Monday. January 29, 1923. • We Offer You the Greatest Bargains of the Season in this Our Annual White Sale ) ' - . - . - c « 'll '■* _~M ■ ■ r —i I i BLEACHING A; ir ■•>>coggiii Mills Bleach, special 22c 40-1 noil Indian Head, Soft Finish, 32c i. ; hrxoMs at special prices— 22c t 0 35c 40-Inch Lawns, Special price ISc mv Mg lot of Organdie, Nainsook, 1 iv Batiste, in short lengths, special at Man "well Dotted Swiss, 28 inches OC wiv. for White Sale 4 Burner Y oil, 38 inches wide, special QQr* ■4’ride <>f W est India Lipen, special for 1 White. Sale ___ 1 SHIRT MADRAS 2>i ich Shirt Madras, verv special for White Sale 1_ **OK+ 1 4; miner Mercerized Poplin,-white aid colors L*PC Mercelind Mercerized and Good Qual- *}(s<> ity -pedal 1 i uiseburg Pillow Tubing, special for 2Qp ■ i ■ "ci i e NAINSOOK, ORGANDIE, AND BATISTE Wide of the West Batiste, mer, OlQp cerized, 30 inches wide, special £*V\* LMnch Batiste, special for White 25c * Spelia Prices on Aall La dies’ and Children’s Knit Underwear for the White Sale _ 1 ■■ There Are Many Extraordinary Bargains for Men in this Big Sale ■i . . ■ ■ ■ LION BRAND COLLARS, 10c 1 I‘rand Collars, special for this ’ \ alue Cltainbray Shirts, in all ifiG/* 'n special _ vJt ' -d' ( h'cy Outing Shirt, special for MEN’S PANTS, $1.98 ' !; u hig lot of Extra Good Wool 6*l QQ !/;' for Me ip special _.. -- r -»**3o ■ Cotton vSweatersr, special for SMALL BOYS’' OVERCOATS AT wholesale prices for sale hig lot of Men’s Suits, special for $10.95 a $12.50 I , ..■■■■■ ... ■■■■» _. r=== ■ r „ i Indian Linon, mercerizede, special for ||Wy • White Sale —: _ silfClif' Philippine Mercerized Nainsook, ££ 10-yard bok &£m*\9D i,'. Mayflower Nainsook, 36 inches wide, special ££2l* . Striped Shirt Madras, special for ||||jjj m | White Sale **£2^ Bg|§jj| mli *- Good Quality Nainsook, special for JP||? J//I White Sale /mI Baby Nainsook, soft and fine finish, OQ~, jjj/ special for W hite Sale 1 Bridal Wreath Nainsook, special for - White vSale CANNON CLOTH, 25c 36-Inch Cannon Cloth, extra heavy, special for White Sale Lonsdale Cambric, soft finish, special W - —— for White Sale ' v ENGLISH LONG CLOTH /M\. No. 1500 English Long Cloth, for | Gaderwear special *\ 36-Inch Indian Head, soft finish, spe- , t r. - \ cial for W hite Sale 8 / \ v Hill Bleach, fine soft finish for Un *}*} p derwear, special 1 Y Fruit of tlie Loom Bleach, special for V WMM our Wdiite Sale £iv\* RENFREW DEVONSHIRT CLOTH Renfrew Devonshire Cloth, 32 inches OO wide, for our .White, for iJfciC ' * - - - i —— i - We Have a Few O-Cedar Mops and Polish Left, and You Will Find Them Cheaper Here, Very Special Prices on All Men’s and Boys’ Suits n — » ■■ i liill.* i nw>rw»—ra»M —~rr- himi —im ; ■ 1 Just a Few Men’s and Young Men’s Overcoats Left. We Have Priced Them at Very Special Prices. ' 1 . •■■■ • --i ■ - THE CONCORD TIMES Special Prices on Ladies’ and Misses Winter Sweai-rs for the White Sale HATS! HATS! Yes, There Are Hats of All Shapes and Kinds at Any Price You Want 1 - " "SS=. . .. —rr: One Big Table of Specials in Shrit Wasits and Muslin I . Underwear J } ' . .. Good Quality Gabardine for Skirts, 4 special for White Sale 39-Inch Voile, 33c 39-inch Clifton Voile, white and col ors, for our White Sale Ot/C 341 Dimity, full piece and well finished special for White Sale 36-inch Dimity in full piece, well bleached, for 36-inch Striped Dimity, in full piece _ SHEETS, AND PILLOW CASES - Sterling Sheets, size 72x90? special.for *7s%** White Sale Size 42x36 Sterling Pillow Cases, I ~ special for White Sale Tulip Cases, special for W hite *}*}%.*> Sale at . LL2C BED SPREADS, $1.29 Dimity Bed Spreads, size 63x90, 6*l A A sjpecia! for W hite Sale i 81x90 Utica Sheets, well bleached 6*| special for White Sale Peppered Sheets, 81x99, special for 6*| /CA . White Sale wJuWf Mohawk Sheets, 81x90, special for 6*l 9C White Sale 1 Pepperell* Sheets, 81x90, special for 6*l QC 81x90 Ribbon Sheet, special for 6*l W hite Sale tOl •%}%) GINGHAMS One table of White Cambric Gingham in short lengths _r •- f ~ II I H Men’s Cotton Pongee Shirts, good value for— 00%*> Men’s Outing Gowns, special for QQ/* White Sale J7OL Men’s Winter special for this* Good Wool Sox for the last and cold- OC _ est - months of the winter —I BOYS’ PANTS Boys’ School Pants, sizes 8 to 17, for _ this Sale One lot of Boys' Pants, sizes 12 to 18, special at men:s overalls , Men’s Railroad Overalls, special for this sale JJOC ■■■■■ "! - ■ ■■■ ■■■■Hl. . You Should See Values and Styles in Our Spring Coat Suits and Dresses PAGE FIVE