: 1 fll : UUCT-'MO j. B, SHERRILL. Editor and Publisher. PUDLIS HE D MO M DAYS A NP THU RSDAYS ti3 a Ytr. fcvSaif & AJh-v. VOLUME XLVII. CONCORD, N. C, MONDAY. JANUARY U 19" 1 NO, i - i i r y t flilll 1. ,;lfflCTl L"J Ji hkiiUJJiJ -. ..... - . unuimii ii n M n F:i ik " ; s NINEJ ill OFT i io m e ; each rumored hit of new evidence by j either the. Slate or the . defen-c. ii- 'teres! in the ease, has iij-kwtil. and -i with thi exception of a famon murder ; trial conducted hero several year aso. the cae ha proved the. hwni Interest ; ing from the public' viewpoint, lit . fthe history of the city within the pa.t decade. I he. jury .wax the mo-t ?s before llu -Mirl lit- Stieeml cnlre of lint men vvn ordered drawn hist Monday when the ,t bill of murder' win returned against i rrt a t . , . j . . -x . mt I III 1111.' M Till I III 14 Nl Uf Hi (imU II Seven 01 mc ixine men 3e-,iat Friday afternoon.- the cmiro lected Chosen From Kegu- Klon of the court. t to the time, of i I..-., rV4U. going to pres this afternoon, had lieeti lar .Jury and Others rom j.-roted to seiw-non of the jury. nofinl Venire i Kvery eut. all ft;iii(iiri.' room In the HIT TBI. FMBOr E amji:i ni.irr i:r.rriifi mix !ti;owj t HEIMtOMyiSS? Oil RESERV . - i - - 0 ri THE STREET RAILWAY" strike 111 'mm tun tKitiMiv tt um tu .ai.sleM and every nook and turner of "the murt room wa' parked thrmihont i t)if day. Court ti m ve.ned at !:J;; fwv W f fifty K "iU hu iivmh iK-nur- null iim' rlLLrjl) 1U L1M11 j Interest el person hesan fding Into the (onrt room. anl when Judge ISay ojh COURT ROOM WAS -: - j vt 1.J ft 4 hnin lean , iii nri!lil.1tf Probable 1 hat Other JLhreejKpaee that, vm not occupied. InrArts r Will "Re SelertPfl' T,loma! enterel the eourt room nj I hl AltemOOn ann 1 eStl- I wniled to manr of hi friends wiio ,,, Cfnft ' fraught hi eye a he ''-entered'" and i an additional dlrei-tf.r of the Ketleral .Hfr M4 ftf Srfita nr Mr lion Va.-.lontn. Jj. Tt. jlk: deht n funding fl l jt appriWrtl ' d.iy l.y the StL1le firui- -..mtii:it.e aTir tnl of fh' pr t.i.a t . ; hy Si retary il lhn hi ehmi- Senator KeUogg:, of Minne- rrri,.M ; Xorfolk-In IorU sota. Author of the "Farm- mft rm, : mouth the Crewn Ijrnoml nn.ln4 tlna t ' irn,M..r pr.iL.iMy nnm ton) Ihe toimniftrv wh'h; Ver Mrkkiu ni't e:ilI t 'T eeaJ iUmual iuterei kineOi4 aBd fr intefi-t t the rale W m4 ! Ilwii .1 ier eetit. TheH w-r IIh. provUJon i.5J,int nUi-n !- Tr- ONLY A FEW CARS fury fjtjii-fiHi on hic KPt!iwi nun iny would liandira'p the adailnttratloii in rfnndiiitf WTTollaHoii 'with fielj:n . ry '' a ii vrrinaent.'j. I'nder ' iIh- proriim I he Iowa Senator, After a interior jMyjirnt. have fiim Conference With the Prcs- 7 1V,X. VnuLhJur i ,bT T . fund 1oit4Uii.id hern tirif-olhttnl. where. IfJent, rOrCSCeS ?S0 OppOSl- a Hm Trrairy desired 1a hare, aw Hon to Measure. Mity i" l"lnt: l? ';ie or inie eoiuitrle not in u p lion to tK-iii ma kins Oti-fto payments Va.h!m:ton. JaiL US. -Creation of witmn i"Mi.y a ear ..r two cr Amendment, 99 . Has Pre sented a Substitute. HARDING' WITHDRAWS HIS OBJECTIONS Hum (mmirH4 l'r ttJmk-mt II. !L C hf0JLttmmmi rNMar f i i urr -m (Bar r .If ft- tjnr-'M f I-" M ' H '.. - Mfaf-4 w -f ll-r lt-lr f ' ii-, tutc f If ft M f-w "f fiw i- in i t4V' K it 't V. , . Ik'! -' .V rt"in f' t4fc. f t of liw It 4 4t-t Inouvands rorccd to alk. tt.ij-t wi lU Hail t SUal lratM. ManfcUn,,,,,-, Number of Cars I-eft the -r tnt ,'t the i - k a ife- r CAriPAIGII FDn THE IISOII fDDUl! Order to Strike and All Rc lorted for Duty. ' RUN IN RICHMOND Will XWxn Tod U Vtt Dalbri or Morr In niWif j Hulirrlption, TIUIU'NElllVir TO AID IN C MIU;N Car .Hams 'Today. Nine of the twelve jurors who will try (. ;. Thomas for the killing of A. .1. AMi-ii were seleetetl 'at' the morning M'.x-jf.n of !he eourt,, which ad journel j.,r m-ess at 1 o'clock. Court reeon M-jiPcl a'jiain at 'J'JIO o'clock, this a ftor- il'iotl. 'Hie nine juror were selected from Itirhtiioixl. V.n..' Jii. Hi.--Str.k- 'Hie provi-iou limithig life t( the icnjifd J.v iJafforni uvn and h ta .1 ltfiad.4 lo le ;iceeptel from forcisn niioyl t.y tie- Virginia Us il a) & Kovernment to !'" prv, remained in iN.wr Cmpany in opii!i.n to was? the hill. Iit ofherwl- llie mf-atire cnl. aiimmiKtil u U-ciu toIar, wri praetieally" w n apirovel hy the ! efl"e lite in varyTns !;: rr-,- n Uili. Mouse. It vt' up n ettmnlsJon with ; mnd, NirfolL anl I'ottunjoitih, anlhority suhjiH't to approval of tht-!-ortlinj; to earfy rrt to the main l'retiient: . ti rtrunil or convert, and miGmih of the c'ompany. In lortmonth 10 ex i cn i iimo i l'ajmeni or me .11 wax imurol me if U .! .' ftwt of ll t!ii iHrt TH" r"n4 tin hoof mft tit V It t-. trii r- , ,tt sfiK ' it lMis!itrr r ttatrif iWf Valrtj?u t t All -CSiim Will llHyht ai ArtUtir Cctliflcalr la Mati the Rctipiml line wf the Icund4t!rtn f Vtimlet C i tie' spivial venire 01 liJU men enosen "Friday aflornoon. Seven of the nine jurors selected were taken from the rfjruliir jury, and the otlier two from i!n- siiccial venire. .1. ". Iitch, of No. 4 township, was 1 he fir.-t memler of the regular jury .ciilh;.!. and he was aeeepteil. The nih r accejited are: M l). Kluttz, No. G township : W. v. Kuttz. No, G township ; O. O. Back wMer. No. I township; W. T. Dur ham, Kannapolis; II. 1). Eudy, Xo. 10 1. wnsliip- II. W. Smith, No. v town- w jtarilll lid ni 1 11111 nil.- riiwn u r . t liV I l 4l'ilf i ,1 l JH III" wiit on his countenance, he .cave no signs j for tlie appointment ' of a dirt far of diwourapemcnt. Thomas ha ?.tK?en : mer hv the President is jhokkcI in In jail since-'the night of the tragedy. an sur.tltute amendment to the Fed hut with lh exception of a flight los !ral Reserve Act offered today hy Sena in weight anrt a few; wrinkles, he ap-'tor Kell'. repnhlican, of Minnesota. ptared tin same as when last se'n author of the origin:l "farmer amend- fnro climtliiiF Illu if nn.1 ciwfr ,w.n i to CXtCnd 11010 'Of lUIVIUent Of'thf ill W llllbml 1 he ff1lOtOr Ifftii.rt l 1 ' " JI1, r'V. an. 11.- tlllll ' llltill. " - - . - --"I". " ""ili . . it and other relatives sat with him near: Leaders or the Ke.nale agrkultiirnt t-rncJpal or the lnteret.or loth. ot the Mrike ordrj and everv lartrew ri-, MV. . vv'm .rt,t ir mi r$HU1 ! . ttlf .- liis attorneys. Mrs. Tlioma and his sis- hloc declared today, that the way had : ny obligation of any foreign govern- ; in.h1 for work tola.v. whom ! iMn.nier iti i iHrtUU I V v ment now owing to me t imed state miy a low f-.ir wety l-liig on rat.t- -'" ib.itM ? m N, on ac-ountjof:the world war. here on the main line of the roiu.atn, in iruitr, , ii , t r-!' ' ami thoioiands were IrfHl to walk to -"4.'-! t.'. -. r"T" ir err i wiaifc ib r tfe tfc.t..ti,. miM-.' jt-str" BKHn-r 1 itt the tt driic ,h4 tf(,. t- f.4 w inirt-io. ililii. lrw- tt ir. 'l r f,i... .... i,t- HUH Jill"" V .,um ,i , . , . . , ...... . . 17 rtgalar jurors and 11! members of ' or r- '"'' have heen in Concord hee.n. cleared for the legislation which for several 'weeks. . would result in the naming of a farm- It is iK'lieved that most f the week.er to inemlKrship on the Federal 'Re will le eonsume1 with thetrial, in ! serve 'Hoard: ' ' I addition to the principal witnesses for Senator Kenyon. reimMhaii, Iowa.! j IwUh sides, a large lls ofi character ; one of the llo' icmlers. after a confer-; witnesses have been summoned, fronvence wilh President Ifardmg. indical- tljis and 'other States, and while eiachiod that tlie President's objections had I TIIK COTTON MAUKET. w.rk thi morning. Many of tl- Mrik- w-frr m mi-r. ie ovi ii ers were rfjN.rtHl t haie taken f"'rl Hot ihe iwiotttt. Mr Nervou and I'nsettled' Today Due to n drivers of Jitneys which imiiMlirtii- -?MH!roii-fy wa Mtrr.l f i lwer Uveroool CahkH. . It 1 .made their mnoritnce. JSfc4o- h.lww IUir. In - . - - , - 9 B , New York, Jan. l(lv Tlie " ion i Foir arrest were imole In-re w ht n hoiir the (tutptrr i t ml of these witnesses is not expected to lKen witlilrawn. occupy much time whiieou the stand,! . -- - it will, require a great length of time ; RK j - V. rAKK KhSIfjNS for' all of them to bo .called. ' Thomas made two. effort sL to gain freedom whil waiting for trial under balsas' cormis proceedings. lur failtnl As Pastor of Kimball Memorial Luth eran C'luirtli at Kannapolis. he Rev. ;. II. C. I 'ark resigned last ; tUtl rains in thP Miniaj:,as pastor ot Kiinoau .Memorial market was nervous a ml unsettle! t the txlhv broke m cnuss of aihd during today's -.irly trading owing tti ' jtr!ke y input hlwrs who were aid t' I lower. I.IH'iKd cables, reiorlel In- ; le aitemptiiig'to Interfere wfih the ojh ; reasel lietlze K''ling in the- Knglisli eration of single enrs. Charge of j market, tiiitin,'-rT nervousness over? orderly conduct' were enferrl In tt fi Kuiispciii politics and reports of lem- ease': j ' uoutnwpst. Tne , iiepons irojn .oriom were i.nai ie inov rnit u.o m m.t: Mr :arr It tbea Mr. t:4Hk llUfrlI-r Mrf erwlti itd IMhrn. Protr!. tf't'-i itw. la w-- I ' I -i!i'4 tttU I t i'ivm it. I f 0 ltittff isM-;!-,!.! 4 lb iiwli M?tt l-J 0 t- " ,t f t)?htM A ,.m i ft -4 i.n -tb ! l - I -.' 4 - i m . t t f I W t t ' k-,'i;.jiU' tl' M"! i'-? .! l t 't n tt. f !! W J. a. i.ujfro'$. .Mft ti4 f,--4t4 f!liOOin tin linrMi' n i ln.-II ri. - thnn li-ilf if 1 lr smttfliv m en r I, ft ....... . ... , , . . . t?w talk. i. 1.1' i. l t 1 1: liio Those encased hv the defense ' ooiu. m- ji.-in , .i t . rti..h k'.. 11 w , - - - ,- - filJiexi ;rom n i BKim n n it'P ; - r " . . lh..M or.ca.ed by tne aerene 1Ug Kay iu Gas- IS'VV1'1! -2 ?lnt anl ve month -the ham thl. morning and a numl-r ; xra ,rans 0n. .gnii b)l4 M ll ' .k U II Shoe No 8 exeusetl bv cause : on H-ioner Hin. our. me wearing ) v or n noriiherenfier n V " TV; " . ' J . . 7 thrown into ft. .tfmrl nfifr a full? ;?". -i. r ' ;,,!w it lr iSm , was continued until Xovoinlw 1st at i 1,1 or as soon Ihertafter as the tuw; aftcr caIl wfth March touching 17.7i the erewi. were i-r-medett to Jea.te :JltteMB. i coajnt iMatptn. UT "--I --liMt i?t l ! h. I . Barnhardt. Jr., C-onrord exeusejl w T"fii; ntL gregat on will release. 1um but. .uotaat-'i nlui laV ,iT.c, nr ahtMt:u attnt. I the W r - -: i r -? f."ruV?'? I ' . I A. .a ,l!wf)rt siit ii, i Siifrir, No. G, excused by cause; J.a. nt nan "fjf Kannanol gregation has grown during this j C'0FKRKXC'KTO Tl'RN G IS - " ' auw.ht urt,; trm of t.roift ' SlTf fY'tn;!!- i ST. J TTt 1 2 Tox. No. 4. excused, expressed opinion waa. a Principal witness for the Way of the Iaiuuna CanaL Infer- asrain-t the ,rm thai Maty - i !"r 71 f I ItT i S defendant, guilty; R: K. Black,. Con- defense , at tho u -aring .in . CharUrtte. .; mt,mUrs ,n(fl a r0ng: "ggrsiv,. and ' A!L! 11 ..TIWS Cterre (-ommMon llrride director of the hlcajto Ot-ra 11 VJ 4 crd. excused exprssed opinion defen. S0 t JHrSi Sere well organized negation of -t en-! Delegations of 11 Nine Powew I'Sir-! AV.ahluslw.. Jan. J.',--The riKht of ,pa,.y. I.nht yUMed to .; u"Tu t r, dant not guilty ; R. II. Morrison, No. t "iut versions of i rolled members. The congn-alion is! 4ltipating 3Iet at 3:S Today.. the Inittd St.nt.-K Steel Corp.ratiland fWll fuluri- per,naf.-, V(f tu;llr U iu Jo. excused, expressed opinion defen; t in thh- brlek i Washington. Jan. itk. P.y the. JUod-; thnnvh - subsidiaries oj.ie or -lomerfor thU .v v.-,, m,C - U dam is guilty; R. A. Russell, Xo.. 11 the . affair one J)J ll0m an4iJf' 'ichurch- which . - will comfortably cnt : a(el Pressl.-Still awaiting the re- M-auo-hiis by xvay of the Panama Cu- ihe , freqnemly I aM-Hetl . that it T j ! i.i0 Him mr tittivr oiair niiucw ,,v. ......... n , i ... , . .... .. , , ... ,.,! ,n.l...I.I I .!, t it rruM-t .11).. Id 0r rititfl Ofwtira. ' - from'UhC excused by1 cause. v The two jurors chosen special venire are: ' . '-' W, Ml Anton, No. 0. the first of the special veniremen called; W, J. Cine, li-.. No. 7. The 10 members of the spf-ial 'venire refnsttl were: , ; . ('. J. Coodman, - No 4 peremptory clia'lenge by defense; John' IV. linker. N". -IK expressed opinion defendant not guilty; It. W. Parnell. Ward-1,. .expressed opinion defendant guilty ; W. a Honey cutt. No. 7, excused per emptory challenge by defense ; P. T. Itlunie, No. 11, expressed opinion de I'endant guilty: A. I. Correll, Kan iiaiK'lis, ex'usefl .peremptory ichallenge I'.v state, the first -used by the State; .1. -MeEachern. Ward 2. excused .jM-rnnptory challenge ' by defendant sruilty: I), j. Hopkins. No. 6 township. expresseni opinion defendant is. guilty; A. c Alt-Swam. Kannapolis j excused calls'. " ;".: K.r the defense the jury selections were made bv T. lX'.Maness, while Solicitor Clement and, II; S. Williaiiifl ;ua.e the examination . for the State. The -competency of several of the men t ing exanimed was questioned by the defense after Judge Ray had ruled them competent, and attorneys' for Mir sides finally' agreed fa dismiss all m n who stated' that they had formed "r expressed. the opinion that Thomas was or was not guilty. -Mrs. Allen was in court witu her nee children, her own relatives and J relatives of her deceased husband. Thomas was with his wife, sister and otlier Relatives. After the trial ttegan tlie crowd was moderately! quiet, though, while a divorce was. was' be mz tried just previous to the calling ,' f the Thomas case, Judge Ray had to "ar.ii thei audience against laughing, and threatened to fine persons guilty . "f disturbing -the court.-. 1 It is certain that the other threee j nuis wil bo selected during the after-' ""ii.-aiid.it is probable tiiat one or more witnesses wil be introduced. The ease of State vs. O. G. (Red) Thomas, of Charlotte, was taken up in wbarnis Superior Court, Judge J. Bis 1ay Presiding, this morning shortly "ti'-r u:30 oclock. , The defendant is harged with the murder of Arthur J. master plumber of this clty, in Kannapolis on the night of October 1011, shortly after 8 o'clock. Man & Armfield. John 3L Oglesby, and '. Lee Crowell, of this city, John. J. 'aiker, of Monroe, and E. T. Cansler, '.' ril!' rlottev. represent the defendant, the State is represented c bv. Solicitor "ayden Clement. L. T. Hartscll and H. Williams, of Concord, and fc. C aidwpii, of Statesville. , ' ' Lvery Keat in the court room was oc uijied and hundreds . stood", in the aisles-and sat' around the floor of the. Judges platform when the case was i-atieti. Numbers of ; women were scat 1(11 'til in the audience, and the case aas been the almost universal topic of nveisation here, since the grand jury turned a tru ;bm of muider arflnst nomas last Monday afternoon. With ... - " - - -. ........ ..... ........ ... .... .. . - . . , m J . I , . ' . ' ' 300 iteonle. It has been due to Mr ceint be the Jaitanese deliMration of its ; uphei.i lit a teitiauve rrp.ri mo- ii err ijcith. , i es. Thomas when on the stand n t t fh ,ulw(.ln. W, The ..jn-ra m flrM prcloc brr, . ..4t.. 5!;, fJSiT; mninim, ect.Hl and is now free of In- etetl to permit completion of the nav- ;wen-e ....mission by ihe exandmr dc.-lel.ven y.ar, . 'ouijift ft. ft tr S, Xtt:J H ,M ad tarted oJlK Sw'1 a,ul rom,v f,,r ' limitation,, treaty the arms confer- ;tawli to take evident The etam .formality prnteat- became ToN.,t,-hi for n. n had started for the hon e olO.. .. Mr.. Vatk win aC(,, a call to be-fence Km lav prepare.! to tnrb' again toiiners' report, if sti-taine.1 by the .tw inou- that ft abnd0.l, Tbt cash, whom he wantinl to see on ims -,m j,astor of Lutheran ChapefKvau-! the studvof Far East and nu-lfle ones-- minion, will et!e. the controverr yr Mlaa Jr4e. rvlvet t. -?tac I l W l4 Ur it.r ness.Uter they w nM,.Vgciical Lutheran Church, GaJtonia, X.lthms - ' . - ' ; hinging aN.nr that -.lnt, :that -"time h4 haai 4 i,h rai tb. IWkui . " - ing picture show. ; hiletanding in ; c Llltheran Chapel is one of the -ohb i lh-b-ations of the nine powers, par-; Steamship lines oiH-ruliug throng, M.e more liberal plrit f !! ubt;, of Mm- .,.rf.irv the road, try mg to locate Oyert.islia ost (,w.,,KaMons ln th(i Statl. am has j tlcipating in the studv of th.no ones- 'he canal attaeke.1 the Sfe.1 C..n-ra-; justify the performance;- :Wttif ! tM4 !', xn7' xnTn; inZ be mat-hint rnxtly decided to InH-ome ,u pastorate ; ,ittns were tailed to metk at in I tion'tt right to participle in the bu- , Two- Prfrmaivr of l Hru, H M . i v a v i t ii i ti uci ii' i tifxrr ti it- ii ; i in I.jMI ft,?ir7ll I (V IK" IM III II V I L , - - " ----- i - - ------ . .... on the left, .walking up a ditch from a car which he left standing i about 70 yards from t Thoinas , car. The man asked Thomas why he was lcing fol lowed and Thomas replied t lint he was not following him. N hereupon Allen said, "Then throw up your hands." f ii'iinmU-r of railroad I iirlt- ' ,'ait pab?ie m1 at tf l nllfi ttn -f liI '! e. , rv nth Prior to thit inepting the!1,,H?, sniue ,f hi:h are eitgagetf In 'full, A third pnfnrniatM ifia rl Wtfcto rttr Hc'f ti.rt .u-rd anr,tiJ n.,.t. i traiis-eoiit iiieital iratlie. Railroad U( h"tiuleI for Monday. Tortiaht Th tribu f ti itun i- rt the SI i ritual Welfare of the ; ianidlv i ttortiin at Mlm iVmferenee Mince . Ian- ! the owner growing inuustrLiI 'community In the; mi i a m a. . . . i - sununis di viusionia- neans cl me iow TREATMENT OF EX SOLDIERS IS MUL.C'K RFJPROAC ir V iing and the American .delegation .met. :ne st engageti are .r..nioiie.t ot t.. mauc. irom entering into oirect i-miiiii"i . i ruira tfrrncn i w ; Impressive Serrire at Forest Hill Last 'with the hljH in the Canal trade, vhncene" ' immoral." "vulcar" 4iont ihrouU t.t?t Nigiit. Iist night following a strmon on the! the Corporation rallrofid.t ofliM te Thomas stated that he then fired twice Say Disabled Veterans of the World as fast as he count pun tns trigger.; nar m a .iiemonai io iTfueni i rp,inisifrs for ..i steward. Itev. J. -considerctl -ivunnet iters for trans-con- and the man fell dead. , Thomas niid; Jlarding. - Frank Armstrong. ftrmally. inKtalled jtinental business wihI tm-iM-rship of ihe Mrs. Lttwc then drove to Mrs Lowe s j .Washington. Jan !.. Asei ting tha th. lKar(I f M,nvards of the Forest j steamship my tnannfat Hiring loduMry lioarding house, Thomas said, where the more than ....Oft mentally disabled M,.(hodit Cliurch. The servi-eibaH not lKen forbidden by CmsH Mrs. Lowe got out, and Thomas . went j former service men now plaeitl . ii. jwa? inicrotlng and Impressive; -' topolice".hvadtpiarters tt surrender, ! state institutions were victims of such , f hroiishout. Standing aiout the t han- MILKS I'EARSON SHOT TOO. . l.,.iiMTiir tt,a -tiri lo Viml Lillcl 1 iivwia tioTlo.t I iiil i fTurfiift ii lot nrrtlt. . .. . . . 1 1 jvi- iivijf, ..v ....v. , .v. , were fiiri,e men wiu nave servti in .. . , t-: The nistol with which he killed Allen, toering" as constituted.-"a 'Mack re- -i,:k w-as lying in Mr?.Txwe's lap. Thomas i proach on the honor of Ihe nation." the, nnnarer 0t a nturv 'Chairman - a- T ' : l a a at... . l - . f " riUK. .tl mi- " hi- tiki ii , . ,..i ,n l.r,ll , , .. i Iflll'M. IITi"l 1 ! iiaiinj m unn- mtu iohi . r...,...i tr 1.1- The examiper tltt-Metl that n0'e f j'nn exhibition f girl .. tf fntH Iy -' Tbt t frJt . Pripi4f.' tt tl:' tMk ? t . It I ic4 io -& f tl. psmion. .-"Chleacsi doent Ilk- It. ' . won't the It." Mid Mio ;arfrn- New VolT Oh. iea gltr II thre." - : ISODY OF DF.I WOUN ' IS FOl M IN 11131 carried a . gun when riding at nigld. 'world war in a memorial presentetl to- j One : shot struck Allen in tlie left i day to President -Jlarding' urged in-t':, ' IIdv Fonnd rVidar in lard f Nome. 7 Wils4n. Jan. 1.The fnnly of Mile Anoroou I1t- Seal Thrmtth Mit I-ad? l Iierry Had lkn lA Nine Daj. . r Wl -.n. Jan. 11- Anni prrali. 'miff of ' Mile peamall. n f.Miw1 r4 lo. in rt - ri v" '-ri$re i fuiAW lfr; Jit-rrl ittttM r t-f ' fi ? j.tclir " j Mur.ir ar tttftv omo i?tiiilIiii; iii:t;ii ?otiX CWtiiMttr itu n5.i r-h4 I'raTJra 14 Hi f ....... -.. ..... ...... ...... ...... , . . . . A . . . r..t.ia.i ,.r r ..,'1.. . . . a . 1 1 M r. i. . . . j . . . . . . . . . t front Shoulder ana tno otner aimosc meaiare acuou ny me governmeni. rcfntl- ten selet ted ttt fill va-1 ' "r1"- ....- ii aiim-- i i". - ', "- .wt.! iw tl,. T. in the middle of tho back. Physicians looking to the treatment of all such li,nrtcrnm! have not vet heeii c-ontlnu-' ,m" -in a Hearing 'in 'a big Mrip f ; Ikt yard five tae H.i.flti. ity , Mg& it in:jrT ia, IV who performed tlie post mortem emax- cases in Federal institutions. Neglect 'Ifl br iTnnarterlr eaifemlee iee wondl ,n w"4'k' sectbm of . UM night, by dTty rtff t$ar t.i4.le.l ination stated that either would have of these cae,s in state institutions, the ri m .mford Kii.tm.m W T 1 Wllstm County yefer.Iay. He had format km furtilhe. try an Wfpf ,WM ,ri, .i f i caused death. 1 . 1 . memorial said, is committing to per- i 5hrn Vmi J - F Fnrnhardt leen shot, thlt probably tvorring a inter bb b mm throtich the L . u, m$timiu - Mr Goldie Lawingi a 13-year-old girl Jmanent insanity many of the victims I T' 1.1 of twentv-four vas i wwk ag" u",-r "f 1 ""- ? terra -eit tra lt tttrcttgti lb lt iflrI 4 -$ rf.M! promises to be the most important wit. who by timely ' treatment '. probaWy j .rJut ' , th- Wrotlon of W n' wif w f''UD'1 tU'' fr"nt aM the di-r.1 wm cmmlttl aftt l4tgut Uf it t.UtM.-' ness for the Statfe. Her testimony, of- could lie cured. ' - ' EL lUm : Robbing and J J r f tbc I', she having ; njn,. ,taTm n a M Tb l-.lr M , fered in the fonp-Of an affidavit, was Describing the hundreds of tntract i ? t Vt-ro detaihetl on'ac.111 "''f to death several hiy tw Mdly iWl fl lb flfc ,,,.t t.M the mos.- damaging '. to -Tliomas at the eases of this class in the institution j l;".r 1 l ' Riirra-e ; f,,re V" ir1' arp f"r ffrom lb' f' and hrtiMra la l b t habeas corpus hearing.- ... f " , wV WM " fie- J!, I NH-rfT.. The child stated that on the night of Miss ..Mary IMl faluim Burned to the inllMion Mls,,,'t wiu di-ai-amL J u-.t.. , . Wrii-t tt tt,. ..n.rlx- dio una T-Uitintr if the Death.' i (immmt im i " ( , . - Thr' burned 4 lite ead tWt a l 1 1. ,t.lff t f w I r nome ?n ghtJ? and h:ft jt aU Henderson. N. C. I Jan. 10-iIiss j V t'i'vfi oh "IvtiC Ft Ciovrnuwntal I'arrtt Turned,. Ox r lo mJf. man t hi, rt MIVCh- ' she startwl home she heard a car st?p Mary Ib lte Craham, agetl 74, was bur..,- awrw;! ' Ut ; New JriJi f..yeiWMrnt. 1h, W,fh llf , BWrf.i,h.i i. lu ?n front of her friend to death when the home of her J' ".: w ,4?! lU.blin. Jan. 1. Uly llf --';-' , Wearift anrH. a W au4 r,l 5 rhr the ro nephe.w, Victor (Jraham. was destroy- ?' on -W,at We LxiK-ct i,,..- wr..i.l 1 f"f P I "a. 1-n. ad . o 0l It ? atr. fif wfidow- JnS saw thenar ' Soon a 1 by fire Sunday morning near Towns-i hrVIx11lK n! klo . . trttm Ireland vested in lb- Itriti-h en; . fI.i. al . tj J't J t YonT ZXn m?Vlv? Wim? b? ! viUe.: In the northern sec,b;n of ..this -Mr. J1 l.oritie at Dublin , . larg t.titr m hf ! : U. w Ld as it passed the big ear fomoone county. nSrvaneen,fln" ' L W ' 5. 'H.u.ii.' irVl -. i i.i.i i . I. 'i - - , h i avn v innuvi j m una r . i A-m . . -.11 3 A A. A.-Vv i ha. Z h. ! m me nig car yettcti ul me mjiuu iu ii . , . ' , 1 the Ford. The driver of the Ford rani , Dynamiters dresse,l - in aahestoa ; x,mM Af sixteen Ureatel Coir. .. - . j .i rrlol lun braved the trreat eolnmn of -i. anont ; yarns nuuvauwru. V. '" " , ,r ,. , : rineen oi uie wu -'"'" w, ,U tuint' 1. II . A J 1 1 l-t ... 1. Wl'l,,!"'! ... ........ ... - Saturthiy under the Anglo-lrih treaty. The transfer wa made by viennt BIDS TO BK STAND BD!7n cows in rrt,r, ,.kll(l tififl lu-o nor- names ot it ouriuii on en near wmi; . vl(jf,t r.rr-IIn f?ons got out of the Ford, one racily l-Beh. Calirni;u placing a thcm 3 distinguished as a-.man and the other j Pf-ive which hew out the fire. 0n;c0wware to be f(umi rjl. CrJ not so easily distinguishable. They ""nnren walked to the right of the big car", and "ra tiien she heard a door on trie car siam-1 mct ihnt The other nerson stOOfl bv ' "A thrt our car-rjil mfntites and when he i eharge 1UV V.M. - " " ' m ..i!. t iralt vff come one in the ear -C0IU inn OlwlJ 1.1 ,v " ' " liv. ,1 fTKv - Tw 4 ha trhoMMl lu(J , Kl Mliuu. , l uv t.iuioil vui lur ner Privy oti m i I elta mbe r. fnd-r nam f lb Iltlio ml KK,t ,Wf,,t! tl?ir ''?' m r - -v - - if shot him - in the lack. ted v,iw- iMn rcfiAam tlf a l &f"sr- -PJ,,U,J. """'C uamoe . state- rene-ns Prof. W. W. Yapp, ef , xrnahfooM J.n ift-The'Ataerh-ani- us.b!,-t Jit ia. lW. tM ! " 4 i- -ii? , rrVJr0 1 University of . 1I10. -.be .vemmeSl hi. ifld Co that hiU ftHr fdirldaalifr v ' lb ft Um9, : jl.svt" noninV wel' We nnl w t m ' fa,ler of the list. However. .1' . trr,m i mnj . nectlal a Joao of $r..iM l!rt.,uMiiil. t Ut.t b- dirtV ctt-.- r9j, mm turtr flaming wet.. A tietonator shot the r..j, 'h,,t .-. tho r.,- ...... -Li. r tt iV-.. wrri ts l4is.a 1 . w nne it was in tne mtsi or me . rsMt 0 xv? arp ,iure - ..... t, r -jtBitaMi . . , -in i. fi ist jJ'e fet f mS 01 u.imt, aoom eignr jeer rrora ... .j.... t-n reatir .-r.i?.w v.. ..... t 1.- .rs,i- -i;t .1,! uhnnL - ., ... 1.-. nist f t .f ' rndand"sOme 0 the car shot i TtViSe ' - lViAZ,? Ji lHt tTh CWfrial Cl li again. Then the car drove off, icav-t MW'ng oui.me tue. , Engrstntm to Make Bid on the 3IusHewajl i.i tr m tbe htate Ie-rt-3f . .j t .'Mw. tfw- ing the man lying in the rcad. t Vhe Cham.ir of ComrVrreP in I ShoaL Property. iner.t. Mind'ardixJli 'f .lW.'fH' ftet't'," WtijiiMb, J. , jn -t'L The child is -the only e,ve witness ;Tok japanf has adopted lesolu-t Sheffield. Ala., Jan. 16. A revb-ed --r 7 . : , Btt ,ftrr. stt. grrat dnl bi'ri afta ff'ttl bt fr e State mtroauceu at me wanma-j t, favorinr the closing of al! shons I proposal m connection w.m the revlel the re iki '.it force that tlv i:r--n. l.fj ifce art atf- isvant-f - .rvttrt -f I tt4 l.tt- or :ii rtt liiw 1 v t'-'w - m - , twin u as m am 1 m - . wt - - sm at - r-m ' , -- r - hearing,, and it is not known whether " Vinda v, - part of a rrcTan frirftly submittetl hid of the Newport non Co. Is offering mte-ronna 1 e-n sral frf-. atvl ibe'ef -5 - 15. t '.: not others wiU be lntroauewi at tne . - - th t f 1 ship BnUdin? - Company of Wllminsv j all suit. noei ana rmii. - U;ro-o?ritIfiT io lb fU his xry&1 'tvvni U tr. trial. Other witnesses. However, cor- - h I ton. X. 'C fttr the leae and operation., win ! rertaia ro civi .ww-w. mr- fft t .ifMa nfHWTiM ?Irtr-. , -.Jfat'Jl ?. .trjt.f roltorated-to some extent tne movement f of the two cars, but noue other test.-1 fieri A. hnvimr seen the .rrasedv. f State, Tliomas and Mrs. Iowe will lc the 5 of government prtnertlea at - Musclr rain during the ale ,uf;,,0e;iaia.' 't to tLU ;tte. atA? :hJcic t ttt9 t '-'. chief witnessed for the defense.rand so shard f(nclit and. many people, from . , - Shoals will ,1 made shortly. rru-, ueati ice a ejrrtu. -o. ..- Mid. "a ha!f bd wa asy- tti! tfif k$ f r u. xe.i , rnn-KtriTni nri tiont nf the eom-. tHe Mrram f.urrtl. ... .v .t, ...,t . 'T;1 - .tk. co,iftB it,, .mtar tand.rd. wtat Iril-i IIrT2; rr U ;:" ." Vr ,rL." :.omi. t- K'flnntiTwU. Charlotte1 and thU Htv tneir f rJ.tu and nhanoffranha liandmea. 7W day tOooU. aati 41 II ia only ws a iaas ga ai & a - v-v-. r-- . & j What- the mot-ivn was. as viewed bv Ue 1 testimony ana arzunients. f reasonable. au, over www. win he the chief witness for tha State.fand county, are expected to hear the pt by the Kidd-Frit Co.. Terms ar,na What the motive was, as viewed by the ! testimony and arguments. I reasonable. . all naval and miliury fbmlaUfere4i waait rtat U U a t fli xiir ttm yf f be wanted ottbi5 el. trtV. I ' f

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