j. "j. B.-SHERRILL. Editor and Publisher., "LUME XLV1II. ; " PUBLISHED MONDAY S AND THURSDAYS CONCORD, N. C.' MONDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 1022. fILLTilEDEMOCflATS Biff CONGRESS? (laude Kilchin Says They i i FLORIDA METHOD OF! " ! FIGJITIXG DOLL WFETIl Rc mo, al aadDrnttioa 'of all Square J f.cji (ctton Want Abcut Jan' i. I oair.e2vin.'F1a.. Nov. DISASTROUS OIL FK quare (bracts rrbten.llnsi the nus at a fin f 13. Removal of 1 . uotrsj from Cotton t.1i " au conor) fenll weevils 1 " . v IS FtAGIIlG III TEXAS norma.' about JUDAS, and ,Utri-,. rm . ..mi. :r of - th eqx:arefoiloi FCC UariCrS 01 3 ."UUUOn May " iPAumlbir thorough application of czlcinAl l m . - m mi. mm i i . - - m Harding; Docs Not Call Ex tra Session After March 4. pr WOULD BE MADE -SPEAKER AT HOUSE Believes the Democrats Will Barrels of Ofl Are Burning and 2,000,000 More Barrels Are in Grave Danger. arsenate or lead am-catd. with a uit alo dusting machine. U t h mtKt i developed for control of the weevil an- f nounced Saturday n'jrhtihv nr. wn. mon Newell, p'ant commissioner for he Btaa plant board, and direct s of l BOLT OF LIGHTNING the Lmverity of riorids. experiment CTRIUTC dtp f iW station. It wa disclored thirty by tbe . . Jolli IsliMY official bttUetlon on the subject. 4 ' The Value of Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Barrels Dr. Newel, tinned the a "solar r-lexis b air," to development the Weer.l, i;;T ?!:! i a ?-i t?l. . ' ""wr -irau dow," lo the arfv.l. flam hnoiJtfn lua - r rom j and Ktates that raids which ha,i undr. (Vrtiiin Republicans' in tbefc th produced rir- l tl1 , I : T Jtually ps much c:tton as befor thi IloSiSC 10 Urbanize II. , . wvir advent. Geo. Di Smith, as- Mciai' cinomoioRist, worHing tinder the. auspices of tbe statefplant lioard, is Rivn . credit .for cvnlvlns ihe new method of combatting tlnf pst which hns cost Southern planters .hundreds r.f millions of dollar. v .la. J' !': I I ' -1 ).'. I'osHbility fli.it !- filially he Jihlc to ;m;i roni;n's nt its r liiin as spcsiker, pro- -j.ii ni HiiniinK did not ,.m after next March 4thJMKS. JI'DONALI) nVA 'AT ARMISTICC IV Maril Wrrt bjr s SimJ wnl A;r tlU-n tTf 1M 1j Ib Wr M4L cr f lb '1ty. At Vt:i" 'ffjW Fatordajr murttjtc f, ntitnt- r f ott-n I tbir tt- a-iablel nt th ntt"t.t-ry it tb rrat of br Crrf fw tTJ ti itl V- b4d. Jir. Jno. K. ratffri. )ol War Motbnr, firidM ami ll ft4iwtt:c it. tcrktiiij; rtTata 8 carri! un : Srfitf: "Aujfri". i-riitur' Iti!itc fr, ratt-rcjru rrayrr Mr. M.li. lx rton iei'i mm hi on h VISITTO CHARLOTTE'?:f- ClVf.lUM'Cl Commkioner of blmr of 5 iifc ltrrtr & EARTHQUAKE s I'd vrnm !S'he Now Burning Is Around .mg; "In tb n. of jrl I Ono Million Dnllnrs lOtary." IX- uitil ws rn.Jrl by a id f . c I :i v in ji statement KitHibi. ivjircscntative n.ml orili Carolina - Disj ni. riiy Iftnlcr. iiti. . vlio. tcUtrraji'hcd tht i. in his iioiue in, Scotland i... use in ;i query si to prer iii n attributed. tc lihn. wjip .- jr u "in M.J iinm I hi- ' ;rj, t. Mr. K L-ifnt.-h'i-iii li '.rk in. I ''"I r,,.n, .-..iMiiiuii'i I ,v.i. i, .-xciinitely quot.ed. I Mil in -!! t tlie fippiirent repub iiim ii':ij"ii'y tin- Democrats had a Huii'i' i" i s.-mize the Iloue, and if i. iii,i H-simi is called after March IV.C: ;i- ;in I'n ii(I-nt had indicated, I ;w i iiii- liiiicl"!il we would be. able f(1 iiraiii'- it. Then in, answei. to jii"-i;on wiii would then be speaker, j ihiiir.;!: I llierc. would he little doubt ihi I U'HiM h" the Spe.-iker." ,!i.iri!y after election day Mr Kitch in h,-!il i i-ii qiiot-d alotrz the same liin-. :iin! it was explained that he be. iirfii tie 1 'eiiKM-rats would gain kluIi ai ! from eeriain Kepubliejn jii.l niiii-r elements in the House to i.t,ii:;:i-. ii. ' .. : 2 t : : - fUl'DK lilTCIIKX KXPECTS TO KK XKXT Sl'KAKKK OF HOUSE IIINTKKSVILLK SUNDAY Houston. Tex., Nor. J3.Th tnf disnntroiiH fire in th 1 yi-nrn history of tlu tdf t'oam oil field tra rac- ing tobiy in tli Iluuihle H-tiou 17 miles northe:ist of llounton. Thm. quarters of n million barrel of oil were hnniintr. and with a tlffc viud from the north, fully 2,(ni.fwx U.rrel are in ihiiiKer. Prominent Woman Dies at Home of Son After Illness of Week. Charlotte (Hrmn'er.- Mrs. It-. K. .M Dojiald. aged 77 years, diinl early, yesterday afternoon at the heme of her son. It. H. Mjlfcmald. Jr.. jat llimtersville after an illness of me week, b unernl services from the -Westminister' Church Monday afternoon McIIhvalne. psister of the (clatlnjr. Mr. Mcllwine-. Hvill be as-i;,"" ; ,l"if, ;'fn:-n ; J V: tanks the op,ssite me of the J. It. Wemble. C. 1 WaSor;r, mm Adellf Morris (t at4 Mwirn. It. L Itidenbotir. Jr.. and Kay latter-M. It MaK-vachuctts and His A-, f ft- t s I1 Pia!u!4i usuint Studying Textile t, u i It I ttirut- conaiiions in theboulh. t !ta?pi f i f i ' I Ii ?! lit it i VISIT GEORGIA mti. i v m u t t lR0I'Eim LOSS IS INTO TIIK MILUONS Acw Knjland 'Manufartu 1 itif, Nf ' . titbit. tfc' i?.ie. t-f Ctwrbt-, N.it. . 1S. I1' U-it l!fb V 14iU , water. rnnbkIonY ,.t ltmt brr, r!nat tcty f ,, For the Purpwe of Infonnm; - w v m ft w ft . f-"--''-- Southern Textile Centers i Shock HUrJ InkatiiUr.tf With Trnor A!l $hlp Were Sfpt.hcrfr niH-twi f the Mri. "Tlie bxl::g numju-r n the fmcra'u T un "In M rut ia to Willie Johnson Wadxwortlt. " chett by Mr. I'alterson, as follows "We should not f6r-t on this day During h lerrine storm yesterday n if, I,T tribute to our ronir Wur Moih Isdt of llchtnin striM-k Tniik No. 'l of Ir. "Willie, Johnson Wadswortb. wb. tbe Culf rijH IJne Co.. and a coli-.uin of flame shot skyward 20 feef. follow el by a dense eloud of black smoke 7. ", r..ie: Itownsite. . i riniiiiri inn ; !.... I. v.. .11.. t anil .... lu lni-rtlr T"K .7 , , i 'flames threaten Tanks -Non. 11 and H of in l"lfti. y ..1 ,a j s UWU I UIU1 (Ut? iUU 1 UIU THK COTTON FUTURES ACT D-n orratic Floor Leader Is Rapidly hVi-overi'i? His Health. Iieii Mac.Xeill in News and Ol- Smtliiml Xee. Nov. 12. Claude E::'i:in will sm-ceed Frederick K. (ill irtt ;is Sjieaker of the House of Repre i;i!ivfs. ami John Nance .Garner, of I-m will probably succeed;:; -Mr. Milan , -is ein iera tic .i'xiJen;irJ bor J-iV(ir 0"CJirjTt i, w,i tu fircraiiization, , of the tSSth ri iter, Mi.- Ai is c.iiiiieted some time after San-ii. li It. I'll'::, and in the two ve:trs tbt ti.ll.nv. i his eountry will nave xiiiHiuim ii-. watch m Washington.,-' First anion;: the things this, new w -ss u ill do will be to force niton i'r-linc the responsibility of the pres- it tii riif raies and 'the exercise of will iKi.ver to make -reduction's -and ijiwiiii-iiis tht restitution of excess l'-"i;ts taxes removed in the Revenue ' frniii the im onies of the rich, ami ai..pti.ij of a "bonus hill that will l"t serve ;is a mere adjunct to riawn- !'i'!ui!ikers. hip subsidies for which the Presi- 'B'lit ii:is i-alleil for n sniv-inl spssfnn nf Knn'i to, convene-" a iweek from to- "sy will snrini: a leak in this nresent tnss and will probably sink with- K't Ii'iiviuj; ;i chin tloatinir on the snr- f;i't In mark the bienfinn nf ttio- ilo- 'Ic. Xeilhei- IIuiiso iinr Sinoto tv-ill ""ly (lit aiivthini' witti tho PrPsiitpnt'R i mt-jsmv ex-ent blow the'' bottom ": .,f it. 1 1 e I (liiwii ti flirf rwrnirrnnlia 4.,, . ....v. ..n.,.it...... "K IS M Ilillt tin. iul.tlnnr.n p nlinl aii'li'-KihhiH is talked about for r"!' '""' last idght, and tlie con ;lsj"ns t.i which his mind has work "u"H!i; the tive days since the elee 11.. win . leaving for Washing ,u Eoa j! d ( hi' .'lid of the week- to tie- in lay ti,,. foundation of the '.cam-, '!"! io iiuu auoui uie ui "Wtidii of tlie House find the fnr- 'iN.'.riiaiiivntioii (,f tha Renublicaii !2.mitH..-.:.... ".Ill" . KX iiAUiK. OF RUMANIA, uu-xs (OKONATION. ROBES Fif the Ediflration of TwoAmeriean women. ()e of Whom Was Mrs. "auk Melnme. NfW ."Yr,j h V .. -IO r,-,rn Afni-ja ' , winiania. donned her coronation ''.with til(. ,loyal orown for tbe ed- !T ll''',J nv American women who 1 Fairn'o p.. ' 'in.ring rne. summer, Jlrs. . " -'icnaiie. of Snrar. N. C. told U'l-f t.. ,1..,. , -. . "i. . . ''I'ljnmM,;.-! a. - . -. -.-.r-i -. 'at. W. Va.. XTrs ATehanenr- !!! Xew York yesterday on the --''11 111.,... I-- - - . i , r r'We- fue saia tnat white visited Oueen Ma- Mrs. McDonald "was borh in Colum bus. Ohio, and married Mr. McDonald at Norristown, Pa.. October 11, lfcfiG. The family removed fnm Concord to a fit ni near the city in lS7f,j where they resided. for a numls-.r f years. . For the past several years Mr. Mc lonald has made her home with .Mrs. Herbert McDonald. 1K0S -South Boule vard. Iluliert McDonald. who was a son of Mrs. McDonald, was manager of lielk .Brothers Department , Store, at the time of his death, several years ago. .. I : ' . Mrs": -McDonald "was a charter mem ber of tbe Second Presbyterian Church; later removing her 'memltership to the Westminister Church. She was one of the best known-women in the county and was a very devoted church work er. . ' "v- . ;. ' She' is Survived 'by" two pons, T. L. McIonald, Jr., of Selma, Ala. and It. E. McDonald, Jr, (d! Huntersville.; one Urni Anna li. Carr, nls of I his city;- i ?- Pa 11 bearers will be W. II. Relk, W. K Wallis. R. Spra tt, C D. Mc Donald, i II . C. Alexander. Paul Matheson and C. C. Hook. Interment will be in Elm wood centetery. road Tank No. 21 is the birgest arthen oil sfornge tank in Texas. The value of the 7."o.(KM tmrrels of oil now lairn ing is around $1,xmuk. FRANK SUMMERS OIVEN 12 YEARS IN THE PEN "HI A Iv; ! it ... , ... Minmier place, and that the r 1 l'tlf III! 1 !n .Krio r-l,A ,1 ir , , ,i""i-o iMic uau mane ht !" ''"1'",';i'i"ii when she was told t m' ft ,u" American women would ""HHf 1, 'eniain in -'Rumania for laughter. Princess Eliz- the "''""t.y till' 1. . X -m i . 1,'n "f Greece, was pres- siaif. ,; u' 1UT urt dress at Mrs. jrvbane Effort to Have Supreme Court Pass on Its Constitutionality Fails. XVashington, Nov. 13. An effort to hayethe Supreme Court pass on the constitutionality of the cotton futures act.fjilel today in a case brought by Fred Brown, against Thorn j& Magin lils, of New Orleans. The case originat ed when the firm attempted to compel Brown to make payments op certain transactions in cotton. Brown con tended tha t the transaction w ere gambl ing and therefore not binding, and further that the cotton futures act was invalid. The Supremeourt affirmed the decisions of the lower cour in favor of the firm, but did not pass jotf tbe NO .NEED OF THIRD PARTY Bernard Baruch Says He Intends to - Remain a Democrat. . New York. Nov. 13. There is no need of a third party, and he intends to remain -..'.a' Democrat, Bernard M. Baruch, former chairman of ;the War Industries Board, and personal friend of former President WoodroW Wilson, declared-- today. "lie made this state ment in reply to one by CoL Robert H Montgomery, a Republican, former general controller of the U. jS. Ship ping Board. Col. - Montgomery had suggested that the manufacturers and farmers be brought together with Mr. Baruch in charge of the organization of a third party. , . ' J. L. BUIE ARRESTED ' . . ! ' Chief of Henderson Fire Department Changed With the Burial of Infant W ithout. Certificate. ! v Henderson, N. C, Nov. 13. J. Ij. Buie, chief of the Henderson fire de- I partment, was arrested last; x ruray . . ... t .... 1 .-. t A nn ItlfllTlf cnargea wnu me uui in w ! .u... -without a death certificate, it; became known here today. He was imme diately released On a bond of $1,000. He will be given-a hearing Wednes day. , - ' The charge against Buie grew out of the-finding; of an infant buried in the womls, five miles from liencierson. the .latter P:m of October. He Pleads fJuil ty of Second Degree Murder, Havinfl Killed Manning Ford. Itumherton, Nov. 11. Frank Sum mers. charged -with the murder of Manning Ford, i-ntered a plea of fcuilty to murder In the ecfnd de gree in Superior Court here today. Tlie plea was ncceptd by the state and Summers was sentenced by Judge . M. Bond to 12 ye.irs in the state prison. Sumihers went n the stand aud told his version of the killing, which be said took place in bis home early on Sunday morning, Febrauary 10, in rt hi-' year." Ilia teRtirriony wn that Ford went to his home alout 4:30 in tlie morning and waked him. He, got up and made a lire and Ford went in. While ' Summers' wife was preparins breakfast he and Ford engaged iu an argument alstut some) whisky Fonl cursed him and attempted to strike him. with a piece of light wood. He then struck jXird on the hack of the head with an axe. He then took the man he had killed in his arms and carried him several hundred yards into the woods and left the lsnly un buried. He did not fell of killing Fonl un til f-even months later after his wife had told officers at August, Ga., of the killing. He was arrested by the. Georgia officials and confessed to the killing, agreeing to lead Robeson of ficers to the place in the woods where he had left Ford's remains. After be ing brought to Robeson In kept his word and led the officers to the intint where he had hidden Ford's body. The Itones and clothing of Fonl were found only a few hundred yards from the house in which be was killed and in which Summers and his wife lived several months after. Ford had gotten into some, minor trouble just previous to the time he was klled and hi parents thought he had joined the navy. Nobody had even suspected that he had been killed until Summers' wife "turned him tip.'' ' Ford was a young man, unmarried, and came from a highly respected family. His parents live just across the. state line in South Carolina. Sum mers had only lived in this connty a few months' previous to the time Ford was killed. tr. t f,iir, if. W -I,- w lmlful nuii a!:.lel reat!y to tbei4,frry tif Um'-Ut, mtmf H-ri-ti A" r v art t(ft)ts .Utloi4 li, il . b- t.r?iUxa. ' '. n.. M ii f til itu!ry tt ite lr.4ltw i"nlj - 4 l a f r--i . r.wi tw Jriia, ' tit to,bir umn Aoft!'14' lta.iw 4 it- .-51 ,Kui !w n. ,a klnllU In lb. viHitltv of I'tiartf. j Mitlv Tt-- a . !- r.,nmut i i titn a . Th trip m K6ld t ! for u tr. mt--i4wa4! n ijm t$i- urs .ir.t. ti ir tf i ui 1 in 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 I'm aai nu ik imxs 1 mi - - " - - ' tu.tkinsr Irr trid.- rv.iit vn Tbi tn It' u tbe New ir!n.-!.irt.l Ii,i,-.f ... -eruiry 4 l-t take .fcin. If tnMe. to km t,r nt-iin tit. i ul t it.? tfM., fi oMltloti in t!i' iitdii-try. j f', i' it j n c4 itf ua.)tMM4f n ti..t f Tliv 'irvnvTrnV..vC (f!iH- aa.t r-r lbU r rlfM U-wmli llir. liltXJN WOMAN N er H-it -a ' tt .iiHiw f4W t it STOKY IS REFITKD) Tb Irtle t. tb- !!ttbr ii.tilHs,M,.f r44a ? MrH.iKuseiI Na Mrx. .lbMWa &l ; H IM v n-l a tabl ImI ..'.. it ttTii, ,! s't.t l..i'it. l ..1 . onty a sitort wiuie ago was with n and her last work wa one of loyaltr to tb Mothers and our Iteroe. . long ns memory btts we will appre ciate the untiring, bring, eitriotic er vie rMlend by ber. Xhe hn cro!tl fAe Biir Jtrt ahead of u. Some one has said. As often as we think of thus who have gone lefore ns, Ju.t nr often have we visited 'with them. So Jt u think of our nlsent War Mother. bv. ingly and tenderly. "'There are no dead. She has ad vanced to n. land of eternal snnshine Earth is Ix'tter for ber having lited ilium it. and we are grateful to a kind Provlden-e for the jurt she played on life's stage." At the conclusion of the servh-o. the graves of all soldiers were -'decorate-1 wtyh leautlful chrysanthemums and the Mags were replaced. it Wtfe4- :- tf fes.i.l, ..4 sti-.Uii fwrt it kngw 4t 4 said. rat j Will (Jo to Senate From WiH Delaware, , . -ui: :a Lis fnr'V (l,'n)"Tat, was elected over . f.,M , ,iman Diipont, republi thes'"' ,h" sIlol"t and long terms "tliS si.1 ,''"",t showl that Bayard fa"f rji'.." ' '''n!l the narrow tnar- Nrjiti,,.- '.';,s ud the ions term bv a World Mission Conference to Be Held in Charlotte. Charlotte, Nov. 11. Charlotte is the only southern city Ine.uded in the initial program of the Protestant churches of America for a series of world'9 mission conferences. This first series of confer nces- has been widely distr!buted in a geographical sense, Including - Hartford, Conm, Schenectady N. Y.; Reading and Erie, Penn.; Canton. Ohio: Fort Wayne. Ind., and Charlotte. The first meeting will be held here November 17. Noted speakers are to be here. Real Estate '"i.'t'-n. I tel.. Nov 1 Tho-of- U1VS1SS Of tlit. t TV,1 1 J'iCS'lav shows that- Thnmus nt Sbatf r- i- 5je ro'af the first mV, ,! "lilirry," and man to he also Commissions Constitu Wflsbtnffton. Nor. 13 The Tennes see Real Estate Commission and likej commissions in thirteen otner states nrnized under similar laws were held .Court today to be U.I '1 AV w J ' . . constitutional. Four Burned to Dealh in Hotel Fire Armory,' Missl.. Nov. lJFOur per sons were burned to death in a fi.re which destroyed the T, here carry today. ' . , Democratic Sentiment. ; Albemarle, Nor. 12. Stanly' failed to keep pace with the Democratic sentiment expressed toy the vote, in most other counties on last Tuesday, yet the Democrats succeeded in hold ing the clerk's office, elect ed a Democratic-Representative, a Democratic coroner, cotton weigher, surveyor, and as least two county commission ers, losing to the Republicans the register of deeds and sheriffs offices, with a slight possibility that an ef- jficient count may give one commis sioner -to tne jrtepuancans. Japanese Not Eligible for Naturaliza tion. ' PA " Untol I oMUUgH'u, . ' " i . o. naiMiir.- air nUlCI . JVl- II .1 , .1.- I nor .engioie lor imiuruiizauou iu lue the ha. Cotton .Market Letter. New York. Nov. 12. During past wek the -. cotton - "market shown greater activitj' and strength than at any time fince the big mar kets of he war period. Under enor mous buying, the market 'has advanc ed, with little, if; any reaction. w;ll above the twenty-six." 'cent level. Heavy dal'.y realizing - sales, partic ularly d round the twenty-five cent level, Lave been e J'Kly absftrbed In hal hds apparently reacbed ihe proportion of a trade . panic. AH southern -markets reflect thi condi tion In an absence of rel'ers to f 1' the demand. The basis has advanced and cotton is difficult to buy. up plies at many interior points are reaching the point of dep etbui, and the south is now fin mcially and psychologically in a state to hold the balance of its crop for higher prices. There is practlcallv no pressure of spots or short selling. Under these conditions, with ejaculation turning to cotton and the trade in a state of alarm, the only check tt th advance has been from heavy rea izlng sales. Bulls are confident, .and, fortif.cd with large profits, are prepared to buy on all breaks. Liverpool h?s shown less enthusiasm than other markets, as English trade has failed to keep--dace with ours, but with the market very low on supplies of Amer 'can cotton, and well beleow an ex port basis, it is fe't that prices there would be very sensitive to any further Improvement in the English trade. Undoubtedly, the situation "in the near east has been a restraining fac tor abroad. .. . Eullish confidence was increased by the census ginning figures of 8.129.- 839 bales on November S. which were small enough to - tend to confirm a growing impression that the crop is under 10 million bales. The world has become convinced tht supplies are so small that the market must go to prices to check consumption. The ho ding movement and bullish specu lation will also continue to be big factors in the market's strength. Above 25 cents, we expect , wide. sharp fluctuations, and severe reac tionally periods. However, we still believe the market will ultimately reach higher, and possible much high er, -levels. Ihvtcttlnt'n I f ntt llintui -a ml Vnl f .... , i L V... ill w- irt'uo. - -.'H ' fttlaifcl at! tiff w v V 3' 7 v ,-' 'v. ...',., . wm ti- mm rHr wS.i H 1,! lair- ijiniitT. 91 filial I'UiUi.i ' :H ' " I 2, i, . ? 'T '" .'.b'-n.1..1" "! "wi t'li' ' .iH '-ii- .i.i it- i. ,w ... M.lnul.r 11 l.l l.lnli ,1,!., ,..,.,!, .III If. .-. t W .4 ,1 1. , V.- t . -. t I. r r " 'u" !iv iif'-r""'":'"- "T' son sninl given to tbe antboritie. i-unw i I ti -- tai- M for the recur nldvr .nn..,,l Vcm Vlhrn PawU fti UmT. 1 P.dnte.1 s,MH-lal pnHi.tor by .ver!.! Fifth htm-t. n..-rMte. dtM 1-:1 nMtt V" orx fMwnrtls to invest IHtf the nlnj.o Ui j?u-tAxj bKrtdrs.t w l-t 1 ' ' " ; - was not. In New P.iunswik todayand of a stroke of ntlji. Tlx fl41! ot TtMit JiVTn no official announcement rf tb re-'lpt ' wbh hekl lbJ tierUiK at 11 i'Ht"" i iiif r t I iKTttist 1L ' of the affidavit, whl h obtaine-I ly;fhm bl- n-iden,. Hrf . 3, t I'iiUr.J ,.. i " Timothy Pfe!ffer, Mrs. Hall'a attorney, ! fviMor of St. Mary l.utbemn CliBrrhJ H Tjfw af C raft Arv fntf4 tm has lvn made. ''.(ImM by Dr. W. W. ttr. tfiwr. f jad jaai .gjl i:Mi r iitfv. The affidavit. is signed-by Mr. Neb: the TaU-niRcir. oiSciallnt j I rUfttUfa. N i iSW 1 1 lief Russell. whiKif home In near that j Mr. Trootmaa ira ar -'fUM MUtat f nubtir,t f -aa. of the eiftyled c.i-wi I nets of ihe;lUll. IWetuber ?7, IMS. and P-fiiwt ii'ma, til s enbi3aa rsm -ti Hall0ii!t4 raurder. . It wta forth that ; the North Camtiot tolonterri tbn.t ttirabd n m ftM'f rMHtM -fb4"iil(fhf -f Septfmlwr IK ilnrlrtfitil tl Civil War. l:furidrg t lM tj, nt M .r A it i in- nuif ii.a i Jirs. iiioii K.-IHI in ner iiotu I ill etwi oi iif war. w , : tj'9b4l last fcl if !- statement to the authoritlct tht abe ' in rytitrm1ioti was lu-ar the scene of the hooting, was at the hrue Mr, Pfeifler sal Mr. TrJ!M,afJ6tij i(4ti tf ii$' AT 'Mm e of the rtustlng, be : married JIU Mrrtb II. Cnlp. of-.ii4d tt ,tjf f . j ii.f i of Mrs. RusseiL II HI In IvW He wm fir mi,?r.ra f m hj,. -,4 ihUi id tlie affidatit had la resident of (V.wotd- ' - c,r st-,t tyi or-ntHhi rf il iK-n oblainetl after Mrs. Ru-.m11 luid? ,He liad Imn a.rblent -f ,btioMi?(.Jllriwt;,lJ ja grrrti A written to Mrs. Hall telling ber tluit fr the p.it -'7 year "tul n a 'W- lJwJli ,tt a t n! Cv-t r1 1 Mrs. Cibson was not on the farm whend-cr of-the St. Mark'w l.ntfnii a.fC Kp,, ' j ' u lt I - - - she said she was. FINE FIRE INSFRANCE COM PAN I US $8,053,073 United States. It was held today by should tbe permitted ' tne rem Court. .1 That- no women ' SSl "Si hr-uf It wro-r a .rw ii.t .vj . t TOrt iTiomlicrt! fa ttio larrocf In V nrt h Public Welfare Denartment ofJWom- an's Club. The public welfare department of the Woman Club is .being organized rapidly. Mrs. I P.-Coltrane, general chairman, announces the departments and the chairman of each: Health -Miss May Stockton, chair man. - Education Mrs. S. W. Rahkin, chairman. . Civics Mrs. G. B. Lewis, chairman. Citizenship Miss Rosa'Mund. chair man. The 'health deiirtraent. under the splendid leadership of Miss Stockton, already functioning, placing tbe chair manship of the Red Cross Christmas Seals in the hands of Mrs.v Ernest Hicks and her-sub-committee. The health dettartment will under take a very const met ire work which will be announced later. Miss Rosa Mund .wiU organize at once a crass in citizenship teaching town, county- State and national gov ernment. Good speakers will 1 brought to this class. lth local, and from other points. All women of the town who wish to join this class will please notify Miss Mund or Mrs. Col trane. . '. V - - The puWic welfare department ear nestlv requests the co-operation ami the Rotary and Kiwanis clnl, in put ting- over a constructive program, For Violating the Antl-TnM lawn by Conspiring to Control Kate. Jackson. -MisK., Niv. 1.1 Tbe Miss tssipfii Supreme Court thh m'ondug affirmed the det-Nion of Chanceilor V. J. Strieker, of Hinds County -ourt. im jstslng fines and penalties amounting to $fl.iV..075 on the lire insurance cm-j panies lormeriy ojieraiing in inw fiaie chargetl with violating the antl-truxt laws by .conspiring to control rates. THECOTTO.NIARKET mnnirii-iHi ihw. ? a J.riw -n' t?t t t tt jUm, ft Mr. Troutmtiu w- 7, year of tejl(irrifV Ciivtha1 im ih,, rt and l uritel by bl wff.-af. t lff t n. jf n &-t V f .lkwlng bildrnt Mr. W. May-f uf , m-temris it it-u:.-, fc i:ard nud Mr. G, W, Spittle, of tl.sr-j J?fit!MftM ta r.i f af loite; John I. Trooimjto. of ''-rL f rft ilrt Howard II. Trout wan. of Gaonia , ;trr:u34 ., t 3 i Mr. It. I. Parden, of Af.aMa, i labci U . ti n fr-:, OTII F It POTPO V F M FVT S- I H!lrt? l-? -' - $ r ; ' i -Cicat a a re. lb, I; tb- May Pe Nrc-ar l.rt al Plrtaln fS?i J3 : tt Tmdrm- Xnr. 1.1 lilt the Af -:ia?d S f tb Hil t fr Opened Fairly Steady at a Per line of From 15 to 21 roinjU. New York. Nov. 1.1 Tlie cotton market oiened fairly steady at a de cline of 12 to 21 iointjr under lIo,ui.bi tion and selling forMejCion which apieard to lie promoted by relatively easy Livetrool cables and coutiniitil nerrousness over the Turkish situation. Cotton fntnre-oicm;d fairly strady : Decern tier 2T..IT.: January 2."i.70; Man h 2T.m; May 2."..-to; July 2.10.7. With Our Advertisers. Pejioslt your .money" in the bunk and write ohecka for all your Mils. This keeps your accounts automatical ly. See ad. of the Citizens Bank and Trust Company. The Corl-Wadsworth Co. baa 7.1 head r horses and in nlca for Rale or trade. . I'reaa.) Alttiovgh' tbe Lauaaficer! Aa.?fa fercn' for the maklnx of -irr in .hf' iih. rtrtg abwt 1 5 .War lia-t baa lcn iotiHnl fcr a frrr of U'.tlJsk, t-f mt lh Jv wcjekr lHnff flsed no t"r Nv mbr s raibra, 2f). official Hrrles'tifr taken tl ilw A'l tyt f rft Ifttr lu ti ta that an-ber powtponerornt all! 1!:" r nct-ssary If Grat Britain fail in win j fwkrd,r Sfl !.' .fcV4r?.. " her ifitnf that a preliminary Wttff-f 'f amall p1 ti etK fnicht Im b-1d hr il. mr!a. rrr !rtn)-4 i r.ritiin. FranoK" lives of Great Italy. TTeV-Rritbib goverRinerif l lniUr.r in fam sort of Von"laton i:h tlf other ftili-. either tbtitneb l-r.tAl an.!' rt In b t.ltf St TVa.'34&- ahvl Jrt-t -! itiili .f Va I j t- . !b f??! th f - ? a'.r, lj.J !iTr"a?4r" M ?t rcr3v tt n-ti - 4ii f 1 1 . m.- a i. . f note In order t Icam etacly - ,MW AI-f ,L!lL . Great lirittaln iand- lfore b- ,rttt. f. rni t ..j Ki fer the enfer-nip. llsteritf Issue AppeaL Belfast, Nov. 1.1 ltjr the Associated Pnss ) ) . "The Ulster n sao ha tion for peace with honor, coni'iosed for the most part of prominent Itelat trades men, has issued an appeal to tbe rot era of Kn gland in which It la declared that -Ulster intenda to. remain part and parcel of ;tbe British empire. -To fail to aMrc-iate UUter'a li tion now may ! fraught with grave clanger, not only to Ulterbut he empire of whirh she l an Integral larf," the statement Kald. Cyelone Ma4k Heat Hint. Clinton. Nor. 10. t'yelone Mark i not only a greiCt erangelit bti re pnvcI ti 1 a great wrestler thia af tcrnon when be p!nmI the licM beavy Grecit champion wrestler of tle world at the connty fair in Jnt 1 minutes with a crab hold before one of sreatest and most enthusiastic crowds that has ever atteaIeI a wreuilnsf matcli In this county. Tliij wrej!er was at the county fair ami ra chal lenging and offering ? throw ail comers in five mlnutiV time. It gt on tb Cyc!m's n-rT- w Jth the a'rtve rr-snlrs. 71 people ef Ssapen Tvanty gre Ma-k a great ovation. The vncnen of the 3xican ttatc of re-; Yucatan were thr first Sparthh rrak- Ia qIrJ;, who recently passed 700 members, is the largest in North t membering that -He serves best wholins women of the world to exerc se tt serves most," CL priTilege cf the ballot. SHORTAGE OF WOMEN Wlwn Man Amnnr Ihe lll!rar Want a Wife He Walta in AmhutJj f'tT ,r'JI J.4'"5 " lbeton. Nor. II A great af.ortace of women rsi4 m"cg tb H5itar'. lYeta Oa ft. Win. a t numthm f4J t4ti pp, rHfat' lKe ! Vt M. 0n'i. Ill, f m , tnm thorn , m (rtt JWita. t.t j-it-p Mr.- J4m Wly f IK, I a ir!atite.. tf t tmmf j.' f!'f b tad fnpr"-! a 4r$f 1r ti.- if.. aarace irdi.n trU- in rrt ltr Mr. W;? r-4 7,,.. 1 . ' : ;' ttrttwi ffr sit. IK of ItalUmAre. b rrired tf fc aa t4 t, n. rcterday from Ilor. b-r b- bad 1151. a btlt,( t ati engard In r' r. , o .vi-..ia it an rtt-ra ,.m. When a warrior tbalrea tlv wife f u . , kM , .... anbT trtte RjcinNr. tt Mid. be merely -mil In an.Mab aul kill the, hubtid ant taaea !, He aw-nel flat tbe wrti rciinl tie klllingj a a taatfr ( eowr1. i i Parmrr t$t Irti'l Hate (ad IVaf t Tear. ' n StatiTll, Nor. 11, Tb fnstn o? Ir-drll ctnty la foncd tfti aa -itl la WVA U tut tUU i f!l!sn, Nr II Is fte t. of ihs r1a:-V0 f .w?-aai ty fir r tb ita iwn ta rrfb'kaa iy,x.f.t Is W!t.e-. H V-'t ti b a'-if 4?rJ,' f-i., TCHSfTf(ft Hrrl tl'e,. :jf creifca3 Hri-it - .-f t?,5" onn. :,eaf.,m. ur pj w4rra uf a,lr,.r.l.i 1 lt W 'f 't tJ '' tbrf fnOlMa.mMT. T r:t5'. . exrerd that of iat year iy tt-? b Htrf n,:f. UCo itea. tfdtllg u k Ise..We -iut'ik li'v Meghan. utH?!tewiefit .?? -IVW fc?r ta4 rv? r-i - experltrieai; ft rI b 4-f-4 airfie n ereral year. Tbe fcat rr ; ib.a . v - V, t-er 5. Tr estra food prej?ratt:l t it tU ;. 'T1. rar.- rr. m rtery far-r.fr are tu'tlr.x In a cror cf !! r!a ti' tnj-ftf ' German Hank Itwmw pltwjnt. Pr-U k T!.e Iekt-?Jik toriar rraI it ttlwfal rx?Jrct3 r'f lt fc.'i? t. --jf t Uittr Hith af IMtJry imrr. f-frtifr. af ft? p4 fsafaiE--r ?5.i-ftf f 1ife4?L ?sS la PU Frs cent- ! 11 lr f-n!. Tie Clk-ig trx-rr4. wfc'h are tbe Tmn?re in lb worl'?. br t-ey nl" cf trn. ani erct-f!te rile cf drain?. : Wb! r?e?iir S- JHUtf k ;a iff r -i- : v;wl '-dwindle." away in England vaivij-tau -