J- B. SHERRILL Editor and VOLUME XLVIIL f NOVEMBER EXPORTS Df nartment of Commerce Month Totalled $383,000,- 000, High Record for Year. TOTAL IS GREATER THAN LAST NOVEMBER In Comparison With Novem ber, 1913, the Increase Was More Than $138,000,000 the Report Shows, v ' MWiiin"!"". 1H- Amcrlnn ex- HiBHEST FOR i N.a(nil..T ie:chel the hight ,haVe undoubted y iuidermlnel''hi5 ! ,ini i ili-' vf,;ir, iict mlin to official I tem in mimtlm nnu . (,,,-. tn..l.-. stati.-lii-s ni;ih-pnhllcl Mrs. Rei.l in descr.bJng his c.ndi (lilv u H. pjirtmciit of (ommcrcp, tion. just before :h breakdown ald i,.,uii,2. I'-mI exports of ?.TW.(XMMMK. he wept and afd NuvcimIht total is !2.KM,0o .4,w ,U,1 -I hapneii to let tnyself erM,:,., ih;H. the viilue nf.Octolter ex-po? Why couldn't I top long ngu? I yrtSKm greater than tjie; thought I wax strong I thought I 4;,lXf cniiiiiioditiea shipped nbrontl Inj knew myself ko w.ell ; I i-au't undent .vi inh i lit -r .v-ar. In comparison Rf and It. " w-i,h .,Hnher. 1!K, the increase wasj lnlign:int denijUs of the puhlishwl i,.r- tii.i n .l.'.s.(XH),(rt0. - , reports of orghH" in the Held home. i I. .t. nun t ly the department ! were made hy Mrs. .lk-e. Iavenirf.rt, ,llnn-l il." 'veiider returnH showed i nK,ther in-law of the actor, U whom thin Amen :-iin iimicmiiiie nini mmisiry 'tiit iiUiv iit iw in icii jioiii iiie.njfreasing tnirt l.nsiiiess. J)etilel imal.vsis of tin Ii;mI'', tiiAveyer, lias not leen made I ui.li"-. ' ' A ( IIAIi.MINCi PARTY v Encasement of Miss Ona Harry and K. V. Caldwell, Jr., Announced. iiii'' !' the most charming of the ear ly lidliil.i.v parties, was given by 'Mrs. .(dIiii W. .Morn's, nt her home on Fri tlny nfternoon in honor of Mrs. Espy r.Hniuii. ,-i recent .bride, when she nn-iiiiiiiirt-i! the ensiigement of Miss Ona Marry iinil .Mr. II. V. Caldwell, Jr. WVlroniiiif; the guests at the. loor wcie Misses Isiilelle, and Mattle Ixu Morris. Mrs. Morris, gowned in a UhIhI cicim'. presented the guests to Mrs. Ciinnon and.Misa Harry. The guest.s nf honor were handsomely piwiusl. Mrs. f'juinon wearing a brown irt'i'. iiinl liss Harry a brown dnve t'tii' with ii cu-siige of sweet peas and li iiis' roses. I he living. nM)m was arrlsticnllyrftr-liiiitfil-with qiiiintities of Christmas irmis iiinl cut flowers. . -- r After yi, -Hitest the guests were di rrtffit io the tHning room by Miss Ad- with a ti.-iiidsome cloth, and in the cen-ti-r was :i silver basket fillel with pink rarn.'itions and fern, tulle was draped 'niiu i he center of the room to the eor ners (.f the tnhle ami held In place by miniature brides and grooms. The riM.in wjis lighted my numerous . pink uinilles. held in eriptal candlesticks. A salad course was served with coffee, nuts and mints. While the refresh ments were being served, little Miss Eniiaii Morris entered with a letter ur a silver tray, the letter being rend l'.v Mrs. Morris, announcing the en Kiiceuieiit of Mis Harry mid Mr. .Cald well, the wedding to take place on De eml,cr L'sth. The announcement will he if ititii-ivt- tti tair imrrKiroiiH friends tlirouliout the state. .' Miss Harry is the daughter of Mr. iiml Mrs. W. I). Harry, of Harrisburg, mkI is n charming brunette. She re tivel her education at Queens (College, anil Floni McDonald, at Red Springs: Mr. Cahhvell i.s the son of Mr. and Mis. K. '. Caldwell, and is a prosper-J ens ymiiig business man. . The wedding will take place' at the home of the bride on the Salisbury Road, and will be a very quiet affair, only a few relatives and friends to be invited. . ; . ( hristmas at Keller Church. The Christmas exercise at Keller Re f(irin.d Church will lie held December -ird at f::?o o'clock. .Following is the iiro.ur:iiu : V - 'S(.n::sriny to the World" Choir. . I'-laiujftion, Charlie Brantley. , Scripture Heading and Praxr Pas tor. Hew W. C.; Lyerly. Seng Choir. ' ; -; : Recitation Grace Brantley. Exercise: "Christmas Acrobatic" Sine small children. . ; 3 Song; "Ting-a -Ling-Ling" Junior ;iiis. . . 'Recitation Nannie Cline, i'lii v : "Two Views of Christmas " Recitation Hilda rCooke. Song: "Away in a Manger'Five "Small girls. - : v ; ' '. 1'Liy : "Why Christmas Was Late." Exercise: "The Months" Twelve small children. ' Play Two J his and Santa Clans. Song Choir. ' '' R-iitation Lillian Brantley. Talk Rev. W. C. Lyerly. ' Solo Ethyl Cooke. - , - I-laniation William Cooke? Rlay: "Why Santa Clause Comes in I-eiiiher." Ronediction. .; Laiiies to Give .Money to Church Build ing Fund. 1 Me Ladies' Aid SUwterv of the First y ...X. ...,.V,.. J-'U'tist Church has turned over to "the liti i l.l ; , . -tru In in.... ... i iiii i -. ...r. . ! .... '. ! . Khnrtlv ji iif-r an miuniuii.ti iiumuui which will" make about $4,000 (nr ti... . . ; m ii niu liiciivf omvih. . obwr l.r-iL ivp aiK(Ut k) from the Society Tor tllii coii - : - " - Rla nche Funk Miller, who has been JjlH-ted a justice of the, peace in lacouia, objects "to being called jlKlgP - . . WEATHER FORECAST. . . Rain on the coast and rain Or. snow JJ interior tonight 'and Tuesday; somewhat colder tonight. - ' ' Publisher. WALLACE EtID SEAK DEATH fA01.10'1 Star--!! l aV "PPn nay Actor; - i-os Angeles, Dr. 1 5 v,n., ffV?"i 5y 2l? .5 iB-tha L, I wood Ban rH 7 a lloUy' wutki sanatorium .ast night. Eam. corroborated Mrs. -m! r11 "ylD: - the Mtf iw.f! JTn Pafdeth lor irregular anl weak. He ha tainted ;ru5f oi mree iim dauj. mnil has lost 70 pound in weight. Labora tory findings at the prwent time indi cate he in suffering either from a con dition of complet exhaustion or from influnz.i." The phyRlciana dscribfng h ill i.csk. acconling to the Examiner Raid: "Ills present illni'Hu.hHK no conmc tlun with over lnd:ilgfcn In uleohoi r narcotica, although .such iuduleen-?M n .... . those report had been cntlitnl. I know there are ilp parties in Hollywiwl everyone knows thnt," she said. "And I suppose Wally has at tended some of them; I don't know. after he retnrneil from mirtlM ' ttie ! i lift uiifiw iimr i iiii vii rn iuaii u-fttt itim i homes of some of the p'mle. in Holly wood, and I have seen him sadly shake his head and say: 'Mother. I don't like it. That isn't the way to have plea sure. - It's all w,false, so artlcflcialV BANDITS SECURED 'ABOUT $200,000 in DENVER RAID Rob Messenger in Front of Federal Mint and Escape in Automobile. Denver, Colo Dec. IS. Three lan dits tolay shot and liroliably fatally wounded Charles Linton, a Federal ReseiVe Bank giwrd, ami es'ai)etl with iilout ?2(M),0() in currency of $T denominations. which ? was beins loaded onto a Fileral Reserve trpek in front of the Denver mint The; money was Udng transfernnl from' the mint, to the lo-al reserve bunk. ' :' f "' . , ' The robfers seiieil the 'money and sprang into an .automobile.' Ah their AJu5!Uawax-itia j? rmL,?!ret tj,net)fr gaurds Inside the mint building "tired from the windows at theroblers; The entire I Denver iwilice force qnlckly was called into action in an effort-to ap prehend the robliers. While the rpbliery was going on. ac cording to witnesses; a second automo bile loaded with masked men, arined with shot guns and fifies, stood 20 feet from the bandit ear. apparently ready to give aid if -needed. . Sheriffs in nearby eountiles were quickly notified by the police in an ef fort to apprehend the jobbers. Prohibition Booms Trade in Pocket ; , . -' ; Flasks. - . New York, Iec. IS. If the Chrust miis mm' fleet reiwted to' lie IkhukI for New Vm-k from the Bahamas suc ceeds in running the blockade of the dry navy, it should ftnd New Yorkers amply j supplied ? with receptacles . for toting the for.bidden liquor.' . Several mannfacturers totlay declar ed that the demand for flasks had trebled since the advent of prohibi tion. Shop windows with their Christ mas decorations, feature clandestine drinking vessels which it "wet" days brought a shudder from 'society. stores- are selling .thousands of flasks large ones for ' roomy coat pockets and small ones gracefully curved for the hip; expensive contain ers of silver "and gold and cheaper ones covered with imitation leather. Flasks are not the only drinking ap paratus on .display. Shown In abund ance are , hollow canes, decanters, glasses never blown for milk, and elab orate cocktail shakers. Tchitclierin Makes a ProposaL Lausanne, Dec 18. By the Associat ed Press). Forejgn Minister Tchit cherin. of Russia, proposed today to the Near East conference a commis sion studying status of the Turkish ..traits.-' 9 ntan nrov'dinff for iuler- V'ticna! board of control on which u-nnld be represented. Germany, f Tnited States.. France. England, Italy and eleven states bordering on the Black Sea. No : Fireworks Allowed in City. Chief Talbirt this, morning deciwv A that the police were going to enforce the - law in regard -to shooting f ire erackers in the city during ine Christmas tperiod.: There is a city law against the cracker, cnier i aimri stated, ahd it Is the duty of the po'ice department to see that it is en forced. His officers have- ibeen in structed to enforce the Jaw, the Cnief added. i r There win ne a uoiriHiuia wr at 'I nPrP . . - , o., liofrinn n? nt one O ClOCK. liK'aui ; . . . 4 . ; ronaiatlne f appropriate songs and ex- ercises will be reqdered by the school. An address will be given by some in teresting speaker.; Everybody is cor dially invited to ; come out ana enjoy the afternoon with us. . I A woman in Montreal, mor? man! 100 years old, has outlived all the offers efficient, friendly aid in handl beneficiaries in her will, her husband checking and savings aceounr.- and her two chF.dren, as "well as he pTecntors of the: will and the notary -.Woinen as a rule have better eye- DUblic who drew up the document. P U B L ISHED CONCORD, ' FRIENDS OF MUPprvo J - kill u i riiisT point -Dai Will SU tie SUrtrvked la fv I f f , vi. - .Washington. 1 -Prolyl in ,be Henate todaver the JTf tL t'fot to.dW.!a the Nil with i. -v-,- - i.t.. . ? Whet l-'fore it th motion to U!,U. tf. if.ni. bill- with ft- oflw, t!vb mat .flttmfiti f. fl.. ,.t. - ' ' Kat)Kieii, of ImiMiana. a diiiiratl upprter of thfVhlp meannre. 4Aime.l rei- ignition in aecordanft. with a mo tion given at treek, nod iaumt.e In to a ciKoh Jn liehiilf of th Mil. ntTIfKK (ItTtS APPROVAL II V HKNATK COAIMITTKr: I 'iiaiiiiho(i.s Approval of III Nomina tion A Mrnilier of, Suprmie C'otirt tiiiHi bySeiiate Commit Ire. WnKhiiiKlou, Ie-. IH, The nomina tion of lien- Hiitler. of Mlnnenota. to . an afcKoeinte julice of the Snpreiue Court, wax ordered ieor!ed to the Sena l e by a iiuaiiinwos tie'of the Semite Judiciary Cmnmfftw. The committee acted after reeeh Inj a- reort frm a uiecMninitte which Inquired Into the nomination and rec ommended favtH-atde a1ion. thairman .elxn tiuuouiM-el that hey would make the report tm the now ination nf the first iegifdathe Kexsb.n of the Senate an'd call it up at the firt opjiortunity. SenatorH IjiFoilette, of WIm-iisIii and Norris of Nebraska. repuhliniUM, have indh-atei Huit thv will tight confirmation. WOMAN FOlNU DKAI) IN CAR; DRY AGENT IS BEING HEM) Claims He Was Attempting to Cross Creek and Went Over Embankment. (JreenslKM-o, Dec. 17. . F. Alliejil. prohibition enfon-ement . officer, re ported to the polh-e here late tonight that while attempting to cross Buffalo creek, 10 miles from Greensboro In his automobile in which va Mrs. I'dna (Jlenn, wife of Stamey Glenn, of thU place, he missed, the bridge, went over a 1." foot embankment into the water; that he. scrambled from under the au tomobile and that he fears Mrs. GleniH Is under the machine dead. City and county officers went to the scene and found the machine partially submerged In water, and found Ilrs. Glenn kad In the car. Albert! war placed under arrest and locked up pending investigation. . THE COTTON MARKET Market VasArHve .and JtatberFxt(t: w " jpd atthe' Opeaing'Totlayt New York, Dec. IS. Tin' cotton market was active and rather excited at the piK'ning' today. Relatively firm Liverpool cables and private reiorts of rapidly improving general trade conditions in England evidently stim ulated the buying ' movement which started at the publication of. the gov ernment crop estimate last week and the opening was firm at an advance of 22 to 43 points. Cotton futures oiiened firm: Decem ber 2.1.7.";; January 2.1.70; Marth 2G.00: May 2G.&S; July 23.1)3.. KELLER'S ACTION WILL BE INVESTIGATED AT ONCE Committee Appointed to Determine What Action, If Any, Will Be Taken by the House. : Wasfiington, Dec. 18. The Ifouse Judiciary-Committee appointed a sul committee today to investigate what action, if any, should, be taken in con nection with the refusal of Represen tative Keller, republican, of Minneso ta, to testify before Ihe committee as to the information on which he Iwsed his impeachment charges against At torney General Daugherty. JUDGE REFUSES TO DISMISS CHARGES AGAINST MRS. BRUNEN In Connection With the Killing of -HonesC John E. Brnnen. Mt. Holly, N. J-, De-. IS. Justice Kalisch tinlay refused the motion of Mrs. Dorris Brunen's attorney to dis miss the charges against her in con nection with the killing of "Honest" John E. Brunen, carnival owner. Justice Kalisch declared that although "it may. be that, the testimony in this case, be very meager as far as Mrs. Brunen's connection may be concern ed" the question t must be. fettled ty the jury. ' ' ACKNOWLEDGMENT FROM V MAYOR CLARK, OF NEW BERN Sends Thanks for $274.25 Sent Through The Tribune for Fire Sufferers. Mr. J. B. SherrlU. . Editor The Concord Tribune, v Conconl," N.C., Desir Sir: I acknowledge with thanks and appreciation your checks of December 7th, for $1SS.00, and I)e eeinber Oth. check for $vS53, contrib uted by your citizens for tne reiier or fhe fire snfferer8 here Please eonvey to vour people our gratitude and ap preciation for their splendid contribu tion. . , , Sincerely yours, EDWARD CLARK, Mayor. With Our Advert Lsers. The Coneortt Teleihtiie Co.. can supply you with a complete ratlin set for your son or brother. See od. on . . race i wo. Cline & Moose has many good things for Christmas. New ad. today points out-many of them, of instrument guaranteed. Practical Christmas gifts are offered I at low prices and on easy terms at at ia Pnfvirfl Fnnrittire t'omDSnr. The Citirens Bank & Trust Company sight than men, according io occulists: WOHDAV5 AMD NC. MONDAY DECHMBOR IS, 192i ;bigcharlotte fire t .STARTS FROr.l FURNACE The Six-Story Tni.4 Building on Tron Street Was De stroyed Early SuntLiy With a 13 of 0,000. KEITH VAUDEVILLE ' HOUSE, IS RUINED Fire Was Burning: Fiercely When Discovered. Fire Started in Frunace Room of Trust Building Oif!.!te. lJe. l?.-Tt .Jx-4.ry Trt building u iuth Tryon Utmi tontiiinloif the Kttl ramlrille thea. terniel m Larve im! t.f oUt-n ta ile-troiI tuel ! f.ther nrwtnrt- Kerbniily daiufCMl .y firt early fcIay with a total ! ewlltoated at mjfitl mate) $ttKtt. ? j Tlw rf wa huriieil off au fcdjoin ing thre-tory biulding ormpieit ljr i:r(M ktuau'x retail ned luaii order ImkA tifb.nery '.fre. and a number of of tices and practii ally all t tie MmtiotK of thi sttbctiire fe a total l. Jin - to -tin ami water Tae IMe.hiMnt building on the . you'll ride of the Trust bnildiug wai water ake from rof to cellar. It tt'ii headquarter for the PbHhuont Fire Inurane eomiiany and tbv Mirix I'lin kink, and con tained numltem of ther oftieei. Ho tin wan leliered to hare, orls lnted in the foresee room of the Trust building and had galne,l great headway la-fore it wan dlM-oteredl. Save for one or twd minor injuries to firemen, there were no cnsuallie In t h" fire which atiractd hundred of I Intmiiik. . line oi me neaviesi uown tNiurs of raiu Charlotte had bd this year began to full atut the time the lire was under control. ' Had it-not been br the. IieifirTy rains of the biht -week whli left nearby buildings soakrd and the aid given -by the torrent of rainwater that ' fell thi morning. Fire thlef Wallace en id the Idaze might have proveil n ill astrous as the rei-ent one at New Jiecn. Tons of Water were thrown into the smoking ruins throughout the day and South Tryon street was bl(N-keil t traffic until the. late afternoon as p:irts of the front wall of the Trust build ing fell Inta the wrert. The f-eue of the.,i'ire waj l4ueen Third and Fourth streets, tm the west tdde of South Trj'on. within a hUk of where the faiiHiiis Mecklenburg Ieclaration of Jiuh'pendence is sid to have lieen figneil. ' . . , ' In addition to the losses to business men and others whose office and eiiipment were destroyed, the lodge room of the Dramatic. Order Knights of Khorassan. which were In the Piedmont building, were water soaked. The Trust building, which also was known. asHhe Academy of Music, had nothing left tonight but tottering walls, the , front part of which had partly fallen out. It was erect ed IS year ago and was a brick structure. With in recent months it had leen purchase1 by C. W. Johnston at a price sild to Ik' $233.t'ifH x i Total loss in the building occupied by Brockman's store and offices was plac ed at more than $100,000, while tbons ahd of dollars of damage was-done by water .in the Piedmont bnilding Other nearby structurt-s escaped with a few panes of broken glass or scorched awning3. from the flames, which were discovered about 4 :30 a. m. The losses generally were said to be well covered by insurance although there were numerous individuals who had no such protection against fire. Mayor Walker announced today that he would turn the city auditorium over to- those whose' offices were destroyed and would erect temporary partitions in the main hall pf the buildings, i A check-up if injuries tonight show ed that Captain Al Moody of the fire department suffered painful cuts from falling glass and that K. W. Stokes was knocked down, apparently by con tact with an electric wire, but not seriously, hurt. Electric light and power :was .tnrned off in downtown Chariot teYor several hours during the fire. ' Survey" of Proliibitlon Enforcement CVNMlitiofM in W4. Washington. Dec. IS. Plans bare been completed by the prohibition hu rra u for a survey of enforcement con ditions in the far western state sim ilar to that just completed by Com missioner Haynes in the south. "vMr. Haynes accompanied by several of his Bureau chiefs will leave here on Jan uary IS. . Community Christmas Tree." A community Christmas tree will be Seated on the lawn of ' the Y again is year. The tree will 1 erected in time for the exercises, which will be held on Jiatnrday evening" at 7 o'clock, v For the. past several years the communUy tree has lieen erected on the lawn of the Y. and the projrraum rendered have len greatly enjoyed. The public is invited ' to attend the exercises this year. j '. . ... . Wead Body or Kooen Maione roma- Christ ma morning at 6SW orlork, A Statesville. N. C Dec, IS. J. Robert j large junior choir will sing carol, ami Malone. 36, disappeared from his home there will he special number !-twen in Shiloh township December 0, ami; the acts. The usual tree and "treat" nothing had been heard of him until jwlll be given at thU time. , . '. his body was found hi a branch near! - - ' J his home late yesterday afternoon, with j Stme yeanrag there J a crix a gash in his throat. Malone was in-1 among the womeji of Berlin for dyeing fyine, and application had been made . 1 v: ..imt.fw thA cto p"t;re lie fave wife and three children. ". chiidren. THURSDAYS srrciiL ctni wttL ' tt otrtxsx rtxtzs Crfc lt f reil VrrXitU r CnH- C2 Zumtt f ji rr-r. r:t.t tm ta t , At ! Ut4. i tftivnilk i Mrmt'i kTierr 4ajti itr ffMu- fld.rs a b t (u la ; !j?r f to tkfrre U ti vtk' wiii. f'i distlfcS 111" S.rl ..If f-f TT.e rriu;nc S4te f fttj.. J --! .! "Vr.. H.?. f- i ! lb nf ttri,l Tim , If t trrta, iit ! tJW ttw diftJ.l sf mrlrtt. I "ll.r !-t4Mtt!ratn Inlatn t.f Crl met-t iil ttrtrr trfc uuly f rnaiti t.iiintf: !hia,ttt- it. icti f lr. K'l- fefl Italli fruii.; I-4ii ail tt rttltan-, ij t tr lt tiiiHisri Je-ti!, ! a ?ta?ed ehleflr ft tet'faNr atwt 13 Ji tu..- the ftdlottin? ti-pW; irtwk Ti f.r ; Xrtl ariIIta; jrditr-thti jrJiV 1I lrili hah h-ITliree. Idn it.l H1 i n'.mi T -f ; di I of ej:-tMr. irris.ttb'u. oi toukHiii. A tciins, a i4 4slug i i-u to all t at'ttei milt I jbHd at the t,fjrtiiin of th-, ror " MORE TEACHERS M IDI 1 ..IN. NORTH CAKOMNAicfl 1- r - " ' -. ' tl.lor MldVcar Relctutlao aitd Otherj l1tHBity taue nave iicuiiea la Mmrtac. RalHeh. Dtv. IK Mid-year relena. Hon aiMt otter iumk hae ri"ultt ta a M-riona Lortajce f teaiber fu North farollna. reuniting In a d maml for wellua lifted lntructor for tb ofienine of the new m.i vear in January, according t an n iiouncement made tohiy by o.T. UL of th plaettuent Inireau of the JUItxaibm AKsM-iatioii. There Is no unutially heavy d manl for te?!fber at thN wmim.ii of the year," read the Matetuent. "Hiaie of thene vacancies are jierurrlng in tin larger whi.l -sywtemii of the male, but then are many oftenlng in the rural mi-tbn of differnt tiinile. Tlie facf that nuiny. of the monn tnln whootfi, whl(b o; ! t early In the full or lute fit miner, ar eomjJei. ing their work at ChrfaduiN time will help relieve the idtuatloti, ltt even With tbew Aldifion.f there !ll re racjireles which ranuoi U- iHlctl with the rf,Ltrjltio4rt. njth the tuireif -.if preient, ; -i .' " ",''." ;.'. "Well qualified tiicher can utun plncH tbrouuh the pnc-iiietit btiniiu. Teacher hllinc lower trrade rtin eate can find place slM4i, If they have had tiuccisful teaching exjierleiwe. Prosfiectlre tenhT who do not hoM c-ertlflc-ntefi .hotild take up with the certification bnrean of the Mate De partinent of edm-ntion the mitter of what certlrlc-ates they will l Vntlth-d to lfore they i eg! n looking for work. "Snjierlntendentx anl -boi f-fimmlt-tees are not willing to employ lnchcr who have not bad the training and this Is one of the cause of the short age," the statement, conclude. CX1MES BACK FROM THE ;iUVES SHADOW TO TESTIFY Dan O'Rourke TrlU JIi Klory in the Trial of (lie .Men at Ilcrrin, IIL Marion, III., Dec. IH l;y the Ao clated 1'ress). Shot down and left to die on a lonely roadside. I Jan D'Ronrke returned today to tell hi story at the trial of Ave men charged with murder In connection with the lierrin riot. That O'Rourke. who still beam the scars left by his Jnjurie. had come back from the very Khadow of tli grave to testify for the prosecution wa anhouncel tiy the. conne of the ntate at the opening of wurt Jhls mornlug. VALUE OF THE GERMAN MARK LS INCREASING .Mark FH1 From 800 to to the Dollar In the Course of the Lat Five Days. Berlin, Dec. IS (By the Associated Press). In the midst of their fhrit mas shopping (lerman nnumers of all cbiHwea were jubilant today at the unprecedented drop in th dollar rep resented 'by mark exchange, alfltig from S) to n.fam to the dollar In thf conrxe of 3 days. Tbi rise iu the mark has alrndy produced a drp tf frtmi 10 to 23 -r i-etit In wholesale marker pricen. The fetailers are re luctant to make roiliu-tlon l-a they are slocked up with gl Itoticbt when the market was iflti-h lower. INFLl'ENZLCSES ARK REPORTED AT TRINITY School Win C1oe Today Instead of W'rlneday-.Thirty-SIf Cae Re. ported. DurhamlW. IS It was announc-d today that Trinity College would be closed this afternoon for the hritma holiibiys. tiro din earlier tlan usual, because of number ofca(N f l fiqenxa among the xtud-nt. A ltal of .J ca-K had Ieeti r'itrteI on the campus today. Chritma Play. "fn tlx. ntmnor I the title f.f the plav to I gjven by tte children iof the Second PrebyferUr Church 'r7I''",r- 'the hair qneer, coloTa, Iurp!e. bloe, ami manre were favorite ha'Ic. FortTInately the cra did not very long. itvr r tmnttrti ivc ciiimjui tsuutiM. IT! Smir C t4 km CUf tt 6f Af ftf f(MHe,f ".1 T- J' HwUJt t4 ?? ; X ,?Jei 'a w - ."",. !nt .ltttifr,;, w - ! t tii j ?rf m J , .?t rfii.itf HiltM ftW.J ,Ufcf. .-' lfcp.rflflf 4.i t4s hm t0Ttk, Hi fr f rtkf," IWl ift tt. Umm tiiim t-uLik Vtit4 f-; iim- r- 4-sH .. Sttd ttih4 f- t.,v ir-"" rt tf4ty ' ' " r-lt l Atiit ? ? fe' 1uiwi-u.ii m fltir!4 H w4 W- 4t- iu4 4.it. l"V(rr fiJU 1 t iAM t.rf : ,rlfy . tit 11 tntT tiUmi,- ti.t 'fw tv4 Jrtfr 44. la . vhvt, ii" l.f l'fiE l ! 4 t tt ti.bU lH.t, f..t tj . i-rt i -f 4 JI.l!r e4i la ltt.it tUrf Jt (4ti ., j fejs 4r f-U.i 's4 1- atel 1 Jer. . Vtmml mt- Xutl'! tt -i ?rf is't l i.tA I'lHnnity N.i 11 -I.iUt M if Uri fet. i 1' ruotber. Kill II Jrwr. t-f 1 $ M ltr.... t... ..i . ri rM7- 'r"" i. i.N i' in1,?? lXx '2-w1 - tl.- tk tW M4 er. . fiiMrm In -fltt. 1 tr 11 tvuf )r i 4d with hi r.4lr IWt ftMf tBt .ij ft .V " .J mm !bintm , . ' " . Imt. t r-! w i-SH. Hrtnrdty Nf. 13 li l4f To? - ear et old Kiwi, f.t Attl M4,r(i.,u.;SiMt itt; Hlliri tt I r if it tt ii.i tfitt ttitdt i: f itirtiudf r ',. ll-A .J.I K.li ? with ..rphahed gratuNUihler 13 1 Cam l ttHr Tf'.J. year old. .tu thiticw, j l fcr8rf Aluat4 rrtrf f i? 0iirttftl!y Nt, .V-MiJrf-T 7 r FalWr, ll-r 1' KKHiihi (4.t 11 Jl!ur, reiir. tfl ft, 7. . 1 mu l 12 ntr 4l, .A ! I ifu KikkI and Sum iblnr. "' fd4r ! t4 . it.4-i r-si 1IorlaiiHy No, l;.- M'fl nltie uet lb f' ii-o. 4 fiitlter. Ill IH BW)tli. rltl tt 3!i tw l-ftii y c.i r. KTiHttaotber i jesr. ,t!tti Mrt4f7 .1 w 1 -", atwl Kiai thing, .. jiM tr. 1 iM 1 ! i l"rt unit v Nik I7- Fattv In ; CH l-Bit,c tewlhtrr. .UIe 4y P. nst4 l V ! I 4i ft ! aiU UuMi. XJi4U r (l '" Iki 1U 13. l rI 1 year. ilrl ! 3 ear. i'm, fn-l ainl Xma thiru.- (h''Ttnnltjr No. ! W Mowed ntth er wik in mill i;irl Io nl 4 year Boy Linear. i'(l, fwl inni Xwi thine. OpIort unity No. 1ft. nid ladr i yewra 4t," abaie In the world, Kl and rnfe"tbnaiiei. P:rtmdtr No. 2rl4i'fler l k nu.jber work In ndU. Iy er n, FoL fuel and X)in fhitifd. l1rtun5ty No, 21 Wldtwr. 10 op Krt. By 14 jcar M. lilrl Id M 12 year. Food, fuH at4 Xm tUnt Opjiorttinity No. 22 Fftttx-r arel mother. tJIrl 12 yewrm. ti 2. 7 and 10 ye r old. Ftl hd Ati , Ibicw. Taken, PfM4iunity No. 2:1 IJitle tmtf ile -!sii.i u t r rsi T - year old. Xtna thlntr. Taken. f tiit i !TuU. nr.-.it. t f iortuidf y Ji. 21 H iol inMb-: Ttt5. .f the. 4uri f er, lrf irt, 10 aiei o. liirl 13, 7 jer btk!rri srr t twl ir gsiUr" ami 10 month. IV't end Xa tblfef. t rmrtanity No, SWMfmrsli htttUU Qrirt Cil ! lAii. mother, ha tu!rcuioi. danrhtrr 10 Vla.Jiioiti. t II ry i! Art rears, bor ft. Ftw4 f(i an t Xma rtfrd Pr. - 71.- nt r'"- fhfnf w v- vi k er, danghter J4 year 11 year. f ami Boy 1 aiul Xtas tbllig. Taken. flffrtunlty No. 27.-ratter bk, mother work. Uy 3 yesr, girl 4 yearn and lby 2 teum, l aivl Xma thing. Importunity No. 2 Tiro rrijf4rl Uy Jn rthoielle Hof4tal, ' and 4 yearn. Toye anl rnfet luetic, Di.r-r.rtonlty Sn. 2ft IJitle nipjl-! girl J year iM Toya aoI nferila erie. ,)lportunlty Nn. SO. 4rljted ty 14 year old. Toya atjl timfetlot-r. l e, OHrtnnlty No. 31. CriR!! Ir C year old. A Clrltma rer-!rm llrtnnlty N. XI VU-t m-4b-er, lv (fS al LTjear. lrt U ntt 12. Fi-I. foet aiJ Xa thlug Tk en.. 0.r1 nidty N. n3M4ter at'l fatlter uawte, Itr 7 a! girl 2 arxt 3 year. Food and Xma tbtng. ltrtuilty No. 31 Uttl ly wUhi I lr!4e ii- t:fi(r year, Xma Ihinf. 4lHrtnlty N, 33. litlU. girl year. Xma thing, . tPP"rtanlfy Xa. 2. Mtfle bwf 7 yr. thl eg. Tkn. tjrfufcity Nrt. S7 IJtiI dtl yer wbL Xoa itslBg. ;frteolry No, S Vmrsg r4rl woraa n bo La t iilrrubl . I'l or Xma tbinr. - Cjrt unity N 1meg t4riw.l tnan. It f u!friibi. la Jl JSte ruoithC Fruit " Xuu rts-sbr&ir fi"rloiiity N. nl"jiftT (bain gang. ilfl.-r rl t4iH rhlMren. F-l atal "Hmmm lM4 , 4jjjirtntiity No. 4a Fattirr 151 fr jf nvtdh, wife at. Up Mtl pm,. o tty id Xni g!ff f'-r tbe U7. Opjiort unity No. 41 Father 4 mother at.4 1sjrtJl4ri try -ely ;iii IX H atvl 13 year, Ttm 10 M S years. tby I tumtb U Fl aM Xtna tfcieg fr fh ldrcn. Any . wLWIi a j l 1 yei taay t Uken by ymi. Call Mr, il. ft 1 ttr Mi toxktMB 2Vr fi addre of yotrr of5rtc&ity." Wt-r-rer riUe it is dired iUt 1 UU an r;,rtcit j dtiiirr ll, U.I wLrre IMSIPBlllI. tifl Ihr lir Tlr fr.a ItMt With littm. I t r H f. .lU4MII.I I And Ikffcff la! Sh!? I Cr tim to I t it or itiittt l p Far Ihr' TtUl Wt.l Be l-srgrr P1!M- tiii.)$ f .. f 1 Mtv rh M ijsw4.,,.4 I l.K OMI i fm 's w I- 4 fAfM!; ffl4iv . t j M wt ,t - 's ! V4l &;sm-m a 4a 4 t . f rtT4i Mrit iax ia i-W-1 1 1 t W f ? -t m i" '' t... nrm 4 liar Ii4k4imv '-1 i t4i ' ft.ir itttr f4e4 H-m t ftt4'! rtii' lut Z if tre l fan l' ty lli 4 fjiftw. (ejfeit.! 04 ie n4fe at lf.jM t ' OfT thtWita llrify Hii lm rlli ( r,x;t, - lUbUb. N, f. Wt; .Vn r 4nt ttstf ft Etc l.n mf re.fpns;ai fra ig'-, tti 4 to ''-! if rr,iii-.t, ? 1? ' K'r" u Itut-,i t t lUi H : film thUd-! I- . t 4f -! Iltff itf-tifjfi !- t tl lr-i, ' 4ltt4lfy rts fr i '-t. Tb ni4nMi, SW it'W! in ittit,i. f l--,tl tm lib.' ttf. tat w wt W ft ti t Vldittr4i t kh ffn? !. lwit the lfcafc.tM t,t i? tAf f t nf rs-vtefirg trrru.ri ir-t ti priffwriji fty f-4-r-4 .d 4 I'mwe ari ft t4-r jsi,t!M thr ftalte t4 l It I'll 4" witbin a ' i, Ifmrtit I. ITale an4 Cismy l New Yetk. Ie"i I A t wf tnad"' - if lt ftf 'f 'k atk " EttMf f lb fi;aw f th vmm r, r.t ! tWt, K9 ity. 7X rw 1 1 i admit te.) i ft ritfef is f -' ! tf tV, It, II v.i il tt J flbi. Ttse IJlboania t Kfrti fj4. IVf-r.t.irn, I, 1 IHr - A rtet I'rr .--1 iVj UtHa3, bwb Uti N-t !- 1 r fr lfc M Uti a afjt f inrf i fin'l rir'l Uiti4 Iltl l iUH . . t 1 ttrf will Mitt Al t ( rft f tk lt if ) tti;lf &t j4 14 tWi f UUh fl, tt-tf Oi le fcAl f - fh' -StSil!fs, Itr f f' l jfii iil t f mj to i mm tm $ t5i a.-' fr at lt- y H $ tt .& tr d.. t u fiiMfen t,' ih itilfcs tr c4 f'.r I. iif ( - 101: j P3 cj) 1 4 r 1 . t nriui win 1 f - - - - - - - - 1

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