-t I I ! t : i IT !! ) t 10. )'! ! v; f l V Sine K H ILL, Editor and Publisher. r i PUBLISHED MONDAYS xrw T TT TT n w V ! 1 A II D ? THURSDAYS !:i' r t39 Yt Sfw-r t ' i B. Pff I iRRA SITUATION Wm SDISCUSSED TODAY i flowed Session at Confer In lttween Health 0 ial, '-From the Southern States aiuK.cn; Cummmg. KAfNI)ANCE niP of State Officials Said VTheV Would Dispute Any Claim That Disease Has Beached Serious Stage. j - Tlie' 'pellagra j, -el ill fl closed .liiii'""- ;1l ;i .conference he- - ,,!!il;llS ri'Olll rVMUIICril " ,. Cpi.it:. Cimiuiing .:a ft mii ,,u!il!-' lf.it x rvKf. jlngof thel Irish republican imrlinmen . f ihe.M. n- ntlfcials said i to consider j the Itritislt government' ... ..-,! Ik" ' m Terence room mar . ... ..I.. I... i...t scyions propor i c 1 1 i I !' v. Information tl,.l,i ill i1" M l lilllt'lll !IS ll ruiMUl Hll!, (Ij. y .i 'it;'"t1'-' not pi''! HI ' w ;i.H ' infonifilete and .i.n.litinns. . -. (r 4 tin'im nii- ! liiiliil ilil'"!'!! i;itiin. from staro otti- jy. VoiilWi'iH'e w.'is (failed- aftor lMlciit liMiiliiiu ml i-oquestod 4he li'Hh k,m1 :"ross ,lffl(',a,, , hke 'iiii'jK-iif''-. ,ne tlireat- tni niv;i- .f i-llara in Southern TliV .-riiu1 luiiltli ollicfrs- attending id. r.rfifVn-iH-1' iiic-liidi'd W. .-It. Kankin, ,,f North Ciinifnii i:f.ire-cntiiiiv-s .f (he lte Cross, tiir--- 'Vl' i'f from the DepartniPiit of ;v.'iiiiiitiiif iiii'I a down piihlie health Vrvire 4ii-i t Is. iiiiumj; Ihein ,I)r. Jos. i;HIr;'cr. pelljijrrjt ex)ert, particl Idled in Hi'' ilisciissioiis ; u npinintr 1 onferenee Surgeon (jnif.1111 (-'fiiniiiiugs discussed the jfella p sinnitiiwi. possibility of Increase in iiiy.i ni'Xl year and prospective pro pin t" wit li existing conditions - mil itiosf tlii-catcned for r.rj'2. . lr. iMdlierser .pn'sened data which lie mi'hI imliciitcd 'a market increase in id,, ilix'asc. otlicials summarized in iriitiu irpmls as li -onditions in llirlr s!:its. ,' : tmnK MKVSTKITK, BY fitt Knofknl I neonselous by. Bolt . Fine Hear Hounds Are Killed. Spencer, Aug, 3 Three Spencer jdtinj: men Wnf; D. Klzziah, former postmaster, Clyde Kizziah,' and Lewis (rue, the latter chief lerk to Supt. J. H. Richnvound of the Spencer ter miiials, ar slowly recovering front i near j fatal accident front a stroke of lightning. The young men were on tW. hunt near Mount Mitchell and ifterrhasing a bear all'day.the party including five mountaineers, one horse and a fine "pack of hounds, f stepped on the mountain to rest. The five, mountaineers actitig as -guides lay down at the foot of a large tree while the Spencer, men lay dosVn some .15 fwt away. Just at this juncture a s!mn .bolt -uf lightning struck the treo, stunned the entire party of eight Efn, killed two fine (bear hounds, knock a horse senseless and tore up tlie tree. The Spencer men were less imrt than the others and. after a short time were able to go to the Teseue of their. mountain guides ffl five of them king jincounscious .'and 10 miles from e'en" a farmhouse to say noth JnS of a doctor. By heroic work on art of 'Messrs. Kizziah and Cruse and ) the use of cold water found near hand the five men finally -showed some signs of life. It was principally .V WOI'liin? their npim. o n A. lao. IVim thev were revived. It is needless to y the hunt was broken up and the w'ar got' awav . - FORMAL INVITATION for American Representative to At fnd .Meetinsr of Allied Supreme (ouiipii at Paris Twlay. v '"iiuon. Aug. 4. A formal invita- un tor un American representative to ii MiiM-iiiig -of the allied supreme ""'""li whi,-ii opens in Paris next "iay was.; communicated to the "'ru-an emkissy here this, after :n t))roii-i,!tiu. French -ambassador, t'ti'd stnies Ambassador Harvey, ac MM,'.i,i,y ., small st. wiu jeaye larison Saturday. ' 'brer Fislitmi4., r:i..i nj v atucd iJoat. ! ' , m,w ,Y,Tk- Al,K- -4. Three fiisher K . V."I' flom disabled motor C I . ui,'s olt' 'e Florida coast on il,, ,' .werbnmgiit here todav.'fiy ,H "li'P Ni it a Theresa. '"W1 Silil tlu'y left Palm Beact rVu"! i?'Ul been without water 1 l'HH Till. r. .... . . ,,m' motor '"at heannir the naiue of man fn Mi ISSlIlO" l!.,i. .., i . . -i " -""v i resiaenc in Mexico. 's.,' '.as"- rex-sis. Ausr' 4.-Wnvio C Mia; l1Ssni- J'NwMent of the nii( ,l, v''nue Trust Company, ol luui VritV 1? i"1 1!u' vk'inity of Chihua , Slum rt TV0, iU'l'or(linS to a tele- n' banke1,301 !"U'ea tha the arrest of l!icaii i H-fi ninentarily expected. 0Wratinn. "lal; if was sa' were co-' at'ngnvct his captm.e- teJ5' .lr:e we get into a slight V 72 fn f lnwcase the heart's labor i l0"t pounds.. W wf 0K-alf million 'people of UU1 to ihe sea for their liveli- Mi ni IRISH SITUATlO De Valera and Associates Decide I to gummon Full inon 4 uiiiaiutiit IU VvUII" sider British Proposals. ULSTER'S ANSWER IS UNFAVORABLE Conflicting Reports Have Come in From Dublin and Belfast Concerning Posi tion of the Ulsterites. JOiidou. Aug. 4. The Mrbdi sltna- t jtook ; it sensational turn today! when it wnj annoutued Jo iMiMin Hint: I... ..,!. SCIisatlonal hamonn do j Valera and hi associate hnd dochhwl! t loonrtmti : n full irh iironosiiR It has hcf;u rciKirted in Iunlon tltat tho' Diiil JCarcanu would not Jm sum pioncd until I'lster's attitude had lc'n learned, hut ciducident with tjie call ing of a jineetlhff of thlx IkmI.v came nflictlhff -reports from Dublin and Uoifast concern 1 n jr Ulster position. It is reported in Dublin that I'lster has been j sounded and ha returned an answer J unfavorable ti the Sinn Fein's proposals; while in Belfast af ter an important meeting of the cabi net, it. wasJ.nW stated that the Ulster minister ha'd received no message from de Valera. j ; While these reijorts at a first glance seem irreconcilable, it is pointed out that possibly Iioth may le correct. The fact thatt)ie Ulster cabinet itself has not1 received "a communication would not, it is noted, preclude thepossibil ity of an; informal dis-ussiou between the northern and southern leaders. . Irish Parliament-to Meet August 16th. DnblinJ rup. 4. Tle IrisU republi can parliament has lieen summoned to meet Tuesday, August .-.Jflth. the Irish Iiulletin, the official' republican organ, announced I tonight. Notices have been wnt to aU niemlKrs of the parliament. FIUXCK- XOW BOASTS OF A CONFKDEKATE CHAPTER li Prince Camille ile Pollgnaee, for lVIiom i ' UaplCrat-:..3iCS' JCftii!d:-IV U Iv South, f jf '--vi.;'. V- s s -.Xewton,jAug. '4. An item of un usual interest to the Daughters of the Confederacy in North Carolina and elsewhere ijin the United States is the chartering;, of a U. D. C. chapter in Paris, (France, which has just been done by the recording secretary gener al, -Mrs. ("Wright, of Nerberry, . C.,' wtiiie Mrs, f. lvl wunams, oi wewton, has signed the Certificates as registrar general. .The chapter bears the name of Prince Camille de Polfgnac,' a major general Inl the Confederate army, and is known' as the, Major General de Pol- gnac chapter. -Prince-Polignac came to the Con federate ;states and on August 27, 1862, was commissioned a Lieutenant colo nel, first, on the staff oi General Beauregard and later on that of Gen eral Braxton Bragg. He was mention ed for gallantry in the battle of Rich mond, Kyi, August-30, 1862. On Janu ary 10, 1863, Col. de Polignac was com missioned! brigadier general and serv ed under! General' Kirby Smith and General! Richard Taylor in the Red river campaign. At the battle of .Mans field, on S April 8. 1S64, he took com mand of the division as major general At the close of the operations on the Wacheta river a"hd the close of the Red river canitpaign he went on a leave of aibsence If to France to farward tne southern; cause-in mat country, in eD ruarv 1865. . v s- ' Soon after the close of me.vvoria War. the Countese de Polignac came south, and brought with her the sword used bv her father, which now hangs in the Confederate museum; Richmond, Va.. her "gift to the people he so faith fully served. : FREIGHT RATES ON COTTON SEED MEAL UNREASONABLE. Interstate Commerce - Commission . Benders Important Ruling Today, Washington, Aug. 4. The' Inter state Commerce Commisalou held to- dav .that freight rates, on cotton seetl inenl nnd meals of like kind from iio fn iointa in Virginia and Carolina territories and, north of the Potomne River lire unreasonable and prejudicial . Rates on these meals to Knoxville, the Commission said, are not unreasonable, but they are pre judicial! to the extent that tbey.ex- nooH in a rtisfnnce nasis tue raies ou lilro.riiffie to Nashville. Rates on mixel feed from Knoxville th eommission said, are unreason able, hut as to points on and south of the Southern Railway line irom Greensboro, N. C thev are unduly prejudicial in that 4hey exceed on a distance basis the rates , on traffic from i Nashville Avith a minimum dif ference of 4 cents lower tnan tnese rates., and to 41ie extent that they ex ceed the lowes rae on like raffle from Memphis, Louisville and Cincinnati, as to points north of the Greensboro Goldsboro lines, the rates were held unduly' prejudicial in that they ex ceeded rates on similar traffic from Nashville or Memphis. . Baby Clinic at Salisbury. - Soiiihnrr. X. C. Aug. 3. The-Kotr- nmfonntv health officef and city and county; nurses are to liold a bay clinic le-rn man v details about the diet and; believed to 'be - the oldest? church In care of babies. :l 'continuous use in the United States. vf wwt at wliun momers tun CONCORD, f , LaFlor De Com Silk 1 i w.'x iif. m vni' yf i i iir rill i i . n i - r y it: i w m v. - s-, t w .. r -r . i - 1 SlMPi IN ORDER TO AVOID ! ADDITIONAL TAXES The Government Expenditures Thu lear Must Be Redtirrd Over ?250, 000,000. "Washington, Aug. 4. A cut of more than $2"(MHKMR in the ordinary ex penditures of the government, this year s necessary if additional taxes are to e avoided, the House ways and menus committee was informed today, by Sec retary Mellon. On the present esti mates he said the total government cost this year will he $4..VU,(K0.orK. of which $:i.s:iO,0MHiO must come from taxation.. - . Even with the suggested reductions. Mr.' Mellon said the internal revenue yield for the year i'vmiltl not. be per mitted to safely fall Ik1ow $.'V7tKX), the, estimated yieht under' the existing aw."',' TvTv .rs,"!.' '"' v1i - The Treasury Secretary 1 told the I committee that actual expenditure for the first fall month this fiscal year in dieated that unless, there was "extra- I- ordinarly new effort" to reduce expend i- tures" the estimation wliich the Treas. ury had presented might he regarded . as conservative. Ordinary expendi tures lor July he said amounted.: to $322,000,000 as against $.W.OOO.ooo for July 1020," Avhile current deficit - last month was $113.000,000 . as against $7G,000,000 In the same month a year ago. ' " . ' .' : : ' r ' , : ' Tim COTTON MARKET - i Sharp Rally In Liverpool Sends Prieen 20 to 27 J'ointg Higher. New York, Aug. 4. Bullish private crop advices seemed responsible for a sharp rally in Liverpool and an op-1 eniug advance of 12 to u5 points in the cotton market here today. Ever since the publication of the very small crqp indication by the Department of Agriculture on Monday. Texas has been sending in crop complaints and one of the telegrams published here today-by a leading spot house said un less conditions soon change for tne better Texas might not produce two million hales. There was some scat tering reports of crop deterioration in central and northern Texas, causing a decline,-while he market here soon sold up to 13 :15 for October and 13:10 for peceroler or about 20 ,td 27 points net higher. ' v : Cotton futures opened firm. lct. 13:00; Dec. 13:48; Jan. 13:42; Mar. 3:0S; May 13:78. L FVLL MEETING OF THE IRISH PARLIAMENT TO BE CALLED. Reported That Ulster's Reply " Has IJeen Reeeived and That It is Not Favorable. Dublin Augf 4. A full meeting of the Irish republic parliament is to be called. Official announcement of the call with -the date for the meeting, will be published in tonight's issue, of the Irish Bulletin. . It is reported that the reply of Ul ster has been received and is not fav orable Ilaskins and Griffith to Be Placed on Trial Today. r u Petersburg, Aug. .1. Raleigh lias kins and Judge Griffith, j confessed slavers of Steven P. White, were taken to Dinwiddie Court Hous today io stand trial early this afterhomi. , They had no military escort in spite of the reptu-ts that they would le lyncheil. They were aken hy the sheriff and a force of 20 deputies. V WEATHER FORECAST i . Generally fair tonight aud Friday; slightly warmer Friday in north por tion.' 'Moderate , to fresh north and northeast winds, The largest landholder in the Brit ish empire is the new Australian knieht. Sir Sidney Kidman. He con trols5 over 32.000,000 acres, which carry about a. ; quarter of -a million catUe and many thousand norses. Old Bruton Church at Williams burg. Va. bum in tne year mu, is N. C. THURSDAY. AUGUST 4, 1021. . 11 ' i ; . WAGE KEDt CTIONS OF rfe f . I 124)00. EMPIOVE. fa --. ! M Lynn, Mass.. Aug.: 47 Vnge rv ,4: duct in anVeting 12.XI employes f the General Klectrie Omipauy -t plant here was anitum-ed tday. tH T3ie cut will vary -in1 amount with 4r : the wveral classes 'of employes & $ unskilled workers' wage .being 4 relue'l most, ' ; ' je & S TURN TRINITY COLLEGE OVER TO THE VETERANS Dormitories of College Will Be IVed As Quartersi . During Confederate Re-onion.-.-r '--''.b. - " uw. Ti :r:!-v . '' Trinity College, Dnrhaiu Ang. 3. Preparations for the entertainment oft the (knfederate veterans of North Carolina who will hold their reunion nere august z.,, ana -.. are rapiuiyHupplh-ft. yMtiM-nt nie. 11m' iifrn uf assuming final form. The splendid plat f Trinity college has leen ium- ed over to the committee,' am! the con venient and modernly equipped dormi tories' of the cndlege and-of .the Trinity I'ark school.will afford ; ample ac comimHlat.'ons fr the .Mfollowers ' of Ixe. and Jackson. Gen. .'Julian 's. Cnrr, the belovel tumander of the army of Northern Virginia, is untiring in 'Ids. efforts -.to see .that nothing will he wanting in the care for the teteran. As chairman of the main eopimittee he has appointwl snlxnnmittees which will assist in the details of the pro gram. The fund which is being rais ed by popular subscription Is only a few hundred dollars short of the goal, and Thursday of this week the lawyers and doctors of the city will engage in a game of baseball at the' league park to Increase, the entertainment funds : In having the equipment of the col lege at their disposal the soldiers will be afforded the best possible living arrangements The large lawn, a beau tiful and cool, woodland stage suitable for assembly purposes, other assembly rooms, and everything to make them comfortable will make tlie 700 or .SOO visitors who are expected, enjoy their stay. In thus-turning over the plant of the college. Trinity is in line. with a policy which of recent years 'has spread throughout the country. Many educa tional institutions have turned over their equipment for gatherings of this sort. Some years ago the North Caro lina Press association held its annual convention at the college, and in ad dition to this there have been con ventions of the Daughters of t he Revo. Intion, of Sunday, school and . Bible con ferences, and of various other public organizations. Recently the conference of eastern North Carolina Metliodisin was invited by the college to make Trinity the annual meeting place. This would of course necesxitate 'the holding of the session at a time- when the regular college yer was not in ses sion. The invitation wan referred to a committee and it is probable that some action will be taken on it at the session which meets at New Bern fn Novemler. Golden Wedding. 1S7I-1!C1 : y- Mr. and Mrs. J. C Burr is ; re-nest the honor of your preenee at the fiftieth anuiversary of ; "their marriage Tueslay- afternoon. Ausut i-ixteenth at three o'chnk Stantiehl, X, C. PostofSce Messenger Held up by Bandits St. IjouIs. Aug. 4. Tliree bandits tolay lield up and slngged Tomm'e Selaido. a nostofliee messenser. at Wool River. Illinois, near , here, andj es'apef:I with three mail .pouches. : one of which Is tielieved to have contain ed $ti0.000 in currency cons' gned to the Standard Ml refinery at Wftod River. ... - j, ' -.?-' . A thumb lost through an accident has -been replaced by the patient's I big toe. through the skill of a noted ; French surgeon, AMEKK'ANS LIBERATED ItV SOVIET AI TIIOKIT1ES Man and Woman. Former PrUenrrk, Have an Affertinx Meeting In Iter, lin.. ' - , Berlin. Aujt. 4.I 'apt. Mrhn V, CKtnr. f JaeliMttiviUe, Ha who n. apeJ fndu h pritou in MtMw after having Nmi ilown dnriiijc ttshfln? lHtwe'il the. Bol-heviki rth! lole. r rived here from Warsaw yeterdajr to st Mr.v Marguerite E. IIarrlii. h wa reeently lit-rntel liy the: urtet aiitboritie. Capt. C-ir de-iiirel Mrs. Harrison had taed hi lift t-y supplying him with fil miJ rhthe at the Moscow prison Kfore he w innrceratet. v ' A!ien the two Amcrh-fiu who had wich trying pxperlenee In wvlt Ru Ria met in, the lot.lty of. a lierlln ho ;tel "there an THtTertlnfeetlnff: I would have ;gone armituUlW world to ef ton." exclaimed raptalii iCcioper. 'and to tell you I would never have liveI had It mt I-n for thehj, tullt iiwnscl . ! MaeuHloft. your release gave thrill of my life." ine tin greatest T. THE LIQl OR SMI GGLER District Attome3 to Be Summoned to i Washington to Dbmtts Seizure of ;the Henry I Marshall. Washington. Aug. 4. I'niled State District Attorney llayward of New York, probably' will Ik summoned to Washington to discuss the wliure vf the liquor ssnniBgler of the schooner) Henry J. JlMrshall outside the three1 mile limit off Atlantic City. .Wltant Attorney General ("off said today the: department of.jnstlce had the matter of calline Mr. llayward here under; consideration. . , ' GofT Kiid he would get in .touch with Mr, llayward tday to learn the fact of. the. case and discued Sir. Ilay wanl's reprtefl amnunceinetit that all ships of foreign registry would le liable to seizure outside the three-mile limit for liquor smuggling. In general he added that he did not Ix-lieve the law permit the xdzure if vessels of foreign registry more than thri'e miles oufT J No general intnictlnn regarding the liquor alourd the ships have gone out from the department nr bahre any request for opinion other than the in-transit shipment of whiskey leen asknl. i HONORING THE DE.D CARl'SO The BaMlira of the (hurrh of San Franrinco di Paola to lie Scene of : Funeral. , i Napleu. Aug. 4. Patricia! ami plebian Naples gathered early to.Iay nt tne Ba-rHca of the hnrch of San Francisco n i Paola in anticiitlm t i witnessing the funeral of Lnrieo I'arnwo. the wm-ld femom tenc wlwt diel here n Tueslay. The elitt dec,idel ujion as the last s-ee !n th drama of the tenor's life late yeteH day after King Victor Iinmautiel liad given ijermissbm it might be ul frr thi purpose. ' ..."''-. 1 Representative of the King and the royal family, the Italian government, the municipality and the prefecture were piointed to ateod the wrvice. and the I'nited Stale in which ortin-. r.T t'ani!i re, to h ereatest trlnmph in . the lyric art, bad intrnctM offi cials to appear at the funeral. News From LandK 'Land is.' Aug. 4. At the Ieal Rem lon on Tuesday, there were H2 iwal, preienf. reprewiiiinr nve (tmi, . .V. 'Deal, of Eat Ivrnil, who wa snen tlonel several day ago. wa prew-nt. Mr. Ileal has worked for lb toe pew He for 22 yeara to llie flay without a vniation. a a treel car rndtH-!or, Iter, and Mrs. W. B. Auil I Urn ilv. of Walhalla. S. C are rWtlBir Mr. Anil's parent: Mr. ami Mjh.C. J. DeaL : : I - V Mr. Daniel Cor ri her has retnrne! from Chapel Hill. here he Uti.4 the six week" nmmer sctioot at the CniTerity of North Carolina. .' ;. One-tenth of the Jeih population of the world U contained In New York City. j : . "Mi. SO-. I1DIIIG REFUTES i iS70nfinnTonrr,.,!iT J. SKELTOII ViLLL'VnStftT u i itri HOSPITAL Head of the Fct!eral ItrmeTii PmiiJr (m ihr ltitthz iltord Iksmt a ilrfrn of f the i!r 'ir4 I!siUiii Hi AtotnUnitiin Ikfortj for Ucj I Dla!4rd IDENICIlARnns : OF 311 1, W1UJAMS iWorktnsii of National Crrdi it hyjttem Are in Hana on Restne Bankt. Which Ihel Board StipcrvUr. i i'tTc ttj' -mt.m 4 IU -1l rrtW rwutio r ltrtiwntlte To, t-j-at4.;s It Kabt In UtW liner 1 !-- jfrf'l i the that fTt f' t Ingr n4l ar Ut4 fr lltf'r Mteii" ! TtMi fe-!lX r-lt' rteitwr lUnhre "t.l ;1 tl to .Umiim It Ulrr. Th .I ffwtii In the citNi;ty c-f , f nrjiiUihle p r " J. J1' qti If ff Itwti Wtnal; rftst ieaim it ti-rfr ! tlitftf tnnkK.";of-or IUriu? M '"Nw tf lhrfsh iitriUwlU1 r lr tw tfr ditrM lnW fu reUH4it, iw inrmter tnk m&Ut Hea! r. the f n- 1ird, hut t tlui ifnt foMtff n4 Infrrfcn, . It u irtte tlf rr-ne tr Un ,ff l rhms an in?rit tmtm r rixtiMt'rjiit after It ha N-o ll cgti h !5trll laid.. Hot iMrt M nercr lieen rtercleit. J soviet asiw wouunts i , TO AID hTAIU XMi lUt l I". S. ami IMli4t Offer Denwinerd a Vaxne and IoldiKij t .....I..,. t. t ft. f :fl ' Uov'H HhU. -In n mmu ,lfef.; over me owictm wireie, afirf-i - the -worker of tb ill.i mt', to them to ghe tij.. erifiog ' ihH BrltUh and CuSt-ed .tatfr -fftrrn menU are making "rgire offer V.f MiUatre timler irbtbrti lcir. Tlie1 term wrtild I l Imp iatJ blow of jmvktUia, would re?Mr White rul In It iia and hnUi p-r-1 mil Ihe BritJ-h and America ger meiif to telle a share In It-; wnrr ment of llnU'i Intertl affair, lb wlrele tlecLiWa. Tle tlt fatnh U dejuTiiMfl a t!e K-ateit mUw. Ity '.pIim-o the famine of P!H tm. tion will h?t UU for fiie reM f l.!21 atvl ejtf?m! Into IffJ2. M I MatM. and the dieae which t lee Stable ctimpnnylng humr-r'l hreMktftg down To the morale f the p'le. "weakre. by ven year f Infernal jatel rt h-rnal strife. 1 lue1 lr tbf 111ri lotetnathmaJe atvl signed ! repTrntatlve fffw t went y nation imlir-lins: Baldwin of the Cliitct Ftate, IU-1I -i.f Irglal: IIe hert of Germany. Ttk.. 'JniH! ami I-enliH of It u l. I--l Kan of Hongnry rwl S-rtimrine f Krauct. lte niatdfeto faa 'tdo kre Iln ralnetl on Unla" at njKot wt he U ' weli Uih rnhe.l .r ten yet of Imirlnati'tle warfare." j BO V KILLED WHEN llflMIt - EXPLODED IN NEW. AORK Two Other SeHoudr InJurrtL tUya Found Bomb on Stalm j lUand. New York. Ang.4 TNe jtar il Frank fa faro. f P.rklyit. I td mini hi I wo J.ntber are erlilf In jured fnm th! VHKn 4t a ! the fmind jeterdy o the f lrl quarantiln jcrrti.l at Jta!te I4anI anl. carrietl te. Tld nmlng ia of tiem lamsnl a ha turner ginf ite ik-v oy. Era ids a flw !o pie-, Ihtw tli !mtih ft emer- ment prtqwrtr Its ,nt leni d-temntn ' J Sa.OO0.aOO Worth 1lMtr Ir1rl D tiring Iat .ear. .Wa.hhigton. A uz. I ffilrf!cg beverage lmprtel Info the t'otfe! J t at ea during the fi! fmt rre t neii at mre thin a..ii. tm jwrfl with atmt f n tW Ier. Ut t-T. affumling l rrir1 if by the fontuterre- I"jirtBet!t. Wirf wa ib Utt ii'tu In lb )it of Jntotkantii; roterli drltg thr year. atiun!ing t iwre Jh4 2y, fna rll. a vtoijirei i?n i.- U in l!Ot Wbiit y.eate In Utgrr tiarjl!i In U Iat year. ltl tui of galifHt. a roterret a ithi SZJ tI ii iu nc. ! Greal Britain Vliffi-. Is; toi f ifcr whiky. Frawv ja1ll3 all it tl? aMijaro i J'ikIo the gr-wfrr at of Ihe 4 her !-, BrUWi iUUl Satmi DirlslUr to a : Aur4 Zi., fWahlsxto, Aug. 4- Th ?2".f tr Brtfllwi It naval dlrtgiU 7.U 2 wil! Mil from Hde. Esiet. Assgt! f.r It authff at l-ai.t. N J, the navy I'-pittdetit &iiaGer4 to Ujy. . ' ".' '-' AinTHOUlKD ItY SFCUXUV MKtiilN The Stn Vmlmtimn Will my i Building to IfnH ?m Bra, i Hst. t-)s2ij f' IMS ni4 I.j MINV liiNtttSV lItl. I lilt Wt-IJ, RIJIP Msnu lnik. '.. - ... . . tav- -4.iw1 i4t m rfea-4i- t1t . 1st - JW 4k t;'fv4iMi ' M - -f H y attaVi i a! i u ' in m. JnH f f4aj ttila airStefWffatll-", 'if . Iff I J4!fl -slU fffJ , aitai '. f7if4 4 ih I . fTiinBI, Hs , It, tl. 1 4t ai mvsH'tm 4 . fte f:,rn 4 Ml"' Itwif14i' 4 ''14t' sh tivm.tUm 4 t U 11 i ) H t iV 1Mrahf tt I, WAfrt-Vith?. t . !M rttt: f't,f.r U?l!m4-''W ft-t-1 . f fair, Tle (Et'''t:: -e''f w ttg U 4tt1 t rits Vrrtf'fa Iwlwern fit. N04i ! rHwijtl.! j!!!, t llirt ttfftm Ifrtr tt f rta to .'rfiff'lif'r itt JiWV'- 0 fU . of tei gf cial lmlri f 'Ur lla lol r ,al Uw adl- UiUtf. tot as--! feir- flia ,f j Tir flna: ! 'torn? ' tit j : it f tin"g Maf fje f rnir'ff f" ll!' I 1 rthJWS i ff"e tHra4 4tfat tt tiis tuMtort! nrtl , laM t;f'l4r . 4 ! tft 4t ittlf &fiAisg f U atlilln fa tae r f fe t inMU-g Tljl - l8foMe 1fi U Jr ii aff It it "f E"tftie Pmitmt tflt ii-rf iL -iil8f i4 ! t' tt fottM ,ntl't4J mtm prethdt) fj-e tn 6 Atef Uoj prv1trft f f tU-W It;, tniiffikit f etf I f a1Wt. iJ ew J'rdt Mftftl4f ! f Tif"'' twiwfaclripf 'Hf" t4'IV Mi: V(I4I Ttwi. . t I trtwk int jjr fc--th : ft l1tVJil' ; Mill n't lt-l.tl. iMtrM ef. a ilSwbf f 11 1 ae f i4i4-teff ai rtiat"? !ifffii Ds i f f K'!ti'4 farttrer for twt d U.arVHtW Jar-1 te It 1 LIED wiiii-r. mju IN tit TflBH Cfl ItlRV IVaaoinHl DfrKaaJ mi f,rw fsfr Maka-T-No IW la. MiaraWrr. Wtif. 'N. Ai.- .'. Wif . - a'gtJ 1 0iif4 frn tt'iW fi ; U!)ft 't at M Wfa late ; tk atclf. t - 14iM f f f tN fc '" tl- A i" f ' t4rfla4 rtrBfia ih .-afr i S-'-t t lN,ff tt -INi atff , H t it kw a wtf iifl ff rliitfra. . j ... AH Asairfcran rif Ni Kf4 tt ; j - ,; IraW. -l quartet wf Hie AVa li-f!f 'A;" tlbitrifi t-tr fcwr?rvi it efj-r ;4 JtMfcia fai lra'tir nl ar ;tr alif ffe4l'efr', Bv jr :A,'Miiii S D. ! -f t-t fr-i V'ti if,r. W 'i' taie d aHre- T'wwf f1" il g l latfi,.lfw f''fWy jr, MrL liatito ai iit.lri iti l IHI' e t (.-ffr fr Mf Itiil. t .it ie ,i!Sff ftiatt. - ,N ' .A tif Wealth-) tmi, llsie JjAi-a .:-' J tl - UU l- -i?-at.s5 t lt?e l-jft, rft! If e TV liftte f-tf i f ; rrtr-."- et. : frt a(f!r! f tte.ff a la raha4 a9r 'W1 a t.ir IH fW :M rt if IW mu mm ff il r.f l-r farf t2Wi t fcU Uli naif, . i.;. :- -v - - ' 'AaH 8' -f '-i f -- Lair tii.a t leaf.

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