i JtiJtL oOiM ' t v Kb. v j b SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher. PUBL ISHED MONDAY 5 AHD THURSDAYS Will eiMaBMir ..iLWMmif LftilWaiT.nieLjJ,-JBag ; r::rm tm&t&tt&&fim I " CONCORD, K C MONDAY, JULY It, 1921. 101, TRUCE III !U I!! Q IDE Tfce Canning Season is )Here m rlEIITBEIHG MJ&111 t ACiiUM n v -..--irfrtirrn i Itvmm -Jit . '", tL " in i J , m li -i i - - n i . ,a mn -r t W i 1 1 m wr n 1 1 n mum ml - """'''''''''M'''',,"' 1 "M' 1 awwaf W WO'J8r ":naaia. pa mft"iyaw9SF -ae? ajaaiaajr- n nn - Id HELL tl hkUt I1UUE1 TODAY MaMHWMBMMIIMH ; I I t i- .,,,1 Ifio-hwav as it l'1-' li...', UninitnmKlv (W Kill'') i;iiu......v Elected Saturday by State jlfehway Commission.! vrT AsTlioHY oVKPv HOTH ROADS . : w r Wilkin. ton Kecomineiiucu ivovm, j0ute and the Commission 1'romptly Ratified It. of tlx- Highway Com Sijitf of North ("a roll- Ti,,. lilH'lH '.7 ' ..vnri ill tli the highway uki Coiirnnl Frifl;ir. night 1T. ,',-k fmiii Raleigh, nink- tiv jiulomohile, and. spent j IV mi' , . .., tin- si. Cloud IMri. The ni!.'i' in i i.fuiiiissiott here were. .,iiif r- 1 I'iifrc, J. LI wood . ' c Wilkinson.-. J. G. Stike "V M i:'.- J.--F. Cameron, f " ; i r i a 1 1-1 W m. A ; II a r t. '1 in s. ; ,.;,',,, , j h i" nu'iueer of the High-'XmnHi-n. ii also with the !i(lr W Wilkinson, of 'harlott, Vdrii 'liH'i' f ! i which i'jidrnis. "mii!.v :uil .Mecklenburg 3Tf '1" ' i li 'I'-i''1' of t he ( 'oinnnssion. ?,, .. ViTkinon. to locate the v,iy'jn"jli'i vry way possi- Mkinx iit Hil. matter from the j,'iwlH.iiii -f i.if.'iiiecrs, ami ;also from ..'.Ijlll.llH.illt of the IM'OphV Who will ynvd "l.y tin' highway. He assur N iliuM' lin talked with him that V ( '.iiiuiiii" was -here with a mind 'Lluirly iiiil.iastc.1. and would go in t,jt!it' niiiH'-r i 'l'at I'iriN reaching a W!ii-ii'ii .only after nil considera--;u hn v ! n carefully weighed. Tbi- visit uf tlie Highway Commis iin in Cniiri.nl in a hody was for the Unwise of snijig over the two routes Vaviii Ct.m-onl and Charlotte, .in nnVr .in 1' i'l'' ny in the highway to 1 mldjiti'd ami liuilt by the statt' jt a linnl snrfaeed highway, from wHity i':it t'i r conuty-seat. They left wiv Siiinnhiy in a lunly on: their way tl'li:iHn!tc. "going by way of tbe'N'n titl. Highway mad. and. returning by n' n( tlie; old Salisbury road. limn tin'ir return to Concorrt they ten holding bearings,""- giving sup tiirn'rs of the two routes an oppor tiiiiily of 1m -Ttig heard before final de fisimi in the matter is made. Tlie National .Highway route ns It w rims, with Hie elimination of all !r9iKrnsiiigs is to be ! the .State tfmny. lit was iiiH-Kieu aul(Iay ai mm hy the State Highway Oom miiii. iii session at the Court House I'uiiroril. This decision was reach- fd by tlie Commission after having !rsreli.(l in a body over both the Na- Nal Highway, and the old Salisbury Mtc mill .after hearing much argu- Biiit fur each of the routes. The coin fcsinmrs reaclicd 'uncord late Fri-i fcjniglit liy antoinobile from Iialeigh, il Satunlay morning began their in "tiini of the two highways. They re- 'iiriiid to Concord about norm. and nt. uVliK-k hold a hearing at! which the rits of imtli rentes were presented. ,Mr. Tout 'Griffith, chairman of tJP "fluty comiiiissioners of - Mecklenburg "limy: attmiicv William K Marshall. jtf niaiiotte: and attorney , J. Lee Well, of Concord - srwike in favor rttlie old Salisl.ury road. They point "I wit ; the facts that this proposed ""liP is about, two mill's shorfpr. hnd iiat it would be opening up a section Hviii need of a road alsolhat the Jiatt highway is not compelled to pass ? ,llp bnkson Traininsri Rfh'ool. . ns lPn-oiitt'iKlc.l that this was no state JJitiihon. althunsh the state did con nti money to its upkeep; and that Mas .purely personal interest that rcspoiisiide for the present grade 'limits and present location of the wi.mal Highway. " "turner II. S VilH-.rVc nf Onn- - - mill IHi'i "'"I: Tot T T -.t. and att.nney-K. T. Cansler, of ."'"ai Highway route, miev nninted m their talks that this road is al- is c-stai.iisii.Mi on the Mecklenburg - "on almost twelve miles of hard "fiiiml road : that it i tio TiotViooi - ' tJV J 't ii (lit iiignwar Route: that, the Trainimr is-lonl i nn th5 " - "".'It It wmil.t W ,'"om,oih.l and , natural re n.sor the seel ion through which it i whereas on the old Salisbury Jr,i,i MV:H "" nsrh-nltural, no com- r(lll! or ii.'n, i .. .. . . Wun.,.1 '""" resources to te ue- W V '""H'aiismi with the-Newell v r' U Nvas stated" thatthe ii , KU0l,nl 1Tiway serves 237 SaiKlm: 'K'unst .,! families on the hiubwav ra,1: :that the present W', Sl'rv,'s live churches, and Ho,rVW'ly s,lluols- 1 Stite n;,,lk 'Va chairman of the nchKi,.. wi'y- Commission, at the 'ihtr ;Ul nrgwments. oalled th in . 1 (""!inssioner for the tin ttvtr,t t tn;make his recoinmen- '""I'll ;, Ir. Win'.. ,Jw rente to be adoDted. m'N ln,l ' "la hlM 5'' m''T detail v. "Visum ;.. " ! I'll r inr i n nni i-itu nun m: iiiiit iii.- t careful con- before reach- -M-ftoll - ". "i the mnttor TIip rfa, 1 llf' aid. is alreadv hard- " i it., eradp ('barrus County line, olfl. h' ' 'rosshigs on this route tlia v. Hinated hv re-loontiotis S at -v-:'and this should be Tlie is-v ., om 4000 to $50,- ffi.. -"ID ury road, he said, Z rdsnrf "Uf:s whih would have to ""lllNh! ut l (l. would cost Since the vt.of ke S-r'0.00). Hiatl;"7 to be expended is'; e "Jtorest of economy, and Truce Had Been Agreed Up on by Government Officiate and the Irish Republican Leaders. DISORDERS NOW ONLY IN BELFAST Confidence Is Everywhere Expressed That the Repub lican: Forces Would Ob serve Truce Order. DublJuJ July 11. The truce in Ire land agreed Hpm Ity government offi cial and rep jblican lenders pending the pence, negotiations went lnt effe't nt iioon tKlay. xi Dublin th complete diKUppear ance from the streets of the military pol'vpe ml lorrlex and armored cur markeljlhe oflicial leginning of the truce. f- . - - .v i Iti Loiidomlerry, according to - the terms of j the truce, the pollw at nnm were nurtunoneo; to barrack to hand In reprtfe, NuhsWuently.resuming their street duty disarmed. In IJelfast M'here disorders begun Sunday were still V-o'ntiniiing lit lesser degree this morn!iig. the jmlh-e were still retaining their amis. The DUbliti castle olliclals and other in this c-jenterwho hitherto had been unable to walk in the streets openly were going uhout this -morning as under normal conditions. Confidence was) everywhere expressed here today .thai republican force wuld bserve the truce order. TUE cotton market. - -: r Active Months Sohl from 13 to 20 Foints!. Above Saturday's Closing. -New York. July 11. Features in the -ottoir trade this morning were the strength f of the Liverpool market and increasing spot business reported these. Sales of spot cotton In the Buropean market for the day w ere 12,000 hales, til .largest total for months, and private Rabies reported a lecided im provement in Lancashire. The local market opened firm at an advance of 12 to It points in response to this showing which was. on!j. partially n)olifiel by the . weakness of t he for eign exchange and active months soirt nlonf 17 to 20 points above Hatnr lay's elos'Jig figures , during the early trading. , . Coftm futures opened firm : July 1 2.H0 offered : fk tober 13.00; December l.-.r0; January 121..W; March 13.S4. Over 50 Per Cent", of Enlisted Men Ask ' 1 1 for Discharge. Newport News, Va.; July 11. More than r0 per cent, of the several thou--fnnd ehlistetl men stationed at Fort Monroe.jXangley Field, and Camp Ens tis havej requested their discharge from the army despite the fact that many men in this state are out of work. Miss Lillian Cringle, nineteen year old. is town clerk of Peel,, in the Isle of Man, and the youngest person to i : l . rv xi tT !l. Trl noia tnax . omce in ine umieii x.uig- dom. - I. keepingj in mind the: fact that more people jsvould.be- served and it would be to the lest interests of nil the peo ple, Mr. Wilkinson ' stated that he would recommend the route by way of Xewell,! with the two grade crossings in Cabarrus County eliminated at once, and the two grade crossings in Meck lenburg1: County to be eliminated as soon as, thepresent highway had to le rebuilt-l Commissioner Wilkinson also asked that Chairman. Page have the commission take a vote on his recom mendation at once. . A motion was made and seconded that Commissioner Wilkinson's recom mendation he adopted, and after a discussion it was unanimously adopt ed. j . " " , . Commissioner McBee, immediately after th evote was announced, in a few remarks congratulated those pres ent on ithe fact that the Sixth District has -as! its Commissioner a man who is faii inst and courageous in the way he handles all matters brought before j him. Tlie Commissioner, Mr. Me Veei said, had gone into the matter carefully, and reached his decision for thn-wV tntprests of Cabarrus and Mecklenburg Counties. The speaker added,! shame-facedly. that the part of the Salisbury route in AiecKiennurg ; County over which the party rode to day made him feel that .he was back in his mountain home, and he asked that Mecklenburg County come up to Cabarrus in the matter, of completing this , link of good road connecting the two towns. County Commissioner Griffith, from Mecklenburg, assured his mountain' friend that this road would he built in the near future. Thus is 'setted one matter that for the past several montns nas oeeu m eussed heatedly by many of the peo ple of Cabarrus and Mecklenburg Counties. There were times in the conference held Saturday much heat In the discussions, hut throughout the whole meeting there was a spirit of friendliness and no bitterness was de veloped. After . the decision of the Highway Commission was announced, Attorney J. Lee Crowell, who was one of the champions of the old Salisbury stage route; arose to state to the Com n,i;nn that althoueh he had urged h ortnrtinn of the route that was de cided against he was ready, and he felt that all the people he represented were readv to get in behind .the Com mission and help them in every way in the big State. t road-i)Uiiding worK. oi im ... ' : . t ' ' ' HI DDEN DEATH OF Mft. f , JOE M. FISIIEK HERE Ironiinent Man Died of Heart Failure at His Home on Cjieorgia Avenue Sat urday Afternoon. t This city and county were greatly s-hocked Saturday aftenioon -' KlurrttfV after om oYhx-k when Mr. Jm M. Fisher, prominent citizen of this, city, was found dead in the back yard yf his home on GHirgla avenue. He had been, in his usual health wheu last seen Iy members of his family, and his suddeil death came as a ! great shfK-k to them and to his hundreds .f friends throughout Cabarrus county. Mr. Fisher had leen plowing In his garden just ln the rear of hisjioine. and it Is s'upiosed that he Ixtume ver heated,, leart. trouble having teen le termined as the cause of his death. He was lying on the ground wheu found, ami' had lieen dead but a few minutes. The deceased was born in thisi coun ty 73 years ago. and had made his' home here since birth. He engaged in1 farming in the' county 'for" many years, having moved here a numlier of "years ago. While Hying here he engaged In several .occupations, hut eonfiuued to work on his farm, which is located near this city.; j! , Mr. Fisher is survived by his wife, Mrs. Martha I Fisher, one daughter. Mrs. C P. Deal, of LaGrauge, (!a., and one son, Mr. Y. M. Fisher, with' whom he lived. He servel for several years in the. Confederate Army,retnrning.to his home here after the cessation of hostilities. j . The deceased Was a memlier of Cenrrai Methodist Church, ami -was one of the most active merat)ers in the church." He was intensely f active in all things pertaining to the better ment . of his Church, city and county, and was generally recognized I as a man of . sterling character. J Funeral services over the remains were held this morning at Central Methodist Church at ll o'clock, con ducted by the pastor of the Church. Rev. Z.' Paris. Inlerment was made in Oakwood cemetery. The ball lear erfc were: i ' ' . 1 Grover C. Love, W. P. Ritchie. J. W. B. Long. E. C. Turner, A. J.. Dayvault and W. B. Dorton. ' ? THE ACCIDENT LANGIN FIELD Officers Have Been Ordered to Make a : Thorough Investigation. Moundsville. W. Ya., Jnly 11. Offi cials of Langing FieJd where five per sons were killeil yesterday "and a num ber inured when a Martin bombing plane crashed into an automobile parked on the grounds, were awaiting today the arrival of officers from Day Jon, Ohio and Boiling Field, Washing ton, before making a statement as to the cause of the accident and fixing the responsibility. The officers were ordered here; last n'ght to investigate the accident.; i Funeral of James Young Wood.,. Funeral services over the remains of James Young Wood, who died In Co lumbia, S. C, Saturday! morning, were held here j-esterday afternoon; at , five o'clock at the homeof the deceaswl's mother, Mrs. J. D.TL Isenhour, on North Union, street. Tlie services were attended by; hundreds of frjends of the young man. . T Tlie lody arrival in Concord Satur day night on train No. 32. Mr. Isen hour and Rev. J. Frank Armstrong havinggone to Charlotte to meet s it. It was atV'ompanietl from Colhmbia by Messrs.' Snyder' and , Floyd, dose friends of the deceaseL - Miss Margie Newsom,. of: Darlington, to whom Mr. Wood was engaged, also accompanied the body to Concord. ,1 "Tlie services were conducted by Rev. J. Frank Armstrong, pastor of Forest Hill Met Uislist ChurdJ. He was as sisted by Rev. T. W. Smith, Rev. Ja cob Simpson and Rev. G. A. Martin. Interment was made in Oakwood cem etery..." ' '' -'''.' ::-:.i.' !!'--:" ' Of. every eight persons in the Unit ed States on is: foreign born, accord ing to recent figures issued by the Census Bureau. - I SITED STATES WArtSHIFS KEITHS TO MEXI(X) Tlie Situation at Tanipifo Remainfi 1 Qidet, the fLspatdie Say.r Mesial City. July ll.ruitdtMtei warships which on Friday were reiirt ed to have Jcn withdrawn.. from Tarn ph-o, retuniej to ' thaj. .port" yesterday afteriHMin. Diiwteliex reaching Mex ico City last night said jthe Saqramen to and Clevelanl again were auchonil at the mouth of the Pamico River, and although no explanation-was given for their return.it was presumed that thr vess'ls withdrew to the high sea for 24 hours in order to avoid . technical ities of international law, and then returned to Taiupicoj WlM'n they tlrxt arrived off the Panucj) River last week it ;wus said theuT ml'-itGn yrbfrn&-pt& tect North American interests."' Iteports from Tampico state that thf sitnation remains quiet, and that no disturbances hare taken ". place. ' HARDING TO DELIVER MESSAGE IN PERSON. i This Was Indicated Today by White House Officials. . Washington, July 11. White House officers indicated: today.: that President Harding probably wouhl r deliver ..-in i person ius special message io congress regarding lKinus legislation. Under this program the Senate and House would hold a iolnt session to hear tU message which probably will te presented in a day or two. ', Mr. Harding returned from a v.eek end cruise to Chesapeake "Bay. and-continued to work on his imessage which he is understoixl to nave startel on this trip. tapt re strnnv iv TODAY AS CHJEF JUSTICE. !, Ceremony was Simple Mr. Waft's j Brother Present. f Washington, D. C.,.July 11.- Wil liam Howard Taft was sworn ;n tolay as chief justice of tho United .States. The simple ceremony of -.elevating the former President to the Supreme Court, was performer Jn the office of Attornev General Dougherty hv Jus- ti-e Hoehling ofthe district court in the alienee from the -itr of the ins-1 tlces of the Supreme; Court. Tltose present intruded Mr. Taff brotlr, Henry Taft, of New York, and John T. Adams, chairman of the Rppublhmn National committee, k ' ." ' First Vnion Service. The first union services of the churches of the- down-town- section of the city was held last night on the lawn of the Y. M. C. A. A large an dience was present. The sermon preached bv Rev. W. C. Lverly, pastr i regulation, despite the tn terms by of the Trinity Iteformeil "chnrcli. his' which the curfew was rai-il general text being, ''Rememlier the Sabbtth ly.- i " . ... - ; f day to keep It holv. It was. a strong! ! " ' ' ! and earnest plea for Sabbath observ-i Sentator Arthur Camper ha Uood ance according to standards of the Bl- out two hundred thousand dollar, ble. , i I" j without security, to boy to purchase The entire service last&l less than! pure-blood pigs. The Dy become lo an hmir. Services of a similar rhar-j terested in their stock raising and re ader will le held each Sunday night main on the farm. The Senior i during Julv and August. On next applying the same Idea to chicken Sunday night the sermon will be clnbs with girl member and hx$ preached bv Rev. G.I A. Martin, pa.; already loaned fifty thousand Kan tor of the First Baptist Church. '.! I saa girls for purchase and der'p- It was tine to see the great spirit of nnt of purebrtsl flocks. co-operation manifesting itself in the, " ' ' nnitv of worship. There under the An arnry airman flew acro the star-lit canopv of heaven men conjd Grand Canyon several times recently worship the great Gtl of the universe and also flew don Into the gorge, with no thought of difference in creed. He has been detailed by the War De It is hoped that every citizen of partment to atudy the tr v..-nti Concord will co-operate to make these in an,I over the canyon and to locate servh-es a big thing lu the reliious pssible landing field there. This I life of the town - believed to be a preliminary to eMaV .L lishing a commercial airplane ticf SU Prisoners Escape from MeDonell in that vidnity. j jail.1 ; ' " . - Marion, July 9. The most ensa-r For the first tim in bMory a Honal jail delivery to have occurred man pre Wed ver the Iloaw of Rep ih McDowell county took pUce early resentatives when Mlw Alice Rcbert- Renubllcan irmaer r.o-t xiay their liberty by saw iu through three steel bars and using, their blankets, Jesctended to the groud and fled. - j No trace of their wterenboots has been ascertained. i: : Mr; Hugh A. Query, editor of the Gastonia Gaiette, sient yesterday in the city. "WARJ.ESS WORM! HY 1533 Tlil. Is to He the Nrv Moran f H.r r (Itrixlian Fnd"aH Sorlrtir. . New' York. July 1 1.- -The gan of tlie Chritiau Faidrator o- tU-s Avill k "A WitrltM Vrl. by !U23." It will have the uprt " uf 1s.ikni.imhi jiM tidKTM ami forme'1 um lers f the moveUM'nt in all Mr? of the world. ( The itu n rilel In ll motto A Sa:K)iileH Nti n by itr.ir Iwvlns leen at twined. Mgreemeut w reaclwl toihiy .n the "slogan for world pefv Tills was originated hy the Rev. Dr. Fntnei K. t'Jurk, t l-tn. President of tlte t'liriatUn Kmletivor movement : and will lejubmlttHl tonkht by the Ifi.ooo ilctejrHtei at the ;nveuUon here. It wlH 1k n -cnpnrfel fy ttnuM hr ww calling for Tniversal l5rutherh.ol.' AM the force - of Chrixtianlty throngjiout the world. Dr. lark ald. would le i-alle tiMu lo jtdn tlw Ku tleavor movement hi order,J prev'iit war. . - Ixf iess Hoy Swims 300 Yards to Mwre ' Gllliert. Minn.. July 1!. While Harry WfMlyrd, a pod wirra&rr.wiM drowning. Roy iUioildn. minus hi two wiKd?tt legs vhich ' letiM ' .loonened wheu 1 a boat occTioied bv Hv men ri erturtied. swam yard- to hre yent terday. The5 other in the hoat ! reaclH'd the shore safely, - ' Rhotlda told friend here that tw of his comiMinion ntUl3Ml the tlixiting wiNwlen h-gs to aid them to reach th shore. . '.!-'! Tliousands of Elks at Lo Angrle.' Ixs Angeles. CaU July 1 1. - Thl ! ritv was hnt tfnlav to more than i!Uj- lf00 menuVrs. their , relatives- ami friends, liere to attend trie otn irnnu lwlge of Benevolent" and l'roteetlre Order of F:iks which open Its nelnu tMlay. Alsuit 20,(m other ixtsoiis an- expttel to arrive for the seion tic fore noon tfmrrow. j ? Two Killed In .Auto CTah. TotH'ka. Kans.. July 11. M.' A. R r i nn oil .well-shooter, and his wife wre killed.- and four other j ron injur j yesterday when their automobile carrying six cases of dynamite and a '.nuautity of nitroglycerine, collided with another motor sir. The daths re- stdteil from the -rah and not frOaj the explosives, which, althongh scat tered along the highway, failed ta'es- jphnle. : j Curfew Reimposed at Belfast. I Belfast. July 11. The rurfew was reimposed tislay a a renult of the dis orders of Sunday. Belfast ttow i the only place in Ireland under curfew boim. ttccupied the chair daring th absence frcm Washington of ?pealter Gillett. V , : The Young Mdici. Auxiliary J of Trinifji Refortuetl Chnrch ill me tw- morrow erenimt at flgtit tV4Hi. with Mix Iaura awl Martha !.. Mi Lottie Lyles will W the leader. . f TI 4 tt-' 'ir tm i 1 1' IteH-a,, 4t fWiWtr, ! AUl ft, tti i Jil t: tV--w.' f t kr '-, . $ 4 i! At 4 I tfai-.K . V.--' IWfSv, f?4 4-iJ ' H',' ' i t WL. I'T "V. .S-fHf-rTt-- I It", I lUSi(V. Mm'm-fl -W I. If, nun is .tittup i ItJT IN MK.lt 111 TP. ; PrrttiS llrwfi fr tmm Palrratr, l Jrr ..f .f lki itf, M UiU-.ttm ttut tf r tUe Ml !" j ir-a j-J witt l lc a" ;si,Ut .f tf Ih t-t f M. "It left J.r -ld; MJmi fafe- Krae latrr. 1 iif 4 t Iff H S1b. .. j IUIW OF LAVA hTCIPrril Inlrm4 Ini Ij-stimI f Itr UiI Itt PrtnrTMi Ntt tn lu Path. -, 1IJ. Nb! W ll-H, T H, Jitt 11 I thir't' l lt Pf tuftr f lb Wofbf. M"tt Hid tllr il It. . j J tfttifK If llltil tCt fi4srr. it fclHrtt f 4HPtf'r Mamt a! he rttlitti ?f llw-ir tut M'' P " '. fHtll MlUlM ItM I olt . tfthhh Uitl- ipli tei,itft 'VIt Ill cfNt iii -t.tr) tbi tf. t. tw(.it ! iUr I W iswit !' It th pi l !' .f. fi,- r'jl fT'4 'atir-.l .pv4iik. Hue fint th iws.u.lttf fi-t" ft lrvf lltmi" wiv " u. Itnttt-r that 1 li- fht ir-'t pnT miietf tli IOuiifiU) T5 i-r lal finalty tiil pttj- t;f h f) fh nx'tteu rlvr l". 1tt;:'t lvr n ill lenr fnhi'the'llM uf trit l Atbf ItKhh'ttt !h toiy Hit' t!. Yytt iAore Ihtin i tUy. - mtrMi t e.vew it ih- -., the la f.a.t f i KuHae iedlly ttm tlw lde f ibt mountain. wtit Mi.hhijl; tlr tripm of JS rt haitj:t tt (HHirwi i.t lt" down nil the city f I tit. ltt tffufi of the white iwu failed' t'; lb aitjroa h .f dliMer, I took the lUJiffrr ito thtlf ti hil UovhI Hawaiian I4riii si mi.l tt f . Imir wflct with INW. tn.ll Vob-atio, mi Prtn (((dti af Hm4i"u wan 'ppf bil to. Jhe noi etoi lb call. ami. a je jcasl d It" mount I ft with "her nitrir !f f ! er bchltid her; Im fnl.l ttt trl of dotrtMtlm riteodiitt j.wfit, wib after mile. - mhtle nt It fotefront, ' Uxmt tm the '2e f lb itf ,;tr-i tv burning and jrreat .. rtAntwn of wi-reii-emHttC. A plaifortti lod lo boiit f V lt Hth of the flow nod. a Pi i Bjifh tnoiiutiif U tep, ief imr f pig mikI lte-keitwerf nVret i tlc ,iry rmhle of th yoliwrw. TtM prtiH, on her knee. a't lcl to P-te to ire HHo. Aim! the, flow topd I .-Plainly lihle ncniiol lixx ft f Ihl hill today . I to ! w' I be f .ii of' the lava flnl, it'plletl np anut har.U-oe.1 u I KM bro tl Prli" - lltith came tf the jtetw of irr ?i, State Ref tn Kter CW. (let els ml. July It. T?" tte at nHt today retHt it re In tt ttlal of Mr. Eva Cathrlwe Kal-r. fr tl ruurdr of hr hntatd Ihiisl V. KaWr. lfl the etcflthii f itie i!tft mlm mn not If heard until th mthlJ f the wrvk. Thf !fe' '!t ten lt tetlmony fnrrow taortniss A nutb4i by attorney Cr'cn for Mm, Kaber tha all rtliiiy rHt Itig to jiifjiag te tkrn frt ffr" Jury wa orruhiI hj Judee Br rnon on the griHion tUnt It Mvirt t pc tb con pi racy charge. jt dltatioii and de llralhm III tie chary of turlr ty tWdig. .... At. tt -rnM lapUtt .f the n4t I dene Jifiice Ilertn wIlfKlfrw tb ! onlrtg crtitnt In UviU-tKtit bt f.f IW jury ,thi freeing Mr. Katr fftt thf rluircf iff kill 5 us h hirtt Uf onlO. TJie teUmooj 4 pnit';ltf may te rtiddte! f.y iIm' )ry. bi etnplrcy to comtplt ntifiT. : The Wo-maii Mi!'oarf Jfty f New GHead 4rforet mth urill Its re arv!i h. aie b. ltfro to re C the fiinft to m Tti n rda y a fi mm lxl m.int ml i oMk. Tlie old organ will l 4t Tlie Tr1i itt r trt a7U fr the iH-i- YMrf rrau re-tfy 5ae- cl In th tiiunik. I j. Th firat nc rf fb rl "trti; . a applied to Ut-r tril!r, -arrt in indOfl M-trf lh, K, IIy jU .1..M tr. , etui r n that Jt r? pttrr refereai- to a ereat Mjfr tr In tle ral fhl. and tt1 nmXrr are tafi'rl to hat '"frt'i' et" fr hUhcr nZ Tfcda Itara Jtarrtagr. New Yrfc. Jnly .. ThU lr. 1 lreti of ti f.tm-. t m Xi: Itr f rki leaml f,ritay tht ae 4 t-en yetly narrit lt jNiteftay t f". J. r.rabln. dltcter of tT Jtt?rr, Frrrot. fiit, Joty l -(?- t'ar -pernor wn wlil n-rr-ir-. rtttUre-jt1 f.r a tiwwt to ! b-d I Jladrid. Tfce ria!IHj:v I ltiix frrl Aa dre Kaha, a Gafklatt tirr. llrtiUh felfn OrSrtv riu)po'sAt..f)SKToric ! OF CONVKitSATION Vmxttttmt if iml l?p tn Wou! J !! SftnJ Jti 1m s-- it4 . i "!! -fc4? -. Site tAri-i tV . ' -'"".. niil' W Uinlth fin tf' f ? ltPirf 4 ft4. ttMj It -J tw s!4 ! f-f-t fr ). tswtSsg.. j ... PfTi M tt.Jlt-4 trt '.ff n?.jr. i!: f!W tw4f I t4 .4i 'd . Pi t .4-f , iT4U tMNle iinmm t Ts4 !,' 3uf .. !;f, -... f JMW t-f tt ftat. tjHit --. JjsfPH 1n t.IN fs - lrfC..? 14-"j'frV'tlTWf (aat t t r rrtMial 4 tW:!;.'A$'Jlli'. But 4 fiUif f Jfjie pfM4 . mlm ! :t t Ik to It! . ti" t i1! Jt!"l. nii! niath a ftrtt .' ti ' .oirf ' 14 M"tlsn'ii ff -pf". hktit ttrtHif "m :ifs1 i !tiii t Gfat I'.iHatu, t"fa4, M ,at Ja mu ' tiriwtje: h a 4f & ttr tt5itHwH . -f . If. lt 'll"'' lostnei .'.-' ; : ' j iug mm in I tt I 1 1 i f ?' - Vtwr 'hi i ij?c: t t f t tlt !. c-' l attlrti' tM!t -TLil ltiK t! t dH Wile M J! ..:; Jaje ni4i,..tt ,..? Hf i.r lf t i Ato-i w i lti to 'Pi Uh Ja tHtif i !-! r.ttr lept lit ttw HWlirr f frt MMtl Zl tfrt I . MrmBs Iia4 aith.ltae tiu4 PI -a ttrf. S9f lii tKte' . IhpK, JeH; 1 1 i'Pl4tM ttr4- Ihtt-t natt'tt . frr 4 f at in f ha . t 4f i i ft M.e eitiMt fi t Gft twtf fe. SJr. 4t1 iir, !rt O Hare! t I r 1 1 f '-i-mmm ; dr i VJti; tm It t 4tl A rr Wnti e.mtill. tin. tmm fcwie lef . aJ4 ! V ' - . -' I trr fct ! Mt tlifi e 'nimm mtih tiff tiM.'t 4mm,tf Prl44 HarllnjE'' wl-MH'..awt 1ieii .r ia . - -v J'- Tl' ttJ' 40Kt4 ttp lat Pd lit" ifimlr a'td! - "in atiog thL t k V' ttW i'-m pJr" . Mrf.- . ftv-ftsUt rlilnil ttftkl fc trrtt ' i.lttii.t. M . '. t tslfed jMaf .t.T wi tM. tr IJod tif' ftJiw4 t jrftt1fct t Pr iW tit llnrtt'try taw-, :' t rf.fi tlt tt t-i ta.'iit Mm H a an' tf far-iijt , ai-l lit tJH!? r.t ! i. imU if tte If m 1t fff ra ffe if 13 ctwpif wltl't ;.la t. h ffeli flUf titarfal tt rHt . f' Ife It " - j t)itMhr PfUfit f aa)fmat a DlfarHLaMirat M PatK Part. J'tatr tLJi4.f flJf, rrift f3wp-A u-1ai '" t. tll 'ft''fci f-ijf ?.- Be )it lf'f f ! y nt4 fihl 'aith tl fSf f HW? ? tt $tMiif ,;f ttMift.Utaf; I a!,'f-a.''. 1. a rtea . ; I . :. ' ' ' mi in W ' IVaa-14 War 1 rlmn lta f alWHfeg In flWWf, - IWlrr j&f tt -) -- f ftt 1 1 7 fa i:.f.5f, fiat'. 1im . ftiiL riaf -m, t,. t I 'f r4iNa, T5jr".; jfl Mm rjw!tl 4 lfsrit at .4, liw ! tlia ftjnrWfa awt a '! ! fftj?f. 'i4t,ti..jf !,,-. ra.a faMr)rar :s.-is;..i fia. M piURfc t1. it Marw !Sat,Tiet.ir t 5tr f It, W, ml Altry l;WiHVy r4cr,J A) M:ay ' ttlms,, ' TWf aa ti trip Mf... t'jSiera rjr;.. - rrttfftun t!o !.. mmKi" ft nt Gsy -tit to fvtiiJir.,

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