THursHay, DepemUer '231922 the conconD iinns ' - -,g m - BEGIN mZlE TODAY ' r BEN DARBT. a prisoner,, la X amiaed in tha presenc of .v GovTsrmoTi mcxamara br a fa mous allatst aamd . 1 FOREST. Tfc rovtrnor 1 con vinced that the convict Is a Tie tim of amaasla. and paroles Darby to - ' ' EZRA MKL.VILLE, an old friend of tbe prisoner. The two men Jour ney to Seattle where Malvttto D folds bis plane to Ben and aho-sjs ' blm a letter from his broth r, HIRAM MK1.VTLX.K. written oa tbe Utter death bed. -- Tbe letter , stated that . while prospecting; near tbe Yam River ha bad eotse upon a pocket worth nearly a quarter of a million doll arm. II tram beg-ered that his brother come immediately- and take pos session of the claim, tbe only con dition being; that Eir should care for bis pet. JPearis. Melville offer lien a' free partnership and Ben scents with deepest gratitude. Kay Brent Is in fore with Bea trice. Be meets her la front ox a hotel and offers .to escort ber home. t GO ON wrrti TC3 CTCZIT Kay Brent's voice bad an unde niable rin's; ot power. It was deeply bass, evidently the voice of a pa-" slonate, recklesa, brntaTtoan. . The men fell In beside her; bis powerful frame overshadowing- hers. "You're just letting me because I'm coins up there anyway, thV- be asked. J , The girl paused, as If In appeal. "Ray, we've thrashed that out long ago," she responded. , '"I wish you wouldn't keep talking- about it, If you want to walk with me-" -" " . -All right, nut youH be changing' your mind one of these days.-Ray's voice rang in tbe silence, indicating -utter indifference to the fact that many of the loungers on the street were listening to the little, scene. They followed tbe board sidewalk into the shadows, finally turning) In at a ramshackle, three-room house. The girl turned t go In, but the man held fast .to her tm. "Walt Just a minute, Bee," he urged. "I've goi one thing more to say tflRyou.1 "When I want something, I don't know how to quit till I get it. It's part of my nature. Tour pop knows that and that's why he's made me bis pardner in a ,big deal. The strong man gets) what he wants and I want you. And m at . you, too just like I get this kiss." . , .' But she was a northern girl. trained. to self-defense. As he freed her, her strong, slender arm swung out . and up with really startling force. ' "Yeu tittle devur The tempest of the forest was upon ber, and ber eyes blazed ai she has tened around the housa. i CHAPTER III ' Beatrice NeUson's Faith TEFFE3ZY NEILSON and Chan J ' Heminway ' were . already " In aes sin when Bay 5rent, his face flushed and his eyes still angry and red, joined them. Nellson was a tall. gaunt man. well past fifty from bis manner evidently, the leader ot the three. He had'heavy, grizzled brows and rather quiet eyes. Notorious as he was through the northern prov inces he was Infinitely to be pre ferred to Chan Heminway, who sat at his left, who, a weaker man than either Hay or Nellson, was simply a tool In the bitter's hand. ."Where's Beatrieef" "Nellson asked at once. "I thought I . heard . ber voice." . v Ray .searched f ocA reply, and in the silence all three heard the girl's tread as she went around the house. "She's going in the back door." Like ly she didn't want to disturb us." Hay looked . up to find Nellson's eyes firmly fixed upon his face Try hard as he might he couldn't re strain a surge of color in his cheeks; i "Tea. and what's he rest, of itr weuson asaeo. ' "Nothing I know of. You're got some wbltn marks oa your checks where it ain't rsd.,The kid eaa slap, can't she Ray Cashed deeper, bet the Bat or NeUson's face began to deepen and draw. ,Thea his voice broke la e rxeat. h&rty chuckle, ' -Cool down, boy wait tin Ton hear everything ! get to tell you, and yoaH feel better. Of course. yoa know what It's about " "I s u p pes e Illram MelrtfVa ciaim." That's It. Ton know" he's always bad aa idea that the Tuga country was worth prospecting, but we al ways laughed at him. Ot course It is a pocket country; but It's my opinion be found a pocket that would make many a placer look "sick, be fore he died." "But be might have got the nug gets somewhere else f . "Hold your horses. Where woaU be get 'em? There's something else suspicious too. He wrote a letter, the day before he died, and addressed it to Ezra Merrills, He must Just shout got it by now. He bad the clerk ' At a t'Jla tm at the e&l mi sMh! Eta and Czrast s Led tha first cf their Jourrry. A canoe was bosxtU Cor m reaaea aUe ran they were tail taay sv thry kTt the elver tvear Caewy CsVa. ( ( ror rdculewaty ssaa scot wuch-; A be zayrterioaily rredjeed trora the ft Docket ef his faded Jeans Carasa i bought a second ban a rVSi i elect gun of targe carbcr but cf ess daring cuai;ty nd box f cheils) live ml -'8 wt -:rr. l ltf ltt-.iV tVo f I ' h 4 eU e4.flt'f".5' . tis i ti kaj. I AS IiE FREED IIER. HER BTRONO, SLENDER ARil SWUNG OUT AND UP. , . nsQ it for him.' end got Mm to wit ness it, saylngr it was his wiltand what aid the old hound have to will except a mine? Next day he wrote another letter somewhere too but I auurt una out who it was to." "I should say it was worth a trip." Ray agreed. "And a fast one. too. Ezra Melville will be soowinup one ot these days. We want to be setUn' pretty when he comes." Tou"ve got the idea. It ought to be-the easiest job we ever did." . 7 Ray was lost in thought. "There's an old cabin up that way some whereon the river. If his brother does-come "up, he'll find us In pos session and nothing to do but go back, so tomorrow well load up and pack horses and light out" -up oor Juan creek, through Spruce Pass" - "Sure. Then ever to the Tuga. Old Hiram was hunting down some kind of a scent in" the vicinity of that old cabin you speak of. last beard of him." "All easy enough," Ray agreed. He paused, and a queer, speculative look came into -his wild-beast's eyes. "But what 1 dont see how yoa can figure all this is going -to help me out with Beatrice." ' v Jeffery Nellson turned in his chair. "Tou can't,' eh? ; Tou need epecta- "We'll need someone to cook, and ook after ua, when we get up there. Who should it he but Beatrice? She wouldn t want to stay here; -you know how she. loves the woods. There wouldn't be any of the other boys rp there to trouble you. You'd have a clear field." - , MMummww to match, "Old JTixm kfl me a rsn,, boi weH each seed, eae," Hsraaa ca plained. , They would hare need cf good ee ftoccrmft before the joarcers end. the villagers told them. Czraa had -not boasted of any such ability, and at first Cea regarded the pUa with coniiderable Birgtvlsgm, And it was wita the most proXound amazement that, when they pusbed off, ha saw , Ezrant deliberately 'seat btmealf la the bow, leaving the more lsoporuat place to his young companion. "Good heart na. 111 capsize yoa ta a minute," Hen said. "How do dare risk It r rpush off and atmi bolherfa' Hzrsm answered, "There's a paddle ahead and shoot ,ec" 'The waters caoght the canee, rpeediag it down-atream; and in ap prehensloa at ImmeAiste disaster Deo seized the paddle. Swiftly he thrust it into the streaming water at "Do yoa remember when yoa shot the Athabaska RapldsrEzram had asked. Jt was all dear enough. Ia that life that was forgotten he had evidently lived much ia a canoe, knowing, every detail of river Ufa, Late afternoon, and they worked -closer to the shore. And now. ia the gray of - twilight, Czraa saw the place to land. It was a small lagoon Into which a creek emptied, and beyond was aa open meadow, found so often and so unexpectedly la the North woods. Swiftly 3ea turned the canoe tnte shore. All at once a, great clarity seemed to take posses 1100 of Ben'e enind. Here, in these, forests, were the stimuli of which Forest, the alienist. had spoken; and his brain seemed to leap, as in one impulse, to the truth. Suddenly he knew the answer to all the questions and problems that had troubled him so long. He sprang up, his eyes blazing. "I remember everything," an in audible voice spoke within him. Then he whispered, fervently, to his fa miliar wilds. "And I have come home." CHAPTER IV A Bolt From tbe Clue EVERYTHING was as it should be, ax be and Ezram cnade the camp. "It's all come clear again," he told Ezram.- He remembered now that Ezram had always been the moat , intimate friend of his own family: a spry old godfather to him- - self and young sister, a boon con pankm to his once successful rival. Beu's father. Ben did not wonder. now, at 'his own perplexity when Forest had spoken of "Wolf" Darby. That was his own name .known throughout hundreds of square miles . of forest and in dozens of little river . hamlets in an Eastern province. Tbe. journey ended at last. They saw the white peak tbey had been told to watch for, and soon after tbey came to a green bank from which the forest had been cut away. Tbey pushed up and made landing on the banks of a small stream.' This stream, Ezram knew, was Poor Man's Creek, the stream of. which his brother bad written and which they must ascend to reach Spruce Pass.' Only five miles distant. in a quartering direction .f rom Jjae river.' was Snowy Gulch, the village where they were to secure supplies and, from teve Jllorris, the tate Hiram's gun and his pet, Fenris. ' Before they were fully unpacked they made out the figure of a middle . aged frontiersman, his back leaded, advancing up the road toward them. "Howdy," Ezram began pleasant ly. "Howdy," the stranger replied. - ."How was golnT" "Oh. good enough." "Come all the , way "from Salts- ville?" ' (Continued in Our Next Issue) oa nnas iy sm ts 44 1 t rtta4ejC tZi L--.:? itb Ml Naary iiln.' Tb t.ry 4 Uuukb' rtii ! lisp rrt Ns-aw ef tVrr- eJ f ft -tm- tut l'.;;h : ? e v. rj i : . n t:i vi -ia sfv" rz. ' VMS I wew M k-. ' eey ulsxrt 1 l'mrmi: vii ialri lrftrv fbusaja. ti "4i Ki tlx Unti lltk l-i, l.' Hr, A. k tVt. lit. t t ii-u!1 i w7 rIrii5y Wflty 1 fv,Kr !. Hm . si t"rim2t f I twmti. lira,: If t grl rv- Uim M4KE.W tUtX.n& U T- It 1 twilb- 44 tin uxr t4 fr-VH fi,J. r tvtjteiv P tLHr htire imtver. sn4 alw li b-rn l:hs-t Ur Iran ttea- iwf I that rffert tt Clw trainla-s tlm bnctum tUnx teeitlfn, Mr, T, T. ml' Mi I I nHirj rok la tl- utrl-llt UjiJ. t. Ilr-irli. Ut, t H. Sir I- "ill-tt Nsh-y" mai'w lhn ritl. II Ikvr. Mm Uii lt w , ("briBtmss, Himawitt mM. be iatiiM;:Hisa tmm,tmyt Ur. V, A, rkA,f hita f c!latfT.-Trkwl tLeatangbt mi tisWla IMw tttv. Mr K. f , raurusa ran- ijcb aayn. ga- fte(iri.e. iit- jm? nut. Ur. aa4 Mr J tauary mm. sttd trtt M-irral anttts ; nalsiag ith k'n t tbt diy Wfuer ahd icuim!l4l-ty aflrr tu llU War. .1. 3J. fisrtu-X -f.? llecw. rrrd liners n4 t r h "Ami she was irUUy ani-xM It ksw bw I am la tay ttKral." the sgwl fk-lsmi, I 144 trr s far as I am r.n ttih-! LLj" raa tear dmn dst jail. Van? I hb aeirr had bftMn to k il.i It." TLe obi jsblfW tbrn brukr ' lu a l-Brtby 1Imuj1'U tm the eli f lb day ant tbe lak tf training fiu rv tiitnl by tbr ynin bth a bile sn! blaik. "I tulshtia lie 14a rk ti the nitilo." htf 4ad. bt.t I was rl risht atul I bab trie tt kcrt tb ibide Vtbitr. -W w tmlunl when I whs grontn ujt. Mlu St-y kmrn ml dat a u im wa flrt thing ak!a me aNottuy HJi4rabi." Hlituuun clvldrrl that Mla Miuuian snl;hT k Uwi w-i k m kft and gMM to b!ui that be 111 n bare a chance t "call to bis cvloj--il frUnwl bimI rflatlrin." "I wstteI to iit a aunt antl funne mttv kin. but I riraMn't get awsy from SlUaiM NatT." Hbnoian wild with irlde. "I ain't n-t. er bad no trouMa wU white Ki4e. fur I trrats rrcryUfcly rljrfct, Aiul white ihi1c ain't ih'Iht bad no trmiljle villi in e. r wlnKh ( knws bow to a-t. Tbe youuK n!j:-r mill find Wy will (tit uUmg all rls'at vtbtu dey tmits rvTjUKly all rlsbt. and wL-u dry act mi'n to itay out f J.-illn srxl de llkr." MI km Shiim.iu. 1U M ntKT Uiiin ! ilimil, Is mirt tban KT, yrars .l. and Is "tim of lit tm-t bull w in tvorld." Young Man Areidentally Shot 1" Marriage iJeenses Issued. 5 - Ucgister of Deeds Elliott has is- i the followtnc marriaire licenses Octave Mills, of Xt. 8 townshhi, had the misfortune to lose the tnumo ami three fingers f bis right hand MoudMy of Deeds Elliott has Is- r' Henry Iee Mills, Son of Mr. and Mrs. siiuo last Saturday : James Ij. Love :uil Miss Mue'Elhutbeth Case, both of '-'iiconi; j. rJUgar Hicks, of Coucort!, when, a run heivas holding Mas aeci- iiml Miss Estell MeAnulty, of . Kan-Utautally discharged. Young Mills uijKilis; Noah It. Brindle,' of KannapfJ li. and Miss Emily Nation, ' of Con- -ni: Franklin Crayton, , of-Conconl, and Miss Naiil Honeycutt, of Stanly cuuty; James 11. Barnhardt1 and Miss Miipgrie Coley, of Concord : Robert Kih-L. cord. Licenses were also issuetl To-ix cu'orcd couples. Master Fred Brown Injured. Master Fred Young Brown met with a serious accident Sunday - morn iK when be started across the street zrt the morning jmper. m He was hit iiy a car driven by a man ffonjuKan ii:il)lis. The cbiurwas rusbed .to the 'licord Hospital, where nietlictil nid was rendered. Tiie little fellow -was l' liiifully, although not seriously Fnjur I''1- He sufferetl severail, bad cnts und iu. iie Was removed to bis uome "'i this uiorninff was reiwrted as rest- very comfortably. ; . ' '.-V The Pageant a Splendid Success tte Christmas pageant, The Light r,f ilou," given by the young people f Fcrest Hill Methodist -Church at ue Central Graded -School-. Tuesday Qight was a bi success in every way. Hie iare crowd present : spoke in yvuns langage. concerning the. entire Hiiormaiice." le "music by the! ".mi ieopie and that renderea Dy no special orchestra weriifeatures alsd iat "tedmphatic approvaL ( -hristuias was observed as"early as" riie JK A. r.. the celebrations then lauag plattrnn : May and June. ,Xot rmi the fifth, century was Deceuiber -'tn fi-T as the date: vas brought to the Concord llotpital after tbe accident, and his vrtmids dressM. Heovturned home Tuesday, ami his wound is mending nie.4y. ' After hunting for a short while on 3Ionlay, : -young Mills atopped at the auau ami Miss Lee G-rofff Cam-thome of a friend. lie started to llace T . . I II. J . A . At... L . . . . . 4 Uls XOOt on lur . tiep i iue iiouac n.uvi In sotoe manner his fotjt slipiKXi and be missed he step, falling against the side of the porch . and tbe gun discharged, tbe load striking Mills . right rand. , t was Mr, Turkey Supper Tuesday. Jdesdames L, H. Ientz and H. Smith Barrier entertainetl at an elegant tur- . . , mw " I . 1 A . 1. Key - SUPiiec J.nesuay i-irmiiK ui iin;. HottiA if Ttnrrir Thffr CTiestS ax uuiv v. - - - - - c were the following:. Mr. and Mrs-JO. Moose, and chiklren. Thomas and Othal Mr.' IauV Motse and two cliil dren,'of Ellerbee Sirings:.Mrs. M. H Barrier and Miss Addie Barrier; 3d rsV L E kloose, ofNo. 7 townsnin,'3Ir. Itah -Lentz. Mr. and '3irs. Chas. T. Barjrierr and Mr. and Mrs. ,Koy Crooks ami son, Roy Jr.' - , ; , j 7 Dinner Party. The memlers' of the Virginia Pres ton Society of the Second Presbyter-; ion, tburcb were . delightfully .enter tained by Mr. aud Mrs. C II. Ixng in theft hotue on Kerr street von Tue day 'idgbt. when twenty-three guests lartook.of a delicious turkey dinner, at a table which was lienntifull.v -up-pointeilrand whose' decorations wFre a k'lifrht to tbe eye,v The dinner con sisted of turkey, dressing, cranberry l)iscult and fruit sa la I, dif ferent" kinds of sandwiches, pickles, cakes tea and coffee The dining room was gay and festive, with its Christ mas decorations of green and red. Mr. and Mrs.' Long are a charming host and hostess. The Society held its reg ular anotKhly meeting at the clone of tbe dinner and Mr. and Mrs. Long were given a rising rote of thanks for their gracious and much appreciated hospitality. . ' B. W. C. XV. ISEMIOI'K DIED . IN I'llAmjQTTK, FRIDAY Death Was lauded by. ParabL- Funrral 8m lees Held Ifrre isalur- !ny Mornin;. . George W. iM-ubour, one of tbe old est ami liest known men of Calmrrus Cunty, dlwl at ant early hour Iday morning ut the hAg of his daughter, Mrs. F. A. McKnlght,, in Charlotte. deatU being. mused by istrnlysU. Un til several months sgo Mr. Ienbour en joyed good ben 1th. but afler suffering a stroke of nnrulysi-H was uualJe to live alone and had 'made bis home with his children. Fun-ral htvUin were held here on Mai unlay luoVuin at 10 oclMk at St. James LutbtTau Church,' -tijiductet! by llev. It -A. Tbomns. llefhs bur led in flak wood fauetery by tbe side if bis wife, who died three years go. Mr. Isenbour ws XI years of age. und from' birth had made bis home in Concord. He wus loru in No. 4 town ship in May 1H4U, uud after Serving four ..years in the Confederate Army, came Iack to bis nstlve coun ty, wbeYe he was -ngaged in business until his health failed. Surviving are three children: Mrs. McKnlght. C M. rsenbour, of this city, and Ed. Isenhour. of Alexandria, Va. Mr. Isenhour was a lifelong memlier of the Lutheran Church and bad been a memlier of St. James Church for a' numlier of years. m&m ilia, ur. aS f 1 I P. t'-1. Mr. U IK iUirmum, Mr.1 it a4 Mf. It P. t.a Mr it L lVwV 1 1 P-wtii. ivh tim in Mr. A. It IVer.N. taw t 1 1 ltls f ML ' Mr. Painter. fU tm tm kr. Mr. UMtn. m J iv'. Mr. Vtrm, sririal lria 44l-u Ii - fT.Sli t, Ia I t f . i tK4r4 I4iin, Cini NVS 1 Mr. t4k 4 t Tbw t kar a4fw fwfti. tl: - - ' - MbM itmkt. I. abd Mr. K.tW Iit 121. Mi- Ijli ftr tlftlr , 6 lirt ltrl'rtrttaa Cbanh. Mr. a! Mrs. ttrr ('ttraar. Jr. Mi Ut CsrH lis mm 11, l. UIm ijmr lUrtkl I, Mr. X tVlia-rfsrttl, Mrm. A V. IUrtrll l, Mr. H ttr4tra !2tb- lVmlr1nti H. ft.. !!. tHtrtl llHs nUUt Cbtmh: Mr. stxt Mrs, Can- -n MrUa MUs Msry Kbu& lvti tiin Sunday SbuU I1mi Pr-!tlrf Isa torb. Mr. an.1 Mia. Jjm. p. All! Hlra. Hal JsrrHt. Jrt. IU" jtttmbiy htmA CU KH-rxwl Chsnb, Mrs., II. U. CaklatiL Mrs, flraftd Maiuc. f.Ut White 4t.loird. Mi. It H. Voting. Mr. Tfm!inmu Mm. I-m-fct IVrtrr, Mr. Viisn CantMi 2; Miw Fnsm Uldefabutir. MU 141 JU.)I. Mrs. Vilklnrt. Mr. lki Mic4UM-lL Mlit Tli4UiMai. Auirrtraa Iegiun. Ml Ada ra and Mr. t'he en, Jfr. Maury UiLu.ML Mr. asxl Mrs. lloaartl Cafdwtrll. Mrs. J. W. ClintC Mr. atwl Mrs. IiIm-t ltsrtt-ll. Mrs. Tb. II. Wd, and the M ! 4A, Mr. IL C. Iiamtiardt. Sr, Mr K. C. Itsmhsnlt, 4r., Mr, smI Mm. 1 II. Brui-n. Mr. John Harbhardt'a Cir cle Iniy!erbn Itjurrh. Vnau Auxiliary FplMndvt Chuph 2. Mr I.. I. Coltrane. Sr Mr. ilwU IVbitc. Mrs, J. A. Canmm. Mls Jtsie CaIir, Mrs. A. M Turner, Mrs. P. G. C-uk. Mr. uml Mrs. John Bsmbardt, M1h Ieli shd Mrs. Uo,'M!s Annie Can non, Ml Mary Caumm, Mr. Snt Friexe aiKl Mrs. J. Ct Fink. MlC. trell Sherrill, Mr. Ik-rn-ird fVtr. Mr. W. A Foil. . Thc? lUt are sibllsbi to ohrnr tbe Inteiest wbicb ba lti inif-tcL A grent many -vhr -jlt' lav mi. triiMiieil tbrtiusn the Vul and orcaal xatlons BtieutbtiHtL It Is dt-Hnd that the (-ouimitteex appointed, by Klk. King's I a ubtem, KinanU anl Ito tary I at l'Jks home at two Sun day. We hIni wlfb lo My that the splendid nvult obtained vuld htw have lieen exceH for lb ro-enitU'i' of Tbe Tribune atl Time. - t: CEJBJS ss&y w 4- .i . - ' x- 4 k j I J - - A Ai I fMI I' r - " L - Jl . ' 7 Rev. J. Jj. Morgan, I). D,rf Salis bury, president of the North Carolina Lutheran Synod, will be unable to. fill the ' pulpit attit. James Lutheran Chrirch- on t5udjy , morning, as had been ' announced? airording" to word re ceived by Kev.1. A. Thomas, pastor of the.Vloeai church, i-r Dr. Morgan will t'Qnieto Concord at a later date, it is stated V " : ' 1 : ? jMore silk is manufactured in Pater sou, N. J:, ttan in Ja.ny otlier city ia the wjorfd. , ' - - With Our Advertisers, x - The Bell & Harris Fxu-niture Co. has better goods' for the same money and the same goods or Jess-' money.' Novelties in the latest styles .for eve ning and dinner dresses at Specialty Hat &hop : '- v If you need a suitT"bvefroat. union (suits, shirts, or anything for "the well tdressed man, can at urowmMJannon Co; : ; :M. ; ,,--.w 1 " i' ""The Hoodoo," a our-act comedy- drama, was presented by the students of ' ..Wlnecoff , High l;k.-h'oo Thursday night before a large audience. This was the cboc4s annual Christinas play, and it i-as. well acted. The in stallation of electric lights in : the school greatly added to the sceDery and , showed off the costumes to bet ter advantage ihanvat any other play. Persons who witnessed the play, ex- j pressed genuine delight at its ne pre-J sentation.- ' " . " Cold Water Iodge Gets a Letter of Thanks. New Bern, N. C lec. 10, lir. Dear. Bro. K. S. Lewi. IL S tCold Waterltlge No. K, I Concord, N. C. Noble Grand and Brothers: Your kind favtr with dutuitiMi for tbe relief of the sufferers of our recent great tire received and I astfure l yon much appreclateil. I nui dfattibuting this -oming frm Id Fellows to tboe whom I know need 1t tbe most. Tbe abundant liesutlfnt spirit of Brother ly L)ve that has lHn shown otir strick en city' by our entire State and coun try has been marvelous ami then wonld bare-been much suffering with out your aid, lwit we have leen eaalded to" handle the situation with but little if anr physical suffering and w will noon have the nwxt ff. tbe -bosaelews comfortably hmiwetl even tbougli It will le necessarily ' crowdeil for tbe - res ent Assuring you that our hearts have leu slmngely warmed by your love . .a . t 11. t. for us. and our. stricken tmes. i inans you Brerbreaiind may tod's richest blessings 1 Itestowed on you. Believe me fraternally yours. JOE K.. WILMS. G. G. Chrbtmas Eiertlsea at Calvary and bt. . Andrews Lutheran Cuortms. The children of Calvary Church will render an exercbe. tnr King's Birtb- ilay. at the church Monday evening at o'clock. Tbe exercise villi he intcr siersed with songs by adult members of the scbtna. ' "Monday evening at The lldy Story In Iantomime" will 1? given In St. Andrew's. There are alwt " fharatters.' mst r- t beia adults, in this exercise. lne iern ilf read the whole of the Christmas story and thA 11T iieriion will, iu intmune and tableaux, represent the ariuus Btlb 5IATINKK FRIDAY Sin. Lillian llomWy 1U U SU; , Here Friday. I Vill give at Central Graded h4 Friday afteniom at SO a matinee. Music lovers will bave the tbare of hearing a musical treat. Mrs. Lillirn Homlesly Ibitt, who ba ttlieil afJd Uvwl abroad, will give tbb iwerl. and little Margaret Montgmery. of Charlotte, will dance. The follcming program will 1 rendered" l.s (a) A Chi ids K-.tu' of Christ mas: 4 bi CbrUttuas Carols ofyProv ence, ITtb Century. v 11. Kecitative and Aria- frtna the Marriage oi Figaro IH U nl Noo Tardar." ' 3. (a) In" An tMd FabUjnl Town Wandcrm; b lfl Morn ing. Brother KunshixM Lisa Lehman; (c) My IJttle Home Iintn; (d) Lore' in .My Heart Wliaan. 4. Vabe CaiHice Mar can't M'ut- gOOKTy. 5.. (a Ie Baie Tbonia: (b) Khnscbut-Iai Lorge; c A IMrtb day VrMlman. . C. 'bildrvu"s Hnz. Ki-bf mwm panimcnt. (a) MTlanl; (bl Two Dirty Utile IIsthU; (c Iiaddy's Sweetheart; (d Why Adam Klunl. I extend my invitatiuit to mother and" fathers aoti to all luutjr kiTera. Tbvre will tun admiiwdon ai tb concert la free-will offeriag-to the community on the jairt of its iiior. M11H. W. IL GUUMAX. , ll i a pleasure i u l Jiaie 1. .! git! wank. TV tiura-e un ttj.Ic tu itatx their lcjrit, l'mrcr imiuU ihej ui U Ttc Skouticr a My oi$, jvr. lihi h I'Hihf I I.Afv, l!c wjcr lie Irtn fsi r,fr wtc ; Succev t tmMi!4e w-ii!nyt Mtfti - Uc f tf thi ry jarcnt ill our cynununtt will re llat rrr mt I ihtit tlnh'un will Iuc a bank Attwunt ttt Oiriiitu WE WILL WELCOME YOUR ACCOUNT Catarra ML Ofitrt Uertric '. w ta Opm (Ion. wTbe ML Olivet Klertrir I'o, J now in operation, and it is furnishing cur rent to a numlr pf Cbunbes. Lota and srhoobj a long the nations 1 high way from Glss to Cook CrnMing. Tbee country homes along ibl route now hare all modm roaveu iences, including Hr1rk light. watT. gas teienhones and sited nUs for their fsrs. 4 j Tb rti4e living along thl ixml- aim have a nnlm high h4. Bne chnrchtn atxl In addition bate ty of iMUter. rz&K," Bulk, t bU-o and er foorfluffs wbbh are 44aitMl4e In tbe cities only vrii diTk-nity. Ietler la Santa flaos. RLIIMMIIAKa llla llary fwfUiwI rharr t4te tl L'rid pt ilr. J. II. IUv, Sr. In the prrrYM .f in liWm fally and a fiw frieU. Mi Mary e-. land Pharr. awl .Mr, Jba IodV-j Iww, Jr vrre taHlTW! I !be b4r of Mr. and Mr. W. L eft. tb latter a crtiln rf tbe til-h in Vm t Tburwbiy fibt si b. It, rrvuoy a lrfortoi by IU, T. IL in'Wf, of tiw iuky IUrr it Btt fern in altar of fern and vbM r natloo. Ml Kir&h Ibirnbardt 4$ el MeMbu"4iftV iWlna tear b tbe lrlie and gran enti-r! ilie tt jug raa tgTtbT. mul T a IVibi I Urnr" during tfa -mB$. Tbe Ir1l' wore a ruttuat ftf fsn 4oril tbimbiUa Tt-- miib tAt tl b- U matches) mi trri-1 m tttil ? lride'a yw" an! blir tf ttm al ley. ' . Mr. anl Mrslte Ift at to- fir a trip t Atbinta. Sir. Itene I a davrfcirr f Mr a ltd Mrs. H. W. Hoirr. f U.r UUrr hv w niiM-atMt at tlr Cftrtiftwfo tVHb-re f'"T Wn. ft-r bit L tangbt in Mr. MV l4 sf Crr ht. A. . m h-r b na fr1ttr1ml atui an lupirafl'm In lb ft fl-r-be 1 a pn-Jty lrnwne and gtaii bcloted lr cuany fi fetid la tLl $w thm. Mr. tt t tU4 titk f tu- h'late tktd of Curttr4 cimI VHr of Alalia taa. and m tfiLr and at- ful tnadnn taaa 1 )loafarrr. lhHliK tb war be vm I atla ia XU T4k IHtUiou and a r trmt tLirt. UMABfba. tharacrers connected with the familiarl "n- " , . story; The geucral pul4k- is-cordially fTLe Hg rUem of I"f rHwinians to Hear Addms Firady. Klwanians will be given anterest ins -address at their' jueetiug on Friday evening of this wee, when Mr. G. K. Bombhart, ef Chariotte..funuejrtjr with ht Income Tax' derar Uncut at Wash Ington. D. C, IU explain: tbe proifrlrotcmunlties who may dire to w method of making income tax returns At the close of bis talk, an epportuni tc wilt be riven for those who desire to ask any Questions wbVrh puzzle, them in cjaklng their returns. " Mr Rnrr-Lees !. tPCSdiar It veril ilara ia Cafcarnius wi, texe Uli- J j t lT?T oosti U tt ccif year. thousands of letters adlrc! 1 Fan- ta Clsia received at e rry po e3c" in tbe Fnited Mates hat been aofted by I 'out ma trr General Work, wo Ls bwued InM nations ftf pnUnatHV an tboriring them to Inm otr tbre Irt ters to reiionsI14e thariuMe lctita- tious or-rrr'ntabte InditHoaJi' la tlir ParnU-i;tMT. , An ef of iatterwc 1 iluHr mur frieuds ta"k I n Ka'mi uisht. Iasrrtuhrr 'JX brti Mt llatzt 'jwo, Uniw the brio Mr, IU) l at li -w.i I'"4i,t4i iMUiK'.jUii i 3fr il"-i;;a nf!$ the 4iting-rrtaatt LVt. WJlwJWtt H-,fU 1 t jju C. MlBfxpr )rfr f ihm M'J.J'., A l..v' JI' J;, I . V Jr -i )W r ,t-. fr Sasntiiafe rt-itiei I rlMJr i t f g-.. vitt'-'! lb- rvtetij. 7b l-ri4t?r 4 fi i',?. ? riM b la the attrrtl ivl j.itUriit- "t f iiJt HiiwiL smn, IVarh lliri lie NI M-1 $!, t?Vilisi M"1, Jtity 11. t3 t ''!' Tb I-1 -. l rft L trru It in!?! teWtfW a?W i 4a; It at7 grade f f .( s jt-tf flu. - 1 tm ff. Wftwtt in fb ttt g i4,t . inr f Mi4 a swa fr'l dti4 tr4f 11 SIMn U la7f sBf'l fU ft i 1 !ai t l IW -A" -f H.t rmtpm fadr, asel l!ar - te "A" rfiai ff Hti' Jt-'if 'ft 4f4 f tt ff".aw t?( tint ferii rr4 TTt t 4 fall l rul)' !bif ft t.U 111 bat fl ujf ir k ift l f t.f H .t ; sVf It Miw-r f'r fvi im 4fj a ffw br itstef).. a lait $t i'.tM iM44 f a .i4 t-r, ft fr ! ttk a $f -' ;. ' A; , -WL;m; , YiS-r mUrrtm 4t Uv rbj .r tw "ifei, L:i j.M !' ra. mmm v-yit t4If, ir a4 a t"bt1fta e fefMT fh $t41,-:-Jlr, tlUf-a.- . 4t4 Mf dsnghter ft Mr. ami Mr. It. W . 't Lay strwf. laxBaftsgly aiffrI la a Mse ta!kred Uf with grsf - cMrk. anl irrtt a Urx Hl-knwo J :; lrt;,a" Bsaa f CarrL Tbe yE&g rti4 taf.ll fw. bh oa Aaa Cr. TM frirtrl eilrtod. tfmtfciiti'; ari best attbe.' r ' rr 1 uJ'. ftt, IIarJ MtAj4 at - - IU rilf-, ,. them exclolrely for philanthropic if- re. , - - -- ' -... In olden tlaies a trperstifica f?r railed that fur every bosie la wtUb a Eiince pi !u3 l-e'-fatrn at tit Clistsiaa rti5u.tle eater irsa s lie tveii!i f Mr. J Kl F3.b t iia Uf .f t; 4 hla tUuxUrr, ill Uibr i"ivt4a ifbt bwa an4 hla tUuxUrr, ill JUiby I1i'44a ifbt sm m 'h Lste lo rraiti! t tl-?r fcl ia e;?J e s&-s. . oa a'vcst cf aa attars 4 U mjtt4 m lsl ttUr. Mtii A iMA trts f l( fcf . Sarai Lfsls Clin b i J w'S ihUtl at li y e4f t t!, ail is tLii i . .

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