13 W AV l : w f3 I 1, v. j b SHERRlLL' Editor and Publisher. PUBLISHED MONDAYSUUD THURSDAYS VOL U M f: X LVj. CONCORD, N, C, THURSDAY. JUNE 3. isttl. Mi X P "SI CREATIDH OF BANK ; SyiiOIC'JE B HOT i i !ltL Oi'iIflS TO t '....-.: SKF n ,TT"1 'J TuHHEAK STRIKE illllG JT TULSft i APPROVED BVSTATE HECHINGUPTHE The Port of Missing Men I C , I I! i re- i ' I DEATH LIST FROM BY MR. BLAIR III THE L isodiw of Eight Unidcn- tificn nite mn "CIU in Morkus. Many Are Seriously Wounded. I jcr 1 1 eJTtkou ivLE 1 NOTEXinSCTED reat Man v Negroes Killed 'an(j Wounded, And, Thousand-. Are Homeless as a Kcsult of Fires. v I tun- 2. With under the lny-eon- T.:l-'1. '':' , law began s a I .,..x I. uiiirli :i l''v hours of ,nico in its path 1 uesaay ,.1,t ;!!!'! r"' liii!it;iiy Iiin-cs. nt-uut-ii h. .ihj- liirffu it cliec.K up oi i no ,f wlii'l' unofficially whs es !tl ;1, v,,nTcwli-n' -near UK), most f",.ll,:iir:-s.-,n belief was ex ,v i.Mif-4als that the dis '1.,.,Ml.,s w.iiild not again "(fin'. ' . 'j-Hil iii-if in' v'n' JillU'il, so far , k ,f tin- morgues disclosed. Vi,ii- nf tIm' injured iii -hospital's i wrirt I" die; When the. mill- n fif ir- :il Il'l l" I'""" '" " M ' . i- . IT?.. ro 4U.'H'I rrs. a iiiiiiit r -oi nt'siru immiu-h hi- Con ad. This morn , nu. i.mlii s nf !." iicirrocs 1U in' tho .ortu". IV Mi-f'was 'oxpnnjsiil by tho of Ulllf "tll'L h'XUl'S of all tho 110 r,.s ktlli'il wouUl not Ik found, and r av ilniuirht n nuiahor had lioon aniid in flifir homes. Thon, too, a .lii.rt wns received at military hond ;wrtir that irmuaher of nojiro hod , hail lieea thrown into the river :wi othiTs Jjiined ontsKio or ino ouy. KhmrhiiK treating negroes at the KApitiiN -'snkl it score would not recov- f-Mi'itiirv patrols and guards, at Wr ronii'is kept a lirm grip on the itiuSiim tethiy. Husiness was VU'tu IIt insn'U(iul last nijrht under fjeiier !i..r. isiMfl v Alj. fr-n. P.irrett. ill shires" we re pei iuitted" tu OIH.'ilL thls .MUi!;fr. : A sweepinjr invostigntion of llio miH-H li'iutiiif; ip to. tho rioting was vpHfii lo p't underway today, initsiilc the horror .of killing -and wiiiuiliii'' ia a- scries if race itnttlos. i' situation id thousands of ltoinp- itss iii'ji ins presented a most serious iiilition anil one which will give the authorities the hiiest -problem for so iiiiiiiii. All Hint was left (his morniug uf tin' liuniireds of nero homes buneh- 4 in the section tired by the white inters, was a blackened waste, n nrliuj; cnluuni of smoke here and m, and a few shattered walls. An idea of the extent of the destruc tion in the burned area is gained from ' : statement that it is more . thaii a mile square.- Virtually no buildings "NflH. Many were cheap frame dwellings, hut nwvo than a score of ttitiii were substantial brick business Wss. inelurtinj; a negro church re futl.T I'ompletetl at a cost of $35,000. TV iiroDertv loss. nceornMncr to . real ate iiieii. will total well over $1,.r00 NeRTo. Association Takes Ilaiul. NVw York. June 2. The National Wiiitimi for the Advancement of "Ifwd l'eonle tod iv telegrnplted Oov- ttimr IJulipiison of Oklnbnm.T nskincr "Hi tu use his full -powers to "stop (lMvigu"nf terror at Tulsa. :," BRYAN TO VOTE IN FLORIDA $.i.vs His Ai-lnal Uesidewe There Will IW His Legal Residence. A'nrk... May 111. Win, J, Bryan dl vote hi Florid:) in the np.nv future. here t.nlaj- he -announced that actual residence in f that, state t('M lieeonit his legal residence. 'He .was iuiluenced in making the pje, he said, by tha state of Mrs. fill's health and in his new home tyfteil to concern himself as much ,? with public affairs. . Kadi ( liureh Absorbs Quota. . anville, ,X$., Liay 3t. The Danville wtM.sts will not put on a "drivr" '" the (:hiitinL. ,i! A ie cards fnr fi,!a "Kulaied-. Each church is absonb- :"6 "s quota ami issess.m'ents will be meet the amount. The "anviiiv district is called on for S84.- H of total fmiil of $33,000,000 hk-h """(Mists Officers Enlisted, Men Injured by i 1. JjhWon. May "31. Three offi 's and ''ishi enlisted nnv men of the 1111" SfMviin . i hi,.h. .; ' '" explosion of a bomb at if p,iU'e i,)oarn- the res Alr,i,,. fai M" Prving grounds at tn- Maryland. (rol BUI Passel. h,-L -lnno -2. The Haugen l.v th,. ii11'"1 ,,iU was Pssed today fM spm Twi,htmt a rrd vote - Mtl tho Senate. : . Papier ,..,, ted to thp wheels are to be fit- ll'iiins on the Paris under- '"'U III - them more Ww rhtllntLka(3w much- But we do ir ,1 , . wh,n children are. well il an, St wen. hoes are not going New Revenue Commissioner Says the Changes Contem plate I Discontinuance of Prohibition Departments. i-- - ' , : ' -. APPOINTMENTS ARE MADE PUBLIC NOW Robert A. Fulwiler, of Staun ton, Va.f Made Supervising Prohibition Agent For the Southern Department. WnMiIngton.. . June 'J. Robert A. rullonwilen f Staunton, Vfl was np K)intol KHiervising Fodcrtd rndubi tion ng.'iiti for the Sonth"r.i DejMit ni'ent today by Internal Kovunre Commissioner l.lair. At lho.same tityo .Mr. Pdalr nnuonne ol tlio apix)intinent of ( iiax. lVmUo ton. of OatO City, Vn., ns Federal Pro hibition Director for the state of Vir ginia. . Mr. Fulwiler succeeds S. P.. p.rame. with headdtiartiTS nt Ilirhinoiid. The Soiithoni .Depart meut livludeH Ilie States of Virginia. NorMi ' Carol inn, Tennessee aiid Kentucky. II' will lake ottico June 10th. , Mr. PfndU-toii Micctvds Iwis Jh Maclion, his appointment J Ming f feetlvoj upon, taking the iatli of office, aud his henihpiarterK is also at Uih uiond. jif 1 . v" Commissioner Blair iVestorday ftat ol that all! field appointments made at present would be subject to a general reorganization of tho prohibition unit. The general plan of reorganization. It was said, icontemplaltes-'.ie discontin uance of prohibition department;, 'and the appointment of supervising agents for each of the different states. Machen Resigns. Richmond. Vn., June '2. Lewis IT. Maclion todnv sent his. resirnation nt Feleral Prohibition Director fior Vir ginia to fJavid H. Rlair. Commission er of Internal Revenue in Washington, to lM'ome.jeffe-tivoon or before June GERMAN TROOPS ATTACK THE FRENCH IN SILESIA The French Repulsed the Atfaek How ever With Tanks rfnd Machine Guns Oppeln, Fppor Silesia, June 2. The French soldiers forming the garrison at Bent hen near the old Polish front tier have leen attacked by forces or ganized by , the German inhabitants. Reports tnte tlie Germans number ed P.,000. The French used thanks and are said to have gained the uppper hand. There have f been many Ger man casualties it is reported, bqt the French suffered no losses. The situation at Beuthen is compli-" cated by the presence of the Polish in- snrcrent forces. The I'otes , began a fight with the Germans in the out skirts Sunday and when the French were attacked . the Poles rushed to their assistance. Reports from Beu then are not entirely clear but it would appear the French commander refused the proffered aid as it is sa:d the French are holding the TWes from entering the town, ' ' . The attacks are , Fa id to have been well planned. Telegraph and telephone wiros hetAvoen French - headquarters and the barracks were cut. gentries were driven back, and tho headquar ters " detachment - surrounded. Tanks were rushed to the scene and the Ger mans who were armed with pistols at tempted to capture the machines, were repulsed and were driven into adjac ent buildings: from the wl if lows of which a f hot fire was opened. The tanks charged on the imiuungs. nring volleys through the doors and win dows. ' . , "INFORMAL FEELERS" SENT . OUT BY THIS GOVERNMENT For Reduction of Armaments. To De velop Attitude of r reign novrm roents. , , vrachinjrton. May 31. "Informal feelers' with respect, to an internat ional agreement for n reduction of ar mament, already have been put out by the American government, it was learned today in high administration quarters. ' The purpose, it is under stood, is to develop the attitude of foreign governments on the question lief ore formal negotiations are under taken." ' V- . ; - ; .; ' liss Vernie Gulp and Mr. George Grif fin Ma.rrjed. x a '(rt?o mnrriasre. which came as a surprise to many of the friends of the young couple, was solemnized yester dav afternoon at :30 o'clock at the wueu v ciiiini , ftin.iuv- v r - . , ! Vernie Culn became the bride 01 1 Mr Georse Griffin. Rev. Z." Paris per- i formed the ceremony. Only the bruie j sister, Miss Glenna cuip. Melvin Barrier witnessed, the cere monv. Immediately after the wenbLng Mr. "and Mrs. Griffin left for the home of tho bride's father, Mr. G. A. Culp, in No 7 township, where they will spend some time, after . which they will return to Concord and make their home on. South UnQn Street. ' Sheffield, one of England's greatest Industrial centers,', reports . 40,000 workers unemployed. The Detroit Federation of Labor, has completed new labor tern-pie in that city. , : cm 111 A VTW V-"' mT. I i". " CT -s V Mr PRESIDE'NT HARDING AT j AXXAI'OLLS TODAY Went Tliere for Cotnnienrnnent :Kw Ciss at the Naval Academy. - (By tlte Associated I'rr.n.) Wiisliington. June 2. President Harding left by automobile at S:4." this morning to attend the graduation exercises at the Xnval Academy at Annapolis. Md. He w.ts acompanied by Mrs. Harding and his naval aide. President Speaks. Annapolis, Md.. June 2.-A hope that the nation would never be called Ulkm to lire a gun In war again was expressed by President Harding t day in. presenting dipiolinas to 1he graduating clas.s of the Xavay A-ad-SS' CU.iXdt added ;a promise that while lie was PreUk'iii the jtrnag meit graduating today wouhl nevi-r have to go ro rwar . except in' a cause that squared with the American -conscience. 'A giMxt deal is said nowadays." said Mr. Harding. "about preiiaring for defense. I know nothing nobler than defending one's country. That ' is an inherent thing in man. planted in the liunian breast ty lol Almighty. there would not lie anv civilization today if men were not willing to give their all for its' preservation. '"But the preservation of the estab lished order is one thing, and it is 'a high essential, while -crusading for a new order Is quite another thing. I can liolieve the ideal for our country is a sensible blend of the.-mainten ance of the established order and the cuthusiasm of the crusader. "I want to say to you young men that I hope you will never be called upon to draw a sword or fre a gun except in the expre.djn of the cxj.io mary amity and ;,espeet.. And I pro mise you that while I ar.v Preshnt you'll never le call ?d to fire a gun except you can do u with ti:e Arun can conscience witn which you ci answer to (Jed. . : "I do nor want to be misuidci stool. I want an Amertei unafraid, but I ; want yon to liolp: make a fepi' lie of conscience, a reptib'.i? of syni iwith.v. and a repuolie of high ' idea is". MAN SMOKED WHILE , i HANG-ROPE WAS PREPARED Norman Garfield Pail Death Penalty for Killing of Ben. Johnston. .Woodstock, Ont., June 2. -Xorman Garfield, convict ed" of the murder of Ben v Johnston, a local confectioner last January, was hanged at thex jail here today. He smoked a cigarette while the executioner prepared for the hanging. - " j Garfield had several days of free dom last week when he escaped from his cell and made his way to the open country. He was rearrested after p sharp light, with officers. J Birthday Dinner. , j Kannapolis, June 1. -Mr. nndj Mrs. W. D. Ritchie gave a birthday-i din ner Sunday at their home. 011 Ridge Avenue complimentary to Mr. Ritchie's mother, Mrs. G. E. Ritchie, who cele brated ,her 70th birthday anniversary. The dinner was elegant and: much enjoyed After all the guests had in dulged freely t in the tempting . food, much still remained. The afternoon was . spent in social intercourse and congeniality prevailed. Mrs. Ritchie is spending a few weeks with Mr. Ritchie and family.- Her home is Concord. R. F, D. 4. Sne is the moth el. of ten children, and has thirty- nine grand-children and ten great- grandchildren living. Those enjoy ing the hospitality of the home were: nor ft TT f. Part and familv ilr. L. II. Overeash and family, of Enoch- ville: Mr. L. A. Fisher and family, of Salisbury; Mr. J. T. Walker and fam loy. of Concord, R. F. D. 4. litle Miss Mabel Gooodman. of Enoehville; Mr. C. H. Ritchie. Mr. T. B- Ormand The guests left wishing Mrs. R!tchie many more anniversaries to be spent as pleasantly as w-as this one. X. The Amelian Society of. Heating and Vntilafrn Engineers will hold !ts annual convention in. Cleveland June 14-16. 1- ! ! -1 -f -f .it!."., see, wheh m mn to 'w-wntm'Tr 41 ? ! MRS. NOTT SENTENCED TO LIFE IMPRISONMENT Plead Guilty to Seeond Degree Mur der For Killing Her HuJiamL Biidgcimrt. Conn., June 'Jit. Ethel Hutchins Xott. im j Mai hero charged with-' the murder of her hus band. ;o. 15. Xott. tnlay plead guilty to murder in the secoinl degree. Judge Win. X. Maltbie Mutem-cd J hr ro life imprisonment. ; j ' I . Mrs. Xott changed lieri plea after counsel for the state . hit tjodticvd h'l ters allcgel to have Imv-ii j writt u by her to FlwoMt It. Wndf. -who wax rt ently' hanged . for murdering Xott. The letters were hi Id I to' liavo been written while Mrs. v Xott ; and W:ide were in. jail ,awaitingiftla! -j ' BARGES BEING SOLD V BV THE GOVERNMENT Twenty Two Craft fkdd Today to Ca iutl and Harbor Transportation Co. .Washington. June 2.r Sale by the war department of live self-proierre.t liarges, tldrtii'it other jstecl and four concrete barses. 'which have Ikhmi op- ernteljiy the arm v K t ween Maryland and North; Carolina, was! auiiouucd today. Tliey were sold! to Charles II. Rani well.' agent for the jCanal and Harlior Transportation! Company for $400,000. : - , - AMERICAN NOTE TO I NETHERIXNDS IS RECEIVED And Caused Murh Confern in Foreign Office.! j The Hague, June l.-The new Am erican note regarding . fl'he Xether lands oil policy in Dutch East Indies has evidently causcil njucji iwiH-ern in the foreign 'office where arrived to day, ft is generally! lwlievcd th Dntch government will answer the note, ugain putting forward the Dutch view ami expressing regrejt at the Am erican view -of Holland's; policy-' RooTinr lKhov Sfirt Venrs Old. iViJ - - ' I London. June 2. One of the great est church festivals that lias leen held in England in many years takes place this montly The eventi which is t lx lolrated with splendid! ceremonies and impressive services lis the eight hundredth anniversary; of; tho founding of Iteaing Abbeir hv Kin; Henry I. In the Middle Ages the tow'n of Reading wiis one of j the foremost places in Eneland. and it owetl Its greatness to th? great abbey foundel byl Henry I, the minis or which arc still visited every yeaf- by -hundred of pilgrims and tourists, f Time has dealt harshly with the grand monastic pile. Jn the dire days of thej great civil war the town had to iwithstand a siege, and straight across the nave or the minister the line jof i fortifications w construct ed. I ' The old nhliey. with Jits; tiejiutifiil Xorman carvings, also8 proved a rich nuarrv for stone, ami sacrilegious hands core or its rme niiuitk aim built bridges and houses and even part of Windsor Castle with their spil. Still to be seen' are the remains of the stone piers which supported a grand central tower. Also to o seen are the ruins of the -wondrous chapter house, one of the finest rooms in Eng land. wherein the Patriarch of Jerusalem presented to Henry 1L tli keys of the Holy Siimlchre. when numerous parliaments were held, and where a Ird Mayor of IiMhai was once condemnetl for jsedition. Still standing i b wail of the: refectory, happily preserved thri.ugti Queen Elizaleth buiMipg a row of pottires against it for. Flemish Lvea vers driven fron their homes by the atrocities of the inuce i The walls of the dormitory of the monks still stand, ami there is the in ner gateway of the I abbey, from the windows of which the; last nf th abbot of Reading with twoof his monks: was bang. i . ' . " -: - France's neaviest than- weighing 558 pounds, recently die4. The heaviest man of whom we baveJ any authentic record died in London during tha last century. He weighed 739 pounds.- U flsow m fAa in this hi CONDITION OF COTTtlN , CROP UN MAY I5TII Wa CC Per fmt. ef Normal. If 'a AnnouiMYt! in Washington Todajr. Wahlniton. Jnm 'J. lltie m'!iU.ii of the itton nop on May 2."th r;.o jcr o-nt. nf iiurmal, the Impart -iiM-ul ;f Agrh-ulture aiiiiMinuiil lhiy. That itnpare w ith rj.4 -r .. itnt. n yinir ago; T.". K-f M'lit. two year ac: Klt k r iiit. thm r nj;i ami T"sT ler 'cent., the avcniKo of ih lat ton yearn on May ."jh. X foretiif f pnlnction iir acrcai: Wjin iiihmhuii1. Condition by Mute bit lnd-: Virginia 77 ior -oitt North Curolf nji 'UTi -r cent.. South CaroTiwi . vr ii-nt. : 4 . 3DU Ownefo AKirme an Attltndr of t.-'-indifrrtnee.' "-; Charlotte. June 1. Statement t union olliciii is anil npreerittlve of the mill mvtieN tonight agrl that at least P.Odu textile woikr tn ' nnnn than 2il plants at Charlotte, Concord and Kn n 11:1 jM t is. X. C. atul ' Itock. 1111. S. C. walkinl out .today a, the twgln n'ng of tlie general strike of wmthern oeratlves aiithoriziNl In an opler It sued by-ofm-Jiil of the Cnited TetH Workers of the Wory cveral week ago. , ' . - - X"o information wa obJalnable tr night from Thomas F. McMahon. vie president of the national organir.at?on. nor otlier union omcials. n 'to: any other plantH to lo ln1ndl. fnrtlo'r than Teitoratioti of former talenieiit that it is up to" the 'oval unions. r, Mclalam shII several darn gr that inc Ihe strike started if might "spread 1 ke wild fire." Mr. McMahon a id tonight, in reply to an inquiry, that all the local .uiilu Involreil. through their representa tives, several weks ago wnirel th?lr rights to wekly tM'nefi from fund of the national organization. The attitude of the owner a, ex- pressed tonight b" David Clark, tdl ! tor of the Southern Textile Iptl etln ref !rni7.ed spokesman for the em ployers. that of Indiffereih-e. Mr. Clark declare I that, while th mill wners did not4wehome a xtrlke. they were iM'rYectly willing to have the'r plants Viand Idle. Iecaus prac tically none of thein were opc-rathn: at a profit and numU rs of them were actually rnniiiiig t a 1 and on trt orders. ----- - v Cotton Cro? Makln Satisfactory Pro ' ares. Washington June L-W3rm on shiny wsather which prevailed throughout most of ' the cotton belt enabled the crop to make a!ifactory progress during tlw week, althon in some localities It was reprted in poor to only fair condition, the na tional weather and crop rejiort tod4y showeil. The cro; showed greater im provement in the southeast, notably in GeTgia vrhcie late replanted cotton lantl ages agohas groinaied very well, ami in str-pped the bant J vrt'h Carolina, where the tdants hav shown up in b?tter color and ytand. after mucl-rplanting, . - In the northwestern portion of the belt, the report said, planting l about finished and gemination satisfactory. while good arvance was reported from the i-entral sections. (Hisi'ra"j1c weeril activity wa reported in Alabaira. Gerj!a and South Carolina, ; Injuretl by Ephkm f, Ikunb. Xewiiort Xfcwj.. Va, May .5t. Prb tvate AlUrt 1'acKard. a s-t:utHi at Tangier Field, was rimly iujnred yestertlay afrcrnon by the exikkfri of a small bomb which be fouod der one of the large dnmp pile at the flying station. It Is nndendo! that the sentinel started to etamln tt" ltntnb. when it nddcnly expbd-l t-ar-hijjr away all the ftngers tm ltb bamK and fearfnlly mBting his fane-a welt 33 putting oat one of bis eyes. ft, Ud Kills Himself With Shot Gun. Elizsrth City. N. C. Jow 2. Isaac Swindell, nt Shilh. Cantoa cown tr. 13 Tears old. wbil ptajing with a hotran Wednesday, accidentally rtbvf rlurrI.tbe gun ainl fatally wunde!;to grrr tnxtr ca himIf. In the Iutarrain the lUlllot Will Mlcm fiTI ia Hr ! State Will ilawkw Vmmt mzln Ut im l!es!r cti in the State. ONE M)AN !JrY has been nwm Two Million I )oHam Honow I ed From Amrriran Trut j Company, at ChaHottc at !' Per Cent Flat. ! st it" lr j !' ' n ' ! ttwW lr feiiiMr f tl tkit. ; l4tr. J : j- f I : ?! fVilf . tf'ia 1 1 1 ! t-wr I ! 1 . . . . . . . 1 m . - - .. - . . .. J 1 ' - , , . . I ttf k llf 1j It.U . :- im iW' ft , . . . . .. . 1 . . t .Ii; t a,...l f t.t f I., Nr. Yt! nrral c that li.MWUiM .bad lii rUirtxftot! Mtr. t tS rr irtit flJit, fti' tm t fr iriiott wf ffttfr iwff IH Mttd bi!f tldUbt 1 l nm f?f tHHrr-t!li" 11p :iMrf Mttd ! lt frf bl titx"' '! fi't t nsan iMq'rirttMit att!"i' I t? tin Mri i" ititiHinUtrs'i'n itini oi'Ttook J:: ! IS Mtlltl I UOttlitl.t iltBt little Prtufwt "f in IimiWIi! . Murf jliprtnriit. Icw-r! H . me !trd Sa). 5V!ilhatton, Jun 1 Wi "m 4f fintt turn for th liti-r-. fc tn takrn j.oiparnf ly by f.f uttr of Industry and tb bulef .mtlj-i fTh. --ctmtius, fbtall n,Oft fati)n!le.1!;ttf ix;t lit He pro prct of in itr&n-f'Aitt brp impim meat of condition'! the IHe.r g-rrrt tn-ard &r tonirht tn H rie rf the flbanclal a4 rrrienir i?aa tin tl rouKh it ttse qntry ; ditriec Mar- ' j : i ; . Ilf ovefy . jm prlii ttoa: anl!itrl hut Hut ha lecn In prn;Te .during th nf)nth:tt5 tafd naM. but Sttv and ureatly n-tardot. H.f-r. ft mi del, the wire hoful tnt hicit ha h"in Itwlf amonf hln fM recrntly has cotlat at1 M frir tng the way for atfitp delopn rrt in wir itid'uftf t. i FinaiJcUHV, th amtb a tf intereMinz lrrrsjrth nrI 4 m-tt trt 'nron quthk, the bard aHf tin variof. etFnj of ilr wnty. it wa ciphilnHJ, therr hs ln n - tng of the demarvl for fund fdt tn In pait from acfn.tancf of lor price IfvirU and part Ul! :frw tb d junlavent; (f. butrrr to: r rfw!i tl-n. -'I M". - . j BENCH! WARRANT I KM ED FOR DIRHIM niVMCIW I Charred With Prifeblia Srrire Itarml hf Medical Infri and Statf l-aw. - '.."' - Inir.bam, Jn 1 -U-i h a f r i were Ipsc In rertr". cnrl' -iM nftriw.n far Dr. J. if jMrcit praHbirig p!iyi-fa f ttd (ilr. ! wnt i five yes r nx re?!! It! prr, mid . Sj T. Hare, a Dntbim iiu cbargini tbetn with rrinff t'rtbfi. Ttwir trial hj fr Jm T. Tlie wsrrnt trer t-si u rn rttiia hh flrf 'cw.ff 1stJ- lr field, a w HI Wtwn tifw tnmn t thr city. who a' r prrhsulwiry hearri 'ihtfore 'th rcvHir t, afser nit and !ud or in ,!j-f1r tmtt mi ctirge f eirllon. :t1 of fm wllnj a!-.rtlon Hi t'il botnl fif'e.1 t tUi -' i i 1. in. 1 -- - - THE COTTON Ml!K?r ' Wa OtdH DuHnc FjiHi Tra!ir. Xrw rk, Jtio 2 -TV t-ft, t tn irry Jti-t l,rfjr I mitt' ty trading. I Atr ? i do twt f tq-Tiur Iwfc t-.3y Z j it'tihr of I to 5 if4rt Ctto frattir" n..il : JUf 12 fx; VdiT 1147: -ftilf l'-; Jjit.nary l?; Mrj itz. 1 ' ' Tide f i:tioMi Failure Ui&t New 'trl. Jattc I -IW 4 ti-tw taihir- cntlan- i m"!- by P.ra.ltrtt fr lb wfb f Mf f TtW Mmr,! 1,T1 failerr fr ttf ? tooritti. fb-rear f 7 4 f-r t: trrm t!i Atril AS.strzyt',-fi tnmf hlf fbir' tfi r"t ts.e '' Aaolbrr rrtm Krlf !H3 Iac4. Wayosfa, Jciw Z-r-AtMiatxt tu merV fei t tire. fbie-M i of fr- tor fnrti. n-pobijeatu 4 Ktsi. t lAin Bp to $-'itJtJn t M ! rJ farm kn tack t di?.fi mtsz.s th fant-r at taM ttaa I 2 pr ttnt lmete 1 t!r by fb Jtenatei with ' tl' -ottk'r f er!j( IIoum appro aL An orgbaized attnat ia to b k1 ia ti, "Tttra 'part o: ttuie. AVfimt (a lUtcm to HWk, S33 Rrpft, ' hvTIUKK II VH NOT m:s KXTi:stimi Hut Frtion 'MMU VtrSki -'That thr Kinkr Wilt It come jMiulhwIdc Within a Fen- t-4 In lct s,-t,-t A,-Mk !" 1 !T( ' I M fl- ff ti" l '' la t A 1 itiX r ' M i h WUU tut: maiint f nrttiitr fWI' it tlai 1 rtrt RI4-H1 Aim'itw . l '&4- !him t. N-.'-A J I- f; 1-11 ' m V tw i I U s ii S"t niin-tf m. Ills -t! jr. t'''!. a r?I todii l.fcaf ' i.-vpflU ft. f tntse tW l'rrt. l"U.g i l.i tof4jr Wt1 -ijit.t, im 4df.:i, iri4fr4W t- p(i$a?t; hi i'ttft ini ;f n4 ' nitt w.f !-. ' it-wt e ff mrfn . mm it fmtm'tttvA I'ifit tjs-4 - ll f.4"mpli"- b- HM f t ' H i sl If J-1 i) j, irlf f ' r-f rr;. - .r4 .fs t"t, lrfn'iattwe- t. wU. . ' t ' I4)itf-tll'ii( MIm ' m fH I " ..'' ' hj; MV-, wtrt.!.'HHiW, M ' fllf '.' '' !'t. 0H Jft-" e Hlw) t,J,ati :t pffli-fft ttJ I j Jlltjt ' ' f : j Af!!i 'ifi V. i4 '3 J.- I l--ii-q -' .,' t'!Jf ;t ! t-4'-!lt .f r?-W tirf thk 4 " ln$ ' frrtftd 'tit --jf tr liVf ml ! . wj tl 1 f ig ! tf -ik ,tit f ' j'rsf 4' fft i f,!- ' tirdif,, bbb !! 1 t,iwt i t if fSMlt-- llMrtf Jt ,Mi'- . M ntiltl - ttmtt Xag fr b'. lilt tM tt IV Rol rtitii :. n tkix rafr Ciniltt l jf4 tat I a4 (HWf llr rit;t f .f-viittiii.t l j'i?i)r -! tt 44f l- i 4? W ?t3itr M''m' o. iis hMftf l i4a b tirti4h l"v of tb tt lfa irnatf. Jkf ' ttJMaa. 'ftb Daitsta. f b-fcj' f tfc j o4 '?. t44V."-Pati JJ Vita 4. Bjfc4 r 4 : 7J, .fnltt Ul t i.t4 it' V tie iMf ti Ik ivtpt-t-j , .4- tti tbt tJV"iorap.iS t- In ttuiV.ng -b t fi.iu ft ai UI MelV fUt 1a imn4: -f jrtitM- kjUf jMst... ptJiwf AWrfilwi Ma K134 ll -'ii- lai lll.e M- mwK. '!- K.j&.! 'ta-t.r"i s'f hf 'lb. ' tb ' jM-lir4L f!i,'ilf(j j ' trt N. I! l " ffWte' l-.;Ulft. i44 Mnt -t t?-- fr a htf ;-ntV frs fp lf. bt Vn lb 'l'k tf lib vpr& him r,r II f , birr,- 4 t ' lM sl lf tTe. J"iM5li tMtrf FWWr ti4 itiditf. J'r. f TtUh -- ' -?' i tnistf 4itf'f!f ttiirjWS' t i $tSi -rJ' t4l(. ' ;jMat.'' ffwaa-1!!!. 4 i AW l-!"f'e I IfkWy plwsr tti l.ltrw ff. I"'?! I'tf a.&44 lb ir'- ft M 'ife f t ; ff fMMMir . L tt'fc Jt lis- UrtJ tt 'rf&n.Owtpfti ttl baf ' rt'M ' :fb ftUjlli .t it iaari i.t-. bf. , ; ' i - . '-. '