J H E CD II C O P. D T I TJ E 5 PACE FOUR The Concord Times mm ilui mall asatt at (he rUflr at Oarer. Bf. C ar tbm Act m March X 1879. Publlibed Uondar and Ttourlay. J 1 1 , I ' J III I M II .11 I I III j. il BUEnniM- suitor rmi W. SI. SIIKItUILU ANftil tfitr I BHaI Ilrweltl- moT. I.AADI8 KOIIX 2S5 Flflli A , Xew Yrk roBl Gas nI14la. Calma;a, IOOI CaadUr BalUlaa:. Atlanta RAILROAD SCHEDULE In Effect April 9. lilt. Varthbraa 44 To TVaahin?ton 2 To Washington 4 To Danvilla 12 To Richmond 32 To Washington .0O K. K 10:;5 A- t 3:45 P. XL Ko. No. No. No. 7:10 P. M. 3:00 P. L No. 128 To Washington .k: p. m. 1:40 A. AL 1:11 P. It. 10:35 P. XU 2:37 A. M. (: A, yU n.i a. m. 0.2$ A. M. No. 30 To Washington ftootkbaaad. No. 35 To Atlanta No. 43 To Charlotte ' No. 29 To Atlanta No. 31 To Au justa Ko. 137 To Atlanta No. 11 To Charlotta Nn 45 To Charlotta 3:20 P. M. Train No. 43 will run only from Dan villa to Charlotte. . Bible Thought For The Day .SAFE STKI'S: The stei of a Vood M.'iu sire ordered !y I he Lord..: an! he doHKhtetli in his war. Vmm 37:3, WIIXMK. HARDING RETIRE? Recently President llardlnj; pur chased n pmall, lnexiensive piece of . real estate in ..Jlorrow County, Ohio, and this fact has "led the Washington representative of the New Vottf World to Iwlieve the President is thinking of . retiring. This correspfjndent iKinfs out that "on this farm Warren G, T"lfarding was Inml and grew nearly to manhood, doing the farm chores and pcrawonally farm-handing it for the iicMjfybors." ' . The, World gives voice to a rumor of a conversation " that took jdace some time ago' between -the -President I and Senator New, iii whfcli'llr. Hard ing said : ' , 1 ' V f' , "I . was drafted once, and I'll ' i? eternnlly hamstrung lefqr, I'll le 'drafted again. There is no possible Consideration, thatAvould make me go tHrough another four years of the sort of thing that has been handed me. It will be up to somebody else to carry the bag nnd the sooner you fellows re alize it the better," c --V-. J The ! President ' - ha 8 made several ! statements recently that would lead one to 'belieye that he is not. the) hap 'piest:nian in the .world. , lie rent back home not long ago, and tflere stated that he would like to llyp again in his old home town. He told bWofd jainter there that happiness dues not alwaj's fall in high places. Perhaps, as William ' Allen White suggests, 'the '..President hasn't the po litical appetite-of Roosevelt or Wilson ami- is "soldiering" on the job. He was at home in the maiidlin politics of the Senate but. the crown ?of the executive does not rest comfortably on his head. - White says that Harding ( has, never been a devouring reader and "that he has ho ambition" to write his name briliahtly In history. " But in spite of all of this, the Pres ident but recently sent out feelers to see how the land lay for another term. le Is but human after all, and while he hasn't the force of mind and Intel lect that Roosevelt or Wilson had, he has human instincts, and we believe if the .Republicans endorse him again -he will again be a candidate. But we do not believe" he will get the ejidorse ment. TEN INDICTMENTS. -Senator Thomas Ilefliu, of Alabama,.vrith theSouth Carolina negroes, and thinks there will be no 'one big isue at the polls this year, but rather a yarie- ty of indictments, and he names the following ten Indictments against the Republicans : : ' ' , 1. The effort to iwss the anti-lynch-ing bin. . .' ' ' . . - ..- 1. .The establishment of a tariff wall for the further enrichment of the rich. 3. The adoption of a., policy of de v. ' flation which struck the South and West the' hardest blow aud re-estb-, lisheil Wall Street as tUe-nation's mon ey center. 4. The applica'tion . of a progressive interest rate to the South which pre- ... vented .the use of funds in handling -.tbe South's crops. S ' 3. ' The destruction of the American merchant marine and the proposal to provide a thirty-million-dollar annual subsidy for private ship owners. G.f The seating of Senator Newberry Jifter if hnri len found lift Rrwn- mnro tnan-two nunureu tnousana dpllars insion on the North hra campaign for election. , 7.i. The reiluction of the income tax es on the rich and the removal of the - excess profits taxes. ." . 8. The payment -of bills on 1 contracts -without establishing the le gality; of. the obligation -and without leternnning whether or not provisions of the contracts were followed. 9. The stopping of loans on cotton i to Southern farmers. cotton on the mar ket and caused great losses to cotton farmers of . the. South. xxf- !'ue laixine ana re.rusai ot tne party -to. collect 'interest vor principal' of he foreizn debts i-created Vure ?h World War, with every indication that I'11 there is no sectionalism in4,the the debts will be cancelled after the ' organization now," amfthe best way 'to November elections. ; x- I keep it out is tohave every part xf We would add f just one. other in-W .country represented among the dictmen, . failure to adopt a foreign higher officers, with the office of Com- rolicy that was' not , malicious, stupid gander given .to men in different rarts nd mean., ; .; , v., ,0f the country each year.: DEATH TOLL OK THE HIGHWAY. .iwiiiiauwK mat nave ieen pvra bjju alizingthat has been Indulged In, care- less and. reckle driving -dill continue mgnways or me cuumr,. - wu a- rerenue only a paltry . I tlcularij the case on Sundays wn,5a;fijrM)uo of this amount The remain! more than the twual number of Wol41i are In operaUoni and when Ijnol there seem to be more- than the ordi nary number of careleas and ineiper- ienceddriver. V The number of ears I constantly and rapidly increasing, and this eor resiKmdlnely lncrcawn the danger of those using theetreets and the high ways. Jt might be of benefit to edu cate the people tothe dangers that confront them by some striking? Illu trationa. . In mills and factories safe ty devices are earing many 11 res, but for nome reason 1t seems difficult , to keep down the number" of automobile accidents on the country's highways. It seems that many accidents happen, not because people do not knowf but because many of them do notcare. In the titles the police eanot lie ac cusedof being indifferent, because they are "constantly engaged In ; im proving conditions and putting Into nractlce modern traffic rules, j. One of the greatest troulJes Is that everybody Is in a hurry, or Imagines so, and often a serious accident is caused when it could have been prevented by ordinary caution and common sense. REPUBLICAN TACTICS AGAIN. ' , : President Harding, in the absence of Congress, has temporarily appoint ed Joe W. Tolbert United States Mar shal for the Western District of South Carolina, The nomination of '.Tolbert was sent to Congress months . I ago. While it was In session Con gress did nothing, because ; the appointment of Tblbert was bitterly opposed by the Senators from South Carolina; These Senators did not con duct' their fight In the dark. , They were above board, and they had no hesitancy. W Sectoring; that , Tolbert was-not the lbhd of Mjhfto'nojd any kind of Federal 1 office. -.'Senator Dial, according to E. E. 'Breton, Washing ton correspondent of the News and Ob server,' denounced Tolbert "in the strongest kind of terms, saying that he was morally unfit, that he was civ illy disqualified because f irregular ities growing but of his conduct as postmaster "a nd l'H-HMe,rof his furt record, and that he had been cUln 'CAlenil patronage.' lie told of Tol fert "having negro men advising him. as the Republican referee in outh Carolina, on pestoffice 4 matters,4- teat he humiliated white men and women by having negroes advise on their ap I)olntments.t' - But in spite of such protests, and the fact t hat Senator Smith and Cer tain Congressmen from South Carolina denounced Tolbert as. a "bum," the President has appointed, him to' Fed eral office. And why ? Because Tol bert controls politics in South Caro lina. He Is national committeeman from South Carplina, and wheh he goes to the next Republican national convention he , will ' throw the vote from South Carolina to President Harding. The - Republican party in South Carolina is composed mostly of negroes, and the black men will have a voice in saying what the committee from the!rj State says at the national convention. ' And for that reason Mr, Harding, who will, we believe seek the Republican .nomination again in 1923, is laying his trap for the South Carolina vote. Tolbert is friendly by. giving Tolbert what he isks, re gardless of the wishes, of the Senators from Colbert's State, Mr. Harding is playing to the favor of the blacks of the Palmetto State . ALVIN SIT. OWSLEY. We believe there will be wide ' ap proval of the ' selection of Alrin M. Owsley as National Commanler of the American Legion. North Carolina Legionnaires supiwrted him for the of fice, and those who were not at the convention are sure to approve of the election. Mr. jOwsley attended the State convention of "the North Caro lina Department hist year at Hender son ville nnd made' there an impres- Carolina Legion memlers. He has rendered fine ser vice as chairman of the national com mittee on Amerlzanlzatlon, and that vfarUie stands high In his Native State is shown by the fact that he has served as Attorney GeneraL ' Sir. Owsley is the ; first. Southerner to be Placed at the head of the Leir- 5, brShe Slon' and wMetheiri8 sectionalism iu the organization it is best that all sections of the country, if they have aiie men, should, be taken into account i , ':- . '.V,. v. v, . in parcelling out .the honors.- Welre- ' William C. MrAdoo Ciade an 4 m dress In IuTcr a few days ago ' wLkh be empoauci me row 01 toeiv, r it tf-wV t a-ift tr.i.w crw R,nblln tari.T to the ir4. rKJfnm out that, Vberras the eun m lmy u).t) more fori .lb articles B uya, me s7' rrnxarai l $3),r.00, U1 c-t iM-ncflt t-Ub- cf the cmjmer oe lhe goreroment. but will go Into the coffers vl 11 tprtwi" interests. This U where youra?es: H lio-. rr win eou Mr. Voter, under the j 9 - -mm w w new Repnblkan tarliT. criiMnv nY KIHIIOP IlENNV V FEATURES DAY AT MONKOE Ijne Frtist Cooducled by Rv. Mr.lwi year by tt iruwcovand tLIIdrer Blair. 1 ureenworo tis- .u OriLiIned. Monroe. Oct, 22. The love feat, iviii-h wm tne nrft serric 01 un . .. V-,. V. 1 1 n n (ill V In 1 117 VrMt'IU ouilil ivmui itt a t las of 4 ministers eugioiei for the order of deacon, and another da of thoe eligible for the order of chler. In which Kervk-e Bishop iKny was asslstetl by several inemoers oi the conferenns and the annual niemi - rvif were the outstanding feu - tnrea of "Conference Sunday." in addition to thes service, there .re ermons deliveml In almost all! of the churches of ilonrte uy mem- i-r of 'th -onerence. The "attend - ance of tutors to Monroe- was.largtly increaseil twlay over what it. haw leen durlng the past week, large numbera nf A,,ni mmlnz to attend the service?: oftfi, dav and returning to their i' x - - irnno tn the nearbv cities and town rinrlnff th nfternoon and evening. conference of the aieinoaist r.pcuirai urair-m jr uie junior wnin, ana tlinixli. South, now In HIon 4re' M- Wlihcrf. jf St. JiAin't the sermon " 'of -BUhop (Illn Ijyiny, Church, Charlotte, ou the -;rtat Pcn which flowed, and tlw ordination r- efitu Arising from Mission-Study." The selection. of Wlnton-Salcm afff the association had not fall-n be- tbe plaw for holding the next annual distinct satisfaction to the members It was in 1!10 that the conferenct last met In that city. Rer. H: M. Blair, of Greensboro miiilnMnl lh -onference ?love - feast this service being ill' the nature espe-1 chilly of a religious experience meet ing. The distribution 01 tne eiementf of bread and water to all .present, which is one of the customary feature of '.this-service, was omitted, by per mission of ihe conference, in ortler fh mnr ttm miirht lw available forltion with our year's quota fully mid tha rpUition of Christian exwrlenct 4 ain t.irwa Oflfl lornieii -)ir ilj- sired to participate in this Piirt of . the .-o-, Tho r..mfliniirr nf this 8pr I -w ,'a' nt in the Kin?fnir of !hvmns l in nrrr M , I Bishop Denny used the 5.1st Tsalm a tKA tovf of hla sermon. th Psalm I beginning with the words : "Have mercy, upon me, O God, according tr Thy loving kindness: according to Thy tender mercies blot out my transgres sions. vAVash me thorougMy from 'miu.''n3o.uiiyr my uju'1 ; ' The class of ' 'deacons ordained In eluded T. W. Hacer.iA. C. ICenaedy. J T fnrTim W. A. ItoHin. A . C. n, n Trultf-, r.e. Want rniefollo-iring fcamed constitutwt the class ordained elders: O. C. Fortenbury, J; S.'Fogler, R Ti. Foster, R. C. Goforth. J. M. Green W. J. Hackney, W. R. Harris, W. R Jenkins. A. L. Lucas, C E. Rozzelle, E. P. Billups, J. W. Hoyle, Jr.. A. 1. Brantley, G. W. Clay, W. G. 1 McFar- land. t ; The memorial Service was held In the afternoon, and names were 'read I of the four members of' the conference I who. have passed away sinee'the last 1 annual meeting of the body, thesex be-1 ing W. M. Bagbj', C. M. Gentry, Jame I Wilson and J. P. Rodgers, and ihe fob I lowing wives of ministers: . Mrs: J. I R. Scroggs, Mrs. E. M. Avett. Mrs. A. I W. Jrtcobs, and Mrs. M. B. Clegg iIia memoir of W. M. Iiairbv was writ-1 ten bv T. B. Waeg and was read by W. I L. She r rill : that of J. P. Rodgers andinna, wnere uotn ale wen Known. -Tiie James Wlllson by J. F. Kirk. E W. I Vm rirnd the memoir of Mrs. Scrosrcs : I 111 'O. Allen that of Mrs. Jacobs, and I J. F. Kirk that of Mrs. Avett. f - I The eeneralooinionnrevalls among I memlien of the. conference that ad journment of this annual session will I le reached on londay. probably about! noii If is true that a nnmler ofl'Uon of the stifte. the minute questions are yet to be eal- led and . answered, but no discussion t uhtintniiui in mnnlnn with theP and none of sufficient length to delay ovnu-tul rt tnVo rlnH rnrfUnr nnv I report or resolution yet to wine Itforifc kitt . . v " - f M " I fore the reading of the" appointments! two dmjrotions for bravery during the! of the preachers for the coming year,jwar- aml S5nt'e Lis h-irge lias . niaclel Bishop Denny will caH again minute question six, "Who are received by transfer from other couferem-es?" and that the reeiption by transfer of one or more nieml)ers from other confer ences will be announced as the answer to that queiftion. ip adtlifion to O. L. Simpson, from the Virginia conference; J; W. Hoyle, Jr., from the North Caro lina conference; and E. K. McWhidden, from the New Mexico" conferenee, al ready received by. transfer during this session of the conference. 'It is expect ed that thevname of Ash ley ChappelL George R. Stuart, or sonie "transfer will be announced in an swer to this question, and that he will receive appointment to Central Church, AshevlUe. Should this not occur, nunor indulged in regarding this ap pojntmeut Is that one of three mem fcers of this conference will le ap pointed tothat church, R. IL Daugh erty, II. G. Hardina or W. A. Lambeth. It i. not improbable, hovver, that some preacher whose Etaine has not been discussed outside thS cahinet ma J le announeeil as the new pastor of t&ia church. Regarding all of these out side rumors and guesses regarding the appointments, the word "if' receives special, emphasis touching all of theuv The inhabitants Cof: the island of Marken in the '.ZuTder "Zee wear the quaintest Dutch costumes. Girls and boys up to the age of seven years are all dressed exactly alike, in girl's attire. Not till the boys reach the age of 10 do they blossom forth into full masculine clothing. The ciune is graduaj. - IIX.miT ?ll insr Inl .-u.i.i 43 iu.ui ju I far LV Lnlrz star. - I TL tweifih ar.uosl i.;eti::j: t f tit J:3;1 J M:VlrT 0 1 i , t 1 .-:: Church f CWurU trr-ist-slay. The- to ming mlm m lar;r.y 4- ro5:i1 ! rrj. KTdi7oSlfI lmonff, ud f th ta All Uiw rrprrt L t'J grrai prvsr uwing 10. re greai .cmstmi irt of ' the J car, HMt iwcities Lad ut caid lo full their - i!-!i?fr on the . million dullsr vampaixfl fund, l-ut r antonl-Ling nmst of tiitr.cy Lad nererthles Ufn ,rld, iueiLlaf orer 1ZI0 ha Tin bt irfrtu In tin i im u 1 tun. iai "tre maie on. a nuxni'rr ci fnteretlng itubjnti. Mnp. iVrdue, cd 1 vtncfru. 'anz iu iw- iwwcm I hltitr ,.f H'..t....', Lr-iJtAm . . ! , m,ui; v i'uu i-t nw J Uk me nuouuay oevoiKin were on I ducted by ilra. 1. V. Danxm, of tbf I First Baptist Church. Charlotte, who I speaking n me ubjeci, .uoa is-ioie. lurousuj coniiori ana encwuragtiueni n iaii. - l A mit liounttful lenchen to whlcl I all did full Justice brought the morn ling to a cloe. The climax of the day wa reached m tne aiiermion, wnm ira. . - 1 Tnirh, of lrltchard Memorial Church Clmrlctte, brought the mbjeet of th reijiforceinent'-amiafgn for the collee- tiun of th fund pletlgi-s of th 7.1 mil- don dollar fund before the union.' I mr a a . I izun-s are asnauy ury. out never I were figures uienea to more carciuiiy. IIIicm? figures snowed that the women iwnn fn most msiancvn, uui mat uaru was necessary to reacn then foal. The ferfor and zta of the speaker .'.-communicated 'Itself to all present. Mrs. Smith wa followed in thl talk by Mr. Smith,' who i the rara- paign director of the association. Jo a wonderfully inspiring talk he reach d the hearts of the women who all pledged their most hearty and loya support-in the arduous nndrtakint 5f the next few. weeks of nelplng In every way to go to the state eonven A demonstration by the Suubeame I of McGill street Chtm h . brought be I f? tht wni'W most fonvfuf way tne necessity or pUcing furore our - hildrcn Christian... books, mafiazine and ,"papersLr 'aliese children could answer air sorts .ofquestions about ''Utlcal, scientific, athletic, social and affairs In wnprnl. fmf. hnil tn kiiv "Wi don't know' wlieu asked any question if current denominational or religious affairs, - The election : of officers resulted af-1 follows: ..' -f rrevienr, Mrs. l li. Mooney;rsec . . . 'V retary. Mrs. F. L. Dabbs ; treasurer. :.ilss L,va taddell, PROMINENT COL'PLE TO WEI) HERE TUESDAY NIGHT Miss Isabelle Goodson to Ilerome Bride of .Mr. Kenneth E. CaldwelL Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Goodson Fridav afternoon announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Isalelle Goodson, to Mr. Kenneth E. Caldwell, the wedding to take place next Tues day evening. No engagement cards will be Issued. The ceremony will lie solemnized in the. First PresbyterLm Church here. of which, the contracting tmrtiei are members. Ine c-eremony will tegln at 7 o'ctotk, to Lk; followed later by a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Goodson on West I0eiot street. The announcement of the approach- ling marriage of Miss (Joodson and Mr. Caldwell will be read with interest throughout this tart of North Caro- bride-elect is the youngest daughter of Mr. ami .Mrs. ioMlson, and her family & one of the oldestand most proml- new in mis county.- ue is a grauuate of irginla College, at lloanoke, aM ld hist ytr was a memler of the faculty of No. 2 Graded School, of this """ ' ; Mr. CaldwelL Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. . Morrison H. CaldwelL and his family, has been prominent in the so- ll, religious ami political life of Ca- au muiuuiw oi 1'aviHMOn oiiej:r, mrrv I V i K if V land 1 now t-sintain of Cominls nat- .-t .1. t. .1 ; 1. 1.1 ..... a success as one oC the owners. and managers of The ' Musette, .Inc. The wedding will 1 one of the niost I promfnent social ' events of the Fall season In Conconi ; The Rark Hill Fair. L The Rock Hill colored people In No. 2 Township are developing quite -- a community center at their new school house, which was recently finished on a handsome six-acre site. Friday they held their first community fair. They have every dejsirtuient organiz ed found In the larger fain, and we learn that each deitartment was well p;itronized--rlive stock, field crois. loultry, Kihtry, manual arts. ete. The Silver Hill Band furnished the music for the occasion and regular well plan ned program ran through the entire day. . The farm demonstrator, the, home demonstrator ami the -county suierinteudent of schools 1 aided the colored ieopIe to make their first exhibition of farm and home products. Longest Dash Yet, Chh-ago, CV t. 2L Chuck Palmer, left hall-back for Northwestern, ran yards for a touchdown in the third ouarter of the?Northwestern-Mlnnesota game j here ? tolay. ,1. He piekeili rp !!vr; Mitchfirs! fumble jbehind hi,- 'own ?goal 1 line after JlitcheU 'bad' carried the'jr Isall over ontMinne5ta'3.fourth down. The goaljBi'd fhe score There will be an ice cream supper at Allison's Grove .Church Saturday evening. Ice cream, cake and sasd- wicfce-sjwill.4e sold, the xao-iey to s-n.an averaga ti;s iusJa? to 4t fha artas at . as a1a , . T - J v : it, nxtsAVT r:.T.s irCl IU rr J (V--.- Prrwc-uU C:lrr Urr.. f 1 trrrL" " 1 r i m taui jts , &4 fasxiwrf t Iraar tt,ai'.f t '-. ' la It-? V. JJifctfT 4,.-.r.!f lSf?r taotv 11 4 a a lea;s. rfe-! J as!te i&irra. ; L-wh 1 ttr HiiEtHie U a 4t4i at4 19 U,?i cetita!iC - Dsrirs TtL jfnars"" -hLt t-$r taetkl r!:t;:!c-a a t iz-Z fr- 4rL they trir ia tte cms! fcir f tbdf fcjtlrt eaj.nr. afed fyf tLa! they Late fcatal' tL-lr crrs&i The grmde.1 xtM h-rr Lad it far cat ils tLI tuuTKlZZ. mm t t t-ady fr rmi wotfc t lito Uy r- njE. The rrvadtJ v.!!ii"i ef tL 1k4 made twcra ry. tL ais:ten tnthcr TtHftn. LUt L Jiirt tn ajt4efeL Tte tri trrs fr lle w h4 L! year are: IMnriiL Ilr dr. Warllrk. anl MarT Ur ler. Ruth Cre,, Msbcl McAUioft an Vllma TtM-ker. The Lutbi-r League of Holy Trinity liurth will gtoe Halloae'm iwrtj at urday evetdnr at 7 Ii-il- be metat-rra of IL Irarw a nnmUt f other rne h;nr lm lailit. iffair wUl 1 held u IN? tU Wi-l. neu Hall; la the Lents building. Among our girls and buys away at ending college this a.wlon are: Kl itm Aibrltht at Trinity, lllhubHb roil and Rath Barrlnge at Cataal-a. lUfta and Ruth J a turn at Kalest Col ege; K-nneth Kind ley at Hanard, loy Mocbw at the Lnlvrndiy of Nrth Candina. ainl Joe Banks Mt AllUter it AnmuMdla. Mount Pleasant I this Kbu fur- jlshlng.tencbera oa follows: Mla Wil lelmina Allxaan, In Aery County: Uia Thelma Albright. In Lewisvllle; : Lm-lle Albright, lu Abbeville; ULsses Ifele?Heilix and Ixnia Bar inger la Concord; Mla Helen Hertford n Hanetown; Mlna Margie Barring' n Troy; Mle Ikmule Mbwnheimer tnd Laura llelllg iu Kamia,!!; MIks litu Moose near Polkton. and Mtia Jeorgia Barrlnger near SaliKbury. In he gradtMl school here, thret' of the rachera. MliM Iowder, McAlllntcr ind Tucker, are ML "Pleasant girl. The large and lmndjoiJje residence Klng envtetl by Mr. Marshal Herrln m the lot Just south of the Lutheran, wrsonage, is nearlng completion. Good progress Is alj l-lng made on he attractive minlern and new rel le'nceof Ir. V. I). Foil Bolh of ihese structures will add much to the it tract lvenen of the village. Mrs, George Bhickwebler Is making m extended vlalt toAivr blaughter. Mrs. Edward Fulenwider, in Salis bury. . iliss Grace : Herrln now has a ikm1 'Jon as stenographer In Jirrmlnghatar Rev. and Mr. Gerge H. Ikiwdeu ind little son, of Charleston, have for he jmst week teen the guest of Mrs. Bowdeu's mother, Mrs. Luther I'ntx. Mrs. Jesse Shuping left yoKtenlay for Charlotte, where ahe will in the future reside 1 with her son, Mr. Os- 11 r Shuiing. - Mr.- Dwight .Kluttz. from Watts' Cross Roads, has recently leen addeil ro the clerical force at Cook and FoU'h. The Embroidery Club held a de- ightful mietlng Welnelay after noon, with Sirs. Paul A. Ioow ahe aosiess. v ' -The family of Mr. Itay McEachern mis recently moved to Con"onl. Sirs. McEachern iieut Wednesday with rel- ?itives anu ineuus were. Rer. C. A. LlnnaddresieLthe Luth er' League In ;reensliro lat Satur day. Mrs. Jdnn spent the last week end with rehitlvea in Salihbury. - Mrs. Paul Moose spent yesterday in Charlotte. - , Mrs. John. Foil has returned from a two. weeks visit to her daughters in Cocky MountX C Mesilames Jesie McEachern and Lee ''oil were the guests In Concord yes terday of Mrs. V. C. Wolfe. Miss Emma McAllister Is making an extended visit to her sUter, Mrs. J. Mlscnhelmer, In Winston-Salem. Mrs. Don" McManna, of Che raw, S. C. arrlveil Sunday for a visit , to her mfther, Mrs. John I). Beaver. Mr. I E. Foil was a visitor to Charlotte yesterday. - I'roL1 aud Mrs. II. A. Fiher left ThursiLiy , morning for ICalelgh where hey will pjKTid the remainder of the week attending the State 'Fair ami Isitlng friends. j Mr. ami Mrs; Clinton If. Smithdeal will have as their guests Sumlay Mr. Suilthdeal's paruta from- Winston- Salem. Mr. David Peck has recently Joined the navy. , .- M. One Week Uft tn Wlilrb to IieSirr. Only till next Saturday the regb- rrntion liooks remain open still In Ca lrrus County for thiwe who are not registered to qualify for voting in the election of November 7. It is but a fcimple matter f or all to present them selves to the registrar in the several precincts of the county and apply for registration. It la not necessary to show poll tax receipts now in order to register. Voting Is .the highest privilege of a Itlzen of North Carolina but It is neeiary to have registrations as a safeguard against citizens voting who are not proier!y qualified or otherwie to safeguard elections. If yon don t regiter you can't vote, f yon can't vote yon have no say so as to whom shall represent you In the government of your county, your state ami nation. " Remember, the registration books close Saturday, Octoler 2?V at un ilown and will not I c?ened again. If you have a frtned or neigh bor who taa mt registered, siieak to tha or Ler about it and urge regJatration: The cfaviest timlicrs an oak, teak. Jarrrah (an Australian wood) and greeuaeart ; - tie lightest are.wir.oar, poplar and spruce. The difT'-retr e" Is enonaoiui. A cubic f -xt of J teak' will ; I weigh over W) pound, wtile'-acnbic M) on,ta . -m-V4t.i--W,r!iii!ts r " ' fciot of willow dot cot eveced 13 w pounds. A haU porter at one well-known London hotel, who Las recently re- tired, coafeised trtav.-cg rtceive! tm n;:Mr.t' Ta n tl'trJ Tr-Ot-V 4 r laima I- V 31. I - A- Lr J 6 ti 1' t it T'-ri' ti f;r?-Tp- i tt X ttsa at S j t p m rs fi't, TH I rut tSrrr t i I f p Vtf H aUt wf nl'h t .t1 r :' TV T i-a t; jrr f.ri-:. tt tt?i f tli ta ttl'i1 C rtJnr it Tr tr-fejn li '!$- 4itit tf rif. tt l l::.k 21 f.r, M f N. V, lr!v ima, h V VI is.t.i 1 1 tj.- t V. XL IX A- Iwia ta 11 ?a!e. I u k atd tl:iz.T r tmth, mi tWi frwatd ltkm L44lfej: a;i(t all' rsrsirtit?a. It r IM l.KSrt Ja l-r LjMf la ta ta1l' r-t:U. -f Lit -! S Ut-- ftta. i fc44;, rfe rfi mt fUltifyf fi It- HWf, M 4kiil M txa i,lftl t rfvt bl rtat wl Uy tRat L'.l W'tdf I L-i-Ht-jt tt t!ki. . Tu aratu ia t l rallt at fc;I5 Ila J4 mslM If fwm lhtr Ut rl(1i44t, ya Lad Mttlrr r-ii?rf at rmv. , hCHOOL LOOKS. We Lai a r!tai4i tk tf all at hV4 Uks nwwl la Cataimj ttmtklf m h l aid a great lit f tt4H. 'mils, tettil Ute, rrsjolsa. rnt-r, Imjos Kstbl. t-K tra, bK rrs era. i"ainr lawets. vitnrr tt"r. pen. xn pn . ia fart evrntMsi' t make the aHfl car the griirt a- cc(es eicry. - - Ml MJTK. INC. Cimconl. N. C, tpoiJtr M. C1il HMt, lUui Non-Partisan Ticket for County Offices. In mas meeting aWml4ed lU ft4- lowing men were m'Uilnslrd as a Nun partisan, Inflcw-tdct tWrkcL This lrty went on mord favoring it lvii:al!l primary law, or AuMraUan IbL for Cat IT" yntyrf Is w n force lu a Klly nujalW of CHt- lea In North Carolina. TLy sla went n rtcord as favoring ttmnty of- fera aening not more than two coo- secutlve terms. They al) favorel TH Ing for men of principle without r gnrd to iwrty atHHatlims. The following are the names of the men nominated at tbla nertlri Houe tt Ilcjr'ultlft Rev, A. T. Cain. T Sheriff 4hariea Miller. -. Herk. of CotirtJohn II. McAllis ter. 1 : RegUter of Ih--.l U V. tnilolt. Cotton Weigher W, It. Roger. CommlssUaiera Jaa. F, Dartault, D..W. Vorke. D. .V. I to. . Political AdverUidngJ OcL ID-till election. TO THE VOTERS OF CAUARIll'H - COINTY. At a re-nt meeting of th, RxtH ti- tivi c-ommltt" for the Independent-Non-prttan Titk-t, It was tinairb motisly Agreed that we go on nnrd 8m xavoring rree icit ik rr emr public schools in Cabarrus County. In the adoption of thls'fdan, we fat ore I it for several reanofc. Hnd. the County can buy the tKMika at whol- nale a great .deal cheaper than tbe in d I vidua L Scoim1, we feci sure that the poor child. who Is not abl to t-tir Imxik would go to school If the l-k were furnished. This ds not an untrfei proJiTt, In the State where It ia In force, it Las proven a wueeew. It has ewworagwl the ioor child to attend bocl sml aeqofre an elniatlitt, cKhrwit tbey; would hTe grown up in Ijroors rx-e. V e hope that tb votTs of Cabarrus County on the 7th. day of Novett!r, will vote for men who. Lave at no-art broad prlncipltw and lilral Ideas rath er than "RING RULING. If cltel as your representative, I will do ev erything-within my power to wjaet In to laws the things we land for. Some may say the tnlnorUy has no voli-e In a iMnocratle Led! a tare. Tids" Is mt trne.71 flml t hat our L-s Ulature, while Dcmratlr, always considers local legUlation, ri-gardb of iwrty. A rpn-a.'ttUe la upiMf I to retrcent tin majority of lh IeoiU of the County from whence L cornea ami p rtnItterfL ....-' .I.T. CAIN. Kerretary, Iudttttdcnt Non-Pa rtlaa a TickeL (P4itUwl AdvertlmLl - OcL 23-tlIl e!eilon. TRI STEirs SALl By virtue of authority vefed in n y a Ieeil In Truid or Mortgage ex- cuied by J. II. McCIdlaa arLwlfe U. U1elLa, oa the 2-th day "c Novul!r, lJl, whlrb Mirtigag or Deed fn Trtnd la duly rerdil la Ili-giti-r'a t'Sk-e for Cabar'rn Count y. N. In Hook NamlT ZK pag -4. I f r-)fU4 f j Uiff ? - will sell at paWlc auction st thfaid lfvl-jtff t-t- ' ' Crt Uou' door la Concord. N. CL,tutfit' iaf ti 5"V---? n the 1Mb day of Novtnabef. BC2. f the Llghot Md ler for csd: at 12 o'clock M the following real ctat: m feet to an iron stake to convr of S7 In the dlihdun of the J, 11 Es tate and b ing an. I U!ng un the fith sble of Iiat IejM Street, In Counjird, Nrtb Carolliui : Iintilng at sn Iron stain julb edge of l'jt lHiot street. Chaa. 1L Cook's comer anl runs with Lis llnr S. 4tl X-Z VL lUi feet t an Iron tsk, comer of lot -No. 41' -ia asiLl CooLa Uie: thence with line cf Lt N. 41 la the dlvbdon of aabl ctate N. 12 Jt O'rfeti to an Iron stake to corner of let Ntv3 in dirLdots of a1l tate; theutt with line of said lot No. N. f J 1-2 W. LV fret to an Iron atsk, rtmer of IxK ."o. ! la Koth rf fast rejot ..t-trt-ft : th-n with tAl 1 ret S. I . . ft fo tfce.'&r gilitfCg. Title to said proptrty I ftjjtHl to be good, tm tte ptircLifcer otjly lak sorb tlfi as I ata ac'IviUrd to vey cader said taortga?. TLIs tie Ilth day of tvtber. UCL JOIIN FOX Trcjtecr. ' Cy J. Le CrowtU. Allun.y. 4. a .... - - -. "., la, 1 -.- v ! Car ta4 m4 Dm nT . ' ' ,. ' '- - tf 'fcis"4asaaaja;- ttJ ta , 'V". !t firf, r IniW I.,s; 7" 1-4 M ssi it. v , Far SsWlt4M - rt ra4i!i IStf. Na Ilasiictf Hr, i- i' t4 i, i ra-t '- H ray rsl Uaaiti I fe3 tw'tvl' - L-ur ir tin a,'t.w tt mvthrr Urt T4r. tm rn W4 4, Urn ' . l'..fllik. . . alta tm4f t kmux tti a a frw it w.. t : TliS-Tr.t'a6 c. MtII WeiLas i&fi t4r.irst bear (t5 l4l4ifcf, liM Cstt H!M", iM 1 f t j;s . yoti .!! M ojr ; 5.1" . er L tHit w mam;5k, AitMi n.ii' 4ittLtiv.. concouii rg'oDtci: mi tut Crmted Wrttly ly C)fea Mm llgym Mt rrti t t4 for prodart tm tfca fetv4i Butter - Counlry MweMrt , : fVmr.trf M'U-m Toctig CLP 1 crs Urns 4 uraryi Het IVII" Irish Potatoc. ,.!Ji.. - t HllwSsJ mmmmm4m im-mm. Peat . t; Oau 2. .. i 3 CO.fJ0KX CtTT0N MltUt MONDAY, OCTWBI.R It tn ., Co ton .v... . . . . . . .', ... '- C4lOtt tet Sliowin of New Fall Hats Saturday Imported poll Curly hair and itw ing eyes, HISS BUACIIKN DOIIIIET CARD f-RGII tt. MvlMKtfMdl Cefd. N tt l!Uor CMrd 71' " I tfk ILt aM-- t-- arc j!4i.i s- dHate fr iVdwas.;1 it.j-iit tii4. I L re to 4i thi. I U7a iiturU- m li4 .- tfc iMvwwf ictt4i Lsll do tsy tt f 't,f t tiUU-r it a f't -- this ti t r-;-' (CiO In lal'ft tlLr. - 1 a r' 21T A T H CARD rtCOl I v? Crt'N ' YAlM'T Cm$ Tl&f ' " CH. N, t -' Iwr tir; . j " a yetrdf t 1 4r--trlt TV'-. -t rl r C.T-- 53 L--nr csv K-.rf - -,! hnl k a ft-f .Tirl - ? 1 to pr e? it rfct dt-t, 64 , 1 axa fi r-rr ":iJ p;Utt tVirt. d t4L-r tlkre. :5 t : , . " ... . 4 SIP fcofh tL i-:J- ' , ra tU aaU'lH-1 ' . ljw?f MALO i 21-T A T it. "",-