v- THE CONCORD TIMES PAGE FOUH The Concord Times ''.r i iru 01 cow-fit, rpiri j show end mistaken belief that every- cite will look on and applaud ai .tie UtCTM MMU CUM Mail WHfTI , ... . at th. atease at car. . c- aa-iWild drives are made aer the Aet at Harck JL 1879. I Any man can get on the highway nowaday and taeti have ralwd pflitlra. Thr way . . .. to get thi changed U for rerywe who want cleanline to go to the noli and elect men who aland for neb things. The right to rote U an obligation ai Publlihed Monday and Thursday, make a fool of himself, and many di, j. b. iderrilu Eoitar mm p,uuk and the sane driver are aadly in the! well a a prlvacse-. We we It to minority. I OUrjnr iu uur wmiii; w tijse the' right to caat oar vote. He talk about "machine" candidate.. If W. H SIIEIUULU ,Aeeiata itar fallal ReareaeatatlT FROST, LASDIS A KOH3T ; 223 Fifth .A venae. New Yark feoalee Cae DaUdla. jCkleaaa. 2004 Caadler BaUeias. Atlaata A. W RAILROAD CXI ED CLE In Effect April I, IJJJ,' Jfartaboaad .Vo. 44 To Washing-ton No. 16 To Washington No. 44 To Pan villa No. 12 To Richmond No. . 12 To Washington No. 138 To"Wahing-ton No. 10 To Washington ' Saatabeaad. Nd. 35 To Atlanta No. 4,To Charlott No. 29 To Atlanta No. tl To Aujusta. Ko. 187 To Atlanta No. 11 To Charlotte No. 45 To Charlotte - Train No. 41 will run only from Dan TiHe to Charlotte. BED cnOSS ACTIVITIES. ton obiect to the '"machine"-' eandl- a- V - . rtt I me annual ueu crow iwu Hu uiu.te TO to poll and vote for the atart In thla county In the near future. I ther fflan Thzt wm l(reak cp and we hoi.peopIe will respond to It I nlcker than anythJn a . f I At . m . . 11 " Ml fi-qr at uuerauy aa iney-oe n VoQ bnk u op tj fclttlnj at s rue. the ijoat. The organization U doln 10:55 A. H 7:19 P t Important wirk now, J oat aa it did dqi J i- If tnc war. It ia not a war organ!. zation uy any means, dux i an crgHm- 1:40 home and crltlchdnsr. Yon will' hare no voice In' the government cnlei yon exthise your right The . politician don't tare anything about youf'crltt t:lt P. M. 16:35 P. M. 2:37 A. M. I A. L 9:23 A. XL 2:20 P M. wtion that aervea alwaya in the time 1 But, they are afraid or your of. need. 'and lta work during the paat :32 a. M. year commands it to ereryone. Following are some of the statistic Bible Thought For The Day .GIVING GETS: There is that scattereth, and yt inerensetn, ,and there is that witbholdeth more than I meet, but It tendeth to poverty. Irtiverb 11:24. rote. ' -7;" V Go to the poll next j, Tuesday and vote for the men whom you think will for the past aeven month taken from L,,.. tte ltmt omwrtL Condition in the record or tne w4 cnapter in North Carolina: , 1 18,013 ex-service men or their famil ies have received Red (JroB service during the first seven months of this year. 413 civilian familie have been er- IMlitlca ' are not what we want, to lie rare,' and they will never be until j?v eryone vote. Exercise this dntj and privilege. Help jiake politic clean by voting for clean men. ved. s GETTING JUSTICE:' 4.423 patient have leen carel for by Red Cross nurse. -- V ARE YOU AFFLICTED WITH TUBERCULOSIS?; "Are you afflicted with tuberculofia? 23,200 visits. to patients were made Uf d have never been examined. Iby Red Cross Public Health nurses. -A ottend they tuberculosis clinic being 28021 school children have had ex- w d rted here by D Bpnilli an ex. - ; -amination for physical rterects. Have you anidea that you have According to reports from -Washing- 324xperons have receiveci certifl- tuberculotiis? Then by aU m sans be ton the Interstate Commerce Commbi . cafes in. Home Hygiene and Care of examine,j by Dr. Snrulll. v sion nus orcierea tneAmerican Jtau- Mhe Sick. Tff lirtir. i iino' way Express Company to ship via the 132; pVnsbns hire received LI fo-Sav Browclee Vrix CU fiery f Jitlwxi TralsJrj; ScLocl f CLala f isMTfc. Mr. rrwwtk frix. a ltf Ler cf Ut frta ,f tU ttr. U ttU-r 4 "IlutJtn Icrcrm ":fie," t;U arr TnUratiI to srSta c-T;a;rf t thrt'orhoot th cwttefry. Tb Ut ar ticle rrttM frttl tL JmcLum TrtU- rVhrtd atA U a fwlaw: There ncd to t a ?tk btxW had a little Lack c-SU- sxarnLrre nur WaU Klrert. If yta had tKlall hLa out to a hundmi f tl I4:st f tun- Hera ia Wall Strt and tlcl tb ra hi came, cah of thcj wvul 1 dotibtleioi Kid Naiethinr lilt tU: "That fetlow? 4 Why. Ire awn hist around hn for tb jt two ar three years, out & Uon t know his name. One day thbj unknown. SILS. IlitL H MTJifTD I t-VMt, t ?' it- ti "WLat rtrst t 1 I vat za tfcl tijt s fwi Zrt rrjf t r IU;iN ,,""fc, aatjiajpjg lis. lift f"srMi tl aJL- W f 4 aar t 4 r2tAz:UI tft la hk lit tifC.t-tUi:.S riwl fl t-;r. tji,4 ,ut tf ti lii::-i:.:: jr.srfr tsy4cf U wni is tv:y f t'et!. esttd fcr. - m w.i ih' rl fa W4t. Iwiti.w 1 ' ,t:w,-J ' rt tt tttt tf tlcrr it i Sow"3 t?y th fclsyirf et Kv, Edward Wh!er !!!! ani tl ttMf leader, ilrt: I; rstr RlsUrn iiillt. famHUrlMrs. Hail extr4 fma the aJa:oa Tile clinic is being conducted to aid all people who are afflicted with tu berculosis, but its chief aim is to de- The Southeastern JExpress Company all ing certificiitfAr, packages from the East which arejKi-j 17-819 school children nre enrolled inl t . - '- h j, tulierculosls dressed to Asheville. This ruling will (world-wide service to tho Junior Red known tubercular patient is not so do away wilh the circuitous routing Cross. , ' dangerous. We take' no chances with system which the American Express 1,730 garments for usejn home and hJm takeg no chancea wItn other nas been using since the organization foreign lands have been made py the of the Southeastern Company, and will women of North Carolina. send express packages' direct to Aihe-' 930 Disabled World War veterans ville from Washington. I people. Rut thQ persqn who is not sure that he is afflicted and who is1 afflict ed is verr dangerous. Ills friends do are attended by Red Cross Medical So- K . . f . . M)mlItiBI, Ther ; report, indicated that .Senator cial service Workers at Veterans' Hos- flte witfl w d tok from 51UU11011B, ;Vuo Ms wew ug.ii5 lue.puai ."so. 4u ummore, ana veterans tfaat ne hag flnd Jn many ngnt xor Asneruip ior-trect express Hospital Xo. 00, oteen. j stances sleep in the same room with . 1 J ... - . ! 1. 1 1 1 -1 , I M. . . . 1 . I rouiHrou uie jae nu-j xne worK accompusneu oy me or- M tne time be is spreading ing wm anecc aii central anayJt'iea ganization Is as important nowasJt mont cities. If the ruling, applies, to was Jn war activities. Be ready to Asheville it certainly should apply tcbelpjt-ntinue this great workT when ail othtr cities, and if this phase was .the RoirCnU-starts, not. covered inthe Commission's or-j ." flpr nildif-iinnT nrflfra nrnlinlilv trill d V , x -1, T n FEDERAL REVENUES FALL OFF.! iur VUui'uru aim uuiuy oiutrr j cities which .are served only: by; the Federal revenues for August this germs which will affect the life of some other person., j So it is most important that the suspect be examined. If you beliere you have "the disease, by all means le examined. Don't put it off witbr the feeling - that you are not sure, and ttioretnrt nrn nnt romtielled to be ex- ,,umucu' txuimuy Uae s.uiuitu u ;year were ?43,ooo,ow less than lor tno amIned vou are not only ruining tight similar to the one made by Ashe- 'game month 0f 1021, according to the our own chaucW of recovery by such' ville, and if-the Commission has in- .offlcial gtatement of the Government. oction, but you are threatening the structed the American ltatiway TSx-.The aggregate receipts for the month Uvea everyone around you." ; press Company to send Ashevillejs ex- 'were; $140,000,000, compared with $183,- ic is given free of "charge, press dlrecit un j.,; , - v 0.havft to-do ig agk for an aiH ,for other cities to be .serred irllejy ivenues; from miscellaneous sourc- pointment. -If you have ever felt an same manner. ,. . . . : r r ;es, such ts amusements -and transpor- symptoms of the disease you owe it to I This ruling Is nothing but just. Theittlon, fell from $33,000,000 In 1921 to tft tn !lA 0rmn Nftllthfrnsrorn ecrvoa 'tho tuuiriln a ml n - nn . i m hi. - . I r . v v..v. vv. ..v., -v-tiuuo in .august or ims year, m ' k there Is. no reason why the American i eome from excess profits taxes decreas Express or any other expresl company ed $21,000,000, eomparel with' the col should !so direct express that the .lections for August, 1921. There were Southeastern wili lose ; business and increases aggregating $22,000,000 in character went Into a trrrat Jewi.nl h ha tnaicum4 fr ftru at. liankinr establUhment and laid lfrlJueeUn a acudl amy f eprt it president a itrofirjaitlon which waslwritt-r ia her hoxe. and ctfctirjt so gigantic and o daxUog that it c-j he.-Mlf to, an tour' bomharstst tf tunincu the old Jew. Ue iaet thelQnetUoca. Jewish tnker atxi aereral of hia ao-l of cur that wa i aoir and tlut ciair tne next iay, ami aner ne iunta M)xm lieen q nest umed ami cTti-tiietiootl Ywn tr nol lhrr uy mem, we 014 Jew all to hu a i errtalnly waa not.' tlatv: -e haf diacoffered a great I For an hour. than, one terrier man, a vtTy great man' aw tuey.l after another vtjlrrrd etieciioa at who had at their command hunirM tier. Uklcr her over her nonr cf hrr oi,miiuous 01 uoiianvwi 10 wu a action bUr and alter the murder; K. II. Ilarrlman to the limit. louiulne her ahamlv for anv twwwlbS . a. JL a I w. juis wrner ueiieves nc naa uiaeov-i know. edra ahe misht have had cf the ered a great man. a very great tnatMrerttr' affilr vita tn ifiHa; ac4t. Ilia name i Jame I. Cook, and hiahnff wjme point at whkh an eniertng nome is in me town or uoucoru, onni wedge cou,ld de driven into her atory. Carolina. - I. Thr t.r' four time ahi took refuse Mr. Harriman could take charge of I behind the reply. "I cannot rtraera- a railroad which was beaded toward! ber." and thre questions ab retuaed finamial ruin and develop it into a I point blank to anawer. big dlvidend-taying Droixriy. The In-I But Ihrocrhout the interview ahe stitutlon which Jame 1. Cook found-1 nsaintainrd that ahe alvay had t- eI takes charge of loys who are heihl- sieved, and atiil bellered, in the fanh ei toward the penitent la rannd tbeiruinex cf her husband to hi mar- electric chair and develops them intolrlage vow. useful, law-abiding. God-fearing cltl-l Brushing aide the Icttera and the Kens. . And who know but what ome dUry,l hich her counsel admit i of those boys will turn out to be a I written in a hand riaarkaby similar : great vin their lines, aa was Harriman I to that of the a'.ala .minister, she Ca in hi line? I declared: It seems utterly out of reason to hay I 'I bad jth ftith In ray huahird that the Stonewall Jackson Manual If be were here he could explain. He Training and Industrial School cnnl could explain, if he were here take loy8 who are 'degraded," "worth-1 She aid idle had not even read the less," "hopeless, "not worth killing."! documents, ranat of which have been and reform 92 ixt cent, of them into I published In the newapapern, assert useful citizens. This writer hardly be-1 ing thy did not seem to interest her lieves that. 2.i ier cent wouul be Mglat all. resnlts, but the statement is vouched "When ahe was pressed to expre ror by many who are connected with! an opinion as to whether ahe didi not the Institution. Xhey take instrumental think they might have bearing ;n the which are all out of tune all discord I solution of the murder, ahe aald: -r-and tune them to harmonize with I T don't even we that that would law and order. and God's divine plan, tell ycu who waa the criminal? at Concord.' I -Don't you think it "widen the . How do they do it! We will let Mr.l sphere of niotive if a married man f ar iww.rsHK, 1tt- Mm K i .... tf,Wf "It tt tvt1a f?r4 r Ui f Us4 is Ijifti t t L f 144 u trrv-k i NtttA j f . tW tliktuia lat Rt, m tU vt i4 t-f th liai ifi i: w. m t aa4 tb tt,lBa tin'v tt4. atuf - twj ! tx. .2 tarlB .! X A 5-4 IV, U llt f 4 $ ' jrt L4 I I f lars r. U t it i4 - iu T sk Hik-maa Mill i: i ; nlm ,lr' ; ', r 4u i t!o Nh i4 tf It, Ihtrwa iStfe Tf ,fw1 Mm iti 4 f. tk, wi! ttr fr -f- aijlmi afairi tth lhJlikaa iltfif . I l IIiAmL 1L titt.4i- tlM tHIVM t:.f: I trart atwl iff tlntti i-An. it - tl frm.. . . - - t -w-k s 1 ' a a a v at a a a,.ja a s . w - . W. 114 t4r ti ittlr ':ati- lU t. t . '"T f X. aid of IL ui.l tUA a a . J 1 ..-J .... 4 - :,;;v:;v::s . . s" f, ... W M ... . , t k . . . I T i c. 4 i. a irPi pi (i rr f p iT, tnarLt with thrw !. i : thrvxv iUns H liiytaaa Mill uad atliraWrr ftmt I . rucnltos with Mr. tlutahrta l;w ! 4 IW t,n,. i , u iu 1 - u, 4 i4ra to it cak, uiti.i fc&Jfwi Cook explain. - "At the-ery openirig iof the insti tution) on January 12th, 1909. the xn- icy ,was established and has since been and a married woman are conducting an illicit love affair?" ahe van aked. I suppose it would." "Isn't Mr.'Pfelffer tremendously in- adhered to rigidly and with great suc-l terested to know If those letter and cess, that when a boy comes, the first (the dairy are correct?" business is to find out at as early lay 'That doesn t interest tne . very as iKssIble whether there remains, I much. alnnff with tlio divine snnrk thnt wo rfcnow ' evcrr bt)v nossesses. n Uncertain tLwTIIL.I5 ITUiiLUAor I v v m j - v mmrn' a m bm. a shadow of the sense of honor. It is A.iouuy touigut ana truiay; nroi verv rare, even in ies that come Mie showers in extreme west imH Urn. with the more horrible reptrtat Ions Wanner in central and eiiat portions. lu k home, that soon something ia not "en tie vnrlalae wind. offered as a hand-hold of hope n thing to appeal to. Most boys, practically DOUGIITON SWELRS THE LITER normal in mind, have the happy faeul-LACY TEST WAS APPLIED IN 1320. tr of tsizinir tin. a nronosition verv I 1 f now. V Development of the .Dairy Industry. Gastonia Gazette. Tho dprplnonipnt of the djilrv indus- nierchants and other 'business men will, the receipts from taxes on estates and try in the rural South within the past suffer as the result. The Interstate on tobacco few years has been nothing short jt Commerce Commission was institut-1 The figures reveal that' legitimate marvelous. Farmers are coming to ed for the benefit of al, and it was business was" still suffering from the lZnKli& wise in auecnng tnac express oe senr j Republican panic during August, not- main standby, Is to ibe the salvation .direct to Asheville and cities in the , withstandine the clacaue about a "re- of the farmer. With the added im- 4fi?ntfal and riedrkont sections of theUfval" U through the hind The nrin- PetU!4 Sive the industry by the organ . t . IIzatTHn or creamerlos and milk plants now, -and that is whet every city is 0f transportation taxes and excess T3f eh Mr, number' tur ; iu-tf M. S, c It $ ' ' with her liuf an th litw f It. r.i; .... " - 1 tline and IlraijtJ-y. N, IT t- iw i4r w tMiht Mtt 1 4, to a atone ty a !ar, V. hu; hn ftr rf .:i.-j her; thetKf wilh V. SuiLa iSe ' rfUKTTZT' tl IU '4e to a tthcr att Hl?-4 , . , I man cr-it-r: ihcr. Hh .w t 1. ..kI " Hiiftuart lit- (It H. U tl H i4 o a it ook fctmnp, !t-trt t . -nmrkl irrr; ttiitce (3 X. M li ,V1 Je to an lr takr. JiJui liiiruuitW, rorwt : ( Hald Wale hum trtfta: ! i 7i. l. tK linY trx'M a fciiurf, M nin thence with a id irtt tkr, Mltb John Iilitiuiha lit.f ah? tb cilge of the 4hiii4 Grv !tti. H, U W; l 12 jMl t the N iilnjtijijf ini. contaltung 4. 1-10 acrt,:; icm. ttltat 'ni.- s aU i frails J if jutj tl l'.! N. US 4MK J, Il4fct lVat covcokd riTtm u u tki t Title to the nUne d-critrtl prirL , v . tm .TT ty 1 tiiil to U- g.h but 1 tdri tMtiiy if t.it 4 U. rtmwy awn tlile a attit-riml bt teS4? srp Mtr,kJ rK- tlwl .f Trnt. jfrriwia.lUiiw; ThU prrty U rM Ut atifr tip "-- indt4te,lmni wtiml br tab! ttit- f " "'--. -- gagS or tleetl if trnt, default baUrg ro.,.,M,...,.,.;j ln made in the ynine ih.f. ,JJ'r wMf .... ;i Thla thi. iKf i .ir t.f ., i-?fll-r 1r- ' Ml I -a a . ' 9 4 -ai., a T. D. MANKSS. Trnt I," ManeM. AnnJiMd 4 .b-rrln, Alt, ly '"iui ir n.ii.i. r .i.t .tuui. vin im.i..- v CITV PROPERTY. t w.h i.i .1 - 1 1 ! a a I acr i ! 1 fl' a "kl aftl!- at avafittfaat law tna I a. hIm - v i w- it f.VI Mortgage Trtit I !!, exctjtil t th a if aaaKai-axava- m- s - , entitled to. "KEEP TO TIIE RIGHT." Editor Wade Huryis of The Char lotte Observer, recently ytbok a ride with a farmer of Mecklenburg County, and he was struck with the fact that while "the farmer, who was driving a Ford, kept to the right of the road,! profits the very receipts that would first have reflected this alleged recov ery of commercial and industrkii ."nor malcy," if there had been anyl Republleah oflicials in the Treasury Deiartment haT6 been regularly con tradicting with their the statements of Republican manufac turers of partisan speeches and other nrnnnroindn Tho nnthnra nf thp lit- ne general run or travel including j ubUmn ima .of .. flnd rucks, kept to the middle, if not confounded es- ing slightly to the left." "This fact,"-f . . . ' -A. -.. - T . . . . ... , ' Ipecially by by the revelation of a Brother Harris tells us editorially, t , .. . -nVvi rw , ,vr . , v i Treasury- deficit of $Go0,000,000 at the "made the farmer remark that if -all " - ... . . : ...z . . ... , very moment when they were telling drivers of automobiles would 'keep to'., ... M l , . - , ' . . : the public of the vast reduction of ex- of iKidestrians, "travel on the hlgh- I .Piedmont sections of the!Tfvar aU through the land. The prin- Petus Siven the iDl"stry y the organ pbo iMtlra n-tn iiififo!.t . , , t -..--i I iaattan of creameries and milk plant ' , ' w j u.v -w 111 HJ I f I Tl Ml KMN IA t-r III I MM fl'f II IFCal I . . m . .j.... r un manv. counties, tne ousines.- is last taking its place as one.; of the premier immstryies. The Cha rlotte , News, noting the showing made at the State Fairin Ralcign, states that in no de-" partment of rural activity has there been more progress than in the. de velopment of he dairy cow. . . Tliat paper gots on to say that North official .fiffuxes''arolma s -fieh in resources for cattle raiding uou esiMfiuiiy itr ine aevpii ment of the dairy - business. ."With ideal climate conditions which make it possible to have pastnrage format lcat eight months of- the year; which 13 a gainof two1 or .more months on the sections, where dairying is ouf. standing, the South ought to be able. to compete with any other territory the country on the matter of main taining this Industry on a cheap basis It is a fact, of course, that in this sec tion w lack the grasses which abound in some others, but this disadvantage is mote than offset by many1, advan tages which the grass countries .do not boast. . " . ' . We shall have to look to this, field iu the future, and to others, for the maintenance "of our agricultural Jevel since it is evident that the boll weevil must be ; regarded asa. more or -less permanently destructive- element in our cotton production. We are already flntlingUhroughout North Carolina that diversification is profitable, that we are developing substantial markets that will alsorb our farm products, and with natural conditions and resources that abound, there Is no reason that we should not expand phenomenally in the. matter of agricultural diversity, and especially in the diversity of dairy ing. .:. " .;' , ' facilitated, but would be not only be made fore safe." And there is just the rub, as The Observer editorial r goes on to say. Most every automobile driver knows that he .is supposed to keep to the right, and those who don't know this law ..have no business driving cars. But "the knowledge doesn't make th. driver obey the law You can drive five miles out in the country at most any time and see the law violated by persons who show signs of intelli gence and who know better. It is not . exactly a case of ignorance. - It is a case of "cussedness." These people, be- - cause they have been lucky in the past, " think they -can ' continued to violate penses-' and big- surplus the Harding administration had accomplished. Jsow comes the statement ; of receipts for August aiid shows there was no more a revival in that month than there wasl in July or June or May, when there &as the same 'story of declinUig reve nues. v- ;r ixM YOTIKO AN OBLIG Af I0X. We agree with-Col. Albert Cox,. of Raleigh, who recently spoke in Con cord, in the belief .that there is no off year politically. The expressionhas become ! common and is used in con nection with elections in which there is no contest for President -or Gov ernor. But after! all there is no off i year. The oflicers-to be elected this the laws as to road driving, and as ai-Cvwi, rftHn, nn n i. result they drive to, the right, left or -pant positions. , They will not run center as the spiriUmox-es. They are the . state to Sure, as Governor, trying to get somewhere in the quick- bt some- of them will help enact the est way possible, and after ther get law8 f the State, ami this job Is a there they have Nothing to do but tyn most important one. ; In the county UlUUfl'i UUU gly UUt'Iv. y - - - ; - , -j-. 1 t,Ccu?, , iuuy.aio, x? and these men; a small item cornered with driving on tlud c a we are to bveNo the right side of the road." ; The sxeed- elecU nouW be of more importae. nig mauiac, n uu setps on uis siue. 01 , hTfl . . - 'nrna, vrt we are to, choose all county officers. IS ' nll' IntAnxiti. 4-tn V 111 uciciuiuc nuui the road is not half so dangerous as tto t0 the and Yote, it ,1s nse the driver who passes on the wrong ies5 to git at home and talk about the side of cars, cr who chooses the side of ln poUtics- The way to get polu the t road that suits him best, regard-!tics clean is to go to the pbus Qa less of other drivers. . . I elect ' men who are clean themselves. W repeat, it H not ignance. ; ItjPolltir$ naVer ' fuine: any man, but It1 is the, duty of everyone who can Pulled ;the youBg; Jellqw in. ;? f t' . . . . I Vattt V awVv ' 4Ti Yt 'af-'. . ar: m . ; How He Told. . Ilenry I am pretty share my brud der is 21 yersold. , " ' RaistusjHow do you know da yoini hrudderjjs 21 years old? . - Henry Cause Ise been sleeping with him since he was a baby and he had de seben year itch three times. The End of Po Fisher. Ascertain young fisher named Fisher Fished for a'fisbvfroin the edge of a fissure. Rllf a' CeH "ftrffh !rrin i ' Now they're' fishing the fissure " for Fisher. ' -' ' i v : Owing ta the terrible state of un employment in the theatrical pro fession, many actresses in x London are said to have found work aa house luickly and generally in tin nnusuaUy To the-Aoters of the 8th District: accurate manner. When he enters the 7 opponent attempts .to ncretm school, he feels at once the atmos- himself in regjinl to the discrlmlna- phere of order, system, regularity, tory, tmSxmt and unfair mcthotl nseti cleanliness, humaneness, and a pur- by the flection officials In Repufdlcan ... . .. .. . .... .t i. t . pose that prevail Jhrougnout every l vuumuw. jja "i irv i dermrtment He is imnressed: he .lslis yei ne n wonting nana in giove awed,; he is cbnfounded : he is amazwl : vntn every Democratic regiatrar, he he is' oftentimes liefuddletV but never tlefenda the boards In ordering the new humiihtfed he must not be." registration in Republican conntbe No mards with uirlv nistols. clnbs ann not in lemocratic counticH. in or mms tairade.the crounds." There Iemocra tic counties 1,000 and In one are no fences other' than those in' mak- lrinct 1,000. vote In one lox yet he ing pastures." No ankle bracelets or I does not want new registration there. wrist chains are ever used. "Physical 1 as eviem-e inni ir. iwugnton rstrnlners have nevpr been on this lrty first pruug this Uteracy test in siot, except 4on two p-asions when! 1020 I q note from lmgellS."; of then two great oig iniooies eacn escortefi i m1"1"" Vk iwui;uiu- nmi- u lKy to the school hand-cuffed and tse-l Contest. This I Mr. . Dougbtmi's curely tiel with ropes." . ti l sworn twtimony: i lie literacy tent I After all n man rent character is mint in Asne county was generally nothing but combination of habits I applied, f 1020). Dr. Cami)liell lnnlnt- whether for gootl or bad. either is i that all wmte people fcaouiu iw rg- hard to break. The so-called lad lKy istereil and should . in? nrougut ror- apiears as the sum-total of the habits wanl ami demand reaistratiou.' The that make up his life. Our pnrpose is above are hi own words. .Now he to protect him against himself for a ay that I am reiionibIe for the fact Ieriod, hold up to him good 'and tried that the literacy test wa applied- Thi ideals, teach him the beautv of order cannot be , for his irty according to svstem and frankness, give-him a taste his own worn - testimony applied it of that which strikes at the soul, meet two years ago. him nlwavs as a vounir brother and. A to thi year I have, letter from resnondini?. he sheds thoKe little 'hab-l Mr. II. S.lttllllam in wblcn he My tb-M-e with line of 14 N. 87. H. 3 1-2 its; the love for' them and the taste. I that Mr. Dyughton told htm that "I W. .VI feet lo a tkf, a rnrr f . . - . . I . l. . v .1 f I M , w.tc 1-... -- y . t . ... ...... . and comes gradually and-sureiy .r:i.n.wuj;utoui iiiiwifir a m- nnw .-vi nvi .; ii-u- nun line or ixt j. n w. jr r--t to a atake on Lincnln trr-t. a tti'r of It No. .M ; thilirri'wlth the Kat side f JJtMln rtr, 3 l-M . feet to the U-ginrdug. Title t f ! alre .In ri1l proji-r-ty is l iuiiom1 toJ grl, bnt I n!r omrcy Mib title a ntbH"i by said Mortgage Trtf Iil. Thla property I H In natlfcfy lb indeWHn! nwH-nre! by iili Mf1 gage Trust IH'CiI. W'fatUf luxivs Un made In the iyment thrvof. ,. Thi tb lart d.ty of Nota!.eiv rj2L - IDA M. RU ME. M'.rtgs. Mane-s Anafld & Micrrin, Atty. nr.- nndcnignl y Craig Imgtai - a to! ! z, win; ijxtiv ihugia. ti uutv r- rnvrHti .,.. crdel In the oiHte of the Rgiler of i th-vi for raliru Cottuty, Ntlh I III Ntn I Ml!i U t aroiitui, in. , i;m r fltfa Mortgages, imkr 2l. 1c T will. ti (VHwi Nvl Monday, Iwiih-It 4th, VXZ. at 12 ' o'clock M., wdl fftr tash to. Ibe Ms;hi'-t idder. at lh cmrt bouse door In Vm- crl. N. (. the follow! nig I-wrl!t real estate, lying and !ning In the Clfy of Comtrd. i'ulorru tVmntr, Mate if North Carolina, and Unaided u M- low: Firt IM: Being bt Xo. .17. bbb i fully dcHcriil in map of CVMrfirg, survey w! by Q. K. hjnlth. Bginnlng at a tke. tmT tt 14 No. IPi, on Wwt Side of .TwurnmT.t Street, and nui !hcn? with lb line of Lot No. 3H, K. 74 W. 12.. fii-t t atage. at comer tf Iot No. Zx, and theuv with the Une of lot No. N. 3 1-2 fl Tn tf-t to a stake af the corner of Lot No, A 3l: thenw with tho line of Lot N. i. N. 74. II 12T fwt to. take tin Tcmr nnunmt ntwt ; Ifw-tM with swl t . sirvH: thence with kaM atrcct, S. 3 1-2 W. Titl fwt to the lgi lining. 1 SECONII IT:-lWnj M No. .".2, -. ar i , a a .a . : ed Cart. 2lt. li. end UnuMbM a fol-r" " w' V SVl . .7.. . V . . Showing of New Fall Hats Saturday Imported I)o!b Curl v hair and mov ing eyes, SUSS BILCHEN DOIII SHOP ""-nr i itti i m n i aaij..wwia m - Dcrnocratic County Tnlti Uw: lieglnniug at n wfake m th East wide of Um-oln lre-t, 'm'r of M No. T,l. nnd nun with iWw of thit lot. N. 74 tl 123 ft t a take, n corner of fK No. "1, 37 atut and mw: n l times out of everv hundred Into his tration (which meant applying the lit itl own. I have seen it. 'It works. It Is crncy test) in All the Counties of the V- I beautiful " . District" Tet he is reported In the leautlful The great success of thi institution, which L4 the realized dream of James P. Cook,' is due largely to Prof. Walter Thompson, its first superintendent, and -to Prof. Charles Edgar Roger,; Its present sujerlntendenr, and to .Its broad-minded. goolvBoard of Tnistee. The foys live in homes, thirty boy to a home. v "Right here," says Mr. Cook. , "the reader may be, wondering why not n central kitchen- anda 'cen tral dining room. That would siriack of prison habits, and destroy the fea tures of a home Hfe.Tbe nearer the number can le kept to a size suggest ive of a home, snrer are results. Hud dling together is ruinous." , In addition to a common school cfu cation, the boys arc', taught scientific farming, - dairying. wood-working, printing, and other useful ooropa tions. They have a brass baud and can play well. I Other men and women in other states, who-are interested in the wel fare of bad boys and girl ,wonld do well to investigate this institution. To spread the idea is the object of this story.--' -. ' - ,:.'. The Stonewall Jackson Manual Training and Indxistrial School, those who are managing it, ana au ioow; press a saying in a speech in Stanly that be wa not a party to it. Where do yon stand. Mr. Donghton? Not withstanding thi test the liook show that the Repnblioaa coimtie will this year have again good majorities. ele"ctlnall officer, and we will make gains tn iJemocratic coiuities. IteKp1fnlIy. J. IKK CAMPBELI (Political Advertising.) . TO THE VOTERS OF COUNTY CABARRUS It has lieen rln-ulated that I aw no longer a 4-andidate for Sheriff. THIS IS FALSE. I WTint to take advantage of thla opportunity to nay that I am very much alive. I atu a oor man and have no fond and no mi of travel except to walk. I have walked until I am alout; worn out. My friend are loyal and are with me to the fin ish. However, my friend do not i long to the "RING" and I have never held office. Tberef ore, I do nt own automobile or race horse and have no waof aeelng'the voter of Cabar rus County, except to waRc. I take this way of asking for your aupport on ' next Tuesday. "My platform ia liberal; taut . lkvaTtl at ra.fJ artrvn hiHml rfl arvm. who are helping to finance it. may Vte' foundation. Vote for pUia "BUI likenetl unto the shepherd who, leav-jj Dext :fiet4iayt tnd ytm ing the ninety and niae sheep, went t ..vM Iti. ' . out acre the thorny field and hill la search of the lost sheep, not nece- sarilj-ihe black sheep; bqt tbejwlilte shjetp'Whn-lLvwTf'nt fasfrav. -Anwi-fi 1 had ttrnhduittibrpiigfj- it? bivirgly Ma hhVariiu lack to tbef i old.- T; . ' Your ?"ext Sheriff. W. A- JOVNEIL (Political Advertising. rm Nance, ii Rnrm ars 'art ' "nrnSrinent French d ctor recommended baths of fresh r ho4 buuxe at 8 o'Hork Noretabtr Srd " There will 1 peakicg at Flow u'riot-k antl at llowt-Il a Store at 7 blood for the complexion. . and ' in , lir the several towns beauty baths were pro-siieriX "vfided for wcsDf ia tie public j aaer-Wies.: v.-- i f 2-lt. : Independtjt candblate for ' " W. A. JOYNER. (Pc liical Advtrtsrt.) Republican County Ticket For Vnatora. 2!th Scnatorijl Dtrkt TH05L1S JL WIDENHOlfcE of Calami Conrtr HENRY W. DAVLH , of Me-kbUrg ,tity For Solicitor 13th Judicial Diatrkl ' ..ll.-- . For IIfn cr IrErf-wTiIarlw IL MNCIn: WILLIAMS - , '( (a!rru-4otinfy For tbrfc Snir ''irt ' CALVIN CV STOM-STREET J ' t'r t Vtfra WHcli'T r.LWOOD C. TURNER , For Trfl Mirer j. 3iAci liimuonD Fof Il irftT t't I-1 JAMF-S F. HARRIS Fr Knrteror f 3IAL( Ori G. LENTZ For CortTKT JOSEPH V. DAVIS IVr Sh-r.-T IIO'.TARD.AV. C.U4JWI.XL lut;ii::: a. uniDisi.Tos - ciiARi -i-s d. au:x.vndio; a. watt moosi: john c. sosasjon tlLVRUlS D. Mr DONALD 2-2t. (ltU'Jcal - Ai.vtrttsii ) rKANK A KM II Mi' tt f'trn I'm. f.'j J. I DU.41.1 of M Jtbttrc rfvuif Tot S!ifrr .:34a Jo4i kf iivi zwu ixis VASf i; f lJtMI t'fitf Fof It' e ,f :. r-.- i JOHN il.MIf.itUH L for tV-rk tit u?-rl"r 1 JOHN a Mr AUJS714I For vfi tvHirV AtiUJAii n. ur.n MAKt.ri: Mtt:(iiu:N r Fr V.iUf-t M I v. ixLiorr Ff Cftmtiif nni . HALtUt I. riKU rt JOE A. IHBTMXL l or MMMrt; . HIIXLI?! V. W4i: jisif r. iii i u i t IVILLJIM II. tt iHUl W. f". MfKl.MXV JOHN IL lit ASM J. IL IIIftTM LL iNon-Partisan Ticket County Offices. ' In ma miiz i-mmm1-i t: lowia? tstn t? $4..i.'-i artlv?. tti Uiili ' ' frty wr m f"-;'- in tort: hi a rJiy tU-4 in 'rta -af41. TV- wrsit tni ttjt "'z S ir'.t Z t 4 tar iN--tt tnts, TVr t tsar fcr tsu 4 titH ml' -t i to frty lif - t . Th fU.-l.r arr tt - lien.tH&ttuitH at thl Clerk f l'..ft-Jta trr. . lot V f , "r 4 VSit!'! kJs .. l. w. ytc. i. a, i iPUl Al 1C V. -7

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