' . "... ..-."-"--,. ", . - - ' M . " "; f I I? SUERRlLl,, Editor and Publisher, PUBLISHED MONDAYS A N D T I SDAYS CONCORD, NC; THURSDAY, MARCH 9. 1922 liOl if UNITED STATER If L ; H lilGHERFARESIIAVE FItliniBL'iB r- LESSENED DUSillESS1 OliWAYTO FLfjniQA MOT TAKE PART IlhGEHOA HECTIIIG lun p Front!! Viewed as Mrsi oiep in .Campafen,. of "Tactful pre-sun-." mk;h OFFICIAL (ilVES REASONS f.'rt-at Britain Says Refusal of I VS. to Join Conference .Will Not Change the Date or Purpose of Meeting. ,. 'March !. The refusal d .4-tatcs' to participate in ! ' ,1: ;(U..;l H.f.l !!( tllilV 1C VICWOU !,, !!.' M- '-" P '" t-nnipaigii. of d.'if.il i.tf- ui't'" l promote, the ccik ! ,,,. ;-!i:Vh.lil.!ii'ii f Ilnropo, it; v.;l .',,' i.-' r. I'ili ollicial of the .Ylner- , i i.iin-ni. II mkhiki hoi id- re- i, :iii ; Mi'i' ;-:;(! f r:i' oill.-iii 1 hi. as tlu I uiteu :iiitiiiir l hold aloof front the : i! u.ii i :i confronting tin Fu- If. I" r:iry Ungues nwe 10 iimj ,, i;v. in-' ir- declination of the Fnlt i.l Siiit's !' il"' invitation to pnrti-I-in i ! it- C. iiua mi'ctinff slioufil !e ,,,1, i,i. i.l. it was said, rather as.au ii i.l' Ani.ria,.s uillinffness to :u. vii.i.cxi i it was felt that its aid , in hi In' li-iliH ifii nil ri m i,i Tlif T 't t i I I Sintt's cannot afford to ,!,;Tr inli ;i siltiatioit where the. help , ... Ir- ni il cannot I.e given, of I,, i il;iiin il. aildiim that 1 he A m unrMii ut runiciit must le. viewed as ImMiii.' ii -nipoit in a!ey.'tru,e until . ii.li linif :i the'Kuropean nations "get mmi to -l.rass tai ks" in the matter of t heir .homes in order. Yin- it oiioinic problems regarded hy this i-oiiiitry as of supreme importanee in the coiisiilciation of the method of wniM ivlialiililation 'inelude- prinel-)i:-,liy tin- re-arrangement of Genua n ri'iia rations and halancins; of liudgets . ..rl;ii!i forei;:n nations. Without consideration of these ques tiojis iii'-the vic.w of tiie United 'Stages, tljcrc cotilil lie no praetieal attempts nt M ililvile . ifonoiiiie realjustnient. While i t was 'thought improbable Hint tln'-re should he a change in the nu't iiiln of the Genoa 'conference, be fore its meeting. April 10, Wlieh umilil liennii the Huted "States, tof le tV res'ntfi ottieinliy. otticials iid tle Aiueiii mi ;iinlias.iador at Koine might. Mtfeim the conference, to report its pro 1 1 1 liir,.- to this-government. - Not ftut l'Luis of Great Britain. I.oii.ion. Mai'ch iP.y the Assodat iV f'r.'s ..---Tin-, decision of the Unit cil -statws' not to participate in the .w'i conference wffl not affect the date of. nor the plans for the eonfer Hnv. so i;u- as (heat liritnin i.s con icriM.l. il was stated ofticiallv today. The .American refusal was no snr- j 1'i-hse to ot!ici;il circles where the real-, Hon exists, it va said, that efforts to coiisiiniinalv the results of the Wnshin!.'toii arniament conference by the ratification t)f the various confer ence ; treaties are engaging the Amer ican "go'teriiiuent's. attention primarily iit I'l-eseut. it is the British lelief that the other nations invited to at-lenil- the Jeiioji meeting will be pres ent.. , .-'.'. D:ns V.OHKING NOW FOR POLITICAL PRISONERS in i-TT . rreal estate' loans, which are not redis- ll Smtalists lo ork For Am ..,ut0M of iinmi Ttn-A Runts. Uants rusty for All So-called Pnliticil Pris oners. I'liieaiio. .March D.--The national of- l!ce. f the socialist party today net -en .liiiir otit in appeal from Ku- Helis to nil itv infimlitiva nml i nitiated organizations nrsrinp- them tn it "ii. t'.n- amnesty fof all so-called po-1 'Heal -.prisoners, . ' ' - . fatcnifiit accompanying letters :iid all soldiers dr. I 'I I S Cttt.l' Otll.l oil ....11 1..-;, mliA . 'iT-i. i":FarDi mirean reueration. speaKing.ue- ... ,i ..M.ners are now tree, hut many f pi i.neis are now free, but raanv W.'s still were held in vieliten- 1111 i( s ami all must be freed.' 'i is planned throughthe aieal to "I'lani oiiA million sitruatures to thf I- -t 1 1 Ii ii as. king their release. THE COTTON MARKET. Mi'rke't Quiet, the Opening Being 4 t 5 Points I.ou-er ImW i?ooi;-,;nr . -New York. March fjThe cotton "Hivet was verv i-i.. quiet early tolay. y" cpemiig was 4 to p points lower j """i realizing and the market later 'as,M off another few points, with ,:l-v filing, down to 19.02 and Octo I" ,H'.;7, or 1) to 13 pouts net tower . 1 i . . . : v - - - . ouon tuture's opened steady. Mar. iv:fi 3 : S :j -" July 17:44; Oct. December 16:63. " Dauffhter's Opinion Sought . u Ellington. March 7. Att Attorney " neral BjUghtery has 'been aaked.by .""Siileet . , -.- a v ' A J J il il w I -.1 ildr on? tor 'hie niuninn us "it- re' i nf cf Senator Smoot, Re I tah. and- Renre.enra- l-.Jijlican. oi tlurton. Henublican. of u!iio. to '' on th e allii-d debt refundinar com- ion while retaining their seat3, 1 "ii ress, is was-announced today u !' White House. JMtiious Suicide Mav TIa Knnd. -Missing Taylor 3ran. ,- . Hartford. Conn., March 7. The Vonnecticut state ' police' tonight re ed their investigation into the r,., ot 'he suicide of a man at n arehau.se Point, Conn., whose body ImV, a F3bruary 19 with a .b,ul rtLj e in the head- is under- ,j10Gq tho c 1; 1.1., i i Kn. "iaie yuiiee oeiiuve tuts ay may & that of Edwara F. Sands, iaiSRino- 1 . . ir.r ' V. ocv:reiary ot William u. Tay- 1Ur. Slai A fillTI lilMlAMr CITV LKACI K FOR THIS . , CITV.SEKMS ASSIRKI) rianned Now lo Form a Lracue WIthj Ciibson, Cabumis, Ixrkc MilU and ..irrrfrican legion. . . At the meeting of the Fred Y. Me-J C'onnel IVt cf the American Iegiou! 'acid at the. Klk." Home lant ufght. It; a rer'i"'! Ilie 141. chair-! n . . .1- t 1.11 I.l . M ... f uuiii in iue liHi'itiiii nullum lit fi nif Legion, that a inovement was ntider Avay here imw tn form n city lengw fr 1t1!2, and the, legion vtted In-far- fir- of entering the league, once it In organized.- r .. - iiif iaguc, unuer prexeni plans, would be compofed of the Legion team! land teams from the. Locke, (2ihon and ( aharrus mills, and two game would 1 played each week by the team. Mr. JJic.ll hta fed at the meeting that the Cabarrus and Cilsou mill teams were anxious fo form the league. and he had reason to le!ieve that the Locke mill also would enter the league once it was definitely decided to form it.,--Ali of the busineisH liou.s In Con cord have observeil a half holiday on each Thursday afternoon during the summer, and assuming that this plan will le curried out again this year, it is planned to have a game each Thurs day and Saturday afternoon during the summer. A full league, .vcheilnle would be made, and the games would le played under this schedule. Jjist year the ihson and Cabarrus! .in . t i ,i I. i. '. .....i . . i mil is .no j;ihmi iui ii (cuius, uiiu iktsuii.s living! at these mills are anxious for more game. this year. While the Locke mill has not hao! a team for nev ii?ral. years it is stated that the em ployes and management of the mill faror a team this j-ear. And it is fur ther statei that the hall park is to be put in gmd eomtytion again this year. With this park f.eworked. the league would have three good parksthe Gib son and Ca barriw-teams "already har ihg good fenced in parks. ; This would provide, playing ground for each team twice, a week even if the Legion is un able to get-a park. " ' !- Chairman IJeJl stated that a meeting of representatives of the three mill teams and the legion team Is to ht held March lOt h wheu the matter is td 1 discussed fully, and definite action will be. taken at that time.-" CKISSINGER AGAINST NEW BONI S PLANS Said He Would Advise National Banks Not to Accept Ctrtiflcates of Service. -Washington. March f. Comptroller of Currency Crissinger aiinouiR-el to toilay that in the event of thennact ment of 'the soldier bonus legislation providing for payments by adjusted service certificates he wou!d advist National Jianks to decline to accept the certificates as security, for loans: Mr. Crissinger described the pro posed plan of issuing adj.isteI servic? cprtificates f dr. use hy the soldiers it desired as colla'teral for .-loans to 8 per cent, of .their face. value, as f ! 'worst kind of frozen credit, and de clared while he would be without au thority to order National hanks to re fuse to accept them as security he would strongly advisa against "their acceptance. - -- :- ' The-certificates would be "non. nego tiable" paper, Mr. Crissingex explain ed, and loans upon them would load the banks, up for a three-year term, which they cover with an immovable mass of security. - The certificates would he similar to he said, and "far.fr mthe liquid se curity be!t for the banks." , DOESN'T FAVOR THIRD ( POLITICAL PARTY NOW Tlitc Ktntinwnt nt Preshlent. of Amer- iean Farm Bureau Federation. . T.1:nrin ' - 't . March ! Jas. It. ' . " ' v-. t . 1 11 Mr, . 1 niAftnan , ..i .1- 15. the K)UfereDce of the Farm Bu reau of the Northeastern states last ! night, said, he did not favor the Fedr eration becoming actively engagert in the formation of a third political party. ' "If such a party should be organiz ed," he said, I would do my best to keep the American Farm Bureau Fed eration from taking a part in-its ac tivities." . ' ' He said the Federation took ,full re sponsibility for organizing the agricul tural blocdn Congress "but it doesn't care to all that take full it does." responsibilities forrf T AMERICAN CITIZEN KILLED IX 3TEXIC0 Alexander Mathenie Murdered at Los Naranjos on Night of March 5th. Washington, March 8. Alexander Math erne, an American ; ciuzen, was murdered at Ios Naranjos. state or Vera Cruz, on the night of March 5th, th: state department wis advised today by vice consul Hickerson, at Tampico. The dispatch stated that the, assailants were unknown. Attachment Serred cn Message of , r Peace. . , Wilmington, March 7. The British schooner. Message of Peace, uoteil, rum runner, still rides at anchor to night with 4 sheriff's deputy guard ing her decks, pending the settlement of an attachment served on-4he vessel by Donald Macrae, British vice con sul here.. , . " Consul "Macrae served attschmant nn the shin when she attempted "to rian inct ' Titpit.. alleeinsT that master ewes him Z5v ior- strvices rendered the crew and master when the ship was brought here by, i coast 1 guard cutter two months ago. i i f MSW (DKE' III RI6HT: flOVJ--;- j IIS- nr W ! - rtil I Jloc a??I rXi .C 1 IT. litiK riA 1UU V 1 A-W v t - , vi v i f II I If . .,771 V J ' ri7 I Til' ItJAt HAIHkf l-f 1 vO. lit I ri. & J m Ik if v orfe j ,,S7. , lir ' OJl if" ' LE(JI0N WOHKINfi SOW CIIOrAl CUB ( ONCKKT ' ' UFCKITION AT CtlNUHUI . ; F0IS FINE CLI B K00MS! NHXT TvHSIlAV NIGHT U KNirTKI- Flan Fmlenvajsby Whirh the Loral Post Can Kent t he Kreil . MKnnelI l'ost of the American legion is working now. on a e Wedding Music tfnan Iho Uos4'- plan whereby It is' hoped the IiCgion iaiion by Cowen -Chorii Cluh. wilt le able to secure the. third floor of... , , ufe. bv IVarl il. Curran; ti the new Cannon Building for cJ'!tiu Robin h Sonir bf Uoward White : rooms. - - -vi nieeiins; m me posi last nigur i i I . li!. 1 length, and -the club room committee!' H.jiielujah Chorus.1 from - The Mes was continued until Friday night of!sJ.lh r,v Handel-Choral Huh. this week, at which time, it is expert-j Selwtcil Miss Grace ixohn. "i-iii iiuik- a ueiimie reiuri itneeru - mg rne jroposition ing, . iia is made his . proiwsitlon $1(K) nth for, 12 months and the leg - mbersarp-lvow soklojf m,ethoI.s per month toiimcmbprs Iiy whithithis sum can be guaranteed, The legion memlers are certain -the rent can he easily rale.d each month, and several plans for raising the mou ey are being worked out. , ; One memlier of the .club room com mittee stated. at the meeting that he understood a P.usiness Alen's Cluh was being organized here, and that pro moters of the club had 'spoken to Mr. Cannon about renting the building, and for this reason he urged the. leg ion members to take definite action at take uerinite action ar . once so. Mr Cannon would know the ; wiiir!iii uif post. iiu- oiiiinr y un- j The ably will lie settled Friday night. t Harry Caldwell was made chairman of the. tennis committee of the legion, triumphant note "King of Kings and and will issue or accept challenges j JauX o JaiuU burst tlIHI1 tnelr rars, from any other Legion post. The lest , thp QnSen rose t(l y reveretu. a,,d tennis players in Concord are iucm-kom (l t() Him whos(, praIes wer,. H.. bers of the le.gion, and in this plMrU-jn. Sljn the Concord post will be easily able"! .. - to handle any competition. MEETING OF GASTON COUNTY SPINNERS TODAY 1 Association Agrees to Put Into Effect i . Immediate Drastic Curtailment. Gastonia. N. C, March 0. At a! meeting today of the Gas.ton County; Spinners Association, at' which more i than r.(MV spindles were . represented it was asreetl to nut into effect an- Lrdi.ff S rtnilmenT Thi I meaus, it was iid, that jerhaps. half of the t,140.(MK spindles in the i-ouiity ........ - " " - ' 7 - ' will te idle. A gluttetl yaru market was assigned for the action. " Death of Master C. II. Peck. Master. C H. Peck, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoke. I'e-k, died, yesterday, afternotin at i:3) o'clock-at -the home of 'his parents on South Chufctji street. He had been 111 since Suntlay, and since .Tuesday, when he contract ed , diphtheria, his condition liad been critical, it was not generally Known that the. child was .critically ill, how-1 ever, ana me announcement 01 uis un- timely aeatn causeti mucn sorrow. The deceasetl was four years of age, having celebrated his fourth birthday ! September 11th, last. He. Is survived by Lis parents, four sisters and three brothers. His sisters are Mrs. George French, of Charlotte; .Mrs.. Arthur1 Furr, of Albemarle ; Misses Louise and i 1 L lie 1 x u-m i . v. v , v. vvuvviu, ra ; and Robert Peck, of this cit.r.vand.1 T An riving brothers. , 1 . ;l COMBAT Rt'M RtNNERS igiojer r-ill grant cxtenlon of tlnw Fuueral services were held at the ' . ,.".; , . from Mart h ' l&th to rson5. part- home this afternxn at 2J30 o'clock, TMs Plan New J-PPJfJ nership and corporation rtenmr conducted by Rer. M. L. Stirewalt and MeUou- " Us S,atrd 3 aP?ly rwh - Interment was made in Oakwood cem-; the Treasury. show ct3d cus f-r therrr. -.WT.w etery. Washington, Mirth 0. Formation, extension.! are grated Interest at t " .. .of a prohibition -navy for combatt-; r?ta of six per cent per -.anuja from Negro Whit field is Trial. Giren Speedy; New Bern. Htfarch 8. Fifteen years in the state penitentiary ' was the sentencs imposed on Will Whitfiel. rwtoa a tnyrS Judge C. Lyon, at Jacksonn'Ie today m T convicted cf assault and robbarv of Ed - Snih. merchant' ua uort- master at Marines,, two years ago. - Taken to Jacksonville this morning. after spending the night in Craven, thelteil under guard, of tt detachment oft IV, .... i 1 irvu. itaieiga n-iiuuui &uiu nwys. une-;or field was tried and convicted and cd through here tonight going back tojshols. "Ala- will Raleigh to begin his sentence. 'd.eiteljr. ? It Is Hoped iFor Benefit of War -Mot hers Meniorhl Fart of tire; tliinifs, 'ouiRlcte Frugrain (iivrn. .' i The program fr the 4iuivrt Tue '.,.. nllil March 14tli . lioliin s rsong, uy uowaru line.; ThrougIa Primrose IVU br Mrs. s. Gillert Stross-lrs. Mary Sims 'icl (i,oa x Intermission. a) I Ito n iJifsle, by Harry Iud- i furolshetl hy a U ; (h) F.Tlilnk FlfGet Wel In the,nnl-,'ro Kanuapoli. UummeP .Timc br TTArry Li iit rattW, j nai, j urt Abode.v from Iaudcr Tanierl i iiausprt j)V nu-hard Wagner Choral Irn,,, t Club a) In the Land of the Sky Blue Water, by Cadnian; tb By the Wat ers of Minnetonka, by Lieurance Thur jow Mrs. Sloan. Selected Miss Grace Kohn. Star Spa ngied Banner. When Handel wrote the "Hallelujah Chorus," he thought he saw the Heur ens oiteiied and angels staudiug around the throuof i(k1. this anihem was . nn in KXW,rX r(.m,,rml Hall in Ln- i don ou a ,reat .H-easion. ' when Qiiwn1 ,n VW-toHl W is lres,Mlt The audiem-e. stood throughout the. singing of the nnthtmi n it n fiistoni: Vhn flu i . : : " - i DEATH OF MRS. IDA i , SLOAN JOHNSON Occurred This Morning at Fixe O'clock 6f Pneumonia, at Her Home in No. 3 Township. Mrs.' Ida Sloan Johnson, Wife-of Mr: Baxter Johnson, of Xo. 3 township, died this morning at rive o'clock Mrs. Johnson had teen afflicted -for a nnm- fxf M.i ,..U ilrnnur mill fltf1- . leuninla al-mt a week ag.i. ......... .... , - oiiuiimiiv i rui raipuur; . j her. death. She was one of the cun- j SurviviIIK Mr. vc.rmaii r hin ty'A Ut women, always active in j wf. wbf formerly MIm MjhhI : church-and civic life and the news ofj,.jt50nf t.v.. aml otl0 dungi,. her death will le heard with sorrow;, j4 0lut six years of ae by her numerous friends and neigh-i The following memU-rs of Numa ;jHrs. Bemes her husband. Mr. Bax- N 344 A y, 4 A. M . of High Her Johnson! Mrs. Johnson leaves three i..i.t.in ,-,f hich Mr. Chcrinan wan a i. i -aI . w. . I . k 1 mntlMl I il T II tiflU 411 sons and one dauKiuer: iiessrs. Iawrence, William S.. and IUlih Johnson, and Mrs.. Edna Irwin, all of No. :j township. Also two sisters and two brothers: Mrs. 1. B. Iugla.ss, of Charlotte; Mrs. ' Satlie Haris. and Mevsra janie!, B. Sloan Si0an 0j Texas. Iiesides nnn jno. CTandchildre.il gramicniitire..! ami moer rt-iaueH. Funeral services will te held at G,J,woollr Fresbyenan tharch -" , , V n morrow .morning a il o clock ami u - terraent will take p:ace in tne wooi cemetery; tne semens win conducted by her pastor. Iter. T- :v - PROHIBITION "NA TO ing rum smugglers along the Florula coast has the aDoroval of Secretary i Mellon, it was stated tmlay at the ! Treasury. f5cla s det-lareil tht the j use of coast guard Miomarine eg s -ers ? mar effect on the liquor runner lM southern waters. ' . , Continue Hearing Indefinitely. Washington, March 8. Hearings by the house military; conaqj'ttte on the various Droosa-i3 it has received - , . . . . , .v private oeieiuii"!, ui pass-jcrnment's properties at Murcle be continc-d in- -Many I rnU Fallal at th htm ,ast FfIC Vnm to 9 Orlork. ; The rwjth n an a oIMUrfuI hv ' i'f.i e,xetlliic ly greatest fxp-rtii j ' ions." said Mr. M. 11. I'avK head of jthe CoihihiI Funilttire CotiiMiny, ihia j laominj cnunineullng f uin lh evrut U'ld lat enenhir'at their utore In t-e- -;."- " !, -.- ! Oration of th thirt"Ciitb annUerarr '' hat comr'any's hmhic mrert in m -. m uueuni. , - The torc Was dHirateI for thU iKHUHion in a color N-hi'm of nd. white and blue, and for the further plctiMire of the visitor pplendid muMc furbished br a twenty five iIice ! il l funami inai ieiwn ix ""i t-l tlK ftln at Jmslmsf during i thp reception hoi 7 Jo !i ocIKk. urs. which were from Kaeh of tbve wa servetl with Ii cream and two kiinN of cake. People of.all clashes, and i from far and near were present. No good 4 were offered for iia!e at the rf..,tif Ion last night. The aVn j did line of furniture inrri.il by the Company was well dipta red. however. and the management Mated this morn lug that the place hail tilled with customers, anxious to avail thcuM lve "r 1,1 f the luirgaiu whiHi an lcing offer- this line. LEE K. OVERMAN Hl'RIED IN CONCORD Dcath Occurred In Hih Point Yricr day -Funeral Today. . Tlie Ixxly of Ieo S. th-eraian. of High Iolnt, arrlteil in Coueord thi morning on train No. II. and funeral services were conducted at Uu'Ml o'clock hy Stokes Inlge. No. .TJ A. F. & A. M.. of this city. 1 Mr. trerman. 'who was about thirty years of age. died at his home yes terday morning aliout 1 oclo-k from Bright's diene and high blood pressnrt. Fr the pat fonr years he had boen engaged In the eject rlca business, and for eichf years" pifwl- Iti" tl.iit flm.i hr n in the rniteil . . . , . , Mates -avy as mi eiecirienn j ,ard lht. Molint , Vernon. He was memlier, aci-oDipanied the lny to int cord as a Masonic -irt. from whldi the jbiII liearejn were K!ectel; It. B. Parker. 3. I- PmitWi. P. V. KIrkman. Jack BurrK IL' IL Held. W. H. Currie. J. W. Price. W, W. Bur- aD,i w w. Smith. , (. Snorj xhnt to aT Taxr. t Commissioner cf ReTuue Watts said today that only one week more I remain mi-ocic itner returns and pay tb?ir taxet -without penalty or Interest- Tn tt-nft omirM nn Wed ne id a r. March !l5th. at midnight- AfUr which time ia penalty ot nre pre cruw wut-u m !n case mill be rolanUril) uauw on n A before Mar ISth. The Conral- I oil b-fore Mar March ISth will t-e due and m w frollf'cted in every c3e. i3ke your return now ; penalty cr Interest and rare Eter StJIO-ary Store m Get GhhI i silisbttry. March Robher iU night looted the store or ise utis i Harry Company la Salisbcry d gt farar with eeveral hundred colar u-orth of ready t wear, hath roVM kin ona and other itoods. An -n-trancj waa effected throng-i r iht in. the roof, the roiwera ?' therasejres dow a Inide the tuUdics by & rope. For the IUflrosdU tit thcjChkl Ihttuthe lr Nl Cotintn During: the Vzti laful Capilil I W AVcti ;. 12-Month Ha Fm! V. Putman. - v FEWER PEOM-E RODE ON TILUNS And the Railroad Ut the! GoodWil! of the People! on Account cf the Higher Fareji Charged. IVi,E.fft, . t ti Ikw4 tli 'ill l-O ftI tW fil 4 It iMir, Vi4 IV tlt.ia f !! l,Rfclllii ltUrt t iXm in Io-rtt' CvtWittir fit jMiry Jttl ffcr rl "Tti rlht4s I fe4-jl tts-y luii kf it" Mr ettei rti -l. "It I th riIMtij f t rHi rud tt-r' thHtiiH ft fl4rt ttM,x mid fu tb PtMtvr tmin ttii f m 1141 P:ni-M tf IbriHirti t m flricLI tktir1toril " , ' ALrd bjr tU tVi4afclla t-l ilr of.rHtirn ti-rHt th rMrt oaxht 1 r-f. Mr. puttuiia ! tUt if tin i utiiktkn trt4 6 f r tmt rr. Hotulde it hiiJ. rf-t tit tfettA'U i rtn uorr tit it that in ! tf iha !lsr In . f tt pr- S. " " ! J.hn II Buri.im-. tui fr t! riutifit.il li.tutrI trrr- t-jrv. mt$ eil ih 'i'Uitill.. hlff it r IK'H lu't'ht Ut a . rait. itm a lcr!iln In Itw r idtlpfirii J klH-W The fittur-. QI ITS KFFtlRT Til I Mimxr. nir. strike Consider It l"eic l Make 1 urtfcf r Attraspu l IVriie 1 a-r Us Providtnee. Iti March Tfc itate hc.rd of w:Hlitatkn w4 concili ation tiKtay lnkiieil ttttipt at iiettlen-.ent of the trtt c'vrtvrr and udjoarwd lodcnnlttr. A statement Unurl ibis fttttn bv Iabor Commiffloaer . 0rxe . H Weob, follo-rtnsr a tarthy "vilc- of the tril, - announced t!l tfc &djr "tohRMcm It ?rlc in mile further attciapts l jTuaJ? l!hr side lo nuhmjt arbUrattew .-'. -r A, litll nore thao a ;erk s.g. the IxKiid gate up at'mpt t v-ute lb strike when tfttile . innufiur-ri and otcr,itivri refujuwl to tiMmd their difference lo rlrtion. n Saturday the Umr i m-l la what was 3B""UU'! a a Ctuat ffTirt 1 mediation. A plan s draws at proTldiarr for a 1 tr crnt va? r--ductkn Int4 of the 2 per tnt sked Jty mill iKr and lr the retention of tb 4-lKnir - rrklnr week In the mtils uwtMd f tfcel hour week propd by the manfc turcrs. the tatemcnt lucd ty It boiird today aa taken ac &4ictly that thee termi r not aceeptbl to one or both of the !&!-rrff4 parties. EDUTN S. MONT.M4 K TENDERS KfMGNATION Had Ilem SrrrHary Fr Imli ! errtly VU1rie4 by Mr MTlIhua Hickii. Ixmdon. MarHi VAmln mm Monte, ibe.;-rHary f"r lodU, t- derHl hi r-ittfitli im'ey aixl II w 8eeffel. . ' j Tlie Indian F ilicy of t1 ry Mntagu4 waiulJfI l a tt-l iu the Houm f 'uitii n It nn-fjih in a nii ty Sir Win. Johnoi He.. who ilf r t-d tl M-rrfarr li- t i trjls to gnerti If!a a"rrn; f liWral and tom r lda.-- Mr. Montarue dcfetnk'!' Iduetf by declar Ing if rT.r tintror plHr tt tnalntenaw-e; of the iidf-rrlty of It ctnplre. f!b tt tcxrtt "V I.rtiuiltf for the drrt-fopcm-tit f f-U l f-govern Beiit for Itntia. irf li clarr- aglnt Mr. 'Montagu that I had allowed to mmii trnlf m to Mtaind K- Gandhi, ft tra4i eralhoit leader. TO MKT. SKPUXITF. ! 1tU;K AGBEF.JIFAT Fr in!st Cal WerieYm. t'le la. trtate Cealrrmre U Calle4 hj Iaer FabHu t- lal. March fFrat Far riacton. prefWnl of i 11U-U dUtrlct. L'nitsl Mine Wert era t America, toiay rrrtd oi'J nejotiste a separate ae iffeetarct with HUnot ojrtoff aai tr inlernal orranjntKo rllJ as W tert.t roafrerri .f hm c$rtns of th.r strat apiil &4 crtifinr fnir HmU. ilf. Frriato added. boever. tfclf r. ti ar :! m a nwwfsi iiiiuiKf . . r ..it . adrtd tak to r-ert ! Vtinr tirtfc April 1. , 'h 5ew ITar FaKls IIi4-er. Detroit. March A caa rvslay a tlrycle pnlltd w? a'orKe a staa and women la aa autoraote t3 tie North part of the eiiy earty t-3y, Coortbe4 a pinsL Jtaaadl aa.J ! talced tie mctoriru rsef. U.' pedalled kta:e!f to a kw.rz: ?U wHre tie Eotorttta wrre ur.a'e to local? tixa. -: Malekalan bride bate two frwst teeth knocked ost. . It esat be tar4 ' darts t cor3-o3-tel tUo& in PARTY H WITH IIUIDENT Psrtr Will hnt Mmi uf the Wrek at .-St Aunu-tbe. Whm the Prr!drnt Wilt Make Hi Hraduartrt li4 fVVM It t-At tt-4f . Wr4 t4lsfci;f 1 H .- ! ! tfti tm .t5t ; ! hi fttt'm t m SsA f " '4ti !h4 . c i . M ' I-5 4$f M, It U 2r4 i nt ti ., f Attf-'. wi-ii, I .'.il r?--- ifct V C! tl1- t J : 3t-wiH wMe at tt.-t-y 1 1- AU.?iHr V4 t4 n-rtfc4 f-ty fd t ttil i ti4 r a 4i4 trii i'6t.iiii 'Wo-t 4 ii W(ti f tf f-t !Jf4 it t . I Mi MI I h . It t il i fe -- . , ti i t li.HtM la l tt f ? tutI ti l iU-4 t t IW A t4.l rrt-n -f lJw"4 i j traiiui; tt fwit iWV"l iu la ft u k (IT- f llvv tt u.irr mi.vl tr Pfe-! ltrlJfef .. Wft"- ' l si tfeerd td Ui l-tis rxtu.tot ( M prritHiI Utp, CiE -AiatvsT mrmur ' ami mm ii iiimim tii 10am .f T. W. intfMMM. tWwt tr Drfrrtv, Ua I r I Vttim Urtvtnn. ,, ft -n f- f,-Mt of tt 4 ftM t. 4i 'wsl tt UJt.e 4 T. M Pisib. it W- (I1U)M, Julr- II Ai fpsrk4' Cirt t t? tinmm-gp WftXt'W, W- I 1V.4. jt It T. It-4r, ttffH fHh 1 lw fer"lli m ,u U4-. litl,r Rr- n"iti1it lut? .Ki fcMM if er, vi Jt Al'f! rrtiSl M I f th- rwJ-wlln ltt Ssif'iw ii.4 t d tr t-tf, ! it t uctM-e. in k!;iti l Mr ! ltIti-. ft d4p tlKl Hi !-. f s rlf ,f n."f, pr -. iift te M II Uuttllif ft tt f-n fif,st -ifrr with tlfr ttit U dfn.lhl mt f ti Ui ted la Wake VMtef jr t !l) I Hil t, .;.f ri.t. f t ! itf lrti f l imn tf fcf kj4nc ft" 4frj8f mtJnfi,t?i It iuld 4 4 ff t Iti w r trtxl riiau t in t I liR -Utility Tlttltlfl "Pay 1 I a4 fefc ! fra Pay a t mt IJ?Ue fir tlaai ft. U4. i r . Mr t - T1ji it' '"i$f f y,oa trif i& s-f Nf Veniay Iff. AUa j,'. ' lie ii r4tus ti frs.rf .4 Ir I-i !l dclf 5 J il, Hjirk. ffcaifr f i i !-. Mr. UI t' it- J4 tsn ?! py , &ti ti?il; i -It mtl "lt tmil 4tM: tfe; U Vt trft 1 It ft i ' ft.? tat t nlett r r t-TT he pr at' H- r HUh liar 44cr1le. TIj 15t Ai.iiry e-t u f-,sa? .- m - at ti 4'-r4 . Cmiir. TSj w4 so! "Jrftrr." 'TfcT i t--" iv4i 'tt al a l r4 a -new a4- t'Jr t. Te jrk asd term af ruc TH fc4 U4is ,4S. a tft !! rrrf4 t ftt ft FftUafh. t tt tja '-aeJ 4rt TSn itt. ?; rM-v' ,rr, fcw a., jlaf ;- PirU4 ! Irtttra4a. Pantc-!, ft, I A f1t ; . :i .,1 I- 1 1 1 tw.it 1 t aa4r 4 lfat aVst--t-tf litxtf cf tt ifrf tfl ss fi1 c4 tf-- nenfr.'sy rftel lt.it a Ir Jr 'f lis ijtjx - Tsr - is.-f 1 Git-7 New Jerwj fUif tl Ub Ar. Kat. - -Trrfet. N. JT, Mf"!j t - afEsrsta&ett tr li f Wft ,i."sti- ty ii f 13 i . - Ttr rrJina '4j ttT ' irtsa - t?-ri. IS jf artM rt:fVata. .TW rn- Rct zr.d Umr4tlri (