, councl! graduation are to De awarueu. vi- he made a hurried exit! from the city. To Strengthen the Crowrt Fortes in - Ireland, j.'! '. Tendon. May 30. ilrj J.loyd tiefirge. the prime minister, anhoniicetl in the House of Commons tothiy ;that It was proposed to sitrengthen f the crown force 4 in Ireland, nnd that a state ment would be made toP.-irl:araent on the subject when the "arrangements were completed. . ' The prime minister in thus confirm ing the recent informal statement that additional troops were to lie sent to IrelatMl. added -that it was not intend eil to nd the reservists therei The present year markst the centen arv of the birth of Samuel Wetherill. a Philadelphia inventor; and scientist, who was the first to producemat alic z'ne eomraercially in ! the United States. . - - - De Palma Id in the Hrst 1-tp. But Saries Took the Lead in the Serond Lap. : sptKilway, India nairn. Ind, May 3ft. Twenty-three driver in th mile automobile race got away today at JO a. m.. le Palma gi'ltlng the lead. : Roscoe Sarles- and Joe Boyer were close liehind le Palmer at the end of the first lap. Sarles took f lie lead on the second lap. Pntaine"s car eutigbt fire at the start, but there was no damage. De Palma Had Tire Trouble. Siwedway, May i. Kdlph IcPlma driving at a terrhle I .. lel in to day's auto races when driver entered th last half of the :yMiiiie da!i. but was fonfl to tb,plfs on fle 101 t lan with tire tnaible. Hi avrage for '2.VI miles was 'XVil miles an vmt. He had a three lap lead over Toratnle Milton at the time. Alley wa third and Searles fourth, DePahua got latk in time, to hold half a lap over Milton. y .. . . Amerlean Trnnli PU rr Wins In Pari. r St. Cloud. Framt. May . Wil liam T. Tilden. of Philadelphia. tb world'i gra5i -mrt tennis ctauipn. loxhiy uffcatI W. C. Crawley, of England, in the singles of tl world hardcourt tenuN j hampimhip which e!H:ed here Saturday, j SUr H - J- .i-h . Kir At k'4i . VIv .1- ri!i-.., t4. .jf '- Atal-fcd.l !n tlw t'liilfd et--i- 11 4 jf 4-tr e M-til j'm ' 1m tt fcm'lw Viit tW iiw!' mjJ MtV ft-Mlfn 4 jirlt-iir iittt-n - wi - j .lit Sf- l-f r 4w4N --tf. hh b UJ; l It p"4twd f-?iJr, ? ti iuf-mit kl,-i. i nt-i-; pt?ft-.Osr-.i t t Mi! s t.! t'ai v: plfcl?i-sf fkit a Mr-t'4e! j I'tf 1 it Af,lftas ' f-4-fcs- ut TiwiHiii Jt-frrwu ; Jt4 it, T. W4it. pii--.t-i ;J?.I t-jf '' I'M N.ltit-S tU$tmk-1 . ffc. W-1? ;, fH?i i"-jt tHt t -ijwid lr.' Jjinw-i It. . .ti-iL - ptoMt s1 1 Srlm-m ,,:;M&i . ..Sl ' f Yale tliHrtij : IH A I litti- toiff-1 i f ' f it i-l-4i A-4 W ,! ftl : Dr, Hrr A. iiHf. rtll of U HtUii ; MUilJ t Vi Pt-tid24 t..o,: v. b i t f V,iiHSr 4-K-se; lr. Itarrj." Wttliii f.r. kl.U-j.t k,t Um- l oht-r-itj C Ntih Crii;: ft'ttmm U. Grrcvrt f.tit Afto'ru-r Gpf rtl f tt I'ImI-- m lr, ltiufh II,-tij, tn,j.t. it ..f tti l'uivt-irify .f iraitow i ;'. rl Alui.inl Afathn. ! 7 Thirty jir Mate ,f j .the Cat-n and iiHh ..rrlri ttitf- Miii I- ( tU lali M-prir-lttit at t! ki4rUt .! In additi.m to tfw fM5a5l.r rtM lit ileb-g3ti;, tJHrt- thai tw IjUM-mt sf ati-Mi-nj anttM't and to n f btt-r Will le t i iftle! H - of tlw- to(T rat) during the wi W. .! SiiM- tbr Clreritr $ t Virctoia w of tthoin ilumti nrt hw tiCHd 1 the world wrk, Atnn tt r.t tiate have le-n Ir"wblnt titenr, I "a bluet ttii'r, fatm t or I , I Vmjj t--in, - f!Mii anf),or. lmyr tnl inauy other hd'r in tb intii" life. ' . i - ' ' j Tbo ttnireroity h l-ng wrtupSol the !.iti'u of the nf1lrrti sirwy fr Ktudeut of the iifh ait 1 1 mttn rn gateway for tmb-nt ,.f tf, rth w-klng mln-atlon. S$erI of the gn at battb f t lw Hvlt'maf. rt fought vilbin the j-miimI of the eoi' vrUt.r -' -nt!tHt.' nod toatiy f. tlw ntudetitu fiillMeil )n Htbef arrnr ami lovf fbelr Jin in l-altle. In th World War ,'ierat Mittfi of i'rhrt Hy i "f Virginia wen mml tt preiue tsacrirwe. In Ualr lnf m inoriai hap 1-et tilled at I b ntdtff ot.e of Mm' .nti.taiMtMijf t rent tf t he fcjty and tw frrnal lM"atlti ifl I ertttennijj "efbrttf Mi im.jiTam. f ' ft Wisl Hrf 14m '' tt ;' VrlW4 lliiMt Ad4. fet ;,. t ,r t , it i 4 ' Um Kttfi -t t,tW 5wsi Jf A. I Ik ttj! ti It. . i I-i,?...l t-.!sjt 1w - w t.Wt itmXmt itt s !4 muJ 8 , 4f" i .ii -tw ,mit ) f 11.' t.(- w t.4 t'--tt f " (rt 4f, t Pfif'iuJ,-'t ' 4t, f. e.t t"- tf i-t lhM tt.- -f.i.i-l;.l t- V ll'.. h tif f -M-tt'f ti, Hvr I I11 f bt tm-4 f rtrtl f"-' I' U tiltd tbst " llW mlwle r?.i f sJTtl'l by Ttww JJr-fT-fj.t J tf , mm If tt.' w tle rt mi t nfilntWHi la toH-d out " tV.l- - -t - :-iitf tc;ir, k. r. if 'sfer. ts t-er f t tt t 6ti(nr- f t f b.-tniM-i -i-ft t It h '.!! f iff h--ttejtf ,. M! If tm if,: Wt if n wri it-- Alt, i vii If fkf r-.r? ff;er(H aif WnMnf 'umfV f )lk tir lU'tkt tt-t HflSlpiJ, tf wAr? f.fcnt mt.U U t, fzyi, tf Mtmilt '' Ntbwi ff t j ijvti nfWfi k III 4y-- MiiAfh' JS iU ifiUbttt a,ttl ! iva it-mi t , ii.i! v i t it;a -, f - rtHiq.iitlM-,! tmf it It" t ! fit t f t own 'Jefrf ii .. i "t t1 . -!fif-,.tt,j W 4, -!H llftl ,im-f fewiii fm r !i'iUrX i I ttt f dijit i to. tir e M t .- N 0--nH--of f 't.: tniii . flfwt tb ttt id , - h!pffd In thi' " ?rt:t4ii at ni:t t iikt. s IV ei-opim; - t oi pi e ! ntossKH r.onDin Cotton Mills Workiar Fire lay. Kinston. May !:. Iieal ewtf oC mills are working five days a wetk. an Increase from the tbree-lay w!fd4b" effective earlier In the year. Several huralred operativs are tehttiiig. ilanufactnrers regard the prnAct i "graduaIy iniprrvinc." Toliacrolt 1 1 predict some increai-e in price tor TV efnroa of the Cltt Will dose St 1 12 o'clock . every Thursday dHrine the j that product next falh months of June. Jnly and August. , mt ... ... , - 1 .; Mcsdames Elizabeth fiallfzlii-r and Verbal promises to pay are not goMf Bessie MKnnell -r ill sirfwt.theek at the bank. i-nd In Charlotte with friend. (i, M. Wllkiasoa Uft Wife d Hie Chihlrrn l Hope With WW?, Statev1 If, Msy Et Kh-rlff J. M. Iteatiui la retisrneU fftu a trjp throttg'i -!Teti. iwlifttuz IItiM. Man Abtojito, UmiU-rmtn. 13 Pa td 3n.irex. Mf'n In mr8lf -f i. M. H"ilkiniia. of JIafbi. "bio I asrt In thi fate for enilnerilf went . Wilk inxn w lit tlw ttitby if iVwjtKUy k Teagn. of Tytr -file, frirt whom If i" allegeil he fmk mre than fit in iab and eloped itti Vlr, . A. lUrt line. f Wrnvill. and ler t lt!b sot. agl fle and tde J r, Irv ing hi own wif and fire rSdidftii lit Markrti. fWHklimm elop! ikitt Mr. Hariiine mnl her two littw ing allibury pa a ft trt'n'en ft night of !Twdav. May X il friM !f Mrb nn fw.rlrr fttwf th tfntli of tle u"ttti. acinJift ft l formation -eurt 1y mtf 1m!r on thr frl. i Air. lN-fon.had irj Il a letter , wrlttett by ti. M. W illtr" t B. II." Pjietwwt, t I re.br k IIH. Vau fattier of Mr, o. , Hanliue, u a letter jf rota Mr I U rtl f he father. and mofVr. Tli :tfr A, f the affHtikm earii had ff 't wktrh left to thHr tWiJ4 to teste fl esift'ct ry ?!ogitli-rs The, tetter Ur tl ptmark i'f 'ndniMt. Tra It la vtisaf5.n hfrtel flinf lb Hcj-f Han.lr! ttt toii lit SB ftffst mt that j.1nt to t-- mill , tby wet Iang thr'ih o i!j m- tJmUt, Mr. I-aion had a tbtsrrt4 f Wi!k lnn aftl ej:-rr.'CKt u tj&rt;!y t t rating hint- frwf Nw trJ-H. thrmst1 IIrtjMn. Tn. xnlrt-ti and to .11 a. tMT lt?e yur rrmu! atn! dHerlle ff!Tted that th mas. n.ftnan atwl ! 'Ifitrr, pa- !! yihr m tf- frvttb of Slay.J WI!kSi.i and hi r-aim'3i arf afe la M a bs thr want to. r-iaaia. t"e ft B?blJft- it tMhr, thita Bft-WInthir Htlf.. . ', Mi Adelaide IIartl ii!l $et to nrrow tv-rttilzz for flmU-ith, 1 ? fna. til UnaU t JUtr VrtteK IfarrU go t e4m- Mr, Jtrha WeWr;f.hI. acl fs J iia,lN' mate Capital will ! ft lvn jrt f M I--. Anria Bal, T1o3as. fa) THtmle la l Ji4mi 4 I!fft.- ?. ' I , AIf - fol .-? I TiM tit iut i i4 t t ' nr til f:.tb Srl t KMf, trtfc ih i t et tgiwUit ? atla'ii' crwt .pwtlmt rs-.fi . - $ -fr.' .T-trf -"Irty - ZiJiii i dy In a Mftt tf 4t-- Etlol.lnx tt fNi-f '. ! firm rtttti i.f tt&t tl l I4. in-f4ri 1 4iIr"M hoj f fc "! a8 tt:i-Y tty ftl?f the ftr-M'tJ sfeif.r'iw. 'f t.:. f-vt f5tf 1 mm ' Air M 1 ru fl,e f ra t4 f IrtJtt jft. in l j1 imfmm a4 Vnt A t" w , i-. '- tiiiMr w Tttr AiH:l W44 M ivjr aii min t--g-Tf lH." 1 MFAiOUl liTBHtM! i tt'rAiii iKMrttium, Wrrafli Lai! lrar f Lrf AmrriraM N4dW All Jfe p ID . IJfe Tlerei- , ' , Purl. Mi J4Hit (r."iS totjt S ! J AV"ir rrjf tt t la'I srt .f A . j slw 1 i 1 lid -lf y 4ri6j 1m. lr kay -ter j4rl ! i fiTfih.ifMH.t rerfi tf f t pirs, - I A! fl (!' g.-s I tier airr ffd f -t'r f ii ii H tllft, I Ml j . -AWtVi( M Wfsi4. t jwtv tV ' i . rj4nf tJu 4 I ; tr'ftf -f In t4 ft r ..el a tr"l 5 j?- ; Ts.(Jf a 14 ' trj Pf'. 1W lrst rTf? fil -t4h: frww-- Bif i1; : M (' ti -f jftf:' ' .in m ii ,j i ""! mm niwi.iwniBWiLi.il ' ISarf ci H4 f re I amrftm, . - 3Cer tK 51.f fv: tS- 13fI-,. -tf ft,i"iifSti. 'ar r-4 f 4$ of t! N 1Var4 t ti r-VM TL"r !"' if- afcrs! - tr!:jf " fctf- .

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