j ' ' -y ''' '-; v ::- "' ;.-'. i ''.'"' .-ii " ',;' -. I . ' - ' '-v..-:'-'" i w;';' - ' : . ; . "' i . '; - ' k 111 Kl, ..; WKJJ Ji ialdOi. j b. SHERRILU Editor and Publisher. PUBLISHED MO II DAY Si I AH D THURS DAYS. Slid Yt. m&$im:z . rnTUMH XLVI. CONCORD. N. G, TI lUHSpAY, JULY ! 4. IfCI. LEGISLATURE TO MEET .5 LOO iuiiisfiiuflS III SPECIAL SESSION (Mil QlU II , , ,,,,, , , im I . "nuT-irirMiin , L M I,, L inr ,,u,r- - .... . . VMww"aWMaFNaaaaawaawajawB K FOR PEACE 11 11 . j m m.u z m ii'f m .w m a 1 1 t-. lit m w a m w 1 f- a'rmjwMi 11 it MBTEfl Til M 1 : ii j 1 t ha r 1 : ' . , -' " I I rA D ; 111 de Valcra Breaks E'im "1, Jc Interviewed cjlenc Lnce ,IU A v, V ...,ntn.r i .nrresnond- entsThi" Morning. L,F ATMOSPHERE F RIGHT FOR PEACE mt . rr i i- T -T Only ining mat x i Lrv Now Is for Us to rct Down to Rock Bot tom" de Valcra Said. InU- ! Ktunonn do - Vn hlfl'l"" 1, :i.i r who IS Here IH wiili Prune Minis !!' 1 . i. .. i i :!....,.,. I- j . ...... it-fi-m' his nrrivnl in .. i'i -nice m- i:ilK njr Willi itrr-iHiini . . . '. i ... III. uiili tin' iiriini' iiiiitistfr. ho 11U N uii" i"1""' . i..mi.i.m'liiH-nt, to what r:m. ,,.) lill''Il! a -lis quartrT. v:;;iiroMt iV-r a sottk-miMit of ir i i' iii' i ii i -i'n i . (puUi'i'k i nriJiiiier . r I .... ol LMim " III llll"l.l. 41411 .- thiit tlw iitniosplwre in a.l.lcil. n'liiii nii'l in-iiinu s "i i-4". -v'oiilv tiling thai if iir'cessar.v now jr ii l' K't il"wn t rock Jm1 torn. ' Df Vali-ra Arrives at UoyU tieorge s Olliiial IJesidnre. yU. -inly 14 Kumonn le A ft 3 jrNii ri-iiilli' h'ader, arrived nt ' in imwiiin' SI n-et ft 4 tt ,thi .fti-m-Kiii for iiis ronfi-rencp with Mr. iMCei.ijre. Hie ' I'.rili.sh Priiiie Min ;ier, set for that hour, at which iui ,fr,rT will mail' to lind i basis "for wilrtm-nt of the Irish situation. TlJ(. ri'iMililii aii h-adcr's. apjioaranrp it thf prime minister's'" ofl'n-ial tohI iMinciii.'il to tho minute. Mr. !in Cioa'i' awaiting him find iieir wmviTsjitions over the ponce nMiiiii wi've U'siin immedifttMfW. - 'HE SAI ISIU KY DISTRICT COXFKRKNCK IN SKSSION riMded Over by Bishop 4 Denny: WMwry.-X.T,, July 34. The Sal ary histrict Methodist Conference DTPwil Iiitc aH a. in. today at Park. Amine Methodist Church with BLdi-' fi'ullins Denny, of Kichmond, presid ;jin thc nhsence of IUsliop Darlhig 'ft wlm is iiwi-iiirope on church lmsi w. Tlu' st'ssions will continue 'hmnzh Friday.. There are 100 dele- ;?is present inc.hidhiK .pastors from A w charges in Rowan, Cabarrus j1 Stanly counties. HfilXIA XECiROES - TO ASSKRT TIIEISELVES Wl nenianil Ri presentaltion in the Ke publican State Convention. XHi-p..rt News. Va., July 14 A ilcliatiou of Newport News ne- left here this .morning for Xor- 4 iiislrm teil to demand representa- ' nt the reputilican state conven- "We are joint; to jret a voice, in the 'Wils of the ii.irty or we are going put a .negro candidate in the field swernor." sa id J. Thos. Xewsom. l!" with John l'oilard. of Pwichmond. 5 fading the ti-'iit acainst. 'the "'lilv THE COTTON MARKET. Rear! i(Mi;irv Tniio f5i'o vMonllis 6 to 9 Toints Higher. " v ork. July 14.s Xotwithstand- VW'Htitmeil flpti vitt rf c f-u, f ln oin ilc Uverpo.i futures, there were rather lintil)! resllltv: thic Tnvnin 'al'!he local cotton mnrtot shnwwl Wftionary tone. After opening at an advance of . points to wune of i Ioitir a(.tive months j atumt -fi to V- Ii I ... i". .1,1.0 ,S,,,l.l '4 'k Mrtol .n.l -' . . . v . 1 neans miying. "-"ii iiituivs i.pemHl steady: July i'.r December 13.55; i...;i : March 13J5. .. ' : ' nation of Vir;,,:.. t ii 4 4.1II14I. muciriuxrii lo.t r.... 4n..j "-IIUIL' Kill li 4 ml. v.. .liny n. me l"mi ,-.r ii 1 -'" -"4 tiuiiiui iiicrtas :m "'. net ween 11)10 and .! tll(' ll(lRro population in ai.l, P'Teeiit;. the Census liu- ".t lUil 1 . . ""K-eil today. 4t,, . '-"i".. oie loiui pop ".is, uivnitHi as 101 Wliita i . ' anv.i.;" : '"-iiio iahmiii ; in- "l - 1.1,1 , 'Hill . . A, t ilu a,i T--': Japanese .o; .'upino mi,;. Rinlinn. t ain in ftelfacf "UlUSf lily iiipin aeai I . 4.1"! 44Iii broke street here this i , . "mh was thrown and l Ito VIOrtl winch also 1 afiVe , 1,11,1 another house ' was tttlT hit,,; r," 1 or people were ithout h?n?naila1 to restore order ' 4IJ compel !ea to use fire-" 'Wf rr . ''I'-nhouse and dansrhter. a .,, ;"naP'Iis.' and Misses Re- 2t. o, 1?ris" Andrews, of" Au- a re. visitiner Afrs. o vesterdnv in Pon- J. V. t ;,v.- Dlavin. Z77, J , o -.4 tut uauvaaici rkill.j " UrBe-" at. T.on4Q0tor bin k"nake wnile strik es head lm as the snake rais- thP m where lay con . e grass. : Governor Cameron Morrison Makbs Announcement To day, Following a Meeting oi council of State. DECEMBER SIXTH . j-.- WILI, BE THE DATE The Reason for Calling the Extra Session Will Be Giv en in a Communicaion to Be Issued This Afternoon. Italeigl , July 14 The North 'Card Una iU'ttru Aseuihlv w 111 !e alled to moot in extraordinary xcxsiou 011 lrH-emler a, ;overnor iim- erfui Morrison ; announced in a Mate ment givn to the AxxK-ia ted l'res this afternoon. The Governor'x xtntfc ment vn ixxued . follow in e n meeting of the tf)ncil of Mate which conxider- ei ine i;ufx-f ion. or an extra xesxion for the puriMis of vnlldnting the l!rl municinal Jinance net. declared invalid by ,the State iSupr.eme fourt because of a clerical error. ; The Upvenior'g xtatehient follnwx : "The (leneral Assembly will Im eAvm ed to meet In extraordinary xexxion on Tuesday Def-emlier.-ft; The heaxon will le set forth in a communication to be issnjed by me this afternoon." INVESTIGATING THE WEST n VIRGINIA COAL STRIKE Some Difference in Testimony Offered uy representatives of Miners and Operators. Washington, July 14. A senaU committee began tcMlay investigation of lixonierj in Mingo eon I fields ot West Virginia which have led-recently to. the declaration of martial law by. Governor Neil Kurkenshaw. rernesen-' timr the United Mine r AVorkerx. being the "first witness called. The trouble was due he said to a "lockout" by the operators , . The miners had been evicted from the company homes and "terrorized by runraeh" P.mkenshaw nsserted. 11.. 000 miners and their families hav'.ng been housed in tenfel eities by th lui.oos.- ine opera- tors are employing Spaniards, Greeks Italians and every kind of foreigners they carj to take the, places of the locked out miners." ' -Taylori Vincent for the operators said Bukenshaw's testimony "would be overthrown bjr-the evidence." For 20 yearsj he said, -miners and employ ers "liverl In peace" under the scale of wages tha ' permitted an efflcin: man to earn from $400 to $700 a month and that"this condition persisted until the United Mine Workers sought to get control of the fields." I Mr. Iiurleflon on the Situation in . ! Europe ( Correspondence of Associated Press. ) IleYIiii. June 24. A. S. P.urJeson, for mer United Stares Postmaster Gener al, wiioihas returned to P.erlin after investigating the commercial, indus trial and financial conditions of Pol and, Austria and Cze'ho-slovnkia. is of the opinion that there, is little hope of selling Europe large, quantifies of cotton and "other raw materials until Germany! and other countries of Cen tral Europe balance their budgets and make definite arrangements to discon tinue the issuance of paper money and to retire that currency until its vol ume is tWly three times that of their gold reserves. , 'I can't see any indication that tne cfnfocmniv nf fWifrnl KllPOTIP nr fnf- rtiii riiiiiii ' - ---- i ing'theii problems frankly and trying to formulate plans which get at rne fundamental problems and might in sure the restunption of the industries and the renewal of-the export trade," said Mrj. Iiurleson. "It is not reas onable to talk about foreign loans- to Central Enropo as long as the printing- presses continue to pour out pa per money without any gold guaran tee or ahy prospect that it will be re tired. "I "Gerniany is in far better condition than the other countries of Central Europe, and I personally believe uer manv ctWkl improve its exchange sit uation very speedily, if - it would stop issuing paper money and levy a tax over a period of 10 years to guarantee its. retirement of and the creation of a large gold reserve. Foreign bank ers waiit to see definite plans before thev take a chance on the countries of Central Europe Pilot and Thrte Passengers Killed. Oakland. July 14. An airplane from the Jasiizzi Brothers airplane factory in Berkf ley, fell at Modesto, killing; the pilot and three, passengers today,, ac cording to word, .received by the Oak- fland Tribune:- v A curious insect of th Malay Pen in en la kwn s recently discovered by a irtembei of the London 'Zoological So ciety. It is called the lantern-ny ana is remarkable for its sudden , leaps, made by . a curious projection on the front of its head, a kind of creased nose which, when (bent back under the adbomejn and suddenly released snds the insect flying. : As a tribute to American soldiers who fell in the - Great War. a large wreath! was officially placed in the American Cemetery nt Wineiester, England, on (Memorial Day. T ittle Earl Black, the 14-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. W. W- Black, is ii fho hnma nf his TWirentS i ill K'l Willie ni,"" , , f on South tnion street. Mmfz : - .w ixm.f- m Phssr-iHs. .... , a-, ft j .t.-wvAv STAXLYl COI WIT'TO HAVE SPECIAL TERM OF . COI RT Two lVeeltK Term for Trial ef C'ItII Cases WHivne Held; W. H. Saum Chairman School Hoard. 'Albemarle, July 13. The county board of commissioners has rha!e nu order providing for a two week pec ial term of superior court for Staniy county for the trial of civil ctxe. This oi de was thought nece.sir .m -court of the crowded conditions of the civil docket which has becarn-j very rruch congested, largely or. "account o.' the "var and influenza e dcu'ics at wl icn times a number .f tb 3 can te-ms of court were abandoned. Tre chairman of thgbfarH of con)- tri:-.uiners is t-onrrr)nu tnt gov ernor vith a view or obi 1 mug 4i jndre to bold this special tern. The tirie for 1 o'ding "the term han not yen been filed but It is understood tnai ;f a i'l.lvc can" be obtained at that time that R will be held abo .t. the lalt,?r part of.Auguist and the first part of tSeptciiil.tr. i J j W. H. Snuggs of Albemarle has been elected as chairman of the coun ty board of education, to fill the posi tion of. Prof.! O. D. Ritche sometime ago. Mr. Snuggs is a druggist in this city,' was: for a number of years chair man of the county board of elections and was also a memlber of the town board of commisloners for ; several years, and it is thought that his selec tion will meet with general approval. While the board of education was in session yesterday, Z. V. Ross, of Albe marle, was reelected county i welfare officer. ; Mr. Ross has held this posi tion for the! past year and his re election is iproof of the satisfactory manner in which he has filled . this position. His selection was without opposition. ' . J b George Davis Pardoned. . Stiitesville,: N. C, July 14. George Davis, white youth of about IS years, has been pardoned by Governor Morri son, and is expected to go to Washing ton, I. C, to live with his mother, j On February 2. 1020. while an in mate of the Barium Springs -Orphans" home, ijear here, Davis shot and kill ed a fellow-inmate of the institution. Tjaiirie Auten. The bnj-s were at work In the wood at the "time, engaged in a quarrel and Davis secured a, shot gun and killed Auten. Following the murder, Davis escap ed. Later he was apprehended and tried in Iredell superior court and sen tenced to serve two years nt the Ire dell county home farm. He had serv ed about nine months of the sentence when pardoned. j -- Returned IHissionary to Be Honored in Concord. Charlotte News. V Miss Bright Matthews went to Con cord Wednesday morning to pay a brief visit to her sister. Mrs. John J. Barn- hardt. and friends. She will le honor guest at a j dinner given by friends there, celebrating her return to Am erica, after six years spent in Korea as a' missionary of the Southern Pres bvterian clmrch. She is supported in the mission field by the Men's Bible Class of the First Presbyterian Church of Concord, i She .will, go 'to Montreat in the next few days for a conference. Miss Matthews Will remain in the state about a year lcfore returning to the mission field. She is spending her vacation! here with her sister?. Miss Mary Matthews, of South Tryon street, and Mrs. J. L. Delaney, of Cent ral avenue. . I . . .-. - : .- . : , Will Cost Coast Line Employes $33,500 a Month. . ? Rocky Mount. N. C." July 14. It is estimated that the reduction of wages of railroad employes, recently san nounced by the Railway Labor Iioard at Chicago, will amount to approxi mately $33.5Q0 per month in the total amount paid to the Atlantic Coast Line workers at this point. A tree that flourishes in the South Sea Islands produces fruit which, as a food'i resembles- very closely a newiy- bakeil loaf. - On account of this it ts popularly known as the bread tree. JAPAN ANT) CTIIN.VACTEPT THE HARDING INVITATION To Attend Conference to DUcuhh Limi tation of Armament. -. , Washington. July ILjJuparrn ac-ceptaci-e of President Hfrdim sug gcMioa that a ttinfctenci to ;diacusj limitation! of armaments wax received at the State Department, but It made i no . reference to a divcu ssif u of . the Far Eastern qucstiou. irnqualified accept an; by the .Chinese government also wax receir ihI. state I)epartment official would make no comment oiiytLe form of the Japanese reply. whJc wax pot made public. . i -. The xilence of thi Jjtpanexe govern- Eastern :prolems was fyit Inlievrii, however ;to have iutcrrKffnl n xerioux obstacle to the carrying! out .of the plan., It wax indicated that the for-n mal invitation would le forwardffl to Japan ax to the powers! which have transmitted full acccptafu-ex, and in the eiid. official s lx.lieve Japan would accede to the dual program. It wnsiiot indicated ivhether the United -'States would make further in quiry, either formal or iiiformat as to the attitude of Japan. FORESEES A NATION OF CLIIT DWELIERS Hotel Man Say Hijfh Rents Mean Passing of Old-Fashioned Home. t'hicago, July 14. Thtj- o'.d-fashion-' ed American home ix parsing, and in due time will be. exhibited along with the stuffed dodo., bird an 1 the egg of the great auk 1 uture generations wi 1 be houseil in appartment hrMsex nnjil hotels and Americans will lecmie a nation of cliff-dwellers. TJiis ix the earnest pre diction made by delegates attending; the national hotel men's annutl meet- in'' " . . ' ' . ; -. "The renaissance of cliiTHrhvellers is coming," said F. G. Both well, na tional secretary of the International Stewards' Association. "Cities of. ho tels, a whole nation of lujtelx already Hie mass exodus froih the costly, burdensome houses 'has gained Impe tus by the present high rent era. "The. ordinary young Iman has nor the funds to furnish a home when he And he has spoiled his wife so she dreadstbe workaday existence with dust pan and k!tcherr stove. So they 1 art life In a two-room apartment already furnish ed. "Besides," added Mrs. Tda'C Bray, president of the Women's Hote! A soeiation, "Women toijay are lazy. They prefer to live in hotel apart ments with the maM service furnlsh- ed, the beds made, the e ishes washed and the sew'.ng done by ex."3- . fhutei amploy Movement to Encourage Building. Henderson. X. C, July 14. A sur- Ivey of vacant lots in the city was got- I 4 1 , .I'll 1. , ieu uihut way nere mix wivk ;uhht the auspices of the Chamber of Com merce, the object being to chart on a hnsrn hlnenrtiit- th locution of lots available for the building of rexl- age purpose, ine cnau5.- m . -dences or business structures. One Mitution. they wrd.- cojM not l- representative from each of the half 'stretched to Include liquor for tn!ir dozen real estate conccrnjs here form a dual and Industrial ton V committee of the Chjpr Com-j. 0 nlrnd Tratk Causea Dealb merce wh.ch has the inflfteT In hand Qf 0lM. And injury of Three Other.. Every reaxon:l.le mdument will, C.a- July l.T-S. F. WH4i. lie offered the owners of the property i f YaMosa VtA fTriht conductor on to inrprore it, .The hotinx xhortage, s,,thr i Flor .lt here continues acute. deMnte the fact that a large numlier of '-- " the iwistfew. loen Completed during weeks. Two Machines Wrecked In landing. Newport News, Va-. (July 14. All the airmen forceil down at various points on the Virginia coast during the bombing maneuvers yexte relay, re - turned to langley Field (last night and this morning, but son of the ma- chines will be shipped (back a junk, Two machines were wrecked in mak- ins foreed lamlinfi-x. hut lio one -was in- jurel.: '., " Two-thirds of the world's gold sup- ply is concentrated mi the United States and more is coming In. VOTE ON i:K( OMMITING ROM S JULL TOMOKKOU' Lrader on Both Siilm AtTrr Tliat Cr rommltJal I .Wurrd. ! Wafbiugtoii.'j). (., July H.. vote on ;-etuuiittliig the xoblier lnu Mil to-llie finance commitf ec will lx rertch f ijit 2 p. m. lomorrow under una ui nioux (imxeiit ngreiuent arrlvi at late yexterday. , Until the vnfe U reacbetl the retunuiftal moUrni and the bill itxelf will l-e held .ntlnu.iHy U-fore. the Senate. Both republican and - ilciiiivraHc lenders 'were ngn-ttl txlay that, recm tuital !wa axxured; but the demo crats In conentiig to tlie voting agree ment let it tekiwmn that they not wl JL' n?HMd ppoc l he4iaot Imt, hut Would xeefc- to itutrut thr flmiei iM mittee to rexirt the hill ln k nt nil ear ly date. - ROMS FOR WAR VETERANS To Be One of Prinripal Siibj-U nt Convention of lUinhovv Dhiin A'eterann. . , . . jj ;. . Cleveland. Ohio. July 14. r.onu for war veterans will W one of the princi pal xulje-tx dixeuxxed durine the t orxl annual conventhm f the Itaiidxiw Division Veteran' Association J.y del egates from units from 2 xtatex. which opened a four dayx x.hn here today. , - - . , B i i I-1 i H " 'Farm Labor Situation IJelievrd. Iliirham, X. II., July 13. The farm lalMr situation in Xew Knsland.' criti cal during the past few yearx. apjx-ar relieved ax far ax the supply 1 -ti-cerneL ' ' . ' . Harry C. Wlxxlworth. farm Jnaiia ce ment siecialiht of the State College ex tenxion service, rcixirting on data frm 2H5 Xew Hampshire farnr wiy nlxmt S5 per cent, had more lalx.r available than last year, and 00 per vnt. Mafe1 thev would need no more help ithnn In lirJO. ;' i I "Tliii wouM indicate." Mrj Woxl worth a Id. "that xnrcity of labor 'will, not Ik a limiting faHor in production here this week. In fact, only is jwr cent, of the farms xhojv an inclination to reiluce pnxluction. and alxnt half of thoH state that the iTonomjc ltna tion rather than the laU.r qneMion has pnmipted thlx plan. Farm wages have leen reduced trmi 7 to 12 ter c-enf Of J.Vi men employcxl hy the month on the New HampMiire farms reporting, the average wRe wa $47 aud loard. which In the jiaM- of marrfed ineu meanx cah wagex and hoaxe. garden, milk, wood for fuel, and other privilegex. (it tlMic nxm hired by the clay the averatre wage wa $3.10. with dinner. ji; j Three Senators Brand New Dry Bill HlenJ. Washington. I. C.v July 12. Tle pending meixure In the Senate. whVh supplement the Volstra.p ct. a proncmnceil nnconMiinlkmal ;thlf ternoon by Senators Kikx, Ixxlge and Williams.'- These contended that the Eijtiteenth Amendment gave (W grexx only power to prevent tle mauu- frfctnre and sale of liquor for "never- iLlj,rd u. girti to death ln4 three tot her trainraen injure! j when R,Klth-urMi freight train wax iwrerke! I near.1rila. jnxt xmith of TJfton. tr I afternoon. The engine and eight were derailed when the evjrw struck H cow. Webb wa4riitine in the enrtoe at the time of the acchlWit. y . ' ! t CcUon (wiimfci in une. Washington. July Mime(l I dur'cg June wa 4il-4-J of linf and 4ST hale of liuters !te census bureau announced today. C' f wimptlon in Jane a year ago w .r 15o bales of Hot and of liater- Abi ntlie wa at find nxr-d by a Fren-h only ax a navor tor tue Hier I beverage. !: sisr.-. jtitt. Jt4t fvtv- W.ft ' 4 if f . i if 4V1" t-ct lit. .t-f Srt I" i- It r.'.fr-J: t. tvlf" !. ir.4.j'J ;tt- it-g l is ?s t- ji'ifrit(i' itt.i rl ' t l-'-lMrt$ fl fit!- ,; tf, SI S? It 1UI ?. t i &- rtictt t !t-ttel ! '?- "' TI "sr f st 'r"K-4lri t. If r t mH t -Uk mt Ijilr(Alrk. KWr l ItftW Ac4 lVr.nt.it fiin Iui) 1 f - fclr l i c Ciifli ru' Ktr. t i ut.f w. ff lt- UHhWr f tr i!ilt, ffrf 1 4lr hj .MVI f $fit i if lr ! In tf Jl luf U 11- ti i-'..sr. ;MUtj ! j.ll lttUl j ft . thr'igUmi !Uc lml3 tg, oJ l-f ?4iMshi"r. laiift MrATtiW", m m tt- ATTIIMPT 111 AVKM K TRAIN CARRYING II At Ut.HH CAR? Sptke and Hale lU-med frura lKf IU1U f a Tmia tx fh V r OtHral. ' tlrtrland; July JL- An jttJt f wmk an Amerktt IUt Kt- CoraptiRy I rain of f.tfi c.r, re rjinj? a rfi. ,tstuel at tsxiifly udt lhm dlUr. w udi ! niir eH of WUhrtighby. Ohio, rarty t.'. ' eonlinc tn.-fitVaiU. of if Ne Centra! "Railway ft-r U ttiiwor' ere that tnre than 15 ptv-; bl pidle! a nj the plate 1 ! fivn the raiU. . I f- Railroad detethe rrjwt: that th company td hi-wif near WilSoJiU-y was. broken Into arl ft (t. ru moved with whirh nn pULe re and pl'eftw! mkitsjr for 2f ti fore St wa -f(iNl. rrm er orerturitc1. IIHRING ON ALI.IKII i LOAN RKITNHING BII4- IyHtrr IYm IVrmlrr I.td la Ilarrd en Ibe Rercartl mt tit Sra ale Finance t ommlllre. ; Watddngtcww t. U Jitty 11. A Irt ter from lreml-r IJjt t President Wilx-.n date! Ausm! IW. and chuling with a phph.I fr cHlatlou of " lntertiatinat r dH!. wax places! In lb m-ord of tlw ate Fluatwi ciiurlttee tlay i f tr ury olfw iala clurijig IJh hearlse t tlw adiiiiiiUtrnt imi nHSi !an t-f o!tis 1.111. - A 'cablegram on lb nb) from the British narirtlinr 4f It; chequer to It. , IJnxay. r1r U tle BritUli trary in tbl timntry. which wax tmnmft!e to the Utt..-l-tant Secretary Uffiticm tl, of lis Treamry !cparf menf. !! re nfed.. ... "..I'-.. VIRGINIA RKPI'BLICANS ; IN SESSION AT NORt'OIJi Protvpertiie Natniaer fr 'lKHere Saja the Negro Qtet Uo i lhr4 "' Iwaue. Norfoli.. Jnly H InMd$nt re v!lon of the Vircfida cif ilfclw-f., te romy and biiire admit.!! ratio to state affair, and 4frtln?: fbat tb T)"fr que f WH la -clecMti ! Virginia, Jtr.rv W. A reli -. p J peetfre nominee for mrnf, tbi afterncxm Mirlel lh kern at n rcnublican tate convention, Indieatlona. are tbat An h r lxxh will form th lt f'r a lat form which will w adit Bf totozM txaion. '' MEDICAL REEK !UU Vheeler 'fay It I riTrl I De ' trwy Nailonil rtthiUtUm. Wafchincton. July 14 -41 taftMt tttat the "Hth hour rally la ! iwt n uir the ineciks! tf ax a tt4tl tnte for txw hw I be- Mtrt" ? tte opposition m ib-trtf nat"tal p bib Hon" Wayne- It. WheHar,. pwral coun! for tb sntl b !re- hU today; The prv.t w tn.r Ing preaeffptiwo of k-.l"l ; tf tyt clan l a protection t. that Urz r reot of Ife m!lr! prof alvi ar true to ther M-aU" ' ' RaJi!. AriMinieH l Stwrrred VaniWr ' ;' frd '- WahiryrtcHu t JM 14LTh ainxWotioc nt of Itott II Kh. f - . . . .41. t .... 4 Jiallry. iHirii rrf:H-jni ii reccr of North VmtiMn -w ftwmr m fo!.iy by tie 1?ttetiwl Brtf-waw I nartnw nt. ' ! n-"-r-t TTs. II Vlrt"tt At the mi fin- tins- the IMrean utumt rti th" llutBlif r.f A. It,. lV4tr, of Trl ity. a aUimnt itrtr. j Pani:er far th Vo-H !. who mi tlxe- brmi trn w&siinx t I Ws Paru a4 - llar. Mf l te taken to Itirre tr afnl3, Tie planc. wii! , leave L &srs-t hours after to boat traiaji Late C parted. ;:.' . "- . . , , Tt rxirnlare tf ttAxAfrxi i tf li wh! ii!afhQ '! tta t ailed ffa?r I mltT iMsy ttan It haa te-n niuce l&Jx Ccnditm.1 In fht It it While l! 1U IW IVw mil la ji tr-4liiu COMitTIOVI.V OTHKIi 8tATt in Mct Mxtkn tif thr Coilttn Brit T .t 4 ,4 4, 4 if 4.c i. ii im . k v i i-i m ti. it. mi-y 5tt ' ,4,, lr 4 ,4ipT)M JI T tMf eW x t fi I ' nMMai tt terw ati-J in T,4 t v i 1 4.S vf 4r'l Is, , t- 4si tV4-4f. ff ttr; fir ! , t Mor i t Uit.4K ft i'f ,.t ; MSnt, 4 4.. f s Tfc, reie f r li ,.! v IM, Mh I itilMh !( tft.ff J1t, f : VV4rvtl. MM- 4MiXC'4l ,4-...Vf. . t um ir4i' wt I- t t: .f ;r'le je-J ft' I t It MULING l tU Tak tUm mt. r.ctr-r. !t V JM? II Irit Ali..,'n'l )?iHi4 Jrf ? 4t tT . t lemw i ck-4tnti rfjfW- itirv.iti.. ln4iilM.; tnyt. t rel .mmt 'thtwMmm 4 re rii f 1 iriHt ,; ?er T lt- ff nt 1 fi'rmtt i ta! Jrliiih ntf n f4,f,,l t n ! re ;, of fte f Hf 4mtH-t 3 . !!, If i4i i.i f-ik tw tf mt tmU f'M. - if j Ktiiimim. ' f.f - l.e ni-r aUg IV ,- .. T1 t 'f Ne "Aiak? f'r a b-rl l in It UlrMine f P j Wtw tliBP t'lot 4jito.t ffontM !!n4i. tle a 4.in. nt . llm lifonfa ! t-t with iMWtl ! -4nMf . . and iattiMttit aiHr f ilt II a f!rctift ls -f tttithflUm- ilii1:iili:.i( 'f!e itmlUM r-t if Tlitti. !! a4l ii t5,i Jj !:-' f1, ftnf ft.ltifr fl aw! tlJr - j' -tnexi! 4e iHitlj'; - Tle !t ine of lf sf It4. ,?;of at mm 'tti4r awHrwf fe r ut-tr tlu tote ,"$ fff if4 owe ne.'trl.i- IVt ! ffl a4t' cli- in imnttum f na tfc kt iirr; fH ?i ( ie irreaf hd raiiStlr 4lm1M ttiii tm lUtl tlre aif fe. tmi tif f . ' f It':ife frt.KW4r-, te U-!, evrr,! taalt,4iI. ft4.ty toll- e !( la Mill fff f a.f. !ftir in Or t J4iwi atlfj itar ffo wt.t i I J 4 t& jijr of iln, Jje-ij, iartocl t ff;!ttJi. i lift Uff rrl;f I tti July e4wu iirr f if .t rrmiptttYt tmpm -. fwrn feap .-f J.J ty, eeri mUw lr ,-4 e!tt -t ll mf tJi - firm 10 be au'h an ttiiwtiM t nrritul tftm mm 1 t-t y f kw Vej'rrt4. Is -esta !. f any I? ! . ts fac"L t.W;ttry tiit ' that ttl -"ff.tJ -40imn4 ' '!--s- tori 4jr, t'Cftara hin.lil-lrtei'M rofif s$fr a 'iffmt- f ri$-0rm 4t!jfftg rtrrtrtl i tX . XLaary Car af nrxWi fVwfftM IV Sty. Slt-ry, X.- fV.TJ?j tttl' .!:ltrfTi RatttaAf fe. tlW f r ! wr-n flit iiif j! mt r ar k!n Bl?t.l fy f ;,tBia tHr- tiirf-ti -it i tLrctt iti nr jpjiawr H4i thruch r f r"T! erta fa,lw ift a ettiaet Sraai, . M- tWs .3, T Late lerw'rvW-v t it, S tf tl fti, H'V?.fei.it, Jeff x r.a tte Njr ",fSr fr tti day; ' . j Irrd.fl Tat Ital. Zt'frtd. wfrvK N f Ji: t'l rf tw 4i-,rmiuly HMm fl f fai f Cm ff t tje ifr tt'f ty rt w ii p4K !IV t--f- ty tat wtj jfii-t f I i rnat fr -ftiwrail (ijr irj JI -ft- ferial .;fiNIJ ' l- nMf l"S4f el .l et fr ft-4. - -l t ef it jy;Tr? Ufr. iel'Aiu- iUaii..,, .. 1 - - TTircai 4 j-2tH'-4rr ran trt . rfttw io tii .r fr a 4iuaee rf mq ts-iu. .

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