: " "- TH II K I O ft J I, v - 0 - a ..-norf.T.. Editor and Publisher. PUBLISHED UONDA Y 3 A ?JD THURSDAYS S H n r. CONCORD, N;'C MONDAY, JULY 3, 19 sir un Tin i "iinrrVcn-crUFH MW .NEW HEAD OF ROCKEFELLER CLAN (TEXTILE fXION MAKES ANOTHER PLEA FOR BONDS II SomeHiing of the Man Who Is fa Heail Rati If tv lr. ru. n. rtn u I . the Standard tOil Company. I it Opportimlljr. We Will Yale For : New yrk. July 3. The litnelijsht of the Bond. nau-JMreei na in mmw atjunen- . Fifteen hundred tneml.er of bl ly upon WI lIara G. Rockefeller, who No. 1222. FniM Textile .Worker of i others Were Injur--ul Sden-Atlantic Trin Lc Rails at - AVinslo Junction. i'i r RESIDED . ALL IN THE LOCALITY . .nri iinivn an Km- Lrcd V?re Taken to At lantic City Hospitals. j ii h' fv. iiHifi'isiiiy ,..ftS tl.lt i;iul till! II' ( 'ity. N. dclpltia. ('loiiecstcr, ; N. J., Smi.lcr, Atlantic City, . July ."..At least I i.Tid iiii'I atMiijf I .. I t ..t il.j.lil .it n:i i tL I in jii ,". I. t, ,1.1 Wll' II II Uliidell- W:i-w .I.hj'-i'h'ii. 37 miles ....I n.llnl umwi Jin '-'- lr,!il , T!,,. ii. tiuii number of dead !..,''-V , fi.i. u-rerknm ' . . MM....... ......... f.llrll'd. Ilifif nr. :iilv-i ttcrsons were M''r '., . m iitwiiinct'd tm- ... i i. -ii iiii' f'liiiiu.i .1 ,... . . . 'I ft " . i... I l.im- i;in. "I 0:'lliM r. 'f!!i;illl I- I"11- : .. V T t.,.i,!i pll.lSllni. ili'iiMmuin, .i. . I...II...,. . . . l w In. 4 ml S ti'l'M'ii. rn.iiiii.iii y i jinn (oiN'tt. ( f I'lill.-Ulelpliin. jl i ,f (lit- iiijurj-d were. broiiRht to jb,,.!,!!::! in HiN . iy. An early ene-K-o iA,- licit i I 'f them resided in vh-iiic City, "i !'' Muth Jersey imii, or l'liiailflliin- . M DH OIUl M AT MOMKKAT HANDSOME Fffbyleri:iiis of tlie South Are Do filled With Tretty Niw Structure Jiontrefir. July 2 The new audi urinui. from a material pint of view. 'oiitstamlins feature of interest A Mt'iitri'af. die " miner assembly of !l-SoiilliiM ii I'n shy terian churcu, to hWi liiiinh-t'ils ef Presbyterians and my utai'is of different denoniina ti(ii;;reliKikii;r forward as the season of tin1 present year begins. This audi torium, with a seating capaeity of 5. tiiUinI which lias fMM ii pronounced by by the death of hi father ba com I (nri mtitrnl t.f Ia fortunes iu Amerlon, or In Um world, a fortune that i variously estimate.! at from $ir0,(KKMXK to'$Wi.WMjtm. -William (I. - Itoekefeller. the nl.lt nd exei-llent Hon of William Ito ke feiler and the probable future head of 'Standard Oir -thin wathe quota tlon appliel to the younsr , ltockef el. ler many yearn ago by Thoma W. lawsuit in liif intimate and firsthand etady of the Itockefeller financial ilinchinery. Near.y twenty yejirapo It ' f.eeaiue an accepted lclief fn fibaucif 1 circles, for wmie reason tliat tan nVer been t-atlKfactorily explained, that WjIUhui (I. Itockefeller,' the fon ef William IUckefeller. wag destincl in time to take the he m of the Rocke feller Khip of finaiu-e and leeoiue the dominant power in the world' agresa-' tion of wealth and of the power of wealth. . It Im interesting, therefore, to iudy William CI. It'ckefel!er. Hp j now a man of middle .age hi. next blrthd-iy will Im nix 2nd. llis father brought him up to the destiny. of the family fortunes. He sent hhn to ,Ya, let biro travel abroad for n while, with. a guide, philospher and frlemi. aiid then schooled him down to the routine and detail of corporation management, and policy and high finance according .to the rides and 'he 'method of the great hive of oowef and control 'recognized in. the Standard Oil Huilding at No. 2 IJroadway. At Yale Kockefeller knew few fe" low-students ' and seemed not to care to know them. He nald no attention to sport, trained with no losing or win ning team or crew, and drank no beer or "velvet" with coterie that the gilded and socially accomplished yonth of hi day formed. lie lived simply. He got his diploma In being at the time a little, older than most of h a fellow graduates. After his graduation he was serious- if HI of a typhoid fever. His con valescence led him to a tour abroaL Soon after his retar.l be married Elsie Stlllman, daughter of James Stillman Her father was famous as head of the National "City Bank, and "toss" of the Rockefeller chain of banks that has wielded so vast and' so undcf inable a power in speculation and business. -The wedding on Novemler 21, ISO.". was a great social, event, marked by the presence of persons most desirable as social canons go. There were wn liam C! Whitney, and Mr, and Mrs. J P. Morgan. . Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius . :,!,.. .... tl.on i..h?h J tlUllWimil. Jll.nim,.uia. a.inu uan. 'WT,47K?Z ;fid snn-Niicaurauneuom ,., - wp,,flin,r vftllll!? noekefeN ik.mt thri.n -TliViiit il.a viiiitli nn. nrnh. .- -i-. " r.u. ........ 1 . ....... ......... ahrn.it excel htl- in any .section: of the Initeil Slates, li.nl been erected and .ft'Bipietiil at a cost far less than that slii'h is usually expanded in building H,f."if of a simil,i;r nature, it having Iwn estiiiiiitcil that under most condi tions this amlitoriuni coubl not. have lt.cn erected for less than $2."P,0("K), T Fra.fi- EiMDW IE VAIFKV IS i IKillTlx; WITH RADICALS Iffort'jne ! Statement Ma'de by Two Priests Wlu Were With Irregular Tniops, Wilon. July .?,. (By . the Asso rted h-css.) According to an Ien m Standard dispatch from j Dublin this afternoon two- priest sent away from Greshaim Hotel by republicans, ft'aLM.n?d a rcjiort that E&irnonn de Vt'era was with th? beleagiired gar rison. . ':. The tiwKsage ' quotes one of 'the rnr t- as siyins rosarding the rcpuhr w:a leader: ile is there ail. right. tri.ni I shook hands, with hn." , . vThe mossaze adds that the Lord ayor. who with the archbishop of i'lon acted last evening as inter Vtary .between nationals and bg H;td r -publicans, has been inuide a pinner. . i ' v HliST (UtVKIJNMKNT i - ' RKl'OKT J)N COTTON ??ii3.',Sir?,,'1 lie AlHxit n'" Wi;ales.ft1P Forwast Predicts. "d-s-inni.lnn. Julv !i Til i o ronpfo h.tt.... ... ... ' "'" -rop will I,,, about ti'H.if 4 1 . t't'partiuoiit Sl'tlitlllt. .. 1 " r of tl.., . "if season. . That tot.-i 1 iir.u1...:.. W "! ,.,.i:.:. ..union (lr 4l.j por (Vnt or n"rml on i,,,,,, .- 11.(M"..".0(X of Agriculture its lirst forecast , " '""ilition of 71.2 per cent nnniiiti .... i ..- - ti,n ' 1,4,-,UM, a(r( iu cultiva h V-n -that date. The crop may be tiK i 'r rm:,,,,'r- il,, ording to condi r 'levolopin (1ril lhe mnaimlel. 'He are-. .....i i. . . , ,oci eu.uvation June 2.1 4.1 , " n.nu.tion of the crop on thai ''y states ineluded: ' Wmm' :11,0H): con,lUion ' Xnh r.... i- Naliti ' -. llna- at'reage 1.G01.00Q; f K.'JJjn ' Per cent. ; i'ition,011"1'- awreaSev 2.2.)0,000 ; ; "n l-iwr cent. I JAN DENIES REPORT tV i : ! AnwSJ! Kvading the Washington ! hrv V V" n " instructing ler settled down in the "shop" nt 20 Uroadway. All agree that . he took kindly to It He was at his desk from 1) to 4 every day, except when he spent a week or two at his country .place. Early in his career he was made a director of Amalgamated when that great corporation .vas floated. As the years have rolled by he has taken over more and more of the financial burden so lng supported on the shoulders oi his father. Stl'.l, when all has been told, it must be admitted that "the Street," knows, very little to a certainty regarding, the personality and capabi lities of he man who has come into control of such a colossal fortune and v)ho may become the directing factor in Rockefeller financed Clannish con centration of power is a Standard Oil tradition. If William G. has been proved to be the fittest, no doubt he will be chief. SEES SLAYER IN GLASS, AgetLfrystal Gazer Seeks" Solution of liaflling Murder aiysiery. Mount. Joy. Pa., July 3. Surround ed by her. even dozen black cats, Sadie Dice" an aged seer, crystal gazer and clairvoyant. lelieves he may solve the Z. W .Keller murder mystery wmcn has baffled the Stale .police for a week. Clad in a dress of old bags, she was reluctant to tell what the.crsytal had shown. With both eyes watching the glass, a pan of water boiling on the stove and a cat purring at her feet, she attempted to seek the solution. "I can ee. the flayer faintly in the crystal," fdie said. "He is a powerful man, ifman who may have served some time in the army. I can see a button on the lapel of his coat, but his fea tures are faint. The crime was the. result of hate, revenge. He lives not so very far from here. The State po lice will clear up the mystery ) MORSE'S FREEDOM BRIEF 1 K , O.iil.i 1... .. iw-,:.? ,I5y Discharged on Technicality, Shipping Man It at One Rearrested. Portland, Me., July 3. Charles W. Morse and Rupert M. Much, under In O'ietaaent far conspiracy to defraud the GoverAmient on Shipping Board con tracts, wera discharged from custody today by United States Commissioner Arthur Chapman on thy ground of a tejehnksalltv on the complaint occonii- panying the warrant on which they were arrested. They were almost im- Auxil- mediately ra-arresited hy Deptrty Mar shal Gilbert A. isorwn. , :t ut, me issociarexi jf'-rmai i,,lmiralty t(lay issuel a s rt rermrt.. . "eiiying re- Mile t',, -i U1:lr .Japam w iiT on navai a-' iiary ,h ,Iltl ".nstrnctior No Rehearing' In Fickford Case. Carson City. New JV 3. The as evading-State Supreme Court of. Nevada here titoday denied a- petition or Auorney shiric ' , "Ullll,n ot auxii- General Leonard o. wr ic- "'pj! that t. statPment also an--hearing of his action attacking the Kiissi i,, rt Arthnr. taken -from 'divorce granted to Park Pickford from r. ; , ln Hio. Russo-Japanese Owen Moore, both motion picture ?fars. iP-irt. " abandoned as a naval The Sunretae Court upheld? the di- vorcet. .: . - . . - -' - : ' Lar-v, ... r f :a!-d fro? 3Ilf mrt varieties. k tsed bv 1 Pu:ts of i'e world, irtistm .a weH-knowri Ftv-rlish -wngp his colors. An n.- : - " rtsat ti,SEteamer'i arrives or America, liav ei.dori the following article, prepared by oCW-ialu of the lo cal: ConfnL-N. July X VJL July,r.th I ttw day for the Tofers of CoiMfrd to gn to tlw-lr rpectlre roting place and nt their haUot fur the f22.V ncbiul lw ndn, o that the city may take it place among other citic in istmatloual Hoe. It ban lieen mi id that Concord van dead. "There i cn way to let the -ple know that it I till allTe. Int the present lond l!ne over with large majority and nhow to thv world that tlu eople in Cnerd an rtlll d things in the right way. What wilt the world n't large think of the people of Concord if they fail to provide. milf able school roomy for their children? Some people'iuay not, realize it tnt other cities a re watching for the ut-i-ome ofthe present IkmhI Iwup-here. Are the children of Concord not. en titlecl to .the name school advantage a the children of ' Salisbury, High Point. ThomnsTlIle. Hillxboro. or Clas tonla? All of which hare voted bond for letter school within , the last twelve month. Do. we not think n much of the future . welfare, of our (hlldren a the people of any other town In the I'nited State? If you are interestel In the future welfare of your children then it i your duty a well as your privilege to vote for the school bonds. ! If you are interested In the future welfare of the children of Concord and in nviking the town a better place to live, in, then it U your duty ns well as your privilege to go to your voting place on July fth and vote for ye school bond. - Kndorse;! by the iIOQ members of local No. 1222 United. Textile Workers of American, at their regular meeting Saturday night, July L 1922. ' JACK "KING'S COMEDIANS. L&VrCLERXSJOlli STOIKIIIG SIIOPII SUBLET flit IlfeT ti ix t or i w p r f laul Vrr t U -4 iv. 14 Xa Cat HUr4 if Ti- fl'fc'rta. i GU$MM?'4t tir fu. Ztvz jic ts trsf tat je tua:;25 tr tt btlt S tie fKa! ftrtt. Xfr mlttiw lifim or iwiti A, rttauvi !DTn!ffHn fit ft f ff OlItlMalJ tlUL l itii Some Delay in freight Movi rncnt Due to i Walkout of m am iert CIcrlts at Various Stations of the System.? 'not tt CUirru l .t s-istlt a fiih tL Oiia &j-tr jr' itt PREDICT GENERAL STRIIvE WEDNESDAY Statement Issued Today by Prv5!r!fnt Mnhpf- FftlInxv- ing Strike of the Clerks of 11. the Various Departments, j tT tatil rtr; 5id Alim td ih Wlr l the atfurrtit. H alkr4 i-rt tit Ulr f?cael jo vttn Crt tttirr: J 1 iju tl Mnt.4 t tta Tfc?r f feiUiSf la tt cruvtei. ttRtWt i!ayra f. tiP 4 f th dcnllrt sl Ite tro-t: rua. li.:.i tmst t4 &xt t3 Ut. oa Jh Here .All This Week Under CanTa. What Zanesville, Tcnn., Thinks of King's Comedians. .. Last night was a banner one for the Jack King Comedians. AH the week the plays which they have presented have been very fine indeed and have won the praise of" all who were fortunate enough to be present.. Rut last, night with "Another Man's Wife" as the drawing card there wan a cap acity house and then some. In addi tion' the university students -arao along out of the. great parade they had in honor ef their signar victory ' on Roanoke. Va-. Juij 3. N'orfofk & Western drks ti vatic uj place? alons the road thl3 ewraJrt jolu-J the striking hoi&n. ' . I'erixdeut .U'lher at noon tlay U-Talarrn sued the follirAlng stalenrnt: ?Wtt. ni ... i Sine mldnlshl there La bien eo-r.eSiipifo-ld. delay to fre!i?ht mm'ttueut. ;arti-ular- j Ilil?r. 2b ly at Rlucficld. Roanoke, anj Fh nan-1 HopUti, e. ... JKUL, on account of yard clerks, n.mnj . .l!m.ui, if. C"AXw ni ie S;t.5tod wait a R'.t-fla with to i8fl C:ml trJ UK-t t"t Rob'Tta, hile I-oturd tjtr.J 0.st one for rl rinrjlt irJ llrwts ilc-aver f-n ta hit, n 4 C.arr' renting lVh o me a oa ia&-s. Ihf tot cre: Alt It It A i: -I ,.i house clerks, scu e noose clerks and fRaim y, Il. .1 callerj, leatfng the u:rvke on hort Mouin. rf. 4 t; IMIIuyr. ..,.,t cr-, p. 3 RulblH.y, ef. 2 M. -4 notice. OtJjejr1? the condition about as ItAvas." ' Union otllciaJs say there will be a general strike of clerks in the general oiEces here next Wtresday. Firemen and Oilers Have -Perfect - Allzht to Strikfu- Chiengo, July 3 (liy the AsmtfaUil j Miller, r. Pres). Timothy Heaicy. president of Allen, p. l the Stationery FireBje and Oilers, today dispatched telegranw to cf his local unions telling them the Ju'n have, "a perfect right: to' strike now if they so desired." -; - Rdrta ; i:Urt.. MINERS DETKICIINEI) TO PROLONG COAL STRIKE. P.rown. c f. i Ititiard. 21 . I At well, lb. ;- 3 (V, bran. Hb. 4 Criv. rf. : 4 Cleaver, If. i 3 ai'ly took up every vacant seat that was left and filled the tent to, overflowing. Of the play itself-too much cannot be' said in praise of its presentation. Each actor seemed specially cut oat for the part taken. Of course Jack King , in his favorite . character oi Freckles, was the king pin of the whole combination, and when le sprung a line of comedy on the audi ence it always set them-into a, roar of laughter and often riproatfious ap p'ause. And in hi soler moments so to speak, he captured the hearts. of hi listeners. Truly the crowd was with him in his "dad gummed foolishness, and they literally wept with him in hi spell of pathos. The vaudeville letween acts was es pecially good and) loudly app'auded by the crowd. - THE COTTON MARKET Opened Steady at an Advance of 4 to 8 Points .Business Qniet. New 'York. July. 3.The cotton market opened steady at an advance of 4 to 8 points in response to Tenltively steady cables. There was a lltifje Southern sealing but the smnll offer ings were absorbed by scattered cov ering and the market held fairly steady right after orpcttilng with Oc tober ruling around 21:57 and Decem ber 21:37, or a'bout 9 points, above 'ast week's closing quotations. Busi ness waa very quiet with traders evi dently inclined to wait for the gov eroiruent report due early this after noon. Cotton futures opened steady. July 21:56; Oct. 21:45; Dec. 21:13; Jan. 21:07; March 20:97. ' AN AMERICAN'S WIFE IS KILLED BY MEXICAN BANDITS Mrs. Thomas Cheney, Mexican Born. Killed When She Recognised Bandit Leader. - , Washington, July 3.--0drs. Thomas Cheney, the Mexican born wife on an American cimployed by an American company operating in the Tampico oil Yegioh, was kiTJed by Mexican ban dits June 29th when she recognized their leader, according to a report to day to the State Department from Consul Shaiw at Tanrpico. . As Mrs. Cheney ts an American: citizen by mar riage, ttihe Departantent tmade inxmediate representations to the Mexico CSty government urging that the murderer be apprehended and punished. Rather Than Agree lo , Negotiate fn Dlarlrt Wage Sole -with" Opi'ra ' tors, . ; Washington, July X Dy the Asso clated Pmu.)- Lines' cif differences were draw more tightly than ever o day when y representatives ht "bitumi nous coaV operators and otiKjIaU -f the striking coal ' mintn' ;.uiiin went into tjiethirl joint Wnfcrenx-e in ccui pany vtfh'v Secretaries Hoover- and Davis. : :lpC . ' -. ' s Prior to the meef?ng( it wa; ivMcnt tlutt t;t cjtrators if! en t force . oa.e sort' "of a- coiu lu ? t oili y w i t h- 0 il 1 2 r 0 1 2 J u t j 2 it 1 2 t 2 O O ft t o 1 4 n i n o ?i i n o 4 n (i I 1 t 0 n it n ti 2 tt 24 H 2 l It II PO A V. 1 n 2 o i o l n o 0 l 2 5 d 1 2 1 no 11 l 4 l o ii i l o 11 2 1 n O 1 0 2 l O O C 12 27 11 2 01 BD.'F.D hvit Which Wi!ltJ 1)1 KitaniAy DrnpunrTfxS ty rortran:tA!x Who Tale Htrikm' ilrr Will lie Rwsnbnl try It hi the Fulure. hits Sappen Urown, Hoiv tin uph-p fyr the pnrji" . making up a national or s'tui-national wag; scale. From- the view of John 1 'Lewis, President of theUnitel Mme Workers, it was evident that the miu ers consider It necessary to prolong the strike rather than agree to nego, tiate for district wage scales wth ;h operator. Washington, July .". ( Dy the As sociated Press) Deadlocked over a basi of negotiatlong a settlement of the bituminous coal strike the confer ence of operators and United Mine Worker official accepted the sugges tion of "government representatives to day and adjourned until next Monday, When the adjournniet was take at 1:10 o'clock this a fteroon after two joint sessions and an intermediate sesson of operator nd miner. Sere tary of Lalor Davis, one of the govern ment representative said that no agrement had been reached, no cora piittcMvt continue the disctission in the meantime appointed, and no specific? program for the future discussion. al-j though many tufTereut plans had been proposed. Asked as to the indications for a successful ultimate outcome of the conference which assembled Saturday at the request of President Harding, Mr. Davis said with the agreement of nient representative, that "a long an we hold thrm itogether there is hope." The government, so far as could ba learned,, did not present any propo sition as to a basis of ending the strike, which has- been in progress since April 1,-but therr? was a belief in' some quarter that when the con ference ceajcarntldes Monday President Haiding, who then will have returned from his Ohio trip; 'will lay a govern ment proposal before the conference. Conference Elects Officers for Year. Burlington, July .. 2. The business session of Young People Summer, con ference of the Methodist Protestants here yesterday was featured by re ports of officers and committee, and election of officers. t Miss Juanity Ham nier all time field secretary, reported splendid progress made during the past year. Rev. 1 W. Oerringex, of Asheboro, was re-elected president of the conference, but resigned. Iter. N. M. narrison. Jr.. of Greensboro, was elected. Ferry U Glbbn, of this city, was elected vice president: C. II. Way, also of this city, was re-elected secre tary-treasurer. 1 The afternoon recreation consIed rSvK Kirki Traded to the Twin. "1 8 lM,wa game .-r-u ' " amrlotul-Tlte form- winning by : ' ,' - .11 Summa ryTwo-ba w field. Ib"lge, KolTt, kin. Miller and (leaver. Home ruus Itnard. Struck-out by Allen-10, ly Cress 1. Pae on ball off Allen 0. oJ Cres 0. Sacrinc-e hit Atwelland Italney. I,ft on lut-e. Cattrru r. Ttolterta .1. riplns Litaghlln and Goodman. . All Dar Ca'nhln Demonstrations. , Miss, KatJilcen -Wilson, countr bom' demonstration agent, announced tcnlay that she had arranged for three all day anning demonstration, the first to le held at Ilntrlsburg on Wedr.oilsy. fta nmvjAittHn 'iu )ULe i,e!J - t Flowe'' Store-on Thnmlay, July wh. and the third and last mertlnst will l held at Peck's Sc-luiolhouse on the 7th Pach dcsnonistratloh will U-eln nt J. ahd tlic following prgram w III U carried out : r n:.Tt Talk "Containers for Exhib iting PuriMMies." i lO.tKWCannlng Fruit and Vegeta bles." ' 10:.T0 Jelly Making and Pickling. It '0 Explaining Score Card for Judging. 12 :(MK Dinner. 2:00 Community Sing. Ileallh Talk. Recreation. . ' Miss Wilscm stated that he hoped every woman who could would attend the demonstration and that alt would lie acc-ompaniecl by their chiughteTH. 0frrt4 t ItU mm Ur tvhit ?-.r" X. tii ti4 t- prrr .Jfct3f- T:r 1 4 r- j 1 tilt W unM i i 4 Uu&Xt ejt f?T1ti' fVff l?r. W tiaa t lt tar mM -' t.f 44f im Li '-- 4 - ! .fea4-r f .'rr -taitr.r-t t tt JMHMlf n4.-Wifcf t il Us r-i S f'irf -! fW3s it m ntssr 4 jirtr tr. Vf? K4 tT tt S6fetikJfef At'te! f thlm tlr. M r t4 la - ttM tm tb .t- t tt rf r At tb flt .f tit V;t t 1 Baatr tf vu hltr-. S. XZ.. A. V fed A. VI . iutiit Wft .f th 2!t .tlMti'l It iwriiW vf It 3,4 t t, Jrirfir tt !-r, !t'al Art 1 tier S.ftk 1! lft II !. m .Mrv4T 'f Kkirht .of I'Mta Wrt I.tce ifct4 IVtlu atd Junf injkf !! i - r fstbf fet Ittiw iwtW a ! laaghlrr. Tt fumrl w-tiii a t!il fiC'Ui hi tale ! ui.Ur ftr t Ihre 'tWk lf tI"iiMr, If-, IJr. !r-r, aiwUted ,y l:.n AU--f1 4-tl km id i V, ili-rs. L.l fj lU attrtbt ih -ri tik4t t 'argi rrod rdSl th cri la frt tf tb HMtM. He ux. Irtilbl itb M iU htifm lhe rt(ul mk-e f lie llaci) flns tt. Jc-it f KtcAe Idge farthest In t tr I the mtv 4t. . HtbT M bf (be walk IhriMtsU Lbh 1im fonrvl pr h n wrt. fM at lUe frr ach Mawa iaN tle grate M le tM.ted a prlg of, myrtle It tt jtatf f hl dejwrtel lrhef". A male'5 quartette. rotnprtHNdf f M.-r. VA, HhrrrlH. lty CtmAm, Kf Patterwn atnl IW 1 teu t. tig t Jetiii at the htne, Sie Day, and "We Are Clotax Ibnae, bd it the cbt-lnc r lr it l!e ctate "nng "We'll .N'erer Jmy G. H;e iu Ib-fl ven " . Tlie floral offerlric were many hd -tint I fill. Atinr lhe tetire UnttA biie cb-slgu from lhe nriUhiuj. V.tu. f the f;ttin MUI. O-bl K.t.li.. the ladies AM ICrMjr tf M KinfeMi Church, and many other frota liUtUl its I. ' lelgn Vere a!n rnt frotn the fdj?e t,f p.tfi-, tf.-n Sc-ttili lUtc Ma, 'n ef ilttlottc. and the iniUr (tf. l'loHgPV MJss Mary' Penelope Cannon Honored, Salisbury Post: i Mrs. Jame Hobson entertained yesterday morning at her home on South Fulton street in hnor of Mi Mary Penelope Canncm. of Concord, the popular guest of MI s Josephiie Craige Kluttx. A ccdor sc-heme of pink and white wa artlfica:ly carried out. with tiny pink basket of mint a in dividual favor. In harmony w'th quantities of pink rose used in klecoration. Setlmck wa played, at threi table, the honorce Udng prewntl with a dainty vanity. A salad ccnre with Ice tea followed the game. In vlted to meet Mis Cannon were Mi4 Josephine Kntta. Betsy MctVrkle. Margaret Witherspoon. Mary Iteme Heyuohl, Mary Nicholson. Klizalc-ti Riig'and. Ixuie Scales. Eliza 11 h Holmes, Martha and Susan OHme. Hazel Hudson and Raalie Witey. . Mr. L. E. Duncan, of Norfolk, arr.v ed in the city Sunday to spend some time with Mrs. Duncan and little son, L. E., Jr, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Cannon, for several j ' . 1 T- ty-nnn. 1 "l t Aew lork everv,of rtcc . Tcie Tliirthed. of daylight every. day. of Norfolk. - . - elub of The South Atlantic Association today traded Infielder Kirke and pitch cjr Walters to the Winston-Salem club of the Piedmont League for Infielder Heck. a score of 10 to 5. . Chili Is electrifying Uie State rail ways between Santiago, the capital, and Valparaiso, the ehief seaport. Graeber-Mf Lod. Arinonncementsvas follow have hem received in the ity: Mr. and M.r-I. A. Howie announce the marriage of their niece Edn Ociuilla McIeod . ' to Eugene Blake Graeher on Wednesday. June twenty-Hghth nineteen hundred and twenty-two Hartsville. South Carolina At Home , f after July tenth , ScTtith Pnion Street, Conc-ord. S. C Call for National Dank Statements. 'c Washington, July 3. The comp-' . troller of currency today issued a call COTTON JOIPS for the oonditlon of all national banks j: $70 A BALE TODAY at the' closb of business on Friday, JJK . - June 30. " (By the Associated Press). -. Dn ival Service. Revival ervk-e will bngin July at the Presbyterian Church at Allen Station in No. 1 township. The first service will te held at 7:4-1 a ttje evening of the Mb. Services will be conducted by Rer. H. T. Blackwelder, of Concord. We Invite ererylw-dr. We are expet-ting a great rictory in Jeww name. REV. MR. IIARDIXO. Ptor, New York, July . 3. tVjttnn The Willing Workers of SL Andrews jumped about $7..10 a lale within -? Lntheran Church wiU meet this even- ten mimites after the publication : ing ait 7:30 at the-home of .i'r. Joe i ot the first government forecast & Araltersj Ther meeting will be a so- of the. season. cial one, and all member are urged to be present. 5K m 5K 3k X Planned Drtrartis ef Whole Family. Athens. Ga July 3. Wilt J. tUrden. of Jefferson, who ' Saturday n!nht hashed th body of his wife with a razor and then took his own life with the same razor, was said today to nzvs planned the deructkn of hta entire family. Including three .cfcrdren. Mr. Borden Is In a serious condition. Mrs- J. E. Michael and little son. f Greensboro, are rUfelng at the twsn of 4Mr. Michael's , father, air. J. L Kearns. - raiNTINti the mitLi: IN A NEWSPAPEK Prove tm lie Die Greale! Sutt Any Feature Produced.. Tofeka. Kans.. July 3. If printSnf tlie Bible' a good newspaper feature? Wilt the average ier;m red lite IU ble if published In tkt way? After printing a ek1y serial frora the Bible for three (months, Arthur S, fanruth. managing: editor of Th T" lt ka tate Journal. dtart- khat the publication of th Ittble has pnneil 10 be the greatest sucrrss of any feature ever prilend j The SUfe Journai, Moreover, It U firing read by many iilcrfber as faithfully as would be the inMaJUnents of a popular ttl, Carnrnh state. "The (publication at the Bible tl ally has bad a marveloos fffeH. said Mr. Carruth. "It las hwo tlwit ttw subscriber are sincrre In their de rmnd for reaciin-g toatter of a rr-Hgluut character, and alw has bT n to tl public ttx& the nwriKnfr do not print only the tcnaational. that they do tv. attempt to appeal primarily to the irtut!e and that they 4. tv n Ut th chrrch. A an Indication of the lntrfet tk en In the ublkatfrxt.of the Ibtl. Mr. Oarruth. tated ,11 has recriied ln qufaiea from every scat In the ntion. many letters from Canada and a attna ber of cctarminkatlon frtaw freta owntrle. A number of Kanaas neT patters have taken the trtiblknln cf tli Bit ins- Tie Jowmsl started k. Mr. Carrnih 1ted. He aM tmtl of about sixty iJnbif-r In Toseka. b baa rereived eotnmcmlration from all and that in tonly two or !hree rae had they cTtUcied the publication. The. public- fi or the I.JW tn uncf rtaken by Tt-e ftte Joumsl at the ueftion of Dr. Cfcsrte If, dan, of Tcpeka. editor f The rfcri- tian Hentd and eil inoa aatbor. Each tnastallmmt Include aJ'Mt ZJt word. The 'Weyaath text of tfe New Teta?rf"nt a tra nlatlo la etery- day Englinh. it irel Already publi cation of th Ik& of Mark ka len completed and tb Book. Of lAl l we B under nray. - Netra Waiter Altark fiirL , Birmlniham. Ala, Joiy 3,W. tl Haye. fterro waiter "n lhe rxUfia and XabTiHe train N. 3 eti ra? trm N'ahrIIle t I!rmlcthiita. Is in iU her totthrfct n lhe rhtrge f !ir1s attemr4el to rrUaiaally t prominent yonng. an of M grnery, Ala wb s pexT tm the train today. . ' The negro wa rrnotel frntm tbe traiai when It afri 1 lb U" bere by local et. after ihsti &S lbt met iotiA fr9 CuIltusK. bere It, alleged crime 14 jil1 In bat been at teuBptedL 4"as-jH -J?r H m . A' t -. 1 tf1 m -Mvi PtmtU.f t- sf i ,$ J. t. th t v t t r 4.ib tw it 4 .f cf I4' !;ta M IW-.IJ'; a r.if hin t fvt i,tji I lti 4 4 tti O-r -r ,4m W4i I f.owMMl tt- tfe IW t"iI rrtt.iig lm fW' tl fW t lle f in.silt tm fifc . torn 14,111 lf t pttitui f r )rs? U IW 4j. u"a tti-4 tW Utd 1m riU( titmtlf -4p4 tttltrf ;"ft tr i li"t - m.,t )ati:Ut9 f Wt4 41 ItxMMttt (t)tfe 4ittt f Hrf .) Ciw- f (liii, Ue l.l4 ii. W If the jtifelir kf mf lrsi llt twi, kit tf ftr JI snW-r-j, fefoil tlrtta --4m1 Ue i wtil.tt rtifft i iM wr p.; t m ftrf i tr l-cffr iU .Mtwc.i If ll tarl t l't trdV l!iit l!wt 'l !fke Mb! tH mljtt mm at tk. m4 itg lirM t tfm "nMrt0n . gitiiA," tfei .jld funIK In l!f f 4 Ifce -riiw twf.ifir ih lws4. al t tt ittt 1e' iifvviWf 1te Itnj! f W i.ti!.t ariuiU. fie it ftt of il twr4 llliiird tfti4iwf fitis l I; il.M tbc Mit(if f I ... tasn W. lI--r c iy, tti i aca m.-uit,hix i i.e wtf t4 t cnI "w !" tf 1 .?!! .'ttisje ie.Te le-l cjMii-t-rn ftw- ' rf - tihiH fb?r" I ??"" ' -tl liSie lbe tU.fl ft cU fW Jf I tlsht l u&re l -b rle tt.e .turtti tul4ir," la Iii4. teie rt'pln ff tte ,.iii-;t tir tfant1tJ'f " hie It ate entitled. W r4- Ittis4'lrtl, t "!e ftlii tf Kr,f 1c-iirtn-i5f !(m1 Nb f tte ff w-t)t. lte tvl jf f Ta f'mtem.rale r.iUMiwt Ilurum4 heltlnrtt. Jk4iiiih-, n. Jir .1.- rrttt ff lhe rtfb1 t M5!t4e tnrU rHir Ibe I ?f ft f, J.bt ItHer, t.t t.tj f if ft re frtt lete, f tiitmrte ll eiL iWlntarWt f lhe Sr Itlrx4 Hlle. tartit In the Nrr Wtl, TU - Uucwtl bt btt.W-, 1tl ad Ihr-i4 cfrgablrJilb! In rvi4 Jrm lii. ltnlt aivl a m4tt imttA rf tir"e larbl ticar tle nph f tw tt Jcd4B May I. I-V21 tt lie ftte tw t fe la the nM Ilffrr f M' by ikh It f t , After frsdinr Ub lb lMfis. Ill- IflUlt tt hU i'4iwrf m,irt $m f'f UfJl. S, C. b-re tly feHttl(Mt er, rtfurtilnjr t I'm t cf tbHr tmn rmtn1km tere f fIJfre l rerte prr jft fr llrlr native . ttl i:i!uJt ,f larrer iftf fr l'fane i fV.4 N to bit' tmUt fbe r4rtti ,f tufcliiette M rft'ieMft el UJI At lb f fWe Itilf .fef Maie. Tte fAmf i rtWrt ly lo ef. ibe J i6Mrii- ! the tefetite bd tfW at l. A r Hue. 1Ut the retire f la A - Sulbern Rvnalitf . hmmUUf. tf OnWlaJ U lia MU. Wattlfifion Jsfy I.fSVUbi 4 t- H-til!W tsitt i4 t-ifl.t Ifa -- fret'tkfa wjflf lb rail ir tt..! "la'tut afe rtifcttij; c4Js( " and that 1br ! tr w tssrneje tbni f traJS- VttUm ieai uW H-e rAe If T -t rff1lte i,t AletafeS'ji. Irp4 Ike Hm'htti fe.f txfte t -tM.ae tard. a r45a w tV cW.te.1 by fal f :br -. Vtrtr 4Erit iw efft Mtk be t.V ! n IU 4' tf fkr Bell .4 Ud t I f1 t 1 eye ectAlJt.be! fcy IW s.W r( rcce ffkS abf ferfi Chltaa llafc firraalW. F:!4iry. July J Ttue i?isrr notaa rit! t b -rraa.f4 as4 b 4J t tidU Ih fcfi-.tl ai-or . Vf-er 4 I a Mb claS Wer preet,t fi4 fll I? ffc rj.Simkl 4 f Ve !s OSr 4et4 larIJ W. I Itr. 'j5e. jrei4-af; txrl- raff's, t:ie-te4et : lirir, f,' fr4, rerary'tftsM;; C CL CmIu t- ter-at-arsi- AtrfeHcan from many tat plJ tribute reci-atly ti Pob?, th lanllan mahlen who arel frota tleth. famine tl utter eoaftt.rn the flrtt tra;r lag elt4y of white tun cf ILU bjitU.a. when tbey at!etiett ibe -1 turrais all mux t ie13ng reremoate 00 tb tUtclej ' groan! at Jsaj-tw UUbd, VIr- The rt Jn-Ur raa I fcJl a a CJiia. aatsra! V.iXltJz rwd. Ultli Oar AItTter, Cort.i& t?11! rta 13 fc- ar frr4 at ?i:tJy lUt e. Mfi ae ad- tiar. Ha at ba'f a&4 k tta L?f ptu St '' All 5aR5)e i f