fi i i j i vi ma vv i xi v x yi v i 1 i i y i i it . i i i i a t j 1 i im . . p 1 1 1 mmm b.! r-rufwnvrinrnmri 1 1 t ' tm miukhih iub ijmi i i. urn r rr im -i -ir i T"wy -i jRRlLL, Editor and Publiiher. PUBLISHED -HONDA Y 3 AND THURSDAYS tlJO Yet? r??t?f U AJtt Bite-: isjJSB, ... 0 mm aj NO CONCORD, N. C MONDAY, JULY ! 7. 1922. Statement Issued by Gov. Morrison Today C,nrl Stall- Troops . tO THE SBXATORIAL Within a FIGHT IN NEBRASKA - m J VS. J O A III i I I Vfl t - l ri rimp' II Urder Iiair ""cneorK ?row nan a la!fd short in1.c.11 WIU , Demcrrary Behind Him. . DISORD ER OCCUR ST MQUUT unirnis in Tin county 1 FAR MOKE THAN DtllTIH Ihxrinr Fir4 Sis Mdn of TM irr 373 IVriw lUtr Urrn llmrn im I be C otmty. ,i V- Vila! atati.tb fr tbe er H n-rit!i ,f RC2 shw that blrlb i this omnty e-wt fcy far tb Vwibo jVNot IU-torcd Thcrcv 1IU. rrn i me nveur political oollFFN TKOOl 'S 1U 'State has. experienced in : 0K.,,rr MTIIKR TOWNS com,try ar hirge chief in TIIKKK 1)111- A y.?t ao reslt will cei,ti.r In tlit Omaha, Neb., July 17. The primary I which close in Nebraska, ha been one f the liveliest pollticnl' tattle the year. To the iteret in the the contest for I lie Republican nomination for United C , Wo Would stnt' -senator. For the voter of Ne (JOVCrnor .JI braska then are also spirited contests c nfl Troup at Once liUt for the gutiornatorlal nomination ami for Fad That Judge-Con- u'n:,ny il"'r sta, f- 111 connect fori tltJi tlm Tfiintil.l Inn nfV Mil If I - uvu - j i - - . . iv 4i ii Following the Kidnapping of a Number of GuarcLi- by Strike Sympathizers at the Coast Line Shops. NON-UNION WORKER IS SPIRITED AWAY SHERIFF AND i, t.iiii. enatorial content it Is po5ntcd out ly JrIos' dlen era that the story - of the 7 i v'"""- Yrr- Jmlinna jm.l I--nnjlvania Itepni.Ihan Adj. Mi.. lo jpriinnriea may he cpea ted in this , , :.-r to ii.M k- j stJtp ,Thf.r,, flre three. caiuihlateS out lhy m. f it Hie tiom nntWin nrwi ft..,nt - - - - - - TV T II 111 U ih; DurJirnn ,1ms ixeri a hani-foiijfhj one. Tle win-' 'ner of the contest will face I'nite! ; ..I n Tb-tr-l' ,ni..t"-!y i i ii v i reiMirt at - i . "" ' . si Wa,ps s"Jitor (Jillrt M. Hitehcock, tor twice. For the first tlnie In raore Stationery Firemen and O'ik ers at Rocky Mount Go on Strike and Virtually Tie Up the Shops There, EIGHT III KILLED TODS! crofrilng to rrjrtJat tit,fattrl t 11 - ! ;ai,,ltLTl.Iir? And 3 nrc Number Injur rlty of r.nni. C Cd tl 3 f lM at CllftOf No. li tcnkip the r. onl for tle miy. Ia th! f'nh'ti i&rrif io trTijii at! w; two il-ath. No. 7 tnwahip rrrteJ hnt one ticath. it fJwrtHI lO ttrtk. births f' Tlw rrl f-r Tariout town h!iiis fllw: t No. 1 i. iA No. - . -4- .Ti N. .1 .rt No i 1HS No. r. . . 11' .. , i i,..:nts in tht T!.c w,l v ii,,v .it l heir annual :ii i .! li-;il I'ity anl Hi.- cilit ilesitcnntitl C. nVr ;l Melts stated.' . ;,, i,. M-iit t. Itocki'iigiiain II i. ,i-m iit llamlt't.' a ,v ' ili.-V :it AVilson at i,',' Mount soldiers at rV-li I t s-Iiti in to he-usnl. wher ',,r ,"n.,(..l if Hi- sihiai'.oii (loni.-ui.luU ;,W(. .L.t.'.l iii ill" ;..veni.r's olli -e. ' KAHi. -I ill 17." After a conCex 4ith A.ljiii.-ml 4:e:u-ral Metts this trraiiis in f'u'.inl t" lh" Irlke situa-tt-nat K""' M-imt. Covernor Morri fl the f wiiiK stateuiont at -ti. lMTilT i.f N:tsh ami Edge- . ...1 , -r.ilii". Mill 1 the. ilayor of Env Mount Jiiivi-.:ippealed to me for ,'ih set f.'itli in a written ri'iort !h1. to s inl to Koeky: Mount to (jilinhl tin- l;iw. ;i'li"-s. olI'K-ers stated fiat the sihiiitinii is such that the f.ncs imiler their nniimnnd are inade vnli to ii'M. witli the situation, i am sitistieilas he situation now tiniN Unit ilisi-nltTs and .'violence are of ii1i a i Imnicier as (lie officers state iiul 1 would rler troops instantly Imt f.rtliff:irt Hint J lis Honor, II. (I. Oon mf. of tin1 l iiited Slates' District (niirt. ha-; issued an' injunction,, rc ftniinini the parties mentioned ft nd ethers from 'itt-iek nL lueiuu-e and Jrft Vrnrf. ' The -injunction .or : rcstKahnnff order. I Ihik'. will hriiitf tliecsyicteJ isirties to resell. I lis Honor, I aid siii-linl. iintler tin1 law. has -full pow er tini-o I', s. Marshals or si'ich forces !i sret' respect for his court. I flm nf the opinion that having assum mI jurisilictien over the' situation as k- lias, onler i nn he restored with loss tlin.uli police ottieers of the. fourt ami hy'las order than by State tnis, l m r if order is not restored there within :i very short timoI shall fnl.T lom-ral Metts to put sufficient Itoeky Monnt. Jnly 17. A number of dltitrbancvM in eniHctktit with the shopmen's . strike here followed the kidnapping of n number of guanh by trjke sytupathizcrs at the Atlantic Coant Line shop. A non union mechanic at work in the I'tnerson shop wan seized by striken a (tout miiliiiirht niul Ihroun !nt m. man a iiozen years- Jir. Hitchcock now i autoinohile and spirited out of town. has a united Democracy behind him and the winner of the three-cornered Kcjiuhlicnn conte-t will have to win. a sfjfond nni real riK-e In NoretnlKT to Ik- electwl. , The three Republican candidates are H. Ii. Howell, of Omaha, Congressman A. W. Jeff oris of Omaha, and Attor ney General Clarence A. Davis. Jef feris Is the. out-and-out stand-patter. Howell is classed as a "progressive,' an1 Davis is supposed to stand le tween t lie two extremes. . , Jefferis is now serving his first term in the national house of representa tives. He was an Omaha , lawyer be- Howell has been Ilcmihllran Xntlnn-I al Committeeman from Nebraska, lie was. a strong admirer of Theodore Roosevelt and. followed his leader in to the Progressive party. During the late, war he served as a naval com mander. He has always leen for' wo man suffrage and is "dry." Davis has served two and one.-half years as Attorney-General and is well known throughout the State. During his twrm of office he has made quite a reputation forhis successful prosecu tion of alleged stock swindlers. Though a much younger man than cither of his opponents he, is an experienced cam paigner and his friends, expect him to make a good, showing 'in the primary race, No. 0'. No. 7 No. X No. fl No. Hi - 10 n 12 25 IV-ath. r. 12 aJ 4 1 Nothing is known as to the where- altouts of the man tiMlay, Iist evening film shopmen called on the Mayor and demanded that tw men, employed in the . aliops and who did not respond to the strike call. In removed. Railroad officials - spirited 1 Jlrown Mill, ami well known throngh the two men out of town last night. 'it .out the county, died yffrrday morning wax said In ralTroad circles this morn-1 at 11-o dock at his. home ner No. U ...... 1 No. 11 township, wiib-b liKiude H:ytsM Mill, has the hljjliot d.nth rate except No. A towtiliip. whih in clude Kimnajwdi. f MORTON'' FI0VK IlIKD 1IKIJK M NDAV MOKNIM; Was Sir ir km SwMenly Kafunby icht and Nrvet. IJrrovcrrU. f'unrral This Afternoon. Morton. Klowe, agi .W years, for a numlier of years an vercr in the ifton Mine Ten From WelUbunr, West Virginia, THE WOUNDED ARE TAKEN TO HOSPITALS Peace Negotiations Are at a Standstill Today I r. t. irift I Its lrrr. t ltrl 0 VoiM yiime ttA. wnt Ji r-rs trrs. fair t W tW lrt l tu4 I A 1 I I il -AT 1411 I lit. i4utf, iui t tffs - -iT-4 l ... i Sheriff and Deputies at Washington, Pa Hreak up March of Men on 'Way ti Uncoln Hill Mine. '" 'toH. ft t4 fAi, - $ n- ft Wft.t TWsi I 3frt. 64 fel rn3iJkt t t4rl Ttnic limit Giini by LOAX AUTHORIZED TO FINANCE (0TT0X CROP North Carolina Marketing Association (icts Ten Thousand Dollars From Federal Government. r Raleigh, July 16. WH. Austin, president of the North Carolina Cot ton "Growers' Co-operative association. is very much gratified over the action of the war finance corporation in granting an advance of ten million dollars to the Tar. Heel marketing association. ' Mr.; Austin headed , the i ' - ... - i mer, stepped into a hole over" his head lti4i,iiilI iA-i.i. iwi wm iwi-u and that he bixamcried. He called f1-1 ; ut.. f. u t . t Aberdeen, July 1. Tne peach in- nii'imrv funix in tnivii if lrk'tv Mount i n order, uphold the iaw i North CaroUna delegation that went to 1 I a N thin InikAlf mid prot.rt life and property. 'There are disturbances elsev.herf in the State incident to the strike. Thov r must eeasc. Regardless of the Msons offerod for such a lawless condition I shall use every power -the st;ite lionesses to restore order and kfr peaiv everywhere in . the- State. 1 warn IIkko engaged in this lawless Ji'ss that they c.mnat prevail against orumzi',1 ocie!v and if thfv do not fwe to onler and conduct their cause argument rather than 'menace, throats and violence I shall throw all military pn,ver of the State against thnjjii-h.Hit further delny." 'ail iithl IVnitenitarv Sentences on pikers wim Violate Iiiiunction. . l-uis. July 17. Federal Judge in r today announced that the.would !Ir,;'" i'il and enitenitary sciences and not tine-, un strikers who violated J rt'leral injunction. The severity j: th' sentence.. he said, would be con 'innt on th.: seriousness of thd of- iilin Nw Ho-pitals For Men Disabled During the War. alungtnn. July 17. Twelve ne Pital for ul(. (.are of for ,,"r v,'rvice men were completed - bv I line .",11. :iri-oriliiiT to n sum. ' dejiariuiiMifs hospital op- tin- I'm- -'tiiiL ftwr 'J ' -'ii-nl f th0 treasury.- '"'w.iiHitut ions have provided -...iiiumai l,(-ds for the treat- f 1 "i iiibereiilar. mental and gen-Zluy- :m, ire located in all .""" I'l tin ... 1 "'nry.if tllti rations Washington this tweek. I A. W. McLfean, of Lumberton. former I member of the war finance corpora tion, accompanied tjie Tar Heels to Washington. - Others in the party in cluded former Congressman Le3 , D. Robinson, of Wadesboro, director, and Dr. B. W. Kilgore, direstor of the North Carolina extension service of the department of agriculture. C. B. Howard, s'al-ss manager, was alo in the party. . .. President Austin anticipates no dif ficulty in financing the orderly mar keting of the North Carolina cotton, as he has found the 'banks in this state ready to co-operate to the. ex tent of th.eif available resources. He does not expect it will be nec essary to use "all the credits" advanced by the war finance corporation, but its readiness to nnset the request of the North Carolina association is very pleasing to him. The full amount asked for was granted. While the North Carolina associa tion already has 27,000 members rep resenting a. total of 350,000 bales of cotton, a membership campaign will be put on to bring the total sign-vp to JSOO.000 bales. At a -neeting of the board of directors of the association here this week, it was decided to put on this campaign July - 27 and .con tinue it to August. . r -;l'i l.ciK; Ariz. 4j- RMS- J.' eoiuitrp, Mr. Clifford I'pitals are.: T.ake Citr. Whipple P.arracks. SHOP EMPLOYEES ARE SUFFERING FROM POISON Alto, v...., ,. -" 1 ioik y., inss. Kv:; 'Hiilii .iii After Eating Food Prepared for the Workers Replacing the Strikers. Chicago, July 17. Seventy shop employes of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad arid seveji city Dolicemen are suffering from poison he.ii- I i:ti. i,i- o-.T.tndjii? n f rer eatimr food prepared for 1 . ' V , .11 A.. M'. . ...... . last A score of health department- workers hare been assigned to cover each yard in Chicago and rigorously inspect all food served to workers to prevent a re currence of the. trouble. Policemen stated that they had eaten lunch in the dining cars provided by the railroads. lJ ' ,."n wHii Walla. Wash., 1GT i (workers replacing the strikers. . These Frt'xT t I: iv;1rd. X. M 250 beds fmen were stricken during the lasl X yM.-Keiizie. Wyo;, 242 ilwls; r.ronx three days,, ten of . them yesterday. J lHKnit.,i ., x .'iwnrd limes. Jr., " ''Ml 1" id. 1 i ii. j C. 10() beds: ico IhmIs': Pawson r.oii )M an(l Excelsior beds. 1,1 a short liiini" a i : v-.i il. . ' JO. V-llliUIU 1111 li :iviiv- ,..;u ,i. k" eriiiiu.iii r . . o nosnira l sit 'prrvv no "il IkwIc "Ig. Stationery firemen. and oilers went on strike today, after working one hour, virtually tying u pthc shop here. - j ' CHARLOTTE BOY DROWNS IN SURF AT CAMP GLENN Soldier Meet Untimely Fate in "Hole- In Ocean. Ventures Beyond Depth. Morehead City. July 1(1. A pall of gloom was ca'st over Camp Glenn to day when Irlvate George P. Jo.'.e s. of Co. F., home station Charlotte, was drowned while in bathing off the camp pier at 0 o'clock this morning. His buddy, Private Clinton C. Presslcy. of the-same -company, came' very near meeting the, same fate. 1elng pulled out of the water just after he. had gone down for the third time. While in bathing with several mem of Co. P.. it is thought that Private Jones, who was a very poor swim- the nun or apoplexy. -Jir. Mtme wa stricken Saturday night after Nnpiier and never regained enniounes.. t luid lcen in his usual health, but . for a numlMr of years bad suffered with blood pressure. .Funeral servb-e wll be held this afternoon nt 4 oVlok at Harmony Church. cViMlu tel bytbe pastor. Rer, Mr. Dry man. and lincrnvent will be made In Oak wood cemetery.' Mr. Flowe Is survive! by hi wife, his father. Mr. J. A, Flo we of Spen cer, six children and -everal brother and sisters. Hie sisters are Miss Ida Flowe, and Mrs. J. 1 S. - MeCnrdr, of Spencer, and the brothers are. W. K. and Sam Flowe, of Xo. 10, npd Keab Flowe. of Spencer. Tlie deceased was a fnemler of Lodge No. 2." Jr. I). C A.,M. and-Stokey Lrnlge No. .12 A. F. &. A. M. The Mas ons will have charge of the funeral servh-ev. Those who reachel him !werePr2vate Iressley and James I Query. They worked with hint for several minutes, when they reached, the point of ex haustion. Que'ry was forced to see.k safety and Press'ey was unable t; reach shallow water. A civilian boatsman. William Lewis, of Morehead City went to Pressely'a assistance-and succeeded In bringing him to the pier. Jones had by this time disappeared., and immediately a num ber of expert swimmers, who had been attracted by cries for help, volunteered to find the body. The lMxly was not found until 28': minutes after going down. RETTER SCHOOLS ARE DEMANDED FOR Rt RALITES Organ Proposes Amendment to State Laws Practically Abolishing Private Schools. . Washington, July 17. (Capital News Service). Tbe National Education Convention just closed in Boston em phasized many matters of importance to the country regarding the teaching of its youth. Among these none can be consideded of greater importance than the increasing demand in rural communities for aTiighertandard of education than has obtained in the past. The "little red school house" of song and storv hks served its purpose and gone out of date. With good roads and attenuate transportation fa cilities, good schools, with first-clas3 equipment and properly trained teachers .can be made available for any community, no matter how small. To awaken local authorities to the essential need of bettering the edu cational facilities of the smaller towns and rural centers is one of the great needs of education in this country, ac cording to the representatives to the N. E;-A. convention. In this connection a latw proposed by initiative in Oregan is extremely in teresting. This amendment to existing state1 educational laws provides that every child between the ages of 8 and 16 years must attend a public school. Exceptions are made for children physically unable to attend, those that have? completed the eighth grade, those living 1 to 3 miles from school, according to ages, and those receiving private instruction, provided that such children must - report - every three months for examination by a school official. The act. if passed, will take effect September 1. 1926. i it. r in it,.:- fl,?- wi, n ' , ,,rox York "H t,; . n,ne devel- be,s Men n Vnteiieed to Death for Hnr. Amite I, , enreVin ' !'''' 1(' Six men were anodeat , ls;1tict ourfhere1 to 3lat , r u,e" murder of Dallas mer. '"J-pendcnce, La., ia3t sum- To help working women get their rights under the Workman's Compen sation Actfa compensation service de partment has been established by the Women's Trade Union League of New York. -; .. : : J '. - In the summer of 1889 hailstones fellin parts of Europe which weighea over three pounds and a number of persons were "killed in the fields. Ice cream is said to have lieen known to the Japanese in the thir teenth century. ''-.' DISCUSS PR0GRAMHE TO END COAL STRIKE No Announcement. nowtTer, as to the Nature of Proposals. Washington, July 17. (By th .Vs-sociated- PVess.)-A "cpeciflc" pro gram designed to bring an end to the coal and rail strikes is underwood to have been discussed at a White House conference between President Harding and Governor Sproul, Senator Cap- J dustry of this section I at the be ginning of the busy part of the big gest year's work that has ever been in the Sandhills. The early peache--have about all gone and the tandaru kinds such as Belles. Elbert as and Hales, are' just getting ready for shipment. During the next two week" there wHl be hundreds and hundred? of solid cur loads going out from here, shipments going forward every day. " There are about 450 ctatej tr a car and it is "expected that the crop will be more than 1,250 ears. The crop is unsusually fine, the size and color being over an average. The peach exchange here, wher-i all of the car shipments arc arranged is a busy placeand it keeps the large force of cl-erks hard at work tu have shipments moving promptly. Much interest is fceing taken in the new Peach Exchange, a hmdsomc buildings designed and erectrd solely for the co-operative selling of peaches and cpsting $2.".0O0. - . July Clearance Sale at Parks-Belk Co The greatly July Clearance Sale at the Parks-Relk Co. starts Fridiy morning July 21st. at S:.10 o'clock and will continue nine davs through Mon day, July 31st, and the company 1 planning to make the sale one of the biggest in its history. ' Dry goods, muslin underwear, dress es, tolkt articles, house furnishings, bathing suits. ladies waists, men's clothing, hosiery, Ixil spreads, shoes, hats for men and 1mvs, clothing for children and many other commodities are to le sold at a Unrgaih during the sale. Read two pages ads in today's pi per, and lw on hand wlufn the sale starts. You can ave much money. Was Pensioner of Kaiser. London, July 17. MisM Matilda Matchem. who for several years was English govc,rness in 'the fJerman im perial family, has died almost penni less nt her home in me of the London suburbs. Until the bejdnnlng of the war she was paid a pension of several hundred dollars a year by the Ger man Government, but for the. Iat few years this had leen cut off ahd her only means of subsistence was an old-age pension received from the British gov ern ment. Miss Matcham was 77 year? of age. Copper Waistcoat For Liquor Seized On Bridgeport Owners. , Bridgeport. Cmn.. July 17. Hollow tvaistcoats of copl'r. fitful to the boily, and designed to hold whisky have been selxeil by the poiee. The men insble them were also taken. From the waistcoats lirpor could le supplietl to enstomers while the wear ers were on the street, or they could II. bae bt-n aillrd anl a Un tta?feUf Oijndsi ia a flgbt 4t th t iirtoa Vti of tlie ItH-htanl f twl Ca. I t a.iU from WIUiirt. neir the IVnal- ania State, line today., Tbe drud Atre takn lo Wcllsbtrc and lb In jun d to hospital. Skerlff and I w pa tie, tirt 4rtH a Ml nr. , Wa?ibn;tton. Pa.. Jolv IT. .?hen3 Otto Lurllan. deputy .hrrirTmJi tst Ioiire today broke up a marrli f tnt nt their way t the IJm-oln Jtiil tuii near here. Nine arre! i r om4e. The roine .Jian been operated w lib. nonnnlon men since the tfikc as ealled. - W41burg. W. Va . Joly 17 Ilr ll AsKlati-l lrtwii. ieHtty berift and state iolee"lhU aftertton peanh' ed In the wooded bills near CUfson Mine of the Richland Coal r.uimnr ten ndlirs from ben for Use mmlU- tf men lxlieveI to bare ln klllil in at tak on tbe mine this rnorniii:. The body of Sheriff II. II. Durall an I fix nnidentifliHl men have leen bnmsbt t WeJM.urs but the autlMiritieit eipre Mief that ither bmt their lire in the light. Fire started by the attruk ers Mas extiiiguibe after the lulfie tipple and part of the traJs from the moutli of the min: had lin burnwl. Thomas II. Duvall. wlxi m with his father, the i-herlff. when Ibe wa killel. was !hi aflernoii rbne idier Iff by the eotinty nrt. lie 'nt oihv tok -barge of tbe nitualioii with !! assistance of Sheriff Clouse, of Wheel ing and a lMly of State troop. STRtKKRS DELAY 'THE U ISITJ: JiTATS lti lit 4tfiS t.j It Ir t r-l ; '"' "" 1 a4 a ta.3T f NgSM lrtvt- U at-J fey the Miiitr H T !- ii-.t tm.ti4 fmaBy . Tt,ie' ill I a lftu'i i $l-e .4 ",--utJr jiutrt e4 Kl r t iwt of K!ky. irj t t liisn'f J Ut "'4 Kor k It h a J (i.lin,' tf tlx f w ItutLerftmltoa.. an tbfUt f irt tli ? M f piMar. of ff .-r pr iIUis th pr-ataiki t.f h Vi"Hr it. S4trf lovlpt ta ia b rrk.t 4 hwf 11 t iS i t it 1.V ' t lb Vii,l Refase to Let Wreekliiir Crew Clear Track Blocked by Wrecked Traia. V'ashinston, July 17. Suicrlntend cnt of Railroal MjiII Service Urauer it Chicago, notified Postmaster Gen eral Work today ..that the Chlcato. iiurllngton. and Quincy train No. 2 left the track at Iovel la. -Monroe coun ty, Iowa, yesterday and that striking coal miners, striking shopmen and sympathizers refused permissbm i wrecking crew to clear the track. The passengers, train and wrecking crews. It was added, mere driven away front the train and the track block cl. thus delaving the mails, t Postraater General Work Immediate ly upon receipt of the telegram from Mr. Brauer communicated with the details to Attorney General Dauherty for such as the Department of Juitb- might feil jhstiflcd In taking. Seeood AssUfant Postmaster General Henderson announced today that there were only four places where the United States railroad postal ser vice had been seriously interfered. He dbl not give the place but said nwtr trucks service j bad leen uccesfiitl installed to take the placs of tbe rail road mail service. FIVE COACHES TURN TURTLE ON THE SEABOARD Negro Dining Car CWk Was Killed and Several .Passengers Injured. Savannah. July 17. Fire coaches n the SeaUwird Air IJne train No. 3, running letween Savannah 'd Jack sonville, turned turtle at ."" :. . Ihi mornins one mile mmiIIi f f'ov. I. A negro dining cook was killed and several passengers Injured. The train ifruek a broken rail ami flre cars were tosed Into a ditch Tte engine remained on the track with two cars. Medical aid was rihed to the cee. The Injured passengers merey were bruised oh their bodies. THE COTTON MARKET. Find Price 15 to 33 Point Iwer Showers Predirted. New York. July 17. An eay ton was noted In tbe cotton market early today lacked by prediction for tiow. ers this week. In the Southwest wbcr rain i needed. First price wr-re 1J to .in point lower nixler presure froa the Suth, IJvrpsd and Wail Street commission boue. ttVmi-werklr ttr tbt b tfc t,tntW 4 FJ ;t !' v 4 bicht-t etrrlls mr f D r",f,l li : lb M)v.?h- 4 - (tiiU-up t,4 fnr! f c:ltr o',t i.fYr t li!? publication. tu mlrv t.frsi uv p-- For the roturairftf of tb eitior , lit W rotnlng from bt et. I be fWrd rtoM te ltfc Ue -?4 III ort an rtr roach a tni"IUtfr44 Il i r tearing lUlritb ir l:S a, m, Ti . lt't tni no day. July Ji. rtii!c ia SfcrStur at uing - s4? t t- 4 p, m.' The Soatbctn til f to s ride ah elr Pallmaa on tn Jl.; j mimn ttt W ti 4j. Goblbiro to Klni MoMla. tttviSng f th Ilrh fM July 2S Tbt lrla Icarr G?4Sort ; tj t Irlrr,il tr at :5 a. nv d .rrlrr. at Klij AM,Ur Mium 4 IV 4Hfi I- .uuiimiin l V, lil . m ID ir mobile from Sbelt.y mll Thet . Jt - M m.i . .t t t I land hprtng. imi rcaaict is . - r;titln to hit the otniP loo "V " JI. Tbe followtiif U tbe program i V- -lrlU . fc i Called to ord-r bv tbe trldeaLr ff hZ Inrncatlon br Itrv. VV. K. ley. of j " .r-rrti. Central M. tl. I'burrb. Ad4re of Iitte riti"ii f th fti welcome by' Hon. It. Clrd loe.MM in Hu-t A tm Reapoo by Stanford Maritn, 4 k-r. il Ifce .n f Wlnston-alem: report of etecntlre tbe mt1t.rd lrt, it Umi committee on new wnWn. prelt uUU Ur ierw r,if r l irf t den't addre, rtmlnlwrencr by J. A,trrtiwd!y U lili! tw ivi. IUfinson, of,Tttrham, ebWf in rneT.Menaw i4 y mm D bfrhip in tbejiiwUtioa. iM 3s Wedae4ay irirrwta. Jfal 26, t!rf m4rf4H9 trl wr -Fifty Year' rosre la Agrtcoi.J j HDfke ffUT$ rrtwa . lure in North CrHn.M by T. It, tmt Jtr IT Ah " rUT l-arner. oi ine wlf urpuwm " '.MV,M.MMr ir stfi irwi gTleiiltor?: "Fifty Yearn of lrere in KdJcalion." by fr, Ldsir W. Knizbt. f tbe l'nlrerify of Nrtb .. ..... . . . , if. viiriii. ' m is, ('4ndina; hbdorlin tir br M U Mfj Hn. sM hm wtthmii -f irUl- f ? m itMrt Gtbl. i. I fmok. u t t &ti pt tbe union. wil4 tt r-"i-? t' r J.U-. . WU1 1144 vp r.xruUkm of IHrif. Jaly IT M tt 4 Mainlnxe c.f Way wUs rc In an wnIJf lft fte I Max Gardner a toaMroifeiu latiMl "f"' w V, 7' h I n rUwine of Warn- rm Shipman: Injipectlon of pbotorrjh of former conrentln (Mia Annie Miller In barge); lnjnhctloa of ma chinery exhibit Wednesday Eiealac. O'rWxL Banqoet at Clertlaod Sprtnaa br (ha Shelbr KlwanU ciub -with u poem ville; annual oration by Hon. Jo... ,rt " phut DanieU: tnt led by Jbn'roi a tk t.t4 Parks, of RaleUh. I vt.J. f.l I 11- - irWe, ei.t,t 4 tfc I v T' VS Zl ',. i... Rrrt!rWl f Mal,a. 4 Wr I r , mm vmtw wwraiita. Clark, of Cbarlotu: -Fifty Yar' Irogr- in Road-making i be State. by II. II. Varoer. of liin ton: 'Fifty Yearn IVogre la !IsJl road. by R. H. Sknpun. f Y Futbcrn; Iromlnent Figttre Amonf North Carolina N-wjter Mn Dur ing Pat Half Century.- by Wade IL Harri. of Charlotte; 'Pr3re. in Klectrira: ferelopment. br JebtJ Paul Lncaa. of Charlotte. TkrMly 4lferos. Julf tl. An jr "with the t-preid-nt, with W. i.C Iowd. of Cbarloti la charge; addrea by tircrnr aro eron Morrlin; awarding 4 aory loring cup; report of coreioitieef , mliccilaneon baInea. Ttrday Evealac Jaly f7. In tbe Lirkinf CUi f th Pat and Present of the North Carolina Press association tlrfcoe of other Dar. 1y R- It Clark. L J. Tarrt. W. II. Darker. Rufu Shore. Joba D. Gold. J. W. NorIL G. M. Beatiejr. I T, Rollin. Archibald Johnson. Aft4r Joiner. C IL MeUaae. It C. RJter. O. F. Crowwm. The trip to Cbl?nny Rok will b taken Friday with a fnp-oer 4 3 minute witb Filitor R. at. ITW. at Rutberfordton. A rblck'n tnaf will be jaerred oa lop of Ct.!n5&ey Rrjrk. and Dr. L. B Mora-, of lb Chimney Rock rtnnpany. wlil afd tfe rlaitora ooie rtrtei. CleveUnd Sorter Park hotel 1 aa Ideal Hce for tb goMen Jsbile meeting. Col. Frank Moftin. rti- i'otton future pne! steady. Jn'y '.jjji cxanager. are ibe rs5iWr 223) aked; Octotr ZZJTA; I-emtr J, t prfk war iJl do rTT- January 21; March 21.73. thing in bin power to sr.ak tittr NcgotUatiom for Refunding British Debt. L Inlon. July 17, I By tb! Aoc4a.. eil Press l A rpfdal dHezatlon will arrive In tbo Urritel State early bu Septemlr in efintlo rrlth eg le used to carry cwntral.aud whisky J tlarhm for fniwlinr the British M4 tt America, ii was anruix--j oy IVime Mibter Lloyd Ceorgw In tbe Ilimse of Commons this aflrr&onn. from one place to another. The earliest telephone cable were laid in the streets of Boston and'cir- r".ed only alut 2 circuits. Many of With a trunk six feet In diameter at per and Attorney General Alter, of the telephone cab es of today, altbonsii j tbe ! ami a hc'1 ' of t. ranch- Pennsylvania. No announcement, how-hoss thn three inches In diameter. con- t covering atpr(tlniately U) iuare ever, was forthcoming as to th-- na ture? of the proposals said to be under conisderation by President Hard 115: three tain 2.400 wires. Uy p'eaaat 1 L.ll Tb hotel baa laff w re tbe tsetitac U be held, hat a S -acr goif eir rwtnrming. tenal, boretj-k mict. danrlng, tc, aa arawMroeat l recreation for the ylJfcor, ITte mSneral water of etceUeat rrtiil pro;rte urroard lb bMeL all room bare prlrate tet-pbor wtib long dUtaoce co u see kin. r!at , or connecting bstb, ui Ul fVwr. Th dining room ruUla U etcHient. ifeet, a cherry tree In tbe Hood Rirer 'district of Dregon ia believed to t th It is estimated that not more than Largest tree of ita kind in tbe wtrbL one per cent of all tne inventions that Oman Mike rayyorcf. pari. July 17 Br fb .Mriitel Ire- 1 -Tb Itiratbj C&tamimitn wa noclel today ibat runny bad ietlled 2fXsvn A& Maria In W- l The soot fall In London amounts to yearly pass tbroush the Patent. Office There are 2.14 different c ha ratter ignatea Meu 10 v iir jaiy i-ca more than 73,000 tons annually. - bring fortune to the Inventor. In the work of Charles Dkken. rrparatk iysaent Drawff Far Tmn Imurrmtnrt Am' . - newated. ' . Katartbtf fels&f m fahtftMe 4 ! bl tnm drr-wsT ff artf i t pf-ofM! teooS ! wt t"f tiw tlty l M Hi l lb Y Piihg kfotnlay. AofiH 7ife. Tb f4lw)( it 4irtW fl nator ut ibe ttt a ibr taj att Ibe lime Ibr? will tf I' 1" re'any r wk bw touttiatoft thT t ft fUi up at Ike V. M, 1 A mt.f timm t WdV IUI1 arel II, V. rjlwa. Amc- . 9 i nt H K, i'alierwr -f Mil Wf, , nrt 7, IO a Ray M'trU M S psfidJ ,lunt 7, 3;3rt p , aa I arrH rbil ! Gray Af t 7. . ft p. W. If Mow IWw M fcitr. Awrw'l ft 9 :- a la II. CWlwr afl M J fcefi. At ol . 11 -W , - IU-r. tV. I. Wart 14 Ur ti-i. AojrnM w"3-3 p v . m PtrriM 1 U T Af til K S p, m, - lU-t. T. . Iwrw ad Aitff Fart. Art . 1 ? a. aa, J. C Hiiia a1 W4 Mit Afti( S. 1. e A. It 1tr4 awl T fVtrr. A ory , 3 5i p, - J. U lWy tI f: fiL 'Ae ttl 8, Sn tt K K. Ca id w4l at.1 2 M, t'. ,ol , , a, la We f rata) IW- stw wUI I pyvfpxod ttfetU Ifae rrfie rj ibe rYdf fW taf a8ii4- A ttsp wja la all jMt.,,!r w fr tb lSrw a m! : ewt plan fall W ll-e . fdWwiBjr te iay f f i!5 TVif (Wirhbf i pcr $4. fr paftnrf fcIi3- fw' Ife are pfartvi X tt 4 Wt yir ttaa . Cferw May IW Tb I!r. J-y 17, Hy 14- A or!! jy. I A r.aavarifcrayss f MIS It Ki Arirxlk llr M tt a pfef-rt f Vaf lime ' ftttMi aCair be, wuHb e4 ftt f r 4 ti.l t-iNV --'Cl.f Ue re?jsL