jKfii GONdQl D TIMES, : 7j B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher, ' ' - " - - ' PUBLISHED WOIIDAYS AND THURSDAYS I Mil XL VI I. m l PLUG ISEBIOUSBIOTlilG " ARECEiVE CEfflMlY IS BELIEF j ill OlTcr this Plan as an Alternative, to Any Mora torium on Reparations from England. . MJES HAVE ALL Al'THORITY NEEDED To Take the German Situa tion in -llandUndeif.-; Ver sailles Treaty, the Former president Declares. ' X ! . ! lf-i vership for Germa ny 'niii-L'ro I ,e 'exploited by the Al- k f..r":. !:'!' Htiii purposes. In likely i.. i,n.nu-( (t r niuiT ur 1111 micr- ..... t.. moratorium on renitrs. 1 r, l" . - " m I irlf-i II il iii wijit-Lis i i U ii hold" hy the French full authority under-the ;.nn of ih'i .treaty of Vorsailles, to lip Ci iiiiaiU's affairs in hand and to yinipNtfir nop resources in a inaunr 'milr tA dint nursiiPd hv the Turkish j jilt (ViUission. ' . ; t Knrinfr rrc.?ioent romcare. :Wlio Is i rm,.h -talked of as the probable mn t(k Premier llrland in the next rniki mtiHit. exchange. -, recalls v. in a .,H5ly rfview of the political sitna- i,mb;U ,tho treatv of Versailles Rives f iphlliH fisht, in case Germany de- Li'liV. .to.-eontro: her ciistoras, taxes, tvirfi-tations and coal produs- llmi I . ; . Kc' said t hi 'must'. be demanded it l,? reparation commission thinks it i iM'il to s:ive (iermany further tims. .N'wroiiations understood to he going wiuow in lionden between the Pritish jmciuniont and representatives from iifrnunv are regarded in French elfr .ins -a a reprisal for the .plleged Rcn arate arlion of France in . making snwmf'nt with the Turkish ' paiiooaU i-tsoveinmont in Angor!. . . " Kihi anxiety is, expressed "test Trance' should And. herflelf afcett with ftlmpUte aeeord between Oreat' Irilttt jin and (Jermany. - , flip situation of thff-entente' is. re--carded ahong French government ofllA iuiLs as exceedingly . precarioitM in vit-w of what they deserlhe as ner vousness shown by Great Britain and Iiiily. '' -- - -- ' --- - UAS CHARLES W. 3I0RSE - LEFT JTIIE COfNTRY? Faces a Grand Jury Investigation of I 0f . . His Sliip Contracts. Washington, Dee. 1. The Justice Pepart-nient was understood today i to have asked the Navy Iepartment to nri hi destrcyer to intercept the French! liner Tavis, .and .bring back (Tiarle W. Morse!, of New York,- who .was hclifvcd to have left, the country in the i"ae'of a grand jury invest iga tki .ot' his ship contracts. . , , . It was understood thai a naval de tniyed would put to sed from a French' iHirt within a few hour.- to? in tercept . the Paris, which left New Iwk last Friday.' ' ' ' -' . : While neither Attorney . General hmiRherty or other Justice Depart ment liisjli officials would discuss the ported depart are of Morse, it was learued that eve?y. agency of tho gov vninicht would le used in effecting his return t- this country. ''" The department's request for 'assist ance fri.m the Navy Department was rniileristoitd to be in the theory that 'lie ' legal uie,stinns involve! in the re turn of .Morse would be threshed put hen he was brought back Immedi- f'-y n, vtH-oipt of the report that .Morse lutd left the -country the, depart "ifiit is understood to have Nvirelessed nie hner Paris to hold Morse for re- ' 'urn to America. ' -: ' fore galled for, Havre Friday. ew ork Dec. 1. Joseph Bonr- .wis. puWIioty director of tk French "m. tUlay .confirmed reports ; that nane w . Mors sailed for Havre, miur. last Friday on theliner Paris, ue Said he wna if ttin OTtifwav of l steamfr and nersonallr examined the passports which had been,' Issued 10 Mr. Morse. T0 SKM) ADMSER TO THE CONFERENCE OF BANKERS 0Tisnt Bankers' Are to Disetiss Ex eliange Stabilization. asiun-ton, Dec. 1. (Bv , the. Asso rted Press. 1 TWioinn hVHl ehetn.j the ederal Reserve Board " cnd an advisoj. to tne forthcoming "lereme of foreign bankers, called . int reparations commission to dis- f-vnange stabilization, it was Zl oflid:tIl.y today at the Treasury 'l-arrinent. ' , With fW .XArarti .. nitcine: Hardware Co. "is offer- till! - ' ''iu,niuns iu auto casings and The, casings' are guaranteed to lC:: S rv ;, '- See novv ail. in this pa- -. The White Rotary Sewing-Machine hereby Cline & Moose. This wpany has a limited number of the t!"SXui l sol1 cheap. Read ad. ay f"r further particulars.. 7 -: . l"e modern' Chinese woman is be- Spv1"s confirmed cigarette smoker. 1 wa. tnbusand'. million ; Cigarettes "".' jriea into China last year. RSHiP FOR III VIEIItIA TODAY bv. Red Flaffs AVere Raised on Improvised Masts Before the Parliament Buildings by Large Crowds. MOBS ATTACK A NUMBER OF HOTELS The Police Were Apparently Helpless, Many Squads of Them Standing Quietly by as Onlookers. Vienna, Dec. 1. (By tlio Associateo Pre.)-Rioting of serious nat.ire lrokf- out in Vienna tods y following a grot demoritratbn rffore tbe par liamCnt building where red flap were raised tin Improving mastx - .Th,e crowds then Itcgan smashing window and looting shops dealing in article of luxury. Large crowds also attacked a num- or of fashiona)I hotels, mot of . ii... , m of thow to .b assaulted, lt Krwii kor were hat terel down, thtisr p?r mitting. the ciowdsto ponr.ihto th huildlnjrJ Thoy hesran to break wln rlows .omo of; which werp as hl?h an rni ti uir nisi un' ji"p, mm m nun ihiiuui a"l furniture into the mcb crowded In 'tW streets lelow. xri!iin norti later MUierpi mrr Nimc tint, ii luriiiiurt" amt rich tapestries beinjr hurled out to the cheering crowds, which packed . th rtirctf surroundlug the building. . 1 ne Grand Hotel, the largest in th? JUf. and then Iq turn the Hotel Im- ponai, also. were looted. Tne activi ties in these hotels, however, appeared to have; been eonfind J.o the- lower floors. I v. ' . , ... -;".- ': .- ; The Vienna "police were apparently lielpless, '. many nqua ds. of them being seen standing quietly ly as onlookerx. CHINA WILL NKCiOTIATE . ONLY TWO OF TIIK POINTS Tliey Arc, Japan's Dtmand That Tsin ,Ko Tsw Be Declared an Open Port, . and That - Japan's Demand That -Vre Ir.y to rd. i - ' "Wash liigton. IPecr 1. 1 Ty ' t ht ; Asso- ietatetl Prc-Js.-ThH Chinese arms eon- ferenco- delegation in the direct nego- tlations on the Shantung question in augu ra ted oday, w ill , accordi ng to the Chinese spokesmen, proceeil on the basis.' that there are only two points on which China is prepared to nego tiate, and that these are JapanV de mand that Tsing Ko Tao be declared an -open . portv - and JapanV demand that vested interests be respected. .The ! latter would be only, partially suseept Jible to m .China, liiate cont b!e to .negotiation, v f - n te control of the. Tsisg TaoTl'sl "Nan Fit Railroad and has not -receded from her position taken at "Versailles that Shantung be unconditionally returned by' Japan. ' ; The rChinese delegation is ' unuer- stood to' have sifted the Japanese con ditions! outlined in the rtcent exchange of notes liertween Toldo and repmg, to find a f possible basis for the negotia tions whiqh would give China what the Chinese people, consider fundamental absolute undivided control of tht railroad -.which, Japan took over from Germany as a result of tne worm war. NO ACTION TILL AFTER : I THE FIRST Or THIS -ltSAR, Tto Be Taken by RaUway EmployeA on the New Rules FromiUgatfld oy the Labor Board. - f . Phicacfo. Dec. 1. ( Br the Associated Press.) Action on the acceptabil ity of ! the 172 revised shop rules pro mulgated-by the United states nan- road Labor Board, will not ne taKen until after the first of the year, no oordlnir to an announcement today by B. Mi Jewell, president of the Rail way mployes Department. America. cderatlon or ianor,1 wan wuw-n six railroad shops crafts are amiiateu. Xew rules numnering wnu-u went ; Into affect today, completed a hfkde of working agreements to iWnco the national agreement of Fed eral control. Four of the 1S rules of the- national agreement were referred back to the roads and their employes for further negotiations, while 10 were pHminflted altozether. . Because of tho shop crafts pending request for a wage increase or w cents an hour over present rates, a matter which will come up in regional conferences with the roads Deeembei 20, it would not be possible to consider the; new rules until next month, Mr. Jewell said. 5,000 Needle Workers Out on Strike. Chicago, Deo 1. ive tnonsanti needle trades workers jemployed by the Chicago Cloak and Suit Manufactur ers Association, walked out today be cause of a new system of piecework ; pav 1 "'' : -. ' : ';: Officers, or tne Association i attempts' would be made to reopeil the shops at present, r v - Mr. W. M. McNiven, of Rpooklyn ar rived in the city yesterday from Greensboro and has begun his duties as manager of the McLellan Give and Ten Cent Store. - . Butterflies protect their bodies from cold by .folding their wings, to tne ut most at 'night-time. ,-. Gas-tar Workers are said to benefit from the "tarry" smell in which they CONCORD, n:CTHURSDAY; DECEMBER SURE THERE A anta ClAUS. MV MOTHER tDtP- HE i AM 6UE K,p:.F THERE ISNJA ANTA CLAUS WHERf 6T THEIR- TV, HUH? ft KING'S DAl'GnTERS PLAN v FOR CIIRISTL8 SEASON Will Present Gifis at County Home. Community Christmas Tree Wilt Be Erected. The Stonewall ami Junior Circle of lying'-Daughters held n joint meeting at-the St. Cloud Hotel. Tuesday eve ning at 7 oVlwk, and thf entire time was taken up in making plans for the Christinas season. s The two circles work along the same lines so as to keep the 'work from be coming irksome as wU as overlapping. The visiting eoiivmittce rcixrtel many homes vLsited "- and the iiMiat amount of work 'In distributing clot best nw dii'ine, Kchool , bioki and other iuue.: -uwk-At.iAto ;'. itlltui te-Isntrerlns In'our midst wa ikme.- .... Tli CirHe" planned to visit the' Coun ty Home Cliristmas day. give jftfi and .iiug Christmas Carols.- The com mittee In charger of that particular work Mesdames W . "A." Foil. L. "A. Fisluer, Ernest Hicks and Misses Ijot- tie and Elraa Boyd. Miss Mary Pem berton is hairmftn of the' rousi com mittee. We; the King's Da tighter', ask for co-operation from the jsingers If Concord so that Miss Peihberton will Te able to assemble a large chorus at- this community Christmas tree.' The circle voted to give to Supt. Roger a check of $10 to spend for the twys at the Training School for Clirist mas cheer. : . - : The circle members-; voted unani mously to have' the community Christ mas tree and. appointed.' Miss Maud Brown to have the tree placed. Mr. Ij. A. Fisher will 'see; that, the com munity tree is properly, illuminated. The Stonewall Circle. decided to xo- operuto with the Junion circle in wag ing war on the rats of , Concord, for the rat . is not only a pest but a men ace aul "good-bye . rat" ought to le- come as imperative as "swat the fly." i The visiting committee for Decem ber is Mrs..CJias. Porter and Mis Mary King -and Miss May Stockton. . If you wish to make the King's Daflghters a Christmas present so Jhai they can, do effective relief work dur ing the Christmas season. .-...they- "will bo grateful 'for a bundle o'f warm cloth ing and leave the same with the Chief of Police. ' - ' -- The. circle, af ter a most delightful" meeting tilled witn gooti works, ad journed to meet with Mioses Mary and Adele Pemberton the first Monday in January, 1022. - v I GASTON' MEANS SFIT DISMISSED IX CUlOAr.O Last Court Action Growing Ont of Kinjf Wills Is Wiped From Record. Chicago. Nor. ,30. The last court action growing out f the wins of James C. King, millionaire lumber man, and the shooting at Concord, N. C, of his widow, Mrs. Maud King, was wiped from court records today when Judge Stough dismissed the suit of Gaston BT Means, against tne North ern Trust eoinnany. of CaicaRM. tor ll.COOOO' for alleged plot to send himf to the gallows for-Mrs. King deattt. at Concord for mur- to have him electrocuted for wur der so the eOmoany could gain con-. trol of the $3,500,000 King estate. An alleged second will of Mr. King prodneed by Means after Mrs. Kings death th.- was declared a forgery y Ige Baldwin in circuit court sevT 1 months ago. - : ' , Jud era Means charged New York ouictals were involvexl in the alleged-plot to convict him of murder. At one hearing he testified ne had been, employed as a Germau agent by Captain Boy-Kd. former German naval attache, later sent home ty tne United "States. - . ... He told of receiving his. nay-from Bcy-FJd. the money belne.left behind a gravestone-in Trinity, churchyard in the heart of Manhattan. , ... Sixty-eight of . every , LOftO Xnelisb ! children are naned Mary, 0 William, Means was tru;d at t oncor.i tor mar- j1n(erest . xew Sravrna, the lost city of der and acquitted Florida ; the jollr' jetly-flfh; making a Hei charged the turst company,. ex-nome for lmS!,; nnd Pathe color. In editors of the King estate, piauned4tne pome,.. tue Aesop's fable- of the ana tt: johu. About This Time of in snc 1' k few . RAVMOND DAVIS IH'RT IN AS AITO ACCIDENT. Struck by Car Drire by Walter Cray. Injuric Not Beliered t V SeriotM. .' .. '- ' : Raymond, the KKvear-td son of Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair D-vls, of West D pot street, was painfully injured I hi morning shortly after sVHock when be wa struck and knocked loku by an automobile driven by Wallet Grey, one of the pupils of the Jackson Trafuing School. ''The aceideiit occnrred'Just in front of the home of Mr M. J. Corl on West Depot st re f. while the child was eu route to schwot. Tlie child was rufbed lo the Concord Hospital ami physician there stated that they dit not t.Hn was seri oosly' injurwt.TTb: lirtt eiamlnaUou showel no broken toie,. and though (he child was unconlouii, for- feveral hours, it is expected tthaf he will t- eover. liray was neiu oy me iMnice for setcrarhours but after -.his- story ofHhe accident was corrolrate,! by several witnesses he was allowed to -re- turn to the chooh -;' - . . . According to the ' story gathered from the police, Raymond, had liecii riding on the rear end. of a' large wan on. going east1 Gray was going west and" when he was several feet from " V' " he wagon nesaw 11 ni ip the -rear emVof the Avagon. Mart o. k rigm. ani inen cuaopc auu There is little excupe for 7.1 n r left side of the road when called yfn of fllk-.hlfttTP frs. aecordimr sister. : Gray slid his hertr ; to lyn lalli.ta., who av a feet, the police state, but the front m0nVa ennwntrailon when the cAieb of the car struck the child, knocking j frU fn fYrtolng 0I1 wl nsnAV? Mm down, and throwing him partly i prevent it. There have- l n Instance unuer ine car. 'me vur tuu wi . over ; the bolr. however, and all the injuries he re-ceived were stainel from the blow from the car. This story, told by Gray, was corroborated by two eye witnesses the police state. "'Gray admitted that he was driving faster than the city law allows, lsu stated that he did not see anything in the road but the wagon a he started to pass, and for this season did not slow down until be saw the child flip from the wagon, t ; '-;' ' " - Busy Week-End at V. IV C. A. ' . , . , , ... Another busy week-end crwiUrt M of Interesting activities is on the pro- shool and employed girls will have the gym from 7 lo 8 and from S to 9:lo. Secretary Verburg wishes all employed girl who want to get on the floor to be there at t:0O sharp as th, higli school girls will, use the floor at 1 In the club rooms there will be three meetings. The employed boys will meet in one of the roouis at 7 :IS while , the Junior and Senior Hi Y will also! meei at 7:15 and 8, p. m. respectively. . i Tomorrow night the crack team from Krlansrer will be here. Concord has lsvn working hard ever since the defeat therllast week and another Kittle roTai may wel be looked for Friday night. It is expected C. K. Carr of Chajrhtte, Secrctarj- of tho Carolina Sporting Goods Comiany, will referee. On SaturdaT night the usual rums wiU be shown. In the Patbe Weekly wi'l te shown the following items of Frog and the Ox will be shown. Doors open at 7:4ft. 1 The Junior girls dub will meet from . ai. - wMaa.'a 11 a x w. " now on "each Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. All vonnger girls in the ; membership of this ctnb will please . kerp thft (late an)l the change In miiL LReirinnin on Sundav this club w ill have their Bible study on Sunday afternoon. Ten Hunters Lose Live in Michisan.1 The difference letween tbe Spaaker Detroit Dee 1 Ten bnnters ht f be EnglUMlIouKe of Comnv.cs and their livek in Michigan daring the 20 , the Lord Chancellor, wbo tsrcujdea days deer season which closed y- j a similar position In tbe House of terday Two other art. reported mi- Lords, U that while the Speaker cas ing and a score were wounded. The cot take part la debate n4 hunting casualties bring the total for only when there 1 a tie. tie Ura the year to 22 .Chancellor is entitled to pe and 'vote an all occasions.' ; A man should always keep his trou ble, to .himself, or at least till be neets some fellow who is looius for it, Year 91 k"-i: U-i ' i I i. niAIJA'NGKD GIIfl..THM AND DID.VT KNOW IT. Baball Team ( Syrrm Inhere It jr Challenged Tram mt fiurtrr Cl letf. lUltimore, Dec. 1.--Symctie ci versity and Gtucber'Coltctr,e will em infer in a hacball game next tiprlna. dopite the indtiefrnient tffcr,d by graduate uuinager -(V Thnrtn. oi Syracu. It was-a traight-frfm tbe-.iKHtld t letter-as one man to the t her.'ct prey ing tin hope that the bat! fwMr of ! ljoncner aiui rraiUM- ouji gor in gether on the Gotu-her dlamnd ntid figiit It out. It appear Munchody turTtiort the, challenge innocent of the facf bar Gopher Is an. eelnlrH- vcnmiM college. , , TO ORGANIZE C'.VMPAIGN i AGAINST TIIKATUE (WGIf Paris AHor.4 Say They SpaU lb F.f 1 - ferU at Dramatic MattieaU. ParLs, Iec4 L I'arU actors hate d cideil Jo organUn a cnuitialgii agaltnl tlie .-theatre ciMtgh. Coughs, .) they said, have a haldtvof wurriugi at a T.Ira ma tic tnftinent dnrlnir Use iJ.-.t wawl sMUmr the efftcts intcndetl by the pIfl;rwriirhtJ1 SL KILLED IN" TRAIN ACCIDENT IN OREGON Twenty-Twa Were InjumL One ' mt lUUed W Marine Vh Was mu fhianl af Mail Car., , ' ; . Portland. Ore., Ic. I. Sit person were killed in a head on oollWtu ear ly today Is-twecu the ratliond Iort (land-Spokane limited and tlx wti i Ioifnd Oregim-Washington trains of Itiljroad ami Navigation ! Company, two miles of Cclilo. TVcuty-t wo' person were in Juml. Amons she dead w-a. A. Hj Mc!tHde, a marine, wlio was guarding the malt of one of the train The others that were killed inc nded'lwo trainmen and three Oregon passengers. NO TRACE OF POISON ! FOI ND IN LEE WKLI- u Va Claimed Tbat Saddea Deaths Ff Several Wa Due la PUaned Water. -. Columbia.) S- C, Iec. I. AtJufelr no trace of poison waa found in 'th , water of the. well of the lx farm ! at Reld-. s C- 1r Dr. IL V I'urtr f of Charleston, who made tf examina - tionv It was ciaimel the midden death of sveral members of the family wtre canseil by drinking water from the well In which poison bad 1eeD p aee.L Reading Newspapera Win Help You ! Keep eung CW orK. lK?e. I. Hn!lD2 new paper ""ill help he t keep yonng- This is the opinion nf Ir. Stephen Smith, founder of the. New Vori I With Department, whorccntlr t-I-ebrateft his Uth birtlwlay. Rcad all the uww iu tl- wp-. j- - w he advise. "Read evn the nvirdcr. 1 1 get lx papers every :biy -and rfad J them ail tbrmrzhJ Cp to two ' walked Hght mi ars mss Slfl mileft every iar. lb' ".rtill take his laily oostltntionaL has 'ett down the dUtancf. A new restaurantio New York U adorned with a collection of ixtecotb ceatury tapestries valued at KSWflQQ. STOCK LISTS FOR CLUB iE 0PEI,r .Splendid Irc2tr I Itrport rd by S!iritirm. run I cr a I lap Id Caisjulst In.Srll Inr Stork. YOUNG 3IEX ARE RAUY!NG I.OYALLY Five G mti on Golf CoureThe Onsirul Truce Terra Are Ready. Pun Faaeit! ProtSde -NV llin Iqt u Tennk Court in Sute- Iool to Come From Branch I nam l .n hh pt ti ' -.' th ; M)Mt hfr l" iUR fr 'Ife 'fieukpt ttiti f r tl aitt ifits i itr Hob. l lb- fwn4r at the iMiUiitjr, lb twMl t t- ra -lt, ktH !t tnhw 4 fctr tt It I lPlt l?l frf t tl: ttil fir .t!e itwt 4 bt ! tt!xtit WHy. It I iUr it lUat, tin toHibtri rltil i tit l m rsiawf' pfnrtl. ! tr'lt M r ry ltiwa t ! - i 4ti OiM ff the ttfmt efUiiMi- '" Mtt-r f 1 he ! U a j ms lt. whi tcit-h rtcd that Mw-k twttption Ut had WB trtH lu fAt b $ rittifjilaMi- J tllUltir OTCr tltC pfoJlt ift b nb rcjutT b irbel ftT JJf tttob 9ikI p)jinne M-rriI fafJe. ; IHiil glfer" are er1nt r a i mote 4nthui34ie ttt tW tlnU &r,4 ib tf crv !! etrnm itrfaaj vhort nt !. lictole f t-6l are fi4uifc!lng tnferot Ha f fbut f me gircr arm mrjr aarr 1 w the inb start t!cy m t!at the eonrta tltcre are among the fatf in tle State ami th7 4B t bate ccti of them to icrudt tb ncMt- r t1ayftg without, I'o d Iay fllr!i8 fr a evart, . ''-'' . " . ,'.-' i ' Ilan fr i VwIromJnc 4 ir wdy teutathc frti V.w fftft4i!iar wuh pr'rty wtaje that th traia tiiil rhn4e thritsh It I SWicnt t;fir. tdh amidewiater for a M!uimi2 iH ami "m! and that wn tHild e Mriwtct with MuaH coif Ml the fwl4B for th- tilth and the ndfantagr tv:t fer are ikpcn'tent, f coKr. tfi the Jntcret utvrt tbe nupp it recHtc from the afde .f tb cotomnnjty. If tlC) giie It tbe right Mipfrt get th right dividend. ; H Mt'rtrr htate. . TO RKSl'MK IIHtRrSGS ON - PERSIAN LNT TAR III till J. Cbairman Penrose AnnMaea "I Lai Tbey W1H Hgf IlrreajaWr 7. Wahlngtft. Nor. rtt-tlnttB Pcnrr" Of . the Jeoate fiwe? cofh. mlttie awnmntI ttay that t-rir 00 the fi-mamcnt tarllf Mil will ! remmed ! Ir mtier Tt t4sr,i ta-hednle wtl t ,! ken wji firl afcd tbe ctton mtub ntAf, t Three I Hj Day al Lflrtfa. Vrblay, Hainrday aiwl Uooriay Sll le t h rr big day at J3.td mm can M-e liy reading the l ire aL in tbi par r fbir. lo tbU ran fiwl cf tn-ra ut a f-r t tie many Kirgaln the cotfcfaot wl'l "flet for two day4 an. by allii. at tb More f can IUI nny thT bar gains. rHfTCoatw Miitm, U'fta. hats. Wat)Wc. Udie' ili aa4 oat. holcry. orcrall. Hi, taffeta. iM many r.t ler ominKfit are t T sold at a real bargain, and H "ilV-1J yo to ti-it the More lb rymtinnes. 1 rUndlt Get $C.aoa ImHMd lUdflaai. Jkp". rnU lec. L A tnrtih' .... ... M f : k .4 u. .M. fl i'. 1 . t iM ?7oi a !alet frota th Argonaut ilifte here tU hy itlt wea who tHtnd iW ttIU duty pe tlte Mif : and 1d t automobile. Sacramecto, CaU 1. 14-1 ld lion to the aSKSint r.f A(M ta tained bv 'bandit arcvd wiib on shrfirun, mb held up th Arrj nant Mine at Jar. ta n irbt. cording ! a rcist l tbf HMtimtii ptic dejwrt natt today. Guilty f Vatontary ixmUmthrr. .Mwrtta. Ga- Nr. y3l .'1ie4. bjrrt 1ib killing 'Job a Lmr-m. 14 brwibcr-la-law. vn fmn caby f rolnnfary miibianritcr ly a jjry la Superb crmrf tere UUf. II U tew w fied at fmto eie f to years. Tb cae a gall W. IL o4.. Jr father f Iteti Ov.k, wba w Metlf tiwree.1 with tbe kblirs W frr cJ. - - .y'.;;r - ' !i "' ' "Ki. a ttat ttfrrata nun s r aenca cf U.V led W . CIej dlreft. U woaW appear (feat rrea kUM-f s Dea were dpird by ta aartet tit brewa. bet werbifre.I lr tb ae ritnx EcyiUn. no ; lllffliFFRFOTVJM -- TRUCE ornrx nuol WKsf ft rr Jls t !txH tKr i Vif f I cmirfimrrHu-. Adimmrd for Vr Yrdk, iNrAVouorrr CcwaUotv-- Fur! her ,trtt lns Are ts tte llrld. rr ,asHt:ti 4 J. '. if tV it ! I-' f:iv- Jf I ,ft, .f 4i.fif.-i.fci VUe-l a" ; f ff wri.i . af V'- v 14 f MtiMt l ff It!- 4 '. t.5l (fhrt. mliri, ! v- 4t i ittt ifc. itttiii:si. i m m i . J ittlMtt1tit3 til KIM rr f it frwat tW ttt t 4aL .' '( III. I . Il -.. 1 i .t . ffij lb tl' tMl'WiMl' - i;b ' Ii tjtirn S I ' U r I ' jbfct f A!lV- I ;" 1 Tt'lllffv . yi tbl(iKll fb, Jht . U' JiLi i(. Mtlt M U1M - kf?r?.J THt l fsfijL4 f -- iti bkti f jrif tt ,W L uTt N, 1- rate bti IJ I nff fM ' In erI fb nt4r 4mi 0t hU4M-ra flNfi!t irt fctrt "f 4 iw ; ,UVk aafc.'4 . tai-, mtt tfeat ft fwiw trf" uit fiwps a J ; r'f ! ttat f nfejtr- -1n .- TafMNkd M W ic-l tftS.pt srbb'ai! b4 iif N t lbl iftc t fW wNitli Hlft Itt rtc.f ; rT i4i t" f etij t-'l I1s t.--4;v r1:. 1 a . I TtlK ItlTTDN MICkLT 0r ir4 Heady at a IeUe 4 I rwa U Zt PIM. : N1 Tft. I" ,t--Tt 4laV a'. fcri laiHt Mtr l a ( r.' t t.i iU c l it? pool ca-, M-a? tft wtjeirii at U,erpr4 IU14f 1 !' Uii d4tM(. Jiaf 4 tit Mrcl) t I7,K h r fc bva T. I itbt fiT lb- hJl, . M p f Sf4 M-Tftirr t,f f wbirb . a r4bt tt'.. IV' frute f te f i vtlt f?e Ci fiiif fceir f t Ic. 17sn; Jib' llMi Uit IT it MayJT-ftS; JJ I7 iGiLNct: ifiiiumti: VIM. CT1N11M I. MtKk N4Hbadift( trtilw tl WV , y DCWUU af a44nnai. Mfcmlitr isiMet le dnrtax tbe iMt ef it t?ai f b-t it.;Kfi.--4 rial dpif rfhkis f If atrfi. thr JTUl 4 ft- Ttwt I1 mi KrS,m, It tit.- UUr. .... MJV oy MR j Ml KIIJJD m fUtDMOMl MiarT C Ut. - x . ta Il Vfi l rW VfaW f Ur. ! Marr. ! CaarC tU!iWr. U4t4. b IJ rear 44 -f Mr, lit f iitr. f RWWd. Va. UfW'-t a emf lu Uirtmmt laf fe'-xt. 09 -Unf it ieferetaf io fif lv fatW a trwiar f M (smu Maria llaie a HarWaf i ti'm. Iw. j d'.f ts lfrf ,4rsi Ji- aMrra fortWr ttM tmt9 m it L V e-rtare tsoifi' Ilfy Mtyifei efe tb fate f 7 I tf fbd ... Jsllx, ' ataiar . ff 4r' rW f te t W . Irfert rViA r-i-c. Ih fTr4s&iak Is tfepjft f bf p f giftr. a Drtmi sa btired ft t ti orri if ttU t iytM - ; as fJn Whs a f mt It&m t ts4 Ur fm t V W ta'l f tb--itif atatiMl IU -flfrtVr ICO-UIIUJ CiaUlllSUlUlUtUll